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Tropical acid soils are highly weathered as they exist under tropical environment with high rainfall and temperature throughout the year, which affects nitrogen availability. Soil organic nitrogen is important in estimating soil nitrogen availability. The combined use of urea and compost in this study was carried out to decrease sole dependence on urea, buffer soil acidification, and reduce nitrogen losses through leaching. Thus, soil buffering capacity, incubation, and organic nitrogen fractionation studies were conducted to determine soil buffering capacity, availability of total nitrogen, organic fractions nitrogen, and inorganic nitrogen in soil after 90 days of incubation following compost. Soil pH, buffering capacity, total nitrogen, organic nitrogen fractions, exchangeable ammonium, and available nitrate were higher in all treatments with compost and combined use of urea and compost. Total hydrolyzable nitrogen, ammonium-nitrogen, (ammonium + amino sugar)-nitrogen, amino sugar-nitrogen, and amino acid-nitrogen were higher in soils with urea and compost suggesting that decomposition of soil organic fractions nitrogen into inorganic nitrogen (ammonium and available nitrate was affected by the addition of urea and compost. Urea can be amended with compost to regulate availability nitrogen in soil for crop use.  相似文献   

High yield agricultural systems, such as high tunnel (HT) vegetable production, require a large supply of soil nutrients, especially nitrogen (N). Compost is a common amendment used by HT growers both to supply nutrients and to improve physical and biological soil properties. We examined commercially-available composts and their effects on soil N, plant N uptake, and tomato yield in HT cultivation. In addition, a laboratory study examined N and carbon (C) mineralization from the composts, and the usefulness of compost properties as predictors of compost N mineralization was assessed under field and laboratory conditions. The field study used a randomized complete block design with four replications to compare four compost treatments (all added at the rate of 300 kg total N ha?1) with unamended soil and an inorganic N treatment (110 kg N ha?1). Tomatoes were grown in Monmouth, Maine during the summers of 2013 and 2014. Compost NO3?-N and NH4+-N application rates were significantly correlated with soil NO3?-N and NH4+-N concentrations throughout the growing season. Marketable yield was positively correlated with compost total inorganic N and NO3?-N in both years, and with NH4+-N in 2014. There were no significant differences among composts in percentage of organic N mineralized and no correlations were observed with any measured compost property. In the laboratory study, all compost-amended soils had relatively high rates of CO2 release for the initial few days and then the rates declined. The compost-amended soils mineralized 4%–6% of the compost organic N. This study suggested compost inorganic N content controls N availability to plants in the first year after compost application.  相似文献   

Windrow composting of green waste as an alternative to green waste disposal in landfills requires an understanding of the impacts on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the development of effective and efficient management strategies to reduce these emissions. The addition of food waste to green waste compost operations is becoming more common, but its effect on GHG emissions is less understood. As more food waste diversion occurs as a result of recent implementation of climate smart policies in California, more information is needed to address the sustainability of composting different combinations of waste types. We monitored GHG emissions from compost windrows comprised of green waste alone and a green/food waste mixture (green waste : food waste = 9:1, by wet weight) at the University of California, Davis Student Farm in 2016 using a modified, open, flow-through chamber technique. When comparing total emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4), the green/food waste mixture produced 110?kg CO2 eq./ton DM (dry matter, std error = 12.2), which were slightly lower than emissions produced by the green waste alone (152?kg CO2 eq./ton DM, std error = 15.9). Methane was a large contributor to global warming potential (GWP) of both composting treatments, suggesting that management practices that optimize porosity and air flow in compost piles are promising in reducing emissions from both green waste and green/food waste mixtures.  相似文献   

Seafood processing generates a substantial volume of wastes. This study examined the feasibility of converting the fish waste into useful fertilizer by composting. Groundfish waste and chitin sludge generated from the production of chitin were composted with red alder or a mixture of western hemlock and Douglas-fir sawdust to produce four composts: alder with groundfish waste (AGF); hemlock/fir with groundfish waste (HGF); alder with chitin sludge (ACS); and hemlock/fir with chitin sludge (HCS). The resulting AGF had a higher total N and a lower C:N ratio than the other three composts. A large portion of the total N in the AGF, HGF, and HCS composts was in inorganic forms (NH4+-N and NO3?-N), as opposed to only two percent in the ACS compost. Alder sawdust is more quickly decomposed, which favored N retention and limited nitrification during the composting period. It was less favorable than the hemlock/Douglas fir sawdust for composting with chitin sludge. Corn growth on soil amended with compost was dependent upon both compost type and rate. Nitrogen and P availabilities in all composts except the ACS were high and compost addition enhanced corn yields, tissue N and P concentrations, and N and P up-take. Neither the total N concentration nor the C:N ratio of the composts was an effective measure of compost N availability in the soil. Because soil inorganic N test levels correlated well with the corn biomass, tissue N and N uptake, they should be an effective measure of the overall compost effects on soil N availability and corn growth response. Phosphorus concentration, which increased linearly with increasing compost rates, was related to soil P availability from compost additions and correlated well with corn biomass, tissue P concentration and P uptake under uniform treatments of N and K fertilizers. Composting groundfish waste with alder or hemlock/Douglas-fir sawdust can produce composts with sufficient amounts of available N and P to promote plant growth and is considered to be a viable approach for recycling and utilizing groundfish waste.  相似文献   


