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土壤养分空间变异及合理取样数研究   总被引:46,自引:3,他引:46  
土壤养分存在明显的空间差异,田间土壤养分合理取样数取决于养分要素自身空间变异程度和人们对数据精度的要求。若空间变异大、精度要求高则需要较多采样数,反之需较少样点数。计算结果表明,极大多数养分要素的合理取样数较实际取样数有较大幅度减少,意味着可大幅降低采样及分析成本。据统计学空间自相关和半方差函数方法研究结果,养分要素存在一定的空间自相关性,但不同方向上的自相关性有明显差异,独立间距也因养分要素而异。研究结果可为精准农业土壤养分样点密度设定、养分要素等值线绘制及精准施肥提供支持。  相似文献   

县域农田土壤养分空间变异及合理样点数确定   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
以武功县为例,应用地统计学和GIS相结合的方法,对土壤有机质、速效磷、速效钾、碱解氮等土壤养分空间变异特征进行研究,并对不同采样密度下有机质的空间插值结果进行分析比较,用均方根误差和相关系数检验不同密度下的插值精度,以确定县域有机质合理采样数。研究结果表明:各土壤养分均存在中等强度空间变异,土壤养分变异系数的顺序是速效磷速效钾有机质碱解氮。各土壤养分均存在正的基底效应,其中,有机质和速效钾的空间变异性受人为因素影响较小,控制其空间变异性的主要因素与成土母质、土壤类型、气候条件等有关。而碱解氮和速效磷的空间变异性受人为因素影响较大,控制其空间变异性的主要因素与耕作方式及农业生产中施肥等有关。随着采样点密度的增加,克里格插值精度提高,适当减少样点数可以满足插值分析的需要,充分考虑土壤养分空间变异评价的精度分析,确定县域土壤有机质合理采样数应控制在2213个以上,即最大以17.8 hm2为一个采样单元。  相似文献   

Data from an extensive survey of composts produced from biogenic waste were analyzed. Average heavy metals contents can be classified as low. Due to their valuable characteristics to crops and soils, the composts can be utilized in all facets of plant production. However, the addition of biocompost as a mixing component of substratum production might be limited by increased salt contents. It is recommended that standardized methods be developed for the separate collection and processing methods of biocompost to minimize the introduction and content of organic trace contaminants in composts.  相似文献   

畜禽粪便堆肥养分释放及其合理施用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王岩  山本克己 《土壤通报》2003,34(6):521-524
本文采用室内培养法和田间埋设玻璃滤纸包法研究了粉状畜禽粪便堆肥和颗粒堆肥的养分释放。结果表明,粉状堆肥经颗粒化处理后,养分释放速度变缓,适合在生长期较长的农作物上施用。在一个生长季中牛粪、猪粪和鸡粪颗粒堆肥N素释放率分别为30~35%,35%~45%和45~55%,但其中60~80%的N素释放主要集中在施用后的前二个月内。  相似文献   

Sandy soils, typical of Australia's west, either have little or no habitat protection for microbes including arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, which are essential for nutrient cycling. To minimize this problem, the application of organic matter, such as humus-rich composts, is necessary during vegetable crop production. This study aimed at determining the effects of humus-rich composts on either indigenous or inoculated AM fungal colonisation in roots, lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. Quechua) growth, and soil fertility improvement. Four different humus-rich composts with varying humus contents were applied at the same standard rate to lettuce grown under glasshouse conditions for 10 weeks after sowing and compared with two low-humus composts and non-amended soil (control). Humus-rich composts significantly increased lettuce shoot growth, root growth, and AM fungal colonisation in roots. Humus contents in the composts were also correlated with lettuce shoot and root growth. Soil dissolved organic carbon, microbial biomass carbon, and fertility were increased with the application of humus-rich composts. These humus-rich composts, especially the compost of higher humic acid with and without AM inoculation, might have a significant role in sustainable vegetable production, for example lettuce growth. Overall, the results indicate that supplementation with humus-rich compost is highly beneficial to enhance soil fertility and potentially maintain the sustainability of vegetable production.  相似文献   

To diagnose sulfur (S) deficiency, methodologies based on soil sample analysis and simulation models have been used, all of which require determination of S availability. The objective was to evaluate the possibility of estimating sulfate concentration up to 60 cm deep, using values from soils 0–20 or 0–40 cm deep as predictive variables. A set of data from 22 fertilization experiments on winter and summer crops was used. For wheat, a close association (P < 0.0001) was determined between sulfate concentrations 0–20 and 0–60 cm deep (r2 = 0.88). When the sulfate concentration at 0–40 cm deep was used as predictive variable, the model r2 increased to 0.97. Similar results were obtained for summer crops (r2 = 0.68 and 0.94 for 0–20 and 0–40, respectively). The integration of all 22 experiments showed two linear models (P < 0.0001) to estimate sulfate concentration up to 60 cm deep (r2 = 0.79 and 0.95 for 0–20 and 0–40, respectively). These results help to simplify soil sampling and would enable more use of S diagnostic methods by producers.  相似文献   

