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The real‐time RT‐PCR protocol of Boonham and coworkers performed extremely well in a recent ring test, comparing different methods for detection of Potato spindle tuber pospiviroid (PSTVd) in several laboratories. Since, in addition, real‐time PCR technology has proved suitable for high‐throughput testing, this method was chosen as the starting point for the development of a protocol for the large‐scale testing of potato. The initial experiments focused on the specificity of the primers and probes with regard to different isolates of PSTVd and other (pospi‐) viroids. Further experiments were performed with leaf material from both primarily and secondarily infected plants. The parameters studied were sampling position, growing‐on temperature and bulking rate. In addition, different grinding, nucleic‐acid extraction and disinfection methods were compared. To monitor false negatives and positives, different controls were included and tested in duplex and triplex formats. The final protocol was tested using a hundred samples from the Dutch potato‐monitoring programme. The results of this pilot experiment were promising. Future plans include the development of a protocol for direct tuber testing and inter‐laboratory ring testing of the protocols.  相似文献   

Techniques based on nucleic acid amplification techniques, like PCR, are quick, sensitive and specific, and therefore very suitable for the development of diagnostic tests. These techniques enable the detection of very small amounts of target organisms by specific amplification of part of its genome. This exquisite sensitivity puts a high demand on measures to prevent false‐positive reactions due to contamination of the laboratory with nucleic acid, hence the need for inclusion of negative controls. In addition, to exclude false negatives, the performance of the reactions must be measured by the inclusion of several positive controls, e.g. cytochrome oxidase (COX) primers (and probes) to monitor efficiency of the nucleic acid extraction and an internal control to monitor inhibition of the target PCR. For the RT‐PCR assay for Potato spindle tuber pospiviroid (PSTVd) recently described by Boonham and coworkers, we have developed an exogenous internal standard, i.e. in vitro RNA transcribed from a plasmid containing a modified PSTVd sequence (a 17‐bp sequence of cloned PSTVd (isolate Howell) was substituted for a 118‐bp sequence of Escherichia coli). To this exogenous sequence, a specific probe was designed with a fluorescent label different from that of the PSTVd‐specific probe. By making use of the same primers as the target organism PSTVd, this internal standard provides a tool to measure the performance of the specific reaction. Moreover, by using another fluorescent probe, this standard can easily be discriminated from the target organism. The approach used for the construction of the internal control for PSTVd offers a tool for the construction of internal standards for other pathogens.  相似文献   

 灵敏可靠地检测马铃薯纺锤块茎类病毒(Potato spindle tuber viroid,PSTVd)对脱毒种薯的生产具有重要意义。本研究探索了影响核酸杂交检测技术的关键因素。通过基因克隆技术构建了插有PSTVd全长单体、双体及片段的载体。分别以地高辛和同位素为标记物,利用PCR和转录标记技术制备cDNA和RNA探针。比较探针大小、标记物、标记方法、反应底物等对检测灵敏度的影响。结果显示,以地高辛为标记物,利用PCR标记制备的PSTVd双体cDNA探针,在以CDP-Star为底物,通过在柯达X-OMAT BT胶片进行化学发光反应来分析结果的检测灵敏度最高,可以检测到0.05 pg总RNA中的PSTVd,是国外报道检测灵敏度的500倍。利用核酸斑点杂交技术检测PSTVd具有灵敏度高,一次可检测样品数量多等特点,对于大规模PSTVd检测更加方便可行。  相似文献   

Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) is an EPPO A2-listed quarantine pathogen and its detection in large scale surveys requires complex decision schemes. In this study, a simple and rapid application of direct-RT-PCR was evaluated together with dot blot hybridization for the detection of PSTVd in dormant potato tubers harvested from primary infected plants, as well as in tomato and solanaceous ornamental plants. In all infected dormant potato tubers tested, both direct-RT-PCR and dot blot hybridization detected two different PSTVd isolates, with direct-RT-PCR being ten times more sensitive than dot blot. Similarly, in infected tomato and Brugmansia spp., PSTVd was detected by direct-RT-PCR with higher sensitivity compared to that of dot blot hybridization. However, in Brugmansia spp., a ten-fold decrease of the typical working concentration of the sap was required for an unequivocal detection of the viroid by direct-RT-PCR. The potential to use direct-RT-PCR for routine PSTVd examination is discussed.  相似文献   

