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通过对雪玉洞上方山神庙和火石垭两处土壤CO2和出露于上覆基岩中的红庙水井和一碗水两处表层岩溶泉水化学特征近1年的监测,发现各深度(20,30,60 cm)土壤CO2浓度在300~30 000 ml/m3范围内变化,呈现夏秋高、冬春低的特点.其中火石垭土壤CO2浓度在2011年10月3个不同深度土壤层都出现明显低值,指示了外界干湿条件的变化.随深度的增加,土壤CO2浓度表现出递增的趋势,但是受不同因素的影响不同地点、不同土壤层中CO2浓度的变化有所不同.表层岩溶泉水化学对土壤CO2浓度的变化具有较好的响应,Ca2+、HCO3-、电导率(EC)与土壤CO2浓度的变化趋势基本一致,呈现夏秋高、冬春低的特点.pH值与土壤CO2浓度的变化趋势相反,呈现夏秋低、冬春高的特点.全年表层岩溶泉水的方解石饱和指数(SIc)>0,Ca2+处于饱和状态,但季节变化明显.二氧化碳分压(P(CO2))与方解石饱和指数变化趋势相反,二者在2011年10月都出现极值,反映出表层岩溶泉水化学的变化受土壤CO2影响显著.  相似文献   

喀斯特山地不同土地利用对表层岩溶泉水化学特征的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选取南川喀斯特山地3种不同土地利用方式(灌草丛、耕地、石漠化地)下的表层岩溶泉水为研究对象,通过对3个泉水进行一个水文年的水温(t)、pH、电导率(EC)、HCO3^-、NO3^-、SO4^2-、Cl^-、Ca^2+、Mg^2+、Na^+、K^+等水化学指标的测定,结果发现:3个泉水的t、pH、EC及主要阴阳离子都表现出了一定的差异,在t、EC及NO3^-、SO4^2-、Cl^-、Na^+浓度上,表现为灌草丛泉水〈耕地泉水〈石漠化地泉水,在K^+浓度上,表现为耕地泉水〉石漠化地泉水〉灌草丛泉水。3个泉水HCO3^-+Ca^2+占所测9种主要离子的比例分别为87.1%,71.8%,62.9%。泉水的HCO3^-浓度及HCO3^-+Ca^2+占所测定的9种主要离子的比例由灌草丛泉水→耕地泉水→石漠化地泉水逐渐减少。这说明EC、NO3^-、SO4^2-、Cl^-、Na^+、HCO3^-等泉水水化学指标可以作为不同土地利用方式和植被覆盖变化的重要指标。  相似文献   

以湘西洛塔典型表层岩溶泉域为例,从表层泉水动态变化和水化学变化两方面研究了微景观结构对表层岩溶泉水调蓄功能的影响。表层岩溶泉降水入渗系数、水动态变化以及水化学组分含量与微景观结构的植被和土壤的覆盖程度呈正相关关系;景观结构和景观类型的空间组合及其变化影响着表层岩溶带的水动态变化。改善生态环境,对增强表层岩溶带的调蓄功能具有重要意义。  相似文献   

模拟酸雨对土壤化学及蔬菜生长的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

碱化土壤的野外及实验室波谱响应特征及其转换   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了探讨不同测量环境下碱化土壤波谱相互转换的条件和规律,对新疆天山北坡奇台绿洲碱化土壤进行定点野外、实验室波谱测量及特征分析,并结合土壤理化性质,利用多元线性回归方法进行野外-实验室测量波谱之间的双向转换。结果表明:野外测量波谱与土壤pH值呈极显著的正相关关系,可有效监测土壤碱化程度。但实验室测量波谱与pH值之间不具有相关性。pH值对实验室测量波谱向野外测量波谱的转换影响最大,其次是实验室波谱的b3(630~690nm)和b2(521~600nm)波段反射率,而b1(450~520nm)、b4(760~900nm)波段反射率与野外测量波谱的各波段反射率之间均无明显对应关系。实验室测量波谱与有机质含量呈负相关关系,且对于土壤有机质具有良好的定量反演潜力。实验室波谱向野外波谱转换的模型涉及的因子较少,稳定性高且具有良好验证精度,转换效果较野外波谱向实验室波谱转换的模型理想。  相似文献   

