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Composting municipal wastewater sludge may generate composting wastewater (acid washer water and tunnel wastewater) with high ammonium–nitrogen (NH4–N) concentration; this kind of wastewater is usually generated in a rather small daily amount. A procedure of air stripping with catalytic oxidation was developed and tested with pilot-scale and full-scale units for synthetic disposal of the high NH4–N wastewaters from composting facilities. In air stripping, around 90% NH4–N removal efficiency was reliably achieved with a maximum of 98%. A model to describe the stripping process efficiency was constructed, which can be used for process optimization. After catalytic oxidation, the concentrations in the outlet gas were acceptable for NH3, NOX, NO2, and N2O, but the NH3 and N2O concentrations limited the feasible loading range. The treatment costs were estimated in detail. The results indicate that air stripping with the catalytic oxidation process can be applied for wastewater treatment in composting facilities.  相似文献   


Samples of seven controlled‐release fertilizers, Nutricote Total 13–13–13, Nutricote Total 18–6–8, Osmocote Plus 15–9–12, Osmocote 13–13–13, Polyon 18–6–12, Polyon 14–14–14, and Plantacote 14–8–15, were placed in leaching columns containing acid‐washed sand. Samples of all leachates were analyzed weekly to determine release rates of ammonium‐nitrogen (N), nitrate‐N, phosphorus (P), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), and iron (Fe). Release rates for P from all products were slower than those for NH4‐N, NO3‐N, and K. Release of Mg, Mn, and Fe was very poor, with less than 50% of the total amount of each of these elements ever being released from the prills for some products. Nutricote products released Fe and Mn more effectively than did Osmocote or Plantacote.  相似文献   


Nitrogen accumulation in the apical spikelet of the top primary branch (superior spikelet) and the second spikelet of the lowest secondary branch (inferior spikelet), of the ear on the main stem of rice plant (Oryza sativa L. var. Sasanishiki) was characterized during grain filling. In the superior spikelet, the accumulation of dry matter and nitrogen which started immediately after lowering, proceeded rapidly, and reached the maturation level at 20 d after heading. In the inferior spikelet, however, the amount of dry matter and nitrogen accumulation was minimal immediately after flowering. It increased when grain filling of the superior spikelet was almost completed. 15N-labeled ammonia was administered to the plants at different stages of ripening and the amount of incorporation in the spikelets was analyzed at harvest. The labeled nitrogen administered at the early stages of ripening was the main source of the labeled nitrogen incorporated in the superior spikelet. However, the labeled nitrogen incorporated in the inferior spikelet largely consisted of the labeled nitrogen administered at the late stages of ripening. When all the spikelets except for the five inferior spikelets were removed from the ear at various stages of ripening, the amount of dry matter and nitrogen accumulation increased immediately, irrespective of the stage of ripening.

These results indicate that dry matter and nitrogen partitioning among spikelets of the ear is highly regulated during ripening and their accumulation in the inferior spikelets at the early stage of ripening is suppressed by some unknown factor(s) which can be eliminated by the removal of the superior spikelets.  相似文献   


Comparison of methods is necessary to develop a quick and reliable test that can be used to determine soil‐available nitrogen (N) in an attempt to increase the efficiency of N fertilizers and reduce losses. The objectives of this research were to compare the fractions extracted by the calcium chloride (CaCl2) and the electro‐ultrafiltration (EUF) methods and to correlate them to the mineralization rate (k) obtained from a 112‐d incubation of 61 soil samples. Thirty‐five soil samples were collected from cornfields and 26 from winter cereal fields. Subsamples were either aerobically incubated to calculate k or extracted by the EUF and CaCl2 methods to identify three fractions: nitrate (NO3 ?)‐N, ammonium (NH4 +)‐N, and Norg‐N. The Norg‐N extracted by both methods was larger in soils from cornfields than in soils from winter cereal fields. In samples from cornfields, the Norg‐N fraction obtained by the EUF method was correlated to the Norg‐N measured by the CaCl2 method (r=0.46). Soil N content was related to k in samples from cornfields (r=0.40) but not in samples from winter cereal fields. Also, k was correlated to inorganic N content extracted by both chemical methods. The CaCl2 method was a reliable alternative for laboratories to determine soil‐available N for corn but not for winter cereal.  相似文献   