The objective of this paper was to evaluate the influence of different rates of biosolids on the soil nitrogen (N) availability for maize and its residuality. A field experiment was developed in a typic Argiudol located in the NE of the Buenos Aires Province. Maize was sown for two consecutive years 1997–1999. Biosolids from a sewage treatment plant of Buenos Aires outskirts were superficially applied to the soil and incorporated by plowing. There were eight treatments: Check; 8, 16, and 24 Mg of dry biosolid ha?1; 8 and 16 Mg of dry biosolid ha?1 applied one year before, 100 and 150 kg N ha?1 of calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN). The sampling and determinations were done during the second maize cycle. At presowing (PS), sowing (S), 6 expanded leaves (V6), 12 expanded leaves (V12), and Flowering (Fl) composite soil samples from 0–40 cm depth were obtained to determine ammonium and nitrate contents. At Fl maize plants were sampled in order to determine total biomass and N content. The N‐nitrate content in the soil was significantly increased by the biosolids application (p < 0.05), and varied for each increment depending on the biosolids rates and the phenological stage. After 30 days from the incorporation the increases of 1.19, 1.34, and 2.05% were observed for N‐nitrates for 8, 16, and 24 Mg ha?1, respectively. The contribution of mineral N from the biosolids was 2.48, 6.46, and 5.01 kg N Mg?1 when the rates were incremented from 0–8, 8–16, and 16–24 Mg ha?1, respectively. The nitrogen mineralization followed a release pattern with a maximum value of 296 kg N‐nitrate ha?1 at sowing for 24 Mg ha?1. Since then, the release of mineral nitrogen decreased significantly till Fl. The N‐nitrates values variation with the temperature adjusted to polinomic functions. The mineral N released from the biosolids increased as a response to the increment of soil temperature and then decreased due to the maize nitrogen absorption and the potentially mineralized nitrogen exhaustion. The application of 150 kg N ha?1 as CAN incremented significantly the soil N‐nitrate content and equalized 16 and 24 Mg of dry biosolids ha?1 at V6. But, no synchronism between the high nitrate releasing from biosolids and the increment in the nitrogen absorption by maize was observed. This fact generates a surplus of nitrate that incremented the potential of nitrogen loss by lixiviation. We observed a residual effect from the biosolids that were applied the previous year. This contribution represented the 35% of the maize requirements and was similar to the nitrate content observed in Bio 16. The biosolids might be a valuable source of nitrogen for maize crop if the synchronism between the soil supply and maize demand is observed in order to avoid nitrates surplus.  相似文献   

畜禽粪便堆肥养分释放及其合理施用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王岩  山本克己 《土壤通报》2003,34(6):521-524
本文采用室内培养法和田间埋设玻璃滤纸包法研究了粉状畜禽粪便堆肥和颗粒堆肥的养分释放。结果表明,粉状堆肥经颗粒化处理后,养分释放速度变缓,适合在生长期较长的农作物上施用。在一个生长季中牛粪、猪粪和鸡粪颗粒堆肥N素释放率分别为30~35%,35%~45%和45~55%,但其中60~80%的N素释放主要集中在施用后的前二个月内。  相似文献   

