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Assessment of compost maturity is important for successful use of composts in agricultural and horticultural production. We assessed the “maturity” of four different sawdust-based composts. We composted sawdust with either cannery waste (CW), duck manure (DM), dairy (heifer) manure (HM) or potato culls (PC) for approximately one year. Windrows were turned weekly for the first 60 days of composting, covered for four winter months and then turned monthly for six more months. We measured compost microbial respiration (CO2 loss), total C and N, C:N ratio, water soluble NO3-N and NH4-N, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), pH and electrical conductivity at selected dates over 370 days. Compost effects on ryegrass biomass and N uptake were evaluated in a greenhouse study. We related compost variables to ryegrass growth and N uptake using regression analysis. All composts maintained high respiration rates during the first 60 days of composting. Ammonium-N concentrations declined within the first 60 days of composting, while NO3-N concentrations did not increase until 200+ days. After 250+ days, DM and PC composts produced significantly more ryegrass biomass than either CW or HM composts. Total C, microbial respiration and water-extractable NO3-N were good predictors of compost stability/maturity, or compost resistance to change, while dissolved organic carbon, C:N ratio and EC were not. The compost NO3-N/CO2-C ratio was calculated as a parameter reflecting the increase in net N mineralization and the decrease in respiration rate. At ratio values >8 mg NO3-N/mg CO2-C/day, ryegrass growth and N uptake were at their maximum for three of the four composts, suggesting the ratio has potential as a useful index of compost maturity.  相似文献   

Improved predictive relationships between compost maturity and nitrogen (N) availability are needed. A total of 13 compost samples were collected from a single windrow over a 91 d period. Compost stability and maturity were assessed using both standard chemical analyses (total C and N, mineral N, total volatile solids) and other methods (CO2 evolution, commercial maturity kits, and neutral detergent fiber, and lignin). Compost N and carbon (C) were evaluated during a 130 d aerobic incubation in a sandy loam soil after each compost was applied at 200 mg total kg?1 soil. The effect of compost maturity on plant growth was evaluated by growing two ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) crops and one barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) crop in succession in compost-amended soil under greenhouse conditions. Potential phytotoxicity from compost was assessed by growing tomato (Lypersicum esculentum L.) seedlings in compost-amended soil. Regression and correlation analyses were used to evaluate the relationship between compost maturity parameters, the rate and extent of net N and C mineralization, plant yield and N uptake, and phytotoxicity. Commonly used maturity parameters like total C, total N, and C:N ratio were poorly correlated with the rate and extent of mineralization, and with plant growth parameters. The N mineralization rate during the first 48 d of aerobic incubation was strongly correlated (r= ?0.82 to ?0.86) to compost fiber and lignin concentration, and to the Maturity Index (r=0.85). Trends in C mineralization were similar. There were few differences in C mineralization between composts after 48 d of aerobic incubation in soil. Ryegrass harvested 35 and 70 d after compost application was not strongly affected by compost maturity, and relatively immature composts were phytotoxic to tomato seedlings. Methods of characterizing compost maturity and stability that more realistically reflect the composting process are better predictors of N release and potential plant inhibition after incorporation into soil.  相似文献   

A stable compost is needed in plant growth media. However, when compost is land applied, its effect is through the initiation and acceleration of microbial processes leading to the production of soil stabilizing agents.

It was proposed that there is an optimum degree of maturity of compost used for land application, a degree characterized by the reduction of the labile organic matter to a point when the material is relatively stable yet is still active enough to support an increased microbial activity in the soil.

The effect of composting time on the efficiency of municipal solid waste compost (MSWC) to improve soil structural properties, evaluated through laboratory indexes, is presented in this work. MSWC was sampled immediately following 24 hours precomposting in a Dano drum. Samples were taken throughout 60 days of windrow composting. The compost samples were mixed with a structure-impaired loess soil and incubated aerobically for 21 days. Hydraulic conductivity and residual turbidity, a measure of microaggregate stability, were measured in solutions of two SAR levels, five and 20. Compost application had a positive effect on these soil structural properties. The optimal activity was obtained for the compost sampled following seven to 14 days of windrow composting. Polysaccharide concentrations also followed a similar optimum curve. The peak concentration was found following 14 to 30 days old compost application.

