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Field trials demonstrated that agricultural wastes could be successfully composted in the winter with the passively aerated windrow system. Three small windrows were constructed. One pile contained a sheep manure-straw mixture, while the other two piles contained varied amounts of horse manure, cow manure, and bedding materials (straw, wood chips). The piles were constructed on a porous base of wood chips. Standard four-inch (10 cm) perforated pipes were placed approximately three feet apart in the porous base, perpendicular to the length of the windrow. Piles were covered with 15 to 20 centimeters of finished compost. A commercial compost covering fabric permeable to gases and water vapor but impermeable to liquid water was used for additional insulation and protection against high winds. Ambient temperatures ranged from ?27°C to 15°C during the trials. Initially, all three piles froze. Then the ends of the piles began to heat up, with the southern ends which received the most sunlight heating up first. Plugging the pipes seemed to help the piles heat up faster, but did not appear to be necessary. Thermophilic temperatures were attained and the composting cycle took 50 to 80 days after the piles heated up. Oxygen levels were highest at the bottom of the pile, and decreased as one moved to the top of the pile. The biggest practical problem encountered was the snow drifts that periodically formed at the windrow base, covering the pipe openings.  相似文献   

3种配比的通风静态堆肥试验表明:在适宜的C/N、水分、通风条件下,不同辅料和配比的堆体均能够达到设定温度55℃,并维持一定的高温期,堆肥产品的卫生学指标达到国家粪便无害化标准。通风是静态好氧堆肥的关键因素,不同原料的升温速率明显不同, 通气性能好的锯末和秸秆混合配料可在3~4 d达到设定温度,升温速率明显优于单独使用锯末配料,堆肥过程的高温和水分蒸发可明显降低堆体的含水率,堆肥后堆体体积比堆肥前减少1/2~1/3。  相似文献   

The rate at which oxygen is consumed during composting is a measure of aerobic microbial activity and is linked to the rate of organic material decomposition. The rate of loss in mass is a function of the mass of the degradable organic fraction and is related to oxygen uptake rate by the reaction rate coefficient, k. The decomposition of a pig manure and straw mix was investigated at temperatures between 10°C and 70°C using respirometric techniques. The oxygen concentrations in the reactor were measured continuously for about 4 days and then converted to hourly oxygen uptake rates for each incubation temperature, T. The specific oxygen uptake rate was used to calculate the reaction rate coefficient at T, kT, for the observed fast and slow stages of decomposition. The effect of the environmental factors was taken into account using a multiplicative approach and a relationship, which expressed kT for each stage as a function of T, was formulated. The maximum measured rate of activity occurred during the fast stage at 60°C where kT fast = 0.31 day?1. Activity increased exponentially with the temperature in both stages up to about 60°C. At higher temperatures, the activity slowed but most noticeably in the fast stage. The dependence of kT on T during each stage was described by a double power expression, which predicted that activity would cease around 73°C. The relationships may be used to improve a compost model that is based on a first order reaction rate kinetics for the decomposition of organic material.  相似文献   

起爆剂促进猪粪堆肥腐熟研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王若斐  薛超  刘超  乔策策  徐谞  顾文文  蔡志刚  李荣  沈其荣 《土壤》2017,49(6):1092-1099
利用工厂化高温好氧堆肥方式,探究了有机肥起爆菌剂对猪粪堆肥腐熟效率的影响。通过工厂试验,以猪粪为原料,稻壳为辅料,设置对照Z1和接种起爆剂处理Z2,研究堆肥过程中不同堆体的温度、pH、EC、C/N和养分等理化指标的变化及堆体腐熟效率的差异。对照Z1与处理Z2的堆体温度在高于55℃的时间均持续了18 d以上,Z2处理的升温速率和温度最高值均高于对照Z1;两堆体的pH和EC值变化无显著差异,至堆肥结束,堆体Z1的pH稳定在7.45左右,Z2的pH稳定在7.25左右;堆体Z1和Z2的C/N分别下降了46.39%和51.33%,全碳含量分别下降了43.18%和47.34%,全氮含量分别上升了5.94%和9.28%;Z1和Z2的NH_4~+-N和NO_3~–-N具有类似的变化趋势;至第28天,Z2的发芽指数已达100%,说明肥料已完全腐熟,而Z1此时的发芽指数仅为85%;堆肥结束时,Z1和Z2的最终总养分含量(N、P2O5、K_2O)分别达51.63 g/kg和52.67 g/kg。结果表明接种有机肥起爆剂能够有效加快堆肥腐熟。  相似文献   