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution - Field measurements were conducted using one to three sheets of a poly-tetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane resistance-type passive sampler (N type sampler) and...  相似文献   

Organic white cabbage response to the application of a source-separated municipal organic-waste compost, lime, and Gafsa phosphate was investigated throughout a randomized block pot experiment under greenhouse conditions. Cabbage yield and nitrogen (N) uptake increased with all fertilizes; however, lime and phosphate effects on cabbage yield were enhanced when the compost was not applied. Phosphate application partially replaced the need for lime, showing that liming has to be estimated based on soil acidity but also on soil P availability and phosphate recommendation. Partitioning of N, phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and calcium (Ca) between leaves and roots was held for the benefit of the leaves, but to a lesser extent for P and Ca, compared to for N and K. This study shows the importance of P availability to improve cabbage growth and recommends source-separated organic waste compost to increase soil N availability for organic cabbage.  相似文献   

Alternate technologies of compost manufactured from poultry litter (manure) were studied as a means of producing a value-added product for the landscape and nursery industry. Static pile and turned windrow technologies were investigated on a commercial scale with the composting of nearly 300 tons of material. The major difference between the technologies is the amount of energy and labor required. Static pile systems require less energy but more time than windrow turned systems. There was no process advantage found for passively aerated static piles over static piles but costs of passive aeration for pipes and labor were higher than for static piles. Machine turned windrows completed active temperature production within 100 days while portions of both the static and passively aerated piles continued to actively compost past 300 days. Process operational costs and compost quality were similar among the compost methods studied. Production operational cost is driven by the cost of compost ingredients and accounted for 60 to 70% of the cost in the pilot study. Ingredients were poultry litter, wood chips and sawdust. Screened compost was produced at an operational cost of $30 while unscreened compost could be produced for $20 per ton of compost. A production scheme where poultry litter is static pile composted on farms for later transport to regional processing centers appears feasible. This two-part composting procedure will eliminate the transport of raw litter and improve poultry biosecurity. Most likely, a private compost business would provide the expertise, on-farm compost procedures and operate the regional facility.  相似文献   

Piling Dried Distillers's Grains with Solubles (DDGS) using gravity discharge is common in the corn‐ethanol industry. This study investigated the occurrence of particle segregation within piles of DDGS formed by gravity discharge and subsequent spatial nutrient variability. Particle segregation tests were performed in a laboratory study where piles of DDGS were formed using samples collected from two fuel ethanol plants (an “old” and a “new” generation plant), and a plant study performed on piles of DDGS formed at the same two fuel ethanol plants. In both the laboratory and plant studies, the piles were formed by gravity‐driven discharge and sampled at various categorized sections from the center of the pile to the periphery. Our results gave similar conclusions to a prior bench‐scale study and confirmed that particle segregation does result in significant differences in particle size at the sampled locations of the pile. Particle size expressed as the geometric mean diameter (dgw) increased from the core of the pile to the periphery. Of all the nutrient composition tested, only crude protein and moisture correlated with particle size. While the correlation of crude protein with particle size was not consistent and clearly discernible in all the piles sampled in both the bench‐scale and plant studies, the correlation of particle size with moisture showed a strong positive correlation. Based on these findings, we recommend the development of a standard sampling protocol following good sampling practices for bulk granular solids.  相似文献   

Internal soil standards are used in an analytical laboratory as one of the tools for providing feedback on the quality of soil-testing service provided. The objective of this study is to provide results on the temporal variability in soil-test values of the internal soil standards used for soil organic carbon and extractable phosphorus (P), potassium, sulfur, boron, and zinc determination in our analytical service laboratory. The range, mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation values for the internal standards for various fertility parameters varied according to the parameter and were generally of acceptable quality, except for the extractable P (Olsen P) in the lower range of extractable P. Our results show that the use of internal soil standards in an analytical service laboratory is a simple, inexpensive, and effective tool for providing feedback on the quality of soil-testing service.  相似文献   