The determination of the optimal maturity of composted municipal solid wastes is essential toward an efficient utilization of the compost, toward satisfaction of environmental constraints and for a cost-efficient operation of composting plants. The present preliminary study calls for more research in this field.  相似文献   

A small-pile demonstration study was conducted to evaluate the possibility of composting cranberry leaves on commercial cranberry farms in Southeastern Massachusetts. The recipe ratios tested were: 20:0:0 (cranberry leaves only), 10:10:2, and 10:10:1 (leaves:horse manure and bedding:fish hydrolysate). Both mixed recipes generated thermophilic temperatures (between 43-66°C for at least 20 d), conditions known to destroy many plant pathogens and weed seeds. Analysis of leaf samples indicated that all three recipes were more acidic than most other types of compost (values below pH 6). Nitrogen levels were at or below the low-end (0.45-0.75% N) of the typical level seen with most compost (1% N). The final C:N ratios (22:1 to 38:1) were within the acceptable range for many uses. The mixed piles attained thermophilic temperatures for sufficient duration to prevent germination of the seven species of weeds tested. Leaf residue levels for eight common cranberry pesticides were also determined. The insecticide, chlorpyrifos, and the metabolite of the herbicide dichlobenil, BAM (2,6-dichlorobenzamide), were detected at levels below food tolerance and slightly above the food tolerance threshold, respectively. These levels were within a range that would allow the pursuit of commercial development of the compost since ingestion is not an anticipated end-product use. The data from this preliminary demonstration study would suggest that the composted product would be acceptable for use on-farm as well as for distribution to other off-farm sites, but additional replicated research studies are warranted.  相似文献   

Chemical changes in extractable lipids from four mixtures of farmyard manures were investigated during the composting process. Lipid extractions with diethyl ether (DEE) and chloroform (CHCl3) were sequentially performed on samples collected at seven different times during composting. Amounts of DEE-extractable lipids decreased continuously during composting, while CHCl3-extractable lipids remained relatively constant. 13C NMR and mass spectrometric data indicated that the lipids became chemically more homogeneous during composting and that biologically resistant molecules predominated at the end of composting.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. As vermicomposts promote germination, growth, and improved plant yield, they have been promoted as a viable alternative to peat as container media components for the horticultural industry. The aim of this article was to compare the effects of two vermicomposts of animal origin, VCD, and of vegetable origin, VGF, as well as a cotton gin compost (CC), on a commercial peat-based (P) substrate on the growth of tomato seedlings (Lycopersicum esculentum cv. Momotaro) under greenhouse conditions. The results showed that the VCD treatment had the highest values of tomato seedling height, stem diameter, number of leaves per seedling, and total dry matter, followed by VGF, CC, and P treatments. These results support previous studies showing that both vermicomposts and compost can be used with very good results as alternative growth media to peat-based substrates. Nevertheless, the greatest plant growth values were obtained when applying the VCD and VGF vermicomposts followed by CC and P, possibly due to the higher mineral element contents of VCD, followed by VGF, CC, and P, respectively.  相似文献   

Quantity and quality of readily degradable carbon influences the composting process especially for compost mixture high in lignocellulotic material. Effects of carbon source on stability and maturity of compost from in-vessel systems are poorly understood. Research was conducted to investigate the effects of carbon composition of feedstock on the evolution of stability indices and reliability of maturity tests for accelerated vessel composting systems. Rice straw, sugarcane bagasse, and coffee hulls were composted in a modified rotary in-vessel composter amended with either cattle or sheep manure. Distinct evolution patterns were observed across carbon sources for temperature, with the sugarcane compost never attaining thermophilic temperatures. Time to peak temperature and return to ambient were significantly different between the rice and coffee compost. Comparatively, organic matter degradation followed a similar pattern for all carbon sources, although rice straw showed the faster degradative rate and coffee hulls the greatest overall loss. Both pH and electrical conductivity were inappropriate stability indices across carbon sources, while the NH4+/NO3? ratio was lower than the threshold from week 1. The Solvita® maturity test was the best suited quality indicator and was related to compost respiration. The rice compost at week 12 was the only mature compost with an index value of 7. However, the coffee compost was in the curing stage with a value of 6. In vitro phytotoxicity assays on hot pepper contrasted the Sovita® interpretation for rice compost, which showed the lowest germination index. All compost had a stimulatory effect on cucumber seeds. In vivo seeding assays corroborated in vitro results with rice compost showing the greatest negative effect, augmented at 100% compost inclusion. Carbon source significantly influenced compost stability and maturity indices, which suggests that greater attention should be directed to quality indices in relation to feedstock composition.  相似文献   