Manures lose N through volatilization almost immediately after deposit. Attempts to control losses include the addition of a C source to stimulate nitrogen immobilization. Composting is a treatment process that recommends the addition of carbonaceous materials to achieve a C:N ratio of 30:1 to stimulate degradation and immobilize nitrogen. Dairies near cities may be able to reduce N loss from manures by composting with urban carbonaceous residues such as municipal solid waste (MSW) or MSW compost that, by themselves, have little agronomic value. Studies were conducted using a self-heating laboratory composter where dairy solids were mixed with MSW compost to determine the reduction of N loss during composting. One-to-one mixtures (v/v) of dairy manure solids and MSW compost were composted and NH3 volatilization, CO2 evolution and temperatures were compared to composting of manure alone. Addition of MSW compost resulted in increased CO2 evolution and reduced N loss. Nitrogen loss from composting dairy manure alone was four to ten times greater than that from composting dairy manure mixed with MSW compost. Adjustment of the C:N ratio to 25 by adding MSW compost to manure appeared to be the major factor in reducing N losses.  相似文献   

添加剂在猪粪堆肥过程中的作用研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
添加剂是指为了加快堆肥进程和提高堆肥产品质量,在堆肥物料中加入的微生物、有机或无机物质。本文通过室内培养与室外堆肥试验,研究不同添加剂对猪粪发酵过程中臭味及氮素损失的影响。结果表明,使用本研究中所采用的添加剂与发酵工艺,可以减少猪粪发酵中氨的挥发、氮素损失与猪粪的恶臭。75%含水量的猪粪经过20d的发酵,可达基本腐熟程度。添加剂可以优化堆肥过程的环境条件,提高微生物活性;加快堆肥的腐熟;减少氮素损失,保持养分含量;调节堆肥中各种营养元素的含量,提高堆肥质量。  相似文献   

利用Biolog微平板技术,对不同浓度重金属Zn影响下堆料微生物群落多样性进行了研究。结果表明,较低浓度Zn处理(Zn含量为400mg·kg^-1)的堆料升温快,高温持续时间长。微生物群落多样性指数和微生物群落主成分分析(PCA)指标均表明不同浓度重金属处理的堆料微生物群落有明显不同,Zn含量为400mg·kg^-1的堆料微生物活性高,有利于增加群落的丰富度和功能多样性,与Zn含量为1000mg·kg^-1的堆料、对照组堆料起分异作用的碳源主要为多聚物类和糖类。  相似文献   

QE制剂是一种含有微生物和矿物质的新型复合材料。为研究该材料对畜禽粪便高温堆肥进程及品质的影响,设置无添加剂(CK)、添加常规微生物菌剂(BJ)、添加QE制剂(QE)共3组处理,并以猪粪为原料,立式密闭发酵塔(容量50t)为反应装置,进行了为期7d的堆肥实验。结果表明:QE组堆温于第3天达到最大值72.7℃,比CK、BJ组分别提前2d、5d,且55℃以上持续天数为4d,高于其它两组处理。QE制剂可以有效提高堆肥的养分含量,堆肥7d后总氮、总磷、总钾含量分别达到2.62%、3.04%、2.29%,比BJ组高16.25%、2.36%、4.09%,比CK组高29.00%、14.72%、16.84%。同时,添加QE制剂的堆肥品质符合国家《有机肥料》(NY525-2012)标准,且优于其它两组处理。此外,QE、BJ组堆肥7d的种子发芽率指数分别为93.33%、90.00%,堆体已完全腐熟,而CK组为31.67%,未腐熟。研究表明,QE制剂在畜禽粪便高温堆肥过程中具有促进升温、加强保温、减少氮素损失、提高养分含量、改善堆肥品质的作用。  相似文献   