From 1993 to 2001, a maize-vegetable-wheat rotation was compared using either 1) composts, 2) manure, or 3) synthetic fertilizer for nitrogen nutrient input. From 1993 to 1998, red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) were used as an annual winter legume cover crop prior to maize production. From 1999 to 2001, hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth.) served as the legume green manure nitrogen (N) source for maize. In this rotation, wheat depended entirely on residual N that remained in the soil after maize and vegetable (pepper and potato) production. Vegetables received either compost, manure, or fertilizer N inputs. Raw dairy manure stimulated the highest overall maize yields of 7,395 kg/ha (approximately 140 bushels per acre). This exceeded the Berks County mean yield of about 107 bushels per acre from 1994 to 2001. When hairy vetch replaced clover as the winter green manure cover crop, maize yields rose in three of the four treatments (approximately 500-1,300 kg/ha, or 10-24 bu/a). Hairy vetch cover cropping also resulted in a 9-25 % increase in wheat yields in the compost treatments compared to clover cover cropping. Hairy vetch cover crops increased both maize and wheat grain protein contents about 16 to 20% compared to the clover cover crop. Compost was superior to conventional synthetic fertilizer and raw dairy manure in 1) building soil nutrient levels, 2) providing residual nutrient support to wheat production, and 3) reducing nutrient losses to ground and surface waters. After 9 years, soil carbon (C) and soil N remained unchanged or declined slightly in the synthetic fertilizer treatment, but increased with use of compost amendments by 16-27% for C and by 13-16% for N. However, with hairy vetch cover crops, N leaching increased 4 times when compared to clover cover crops. September was the highest month for nitrate leaching, combining high rainfall with a lack of active cash crop or cover crop growth to use residual N. Broiler litter leaf compost (BLLC) showed the lowest nitrate leaching of all the nutrient amendments tested (P= 0.05).  相似文献   

In a four year survey, two control methods of nitrogen (N) supply in strawberry were combined. It was found that Nmin analysis could be used as a measurement of control from the beginning of the season, indicating the need of additional N supply. Leaf dry matter analysis, taken during beginning of flowering, could be used as an indicator thus making it possible to make corrections within the season, if needed. This study clearly showed variation in nutrient values among years and cultivars, whereas differences among plants of different age were not significant. It was concluded that the use of Nmin and leaf dry matter analyses combined might make corrections in nitrogen fertilization within the same year possible, and a new standard for leaf nutrient content, based on samples taken during beginning of flowering, was suggested.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted during 2008 and 2009 at the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur, India, to study the effect of organic sources of nutrient on yield, nutrient uptake, fertility status of soil, and quality of stevia crop in the western Himalayan region. The experiment comprised eight different combinations of organic manure [farmyard manure (FYM), vermicompost (VC), and apple pomace manure (AP)]. Total leaf dry biomass increased by 149% over the control with application of VC 1.5 t ha?1 + AP 5 t ha?1. Application of organic manures enhanced organic carbon and available nutrient status of soil more than the control. Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) content in stem were significantly affected by the application of organic manures over the control. Stevia plants supplied with FYM 10 t ha?1 + AP 2.5 t ha?1 recorded more total glycoside than other treatments. Stevioside yield (kg ha?1) was greater with application of FYM 10 t ha?1 + AP 2.5 t ha?1.  相似文献   

非饱和水分运动参数空间变异的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
田块尺度土壤特性的空间变异性对水分与溶质运移具有明显的影响。该研究在野外30m×30m面积、土壤类型为砂壤土的田块的100个空间点上,分别利用张力计和取土样室内测定的方法测定了30cm土层深处土壤水张力、土壤容重ρ、饱和含水率θs,与初始含水率θi,同时利用圭尔夫仪,测定了该田块同样深度108个空间点上的饱和水力传导度Ks与孔隙大小分布参数α。利用经典统计分析与地质统计分析方法分析上述参数的空间变异特征,研究结果表明:ρ,θis,Ks和容水度C遵从正态分布,而α具有对数正态分布;Ks,α和C具有较大的空间变异性,而ρ和θs的空间变异性则较小;Ks和logα是空间统计相关的;土壤水张力的空间变异具有时不变特征,且土壤水张力方差是其均值的二次函数  相似文献   

Washington State University produces a manure-based compost of high pH (>8) and low N content (1 percent) by windrow composting campus wastes. Annual production at the four-acre facility is 18-20,000 cubic yards. In the interest of producing compost of higher N content and lower pH, ten experimental piles were constructed to investigate the effects of different feedstocks on the composting process, end quality and agronomic performance. Biosolids and manure were compared at two rates of bedding both with and without coal ash. Compost temperature and inorganic N content during 96 days of active composting are reported along with end product nutrient analysis and metal concentration. The composts behaved differently based on the N feedstock and level of bedding in the mix. Compost quality was influenced by the characteristics of the feedstocks. Applying the composts to an eroded hilltop (50 Mg/ha) increased winter wheat yield, but there were no differences among the ten composts.  相似文献   