为提高潍坊北部地区土壤全盐量监测精度,研究利用光谱测量技术,采集80个土壤样本的光谱数据,其中41个土样测定化学成分。对光谱进行一阶微分(FDR)、二阶微分(SDR)、倒数对数变换(Log(1/R)),将三种指标与土壤全盐量建立逐步多元回归模型和主成分回归模型,并分析在不同指标下所建模型的精度,旨在实现研究区土壤全盐量的定量反演。结果表明:利用光谱变换的一阶微分(FDR)、二阶微分(SDR)所建立的逐步多元回归模型和主成分回归模型的建模系数R~2均大于0.80,说明建模精度较高。在进行检测样本精度检验比较后,其中利用一阶微分(FDR)变换建立的主成分回归模型最稳定,检验精度最高,土壤全盐量建模决定系数R~2为0.931,均方根误差RMSE为0.188,其次为一阶微分逐步多元回归模型。  相似文献   

稻田土壤表层管理对氮素利用和产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
朱培立  黄东迈  张振华  朱宗武  张仁 《土壤》1991,23(6):291-295,301
在变性土性水稻土上,利用15N同位素研究了在稻麦轮作并长期实行免耕或耕作的条件下,晒垡及粘闭等措施对水稻氮素吸收利用和产量的影响。  相似文献   

水稻秸秆用量对淹水培养土壤表层溶液理化性质的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用模拟培养的方法,研究水稻秸秆用量对淹水培养土壤表层溶液理化性质的影响。试验根据秸秆还田量设0g·盆-1、100g·盆-1、200g·盆-1和300g·盆-14个处理,每盆装土15kg,施尿素2.8g以调节系统碳氮比,分别测定培养液的电导率、pH、全氮、全磷、全钾等指标。研究结果表明,各处理表层溶液电导率在培养初期呈上升趋势,第36d达到最大值,分别为960μs·cm-1、1150μs·cm-1、1467μs·cm-1和1620μs·cm-1,随后略有降低,到培养结束时分别为683μs·cm-1、910μs·cm-1、1083μs·cm-1和1277μs·cm-1。pH值在培养的前3d呈缓慢下降趋势,与秸秆用量呈负相关;从第4d开始pH迅速升高,16d后达到相对稳定状态,到培养结束时变化不大。施加的尿素导致各处理培养液中全氮在20d内保持较高浓度,随后全氮浓度迅速下降,到第76d,下降趋势减缓;施加秸秆对全氮浓度影响较小,施加秸秆能够提高全磷含量。秸秆中钾释放迅速,培养1d后,溶液全钾含量达到较高浓度,分别为6.87mg·L-1、36.10mg·L-1、60.27mg·L-1、114.23mg·L-1,在整个培养期全钾浓度变化不大。淹水培养条件下施加秸秆能够增加培养液中电导率、全磷及全钾浓度,与秸秆用量呈正比,但对pH、全氮影响较小。从养分流失角度考虑,控制田面养分流失主要时期为水稻秸秆还田后30d内。  相似文献   

干旱沙漠区小麦田水肥管理效率模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
干旱沙漠区小麦田水肥管理效率模拟试验研究结果表明,在干旱沙漠区30cm厚的黄河灌淤沙地中进一步降低灌溉标准至田间持水量的40%以下是可能的,更低的灌溉标准将有利于提高小麦的水分利用效率,并降低渗漏损失率.在目前施有效氮、磷、钾总量<800kg/hm2的水平下,施肥差异不会导致水分渗漏、蒸发和小麦对水分利用比例的差异,但小麦籽粒产量随施肥量的增加而增加.0.12kg/m3的高肥水指数(有效氮、磷、钾施用总量/灌水总量)可获得近5500kg/hm2小麦籽粒产量和约0.74kg/m3的水分生产率.  相似文献   

