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Agricultural soils were amended with five mixed feedstock (four source segregated and one mechanical biological treatment) municipal waste derived composts to investigate the effect on a cereal crop over two years. Composts were applied at two rates to contain either 250 or 500 kg nitrogen ha?1 and compared to a control which received no fertilizer. In year one, three of the composts increased barley yield (by up to 21%), compared to the control (no compost and no fertilizer) and two reduced it (by up to 33%). Application of the municipal waste derived compost resulted in greater nitrogen concentration in the grain and 1000 grain weight but reduced nitrogen uptake and yield. Application of composts had no significant effect on levels of lead, nickel and cadmium in the barley grains. Levels of soil potentially toxic elements were not significantly increased by application of the composts. In year two, all composts gave comparable or greater wheat yields in comparison to the control.  相似文献   


To avoid toxicity resulting in reduced crop yields and/or phytotoxic symptoms on the foliage, information on the residual effect of micronutrient fertilization after periods of application is desirable. This article includes discussion on the micronutrients copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn), because they are essential and are of concern from plant and animal standpoints. In general, no detrimental effects in yield reduction or phytotoxicity were noted from Cu applications of up to 50 kg Cu ha?1 to barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Barley was an exception where 50 kg Cu ha?1 decreased yield by about 12% in the first‐year crop. The Cu levels in plants did not exceed 9 mg kg?1. Studies showed that Zn applications of 50 kg ha?1 for 2 years in succession and the resulting crop tissue Zn levels as high as 105 mg kg?1 did not cause any phytotoxicity in cereals. The results of this study suggest that cereals can tolerate high levels of Cu and Zn.  相似文献   

基于土壤养分平衡的畜禽养殖承载力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了合理控制畜禽养殖规模、有效降低畜禽养殖污染,采集江门市新会区水田、菜地、园地和林地共35个土壤样品,监测N、P养分以及Cu、Zn、As等重金属含量。基于土壤养分平衡模型,对适宜的畜禽养殖量进行了研究。结果显示,新会区土壤肥力水平较高,在35个监测点中,有29个点位土壤的全氮含量超过1.2g·kg~(-1),占比82.9%;11个镇街中,除了大泽,其余10个镇街的部分土壤存在N肥或P肥过剩,部分农用地土壤还同时出现N肥和P肥过剩;部分果园土壤出现As超标,沙堆、古井、罗坑三个镇果园土壤As超标倍数分别为1.76、0.66、0.21,古井林地、双水、司前的水田As超标倍数分别为0.31、0.15、0.082;全区现状畜禽养殖总量为125.7万头猪当量,而基于土壤养分平衡的畜禽养殖总量为27.10万头猪当量。因此,在新会区畜禽养殖污染防治工作中,除了需要大幅削减各镇的养殖规模、提高有机肥施用比例外,同时需关注畜禽粪便施用可能导致的农用地As污染风险。  相似文献   

Brazil is a major world coffee producer, using increasing quantities of nitrogen (N) fertilizer as the monoculture expands across the savannas. The fate and efficiency of this fertilizer N were evaluated for one complete cropping cycle using 15N tracer, permitting an N balance at harvest. Annual rates of 200, 400, 600, and 800 kg N ha?1 year?1 of 15N-labeled urea and an unfertilized control were applied every 14 days via fertigation. The N concentration, percentage of N derived from fertilizer, quantity of N derived from fertilizer, and percentage of nitrogen derived from fertilizer per N rate was assessed for 8-year-old coffee trees. The most efficient N use was with 200 kg ha?1 year?1 because it presented the lowest losses and highest N recoveries in the crop. Conversely, the least sustainable rate was 800 kg ha?1 year?1, which presented the greatest losses and the lowest N recovery in the whole plant.  相似文献   

锌肥对作物产量、子粒锌及土壤有效锌含量的后效   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 992年~ 1 998年在河南新乡缺锌褐土进行了微区定位试验 ,研究施锌对作物和土壤的长期效应。结果表明 :施锌提高第一茬作物小麦的分蘖数、穗数、穗长和第二茬作物玉米的穗长、穗粒数和粒重 ,从而显著增加小麦和玉米产量。不同用量的锌对作物产量影响未及显著差异水平。施锌对作物产量的后效不明显 ,最多能维持两茬作物。施锌显著提高土壤有效锌含量 ,尽管施用锌肥 ,经过 4茬之后 ,土壤有效锌含量仍维持在临界值之上 ,但作物产量没有多大影响。施锌显著提高前 2茬小麦和前 3茬玉米子粒中锌含量  相似文献   