A standard test method for detecting viroids was designed, to be applied on imported plant material, for which a zero-tolerance exists in the Netherlands towards potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTV).Partial purification of nucleic acids after homogenizing leaf material with a Polytron homogenizer, followed by increasing the viroid concentration by inoculation of an intermediate tomato host, and complete purification of the small nucleic acids from the tops of these plants, followed by polyacrylamide gelectrophoretic analysis, proved successful. With this procedure, now used as a standard method, more samples could be handled than with other methods tested.Desalting by Sephadex filtration proved to be superior to dialysis. An attempt to develop a serological test for PSTV failed. Albinism, induced in PSTV-infected tomato plants by certain environmental conditions, was not of diagnostic value.
Samenvatting Voor het viroïde, dat de aardappelspindelknolziekte veroorzaakt (ASKV) geldt in Nederland een nultolerantie. Al het geïmporteerde aardappelmateriaal wordt daarom getoetst op het voorkomen van het viroïde. Voor dat doel is een betrouwbare en, zo mogelijk, ook snelle toets noodzakelijk, die niet alleen secundaire infecties maar ook jonge, primaire infecties kan aantonen.Een standaardmethode, die werd ontwikkeld, bleek zeer betrouwbaar, hoewel niet snel. Zij toont meer infecties aan dan snellere methoden die in het buitenland beschreven zijn. De toets omvat de volgende stappen: 2–5 g bladmateriaal wordt vermalen en op het homogenaat wordt een eenvoudige nucleïnezuurextractie en-concentratie toegepast. Dit preparaat wordt gebruikt om vier jonge tomatezaailingen te inoculeren. Door deze zaailingen 4 weken onder optimale omstandigheden te houden wordt het eventueel aanwezige viroïde vermeerderd. Geeft tenminste één van de tomateplanten symptomen, dan wordt het oorspronkelijke monster ziek verklaard. Vertoont geen van de vier tomateplanten symptomen dan wordt een nucleïnezuurextractie uitgevoerd van de topjes van deze planten. Kleine nucleïnezuurmoleculen worden geïsoleerd, geconcentreerd en tenslotte geanaliseerd met behulp van polyacrylamide gelelektroforese.Om overdracht van het ene naar het andere monster te voorkomen werd voor het vermalen gebruik gemaakt van verwisselbare schachten bij de Polytron homogenisator.Ontzouten van de nucleïnezuurextracten met Sephadexfiltratie gaf betere resultaten en was sneller uitvoerbaar dan dialyse.Pogingen om een specifiek antiserum tegen ASKV te maken zijn niet gelukt. Onder onze omstandigheden was het ook niet mogelijk om op een betrouwbare manier albinisme in geïnfecteerde planten te induceren als middel om infecties met ASKV op te sporen.

类病毒是已知最小的可以在植物体内进行自我复制的病原,具有广泛的寄主范围.由于类病毒缺少外壳蛋白,因此不能通过免疫学方法进行诊断.  相似文献   

The return gel electrophoresis method for the detection of potato spindle tuber viroid has been modified to simplify its use for large-scale testing. The quantities of dissolvents for the extraction of nucleic acids were reduced and adapted to the use of disposable plastic tubes. The vertical electrophoresis system was replaced by a horizontal one, which was easier to handle. Migration distance for the separation of PSTV bands was shortened, saving time for the electrophoretic run. A single-buffer system was used. The detection limit was estimated as 0.3 ng per slot. It was possible to detect both mild and severe strains of PSTV.  相似文献   

In 2011, an outbreak of the quarantine-regulated pathogen Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) occurred in a commercial glasshouse-grown tomato crop in Queensland, Australia. Phylogenetic studies showed that the genotype of this isolate grouped in a cluster of PSTVd genotypes from tomato and Physalis peruviana, and exhibited an interesting mutation (U257→A) that has previously been linked to lethal symptom expression in tomato. Transmission studies showed that the viroid could be mechanically transmitted from crushed fruit sap, but not from undamaged fruits. A low rate of asymptomatic infection was determined for plants in the affected glasshouse, demonstrating the efficacy of using symptoms to detect PSTVd infections in tomato. No PSTVd infections were detected in solanaceous weeds located outside of the infected glasshouse, excluding them from playing a role in the viroid epidemiology. Monitoring and subsequent testing of new tomato crops grown in the facility demonstrated successful eradication of the pathogen. A trace-back analysis linked the outbreak of PSTVd to an infected imported tomato seed-lot, indicating that PSTVd is transmitted internationally through contaminated seed.  相似文献   

