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The expression of inflammatory mediators was examined in pigs experimentally infected with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae. The activity of nitric oxide synthase 2 (NOS2) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) was determined by measuring nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in response to A. pleuropneumoniae in vivo. By in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, both NOS2 and COX-2 enzymes were detected in neutrophils and macrophages that had infiltrated into alveolar spaces. The sharp increase in PGE2 concentration preceded the increase in the concentrations of NO. NO levels were highly correlated with PGE2 level (rs=0.7218, P <0.05). The NO levels were positively correlated with lung lesion scores (rs=0.9087, P <0.05) until 24 hours postinoculation (hpi) as were the lung lesion scores and PGE2 levels (rs=0.925, P <0.01). High levels of PGE2 produced by COX-2 are generated in early infection (6 hpi). However, in later stages of infection (12-36 hpi), there is participation of NO and PGE2 accompanied by coinduction of both NOS2 and COX-2.  相似文献   

Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) was detected and localized in 15 pigs with naturally occurring pleuropneumonia using a 437-base pair digoxigenin-labeled cDNA probe in an in situ hybridization protocol. Histopathologic changes in the acute stage were characterized by coagulative necrosis of lung parenchyma, hemorrhage, vascular thrombosis, edema, fibrin deposition, and infiltration of lung parenchyma by neutrophils and alveolar macrophages in nine pigs. In chronic lesions, a thick layer of granulation tissue surrounded foci of pulmonary necrosis in six pigs. All 15 pigs infected with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, confirmed by bacterial isolation, had distinct positive hybridization signals for COX-2 in bronchial, bronchiolar epithelial cells, alveolar macrophages, neutrophils, and type I pneumocytes. COX-2 expression was detected primarily in neutrophils from pigs with acute lesions and primarily in alveolar macrophages from pigs with chronic lesions. The results suggest that a prostanoid product of COX-2 is an important component of the inflammatory response to acute and chronic A. pleuropneumoniae infection.  相似文献   

Serum haptoglobin (Hp) concentrations were measured in swine that were naturally or experimentally infected with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae. In swine from a specific-pathogen-free herd, mean serum concentration of Hp (+/- SD) was 5.79 +/- 1.06 mg of cyanmethemoglobin-binding capacity (CHBC)/dl. Serum Hp concentrations in paired samples were measured at 7-day intervals in 40 swine randomly selected from a conventional herd that was experiencing an acute episode of pneumonia and deaths caused by A pleuropneumoniae serotype-5 infection. Day-0 and -7 serum Hp concentrations were 24.58 +/- 1.38 and 23.10 +/- 1.12 mg of CHBC/dl, respectively, with no significant difference between these measurements. In a second conventional herd with a history of chronic infection with A pleuropneumoniae serotype 5, serum concentrations of Hp measured in paired samples obtained 6 days apart were 12.36 +/- 0.81 and 18.63 +/- 0.76 mg of CHBC/dl, respectively, and were significantly (P < 0.05) different from each other. Twenty-nine 12-week-old conventional swine were challenged intranasally with A pleuropneumoniae serotype 1 (n = 19) and serotype 5 (n = 10). Serum Hp concentration increased from prechallenge concentrations of 7.49 +/- 1.38 and 15.10 +/- 1.22 mg of CHBC/dl, respectively, to 41.01 +/- 1.35 and 22.37 +/- 1.78 mg of CHBC/dl, respectively, 72 hours after challenge. For these 29 swine, serum Hp concentration was positively correlated with rectal temperature (r = 0.34; P < 0.001) during the immediate postchallenge period.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the amount of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) activity in alveolar macrophages in response to Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP) by determining nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) concentrations. SAMPLE POPULATION: Freshly isolated porcine alveolar macrophages. PROCEDURE: Alveolar macrophages were incubated for 48 hours with APP (1 X 10(4) colony-forming units/mL), interleukin-1beta, (IL-1beta; 5 U/mL), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha; 500 U/mL), interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma, 100 U/mL), or lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 10 microg/mL). In a second experiment, alveolar macrophages were incubated with fresh medium (negative control), APP alone, or APP with 1 of the following: IL-1beta, TNF-alpha, or IFN-gamma. In a third experiment, alveolar macrophages were incubated with fresh medium (negative control), LPS (positive control), APP alone, or APP with 1 of the following: an iNOS inhibitor (3.3 microM), a COX-2 inhibitor (10 microM); or both the iNOS and COX-2 inhibitors. Supernatant was obtained at 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, and 48 hours after treatment for determination of NO and PGE2 production. RESULTS: The addition of APP to alveolar macrophages resulted in significant increases in NO and PGE2 production. The addition of APP and IFN-gamma synergistically induced NO production. Inhibition of iNOS and COX-2 decreased NO and PGE2 production, respectively. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In vitro activation of alveolar macrophages by APP results in increased production of NO and PGE2. Nitric oxide and PGE2 production appears to be largely dependent on iNOS and COX-2 activity. Pharmacologic modulation of iNOS and COX-2 activity may represent a therapeutic target for pigs with pleuropneumonia.  相似文献   