Samples from conventional and environmentally controlled (EC) composts taken at various stages of composting and mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) growth were analyzed for changes in 80 percent ethanol and water extracts, monosaccharides in acid hydrolysates of polysaccharides, lignin concentrations and lignin structural features. The relative lignin content of all composts as measured by the acetyl bromide procedure increased, both during composting and mushroom growth. On the assumption that the absolute amount of lignin remains unaltered during composting and mushroom growth, the relative changes to the polysaccharide concentrations were calculated. Thus, during composting, 70, 53 and 58 percent of the initial wall polysaccharides for conventional, “cold” and “hot” EC, respectively, were consumed by compost microorganisms. During spawn running and fruiting, about 15 percent of wall polysaccharides were utilized from all types of composts. Thus, considerable amounts (17–31 percent) of polysaccharide remained at the end of mushroom production. During composting, there were changes in the degree of condensation and in the extent of oxidation of the lignins in all cases, but the rate and extent of these changes was dependent on the different composting regimes. During mushroom growth, further changes occurred, again with different patterns for the different compost types.  相似文献   

为了探讨在覆膜基础上不同剂量秸秆还田的保墒增产效果,在辽宁省朝阳市建平县的坡耕地上布设了田间小区试验;对未施入秸秆以及施入400,800,1200和1600kg/hm2共5种不同剂量处理秸秆还田的旱地农田土壤墒情及玉米产量进行了比较分析。结果表明,800kg/hm2处理的保墒效果优于其它各秸秆还田处理,400,800,1 200和1 600kg/hm2这4种不同剂量秸秆还田处理产量分别为5 069.20,5 781.46,5 462.25和5 407.46kg/hm2,较对照处理分别增产了18.62%,35.28%,27.81%和26.53%;800kg/hm2处理对玉米生长发育状况的影响优于其它剂量秸秆还田与未施入处理,差异均达极显著水平。  相似文献   

孙浩燕  张洋洋  任涛  薛欣欣  丛日环 《土壤》2014,46(4):669-673
通过盆栽试验研究了不同形态钾肥的施用对连续3季作物(油菜、油菜、水稻)生物量、钾素(K2O)吸收量、作物-土壤系统钾素平衡以及土壤速效钾和缓效钾含量的影响。研究结果表明,不同形态钾肥施用后,枸溶性钾硅肥(K枸)与水溶性钾肥(K水)效果一致,与不施钾相比,3季作物生物量都显著增加,钾素总吸收量增加155%,钾素平衡系数为0.79,钾素的供应缓解了土壤钾素亏缺,利于维持土壤钾素平衡;而粉碎性钾矿粉(K矿)钾素不能被作物充分吸收利用,增产效果不显著。第一季油菜收获后K枸、K水处理土壤速效钾、缓效钾含量显著高于K0、K矿,但随着作物的收获各处理间差异逐渐变小,最终趋于一致。枸溶性钾硅肥和水溶性钾肥均能补充土壤的有效钾素,缓解土壤钾素的消耗,维持土壤钾素肥力水平的稳定,有利于作物增产。  相似文献   