In Oxisols, acidity is the principal limiting factor for crop production. In recent years, because of intensive cropping on these soils, deficiency of micronutrients is increasing. A field experiment was conducted on an Oxisol during three consecutive years to assess the response of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under a no‐tillage system to varying rates of lime (0, 12, and 24 Mg ha?1) and boron (0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 24 kg ha?1) application. Both time and boron (B) were applied as broadcast and incorporated into the soil at the beginning of the study. Changes in selected soil chemical properties in the soil profile (0- to 10‐ and 10- to 20‐cm depths) with liming were also determined. During all three years, gain yields increased significantly with the application of lime. However, B application significantly increased common bean yield in only the first crop. Only lime application significantly affected the soil chemical properties [pH; calcium (Ca2+); magnesium (Mg2+); hydrogen (H+)+ aluminum (Al3+); base saturation; acidity saturation; cation exchange capacity (CEC); percent saturation of Ca2+, Mg2+, and potassium (K+); and ratios of exchangeable Ca/Mg, Ca/K, and Mg/K] at both soil depths (0–10 cm and 10–20 cm). A positive significant association was observed between grain yield and soil chemical properties. Averaged across two depths and three crops, common bean produced maximum grain yield at soil pHw of 6.7, exchangeable (cmolc kg?1) of Ca2+ 4.9, Mg2+ 2.2, H++Al3+ 2.6, acidity saturation of 27.6%, CEC of 4.1 cmolc kg?1, base saturation of 72%, Ca saturation of 53.2%, Mg saturation of 17.6%, K saturation of 2.7%, Ca/Mg ratio of 2.8, Ca/K ratio of 25.7, and Mg/K ratio of 8.6. Soil organic matter did not change significantly with addition of lime.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of directly, residually, and cumulatively applied mixed sludge generated by the soft-drink industry on rice and wheat yields, soil fertility, grain heavy-metal uptake, depthwise distribution of micronutrients and heavy-metals after 3 years of application. Crop (rice/wheat) yield (grain/straw) increased significantly with direct sludge application at 10.0 t ha?1 year?1, either alone or jointly with fertilizers, over the absolute control. Interestingly, the effects of sludge application on crop (rice/wheat) yield either applied directly at 10.0 t ha?1 year?1, residually at 30.0 t ha?1 year?1, and/or cumulatively at 15.0 t ha?1 were nonsignificant. Direct sludge application at 5.0/10.0 t ha?1 year?1 resulted in significant increase in heavy-metal uptake over the absolute control. The micronutrient/heavy-metal contents in surface soil were significantly greater with sludge application than those in subsurface layers. The results thus show that sludge application results in significant improvement in yield and soil fertility.  相似文献   


A procedure for the simultaneous extraction of phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium from soils, by an ion‐exchange resin procedure applicable to large‐scale advisory soil testing, is described. The important steps are the disaggregation of soil by shaking in water during 15 minutes with a glass marble, the transference of the elements from the soil to a sodium bicarbonate treated mixture of anion and cation exchange resins during a 16‐hour shaking period, the separation of the resin from the soil by sieving and extraction of the elements from the resin.

The results of resin extractable calcium, magnesium and potassium were comparable to the results of these elements extracted with 1M NH4OAc, to calcium and magnesium extracted with 1M KCl, and to potassium extracted with 0.025M H2SO4.

For phosphorus the resin extractable values were not comparable to the results obtained by the former routine method, based on the extraction with 0.025M H2SO4. The results of resin extractable P presented closer correlation with cotton response to phosphorus application in 28 field experiments (r = 0.85**) as compared with 0.025M H2SO4 extractable P (r = 0.68**), and also with P uptake by flooded rice in a pot experiment with eight lowland soil samples (r = 0.98**), as compared with extraction with 0.0125M H2SO4 in 0.050M HCl, for which the correlation was not significant. The reasons for the superiority of the extraction of P with the described procedure are discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in an attempt to study the impact of using different organic residues as fertilizers on grain yield, magnitude of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, and soil characteristics. Five fertilizer treatments including conventional nitrogen (N) fertilizer, cow manure, rice straw, poultry manure, and sugarcane bagasse were applied in the rice field in 2012. The maximum reduction in seasonal N2O emissions (10–27%) was observed under the influence of rice straw application over conventional N fertilizer. The experiment was repeated for a second season in 2013 with the same treatments for further confirmation of the results obtained during the first year of experimentation. The application of rice straw also showed a slight advantage by increasing grain yield (4.38 t ha?1) compared to control. Important soil properties and plant growth parameters were studied and their relationships with N2O emission were worked out. The incorporation of organic residues helped in restoring and improving the soil health and effectively enhancing grain yield with reduced N2O emission from rice fields.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out on Kinnow mandarin trees (Citrus reticulata Blanco) to study the effect of urea, zinc (Zn) and boron (B) foliar sprays either alone or in combinations on fruit yield and quality. Trees were grown in alkaline sandy loam soil at Dirab, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. All trees were sprayed twice: before full bloom (February) and after fruit set (April) during two growing seasons. The obtained results showed a significant increase in tree yield and enhancement in fruit physical characteristics (fruit weight, pulp, juice, volume, length and diameter), as well as fruit chemical characteristics [soluble solids content, acidity, pH, total sugars and ascorbic acid] by all foliar treatments in comparison with the control (water only) in both seasons. Spraying urea in combinations with B and Zn resulted in higher fruit yield and better physico-chemical characteristics as compared with urea only, urea + B or urea + Zn.  相似文献   

