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For three years, source separated municipal solid waste (MSW) compost was applied in the field at two rates (25 and 50 T/A) and planted with tomatoes. Average yield (lbs/plant) from plots amended with 50 T/A MSW compost was significantly greater all three years than the unamended controls. Yield from plots amended with 25 T/A MSW compost was significantly greater than the unamended control only in 1993. The average number of tomatoes per plant and the average weight of each tomato were also greater from the compost-amended plots. The addition of 50 T/A MSW compost for three years raised the pH of the soil from 5.8 to 6.4 and raised the percent organic matter 84 percent. The concentration of nitrate in plots amended yearly with 50 T/A MSW compost was three fold greater than the unamended control.  相似文献   

For three years, undecomposed leaves were applied on a sandy terrace soil (Windsor) and a loamy upland soil (Mt. Carmel) in spring or fall. Yields of peppers from these plots were compared to yields from plots amended with fully mature leaf compost and unamended controls. In general, the greatest pepper yields were from plots amended at both sites with leaf compost and the smallest yields were from plots amended with leaves in the fall. At both sites, higher yields were due to increased number of peppers/plant. The reduction in yields from plots amended with leaves in the fall appear unrelated to nitrogen immobilization as nitrogen concentrations were greater or similar to the unamended control plots. The possible role of phenol phytotoxicity from the fall applied leaves is discussed.  相似文献   

对猪粪有机肥中胶体态重金属的分布进行了定量分析。结果表明,水提取态Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn主要以胶体态存在,Ni、Cr、Cd、As几乎都以可溶态存在。胶体态Cu在0.02~0.2μm胶体中的含量最高,胶体态Zn、Fe、Mn在粒径为1~10μm的大粒径胶体中含量最高。在长期连续施用有机肥引起重金属积累的土壤中,高Cu负荷的小粒径胶体可能会引起深层土壤中重金属积累问题,胶体态有机碳与可溶态有机碳对重金属结合能力的不同可能是导致重金属分布存在差异的重要原因。重金属在不同粒径的分布特征可以为讨论猪粪有机肥中的重金属在环境中的化学行为提供论据。  相似文献   

Three levels of municipal solid waste compost (MSWC) and two application rates of compost tea made with MSWC were applied to strawberries for two years. The highest level of application of MSWC significantly increased the concentrations of most extractable soil mineral elements except for Ni which was increased in the highest compost tea application rate. Despite large differences in soil mineral element concentrations among treatments, plant and fruit uptake were generally unaffected by treatments. Notably however, compost tea applications increased fruit Na levels perhaps due to increased uptake of Na by leaves compared to roots. Generally, the composts and compost teas produced fruit of equal quality in terms of total antioxidant capacity and vitamin C but all treatments failed to provide sufficient N to strawberry plants and all fruit appeared to have leather rot; consequently, yield was decreased.  相似文献   

坡度对侵蚀产沙及其粒径分布的影响   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
利用人工模拟降雨试验,分析北京山区普通褐土在不同坡度条件下的产流产沙状况和侵蚀泥沙的粒径分布规律。结果表明,随着坡度的增大,侵蚀模数呈现先增加后减少的趋势,临界坡度为25°,对应的侵蚀模数为19.7t/hm~2。在研究的5个坡度条件下,侵蚀泥沙都以粉粒为主。当坡度从0增大至30°,0.002mm的粘粒含量无明显变化;0.002~0.02mm的细粉粒含量先减少后增加;0.02~0.25mm粗粉粒、极细砂粒和细砂粒含量则呈现先增加后减少的趋势。临界坡度为20°,此时细粉粒含量最少,极细砂粒和细砂粒含量最多。与原土相比,侵蚀泥沙在不同粒级存在富集。主要富集粒径随坡度增加先增大后减小。20°坡度时富集粒径最大,为细砂粒(0.1~0.25mm)。  相似文献   