针对集约化养殖中大量使用含Zn饲料添加剂及其在畜禽粪便中的残留问题,采集北京6个郊区县集约化养殖场208个猪、奶牛、鸡饲料样品和204个粪便样品,分析测定了其中Zn含量。结果表明,北京地区集约化养殖饲料和粪便中Zn含量差异很大,猪饲料和猪粪中Zn含量远高于奶牛和鸡。猪、奶牛、鸡饲料中Zn的含量范围分别为72.77~3170.37mg·kg^-1、13.63—471.39mg·kg^-1、32.64—344.67mg·kg^-1,平均含量分别为347.57、86.44、138.76mg·kg^-1;猪、奶牛、鸡粪便Zn的平均含量分别为2333.97、119.41、391.01mg·kg^-1,含量范围分别在458.21—14031.79、10.36~502.39、73.15~678.91mg·kg^-1之间。猪饲料和猪粪Zn超标率分别为9.3%和15.0%,奶牛、鸡的饲料和粪便均未超标。畜禽粪便中Zn含量与其饲料中zn含量之间呈显著或极显著正相关(P〈0.05),猪、奶牛、鸡粪便中Zn的平均含量分别是其饲料的6.7倍、1.4倍、2.8倍,表现出一定的“浓缩”效应,其中断奶仔猪饲料和粪便中zn的平均含量最高,分别为645.37和5133.64mg·kg^-1,“浓缩系数”高达6.61。高Zn含量的畜禽粪便在土地利用时可能会带来土壤污染风险。  相似文献   

灰漠土小麦-玉米-棉花轮作体系钾平衡与钾肥利用率   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王西和  吕金岭  刘骅 《土壤学报》2016,53(1):213-223
研究了干旱区灰漠土农田典型作物长期定位方式下不同施肥处理对钾平衡及钾形态和利用率的影响。实验包括9个处理,分别为不施肥(CK)、氮磷钾不均衡配施(N、NP、NK和PK)以及均衡施肥与秸秆或有机肥配施(NPK、NPKS、NPKM和1.5 NPKM)。结果表明,均衡施肥的产量显著高于不均衡施肥处理(NP除外)(p0.05)。其中NP处理的产量与其他均衡施肥产量并无明显差异(p0.05),说明钾不是灰漠土农田亏缺养分。钾平衡法发现,均衡施肥中NPKS表现出钾的盈余,而其余均衡施肥处理表现出钾的亏缺,24年亏缺量达到268至2 966 kg hm-2。所有施肥处理中,NPKM和1.5NPKM拥有最高的钾表观利用率,分别达到81.2%和38.9%,显著高于其他处理(p0.05),说明配施有机肥可以显著提高灰漠土钾肥利用率。长期定位试验后,不同处理的钾素形态变化显著,尤其有机肥添加处理的非交换性钾、非特殊吸附性钾、水溶性钾和交换性钾显著高于其他处理(p0.05),进一步说明配施有机肥或秸秆维持灰漠土农田钾素肥力方面的重要性。总而言之,当前灰漠土农田常规施肥方式下的钾亏缺正在逐步加大,补充更多的钾肥以及配合使用有机肥或秸秆应当被重视。  相似文献   


Two high‐input and two low‐input crop‐management systems, one reference treatment with field crop rotation, and one long‐term moderately treated pasture were studied and compared in respect to nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) flow and balance. The experiment was conducted on tile‐drained plots covered by Endocalcari‐Endohypogleyic Cambisols. The least Nmin (mineral nitrogen) leaching losses were registered in the pasture. The high‐input management systems did not consistently result in larger losses of Nmin [mainly nitrate (NO3)‐N] and Ptot (total phosphorus) in the drainage water. The leaching of Nmin depended more on amount of the drainage water leaving the site, soil organic matter/humus, and soil Ntot content (positive correlation) as well as the content of water‐stable aggregates (negative correlation). The higher concentrations of Ptot in drainage runoff in the organic (ORG1) treatment and pasture during the second rotation might be conditioned of ley root system impact. Ptot leaching was positively correlated to the available P2O5‐AL in the topsoil. Negative N field balance was determined in all the treatments, except ORG2 and LTP in 1995–1999, whereas it was negative only in the reference plots (REF) in the 2001–2003 rotation because of the increased crop residues and drier climatic conditions. Phosphorus balance was slightly negative in the ORG1 and reference treatments during both rotations.  相似文献   

不同状态有机物料对土壤腐殖质及作物产量的影响   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
王英 《土壤通报》2002,33(2):156-157
施用有机物料培肥土壤 ,可以提高重组有机质的含量 ,改善重组有机质中的腐殖质结合形态 ,还可以提高有机无机复合量 ,表现为有机质含量、松结合态腐殖质含量、HA/FA比值均提高 ,并且提高作物的产量  相似文献   

