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不同母质发育旱地土壤反硝化功能差异及其关键影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农田土壤反硝化作用强度具有较高的空间异质性,不同类型土壤反硝化作用活性的影响机制可能存在差异。本研究通过大规模样带调查,系统采集了3种不同母质发育的旱地农田土壤,对比分析了土壤反硝化能力的差异及其与土壤环境因子的关系。结果发现:土壤反硝化势在3个类型土壤间有显著差异,其中河流冲积物发育的潮土(AS)反硝化势(以单位时间单位质量土壤的N2O释放量表示)显著高于其他两个类型土壤22.22~579.09μg/(kg·h),平均高达213.34μg/(kg·h),黑土(BS)的反硝化势平均为136.38μg/(kg·h),略高于第四纪红色黏土发育的红壤(QRCS)(96.17μg/(kg·h)),但两者无显著差异。相关性分析表明,土壤pH与反硝化势极显著正相关,说明在本研究所测定的土壤性质中,pH可能是影响不同类型土壤反硝化势差异的关键因素,另外,有机质含量对3个类型土壤反硝化势也有一定影响。同一母质发育的土壤,反硝化能力在不同采样地点也存在差异,而且调控不同类型土壤内部反硝化势的关键土壤环境因素不尽相同,其中对第四纪红色黏土发育的红壤、潮土和黑土影响最为显著的因素分别为土壤有机质、pH和黏粒含量。  相似文献   

The fate of 15N-labeled potassium nitrate (8.5% 15N excess) was determined in 3-year-old Valencia orange trees grown in 1-m3 containers filled with different textured soils (sandy and loamy). The trees were fertilized either in spring (24 March) or summer (24 July). Spring fertilized trees gave higher fruit yields in sandy than in loamy soils, which exceeded summer fertilized trees in both cases. Summer fertilized trees had greater leaf biomass than spring fertilized trees. Fibrous root weight was 1.9-fold higher in sandy than in loamy soil. At the end of the cycle, tree N recovery from spring application was 45.7% for sandy and 37.7% for loamy soil; from summer fertilization, N recovery was 58.9% and 51.5% for sandy and loamy soils, respectively. The 15N recovered in the inorganic soil fraction (0?C90?cm) was higher for loamy (1.3%) than for sandy soil (0.4%). Fertilizer N immobilized in the organic matter was lower in sandy (2.5%) than in loamy soil (6.0%). Potential nitrate leaching from fertilizer (15NO 3 ? ?CN in the 90?C110-cm soil layer plus 15NO 3 ? ?CN in drainage water) was 34.8% higher in sandy than in loamy soil. The low N levels in sandy soil resulted from both higher NO 3 ? ?CN leaching losses and higher N uptake of plants grown in the former. The great root mass and higher soil temperatures could account for raised plant N uptake in sandy soil and in summer, respectively.  相似文献   

畜禽粪便复混肥研制及其肥效初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用猪粪、鸡粪及其垫料进行了高温堆肥化及有机一无机复混肥的研制和应用效果的初步试验。结果表明,堆肥化温度升至55℃以上保持了一周时间,达到了无害化要求;经过100d的堆制,堆肥基本腐熟。腐熟堆肥与化肥配制的有机一无机复混肥可明显促进玉米株高和生物量的增加,与对照相比,施用复混肥的玉米株高和生物量在中肥力土壤上分别增加了11.4%和71.8%,在低肥力土壤上分别增加了8.9%和43.2%;复混肥对水稻的生长促进作用非常明显,与对照相比,施用复混肥水稻的株高、分蘖数和生物量在中肥力土壤上分别增加了15.4%、58.5%和78.3%,在低肥力土壤上分别增加了29.4%、104.5%和247%。即在低肥力土壤上的促进作用高于中肥力土壤。  相似文献   