The cocomposting of agricultural waste is a new management priority in Tunisia. In this study, four composts were evaluated by comparing the changes in measured hydrophysical and physicochemical properties and phytotoxicity. The organic wastes used were almond shell (AS), sesame bark (SB), olive husk (OH), and green and wood wastes (GW and WW, respectively). Composts CI and CII were composed of AS/SB and OH/SB, respectively, at a ratio of 75/25 (wet weight basis). CIII consisted of OH, SB and CAS (coarsely-ground almond shell used as a bulking agent) at a ratio of 55/25/20. Finally, CIV was composed of 25%SB+9%CAS+18%GW+48%WW. The composts studied were characterized by basic pH and an electric conductivity (EC) value ranging from 1.6 to 2.4 mS/cm. The organic matter contents (OM) and C/N ratios of composts ranged from 20 to 46% and from 10 to 21%, respectively. Based on hydrophysical analyses, composts CI, CIII and CIV, containing AS, were shown to have a porosity and a water content of 10-26% and 10-20%, respectively. The phytotoxicity of composts was studied on the basis of cress seed germination. Results revealed that differences in properties are mainly related to the nature of composted waste and that some of these composts are compatible for use as constituents in growing media for horticultural soilless cultures.  相似文献   

通过纸床培养,研究在不同浸种时间下,不同浓度的10nmTiO2悬浮液对油菜种子发芽及幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:浸泡时间为2h的各指标表现最显著,最适合作为纳米TiO2对油菜种子发芽和幼苗生长影响的浸种时间。浸种2h纳米TiO2的发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数抑制率与纳米TiO2浓度呈显著正相关,与浓度的对数作线性回归得出,IC20分别为1907、619.0、1039mg·L-1;总长、芽长、根长、总重、芽重、根重的激活率与纳米TiO2的浓度呈显著正相关,通过线性回归方程得出总长、芽长、根长、总重、根重的EC20分别为99.77、404.5、55.46、6918、2187mg·L-1。对各指标影响的敏感性大小为:发芽率〉发芽指数〉发芽势,根长〉芽长。因此,油菜发芽率与根长可以作为评价纳米TiO2生态毒性效应的较敏感指标。  相似文献   

张掖市辣椒连作障碍逐年加重,根系分泌物自毒作用是引起辣椒连作障碍的一个重要因素。为克服辣椒连作障碍,以陇椒2号为试材,研究了辣椒根系分泌物对其种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,不同浓度的辣椒根系分泌物浸提液对辣椒种子萌发和幼苗生长均有一定的抑制作用,根系分泌物浸提液浓度为100 g/kg时对辣椒的生长抑制作用较弱,使辣椒种子的发芽率降低25.66个百分点,使辣椒幼苗的光合速率、蒸腾速率分别下降了0.97、0.25 μmol/(m·s);根系分泌物浸提液浓度为300 g/kg时对辣椒生长的抑制作用最强,使辣椒种子发芽率降低53.33个百分点,使辣椒幼苗的光合速率、蒸腾速率分别降低了3.19、1.35 μmol/(m·s)。可见,根系分泌物对辣椒的抑制作用与其浓度成正比关系。  相似文献   

This work is aimed at characterizing compost maturity and, organic matter transformation during this process, by the use of nondestructive spectroscopic and thermal techniques, together with some chemical analysis. Composting was conducted in a laboratory over a period of one year using the organic fraction of domestic wastes, fresh farmyard manure, spent coffee and sawdust as the raw materials. Samples were retired after different periods of composting and were analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy as well as by routine chemical parameters including temperature, pH, C/N, ash content and humic-like substances content. Results showed that in case of domestic wastes, spent coffee and farmyard manure, the C/N ratios, ash and humic acid content showed a typical high rate of change during the first 197 days of composting and tended to stabilize thereafter, probably as a result of the maturity of the produced composts. In contrast, sawdust underwent only a very limited transformation even after one year of composting. Thermoanalytical and spectroscopic data confirms these finding and gives useful and complementary information with respect to the structure, the heterogeneity and the relative stability of the compost products. In particular, as the decomposition proceeded, there was an increase in aromatic to aliphatic structure ratio and a decrease in the importance of peptide structures of composts. Besides, both the spectroscopic and the thermal behavior of compost samples, retired beyond 197 days of composting, tended to be regular, less dependent on the raw material and close to that characterizing mature composts, with the exception of sawdust samples. We concluded that the spectroscopic and thermal techniques used are complementary to one another and to chemical tests and could be a powerful and fast approach for the study of compost maturity.  相似文献   

