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This experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions using a sandy clay loam treated with garbage and mushroom composts, cattle and chicken manures, or municipal sludge at rates of 0, 30, or 60 ton ha?1. The organic materials were applied to the pots and incubated for 15 d. The soil samples were watered at field capacity. In this experiment, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was used as a test crop. At the end of the experiment, it was found that treating sandy clay loam with the organic materials increased plant total and grain yields, protein content, 1000-kernel weight, number of grains in spike, and accumulation of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), and manganese (Mn) by wheat compared with the control treatment, depending on the organic material applications. Thus, the increases were found to be statistically significant (P ≤ 0.05). Among the types of organic materials, the sewage sludge was the most effective material in increasing N, P, K, Fe, Zn, and Mn content of leaf, grain, and stem samples of the wheat plant. It was followed by mushroom compost and cattle manure. Based on the results, sewage sludge and garbage compost are suggested for use as an amendment for the soil studied. Comparing the beneficial effects of the organic materials applied for improving plant growth and nutrient accumulation, the materials can be arranged in the following descending order: municipal sludge > chicken manure > cattle manure > garbage compost > mushroom compost. It is suggested that recycling of organic materials for agricultural usage as an organic-matter resource is an alternative, organic fertilization option in Turkey.  相似文献   

Organic agricultural systems rely on organic amendments to achieve crop fertility requirements, and weed control must be achieved without synthetic herbicides. Our objective was to determine the crop yield and soil quality as affected by a transition from grass to dryland organic agriculture in the Central Great Plains of North America. This study evaluated three beef feedlot compost(BFC)treatments in 2010–2015 following biennial application rates: 0(control), 22.9, and 108.7 t ha~(-1) on two dryland organic cropping systems: a wheat(Triticum aestivum)-fallow(WF) rotation harvested for grain and a triticale(Triticosecale)/pea(Pisum sativum)-fallow(T/P-F) rotation harvested for forage. The triticale + pea biomass responded positively to the 108.7-t ha~(-1) BFC treatment,but not the 22.9-t ha~(-1) BFC treatment. The wheat biomass was not affected by BFC addition, but biomass N content increased.Beef feedlot compost input did not increase wheat grain yields, but had a positive effect on wheat grain Zn content. Soil total C and N contents increased with the rate of 108.7 t ha~(-1) BFC after three applications, but not with 22.9 t ha~(-1) BFC. Soil enzyme activities associated with N and C cycling responded positively to the 108.7-t ha~(-1) BFC treatment. Saturated salts were high in the soil receiving 108.7 t ha~(-1) of BFC, but did not affect crop yields. These results showed that BFC was effective in enhancing forage yields, wheat grain quality, and soil C and N, as well as specific microbial enzymes important for nutrient cycling. However, the large rates of BFC necessary to elicit these positive responses did not increase grain yields, and resulted in an excessive buildup of soil P.  相似文献   

未来气候变化对重庆地区冬小麦产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
分析重庆地区40 a来气候变化对冬小麦产量的影响,用WOFOST作物模型与BCC-T63气候模式相结合,定量化地估算未来50 a(2001-2050年)重庆地区冬小麦产量变化趋势。结果表明:在目前的品种和生产条件下,未来气候变化后重庆地区冬小麦的产量变化波动不是很大,减产幅度在2.0%~5.0%,平均减产3.0%。  相似文献   

粉垄耕作对小麦玉米产量及耕层土壤养分的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过在河南省温县(2013~2014年)和西华县(2014~2015年)小麦、玉米2季作物的试验,研究粉垄耕作对作物产量、土壤养分(碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾、有机质)含量的影响,并分析耕作措施与作物生产、养分吸收的关系,为作物高产和施肥管理提借鉴。小麦播种季,设旋耕(12~16 cm,CK),粉垄耕作(FL1:20~30 cm,FL2:30~40 cm)3个处理,夏玉米在小麦收获后贴茬播种,其它一切农事操作均保持一致。结果表明,FL1、FL2处理小麦当季平均增产幅度分别为18.5%、23.5%,FL2FL1;玉米季,FL1、FL2处理的平均增产幅度分别为10.4%、5.8%。土壤养分方面,与CK相比,FL1、FL2处理能够增加小麦成熟期潮土土壤速效钾含量,平均增加74.49 mg kg~(-1),显著降低土壤碱解氮、有效磷、有机质含量,降低玉米季土壤耕层速效养分含量。FL1、FL2处理显著增加砂姜黑土土壤有效磷含量,平均高2.2 mg kg~(-1),降低土壤碱解氮、速效钾含量,分别平均降低7.54 mg kg~(-1)、13.38 mg kg~(-1)。小麦季,FL1、FL2处理的氮、磷、钾肥偏生产力均显著高于CK,比CK高出5~19个单位;玉米季,偏生产力比CK高出3~15个单位。说明在养分投入、农事操作等保持一致的条件下,粉垄耕作(FL1,FL2)能够增加小麦、玉米两季作物产量,促进作物对养分的吸收,特别是氮的吸收。此外,适当增加耕作层的厚度更有助于当季小麦产量的提高。  相似文献   

