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The purpose of this report is to describe the results of epidemiological surveys of racing-related fractures in Thoroughbred horses in Japan. In the period 1987-2000, a total of 10,203 fractures were diagnosed in 556,705 runners, resulting in an overall incidence of 1.83%. The annual incidence of fractures in flat racing during the 14-year period fluctuated between 1.44% and 2.19%. The majority of fractures affected the forelimbs. We found significant effects of track condition on injury incidence. The incidence of fractures decreased as track conditions on turf became softer and increased as track conditions on dirt became muddier. Because of the general trend for the incidence of fractures to vary with track condition, we examined the relationship between track conditions and racing times for winning horses in 4117 races and for 50,564 overall runners for the period 1990-1994 on two tracks. For turf courses, racing times became longer as track conditions became softer. In contrast, for dirt courses, racing time tended to become shorter in muddier conditions. The variation in the incidence of fracture with track condition might be due to the corresponding difference in racing time.  相似文献   

Racehorses in New Zealand predominantly train counter clockwise. This training pattern has been associated with between forelimb differences in bone mineral density profile and asymmetrical limb loading after training. At present, there is limited data on the hoof conformation of these racehorses. Distal forelimb and digital hoof conformation data were collected from 75 Thoroughbred racehorses (2–5 years old) from two training yards. Digital conformation was subjectively graded, and multiple hoof measurements were made with a modified tire gauge (sole and sulci depth) and from digital photographs. All the horses were shod by two registered master farriers within a median of 15 (interquartile range [IQR], 1–25) days before measurement. There were few distal limb conformation abnormalities scored. Most (62/75) horses presented with some deviation from normal hoof parameters, with 2 (IQR, 1–3) abnormalities reported per horse. The most common hoof abnormality was uneven sulci, which was identified in 43 horses and 59 affected hooves, followed by higher medial hoof wall height in 38 horses and 53 affected hooves. Many of the linear and hoof angle measurements and their ratios were within the bounds reported within the literature and indicative of a balanced foot. The length and width measurements increased with horse age. The dorsal hoof wall (DHW) length:heel length ratios were consistently less than 3:1, and the absolute difference between toe and heel angle was generally greater than 5°. Between limb hoof variation was identified for a number of the morphologic measurements including frog length and sole length and the ratio of sole width:sole length. Flat feet (lack of concave solar surface) were identified in 21/75 (28%) horses and in 28/150 (19%) forelimb hoofs. More horses had a flat left foot (10/75) than right foot (4/75), but seven horses had both feet classified as being flat. Flat feet had 2.4 (1.1–5.6, P = .036) greater odds of presenting with uneven sulci. These data indicate that uneven sulci depth and flatter hooves with may be a typical presentation of Thoroughbred feet. Asymmetry in measurements between limb may reflect the greater loading of the left forelimb when race training counter clockwise.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of juvenile osteochondral conditions (JOCCs) in yearling Thoroughbred (TB) racehorses in Southern Brazil, as well as to examine the same animals studied as weanlings by Bastos et al. (2017) and compare the radiographic findings for the two ages. Radiographs of 76 male and female TB yearlings from Paraná State, Southern Brazil, were investigated. The proximal interphalangeal, metacarpophalangeal/metatarsophalangeal (MC/MT), tarsal, and femorotibial (FT) joints were evaluated using 24 radiographic projections. The evaluation consisted of a severity index (rated as 0, 1, 2, 4, or 8), the sum of which resulted in an osteoarticular status (OAS) of good, intermediate, or poor for each animal. Radiographs of 92% of the investigated animals presented at least one finding consistent with JOCCs. The most affected region was the tarsal joint (72.9%), followed by the FT (50%), MT (25%), and MC (23%) joints. Thirty-three (43.4%) horses presented a decline in their OAS, whereas nine (11.8%) presented an improvement from the weanling to yearling age. The radiographic findings suggest that JOCCs are frequent in TB yearlings, but the meaning and relevance of these radiographic findings require further study.  相似文献   