本文通过室内模拟和化学方法研究了广东几种不同母质发育的水稻土的钾素的固定与释放特性。结果表明,砂页岩、珠江三角洲沉积物、石灰岩和玄武岩发育的水稻土的固钾量均随钾加入量的增加而增大,但花岗岩发育的水稻土却相反;砂页岩、花岗岩和玄武岩发育的水稻土的固钾量在淹水时最高,而沉积物和石灰岩发育的水稻土则在恒湿时最高;沉积物发育的水稻土的非交换性钾累计释放量和平均释放速率显著高于其它母质发育的水稻土;施钾肥对非交换性钾释放的影响因土壤所含粘土矿物类型而异。  相似文献   

广东不同母质水稻土供钾特性的评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
应用生物耗竭法并结合模拟试验综合评价了广东5种主要母质发育水稻土的供钾特性。研究结果表明:(1)2mol/L冷HNO3法提取的有效钾与水稻吸钾量间的相关性最好,建议用2mol/L冷HNO3法提取的钾来评价土壤的供钾状况。(2)1mol/L沸HNO3法提取的非交换性钾含量在耗竭后高于耗竭前的水平,与水稻吸钾量相关性很小或呈负相关,不适宜用来评价耗竭土壤。(3)广东5种主要母质发育的水稻土供钾能力大小顺序为:三角洲沉积物发育水稻土>花岗岩发育水稻土>砂页岩发育水稻土>石灰岩发育水稻土>玄武岩发育水稻土。该试验结果可供水稻合理施用钾肥作参考。  相似文献   

广东省不同母质发育土壤颗粒分布的分形维数特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采集广东省主要成土母质(玄武岩、砂页岩、第四纪红土和花岗岩)发育的林地、耕地和园地土壤剖面各发生层土壤,测定了土壤颗粒组成、有机质、CEC等理化性质,探讨了不同母质发育土壤颗粒分布的分形维数特征及其与土壤理化性质的关系。结果表明,玄武岩、第四纪红土、花岗岩和砂页岩发育土壤分形维数变幅分别为2.923 9~2.981 2,2.858 8~2.937 7,2.769 3~2.923 1和2.544 6~2.885 6;玄武岩和第四纪红土发育土壤颗粒分布分形维数与砂页岩发育土壤存在显著差异。土壤颗粒分布的分形维数随土壤深度增加呈增大的趋势,相同母质发育土壤的深层土壤颗粒分布的分形维数接近一致。玄武岩和第四纪红土发育土壤颗粒分布的分形维数在不同深度土壤之间变幅较小,砂页岩和花岗岩发育土壤变幅较大。土壤颗粒分布的分形维数与砂粒含量呈极显负相关,与黏粒含量呈极显著正相关,与土壤全磷、速效钾、全铁、CEC、有机质、全氮、碱解氮呈极显著或显著正相关;土壤颗粒分布的分形维数可以作为表征土壤肥力状况指标。  相似文献   

Mineral Composition and Weathering of Soils Derived from Xiashu Loess   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mineralogical, physical and chemical analyses of the soils derived from Xiashu loess were carried out. The primary minerals of these soils were found to be mainly composed of light minerals, such as quartz, feldspar and mica, with traces of heavy minerals. Clay minerals, more complicate in composition, were dominated by hydromica, accompanied by smectite, vermiculite, chlorite, kaolinite, 2:1/1:1 randomly interstratified minerals and small amounts of quartz, goethite, lepidocrocite and hematite, Clay minerals were characterized by low crystallinity and fine particle size. In light of the quartz/feldspars ratio of the 0.01-0.05mm silt fraction, and the clay mineral composition, the freeness of iron oxide, and the silica/sesquioxide and silica/alumina ratios in < 0.002mm clay fraction, it is concluded that the weathering intensity of these soils was lower than those of red soil and yellow earth, but higher than that of brown earth, and that the soil allitization, depotassication and hydroxylation of cl  相似文献   