影响我国冬小麦产量的气象要素研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
收集整理了全国52个市、县冬小麦产量预报模型资料,总结提取出预报要素,通过定量分析,了解了影响各地区冬小麦产量的主要气象要素,为大面积冬小麦产量监测和预报提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

不同施氮水平下的小麦冠层光谱特征及产量分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
分析了在不同氮肥施用水平下,小麦冠层的高光谱响应在几个生育期内的变化情况,以及它们与小麦产量之间的关系。采用微分技术处理了小麦冠层反射光谱,提高了其区分小麦氮素营养水平的灵敏性;利用F-检验及方差分析与相关分析,研究小麦氮素处理水平、冠层反射光谱及其衍生信息(光谱反射率的一阶微分数据、归一化植被指数)、小麦产量三者之间的相关关系。研究结果表明,一阶微分技术能够提高小麦冠层光谱数据对氮素营养水平的响应,光谱数据的衍生形式也可与小麦产量建立很好的回归方程。  相似文献   

提出了一种丘陵山区旱地抗旱的新工程措施--暗沟贮水。该措施具有保墒、蓄水、调节土壤湿度的功能,使作物明显增产。这一新工程措施在我国南方排球队山区具有推广价值。  相似文献   

Exposure of wheat flour to ethanol solutions followed by slow drying of the ethanol in situ alters the subsequent transformation of the flour into dough. Several types of wheat flour were exposed to small amounts of ethanol solutions so as to be “wetted” but without the appearance of a separate liquid phase. The wet sample was then dried in air. Dough was formed from the treated flour, and its rheological parameters were assessed, including time to peak strength (mixograph and farinograph) and gluten index (glutomatic). Untreated and treated flour and the dough prepared therefrom were assayed using 1D SDS‐PAGE (reducing and unreducing conditions), capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) applied to 70% leachates with and without sonication, and differential scanning calorimetry. Both gluten index and time to peak increased as a result of the treatment, and the increase was greater for flour or enriched vital gluten with an initially low gluten index than for flour with a relatively high initial index. Endosperm fragmentation following milling of the treated flour was improved by the treatment. Thermal transitions were at lower temperatures following treatment, indicating less structural order and reduced thermal stability. No compositional differences were evident when studied with robust analytical methods. CZE of leached samples (no sonication) revealed lower amounts of accessible or detected proteins following treatment. Conformational changes and new secondary interactions, therefore, appear to cause the effect.  相似文献   

The effect of lactic acid on starch yields of different corn hybrids was determined by wet-milling 18 commercial corn hybrids at three levels of lactic acid. All 18 hybrid samples tested had higher starch yields when lactic acid was added to the steep solution, although the magnitude of the increased starch yields varied between 2.9 and 12.0%. The optimal lactic acid concentration for maximum starch recovery was found to be between 0.55 and 1.67% lactic acid, by wet-milling nine of the same 18 corn hybrids with seven levels of added lactic acid. Between 0.83 and 1.67% lactic acid, the starch yields of eight of the nine hybrids were constant (within ±0.5%). Results showed that the average starch yield across all hybrids decreased with a lactic acid concentration <0.55% and a lactic acid concentration >1.67%.  相似文献   

Scientifically researched 2‐ and 3‐stage tempering procedures and the commercially practiced 1‐stage procedure were compared for throughput and corn dry‐milling product yields at pilot‐scale (30‐kg lots) operation. The throughput and product yields were influenced by the temper procedure and the tailgate weight distance. For most corn dry‐milling products, yields corresponding to 2‐ or 3‐stage tempering procedures could be equaled or surpassed using the 1‐stage tempering procedure at specific temper durations. In general, yields from the 2‐stage and 3‐stage procedures were comparable to the yields from the 1‐stage procedure at temper durations of 30–40 and 50–60 min, respectively. An increase in the tailgate weight distance improved the product yields for temper durations <30 min but reduced the yields for longer temper durations. An increase in temper duration ≤50 min resulted in a reduction in throughput but an improvement in flaking grit yield. The temper duration and tailgate weight distance could be suitably adjusted for obtaining the desired output.  相似文献   