Intensive exercise results in the increased blood concentration of the acute phase proteins in horses competing in some sport disciplines. In this study, the blood level of serum amyloid A (SAA) was analyzed in Thoroughbred racehorses during 5 days after completion of the race. Samples were collected from 25 healthy Thoroughbred horses beginning with 4 hours after the race and repeated daily up to the fifth day after the race. Serum amyloid A analysis was performed using commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit, and the results were presented as median, interquartile range (IQR), and range. Data were analyzed using Friedman's nonparametric analysis of variance. The acute phase response (APR) was reflected by an increased SAA level after the race, reaching significantly higher concentrations on days 1 (P < .001) and 2 (P = .005) and falling below the level of the first sample on day 5 (P = .006). The median peak concentration observed on day 1 after the race was 3.84 mg/L (IQR, 2.32 to 8.86). Racing induces minute changes in SAA concentration typical for the exercise-induced APR; however, the significance of this reaction in the context of horse health and fitness remains unclear.  相似文献   

In the horse, the body condition score (BCS) system to assess subcutaneous fat deposition is a useful tool for making feeding management decisions. The system includes assessing fat deposition at six body areas (neck, withers, shoulders, ribs, loin, and tail head) and was developed in Quarter Horse mares. It has not been tested for use on other breeds or genders, possibly compromising the system's ability to describe fat accretion in other classes of horse. The objective of this study was to examine the ability of the previously developed fat accretion characteristics to describe fat deposition in mature Thoroughbred (TB) geldings. An additional goal was to determine whether fewer body areas could be used. Fifteen mature TB geldings were fed for weight gain over an 8-month period on one of two diets and were independently assessed for BCS on a monthly basis by two judges. BCS was determined by averaging the scores that were assigned to each of the six body areas. Fat accretion characteristics were also recorded. Across both diets, the neck area scored significantly higher than the withers and loin (P < 0.05) throughout the study. A BCS derived only from the body areas of neck, shoulders, ribs, and tailhead was found to accurately predict the six body area−derived mean BCS. The results of this study provide justification for modifications of the BCS system for use in TB geldings and also demonstrated that fewer body areas can be used to accurately predict mean BCS.  相似文献   

Thoroughbred and Standardbred horses in race training were selected at random and examined for gastric ulcers. The mucosa of the stomach was examined by endoscopy and was scored for ulcers on a scale of 0 (no ulcers, normal mucosa) to 3 (severe ulceration with at least five deep lesions). A total of 79 horses were examined; 37 of these horses had one to four follow-up examinations, and 42 horses had only an initial gastroscopic examination. On the first examination, 33 of 79 (42%) horses had normal mucosa (ulcer score = 0), and 22 of 79 (28%) had ulcers with an ulcer score of 2 or greater. Seven horses (9%) had severe gastric ulceration (ulcer score = 3). The average ulcer score for all 79 horses on initial examination was 1.1 and 1.2 for the 37 horses with follow-up gastroscopic examination. Males (including male castrates) had slightly higher ulcer scores (1.2) than females (1.0), and 2-year-old horses had lower ulcer scores (0.7) than horses older than 3 years (1.4), but these differences did not reach statistical significance. Each of these average scores was significantly (P < .05) greater than zero. For the 37 horses with follow-up examinations, the males had higher scores (1.6) than females (0.7), and 2-year-old horses had higher ulcer scores (1.0) than 3-year-old horses (0.7) and lower ulcer scores than horses older than 3 (1.8), which were statistically significant. Follow-up examinations revealed ulcer scores ranging from 0 to 3; 23 of 37 (63%) horses had an ulcer score of 2 or greater, and 4 of 37 (12%) horses had severe ulcer disease. Average ulcer scores were significantly higher at subsequent examinations than at the initial examination. Risk of gastric ulceration increases with the length of time horses are in race training.  相似文献   