降雨及其产生的地表径流是造成水土流失的主要原因之一,水土流失所带来的河床抬高、水质污染等环境问题亟待解决.本文通过广西桂林漓江滨岸带内建立的7个试验小区,在汛期内观测自然降水条件下各小区的产流产沙情况,研究漓江滨岸带内植被对地表产流产沙的影响,从而为漓江水土流失防治以及面源污染治理等问题提供参考.结果表明:1)植被覆盖能显著拦截坡面径流、沉积泥沙,且植被盖度愈高拦截效果愈显著;2)在草本覆盖处理中,狗尾草植被覆盖处理截流减沙效果较其他几种草本植物覆盖处理好,可作为漓江滨岸带裸露退化区域优先选择的植物种;3)纯草本植物配置的植被带截流减沙效果优于草灌相结合配置的植被带;4)地表径流量、产沙量与降雨量、降雨强度之间在P<0.01水平上显著正相关,径流量与产沙量之间存在密切的线性关系.由此,采用增加裸坡坡面植被覆盖、选择狗尾草作为漓江快速绿化的草种、坡面上部建立截留措施等方式,可有效减轻坡面水土流失,缓解由水土流失带来的面源污染等问题.  相似文献   

Reduction of erosion and sediment-related pollution from urban construction sites or other degraded hillslopes often relies on the initial application of suitable rolled erosion control systems (RECS) before natural vegetation cover can be established. However, research has not clearly explained why some RECS perform better than others, or under what particular conditions one system is more suitable than another. An important link between the application of the most suitable RECS and better product design is process-based studies relating the physical properties of products to the reduction of erosion subprocesses. This study investigates time-varying reduction of rainsplash detachment and transport by 13 commonly used RECS. The results indicate that product differences in the protection they provide against splash processes vary over the duration of a rain event, and that this variation is related to individual product properties, especially surface coverage and thickness. These results should aid in the design of more effective erosion control products and in the selection of the most suitable RECS for particular hillslope applications. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

常规岩土体变化监测方法的局限性造成采用它们来实施大型库区及周边地表形变的持续监测非常困难.为了解决大型水电站库区岩土体的高效实时变化监测这一关键问题,选取乌东德水电站库区为研究区域,根据岩土体变化类型,分别采用D-InSAR技术和假彩色合成技术对库区进行监测,提取出变动区域.最后通过2种方法的监测结果与地面验证结果的比较,验证了变化地点和岩土变动类型与分析结果相一致,达到了发现变化、监视趋势的遥感监测目的.证明了D-InSAR技术和假彩色合成技术相结合用于监测广域岩土体变化的可行性.  相似文献   

For the purpose of vegetation monitoring, three methods for estimating plant cover, namely visual-estimate (VE), point-frequency (PF) and subplot-frequency (SF), were compared with regard to accuracy, precision, sensitivity and time consumption. The cover estimates by the three methods were compared with ‘true’ values measured on photographs using an image analysis technique. VE had the highest accuracy, precision and sensitivity. PF systematically overestimated cover. The greatest drawback of PF was the low sensitivity to species detection. It failed to detect 22–30% of the species in two forests and a bog. SF has high precision and sensitivity but low accuracy. Time consumption on one quadrat was about 6 min for VE and SF, 8.5 min for PF. Inter- and intra-person error with the three methods depends on plants. Inter-person error with VE was slightly greater for small and wide-spread plants, especially mosses, than for other life-forms. For wide-spread plants, intra-person error was slightly greater with PF than with the other methods. VE and PF are strongly correlated and convertible, but SF is neither correlated nor convertible with the other methods.  相似文献   

