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The disintegration of Biopol-coated cardboard, polylactide fabric and film was studied using three different procedures: adding the samples directly to the compost pile, and placing them in the pile in nylon bags as well as in steel frames. Cellulose-based sausage casing, polyethylene and Mater-Bi ZF03U were also tested in steel frames as reference samples. Direct addition of the samples to the compost pile had no detrimental effect on the decomposition of compost biowaste. The use of steel frames proved to be good a method for testing samples like packaging materials. Both polylactide samples and Biopol-coated cardboard degraded completely in the steel frames. The results showed that composting activity parameters should be followed during composting before any conclusions can be made about the compostability of the samples. The compost produced from the polymer samples showed no toxicity in the plant growth test with barley and radish seeds performed at the end of the experiment. 相似文献
Field trials demonstrated that agricultural wastes could be successfully composted in the winter with the passively aerated windrow system. Three small windrows were constructed. One pile contained a sheep manure-straw mixture, while the other two piles contained varied amounts of horse manure, cow manure, and bedding materials (straw, wood chips). The piles were constructed on a porous base of wood chips. Standard four-inch (10 cm) perforated pipes were placed approximately three feet apart in the porous base, perpendicular to the length of the windrow. Piles were covered with 15 to 20 centimeters of finished compost. A commercial compost covering fabric permeable to gases and water vapor but impermeable to liquid water was used for additional insulation and protection against high winds. Ambient temperatures ranged from ?27°C to 15°C during the trials. Initially, all three piles froze. Then the ends of the piles began to heat up, with the southern ends which received the most sunlight heating up first. Plugging the pipes seemed to help the piles heat up faster, but did not appear to be necessary. Thermophilic temperatures were attained and the composting cycle took 50 to 80 days after the piles heated up. Oxygen levels were highest at the bottom of the pile, and decreased as one moved to the top of the pile. The biggest practical problem encountered was the snow drifts that periodically formed at the windrow base, covering the pipe openings. 相似文献
Composting of yard waste and sludge/yard waste mixtures was investigated during laboratory and field testing. A strong correlation between moisture content and windrow peak temperatures was observed. Odors were detected at cocomposting windrows when temperatures exceeded 54°C. The sludge to yard waste mixture ratio was found to affect resulting compost particle size and, consequently, oxygen transport. Compost quality was excellent, with pesticides below detection level and low concentrations of heavy metals. 相似文献
Precipitation that falls on compost sites picks up organic material from the windrows and the composting pad. The resulting runoff can contain high levels of nutrients, suspended solids, and organic matter, making it unsuitable for direct release into a receiving water body. Many jurisdictions require that the runoff from these sites be collected in a detention pond. Unfortunately, some of the recommended or required procedures for quantifying the volume of runoff from these sites are based on archaic or inappropriate hydrologic models. The development of better hydrologic models for open composting operations has been hampered by a lack of basic information regarding rainfall/runoff relationships at windrow composting sites. In this paper, a standard hydrologic model — the unit hydrograph method – is used to model the hydrology of a small, paved composting site. The model results compare well with field data collected at the site over a six month period. The volume of runoff predicted by the model was within 5% of the measured runoff volume for each of seventeen runoff events observed at the site over the study period. The results suggest that other industry standard hydrologic models can be adapted for use at open composting sites to account for the presence of large quantities of organic material on the site. 相似文献
Alton G. Campbell Jr. Richard L. Folk Robert R. Tripepi 《Compost science & utilization》2013,21(1):62-73