武陵秦巴山区不同母质植烟土壤抗酸化性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为探究武陵秦巴山区烟田土壤的抗酸化性能及其影响因素,分别采集区域典型母质发育黄棕壤和黄壤,比较不同母质发育土壤的酸缓冲容量差异,结合模拟酸化实验对不同土壤的潜在酸化风险进行了初步评估。结果表明,土壤初始pH和母质类型均显著影响土壤酸缓冲容量大小。除硅质岩发育黄棕壤外,酸性土壤的酸缓冲容量较相同母质发育的中性土壤低22%~81%。在中性土壤中,碳酸盐类母质发育黄棕壤和黄壤含有较多碳酸盐,酸缓冲容量分别较硅质岩类母质发育黄棕壤和黄壤高44%和16%。酸性黄棕壤和黄壤则呈相反趋势。模拟酸化结果表明,酸缓冲容量较高的土壤,在外源酸输入时,土壤pH下降较为缓慢,土壤溶液铝和交换性铝增幅相对较小,潜在酸化风险较低。12种供试土壤中,泥质岩发育的酸性黄棕壤酸缓冲容量最低,仅为11.79 mmol·pH-1·kg-1,对外源酸极度敏感,潜在酸化风险最高。在武陵秦巴山区不同母质发育土壤中,需重点关注泥质岩发育黄棕壤酸度的变化,并采取有效措施增强其抗酸化性能,降低土壤酸化风险。  相似文献   

Fate of N from Green Manures and Ammonium Sulfate   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
By means of ^15N tracer technique the fate of N in ammonium sulfate,milk vetch,sesbania and azolla,and the availability of their residual N were studied in a microplot experiment.Results showed that a) at the end of the first crop of early rice,both plant recovery and loss of N from ammonium sulfate were the highest whereas those from azolla were the lowest with those from milk vetch and sesbania in between;the sequence was reversed in terms of recovery of N in soil;the net residual N from ammonium sulfate was very low,about 1/7-1/4 of that from green manures,indicating that chemical N fertilizer contributes little to the soil N reserve;b) plant recovery of the residual N was low and it did not always decrease with time;the total plant recovery (from the second to the fifth crops) of the residual N from various test fertilizers was only 8-11% of the total N originally applied;c) the plant recovery of the residual N from ammonium sulfate was the highest,followed by those from milk vetch and sesbania,and that from azolla was the lowest,no matter in which cropping season (from the second to the fifth);N availability ratio showed the same trend,indicating that chemical N fertilizer helps renovate soil organic N,maintain and increase availability of soil N.  相似文献   

枸杞产业已成为青藏高原的优势产业,但存在氮肥利用率低、环境污染等问题。适当施用氮肥和硝化抑制剂是减少氮肥气态损失、提高氮肥利用率和降低温室气体排放的有效途径。为探讨枸杞栽培的适宜施肥方式,于2020年在柴达木盆地青海诺木洪农场,以11年生宁杞1号为试验材料开展田间试验,设置4个处理:N267、N133处理分别施用纯氮267、133 kg·hm-2,N267I1.33、N133I0.67处理分别在N267、N133处理施氮量的基础上配施硝化抑制剂—2-氯-6(三氯甲基)-吡啶(nitrapyrin)1.33、0.67 kg·hm-2,研究施氮量和2-氯-6(三氯甲基)-吡啶对施用的15N-尿素在枸杞-土壤系统去向的影响。结果表明,N267I1.33处理枸杞全株的干物质量、吸氮量和植株15  相似文献   