Abstract: There is no information regarding genotypic variation in essential and nonessential nutrient accumulation of sunflower grown under drought stress with the presence or absence of supplemental silicon (Si) despite the role of this element in improving growth of some cultivars under drought conditions. Accumulation of elements in sunflower cultivars might be important for the genetic improvement of the crop's response to drought. An experiment under controlled conditions was carried out to study the genotypic response of 12 sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cultivars to drought and Si and the relationship to the uptake of elements [phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sulfur (S), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), chloride (Cl), molybdenum (Mo), Si, sodium (Na), vanadium (V), aluminum (Al), strontium (Sr), rubidium (Rb), titanium (Ti), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), bromine (Br), and barium (Ba)]. This was determined by polarized energy‐dispersive X‐ray fluorescence (PEDXRF). It was observed that uptake of nutrient and nonessential elements by sunflower cultivars were differentiated in response to applied Si and drought stress. Drought stress decreased mineral uptake of all the cultivars, and generally, application of Si under drought stress significantly improved Si, K, S, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn, Na, Cl, V, Al, Sr, Rb, Ti, Cr, and Ba uptake whereas Zn, Mo, Ni, and Br uptake were not affected.  相似文献   


The relative amounts of boron re‐extracted by cold and hot water sequentially after adsorption, over a range of pH values, onto bentonite, kaolinite, precipitated iron, and aluminum (AI) hydrous oxides have been examined, in an attempt to understand why hot water especially is successful as an extractant to indicate plant availability of boron (B). The relative ability of cold and hot water to extract boron was also tested on some Scottish soils. The recovery of boron adsorbed by bentonite, by extraction with cold water compared with that extracted by hot water, was related to pH, but this was not the case for kaolinite. Comparison of the results for the minerals and soil systems indicates that mineral composition and pH in combination probably regulate the relative extraction power of cold and hot water for soil B. It may be assumed, therefore, that hot water better reflects the capability of plant roots to access B from different adsorption sites than cold water does.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - Contaminated sediments in rivers, lakes, and harbors around the world result in diminished ecological health, degradation of environmental resources, economic...  相似文献   


The “Four-plane model” is one of the surface complexation models developed for analyzing the electrostatic charge of synthetic oxides. This model which was applied to the B horizon of Andisols, was equilibrated with an electrolyte solution containing KCl, KNO3, K2SO4 in the concentration range of 0.0033, 0.01, 0.033, 0.1 M, and pH range of 2 to 11. The amounts of NO3 -, Cl-, SO4 2-, and K+ adsorbed were determined from the products remaining in the liquid phase. The increase in the pH value results in the increase of K+ adsorption, and decrease of anion adsorption. The increase in the equilibrium concentration increased both K+ and anion adsorption. The parameters of the model were determined by measurements and the iterative method. The model have a good agreement between calculated and measured values of cation and anion adsorption. Among the anion species, the amount of adsorbed anions was in the order of SO4 2-?Cl->NO3 -. The differences in the degree of adsorption were mainly associated with the differences in the equilibrium constants of surface complexation. The surface complexation of the anions produced a negative charge and increased cation adsorption. The degree of surface complexation was most significant in the K2SO4 solution, and the phenomenon was considered to be important not only for anion adsorption but also for cation adsorption on Andisols.  相似文献   


Yields were evaluated three years after applied treatments to determine if responses that were not evident during earlier years eventually occurred. Potassium sulfate was applied to established, non‐irrigated, K deficient trees on fine textured soil by banding, placing in augered holes, adding to the backfilled trenches, and by injecting into the soil. Trenches were dug in the fall beside trees to break roots and ammended during backfilling with K2SO4, dolomite lime or combinations of the two. Additional trees received a heavy compost mulch in the early fall. Trenching treatments were generally detrimental. Trenching alone reduced yield and leaf Ca but increased fruit soluble solids content. Trenching plus K2SO4, trenching and lime, all soil amendments, and mushroom compost elevated leaf K from deficient or below normal to the normal range, but decreased leaf Mg. Most K application techniques eventually increased yield, but simple surface applications of K2SO4 in a narrow band were as effective as other more costly procedures. Mulching treatments appear to be as effective as K additions and produce quicker yield responses. Mushroom composts and alfalfa increased leaf N and yield in two years. Mushroom compost doubled yield even three years after a single application.  相似文献   