Biomass ashes from energy production are a source of phosphorus (P), and their reutilization in agriculture could help to close nutrient cycles and save natural P resources. To analyze the P fertilizing effect of biomass ashes, a pot experiment with a loamy sand, originated from a long-term field experiment without any P supply, was carried out. As P source, poultry litter ash was compared with high soluble mineral P (potassium phosphate; KH2PO4). Four catch crops, in particular phacelia, buckwheat, ryegrass, and oil radish, were cultivated. The soil P-fractionation method was used to follow the transformation process of ash P in the soil. Oxalate-soluble P, iron (Fe), and aluminium (Al) were determined to assess the effect of ash on P sorption parameters. In general, a high P-fertilizing effect of biomass ashes was found. Ash application resulted in an increase of plant P uptake and the most bioavailable resin P fraction and was even comparable to a high soluble mineral P source. No enrichment of ash P in hardly plant-available P fractions could be detected. Crops mainly influenced the readily available P fractions. Buckwheat and oil radish exhausted the resin P and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) P fractions most. Phacelia cultivation led to an increase of the highly available resin P content, which is probably due to mobilization processes from the hardly available residual P fraction. The obtained results indicate that ashes may have a high P availability to plants and may provide an adequate substitute for commercial P fertilizers.  相似文献   

新疆石灰性土壤锌状况及锌肥效研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用室内测试分析和盆栽试验相结合的方法,研究新疆耕地土壤微量元素锌状况及叶面施锌对棉花锌吸收和产量的影响。结果表明,各地区土壤有效锌含量较为接近,但全锌含量差异明显。3种类型土壤有效锌平均含量为潮土(0.69mg/kg)>棕漠土(0.57mg/kg)>灰漠土(0.51mg/kg)。低锌土壤施锌对棉花具有增产作用,土壤有效锌含量越低锌肥增产作用越明显,可用函数y=5.2195x-2.792(r=-0.880 1)表示增产率与土壤有效锌之间的关系。土壤有效锌含量低时施用锌肥能够增加棉花总干物重,并显著增加棉花各器官锌含量。不同类型土壤施锌后棉花增产率大小为灰漠土>棕漠土>潮土。  相似文献   

黄土高原土壤干层水分恢复与作物产量响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过大田试验研究了黄土高原苜蓿草地土壤干层水分恢复状况,及恢复过程中不同作物的产量响应。试验设5个处理,苜蓿→草谷子→春小麦→马铃薯→豌豆(WPPe);苜蓿→草谷子→玉米→玉米→春小麦(CCW);苜蓿→草谷子→马铃薯→春小麦→玉米(PWC);苜蓿→草谷子→休闲→豌豆→马铃薯(FPeP);常规耕作农田(CS)。结果表明,如用苜蓿翻耕后农田土壤含水量与凋萎湿度时土壤含水量的比值表示土壤干层水分恢复程度,比值在正常降雨情况下增加而在降雨量少时下降,但如用苜蓿翻耕后农田土壤含水量与常规农田土壤含水量的比值表示土壤干层水分恢复程度,比值持续增长不受降雨量的影响。经过4年时间WPPe、CCW、PWC、FPeP的0~5m土层的土壤含水量由2001年4月仅有常规农田的63.66%上升到2004年9月的90.51%、89.83%、92.17%、96.72%。苜蓿翻耕后的农田作物产量与常规农田中的作物产量没有明显差别,而水分利用效率显著高于常规农田中的作物产量。以秋收作物马铃薯和玉米较适合苜蓿一作物轮作。  相似文献   

内蒙古东部区粮食产量对气候变化的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用内蒙古东部产粮区25个气象站建站至2005年气象资料与粮豆和主要作物产量资料,分析了作物生长季水热演变规律,及区域作物产量对气候变化的响应。结果表明:(1)近50a该区域水热匹配格局发生变化,特别是近20a暖干化趋势明显;(2)降水是影响该地区粮食生产的关键气象因子,春、夏季降水量的匮乏和生长季高温是粮食生产的主要限制因素;(3)各作物的第一敏感因子不同。小麦和谷子为降水,玉米为夏季高温,马铃薯产量对7-8月温差和4-5月降水反应敏感。(4)据模型推算,当生长季平均最高气温或温差增加1℃时,有可能使玉米气象产量减少102~192kg/hm2,大豆减产87kg/hm2,马铃薯增产55.5kg/hm2。因此,气候暖干化倾向有可能造成该区域农业产量呈下降趋势。研究结果可为有关部门制定应对气候变化策略提供参考。  相似文献   