The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the antimicrobial resistance rates and the trend in resistance of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae isolated from pigs in Italy from 1994 to 2009. A total of 992 A. pleuropneumoniae isolates were tested for their susceptibility to a panel of antimicrobial agents in a disk diffusion method. Resistance to 7 drugs (amoxicillin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, ampicillin, cefquinome, cotrimoxazole, penicillin G and tilmicosin) showed a significant increasing trend over the time, while for 2 drugs (gentamycin and marbofloxacin) a significant decrease was observed. Resistance to the remaining 14 antimicrobial agents tested did not change significantly over the study period. Most of the isolates retained high susceptibility to antimicrobials usually effective against A. pleuropneumoniae such as amphenicols, fluoroquinolones and ceftiofur. However, high rates of resistance were observed for potentiated sulfa drugs, tetracyclines and penicillins which are currently recommended antimicrobials for pig pleuropneumonia therapy. Our results suggest the importance of continued monitoring of A. pleuropneumoniae clinical isolates in order to choose the most appropriate treatment of infections and to control the increase of resistance to currently used antimicrobials.  相似文献   

Piglets vaccinated with an inactivated tetravalent vaccine (Pleurovac 4) against Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotypes 1, 2, 5 and 7, produced circulating antibodies after a first intramuscular injection and showed an anamnestic reaction after a second. The rise in antibody levels in vaccinated piglets was statistically significant when compared with those of the control group. The administration of 1 or 2 mL of vaccine did not lead to significantly different antibody levels. The specificity of the immune response is demonstrated by an increase in titer to all four serotypes in pigs given the tetravalent vaccine, but an increase in titer to only two serotypes in pigs given a bivalent vaccine (Pleurovac).  相似文献   

Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 17, one of the two most recent serotypes described, has been isolated from diseased pigs in North America. Yet, no serological test for surveillance has been developed so far. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using the long-chain lipopolysaccharide antigen (LC-LPS) of this serotype is described. As predicted by previous genetic data on the O-antigen locus, cross reactions were observed between this serotype and serotypes 3, 6, 8, and 15. Although animals infected by serotype 17 would be detected using the current serotype 3 LC-LPS ELISA, better results may be obtained when plates are coated with the antigen purified from the homologous serotype.  相似文献   