Shuman  L. M.  Dudka  S.  Das  K. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2001,128(1-2):1-11
Compost can be used to remediate metal-contaminatedsites because it binds metals and reduces metal uptakeby plants. A greenhouse experiment was conducted totest the effectiveness of compost to remediate Zntoxicity to plants and to determine its effect on zinc(Zn) distribution among operationally defined forms. Cecil soil (Typic kanhapludults) was amendedwith 0 to 5000 mg kg-1 Zn and biosolid compost at0, 100, and 300 tons ha-1, and then corn (Zea mays L.) was planted. After 42 days of growthplants were weighed and analyzed for Zn concentration. Soil was analyzed for Mehlich 1-extractable Zn andfractionated by a sequential extraction procedure forforms of Zn. Compost lowered soil pH while increasingCEC, exchangeable hydrogen and percent carbon. Concentrations of Mehlich 1-extractable Zn weredecreased by compost addition. Compost additionsdecreased plant Zn concentration and allowed moreplant survival with toxic levels of soil Zn. Compostamendment redistributed Zn from the water soluble andexchangeable fractions to the manganese oxide andamorphous iron oxide fractions, which shows a changein form of Zn from more plant available to less plantavailable. Biosolid compost soil amendments decreaseplant availability of Zn making it less toxic toplants even where it decreases soil pH, which wouldtend to have the opposite effect.  相似文献   


Food waste, waste paper and different topsoils were composted in different experiments. The composts were characterised by high contents of N, P, S, Na and K in the food waste, of Mg in the soil, and of Ca in paper and soils. The nitrogen catching was between 50 and 70% of the input. The lowest amounts were caught in the composts with sandy soils, the highest in a clay soil with high ignition loss.  相似文献   

The presence of pesticides in compost is of interest because of possible health, production and ecological risks. The presence of over 50 pesticides was assessed in raw yard waste, milled yard waste, and a finished compost (yard waste:biosolids) at a commercial compost facility in Florida. These pesticides were comprised of 38 herbicides, eight insecticides and two fungicides. Of the pesticides monitored for in this study, only atrazine, 4,4-DDE, alpha chlordane, gamma chlordane, and endosulfan I were detected, and were only present in raw yard wastes.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of food waste compost (FW) on soil microbial population and growth, fruit yield, and quality of tomato grown in a greenhouse compared to no fertilizer (CK), chemical fertilizer (CF), decomposed chicken manure (CM), pig manure (PM), horse manure (HM), and bull manure (BM). Results show that FW treatment had the greatest numbers of bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes in soils and shoot biomass, fruit diameter, and fruit yield of tomato, and it increased fruit yield by 12.6, 28.5, 31.0, and 40.0% when compared to HM, CF, CM, and CK, respectively. The FW treatment also improved fruit quality, with the contents of vitamin C, soluble sugar, and organic acid and the sugar/acid ratio of 22.8 mg 100 g?1, 3.84%, 0.50%, and 7.73, respectively. Thus food waste compost can be as an alternative to chemical fertilizer and other animal manures in vegetable cultivation.  相似文献   

为了满足日益增长的垃圾处理发展的需要,解决城市生活垃圾产生与消纳、处理之间的矛盾,以北京市南宫堆肥厂垃圾堆肥工艺和密闭隧道发酵仓为研究对象,以马家楼转运站筛分出的15-80mm粒径垃圾作为堆肥原料,以14d高温隧道发酵(不倒仓不破碎)→21d后熟化发酵→21d最终熟化发酵工艺为对照,以8d高温隧道发酵(不倒仓不破碎)→12d后熟化发酵→12d最终熟化发酵工艺为处理1,8d高温隧道发酵(第3d倒仓破碎1次)→12d后熟化发酵→12d最终熟化发酵工艺为处理2。通过不同发酵阶段采样和各类指标的测定,探求缩短堆肥发酵周期后倒仓破碎工艺对于生活垃圾堆肥腐熟度的影响。结果表明,处理1产品的腐熟度较差,处理2与对照处理的堆肥产品腐熟度差异不明显。将高温隧道发酵时间由14d缩短为8d,并且第3d倒仓破碎1次,后熟化与最终熟化时间分别由21d缩短为12d,可以在保证堆肥产品品质的基础上显著提高堆肥效率,使南宫堆肥厂的垃圾处理能力得到大幅提高,该成果为南宫堆肥工艺优化的实施和改进及其推广应用提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

For 3 years, different types of growing media were evaluated in nursery-produced tomatoes (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill. cv “Atletico”). Five mixtures of substrates were used: old peat (65%) + white peat (30%) + perlite (5%), old peat (65%) + MSW compost (30%) + perlite (5%), MSW compost (65%) + white peat (30%) + perlite (5%), MSW compost (95%) + perlite (5%) and MSW compost (50%) + cocofiber (50%). Various seedling indices were measured in order to assess the quality of the nursery-produced plant. The quality of the MSW compost used (pH, salinity, organic matter) bore a strong influence on results. Electrical conductivity (EC) values of the MSW compost of over 9 dSm?1 produced poorer quality tomato seedlings in the mixture of substrates with peat. The use of MSW compost as the only substrate and the mixture of MSW compost with cocofiber had a lower growth index and poorer performance than the standard peat mixture. However, growth and development of the tomato seedlings in the mixture: old peat (65%) + MSW compost (30%) + perlite (5%) were similar to that obtained with the standard mixture: old peat (65%) + white peat (30%) + perlite (5%).  相似文献   