采用L(934)正交设计在模拟发酵池中研究了辅料配比(秸秆添加量梯度为5%、7.5%、10%)、物料含水量(梯度为40%、50%、60%)、通风量(通风时长为10、20、30min)以及外源菌剂(空白、BN1菌剂、EM菌剂)等因素对猪粪堆肥效果的影响。其中BN1为课题组自制菌剂,在测定了菌种纤维素酶活性的基础上,作为外源菌剂接种猪粪堆肥。通过监测堆肥过程中各处理的温度变化,测定堆肥样品总养分含量、堆肥结束后的C/N,并进行感官分析等对堆肥效果进行加权评分。结果表明,猪粪堆肥最佳环境控制参数为秸秆添加量为5%,通风量为每立方米物料102m^3·d^-1,物料含水量60%,自制菌剂BN1能促进猪粪堆肥快速发酵。  相似文献   

Woody peat was used as an additive to compost with pig manure in 1.2 m3 composting reactors under aerobic conditions for a 77?days period to estimate the effect on the compost maturity and gaseous emissions (NH3, N2O, and CH4). Pig manure was also composted with cornstalks (the traditional method) as a control treatment. The results showed that both cornstalks and woody peat composts reached the required maturity standard. Composting with woody peat as a bulking agent was found to reduced NH3 emissions by 36% than the cornstalks amended treatment. Although CH4 emission increased by adding woody peat, N2O emission was considerably reduced, resulting in a slight decrease in total greenhouse gas emissions. More importantly, woody peat could reduce the losses of total carbon and total nitrogen, improve the compost quality as fertilizer.  相似文献   

以氢氧化镁+磷酸、磷酸、磷酸二氢钾+氯化镁和磷酸二氢钙+氯化镁为固氮添加剂,以猪粪和玉米秸秆为原料,采用强制通风静态垛堆肥装置进行高温好氧堆肥试验,研究了不同化学添加剂对猪粪堆肥过程中的保氮效果。结果表明,化学添加剂可以显著降低堆肥化过程中氨气的排放率。氢氧化镁+磷酸、磷酸、磷酸二氢钾+氯化镁和磷酸二氢钙+氯化镁的氮素损失分别占初始氮的13.15%、11.50%、10.69%和7.59%,与对照相比,各添加剂处理的固氮率为58.27%~75.90%。磷酸二氢钙+氯化镁处理的氮素损失最少,但堆肥过程中有机物降解受到明显的抑制作用。在堆肥结束时,各添加剂处理的有机物降解率仅为对照处理的58.48%~98.70%。最终堆肥产品的种子发芽指数为69.87%~118.24%,表明所有处理在堆置39 d后均达到腐熟。根据模糊评价的结果,该试验中的磷酸二氢钾和氯化镁是堆肥过程中最佳的固氮材料。  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to study the viability of the composting of goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) manure (GM) and rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) manure (RM) and to evaluate the quality of the compost obtained. For this, a mixture of these manures was prepared at a goat/rabbit ratio of 44:56 (fresh-weight basis) and 50:50 (dry-weight basis). The mixture was composted by the Rutgers static pile composting system, with forced aeration and controlled temperature. Throughout the composting process, the temperature was monitored and physicochemical, chemical, and biological parameters were evaluated. The temperature evolution showed the suitable development of the composting process, with thermophilic values (>40 °C) maintained for more than 90 days. The finished compost had stabilized and humified organic matter. However, the pH (9.4) and the salinity (EC of 13.4 dS/m) could limit its potential agricultural use.  相似文献   

以猪粪及其堆肥为供试样品,在水浸提比(W/V)1:10、1:20、1:30、1:40、1:50、1:60的条件下,采用浸提液室内培养法,研究不同水浸提比对黄瓜、樱桃萝卜及大白菜种子发芽特性指标(相对发芽率、相对根长、发芽指数)的影响。结果表明,黄瓜种子的相对发芽率在不同水浸提比下均大于80%;其他种子发芽特性指标随水含量的增多,均经历了明显的增大趋势。同一种子,相对根长受水浸提比的影响比相对发芽率显著,发芽指数与相对根长随水浸提比的变化规律一致。新鲜猪粪经堆肥处理对种子的植物毒性减轻,大白菜种子对猪粪及其堆肥的植物毒性较黄瓜种子与樱桃萝卜种子敏感。  相似文献   