Wood ash from a wood-fired, electrical generating plant was examined as a potential amendment in municipal biosolids and yard waste composting applications. The rate of composting and the final compost quality (chemical, physical, and plant growth characteristics) were examined. Yard waste (leaves, grass, and wood chips) and a municipal biosolids-chip mixture were either not amended or amended with wood ash at eight percent or five percent by weight, respectively, and then composted outdoors in insulated, 1700L, aerated reactors. Yard waste piles heated rapidly to 60°C within six to seven days, whereas biosolid piles heated more slowly to a maximum of 52 to 57°C within nine to 11 days. Ash had little, if any, effect on the time-temperature response. In general, ash-amended compost had higher pi I, plant nutrient, and salt contents. Tomato plants (Lycopersicum esculentum) produced 100 percent more shoot biomass in biosolids than in yard waste compost media. Poor plant growth in the yard waste compost was likely due to the high initial pH and salt content of the growth medium. In yard waste media, tomato plants germinated and produced more shoot biomass in the control compost than in the ash-amended compost.A pH neutralization study indicated that wood fly ash could be used as an economical substitute for lime which is commonly used to stabilize municipal biosolids prior to land filling or land application. Wood fly ash (pH = 13.2-13.4), when added to biosolids at a 2 to 1 ratio by weight, raised the pH of the mixture to 12.0. 相似文献
A total of four windrows with yard waste:biosolids ratios ranging from 5.0:1 to 1.2:1 by wet weight were operated over a six month period. The windrows were monitored for temperature, oxygen content, bulk density, particle size, compost characteristics (including metals, nutrients, pesticides, volatile solids, and moisture content), runoff characteristics, and odor potential. Based on study results, cocomposting should be employed at a yard waste:biosolids ratio greater than or equal to 3:1 in order to minimize odor and improve compost characteristics. Leaching of several metals was observed; however, only lead was observed in the runoff at concentrations above maximum contaminant levels. 相似文献
Economically viable and environmentally acceptable methods to recycle organic wastes are needed by the pulp and paper industry. We assessed the potential for composting the Virginia Fibre Corporation's (VFC) combined primary and secondary dewatered paper mill sludge (PMS) and evaluated the suitability of the finished product as a potting soil substitute. Composting treatments were: 1) PMS with no supplemental N (control), 2) PMS + 15 kg N/Mg PMS (dry weight), and 3) PMS + 30 kg N/Mg PMS (dry weight). Composting was conducted for 129 days and treatment effects were evaluated by windrow temperature trends. A container plant growth study employing various particle size fractions and proportions of the control PMS compost and a commercial potting medium (Promixtm) was conducted in a greenhouse to assess the capability of the compost to support growth of radish (Raphanus sativus L.), snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), marigold (Tagetes erecta L.), and green pepper (Capsicum sp.). Windrow temperatures were lower with no supplemental N than with the N additions during the initial three weeks and were higher with increasing N rate during the last month of composting, which indicated that the unamended sludge may have been N-limited for maximum biological activity. Reduced temperatures in the high N treatments during the midpoint of the composting process may have been induced by ammonia toxicity. However, cured compost chemical properties and stability were not influenced by treatment and were indicative of good quality compost. The lower amount of plant-available water and greater amounts of plant-available nutrients supplied by the compost than the commercial potting medium resulted in less dry matter produced by all plants except green pepper, whose higher nutrient needs were supplied better by the compost than the commercial potting medium alone. Therefore, the paper mill sludge compost may best be used as an organic fertilizer, soil amendment, or supplemental nutrient source for potting media, rather than as a potting medium alone. 相似文献
F.H. Van Herk T.A. McAllister C.L. Cockwill N. Guselle F.J. Larney J.J. Miller 《Compost science & utilization》2013,21(3):235-241
Effects of composting manure on viability of Giardia cysts (GC) and Cryptosporidium cysts (CO) were determined in a two-year study with manure from feedlot cattle bedded on barley straw or woodchips. Each year, manure was deposited in 8 m × 2.5 m × 2 m windrows (one per bedding type) on a sheltered concrete pad. On day 0, porous bags containing 100 g of feces from confirmed Giardia- and Cryptosporidium-positive cattle (9 bags per retrieval day in Year 1; 3 per day in Year 2) were implanted in the windrows. Replicate bags were placed on the concrete pads as uncomposted controls. Windrow temperature and water content were measured and compost was turned mechanically twice each week. Fecal bags were retrieved and subsampled for enumerations of total and viable cysts and cysts after 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 17, 24 and 31 days in 1998 and after 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 16, 23, 30, 42, 56, 70 and 98 days in 1999. Windrow