干旱年份地膜覆盖模式对春小麦土壤水分和产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在西北半干旱雨养条件下,采取不同地膜覆盖方式,研究了春小麦地膜覆盖的水分效应。结果显示,覆膜可显著提高土壤表层(0-20cm)墒情,但在拔节后土壤深层墒情覆膜明显不如露地。从200cm土体全生育期平均水分状况来看,地膜覆盖的耗水量比对照少;6种模式中,甘谷模式和甘肃模式的秋覆膜的土壤水分状况明显优于露地;覆膜的春小麦产量高于露地(平均增产率44.45%,增产711.45kg·hm^-2),且秋覆膜的平均产量略高于春覆膜。试验表明,覆膜春小麦在更干旱土壤上获得更高产量的水分保障和增产机制是能有效利用深层土壤水分,同时把深层的水分输送到表层。  相似文献   

为全面落实好优质粮食工程,为酒泉市春小麦品种更新换代提供品种支撑。酒泉市农业科学研究院2010年以酒0916F1为母本、永3002为父本进行了有性杂交,对杂交后代通过连续多年的系谱选择,2016年稳定出圃,2017 — 2018年参加水地品鉴、品比试验,选育出了紧凑型春小麦新品种酒春13号。2019 — 2020年参加甘肃省西片(水地组)区域试验,2 a平均折合产量8 031.30 kg/hm2,较对照品种宁春4号增产3.34%。2021年参加甘肃省西片(水地组)多点生产试验,6试点平均折合产量7 342.05 kg/hm2,较对照品种宁春4号增产3.17%。该品种具有高产稳产、优质、农艺性状优良,抗白粉病、抗大气干旱等特点,适宜在甘肃省河西灌区(张掖、武威、酒泉)及沿黄灌区种植。  相似文献   

干旱或渗透胁迫下,3个测试的玉米杂交种幼苗叶片叶绿素含量均下降,其净光合速率、呼吸速率亦显著下降,下降幅度为:玉单358<桂三2号<南校8号。叶片Ca2+-ATP酶和Mg2+-ATP酶活性显著增加,增加幅度为;玉单358<桂三2号<南校8号。田间试验结果表明:干旱处理后,各品种株高、穗长、穗粗和籽粒百粒重均有不同程度的下降,下降幅度均为:玉单358<桂三2号<南校8号。干旱胁迫显著降低了玉米产量。减产程度为:玉单358<桂三2号<南校8号。说明花粉植株杂交种玉单358的抗旱能力大于桂三2号和南校8号。  相似文献   

U.S. No. 2 yellow dent corn was randomly probe‐sampled from rail cars being shipped to a wet‐milling plant from a Corn Belt local elevator. The probe samples were blended together and kernels were sorted into four levels of stress cracks (0, 1, 2, or multiple). Each level of stress cracking was then laboratory wet‐milled in triplicate. The only statistically observed differences were in total fiber and in protein content of the gluten meal fraction. The starch yield difference between zero stress cracked corn and multiple stress cracked corn was smaller (0.8%) than would be expected if stress cracking were an indicator of damage to the wet‐milling characteristics of the corn.  相似文献   

以当前农业研究的热点领域——重金属污染为切入点,研究了大田Cd、Pb、As、Hg、Cr5种重金属胁迫对小麦(郑麦9023、小偃22)籽粒产量及构成因素的影响。结果表明重金属胁迫下,cd、Pb、As、№、cr重金属对产量三要素中单位面积群体穗数的影响最大,其次为穗粒数,对千粒重的影响最小;单位面积群体穗数对重金属Cr、Pb最为敏感,在旱田偏碱性的土壤上,Cr、Pb胁迫对小麦单位面积的群体穗数影响的临界含量分别约为187.5mg·kg^-1和175mg·kg^-1。对两个小麦品种的籽粒产量影响不同,郑麦9023籽粒产量依次为Cr2〈Crl〈CK〈Cd2〈Hgl〈As2〈Asl〈Hg2〈Pbl〈Cdl〈Pb2;小偃22籽粒产量依次为Cr2〈Crl〈CK〈Hgl〈As2〈Hg2〈Cdl〈Cd2〈Pb2〈Asl〈Pb1。重金属Cr对小麦的产量表现为抑制效应,Cd、Hg、Pb、As对小麦产量的影响表现为增产效应;不同种类重金属胁迫对小麦产量影响作用依次为Hg〈Cd〈As〈Pb〈Cr。  相似文献   