Three kinds of tropical soils (inceptisol, mollisol and oxisol: USDA) were amended with increasing quantities of municipal refuse compost. Prepared mixtures: 0, 1.2, 2.5, 5, 10 and 25.6 percent (by volume) of compost were utilized as growing substract (without mineral fertilizer) in pot vegetation trials including three successive plantations taking corn as the test plant. Plant yields and heavy metal concentrations were determined. Urban compost effects on soil chemical parameters were evaluated. Corn growth had been significantly enhanced by the presence of urban compost showing no toxic effects. However, this fertilizing effect decreases after successive harvestings. Cadmium and lead concentrations in the plants were found to be under detection concentration limits (0.5 and 5.2 ppm respectively). Concentrations of copper and zinc in the plants increased relative to the amounts of urban compost but never reached toxic concentrations.  相似文献   

Field production of ornamental shrubs often results in significant topsoil removal and degradation of surface soil physical properties. Building soil organic matter through compost amendments is one way to ameliorate effects from topsoil removal in woody ornamentals production. We amended field soils with three composts to evaluate their effects on soil physical properties and shrub biomass production. Specifically, we applied either duck manure-sawdust (DM), potato cull-sawdust-dairy manure (PC) or paper mill sludge-bark (PMB) composts to a Plano silt loam soil using two application methods: 2.5 cm of compost incorporated into the top 15 cm of soil (incorporated-only) or 2.5 cm of compost incorporated plus 2.5 cm of compost applied over the soil surface (mulched). We grew three shrub species from liners: Spirea japonicum ‘Gumball’, Juniper chinensis ‘Pfitzeriana’, and Berberis thunbergia ‘Atropurpurea’. Shrub species and soil amendment treatments were established in triplicate in a randomized split plot design. Total soil carbon (TC), bulk density (ρb), aggregate stability, soil moisture retention capacity (MRC), volumetric moisture content (θv), and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) were measured over three years (1998 to 2000). We measured above and below ground shrub dry matter production at the end of the first (1998) and second (1999) growing seasons. Mulched treatments resulted in 15%-21% higher TC than the incorporated-only and no-amendment control treatments. Bulk density decreased with increasing TC contents. Greater aggregate stability and the formation of larger aggregates were related to increased TC. Field moisture retention capacity tended to be higher in the incorporated treatments compared to the mulched and nonamended control treatments. Compost amended treatments increased saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) sevenfold over the nonamended control. There were no compost effects on shrub biomass until the second year of growth. Barberry was the only species to respond significantly and positively to compost application. Specifically, mulched DM compost produced 39-42% greater total Barberry biomass than the other compost treatments and the nonamended control. Our findings showed that compost effects on soil physical properties differed among composts and their subsequent effects on shrub growth were species specific.  相似文献   

研究了培养料中添加不同量的菜籽饼对双孢蘑菇产量的影响。结果表明,不加菜籽饼作为氮源对双孢蘑菇产量没有显著性影响。同时添加菜籽饼和鸡粪可提高培养料的发酵温度,当菜籽饼添加量为6.5 t时,3潮菇总产量为96.84 kg/m2、平均产量32.28 kg/m2,比对照组高78%。  相似文献   

Compost water extracts (compost teas) are gaining popularity among organic growers, largely because of their disease suppressive activity when applied to foliage or soil. Production methods often include addition of supplemental constituents, particularly molasses, to stimulate plant-beneficial microbial populations. We have found that molasses amendments also favor regrowth of human pathogenic bacteria, raising public health concerns about potential contamination of treated crops, particularly produce intended for fresh consumption. Using disease outbreak strains marked with green fluorescent protein (GFP) and spontaneous antibiotic-resistance, we found that regrowth of Salmonella enterica serovar Thompson and Escherichia coli O157:H7 was positively correlated with molasses concentration. For Salmonella, regrowth was also dependent on the type of starter compost material used. Salmonella populations increased from 1 at time 0 to over 1000 CFU ml?1 in dairy manure compost tea with 1% molasses, and from 1 at time 0 to over 350,000 CFU ml?1 in chicken manure compost tea by 72 h. E. coli populations increased from 1 at time 0 to approximately 1000 CFU ml?1 in both types of tea by 72 h. Pathogen regrowth did not occur when molasses was eliminated or kept to 0.2%.  相似文献   