temperatures (TEMP) exceeded 55°C during the fourth week of composting, and remained above 50°C for 4 wk thereafter in 1999. Bedding material did not affect overall mean temperature in either year, but TEMP was higher with straw than with woodchip from day 10 to day 17 in 1998 (P < 0.05) and on day 16 and day 42 in 1999 (P < 0.10). In 1998, moisture content decreased from 62.2 to 43.2% during composting of woodchip manure and from 67.3 to 39.3% during composting of straw manure. In 1999, moisture content decreased from 61.0 to 31.8% for woodchip and from 64.5 to 28.6% for straw compost. Percentage of viable CO declined gradually over the 31 days in 1998. The following year revealed a rapid decline in viability of GC and CO once compost temperature exceeded 55°C and viabilities of GC and CO were reduced to zero after 42 days (straw compost) and after 56 days (woodchip compost). Exposure of CO and GC to temperatures > 55°C for a period of 15 days appears to be an effective method of inactivating Giardia cysts and Cryptosporidium cysts in feedlot manure. 相似文献
Li Guoxue Zhang Fushuo Sun Ying Wong J. W. C. Fang Ming 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2001,132(3-4):333-345
Several chemical parameters were studied during a 100 daysperiod in order to identify parameters that can be used asindicators of compost maturity. One treatment was a mixture ofsewage sludge and sawdust (TS); another was a mixture of sewagesludge, pig manure and sawdust (TS-PM). The pH of water extractsincreased during the thermophilic phase and then decreased in twotreatments. While the electrical conductivity (EC) decreasedthroughout the composting time. The 4.99% in the change ofvolatile matter of TS-PM was higher than 1.73% in that of TS,at the same time, the change of organic carbon were 5.04% inTS-PM more than 3.82% of TS. Total nitrogen content in TS andTS-PM had a markedly increase tendence during composting, andthe change in TS-PM was very more obvious than in TS, soreduction of C/N ratio in TS-PM was higher than in TS, C/Nratio of TS-PM and TS was 14.39 and 18.57 in mature production,respectively. Carbon content in HA plus FA and HA in twocomposts decreased from 0 to 100 day, but carbon content of FAdecreased, so HA-C/FA-C ratio, HR, HI has a markedly increase inTS and TS-PM, and the parameters in TS-PM were higher than inTS. The points expressing maturity degree in TS-PM was more inTS. The nitrogen content of HA plus and HA showed a increasedtendence in TS and TS-PM, the change of nitrogen of thesefractions in TS-PM was higher than in TS, so C/N ratio of allfractions including HA plus FA, HA and FA, indicated a reductiontendence, and the refuction in FA was larger than in HA. E4/E6ratio of HA plus FA and HA decreased during composting, and one FA was increase. E4/E6 ratio of HA plus FA and HA in TS-PM wasvery smaller than in TS, HA in TS-PM was a larger molecular sizethan HA in TS. The changes of organic matter compositions incomposting: the crude fat and carbohydrates had a markedlyreduction and cellulose plus hemicellulose had a slight decrease;crude protein and lignin content in TS and TS-PM had an increasetendence. 相似文献
Leon Jaccard Pierre Lehmann Marcello Civilini Marco de Bertoldi 《Compost science & utilization》2013,21(3):10-14
? The feasibility of yard waste composting in a closed continuous reactor with heat recovery has been investigated. Results obtained in this research are reported and discussed. In the system, the recovered energy (heat) can be transformed by a heat pump in hot water both for domestic and for residential heating. The organic fertilizer produced can be used in horticulture. 相似文献
M.K.C. Sridhar G.O. Adeoye J.A.I. Omueti G. Yinda Z.D. Reece 《Compost science & utilization》2013,21(1):69-74
While some composting had been practiced on a limited basis in Nigeria 50 years ago, the practice still is largely neglected. Farmers find it more convenient to use fertilizers because of the ease of carrying, storing and applying. However, since 1986, there has been a major change in the composition of refuse in Nigeria. With greater numbers of people in the low socioeconomic groups scavenging on the refuse dumps collecting paper, metal, glass and plastics, the remaining refuse is mostly organic and ideal for making compost. Studies undertaken at the University of Ibadan reveal that once mobilized, communities can be effective in launching composting projects. Appropriate technology is favored in processing the wastes rather than extensive and, often unaffordable, mechanization. 相似文献
Danielle S. Wentworth Darrell W. Donahue Rose Mary Seymour 《Compost science & utilization》2013,21(1):47-56