There is a growing concern about excessive use of nitrogen (N) and water in agricultural system with unscientific management in Indian and developing countries of the world. Field experiments were conducted on the lateritic sandy loam soils of Kharagpur, West Bengal, India, during spring–summer (February-June) seasons for three years (2015–2017) to evaluate okra crop response under subsurface drip and conventional furrow irrigation with varying amount of nitrogen treatments. Irrigation treatments had three levels of soil water depletion from field capacity (i.e., 20%, 35%, and 50%) under subsurface drip system. There was no soil water depletion under conventional furrow irrigation system. There were four levels of nitrogen fertilizer treatments (i.e., 0, 80, 100, and 120 kg ha?1). This was supplied using urea as a nitrogenous fertilizer. The yield response of okra crop under subsurface drip was found to be 56.4% higher than that of the furrow irrigation treatment. Best yield response and maximum water use efficiency and nitrogen use efficiency were recorded under 20% soil water depletion with 100 kg ha?1 of nitrogen fertigation. Among the various soil moisture depletions, subsurface drip at 20% soil water depletion treatment responded least quantity of water lost through deep drainage and nitrogen loss beyond the root zone as compared to other irrigation treatments. The water loss through subsurface drainage was observed as 33.11 mm lesser under subsurface drip as compared to that of the furrow irrigation, and this may due to low-volume and frequent irrigation water application with subsurface drip. Hence, irrigation through subsurface drip should be used for improving water and nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency of okra crop cultivation.  相似文献   

Shiwei Zhou  Liang  Wenjun  Zeng  Tingting  Liu  Xiao  Meng  Ling  Bi  Xiaoli 《Eurasian Soil Science》2021,54(8):1215-1227
Eurasian Soil Science - Soil acidity has become a major yield-limiting factor, but it is unclear which acidity indicator is the best to use for estimating crop yield changes. In this study, four...  相似文献   

为了进一步认识库水位下降对残积土边坡力学响应的作用机理,基于饱和—非饱和渗流以及非饱和土力学理论,采用有限元软件,分析了库水位下降条件下残积土边坡的渗流场、应力场和位移场分布特征。结果表明,库水位下降过程中,路基内浸润线随下降速率的不同而差异较大,但随时间增长趋于一致;路基内孔隙水压力及位移均随水位下降持续时间及下降速率的增大而增大,坡体土有效应力逐渐增大,但总应力不变;边坡安全系数随时间呈现出先下降后上升的变化趋势,建议在水库泄洪管理方面,适当控制泄洪速率,同时加强路基坡体排水,以有利于库岸边坡稳定。  相似文献   

刘枫  吴传洲  朱克保  奚波  韩韦东 《土壤》2014,46(2):232-238
在安徽沿江平原的稻麦轮作试验结果表明,施用钾肥可明显增加稻麦产量,但过多施用钾肥,产量呈现下降;除最高施钾处理外,水稻的钾肥效率也随施钾量的增加而提高,小麦则呈现相反的趋势。稻麦施钾收益差异与钾肥效率变化趋势一致;水稻和小麦地上部钾吸收量随着施钾量的增加,也呈上升趋势。水稻和小麦各处理籽粒氮、磷吸收量均高于秸秆,而秸秆钾吸收量明显高于籽粒;随着钾肥投入的增加,水稻和小麦钾吸收量也明显呈上升趋势,水稻收获后各处理钾素均出现亏缺,但随着施钾量的提高,钾素亏缺程度减轻;小麦施钾(K2O)117 kg/hm2以上时,农田钾素出现相应盈余。水稻或稻麦合计,钾肥利用率均随着施钾量增多呈明显下降趋势。从保证稻麦高产高效,维持土壤钾素肥力考虑,水稻施钾(K2O)156 kg/hm2、小麦施钾117 kg/hm2可作为类似生产条件农区的钾肥推荐用量。  相似文献   

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