The fate of nitrogen (N) derived from soil incorporating 15N-labeled apple (Malus domestica) leaves and wood from pruning (hereafter referred to as “pruning wood”) was studied in an 8-month pot experiment. The net mineralization of N was measured as 15N recovery in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) that was allowed to grow in soils amended with residues < 2 mm in size (litter : soil ratio, w/w, 1:250 for leaves and 1:330 for wood). The immobilization of native soil N as a consequence of residue addition was measured by comparing the amount of total N taken up by ryegrass in residue-amended soil and in control soil. Net immobilization of soil N occurred during the first 2 months after litter addition and was especially high in the soil amended with leaf litter. During the period of soil N immobilization, the amount of soil microbial N was high in the soils treated with both types of residues, while that of mineral N was markedly reduced only in the leaf-litter-amended soil. Net N uptake from the control soil almost stopped after 3 months of plant growth, while ryegrass in the litter-amended soil continued to take up N, indicating a likely release of previously immobilized N. Net mineralization of the 15N from apple residues was slow during the first 2 months after their incorporation and then increased. In total, 6% (leaves) and 12% (wood) of the N added via residues underwent mineralization, while 67% (leaves) and 85% (wood) were found in the extractable soil N pool (humic and fulvic acids and non-humified fractions). The data indicated that, even if N was incorporated into the soil, apple leaves and pruning wood did not mineralize significant amounts of N in the short term. The evidence suggested that during the decomposition of both types of apple residues the N originally present was incorporated into the stable soil N pool.  相似文献   

水稻不同移栽密度的氮肥效应及氮素去向   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
利用15N示踪技术,研究不同移栽密度对水稻产量、氮肥吸收利用及其氮素去向的差异。结果表明,随移栽密度变大,水稻产量显著增加,穗粒数、结实率和千粒重降低,子粒与秸秆氮肥吸收量、肥料利用率及其残留量增加,而氮素损失降低。水稻所吸收的氮素约2/3来源于土壤氮,1/3来源于当季肥料施的氮。不同处理间,肥料利用率为16.69%~26.69%,氮肥残留率为17.12%~21.08%,有52.23%~66.19%的肥料损失。无论哪种密度下,肥料主要残留在0~20 cm土层中。密度为40 cm×40 cm时,0~20 cm土层氮素残留量高于50 cm×50 cm和30 cm×30 cm处理,为28.54 kg/hm2,占施肥量的12.97%;而在40~60 cm的土层的氮素残留量为7.34 kg/hm2,比50 cm×50 cm和30 cm×30 cm处理同层残留量降低了57.90~59.29%。  相似文献   

Biochar application to soil may impact soil nitrogen (N) dynamics, but the effects on N uptake and utilization by crop remain largely unknown, especially the effects of the rate of biochar application. To investigate the effects of biochar on soil 15N retention rate and 15N utilization efficiency (15NUE) by maize, a six-month 15N isotope tracer technique combined with in situ pot experiment was conducted in Mollisol. The experiment included four treatments: no biochar applied (CK) and biochar applied at the rates of 12 t ha−1 (P12), 24 t ha−1 (P24) and 48 t ha−1 soil (P48). Compared with CK, biochar application reduced soil bulk density and 15N loss rate, and significantly improved total N and 15N retention amount in the 0–30 cm soil depth. The P24 treatment had the largest increase in 15N retention rate throughout the 0–40 cm depth. After biochar application, the 15N uptake and 15NUE were significantly increased in the grain and leaf, which promoted grain yields. Contrary to this, the P48 treatment appeared to lower 15N uptake and 15NUE compared with P12 and P24. In conclusion, biochar application improves the potential of the soil to retain N and the improvement in 15N uptake and utilization are more pronounced in maize leaves and grain. Moreover, biochar application promotes 15N utilization in maize plant and improves maize yield. However, when biochar application rate is high (i.e. P48 treatment), the 15N retention by the soil and 15N utilization by the maize are reduced markedly compared with P12 and P24.  相似文献   