These studies were done to develop a subunit vaccine for swine that would protect against disease, but not create unacceptable tissue reactions at the immunization site. Swine were used to evaluate the local effects of subunit vaccines prepared from extracts of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 1 containing one of a wide variety of adjuvants. The antigen was an anionic fraction of a saline extract of A. pleuropneumoniae (ANEX). The adjuvants used were vegetable oils (peanut, sesame, canola, or corn oils, vitamin E, or Lipposyn II emulsion); mineral oil (Marcol-52) and other materials (aluminum hydroxide, polyethylene glycol, Quil-A, Amphigen, or Emulsigen-Plus). Two types of experiments were done. In the 1st set of experiments, pigs were given multiple simultaneous injections in different sites and euthanized on days 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, or 28. Tissues were examined for gross and histopathological lesions. In the 2nd set of experiments, 48 pigs were allocated to 6 groups and vaccinated twice with a vaccine containing ANEX antigen combined with one of various adjuvants. Antibody responses and protection from challenge were evaluated. Among the adjuvants that were tested, mineral oils induced protective immunity, although the mineral oil Marcol-52 resulted in severe tissue reactions. The vegetable oils induced little protective immunity, and some of them were quite irritating. The response to the other materials ranged from little irritation or protection induced by the vaccine containing aluminum hydroxide to effective protection without irritation after vaccination with ANEX/Amphigen or ANEX/Emulsigen-Plus combinations. In conclusion, swine were protected against disease by a subunit vaccine that did not create unacceptable tissue reaction at the immunization site.  相似文献   

The antipyretic effect of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) ketoprofen (3 mg/kg) and flunixin (2 mg/kg) were studied in pigs. The drugs were administered intramuscularly at 8 and 32 h following endobronchial challenge with Actinobucillus pleuropneumoniae. Infected (non-medicated) and non-infected (non-medicated) controls were used. Endobronchial challenge with Actinobucillus pleuropneumoniae induced laboured breathing, coughing, fever, reduced food and water consumption and increased white blood cell counts. At autopsy, pleuropneumonia was evident. Ketoprofen showed a highly significant antipyretic effect but flunixin did not. The decrease in food consumption of ketoprofen-treated pigs was significantly less than that of the infected (non-medicated) controls. Blood parameters were not significantly influenced by either NSAID and, at necropsy, gastric and renal side-effects were not observed for either drug.  相似文献   

The biochemical and serological properties of 21 strains of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae biotype 2 isolated from haemorrhagic necrotic pleuropneumonia of swine were examined. For serologic typing, the indirect haemagglutination (IHA) and the double gel-diffusion tests were used. On the basis of their soluble surface antigens, our A. pleuropneumoniae biotype 2 isolates could be assigned to two proposed serotypes. Serotype 1 comprised 11 strains and serotype 2 comprised 10 strains. All strains contained two surface antigen components. In the strains belonging to serotype 1, one of the antigens was identical with the serotype-specific antigen of Pasteurella haemolytica T4. Both antigens of serotype 2 strains proved to be type-specific. Four strains received from Switzerland, including the holotype strain of A. pleuropneumoniae biotype 2, and three strains isolated from swine in the G.D.R. belonged to serotype 2. Both the double gel diffusion and the IHA tests detected a 2-way cross-reaction between biotype 1, serotype 2 and biotype 2, serotype 2 strains of A. pleuropneumoniae, which could be eliminated using cross-absorbed sera.  相似文献   

The possible role of the complement-mediated bactericidal system in protection of swine against contagious pleuropneumonia was investigated. Strains of Actinobacillus (Haemophilus) pleuropneumoniae representing serotypes 2, 3 and 5 were found to be fully resistant to the bactericidal action of porcine serum from precolostral, clinically normal adult, and chronically infected pigs. All strains were also resistant to hyperimmune rabbit serum, but 3 of 4 strains were sensitive to normal human serum. This bactericidal effect was lost when human serum was previously absorbed with the homologous bacteria, indicating that antibody was necessary for killing. Addition of human serum to porcine serum or to absorbed human serum did not restore the bactericidal system. Pretreatment of the bacteria with undiluted heat-treated human serum also failed to sensitize the bacteria to the absorbed serum, indicating that a heat-labile, absorbable factor may have been required for killing of A pleuropneumoniae. None of the strains was sensitized to porcine serum by sublethal treatment with polymyxin B, a treatment that is known to disrupt the integrity of the outer membrane and induce serum sensitivity in gram-negative bacteria. The ability of A pleuropneumoniae to resist complement killing in vitro may reflect a virulence mechanism in vivo that assists bacteria in avoiding the pulmonary defenses of swine and promotes bacterial invasion of the lungs.  相似文献   