The presence of pesticides in compost is of interest because of possible health, production and ecological risks. The presence of over 50 pesticides was assessed in raw yard waste, milled yard waste, and a finished compost (yard waste:biosolids) at a commercial compost facility in Florida. These pesticides were comprised of 38 herbicides, eight insecticides and two fungicides. Of the pesticides monitored for in this study, only atrazine, 4,4-DDE, alpha chlordane, gamma chlordane, and endosulfan I were detected, and were only present in raw yard wastes.  相似文献   

通过大田小区试验,研究碱渣处理秸秆堆肥对红壤养分含量、微生物学性质和花生产量及品质的影响。设置不施肥对照(CK)、单施化肥(NPK)、5%碱渣花生秸秆堆肥配施化肥(NPK+PC)和5%碱渣水稻秸秆堆肥配施化肥(NPK+RC)等4个处理,于花生收获期测定土壤养分含量、酶活性、微生物生物量、BIOLOG功能多样性变化,并同时测定花生产量、秸秆生物量和农艺性状指标的变化。结果表明,碱渣处理的秸秆堆肥配施化肥有效缓解了红壤的酸化程度,增强了土壤的保水能力,提高了土壤速效养分的含量;碱渣处理的花生秸秆堆肥配施化肥对微生物生物量氮(MBN)的提高效果较好,而水稻秸秆堆肥配施化肥对转化酶和微生物生物量碳(MBC)的效果较好;BIOLOG分析结果显示,水稻秸秆堆肥配施化肥改善了微生物碳源利用能力和功能多样性,花生秸秆堆肥配施化肥次之;花生秸秆堆肥配施化肥通过增加百果重,从而使花生增产,同时提高了花生荚果全氮、全磷含量,增加了荚果养分累积量。由此可见,碱渣处理的秸秆堆肥配施化肥不仅可以提高土壤肥力和生物功能,还可以促进花生高产、高质,具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

For 22 years, plots were amended annually with oak (Quercus velutina Lam.) or sugar maple leaves (Acer saccharum Marsh.) in Mt. Carmel, CT on a loamy upland soil. Leaves were incorporated into the soil immediately after application in the fall. Yields of 12 different vegetable crops (lettuce, peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, edamame, delicata squash, spaghetti squash, onions, leeks, rutabaga, carrots, and beans) from these plots were compared to yields from unamended controls. All plots received equal amounts of fertilizer. There were no significant differences in vegetable yields with any of the crops between any of the treatments indicating there are no deleterious effects of annual applications of uncomposted leaves. Some soil characteristics such as organic matter and pH improved on the leaf amended plots. Study shows that annual applications of leaves to cropland (sheet composting) is a viable alternative for the disposal of leaves.  相似文献   

Assessment of compost maturity is important for successful use of composts in agricultural and horticultural production. We assessed the “maturity” of four different sawdust-based composts. We composted sawdust with either cannery waste (CW), duck manure (DM), dairy (heifer) manure (HM) or potato culls (PC) for approximately one year. Windrows were turned weekly for the first 60 days of composting, covered for four winter months and then turned monthly for six more months. We measured compost microbial respiration (CO2 loss), total C and N, C:N ratio, water soluble NO3-N and NH4-N, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), pH and electrical conductivity at selected dates over 370 days. Compost effects on ryegrass biomass and N uptake were evaluated in a greenhouse study. We related compost variables to ryegrass growth and N uptake using regression analysis. All composts maintained high respiration rates during the first 60 days of composting. Ammonium-N concentrations declined within the first 60 days of composting, while NO3-N concentrations did not increase until 200+ days. After 250+ days, DM and PC composts produced significantly more ryegrass biomass than either CW or HM composts. Total C, microbial respiration and water-extractable NO3-N were good predictors of compost stability/maturity, or compost resistance to change, while dissolved organic carbon, C:N ratio and EC were not. The compost NO3-N/CO2-C ratio was calculated as a parameter reflecting the increase in net N mineralization and the decrease in respiration rate. At ratio values >8 mg NO3-N/mg CO2-C/day, ryegrass growth and N uptake were at their maximum for three of the four composts, suggesting the ratio has potential as a useful index of compost maturity.  相似文献   