A local variety of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum, Ife plum cv. 51691) was grown in soil culture for 5 months and treated with B at concentrations of 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 ppm as H3BO3, and Ca at 0, 40, 80, and 160 ppm as Ca(OH)2. A significantly positive correlation was established between organic matter and water ‐ soluble B (r = 0.970), while the relationship between pH and B was negative (r = ‐0.490). Application of B at 2 ppm improved all growth parameters studied. Boron application higher than 2 ppm, induced leaf chlorosis and later necrosis of nodes and roots. Fruit yield correlated positively with soil ‐ B, stem diameter and floral number (r = 0.597, r = 0.650 and r = 0.812, respectively). Soil‐ and plant‐B were positively correlated (r = 0.790). Calcium when applied singly at higher levels increased total chlorophyll content of the leaf. Tomato fruit yield was optimum at B:Ca treatment concentration of 2 ppm B (4.48 kg/ha B) and 160 ppm Ca (358.4 kg/ha Ca), corresponding to a B:Ca fertilizer ratio of 1.80.  相似文献   

Aerobic soils are important sinks for atmospheric methane. CH4 oxidation, mediated mainly by methanotrophic bacteria, is the responsible process, which is strongly inhibited by ammonium accessible for nitrification. An inhibitory effect immediately after fertilization as well as a long-term effect exists, which results from repeated ammonium applications and which is independent from the actual concentration of NH4+-N in soil. This long-term effect could be caused by a shift in the microbial population of the soil. Thus, with soil samples from long-term fertilization treatments of the field experiment ”︁Ewiger Roggenbau” at Halle (Germany) incubation studies were conducted to investigate the interference between CH4 oxidation and nitrification and to determine the cell numbers of methanotrophic bacteria. Including the treatments PK, NPK, and farmyard manure, which were established in 1878, a close negative correlation between CH4 oxidation and net nitrification was found (r = —0.92). The CH4 oxidation rates, determined with an initial concentration of 10 μl CH4 l—1, varied between 6.7 and 1.1 μg C kg—1 d—1 in the PK and NPK treatment, respectively. After application of NH4Cl a strong inhibition of CH4 oxidation occurred, which was 91%, 88%, 81%, and 63% in the treatments PK, NPK, FYM, and U (unfertilized), respectively. After a lag-phase of 2 to 3 weeks an incubation with high CH4 concentrations (20 Vol.% CH4) could induce CH4 oxidizing activity in the NPK treatments under continuous rye or maize cropping. An increase of up to 40 times in comparison to the control under atmospheric CH4 (2 μl CH4 l—1) was observed. A negative correlation (r = —0.74) existed between the CH4 oxidation rates of the soils without recently applied NH4+ and the numbers of methanotrophic bacteria, determined with the ”︁most probable number” method (MPN). Thus, the MPN technique is not suitable to characterize the physiologically active population of methanotrophic bacteria in soils, which oxidize CH4 in the atmospheric concentration range. The results of this study suggest that in aerobic arable soils methanotrophic bacteria and not nitrifiers are responsible for CH4 oxidation.  相似文献   

Koen (1987) derived several approximate formulae for the calculation of mean photosynthesis from radiation measurements. We present a critical review of his equations and suggest that most of his equations provide logically inconsistent estimates. We claim also that his exact algebraic equation is based on a misconception of the real estimation problems.  相似文献   


The effects of long-standing industrialization processes and poor environmental management practices have often left a harmful legacy for marine-coastal sites worldwide, causing a wide range of unforeseen impacts on the ecosystem and on human health. A critical revision of available data from three highly contaminated Italian sites (Augusta Bay, Sicily; Cagliari Gulf, Sardinia; Pozzuoli Bay, Campania) revealed the crucial role of biogeochemical/physical dynamics and potential widespread delivery of contaminants as key components for a wider comprehensive sediment management.

Materials and methods

Datasets of organic pollutants (ΣPAHs, ΣPCBs), heavy metals (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn), radionuclides, and grain size composition of marine sediments of all three sites were critically reviewed and seafloor bathymetric data were analyzed.

Results and discussion

A critical review of available physical and chemical information of sediments collected from the three marine sites provides a better understanding of the physical and biogeochemical dynamics of large-scale dispersion of contaminants in those areas, as well as new insights in terms of improved sediments management policies with actions of larger scale monitoring of the “buffer zone confining with the national relevance and highly contaminated site to trace inputs and accumulation effects of pollutants deriving from the point-source.


This study demonstrates how the presence of polluted sediments on the coastal areas can have, also after the closure of anthropogenic activities, a potential impact at a large scale. Then to better evaluate the effective impact, we suggest the adoption of a buffer zone contiguous to the national relevance sites (SIN) area. While SINs are optimized to define the state of the art of the near-source pollution, buffer zones may help to outline the rate of delivery of pollutants to the deep sea. Buffer zones must be designed by taking into account the local hydrodynamics, sedimentology, and geomorphology, and should be monitored, even if at a lower resolution, like SINs.


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