The up-regulation of the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) mRNA was determined by RT-PCR in 25 tissues each from 22 specific pathogen-free (SPF) dogs experimentally infected with Borrelia burgdorferi by tick exposure and from five uninfected control dogs. Using primers specific for a homologous region of the human and canine iNOS sequence, and canine macrophage mRNA, we isolated and partially sequenced canine iNOS. A sequence of 1775 bases was obtained and primers specific for canine iNOS mRNA constructed to investigate the expression of iNOS in dog tissues in response to infection with B. burgdorferi. In 12 out of 22 dogs infected with B. burgdorferi, acute lameness occurred within 55-82 days after infection whereas the other 10 dogs showed no or only mild clinical signs despite persistent infection up to Day 175. The numbers of iNOS mRNA-positive tissues in dogs with acute lameness were significantly higher than in dogs without lameness, while uninfected dogs showed only negligible iNOS expression. Dogs with acute lameness also had higher numbers of borrelia-positive tissues as well as higher scores in histopathological evaluations than infected dogs without lameness. Our results show that the expression of iNOS mRNA is related to the number of B. burgdorferi-positive tissues and the severity of inflammation as assessed by histopathology. These results implicate an up-regulation of the iNOS mRNA as part of the host's immune response to borrelia infection and a possible role for NO in the pathogenesis of canine Lyme arthritis.  相似文献   

Three groups of 16 pigs were exposed individually when four weeks old to intranasal infection with 10(8.9) viable Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (serovar 3, strain 2/(10P2); a fourth group was kept in isolation from the others as uninfected controls. Seven days later the 62 surviving animals were killed and necropsied. The organism had caused typical, mainly subacute disease in 12 of the 16 unmedicated animals but in only two of the 16 which had had continuous access to a diet containing 150ppm of enrofloxacin from four hours before exposure to infection, and in six of the 16 given 32 ppm enrofloxacin. However, only 150 ppm enrofloxacin produced marked control of the infection in terms of reduced average severity of thoracic lesions and much reduced prevalence of the organism in the lung at necropsy, and the mean weight gain (1.55 kg) and feed conversion efficiency (2.08) of this infected group over seven days were similar to those of the unmedicated, uninfected controls (1.67 kg and 2.25). The infected but untreated group on average produced detectable antibody seven days after infection whereas in the infected and medicated groups a specific response against serovar 3 was absent.  相似文献   

The present investigation was undertaken to verify if the two nitric oxide synthase isoforms, eNOS and iNOS, are present in swine granulosa cells and whether the enzyme soluble guanylate cyclase is functionally active in the same cells and can account for NO effects. Using western blotting, the presence of endothelial NO synthase was demonstrated in freshly collected cells; on the contrary, iNOS expression was not observed in the same cells either before or after culture with the inflammatory cytokine hTNF-. The treatment with a strong NO donor (S-Nitroso-L-acetyl penicillamine, SNAP) determined an increase of cGMP levels in culture media, which was attenuated by the combined treatment with an inhibitor of NO-sensitive soluble guanylate cyclase, 1H-[1,2,3]oxadiaziolo [4,3a]quinoxaline −1-one (ODQ). The cGMP analog, 8 bromo-cGMP, mimicked the strong inhibitory effect exerted by SNAP on estradiol 17 β and progesterone production, while ODQ did not modify steroids concentrations in culture media. These observations demonstrate the presence of a follicular NO-generating system, which in swine granulosa cells seems to include only the endothelial NOS isoform. Furthermore, the nitric oxide/cyclic GMP system seems to be functionally active in these cells, since cGMP appears to mediate NO action, even if it cannot account completely for NO inhibitory effect on steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

