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The rhizosphere competence of the biological control agent Trichoderma atroviride isolate C52 was studied on onion roots both in the glasshouse and in the field when introduced into soil in a range of formulations. Proliferation of T. atroviride in the rhizosphere was formulation-dependent. A pellet formulation maintained the fungal concentration at 105 cfu per g soil, whereas solid-substrate and seed-coating formulations gave concentrations of 104 and 101 cfu per g soil, respectively. To facilitate rhizosphere-competence studies, a UP-PCR band profile generated with primer L45 for isolate C52 was used to enable conclusive identification of T. atroviride C52 when recovered from soil. When isolate C52 was introduced into Sclerotium cepivorum -infested soil as both pellet and solid-substrate formulations, there was no statistically significant difference in the disease control between these treatments, but the pellet treatment doubled the percentage of healthy plants compared with the control treatment.  相似文献   

Interactions between Serratia plymuthica A30 and a blackleg‐causing biovar 3 Dickeya sp. were examined. In a potato slice assay, S. plymuthica A30 inhibited tissue maceration caused by Dickeya sp. IPO2222 when co‐inoculated at a density at least 10 times greater than that of the pathogen. In glasshouse experiments, population dynamics of the antagonist and of the pathogen in planta were studied by dilution plating and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) using fluorescent protein‐tagged strains. Pathogen‐free minitubers were vacuum‐infiltrated with DsRed‐tagged Dickeya sp. IPO2222 and superficially treated during planting with a water suspension containing GFP‐tagged S. plymuthica A30. A30 reduced the blackleg incidence from 55% to 0%. Both the pathogen and the antagonist colonized the seed potato tubers internally within 1 day post‐inoculation (dpi). Between 1 and 7 dpi, the population of A30 in tubers increased from 101 to c. 103 CFU g?1 and subsequently remained stable until the end of the experiment (28 dpi). Populations of A30 in stems and roots increased from c. 102 to c. 104 CFU g?1 between 7 and 28 dpi. Dilution plating and CLSM studies showed that A30 decreased the density of Dickeya sp. populations in plants. Dilution plating combined with microscopy allowed the enumeration of strain A30 and its visualization in the vascular tissues of stem and roots and in the pith of roots, as well as its adherence to and colonization of the root surface. The implications of these finding for the use of S. plymuthica A30 as a biocontrol agent are discussed.  相似文献   

The Vf locus from Malus floribunda clone 821 is an important source of resistance to apple scab disease caused by Venturia inaequalis , and has been introduced into numerous cultivars of domesticated apple, Malus  ×  domestica . Cloning of the putative Vf locus has revealed that it contains several receptor-like Vf candidate genes. In order to determine which of these genes is most closely linked to Vf resistance, primers were designed based on conserved regions in the Vf candidate genes adjacent to a variable portion of the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain, to yield PCR product length polymorphisms. PCR products were obtained from 31 cultivars of M.  ×  domestica , of which 19 are known to contain Vf resistance, and from 10 selections of M. floribunda . PCR products corresponding in size to Vfa1 and Vfa2 were found in all the plants tested. However, a PCR product with 100% predicted amino acid identity to Vfa4 was found only in M.  × domestica cultivars known to have Vf scab resistance. This PCR product was also found in most, but not all, selections of M. floribunda tested, including the original source of Vf resistance, M. floribunda 821. The PCR product matching Vfa4 appears to be the most closely linked to Vf resistance and should be a valuable tool for monitoring Vf inheritance in apple.  相似文献   

The potential impact of postdispersal seed predation by the field cricket, Teleogryllus emma (Ohmachi et Matsuura), on the seedling emergence of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), a non‐native grass weed in Japan, was determined. The relationship between cricket density and the proportion of seedling emergence was investigated by conducting manipulative experiments in duplicate, using enclosures. One‐thousand seeds of Italian ryegrass were exposed to adult crickets at different densities (zero, one, two, four and eight individuals per 2.25 m2 enclosure) for 2 weeks. The proportion of seedling emergence decreased with increasing cricket density. The proportion of seedling emergence in the enclosures without the crickets was 90.9–97.2%, whereas the seedling emergence in the enclosures with eight crickets greatly decreased, to 0.5–2.5%. These results suggest that postdispersal seed predation by T. emma can substantially decrease the abundance of Italian ryegrass at an early life stage and reduce its population in environments with a high density of crickets.  相似文献   

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