A better understanding of nitrogen (N) availability to crops remains an essential key for a productive and safe production system. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of anionic exchange membranes (AEMs) as part of a soil‐testing procedure to predict in situ soil NO3‐N availability for forage and corn produced in eastern Canada. The AEMs were buried in the surface horizon (0–15 cm) at four experimental sites for forage and at one site for corn. Treatments consisted of five NH4NO3 rates (0, 60, 120, 180, and 240 kg N ha?1) in forage and of six anhydrous ammonia (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, and 250 kg N ha?1) in corn production. In all sites, NO3 ? adsorbed on AEMs (NO3AEMs) increased significantly with N fertilizer rates, indicating the ability of the AEMs to detect differences between N fertilizer treatments and to predict the soil N availability to crops. The NO3AEMs fluxes were significantly related to soil NO3‐N concentration as extracted by water or KCl (0.66≤R2≤0.95). Significant relationships between crop N uptake and NO3AEMs were obtained (0.52≤R2≤0.94), suggesting that AEMs can be used as an index of soil N availability. Results indicated that AEMs provide a reasonably accurate evaluation of N availability to forage and corn. Because of their low cost, simplicity, and consistency over years, soils, and crops, AEMs could be efficiently used in soil N availability analysis.  相似文献   


Municipal waste compost can improve the fertility status of tropical soils. The redistribution of iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) in tropical soils after amendment with solid municipal waste compost was investigated. Four tropical agricultural soils from Mali characterized by poor trace‐element status were amended with compost and incubated for 32 weeks at 35°C. The soil were analyzed at the beginning and the end of the incubation experiment for readily available fractions, organic fractions, and residual fractions as operationally defined by sequential extraction. Readily available Fe increased significantly with compost application in most soils. Readily available Mn was mostly unaffected by compost application. After 32 weeks, readily available Zn had increased, and readily available Cu had decreased. Readily available levels of the elements remained greater than deficiency levels in the compost‐amended soils. Organic fractions of the elements increased after compost addition. The organic fractions and residual forms, depending on the element and the soil, remained constant or increased within the duration of the experiment.  相似文献   

A glasshouse incubation experiment was conducted to study the carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) mineralization of municipal solid waste compost (MSWC) added at differential rates to a laterite soil where cassava has been continuously cultivated for the past 10 years. The rate of C mineralization from added substrates increased with increasing rates of addition of MSWC. Available N significantly increased with increase in the rate of application of MSWC. There was a decreasing trend in E465/E665 ratio of humic acid as we increased the rate of application of MSWC from 2.5 to 20 t ha?1. The Cross Polarization Magic Angle Spinning (CPMAS) 13C NMR spectral analysis revealed that there are differences in the rate of humification of added MSWC, and application of MSWC at 15 t ha?1 resulted in least humification with the greatest alkyl C, lowest aromatic C, and greater O-alkyl C content. The decomposition rate (R) was found to be greater for this treatment. The residual C in soil was found to increase over time coincident with greater rates of MSWC application, indicating increased C stabilization, which could improve soil quality.  相似文献   

Inappropriate utilization of biosolids may adversely impact agrosystem productivity. This article addresses the response of H. vulgare and P. monspeliensis to different doses (0, 100, and 150 t ha?1) of municipal solid waste (MSW) compost in a greenhouse pot experiment. Plant growth, heavy-metal uptake, gas exchange, and photosynthetic pigment concentrations and photosynthesis parameters were considered. Results showed that compost supply significantly increased shoot and root dry weights of both species, and this was positively correlated with nutrient uptake. Chlorophyll and carotenoid contents were positively influenced, especially in H. vulgare at rate of 100 t ha?1. Furthermore, MSW compost application increased net photosynthetic rate (A), stomatal conductance (Gs), and water-use efficiency (WUE) in both species. Alternatively, MSW compost amendment increased plant heavy-metal contents but levels remained lower than phytotoxic thresholds. This preliminary study suggests that a MSW supply at moderate doses (100 t ha?1) could be highly beneficial for plant productivity on saline soils.  相似文献   