A study of composting crab processing waste (CPW) was performed to identify a cost-effective alternative to landfilling. If CPW could be economically recycled into a useful value-added product, the waste would not have to go to landfills, and could be sold commercially to the landscaping and nursery industries. Economic models of three systems were constructed and analyses performed using a variety of investment and operating costs. To ensure robust model analysis, several factors of the cost components were varied. The equivalent-uniform-annual-costs were used to compare the alternatives, Ag-Bag, windrowing, and landfilling the waste. Profit analysis was also performed for each of the proposed systems. The average annual cost for the processes of Ag-Bag 1, Ag-Bag 2, and windrowing was $62,903, $73,796, and $53,533 respectively. While none of the methods analyzed were profitable, windrowing results in the smallest loss of $?0.066/kg ($?63.08/ton) for all economic models considered, followed by Ag-Bag 1 with an average loss of $?0.107/kg ($?100.18/ton) and Ag-Bag 2 with an average loss of $?0.117/kg ($?109.80/ton). Although having the least loss, windrowing has drawbacks such as offensive odors. A sensitivity analysis to determine how much additional throughput would have to be utilized to create a profit was performed. This analysis found that the windrow system is the only system capable of ever garnering a profit, with a total throughput exceeding 1,003 tons/year. Under current market conditions, composting CPW by one of the systems described herein is not feasible. 相似文献
This paper describes the first equipment developed to include compressive loads in a physical model of the composting environment. This new type of composting reactor was named a biological load cell, or biocell for short. Our hypothesis was that the exclusion of compressive settlement in existing physical models may lead to errors if the data is used to design full-scale windrow composting facilities. Municipal biosolids were mixed with three organic amendments (wood chips, straw, and leaves) to yield mixture moisture contents of 55%. Compressive settlement analyses were completed by subjecting the mixtures to loads of 0, 4.3, 8.6, and 12.9 kPa using biocells. The effect of compressive settlement on microbial activity was investigated using the biosolids:leaf mixture under loaded (12.9 kPa) and unloaded conditions. The settlement behavior of all three mixtures was found to fit established soil compaction equations and new equations were developed to represent the vertical free air space (FAS) and bulk density profiles in composting systems. The FAS profiles indicated that existing physical models do not simulate the FAS conditions within a composting matrix and significant differences in microbial activity were observed between loaded and unloaded biocells. The microbial activity differences were attributed to the reduced FAS within the loaded biocells, which, in consequence, lead to lower pore space oxygen concentrations. It proved difficult, however, to simulate the air flow regime within a windrow composting matrix. To further develop the biocells, there is a need to investigate the in-situ stress conditions and natural draft ventilation rates of full-scale windrow systems. While further work is required to perfect the biocells as a physical model of the windrow composting environment, it has demonstrated its potential use for FAS analysis and as a standard bulk density apparatus. Using biocells, it is recommended that FAS curves be developed for a wide range of feedstock recipes. The biocell apparatus could also be developed as a standard bulk density test apparatus. Other important conclusions drawn from the work include: leaves should not be used as a bulking agent; wood chips showed superior bulking properties and are recommended for use in very high (3.7 m) windrows; straw showed intermediate bulking properties and should not be used for high windrows without further investigation; for all materials, compaction occurred rapidly after each incremental load, suggesting that windrow turning will do little to alleviate a low FAS problem associated with an incorrect composting recipe. 相似文献
Fatima Benlboukht Loubna El Fels Rachid Bouamri Soumia Amir 《Compost science & utilization》2016,24(3):208-218
Changes in the structural composition of fulvic acids were followed during composting of tannery solid waste after neutralization of its acidity by ammonium or by lime. Different techniques (elemental analysis, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), 13C-NMR spectroscopy) were applied. During both trials of composting, a decrease of carbon and increase of oxygen occurred, which originated from strong microbial oxidation and preservation of some structures during composting. In fact, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectra showed the preservation of anomeric or tannin structures around 105 ppm. The infrared (IR) spectral data showed a decrease in the intensity of COO? group bands (1623 and 1399.5 cm?1); this is correlated with a decrease of fulvic acid levels. The variations observed in NMR spectra could be explained by the involvement of COO? groups of certain structures in polycondensing to form humic acids. The fulvic acids remain composed of less polycondensed structures with a –COOH extremity, as supported by a decrease of the C/H ratio. In contrast, in the trial with addition of ammonia a slight increase in N content occurred, a decrease in absorbance in the 1730–1000 cm?1 regions compared to the absorbance around 3400 cm?1, and a strong decrease of carboxyl carbon in the 13C-NMR spectra. 相似文献