不同肥料组合对生姜产量和品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过田间小区试验研究了酸性土壤不同养分组合对生姜产量、品质及养分比例的影响.结果表明,N、P、K养分组合能使生姜显著或极显著增产(11.1%~79.4%),增产效果以高N(N2)组合大于低N(N1)组合,以配施Mo肥(N2P1K2Mo)组合增产最为显著.不同肥料组合使生姜粗蛋白、可溶性糖、淀粉含量分别增加1.3%~35.5%(N1P2K2、N2P1K1组合除外)、5.5%~92.7%(N2P2K3组合除外)和2.9%~36.7%(N2P2K3、N2P2K2Mo组合除外),降低粗纤维含量2.8%~11.9%(N2P2K2Mo组合除外),改善生姜品质.不同肥料组合降低生姜地上部全N、P、K含量和根茎全P、K含量,提高地下部全N含量.不同肥料组合提高生姜根茎N/P和N/K,降低K/P,而对生姜地上部N/P、N/K、K/P作用不一致.综合产量和品质效应,以N2P2K1处理最佳.  相似文献   

农田爆破成腔技术要素与作物产量关系的正交试验研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
腔体密度、埋深和孔底防渗处理措施是农田爆破成腔技术的3个要素。该文在简介该技术的实施方法和进行了简单的经济分析后,以小麦产量为依据,按照正交试验的方法对各要素与产量的影响关系进行了分析,认为孔底的防渗处理方法是最重要的影响因素,从而为进一步的试验和该技术的推广应用提供了参考  相似文献   

猪粪沼液施用对稻、麦产量和氮磷吸收的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
黄红英  曹金留  常志州  曹云 《土壤》2013,45(3):412-418
在江苏太湖稻麦轮作区,开展了连续2年不同沼液替代化肥比例及沼液基追比的等氮田间试验,结果表明:单施化肥处理(NPK)及沼液化肥配施处理水稻、小麦生物量及产量均显著高于无肥对照,各处理以75%沼液替代比例分3次施入(N75%)处理的水稻生物量和产量为最高,其生物量及产量分别比单施化肥处理提高2.7%和7.5%;而小麦生物量和产量以50%沼液替代比例(N50%)处理最高,其生物量和产量比单施化肥处理分别提高15.9%和7.8%.沼液化肥配施对稻麦的增产作用主要体现在提高水稻与小麦总穗数及穗粒数上;各处理水稻、小麦的氮素累积量和氮素当季表观利用率分别以75%(N75%)和50%(N50%)替代比例为最高;在50%~ 100%替代比例内沼液分次施用,水稻、小麦氮肥农学效率、偏生产力都高于化肥处理.水稻、小麦不同器官的氮分配比例显示,沼液配施化肥促进氮素向籽粒转移;相同沼液替代比例下,沼液分次施用水稻、小麦的产量、氮素累积量及氮素利用率均较基肥一次性施入高.稻、麦根、叶部磷含量分别以N75%和N100%处理最高.以上表明稻麦配施50% ~ 75%的沼液分3次施用,可获得与纯化肥处理相当的产量,且在一定程度上提高稻麦氮素利用率.  相似文献   

四川几种轮套作体系的产量及小麦玉米磷素利用效率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过2011和2012年2年田间试验研究了"蚕豆-玉米"、"小麦-甘薯"、"小麦-大豆"3种两熟轮作体系和"小麦/玉米/甘薯"、"小麦/玉米/大豆"2种三熟套作体系的产量、小麦玉米磷素积累分配及磷利用效率的变化。结果表明:三熟套作具有明显的产量优势,小麦/玉米、玉米/大豆和玉米/甘薯的土地当量比(LER)分别为1.79、1.51、1.62,小麦/玉米/大豆、小麦/玉米/甘薯周年体系的LER平均分别为2.13、2.32,与同面积单作相比,两体系周年作物产量分别提高了12.5%和31.5%。小麦、玉米产量套作比单作分别高30.3%、12.3%,而大豆和甘薯产量在套作与单作间无显著差异。套作较单作显著提高了小麦和玉米的地上部磷素吸收总量、籽粒磷积累量、磷肥偏生产力,小麦分别提高34.3%、39.3%、29.1%,玉米分别提高11.1%、19.8%、12.4%。玉米磷收获指数套作比轮作平均高7.8%。套作促进了小麦、玉米磷营养从营养器官向籽粒的转运分配。表明三熟套作相对两熟轮作(单作)能显著提高周年产量,促进小麦、玉米对磷素的吸收利用,一定程度提高了磷肥利用效率。  相似文献   

不同年份施肥对作物增产效应及肥料利用率的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在冬小麦-夏玉米→春玉米轮作条件下,对13年长期肥料定位试验中作物产量及氮肥利用率在不同年份的变异情况进行了分析。结果表明:玉米吸收土壤氮素的比例高于对肥料氮的吸收,而且其对肥料氮的利用率低于小麦,并极易受夏涝的影响,氮,磷化肥合理配施或再配以有机肥可以促进作物高产稳产,避免不利气候因子对作物的影响。  相似文献   

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