[目的] 为探究长期施用控释尿素对北方石灰性潮土土壤酸度、酸碱缓冲能力及肥力的影响。[方法] 基于自2008年开始的长期定位小麦玉米轮作施肥试验,设计掺混控释尿素和普通尿素2种氮肥类型及不施氮[N 0 kg/(hm2·a)]、常量[N 540 kg/(hm2·a)]和增量[N 810 kg/(hm2·a)]3个施氮水平,于2022年玉米季成熟期采集0—80 cm土层土壤样品,测定土壤酸碱缓冲容量、土壤碳酸钙含量与土壤养分。[结果] (1)控释尿素减缓了因施氮导致的土壤缓冲容量和pH下降,缓解了土壤酸化过程。常量掺混控释尿素、增量掺混控释尿素处理的缓冲容量分别较普通尿素处理常量普通尿素、增量普通尿素升高5.22%和11.17%,常量掺混控释尿素、增量掺混控释尿素处理的pH分别较常量普通尿素、增量普通尿素升高0.17和0.08个单位。(2)控释尿素提高了土壤阳离子交换量与交换性钙镁含量,提高了耕层土壤的活性碳酸钙含量,常量掺混控释尿素和增量掺混控释尿素处理活性碳酸钙含量分别较常量普通尿素和增量普通尿素处理升高52.08%和45.31%。同时,控释尿素减缓了土壤深层次土壤碳酸钙含量损失。(3)控释尿素提高了土壤全氮、有机质、硝态氮和铵态氮含量。[结论] 长期施用控释尿素缓解了因施用氮肥导致的土壤酸化,提高了土壤活性碳酸钙含量,提高了土壤肥力。  相似文献   

不同温度下施入尿素后土壤短期内pH的变化和氨气释放特性   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
在湖南3种土壤中施入尿素后,对土壤短期内pH变化和氨气挥发进行了研究,结果表明:在常温25℃下,3种土壤尿素水解速度次序为:冲积菜园土>红菜园土>茶园土;pH变化是先上升达到峰值,然后下降;氨气挥发趋势也是慢慢变大出现峰值,然后降低,在3种土壤中氨气挥发强度次序为:冲积菜园土>红菜园土>茶园土。冲积菜园土中,随着温度的升高尿素水解速度加快;pH升高幅度速度变大,峰值提前;氨气挥发强度变大,也是峰值提前。引起各处理差异的原因与土壤本身pH、CEC、有机质、尿酶活性以及外界条件—温度相关。  相似文献   

选取珠江三角洲平原滨海沉积物、三角洲沉积物和河流冲积物发育的不同种植年限的农田,挖掘土壤剖面,采集不同深度土壤样品,采用Tiessen et al连续提取方法测定土壤不同形态磷含量,探讨成土母质对土壤磷形态分布及有效性的影响。结果表明:3种母质土壤磷形态均以无机磷为主,其中河流冲积物土壤无机磷最高(91.8%);无机磷以浓HCl提取态最高(21.9%~34.9%),有机磷以Na OH提取态最高(3.5%~7.9%)。随着种植年限的增加,3种母质土壤中稀HCl提取态无机磷、浓HCl提取态有机磷占全磷比例和磷活化系数均呈下降趋势,残留态P占全磷比例呈上升趋势;3种母质土壤中Na HCO3、Na OH提取态磷占全磷比例和土壤磷活化系数在土壤表层较高,而稀HCl提取态无机磷和残留态P占全磷比例在土壤剖面底层较高。通径分析表明,Na HCO3提取态无机磷对土壤磷活化系数影响最大。不同母质土壤剖面磷形态具有分异规律,长期种植降低了土壤磷的有效性。  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas emissions from paddy soils respond differently to different combinations of crop root residues and N forms. An incubation experiment was carried out to explore the effect of four crop residues (milk vetch, ryegrass, winter wheat, and rape) and four nitrogen treatments (without fertilizer, urea, (NH4)2SO4, and KNO3) on CH4, CO2, and N2O emissions in a paddy soil. Except in KNO3 application treatments, CH4 emissions of milk vetch residue treatments were significantly higher than those of the rest residue treatments. In the presence of milk vetch and ryegrass residues, urea application significantly increased CH4 emissions in comparison to treatments without fertilizer. Urea significantly promoted CO2 emissions, whereas (NH4)2SO4 and KNO3 significantly inhibited CO2 emissions at all root residue treatments. Urea did not increase N2O emissions, but (NH4)2SO4 and KNO3 promoted N2O emissions at all residue treatments. In addition, KNO3 had more effects on the increase of N2O emissions than (NH4)2SO4 in milk vetch-amended soils. Urea addition had no effect on global warming potentials, and (NH4)2SO4 and KNO3 addition significantly increased global warming potentials at all residue treatments except KNO3 + winter wheat residue combination. Our results indicated that urea application had no additive effect on global warming when root residues were left in paddy soils, whereas (NH4)2SO4 and KNO3 application could increase the risk of global warming.  相似文献   