为了研究猪粪堆肥提取液的促生效果,通过盆栽试验研究了分别浇施以0.5 mol.L-1硫酸钾和水为浸提剂提取的猪粪堆肥提取液(分别简称为K和W)对棉花生长的影响。结果表明:(1)施用K和W能显著增加棉花植株的株高、果枝数、蕾数、棉铃数。籽棉产量分别比清水对照(CK)增加了2.30倍和1.86倍,但是K和W两者之间差异不显著。(2)棉花现蕾期、花铃期和吐絮期的植株生物量分别比CK增加了71.4%和52.9%、114.2%和83.5%、106.1%和90.5%,氮磷钾累积量与CK比较显著增加。K处理的棉花在现蕾期和花铃期的植株干重显著高于W处理。(3)从现蕾期到吐絮期,棉花植株功能叶硝酸还原酶活性随之增加,而可溶性蛋白含量却随之降低。与CK比较,施用K和W能显著增加不同时期棉花植株功能叶片硝酸还原酶活性和可溶性蛋白含量。花铃期K处理的功能叶硝酸还原酶活性显著高于W处理。K处理和W处理的棉花功能叶可溶性蛋白含量分别比CK增加了1.24倍和3.01倍(现蕾期)、59.1%和40.0%(花铃期)。(4)施用两种猪粪堆肥提取液,在一定程度上都能增加棉花叶片可溶性糖和淀粉含量,但各处理间差异不显著。上述结果表明,猪粪堆肥提取液能明显改善棉花植株的生长发育,显著增加棉花产量,可以作为优质有机液体肥料。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of initial C/N ratio (16.3, 19.1, 24.1, and 29.6) on decomposition rate and nitrogen loss during the composting of pig manure and edible fungus residue with rice bran. The results showed that all composting piles reached a temperature greater than 55°C for at least 7 days (which meets the requirements for destroying pathogens), and the maturity times of composts with low initial C/N ratios were shorter than in composts with high initial C/N ratios. The nitrogen loss in the composting pile with initial C/N of 16.3 was significantly higher than the other treatments. Furthermore, the statistics analysis showed that the initial C/N ratios of the composts, which varied from 16.3 to 29.6, had a significant negative linear correlation with the loss of total organic matter (R = ?0.9661) and loss of total nitrogen (R = ?0.9365). Therefore, for treating more agricultural wastes and achieving high-quality final product as well as the reduction of nitrogen losses, this study recommends that initial C/N ratios ranging from 20 to 25 are suitable for composting pig manure and edible fungus residue.


Various agricultural wastes can be successfully composted with initial C/N ratios 16:1–30:1.

Nitrogen loss had a significant linear negative correlation with the initial C/N ratio.

Compost with a low C/N ratio was beneficial to dispose of more pig manure since reducing the addition of carbon materials.  相似文献   

To obtain a peat substitute for pot plants, Miscanthus straw and liquid pig manure were composted in two different systems (open box and closed reactor) and examined for changes in pH, water content and chemical composition (nitrogen, carbon, hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin). Temperature maxima of 65-70°C were achieved within a few days in both systems. Composting and sampling were continued for 190 days in the box system and 150 days in the reactor. Major loss of nitrogen was found in a period of eight days after temperature maximum followed by stabilization. Accumulation of nitrate was observed during final weeks of composting in both systems. A marked decrease in content of hemicellulose was seen just after temperature maximum followed by slow, constant decrease throughout remaining composting period. The same pattern was observed for degradation of cellulose, though degradation was initiated later in the experiment. Degradation of hemicellulose was nearly 100% in both systems, whereas the cellulose decrease was 64 and 70% in the box and reactor, respectively. Lignin was not degraded during the experiments. Though initial C/N ratio was different in the two systems (25 in box and 16 in reactor), final ratios were the same (C/N=13). In spite of the similarities, the more complicated closed system is preferred if removal of ammonia from exit gas is considered.  相似文献   