Acidification of lakes and streams can lead to adverse effects on aquatic biota, and the recognition of widespread atmospheric deposition of strong acids in eastern North America has led to considerable concern over its existing and potential impact on th flora and fauna of sensitive (i.e. low alkalinity) systems. While most of the concern has been directed toward the impact on the fisheries resource, it is well documented that all levels of biota are affected (Almer et al., 1974; Likens et al., 1983; Dillon et al., 1984), and full appreciation of the impact of acidification requires examination of all living components of the aquatic ecosystem. Although extensive work has already been conducted in tho Scandinavian countries, there are numerous differences in species between those countries and North America, and a sound appraisal of the threat to North American biota requires comparable work for this continent. Large scale surveys and monitoring programs are under development or are in the early phases of execution by various institutions, but much has already been learned from laboratory and field acidification experiments, and from comparisons of acidic and non-acidic lakes and streams. The purpose of this paper is to compare the results of these studies for several dominant species from several major groups of organisms. We hope to focus attention on the nature and quality of information about the sensitivity of organisms with known or apparent significant ecological roles, identify gaps or weaknesses, and provide insight into the merits and limitations of the various methods of study.  相似文献   

Landslides are common features in the Serra do Mar, located along the southeastern Brazilian coast, most of them associated with intense summer storms, specially on the soil-mantled steep hillslopes around Rio de Janeiro city, where the favelas (slums) proliferated during the last few decades. On February 1996, hundreds of landslides took place in city of Rio de Janeiro triggered by intense rainstorms. Since then, many studies have been carried out in two experimental river basins in order to investigate the role played by the topographic attributes in controlling the spatial distribution of landslides inside them. Landslide scars and vegetation cover were mapped using aerial photographs and field observations. A detailed digital terrain model (4 m2 resolution) of the basins was generated from which the main topographic attributes were analyzed, producing maps for slope, hillslope form, contributing area and hillslope orientation. By comparing these maps with the spatial distribution of the landslide scars for the 1996 event, a landslide potential index (LPI) for the many classes of the different topographic attributes was defined. At the same time, field experiments with the Guelph permeameter were carried out and a variety of scenarios were simulated with the SHALSTAB model, a process-based mathematical model for the topographic control on shallow landslides. The results suggest that most of the landslides triggered in the studied basins were strongly influenced by topography, while vegetation cover did affect landslide distribution. Between the topographic attributes, hillslope form and contributing area played a major role in controlling the spatial distribution of landslides. Therefore, any procedure to be used in this environment towards the definition of landslide hazards need to incorporate these topographic attributes.  相似文献   

Dry deposition of gases plays an important role for the deterioration of stone materials and a better understanding of the processes involved will improve our ability to maintain stone monuments and buildings. As a part of an EU-project an investigation with four calcareous stone types have been exposed outdoor at two test sites in Norway for two years. The exposure has been carried out in sheltered position and the amount of reaction products and the penetration depth of SO2 into the stones was determined as soluble sulphate after half a year and after one and two years. Even if most of the sulphate was found in the upper 0.3 mm of the stone, there was an increase in the sulphate content in stone even down to the center of the stone sample. In laboratory tests with SO2, NO2 and changing relative humidity the synergistic effect of NO2 and the importance of the relative humidity was investigated. The uptake rates were calculated from the laboratory studies by analyzing the gas concentrations before and after the exposure chamber. By calculating the deposition velocity from the field study by using the amount of sulphate found in the stones together with the average outdoor concentration of SO2 at the test sites, the values were a magnitude higher than in the laboratory test, highest at the industrial paper mill sites with high concentrations both of SO2 and some hypochlorite and lower in urban atmosphere with fairly low values of SO2 and high values of NO2.  相似文献   

郑晓  林国祥  尹芳  游燕 《农业工程学报》2006,22(11):135-140
考虑植物油料的可变形和流变,植物油料的压榨过程是一个渗流场和流变场耦合渗流问题。基于流固耦合渗流理论建立植物油料压榨过程的模拟模型,采用有限差分法和有限元法交替求解渗流场和流变场。数值模拟了压榨过程中菜籽和菜籽仁油料的位移、菜籽仁孔隙流体压力分布与消散、有效应力分布与变化。菜籽和菜籽仁的位移数值解和实测值比较吻合,尤其在中、后时段。  相似文献   

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