Growth of a nonpathogenic E. coli strain (K12- MG1655, ATCC 700926) in aerated and nonaerated compost teas containing molasses, kelp and carrot juice was examined. Teas were prepared using four different compost types that had undetectable levels of indigenous E. coli. Three of the composts were produced by turn pile windrow composting method using dairy, swine and horse manure as feedstock, while the fourth, a vermicompost, was produced by feeding separated dairy solids to worms Eisenia feotida. Molasses and kelp enhanced the growth of E. coli in inoculated teas and the E. coli density was positively correlated with nutrient concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 8.0 g/L. Irrespective of the presence of molasses and kelp, E. coli was not detected in noninoculated teas. Even though E. coli is a facultative anaerobe, its growth was significantly higher in nonaerated teas than in aerated teas. Without aeration, dissolved oxygen in teas declined rapidly and fell below 0.1 mg/L within 20 h, whereas continuous aeration at 0.8 L/min maintained an aerobic condition (> 5 mg/L dissolved oxygen) in teas during the 48 h brewing period. The pH values of nonaerated teas were significantly lower than those of aerated teas and were always slightly acidic. E. coli growth in different compost types was significantly different. The density of E. coli was lowest in teas made with vermicompost and highest in teas made with swine manure compost. E. coli proliferations in both aerated and nonaerated swine manure compost teas were inhibited by carrot juice. Carrot juice lowered dissolved oxygen in aerated teas. The total bacterial densities in noninoculated compost teas were not reduced by carrot juice.  相似文献   

The paper industry in Canada faces a challenge of economically sound and environmentally safe disposal of massive amounts of residues. A field study was conducted in 1996 and 1997 to evaluate the effects of application of a compost derived from a mixture of deinking paper residues and poultry manure (DSPC) on P and K uptake, and yields of snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Centralia), and potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Gold Rush). The experiment was conducted on a Tilly silt loam (Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzol) located in Sainte-Croix de Lotbinière, Québec, Canada. The DSPC was applied in the spring 1996 at 0, 14, 28 and 42 Mg ha?1 on a dry matter basis, and supplemented or not with mineral fertilizer (MF) at 0, 60, 120 and 180 kg P2O5-K2O ha?1. In 1997, P fertilizer was applied in subplots at 0, 100, 200 and 300 kg P2O5 ha?1. Snap bean yield increased significantly with DSPC and MF application. Apparent P and K recoveries from MF by snap bean decreased with DSPC or MF rate. In combination with DSPC, P and K recoveries from MF by snap bean were smaller at all rates than those with no DSPC. Based on nutrient uptake, P and K in DSPC were more available than in MF. Potato yield in the following year was not significantly influenced by the previous treatments nor by supplemental P fertilizer added in the second year. This experiment indicates that compost derived from a mixture of deinking papermill sludges and poultry manure is a potential source of P and K for crops and will increase crop yields in the application year.  相似文献   

Composts are increasingly used in land rehabilitation because they can improve soil quality and reduce the need for inorganic fertilizers. Their use contributes to an integrated approach to waste management by promoting recycling of nutrients and minimizing final disposal of organic residues that, due to their composition, can pose problems to agricultural soils. We investigated whether compost from mixed municipal solid waste (MSW) could be used to remediate two soils from a mine contaminated with trace elements. One of the soils was less acidic and had a greater content of Cu and Zn while the other had more Pb and a lower pH. The effect of MSW was evaluated by plant growth, trace element leachability, ecotoxicity of soil leachates, and biological and biochemical properties of soils. Growth of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L. cv. Victorian) was stimulated in the MSW compost-amended soils compared with respective controls or with acidic soil when limed. After ryegrass had been growing for 119 days, the amount of water-extractable Zn was lower in MSW compost-amended soils, while the opposite was true for water-extractable Cu. Water-extractable Pb increased following MSW compost application to one soil and decreased in the other. The greatest dehydrogenase activity was obtained in amended limed soil, while the number of culturable bacteria and fungi and the activities of cellulase and β-glucosidase were similar in soil that was limed or following MSW compost application. In contrast, urease activity was repressed in limed or MSW compost-amended soils. Leachates from unamended soils were toxic towards Daphnia magna. Liming the very acidic soil led to a decrease in the toxicity of the leachate, but it was only in MSW compost-amended soils that ecotoxicity was no longer detected.  相似文献   