C. Marugg M. Grebus R.C. Hansen H.M. Keener H.A.J. Hoitink 《Compost science & utilization》2013,21(1):38-51
A new kinetic concept was applied to the yard waste composting process. Yard waste mixtures with different fractions of grass clippings were composted in pilot-scale vessels. Ammonia emissions were highest with high fractions of grass clippings. Calculation of reaction rate constants was based on heat and materials balances. Although the compost mass ratios (a dimensionless number that describes how far the process has advanced) of the mixtures after composting were similar, their chemical and biological analyses reveal differences. A first order reaction model is presented that can be used for plant design. The effects of temperature and particle size on process kinetics need to be investigated further. 相似文献
An integrated model was developed to simulate the temporal change and spatial variation of temperature and spatial distribution of TM (total mass) and MC (moisture content) of the final compost for composting process of sewage sludge. The model included biodegradation kinetics of organic matter and balance equations of energy and mass. First-order assumption was applied to describe the biodegradation process with correction functions of temperature, oxygen, MC, and FAS (free air space). The transfer process was considered in balance equations of energy and mass. A finite difference method was used to solve the model. Two trials of 0.21 m3 were run to estimate parameters and evaluate the simulation. The model could predict TM and VS (volatile solid) of the final compost well, temporal trend of oxygen concentration and water removal, and also a good fitting of the temporal and spatial change of temperature. Hrx (reaction enthalpy of biodegradable volatile solid) and ηBVS (mass fraction of biodegradable volatile solid) were considered the most sensitive parameters based on the sensitivity analysis. Future research was suggested to focus on reasonable humidity assumption, measuring accurate value of thermodynamics and kinetics parameters of sewage sludge, and simulating the composting process with different aeration modes and turning of the pile. 相似文献
Nils Brink 《Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science》2013,63(4):238-243
Abstract Food waste, waste paper and different topsoils were composted in different experiments. The composts were characterised by high contents of N, P, S, Na and K in the food waste, of Mg in the soil, and of Ca in paper and soils. The nitrogen catching was between 50 and 70% of the input. The lowest amounts were caught in the composts with sandy soils, the highest in a clay soil with high ignition loss. 相似文献
Slimane Lahsaini Anas Aguelmous Loubna El Fels Leila Idrissi Salah Souabi Mohamed Zamama 《Compost science & utilization》2017,25(2):130-140
The evolution of organic matter of sludge from vegetable oil refining (50%) mixed with turf (40%) and straw (10%) during 6 months of composting was evaluated by physicochemical and spectroscopy analysis. The intense microbial activity is characterized by a significant increase in temperature (over 67°C) during the thermophilic phase (7 days). The final product is characterized by a decomposition rate of 50, C/N ratio about 12, NH4+/NO3? ratio less than 1, and a neutral pH. The lipid analysis showed that total lipids decreased by 83% as a result of biodegradation of lipid compounds of the composted substrate. The degree of polymerization during composting is of about 16%, which provides information on the success of the process. The spectroscopic analysis showed a decrease of the ratios E4/E6 and E2/E6, which clearly shows the humification of organic matter. The physicochemical and spectroscopy parameters of the mixture show the stability and maturity of the final compost, which is confirmed by the germination index (60% for lettuce and turnips, and 90% for cress and lucerna). The results of the evolution of sludge from vegetable oil refining mixed with green wastes produced a mature product that can be applied in agriculture. 相似文献
园林废弃物堆肥红外光谱特性分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以添加不同外源物质的园林废弃物为研究对象,采用近红外光谱分析方法跟踪测定不同堆肥阶段园林废弃物堆体中近红外光谱变化,结合堆体温度变化,探讨外源添加剂对堆肥物质结构转化影响。结果表明:单独添加腐殖酸处理(FZS)、复合添加EM菌剂和腐殖酸处理(EM+FZS)、复合添加京圃园菌剂和腐殖酸处理(JPY+FZS)以及无添加处理(CK)堆体物质转化机制相同,即随着堆肥进行,蛋白质,碳水化合物,脂肪类物质不断减少,物质芳构化程度提高,外源添加剂不影响堆肥物质转化顺序。不同外源添加剂处理红外光谱特征峰吸收频率位置基本一致,但特征峰吸收强度有所变化,说明不同外源添加剂堆肥物质中含有相似的官能团,但官能团数量与物质结构不同,外源添加剂对堆肥分解速率,分解程度以及堆肥产物芳化度均有影响。京圃园菌剂与腐殖酸复合施用(JPY+FZS)能够显著加速物质转化进程,提高堆肥产品芳化程度,更适宜应用于园林废弃物堆肥。 相似文献