Nowadays the main task of scientists is to find natural ways of improving plant productivity that lead to environmentally friendly agriculture. Biofertilizers have a great potential to achieve this aim but unfortunately there is little information about their application in grape growing in Hungary. For this reason, a foliar nutrition experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of two biofertilizers (an algae product and a biostimulator, containing amino acids) on yield, leaf nutrient concentration, and quality parameters of Blaufrankish grape variety. The study was conducted in 2012 at Noszvaj in northeastern Hungary in a 24-year-old grapevine plantation on cv. Blaufrankish. Treatments (application time and doses) were adjusted to the phenological phases of grapevine. Effect of treatments was monitored by soil and leaf analysis, grape quality measurements, and field observations. Treatments increased the yield but did not affect the fruit quality compared to the control. The applied products significantly increased the bunch weight and the size of berries. Applied biofertilizers had no effect on leaf nutrient concentration. According to our field observations, it seemed that treated vines had larger and greener leaves.  相似文献   

Treatment combinations of four poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) cultivars, 20 substrates, and three fertigation treatments were evaluated in a completely randomized block design. Poinsettia cultivars included ‘V-14 Glory’, ‘Red Sails’, ‘Lilo Pink’, and ‘Annette Hegg Top White’. The compost substrates were compost:peat:perlite blended (by vol.) at 2:3:3, 1:1:1, and 2:1:1 ratios. Sunshine Mix 1 and Pro Gro 300S were used as controls. Composts tested were those prepared from crab offal, lime and polymer-dewatered biosolids, municipal solid waste (MSW), yard waste, and poultry litter. Fertigation treatments were initiated on the week of potting, delayed one or two week after potting and applied once per week. Controls produced premium quality plants. Composts prepared from poultry litter, yard waste, polymer-dewatered biosolids, crab offal, and MSW produced good quality plants. Plant width in 25 percent compost treatments were greater than those in 50 percent compost treatments. Total number of branches, plant height, canopy diameter, and plant grade on plants treated with fertilizer on the first week were only three percent greater than in treatments where fertilizer application was delayed one or two weeks.  相似文献   

A comparative study was run during 13 months on two biowaste definitions involving both lab tests and field surveys. A narrow biowaste definition, allowing only biogenic wastes (kitchen and garden waste) and referred to as ‘Biowaste,’ was compared to a broad biowaste definition, referred to as ‘Biowaste Plus’ and including man-made products, such as nonrecyclable wastepaper and diapers. Two similar test areas, each with about 425 inhabitants, were defined in a semiurban area north of Antwerp. During the entire test period, the amount of curbside waste (i.e., biowaste and restwaste or ‘grey waste’), was continuously measured and analyzed regularly (twice per season) for composition. At the start, middle and end of the test, the population of each test area was surveyed. Bench-scale aerobic composting experiments were run to evaluate the influence of both biowaste definitions on the composting process and the compost end product.

The introduction of source separated waste collection resulted in an overall landfill diversion rate of 43 percent for the (narrow) ‘Biowaste’ definition and 46 percent for the (broad) ‘Biowaste Plus’ definition. The contamination of biowaste with restwaste was low for both definitions (about three percent). Assuming that the collection and the appropriate disposal of organics could be improved to 95 percent efficiency (compared to about 60 percent currently), the landfill diversion rate could be increased to 59 percent for the ‘Biowaste’ and 74 percent for the ‘Biowaste Plus’ definition. Whereas the average sorting efficiency of separately collected organics was about 61 percent; 49 percent for nonrecyclable paper; and as low as 20 percent for certain categories of nonrecyclable paper (e.g., nonrecyclable cardboard packages). Apparently more education or a better systém of recognition and identification is needed to improve the collection efficiency of man-made compostables. Indeed, for easily recognizable products such as diapers, the sorting efficiency was as high as 70 percent.

The acceptance and goodwill of the population was significantly higher for the ‘Biowaste Plus’ definition, especially in the summer months. The yearly, overall composition of the total curbside waste (biowaste and restwaste combined) was 17 percent kitchen organics, 47 percent yard waste, four percent recyclable paper, 13 percent nonrecyclable paper and 19 percent noncompostables. It must be mentioned that glass, paper and large yard waste were collected separately by a voluntary bring-system. Biowaste Plus typically contained 16.0 percent paper (of which 2.9 percent was recyclable) versus 2.0 percent for Biowaste (0.3 percent recyclable).

The ‘Biowaste Plus’ definition resulted in improvements for the aerobic composting process due to easier moisture control, better aeration and a more tempered pH evolution. A significant difference was seen for NH3 and corresponding odor emission, both being much lower with ‘Biowaste Plus.’ The quality of the compost produced was similar and acceptable for both biowaste definitions, according to existing standards (VLACO in Flanders and RAL in Germany).  相似文献   

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