气象条件对牛奶产量及品质的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析奶牛平均产奶量和牛奶品质与同期日气象资料,结果表明,奶牛平均产奶量和牛奶品质具有明显的季节变化,冬季产奶量最低,8月份最高;牛奶的脂肪含量与干物质含量极显著相关,且变化趋势一致;气温是影响牛奶单产和品质的主导气象因素;气压与奶牛平均单产呈负相关,与牛奶品质呈正相关;相对湿度升高,奶牛平均单产下降,而乳脂肪、乳蛋白和干物质含量增多;当天降水对牛奶产量不利。  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Most lameness in horses relates to foot problems and may be associated with changes in hoof shape, but there is a lack of information on the influence of normal exercise on hoof shape. Objectives: To investigate the effect of training on proximal hoof circumference in young Thoroughbred racehorses being prepared for racing. Methods: Thirty‐seven young Thoroughbred racehorses were included in this study. Front hoof circumference immediately below the coronary band was measured weekly with a measuring tape in all horses present at the stable. Most horses accomplished a minimum of 2 training periods at the stable separated by periods of rest on a paddock. One sample t tests were used to evaluate if the mean change per week differed from zero. To estimate the repeatability coefficient, the left proximal hoof circumference of 25 horses was measured 3 times in a random order on one day. Results: Most horses showed a similar pattern of change. The proximal hoof circumference decreased during the training periods (P<0.0001) and increased when the horse was rested (P<0.0001). The decrease of the circumference during the first training period was ?0.66 mm/week on the left and ?0.64 mm/week on the right. During the second training period, this was ?0.58 mm/week on the left and ?0.57 mm/week on the right. During the rest period, the circumference increased by 1.03 mm/week on the left and 1.12 mm/week on the right. The repeatability coefficient for the left circumference was 1.8 mm. Conclusions: Horses showed a decrease in circumference during race training that reversed when they were rested. Potential relevance: Measurement of front hoof circumference is a simple method to assess change in hoof shape. It provides an opportunity to investigate the relationships between specific training, hoof shape and soundness.  相似文献   

灌水条件对冷季型草坪草蒸散量和草屑积累量的影响   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
研究不同供水条件下,草地早熟禾、高羊茅和多年生黑麦草从4月中旬到8月下旬蒸散量和草屑积累量的变化.结果表明,不同水分处理对供试草种蒸散量的影响差异显著,但草种间的差异与环境有关.多年生黑麦草在早期(4~5月)蒸散量较大,高羊茅6~8月较大.各周期水分处理对草屑积累量的影响不显著,但其累积效应差异显著,草种间草屑积累量的差异不稳定,这与其生物学特性和生长期有关.另外,根据测定结果,对供试草种全年耗水量及合理灌溉量进行估算.  相似文献   

对240头牦母牛进行为期一年的体况评分监测,发现牦母牛体况变化与草地饲草的供给状况相一致,牦母牛体况变化基本规律为暖季表现为快速上膘,冷季呈现逐步消耗。体况评分最低的时期为5~6月份,最高在10月和11月份。体况消长变化呈现两年一周期的模式。  相似文献   

Low‐grade inflammation precedes the development of obesity‐related metabolic disorders in humans, but whether the same is true in the horse is not known. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of weight gain and diet on the inflammatory state of horses as determined by serum concentrations of tumour necrosis factor‐α (TNF), an inflammatory cytokine. Fifteen mature Thoroughbred geldings with an initial body weight (BW) of 519 ± 12 kg and body condition score (BCS) of 4.3 ± 0.1 were fed a diet of hay plus a concentrate that was either high in non‐structural carbohydrates (NSC) (i.e. starch and sugar), similar to those commercially available (CON) or one that had the energy source replaced with fat and fibre (FAT) for 32 weeks. Weight gain was achieved by feeding an additional 20 Mcal/day in excess of digestible energy maintenance requirements and resulted in a final BW of 608 ± 12 kg and BCS of 6.9 ± 0.1. Horses were exercised twice daily at a walk during the weight gain period. Horses were assessed bi‐weekly for BW and BCS. Serum TNF was analysed from blood samples collected at 4‐week intervals. Although treatment groups began the study with similar mean serum TNF concentrations, 12 weeks of FAT feeding promoted a decrease in circulating TNF that was maintained throughout the study with the exception of weeks 20 and 32. For either diet, there were no linear correlations between serum TNF concentration and BCS when horses increased in BCS from four to seven. The higher level of TNF observed in horses fed the CON diet indicates an increase in some level of systemic inflammation that was independent of their weight gain from a moderately thin to fleshy condition. The influence of diet on serum TNF concentrations should be investigated in horses fed to maintain body condition.  相似文献   