不同调理剂对猪粪好氧堆肥效果的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
分别以木屑、药渣、菇渣、砻糠灰作为猪粪堆肥的调理剂,研究其在堆肥过程中温度、含水率、pH、EC和主要营养元素N、P、K的动态变化。结果表明,在整个堆制过程中,4个处理的堆温变化明显呈现出升温期、高温期和降温期3个阶段,其中,木屑处理堆体升温最快,且高温持续时间最长,砻糠灰处理高温持续时间最短;与初始值相比,堆肥后每个处理pH均有所上升,其中菇渣处理上升幅度最大,达0.9个单位;堆制过程中,4个处理有机质总体呈现下降的规律;堆肥后药渣处理的TN和TP含量最高;堆肥后砻糠灰处理的TK含量最高;堆肥后4个处理的pH和EC值都在腐熟堆肥的适宜范围之内,从N+P2O5+K2O总养分和保氮角度来看,应选药渣作调理剂,从提高堆肥TK含量来看,应选砻糠灰作调理剂。  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) availability in soil is closely related not only to soil P content but also to soil physicochemical and biological properties, which are closely associated with P sorption and biochemical transformation. The aims of this study were to determine the effects of pig manure compost (PMC) or decaying rice straw (DRS) added to a paddy soil on soil pH, soil organic carbon (SOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), acid phosphatase, microbial biomass P, soil test P (Olsen P), and P uptake by rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. ‘Liaoyan’). Phosphorus adsorption characterization affected by PMC‐ or DRS‐derived DOC was also studied. Compared with the control, both PMC and DRS treatments increased soil pH, SOM, DOC, microbial biomass P, and Olsen P, and the activity of acid phosphatase during the 110‐day incubation period. Phosphorus adsorption in soil decreased with DOC extracted from PMC and DRS and was well fit by the Langmuir equation. The Olsen P in the PMC‐ and DRS‐treated soil was correlated with both DOC content and acid phosphatase activity. Both PMC and DRS treatments significantly increased dry‐matter yield and P uptake in rice shoot. In conclusion, the increased P availability in the paddy soil was not only a result of direct P supplied following organic manure incorporation, but also an indirect result of reduction in P sorption on the solid phase of the paddy soil by DOCs which were derived from DRS or PMC.  相似文献   

猪粪比例对烟草废弃物高温堆肥腐熟进程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以烟草废弃物为基本原料进行堆肥试验,研究了不同比例猪粪与烟草废弃物混合堆肥体系中温度、pH、全氮、C/N比、水溶性NH+4-N和种子发芽指数(GI,germination index)的动态变化规律,探讨了不同猪粪比例对烟草废弃物高温堆肥腐熟进程的影响。结果表明,在烟草废弃物中加入猪粪能缩短进入高温分解阶段的时间,增加高温分解持续时间,增加全氮含量,加快物料NH+4-N和C/N比降低的速率,加快烟草废弃物堆肥腐熟化进程。添加一定比例猪粪的处理(烟草废弃物∶猪粪=7∶3、烟草废弃物∶猪粪=8∶2和烟草废弃物∶猪粪=9∶1),分别在堆肥第3、4、5 d进入高温分解阶段(〉50 ℃),高温持续时间分别为11、10、8 d;而纯烟草废弃物处理,最高温度为43 ℃,未进入高温分解阶段;至堆肥26 d,NH+4-N含量分别比纯烟草废弃物对照降低47.7%、61.9%和25.6%;GI分别达到81.4%、84.1%和83.7%。  相似文献   

The effects of seven manufactured commercially available activators were evaluated for their efficiency in the composting of yard trimmings (grass clippings/wood chip mixture). Two naturally available additives, and a control (absence of activator) were also evaluated. Four measures of composting efficiency were used to compare the overall decomposition response for each activator: weight loss, volume reduction, volatile solids decrease, and oxygen uptake rate. Four experimental blocks were set up in the field, and two experimental blocks were set up in the laboratory. The physical/chemical characteristics of the compost material were monitored as a function of time for each additive. Interrelationships between measures of composting efficiency were also evaluated. Results showed that grass clippings can be composted as efficiently with naturally available materials such as topsoil or mature compost, as with commercially available compost activators, or an unactivated control. The cost of commercially available activators was $1.37 to $9.36 per cubic yard of compostable grass clippings. Naturally available materials such as topsoil and mature compost are available in needed quantities at no cost to backyard composters.  相似文献   

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