Co-composting of urban wastes (UWs) and plant residues with rock phosphate (RP) produces quality compost and reduces the use of chemical phosphorus fertilizer. Biochemical process of three compost piles (P): P1- 50% UW + 30% rice straw (RS) + 10% sawdust (SD) + 8% RP + 2% sugarcane trash (ST), P2- 50% UW + 23% RS + 10% SD + 15% mustard oil cake + 2% ST, and P3- 95% UW + 5% RP was studied. Decomposition rate followed first-order kinetics and maximum (77%) was in P3. The highest bacterial population was found in P2 having higher cumulative CO2 evolution (53.76 mg CO2 g?1 volume solid). Prevalence of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria was 2.0 to 6.3 Log10 Cfu g?1 dry weight and concentrated in RP-amended piles. Humic acid of compost was classified as rotteprudukte. Final pH (7.5 to 8.0) and germination index (>90) proved that the compost was mature. P3 compost (1 t ha?1, fresh weight) had potential to supply 25 kg phosphorus.  相似文献   

Slickspot peppergrass (Lepidium papilliferum) is an herbaceous biennal or possibly perennial “rare” endemic plant of the southwestern Idaho high desert listed as a threatened species. This plant establishes perennial seed banks, with seeds remaining dormant and viable for several years. This study aimed to enhance the germination and early growth of this plant by adopting a new medium, a nutrient-enriched agar solution, also added with humic acid (HA) and water-extractable organic matter (WEOM) fractions isolated from a green compost (GC) and a mixed compost (MC). The germination percentage of slickspot peppergrass in this new medium was much greater than that obtained in previous studies. Further, the addition of GC-HA in the medium enhanced significantly the germination and early growth of this plant. The addition of GC-WEOM and MC-WEOM were beneficial only on plant growth for at least 7 months.  相似文献   

Cd对油菜种子发芽与幼苗生长的生态毒性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过水培实验研究了Cd胁迫下,油菜种子发芽及幼苗生长状况。结果表明:Cd胁迫下,发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数以5 mg L-1Cd浓度为阈值呈现低促高抑现象,发芽指数与Cd浓度曲线相关性好于发芽率和发芽势;活力指数、总长、芽长、根长、总重、芽重、根重表现为单抑现象。Cd对根生长抑制作用大于芽,逐步回归发现,Cd主要通过抑制根生长达到对幼苗生长抑制。种子电解质外渗率和根细胞有丝分裂指数分别与Cd浓度成极显著相关,相关系数分别为0.603**和-0.571**。因子分析发现,根长较其它指标对Cd敏感,可用于Cd污染的监测指标。  相似文献   

铝胁迫对黑麦草种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以多花黑麦草为试材,通过水培试验,研究铝浓度对黑麦草种子萌发及其幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:(1)10~50 mg/L铝浓度对黑麦草种子发芽指数和发芽率无显著影响(p〉0.05),而铝浓度介于100~500 mg/L时,与对照相比,黑麦草种子发芽指数和发芽率显著降低(p〈0.05);(2)铝浓度介于10~500 mg/L时,显著抑制黑麦草幼苗株高及其根的生长(p〈0.05),且随着铝浓度的增加抑制作用越强,当铝浓度介于100~500 mg/L时,黑麦草根系停止生长;(3)铝浓度显著影响了黑麦草的质膜透性,与对照相比,10 mg/L铝浓度显著降低了其质膜透性(p〈0.05);而50~500 mg/L铝浓度则使黑麦草质膜透性显著增加(p〈0.05)。  相似文献   

以中性溶液(pH=7.0)为对照,研究了pH值为1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0和6.0模拟酸雨对小麦种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,小麦种子萌发和幼苗生长各指标随着pH值的降低而降低,弱酸(pH5.0~6.0)条件下小麦种子能够正常萌发和生长,种子萌发和幼苗生长各指标与对照没有显著差异(P > 0.05);在pH低于5.0时,小麦种子萌发和幼苗生长严重受阻,种子萌发和幼苗生长各指标均显著低于对照(P < 0.05);pH为1.0时,小麦种子则完全失去活性;不同pH值模拟酸雨胁迫对小麦幼苗生理指标影响较大,叶绿素含量、类胡萝卜素含量、保护酶(SOD,POD,CAT)和非保护酶(PPO,PAL)活性随酸性的增强呈降低趋势,而相对电导率和丙二醛(MDA)含量呈上升趋势。综合分析认为,小麦幼苗生长比种子萌发对模拟酸雨的响应更为敏感。  相似文献   