为了探讨堆肥过程中添加无机成分制作有机无机复合肥的可行性,利用有效容积为100 L的堆肥反应器,以鸡粪为主要堆肥原料,研究了添加化肥(尿素、过磷酸钙、硫酸钾)对堆肥过程主要指标的影响。结果表明,添加了无机成分的处理温度升高较快,高温期持续时间长,堆体温度下降较慢,含水量明显高于对照,堆肥结束时的含氮量为17.21 g kg-1,比对照高出1.66 g kg-1;有效磷的含量随时间而增加,由0.48 g kg-1升高到2.19 g kg-1;总的活菌数量与对照相比差异显著。根据有机肥国家标准NY525-2002的规定以及堆肥的各项指标测定结果得出,化学肥料的添加不影响堆肥质量,并且能显著提高堆肥的总养分,但是对堆肥内源微生物活性存在一定影响。  相似文献   

为深入探讨坡面植被分布对产流产沙过程的影响,定量分析植被分布与坡面产流产沙的关系,通过人工降雨试验,在15°坡面条件下,对不同植被覆盖度(40%,60%)、不同降雨强度(30,60,90 mm/h)和不同植被分布位置(相对距离为0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0)条件下的坡面产流产沙进行观测,分析不同植被分布条件下的水土保持作用,提出了不同覆盖度下控制水土流失的植被优化配置。结果表明:(1)在一定坡度和降雨强度条件下,不同植被分布条件下坡面产流率和产沙率均表现为先迅速增加后趋于稳定的变化趋势;(2)坡面平均产流率和产沙率随着相对距离的增加表现出先减小后增大的趋势,植被相对距离为0.2的坡面的平均产流率在不同实验条件下均为最小;(3)通过随机森林算法发现,降雨强度和植被覆盖度对产流具有重要影响,降雨强度和植被相对距离对产沙具有重要影响;(4)当植被覆盖度为40%时,以减少径流和泥沙为主要目标的最优化植被相对位置分别为0~0.36,0~0.31;当植被覆盖度为60%时,以减少径流和泥沙为主要目标的最优化植被相对位置分别为0~0.43,0~0.22。表明坡面植被分布对产流产沙有重要的影响,在相同植被覆盖度条件下,草带的相对距离越小,对减少径流和泥沙的作用较好。研究成果可为生态恢复过程中植被的优化配置提供理论依据和数据支撑。  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to characterize colloids extracted from composts and their potential retention in soils. Compost made of sludge and green wastes was sampled (i) during the fermentation phase and (ii) after maturation. The same kind of compost was used in a long-term field experiment at Feucherolles (France), near Paris where amended and nonamended soils were sampled. The colloidal fraction was extracted from composts in water at room temperature (20°C) and compared to the colloidal fraction extracted from the soil. Composts were also extracted by pressurized hot liquid water at 50, 125 and 175°C. The total organic carbon of the extracts was measured and the particle size distribution (PSD) of colloidal extracts was analyzed by laser granulometry. The diameters of the colloids extracted from the soil ranged between 0.040 and 0.300 μm, independently of the temperature. For composts, it varied from 0.040 to 3.200 μm when extraction was done at 20°C, while at higher temperatures, much more organic matter was extracted, and colloid diameters ranged from 0.040 μm to 0.200 μm. The water-soluble C decreased and the size of colloids recovered in water at temperatures below 50°C increased when compost maturity increased. The adsorption on soils of colloidal particles extracted from composts was characterized. The largest adsorption (up to 30% of the initial soluble C) occurred with the extracts recovered at high temperature, in relation to the more hydrophobic properties of the colloids extracted with hot water maintained in subcritical conditions. After adsorption, the particle size distribution in the colloidal fraction extracted at 20°C moved towards finer fractions; by contrast, the colloidal fraction extracted at 175°C moved towards coarser fractions. The coarsest colloids coming from the soil disappeared during the adsorption experiment, probably because of the coprecipitation with the finest colloids coming from compost.  相似文献   

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