马铃薯纺锤块茎类病毒在中国及世界许多国家都是检疫性病害, 该病害可大幅度降低马铃薯产量和品质。根据植株及块茎的症状, 汰除感病的马铃薯种薯, 是控制PSTVd传播和危害的重要手段。本研究利用分子克隆及测序技术, 分离并鉴定了PSTVd的分离物351-17, 利用PSTVd田间接种技术, 分别接种了4个黑龙江省常用的马铃薯品种‘夏坡地’、‘克新18’、‘荷兰15’和‘尤金’, 对其侵染后第一代的株高、叶片、块茎外观和单株产量进行了调查, 结果表明:4个供试马铃薯品种感染PSTVd后均表现出了一定的症状, 其中‘克新18’在株高、叶片和块茎的症状方面最为明显, 单株产量下降显著, 表明其对PSTVd非常敏感。  相似文献   

We analyzed the spreading and persistence of PSTVd variants in several ornamentals in the territory of the Czech Republic. The pool of PSTVd variants detected in Solanum jasminoides, S. muricatum, Datura sp. and Brugmansia sp. was biolistically transferred to Matricaria chamomilla, Argyranthemum frutescens and Diascia sp., species which we found as sensitive hosts for PSTVd from ornamentals. The PSTVd pool showed sequence changes and increased variation after its transfer to potato, suggesting a wide adaptation potential of PSTVd in this crop. Potato exhibited genotype-dependent leaf and spindle tuber symptoms, when inoculated with the sap from S. jasminoides infected with the predominant and sequence-stable PSTVd-S1.  相似文献   

Viroids of the genus Pospiviroid are able to induce diseases in a wide range of host plants including important crop species. Although occasional disease outbreaks of Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) and closely related pospiviroids have been reported in potato and tomato, recent studies found an increase in number of latent infections in ornamental solanaceous species. In order to verify the presence of PSTVd and other pospiviroids in Croatia, a survey was conducted between 2009 and 2012. A total of 182 samples belonging to five ornamental species and two solanaceous crops were analyzed. Eight plants belonging to two different species (Solanum jasminodes and Lycianthes rantonnetii) were found infected by PSTVd and, in addition, one S. jasminoides plant infected by Tomato apical stunt viroid (TASVd). Viroid infection was confirmed by mechanical inoculation on tomato plants to observe symptom expression. Molecular characterization of the isolates was done and complete viroid sequences were submitted to the GenBank. This is the first evidence of the presence of PSTVd and TASVd and their variability in Croatia.  相似文献   

In autumn 2006 in the Netherlands, Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) infections were detected in 42·3 and 71·9% of professionally grown lots of Brugmansia spp. and Solanum jasminoides respectively. The infected lots contained 73 985 and 431 374 plants, respectively, demonstrating the presence of many potential viroid sources for tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum ). PSTVd was identified in cultivars of Brugmansia × candida , B. × flava , B. sanguinea , B. suaveolens and unspecified Brugmansia species/cultivars. Most infected lots of Brugmansia spp. originated from a single Dutch nursery; most infected lots of S. jasminoides originated abroad. Sequence analysis revealed that the PSTVd genomes from Brugmansia spp. contained an average of 360 nt, whereas all genomes from S. jasminoides except one consisted of 357 nt. Furthermore, the collective PSTVd genotypes showed polymorphism at four or more positions, except for two cases in which genotypes from Brugmansia spp. and S. jasminoides were identical. Phylogenetic studies showed that PSTVd genotypes from Brugmansia spp. and S. jasminoides grouped apart from each other and from PSTVd isolates from potato ( Solanum tuberosum ) and Physalis peruviana . The PSTVd genotypes from tomato did not form a separate cluster, but were dispersed over clusters of vegetatively or partly vegetatively propagated plant species, i.e. potato, P. peruviana and S. jasminoides . Moreover, mechanical inoculation of the predominant PSTVd genotypes from S. jasminoides to tomato was successful. These results provide evidence that vegetatively propagated, solanaceous plant species have been sources of infection for tomato crops in the past.  相似文献   

In 2014, potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) was identified in a potato clone originating from a breeding company in the Netherlands. This clone was submitted for micro propagation and therefore tested for PSTVd and a number of other pathogens. This finding of PSTVd initiated actions to track and eradicate the infections. In addition to the finding at the breeding company, PSTVd was also found at a research institute. At both locations the viroid was eradicated following extended testing and discarding of infected plants. Additional surveys including testing of each individual plant in all crossing glasshouses and random samples of pre-basic and basic seed potatoes, revealed no further infections in the Netherlands. This result concurred with the fact that mechanical spread of PSTVd in the field is not likely under climatic conditions in the Netherlands. Therefore, vegetative propagation seems the most important pathway for maintaining and spreading of PSTVd. Based on the evaluation of this outbreak, it was concluded that potato germplasm poses the highest risk of introducing this viroid in potatoes in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

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