采用三种植物生长调节剂GA3、IBA和6-BA不同浓度按正交设计方法,搭配处理组合,对降香黄檀种子进行处理,通过对种子发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数指标的测定,研究不同浓度的植物生长调节剂对珍贵用材树种降香黄檀种子萌发的影响。结果表明:3种植物生长调节剂浸种对降香黄檀种子萌发以6-BA的促进效果较好,GA3次之,而IBA对降香黄檀种子的发芽促进作用不明显,以处理组合6-BA50mg/L6h为最优,显著提高种子的萌发率。  相似文献   

Composts of municipal solid waste in a commercial scale facility were assayed for enzymatic activities over time. The main enzymes assayed in this study were alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, endo-cellulase, glucosidase, and lipase (C10). The biomass was measured by using lipid phosphate as a measure of the amount of cellular membranes, and metabolism was measured by the amount of 14C-acetate incorporated into the lipid phosphate pool. All tests followed steady trends which show promise for use as possible stability and maturity indicators. Cellulase activity appears to be a good indicator of stability. The lipase activity appears to be a good indicator of compost maturity. A simple test strip (Api-Zyme from Api Analytab Products, Plainview, New York) was also used and compared to the standard enzyme assay methods. Api-Zyme and standard methods gave comparable results. The use of specific enzymatic activities presents an inexpensive and fast method, which may be combined with others, to predict a composts' stability and possible maturity status based on microbial activity.  相似文献   

采用实验室光照培养箱培养方法,对铀溶液胁迫下大豆和玉米种子的萌发、幼苗的早期生长和幼苗中的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性的变化进行了研究。结果表明,根长较其他指标对铀生态毒性试验更为敏感。与对照相比,在铀浓度为100~1000μmol·L-1的铀溶液胁迫下,大豆种子的萌发率不受影响,芽长受到抑制作用,低浓度的铀溶液对大豆根长有促进作用,高浓度的铀溶液抑制主根生长、但促进生根率,大豆的芽重、根重与对照相比均无显著性差异;胁迫不影响玉米种子的萌发率,但抑制其萌发势、生根势和生根率,低浓度的铀溶液对玉米的根长和根重有促进作用。大豆SOD活性在低浓度时被促进,高浓度时被抑制,POD活性在铀浓度为100μmol·L-1的铀溶液胁迫下即被抑制,且作用随铀浓度的升高而加强;玉米SOD、POD活性先升高后降低,但均高于对照。表明玉米抗铀胁迫的能力强于大豆。  相似文献   

Liners of angelonia ‘Pink’ (Angelonia angustifolia Benth.), shooting star (Pseuderanthemum laxiflorum), coreopsis ‘Early Sunrise’ (Coreopsis grandiflorum Hogg ex Sweet.), and scutellaria ‘Purple Fountains’ (Scutellaria costaricana H. Wendl.) were transplanted into containers filled with, by volume, 1) 100% compost; 2) 60% compost, 25% vermiculite, 15% perlite; 3) 30% compost, 30% sphagnum peat, 25% vermiculite, 15% perlite; 4) 0% compost, 60% sphagnum peat, 25% vermiculite, 15% perlite. Two compost products were evaluated: SW, a 1:1 by volume mixture of partially composted seaweed and partially composted yard trimmings and SYT, a 1:1 by weight mixture of biosolids compost and yard trimmings compost. There was no difference in angelonia shoot dry mass among the different percentages of SW compost but angelonia plants grown in 0 and 30% SYT had greater shoot dry mass than plants grown in 60 or 100% SYT. Shoot dry mass of shooting star plants increased as the percentage of SYT compost increased from 0 to 30 % and then decreased while shoot dry mass of plants grown in SW compost decreased as the percentage of compost increased. There was no difference in coreopsis shoot dry mass or scutellaria shoot dry mass between the two compost products and there also was no difference in shoot dry mass among the different percentages of either compost product.  相似文献   

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