By means of cultural examination, coagglutination test (CT) and indirect fluorescent-antibody-technique (IFAT) a total of 199 lung specimens from necropsy pigs from Northwestern Germany with symptoms of pleuropneumonia was examined for Actinobacillus (Haemophilus) pleuropneumoniae (AP). The CT was used to detect type specific antigens in lung extracts and the IFAT was performed on tissue sections. Both tests were found to be specific. Detection and identification of AP by either test were successful in 68 of 199 lung specimens. AP was isolated out of 40 lungs, antigen detection by CT was successful in 40 and by IFAT in 65 lung samples. In 26.5% of the positive samples AP was demonstrated only by IFAT. In 4.4% of the positive specimens AP was demonstrated only by cultural examination, but the detected serovars were not accounted in IFAT and CT. In 44.1% of the positive specimens AP was isolated or detected by all three techniques. The predominating serovar was serovar 9 followed by 2 and 7. One field isolate could be identified as serovar 3 and another one as serovar 10. Furthermore one isolate was untypable. IFAT and CT were limited for detection of serovars 2, 7 and 9. Detection of multiple serovars in few lung samples was successful only by IFAT. Indirect fluorescent-antibody-technique was found to be more sensitive than coagglutination test and cultural examination. On the other hand CT was found to be less time consuming and easier to evaluate than other tests. By this, coagglutination test seems to be preferable in examining large numbers of lung samples.  相似文献   

猪胸膜肺炎放线杆菌浊度与细菌计数的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了弄清猪胸膜肺炎放线杆菌生长特性、细菌悬液浊度与细菌计数的关系,从而也为探讨细菌致病机理及指导临床上细菌疫苗的生产等提供参考依据,利用地方流行优势菌株APP-7型,将其于TSB液体培养基中培养14 h,按1 h间隔动态取样,测定菌悬液的浊度值(OD630)并用平板法进行活菌计数。结果表明:细菌在接种后2 h进入对数生长期,并持续约3 h,然后进入稳定期。对细菌浊度和细菌计数进行相关性统计分析,发现两变量间存在着极显著相关(P<0.01),以细菌浊度为X,细菌数为Y,建立了曲线回归方程,即:Y=9.817×1014X5.817。  相似文献   

Lung and serum samples from pigs that died or were emergency-slaughtered in a pooled, conventional fattening herd were examined to survey Actinobacillus pleuro-pneumoniae infection and to compare the sensitivity of different testing methods. A total of 110 lungs were used for cultural isolation of the agent and direct immunofluorescence (IF) of impression smears. Boiled lung suspensions were tested by coagglutination (Co-A) and agar gel precipitation (AGP). Eighty-seven sera were tested along with lung samples from the same pigs. The lungs yielded a varied bacterial flora most often containing Pasteurella multocida and less frequently Actinomyces (Corynebacterium) pyogenes, E. coli and Salmonella. A. pleuropneumoniae was isolated from 30 lungs: from 22 lungs it grew out in pure culture, from 7 as mixed culture with P. multocida and from 1 as mixed culture with A. pyogenes. The number of positive samples obtained by the different methods was as follows: coagglutination test (with boiled lung suspensions): 63 (57.3%); immunofluorescence: 43 (39.2%); AGP test (with serum): 31 (35.6%); AFP test (with boiled lung suspension): 25 (22.7%). A total of 23 samples (20.7%) were negative by all serological tests and by cultural isolation. Most samples gave positive results by two or more tests while 26 samples only by one test (most often, on 13 occasions, by the Co-A test). The Co-A test detected antigenic components of serotypes that have not been isolated in Hungary so far. This indicates that it is not enough to test one strain from a given lung sample: several colonies must be cultured and serotyped.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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