紫花苜蓿在北疆旱作条件下播种期的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验探索了紫花苜蓿在北疆地区旱作条件下种子出苗和幼苗成活的最佳播种期.结果表明,紫花苜蓿在北疆缺水农牧区旱作条件下可以栽培成功,旱作最佳播种期为早春(4月)和秋季(9月),其他时期播种均失败.该试验结果只能应用在北疆冬季积雪而不浇水的旱地.  相似文献   

选用健康正常的1日龄宫廷黄鸡、快大黄鸡、广西黄鸡、罗曼蛋鸡和白羽肉鸡各120只,在相同营养条件下饲养至98日龄时屠宰,测定并比较各品种鸡的肌肉肌苷酸及其相关代谢物含量。试验结果如下,对于HYP的含量,罗曼蛋鸡极显著高于宫廷黄鸡和快大黄鸡(P<0.01),显著高于广西黄鸡(P<0.05),其它各品种间差异不显著(P>0.05)。对于IMP含量,宫廷黄鸡和快大黄鸡极显著高于白羽肉鸡(P<0.01)并显著高于罗曼蛋鸡(P<0.05),白羽肉鸡显著低于广西黄鸡(P<0.05),其它各品种间差异不显著(P>0.05)。对于INO含量,宫廷黄鸡和广西黄鸡极显著低于白羽肉鸡(P<0.01)。对于AMP含量,白羽肉鸡极显著高于广西黄鸡、宫廷黄鸡和快大黄鸡(P<0.01),罗曼蛋鸡显著高于广西黄鸡和快大黄鸡(P<0.05),宫廷黄鸡极显著低于罗曼蛋鸡(P<0.01)。对于ADP含量,宫廷黄鸡、广西黄鸡和快大黄鸡显著高于罗曼蛋鸡和白羽肉鸡(P<0.05)。校正IMP含量在各品种间均无显著差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

为探究体况评分(Body Condition Score,BCS)和步态评分(Locomotion Score,LS)对奶牛泌乳性能的影响,本试验在2016年7月至8月通过对北京地区7个奶牛场近5 000头泌乳牛进行体况和步态评分并收集相关的DHI数据,采用固定模型分析BCS和LS的影响因素及场、胎次、泌乳阶段、LS和BCS对日产奶量、体细胞数及乳成分的影响。结果表明:BCS和LS对日产奶量均有极显著影响(P0.01),BCS对乳蛋白率有显著影响(P0.05);胎次对LS有极显著影响(P0.01),而对BCS无显著影响,场-测量人、泌乳阶段对BCS和LS均有极显著影响(P0.01);LS与BCS之间回归关系显著,LS较高的个体BCS较低。在生产上可以综合运用BCS和LS加强管理,提升产奶量,改善乳品质量,使牛场获得更大的经济利益。  相似文献   

图像化时代,网络、电视等各种以图像化作为表达和传播特征的媒介占领了人类生活的各个领域,技术革命相应地也引发了一系列社会生产和生活的的重大变革(包括文学革命)。笔者试图就图像化时代视觉文化对于人类生存图景和文化生态,尤其是对于文学创作所带来的影响和挑战,作一概貌式的透析和探讨。  相似文献   