Continuous incorporation of green manure (GM) and rice straw residue (RSR) over a long period of time generally improved soil physico-chemical properties. To generate this information, laboratory studies were conducted during 2014 on the soil samples collected from an on-going long-term experiment on rice–wheat sequence in progress since 2001. The results of the study reported improvement in bulk density, water holding capacity, and total porosity with green manuring. The maximum organic carbon build up was recorded in manure @ 15 t ha?1 which was applied through GM. The application of fertilizers, GM and RSR incorporation improved the buildup of the available and total N, P, and K contents of surface soil. The data further indicated that the DTPA-extractable and total Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mn in soil increased significantly in all the fertilizer and manurial treatments over recommended practice. The integrated use of GM and RSR in combination with chemical fertilizers improved the soil fertility status, as well as its physical environment. To sustain the soil health of rice–wheat system in loamy sand soil, it is imperative to apply GM and RSR in combination with chemical fertilizers. Also the increase in DTPA-extractable and total Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mn may be attributed to chelating action of organic compounds released from manures applied in the form of GM and RSR under rice–wheat system.  相似文献   

海拔与岩性变异对石灰岩发育土壤黏土矿物组成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用X射线衍射法研究了中亚热带区海拔、岩性变异对石灰岩发育土壤黏土矿物组成的影响。结果表明:在海拔约2 000 m的重庆金佛山山顶区,灰黑色钙质页岩石灰岩发育的黑色石灰土,矿物组成复杂,除伊利石为主外,还有少量蛭石、绿泥石、高岭石和蒙脱石,有一定量的母质残留矿物(滑石和滑间皂石);由砂页岩和灰岩互层母质发育的山地黄棕壤,以蛭石为主,伊利石和高岭石其次,有三水铝石和弱结晶针铁矿。在金佛山中下部(600~1 200 m),石灰岩发育的黄色石灰土以蛭石或伊利石为主,有一定量的高岭石,普遍出现针铁矿。湖南怀化盆地海拔200多米,纯灰岩发育的红色石灰土为伊利石、蛭石和高岭石(含埃洛石)组合型,有结晶好的针铁矿和少量赤铁矿。海拔显著影响高岭石含量、针铁矿结晶度,海拔降低时高岭石含量增加,针铁矿结晶度提高。在金佛山山顶区,石灰岩母质岩性和微地形变异对土壤成土过程和黏土矿物组成影响显著。  相似文献   

Results of a 10-year decomposition experiment indicated that the annual mineralization rate of organic N in newly-formed humus varied with the type of original plant materials and the water regimes for decomposition,ranging from 0.028 to 0.074.The mineralization rate under waterlogged conditions was higher than that under upland conditions.The proportion of α-amino acid N in humus newly-formed under waterlogged conditions was slightly higher than that under upland conditions.It decreased gradually with time,while the proportion of nonhydrolyzable N showed no consistent trend,irrespective of the water regines for decomposition.The distribution of amino acids in humus newly-formed from different plant materials under various water regimes was quite similar with that in original plant materials,and only minor differences could be found among them.For example,in comparison to original plant materials,the newly-formed humus contained higher proportions of isoleucine,cysting,γ-amino-butyric acid and ornithine,and lower proportions of phenylalanine and proline.Moreover the proportion of phenylalanine was higher in the humus newly-fored under waterlogged conditions than that under upland conditions.  相似文献   

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