[目的]研究长期免耕和秸秆覆盖对轮作系统土壤质量的影响规律和机制。[方法]比较分析了10a传统耕作、免耕、传统耕作+秸秆覆盖和免耕+秸秆覆盖的玉米—冬小麦—大豆轮作系统0—200cm内土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷含量及其生态化学计量比变化。[结果]长期免耕提高土壤表层C和N的含量,仅秸秆覆盖对C和N含量的影响不大;长期保护性耕作对土壤P含量没有显著影响;保护性耕作使N和P最低含量均出现在20—30cm,而传统耕作则在30—60cm土层最低;土壤C/N,C/P和N/P均普遍低于10a前,C/P和N/P的变化量随土层深度增加均呈现出先降低后增高的趋势。[结论]10a保护性耕作对C,N,P的影响均不明显,但4种耕作模式下,土壤C/N,C/P和N/P均普遍低于10a前。  相似文献   

长期秸秆还田与施氮后土壤活性碳、氮的变化   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
通过长期定位试验,研究了秸秆还田和施氮后小麦生育期内土壤微生物量碳、氮(MBC、MBN)及可溶性有机碳(DOC)的变化,以期为关中麦玉轮作区土壤肥力的提升以及农业的可持续发展提供科学依据。采用裂区设计,主处理为玉米秸秆全量还田(S+N)和秸秆不还田(N),副处理为3个不同施氮水平(0,168,252kg/hm~2)共6个处理。结果表明:土壤MBC从小麦分蘖期至越冬期降低,此后至拔节期升高且达到峰值,拔节期至成熟期降低。各处理土壤DOC从分蘖期至拔节期增加,拔节期达到峰值,此后至成熟期降低;而土壤MBN的动态变化在整个生育期呈现降低的趋势。秸秆还田处理的土壤MBC和DOC显著高于秸秆不还田处理,平均分别提高6.7%和9.3%;秸秆还田后土壤MBN均高于秸秆不还田处理,且在越冬期、拔节期和成熟期达显著水平;各处理的土壤MBC和MBN随着施氮量的增加而显著降低,还田处理的土壤DOC随施氮量的增加而显著增加,平均增加11.8%;而秸秆不还田各处理中土壤DOC含量表现出先增高后降低的趋势。可见,秸秆还田有提高土壤活性有机碳氮的作用,而过量施用氮肥对活性碳氮的提高有抑制作用。因此,关中平原麦玉轮作区实行秸秆还田配合施用适量氮肥是提高土壤肥力水平、实现农业可持续发展的有效措施。  相似文献   

The risks related to municipal solid waste compost application in comparison to farmyard manure and mineral fertilizers on durum wheat were investigated on a short‐term experiment. Compost was applied at 40 t ha?1 and 80 t ha?1 with or without chemical fertilizers. Analogously, farmyard manure was applied at 40 t ha?1. Both compost and farmyard manure improved plant growth and nutrient uptake. However, compost amendment showed more effectiveness, especially at 80 t ha?1. Alternatively, this dose of compost involved an increase of plant copper, cadmium, and zinc concentrations in plant tissues. Metal accumulation did not thwart the enhancement of wheat yield. Furthermore, grain translocation factor reached 1 only in the case of copper; however, it showed a significant decrease following compost application (ranged between 0.57 and 0.69). Bioconcentration factor showed a significant decrease with municipal solid waste compost supply, constituting an internal detoxification mechanism.  相似文献   

Land application of municipal solid waste (MSW) compost increases soil organic matter content and influences soil physical properties. This study was conducted to measure the effect of compost on the water holding capacity of soil and water status in corn (Zea mays L.) from 1993 to 1995. The soil was a Hubbard loamy sand (sandy, mixed, Udorthentic Haploboroll) cropped to irrigated corn at the Sand Plain Research Farm at Becker, MN. Compost treatments on dry weight basis were 0 and 90 Mg ha?1 yr?1 from 1993 to 1995, and a one time application at 270 Mg ha?1 in 1993. The soil moisture retention curves were generated in 1994 and corn leaf water potential and soil bulk density were measured each growing season. Based on water retention curves, the addition of compost increased the water holding capacity of soil without significant increase in the estimated available water. This was contradicted by field measurements which showed that compared to a fertilized control one compost source at the 270 Mg ha?1 rate in the year of application increased plant water stress by 0.22 MPa, likely due to salt loading. In the year after the application of the 270 Mg ha?1, two compost sources increased soil water content and corn yield 0.14 cm3 cm?3 and 0.9 Mg ha?1 respectively. The yield increase was also associated with a reduction in plant water stress of 0.14 MPa due to one of the compost sources.  相似文献   

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