本研究取矮脚油鸡7日龄胚胎作为试验材料,用MEM、全培养基和PBS 3种不同的液体对鸡胚组织进行保存,同时在不同保存温度条件下按不同保存时间梯度,采用组织块贴壁培养法进行体外细胞培养。对细胞的保存液变化,细胞形态、细胞生长等情况进行研究,分析样品保存条件对细胞体外培养和细胞系构建的影响。结果发现,4 ℃保存的组织块培养效果明显优于室温保存;无论在4 ℃或常温,基础培养基保存的组织块培养效果明显优于保存液,全培养基效果最好。常温保存48 h以内3种保存液培养效果差别甚微,48 h后培养效果均急剧下降,96 h后保存在PBS中的组织失活,未长出细胞。本研究结果为建立细胞系采集样品的保存提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

Contents A 22 factorial design (factors: sociel environment during rearing and insemination conditions) was applied to gilts. Social conditions differed from an age of approximately 137 days onwards, 30 gilts being individually housed (group 1) and 36 gilts being pairwise housed plus having daily boar contact from approximately 180 days of age onwards (group 2). Insemination conditions of gilts at third oestrus consisted of either only artificial insernination or artificial insemination immediately followed by mating with a vasectomized boar. Gilts were slaughtered at Day 9,10 or 11 after insemination. Experimental treatments did not affect average diameter, surface area, volume, DNA- or protein content of litters. Within-litter embryonic diversity (s.d.) increased with average embryonic development in terms of diameter in all four experimental treatments. The rate of increase, however, differed significantly between experimental treatment (P < 0.05). Mating by a vasectomized boar resulted in a greater rate of increase in within-litter diversity in individually housed gilts, but a reduced rate of increase in diversity in the pairwise housed gilts. The possible consequences of this effect regarding embryonic mortality after Day 11 of pregnancy are discussed. Although based on a relatively small number of litters (49 in total), in the present study, within-litter embryonic diversity was significantly affected by an interaction between insemination conditions and social environment of the gilts. Further research will be needed to extend the data on this relation and focus on the causal analyses of the observed phenomena. Inhalt: Einfluß von Besamungsbedingungen und sozialem Umfeld auf die embryonale Variabilität von Schweineembryonen Ein 22 faktorieller Versuchsaufbau (Faktoren: soziales Umfeld während der Ayfzucht und Besamungsbedingungen) wurde bei Sauen geprüft. Das soziale Umfeld war ab Tag 137 unterschiedlich; 30 Sauen wurden in Einzelhaltung (Gruppe 1) und 36 Sauen wurden paarweis gehalten (Gruppe 2). Ab Tag 180 hatte Gruppe 2 täglich Kontakt mit einem Eber. Sauen im dritten Östrus wurden entweder nur künstlich besamt oder wurden unmittelbar nach der künstlichen Besamung zusätzlich von einem vasektomierten Eber gedeckt. Die Sauen wurden an Tag 9,10 oder 11 nach der Besamung geschlachtet. Innerhalb der Würfe nahm die embryonale Variabilität (s.d.) bezäglich des durchschnittlichen embryonalen Entwicklung (Durchschnitt des Embryos) in allen vier Versuchsgruppen zu. Die Zunahme der embryonalen Variabilität (s.d.) unterschied sich signifikant zwischen den Versuchsgruppen (P < 0.05). Die Deckung mit einem vasektomierten Eber resultierte in einer größeren Zunahme der embryonalen Variabilität innerhalb des Wurfes bei Sauen in Einzelhaltung, jedoch zeigte sich eine verminderte Zunahme der embryonalen Variabilität bei paarweise gehaltenen Sauen. Mögliche Konsequenzen dieses Effektes im Hinblick auf die embryonale Sterblichkeit nach 11-tägiger Trächtigkeit werden diskutiert. Obwohl in der vorliegenden Studie relativ wenige Würfe (49 insgesamt) berücksichtigt wurden war die Variabilität innerhalb der Würfe signifikant beeinflußt durch eine Interaktion zwischen Besamungsbedingungen und sozialem Umfeld der Sauen. Weitere Versuche werden nötig sein, um diese Beziehungen zu sichern und sich mit den Ursachen der beobachteten Phänomene zu befassen.  相似文献   

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