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通过对成年鸡胸前气囊和胸后气囊的解剖学观察,发现两气囊共同位于胸腹膈、肺膈和胸侧壁形成的三角形空间内,因此将其合称胸气囊(thoracic air sacs)。胸气囊的三个壁,即胸腹膈、肺膈和胸侧壁,都有肌肉存在。所以,在呼吸过程中,这些肌肉的收缩或舒张能使胸气囊主动缩小或膨大。  相似文献   

(一)发病情况2012年1月5日,山东省费县鹌鹑养殖户李某饲养的2万只28日龄鹌鹑出现咳嗽、甩鼻现象,发病第2天,鹌鹑群出现零星死亡,在这期间,李某陆续用强力霉素、氟苯尼考、头孢噻呋钠、泰乐菌素、利巴韦林等药物饮水治疗,但治疗效果都不理想,发病后第5天,鹌鹑群每天死亡高达300只以上。  相似文献   

新城疫病毒可感染鹌鹑发病死亡。国内外对鹌鹑自然发生新城疫的报道尚少。我们在对鹌鹑新城疫的流行病学、病原学等调查研究基础上,进一步较系统地进行了鹌鹁新城疫的病理形态学观察,发现了一定的规律和特点。现做如下报告,旨在为今后有效地诊断和控制鹌鹑新城疫提供有意义的参考。  相似文献   

鹌鹑比鸡生长迅速,产蛋率高,饲料转化率高,抗病力强,可供食用和药用,经济效益大,是很有发展前途的家禽。  相似文献   

黄羽鹌鹑生产性能观察   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
宋东亮  庞有志 《中国家禽》1998,20(10):39-40
对第二世代黄羽鹌鹑生长、生产性能进行观测的结果,公母1∶3的配种比例情况下,种蛋受精率88.6%,受精蛋孵化率84.5%,健雏率96.5%,育雏成活率97%。平均蛋重11.43g,试验期平均产蛋率84.7%。300日龄每鹑产蛋212个,料蛋比2.68∶1。两周龄体重平均47.75g,成年体重略轻,公鹑114.06g,母鹑平均为143.63g。  相似文献   

为了探索蚯蚓饲喂鹌鹑的具体方法和经济效果,我们于1988年2—8月间进行了试验,并取得良好效果。现将试验的结果报告如下。  相似文献   

组织滴虫病又称盲肠肝炎,多见于鸡和火鸡,鹌鹑少见报道。笔者在1997年8~11月间,连续接诊七起养鹑专业户送检的病鹑多例,现将临诊记录的有关资料整理如下:一、发病情况7个专业户饲养鹑数每户在2000~3000羽之间,系自配饲料喂养,营养基本符合标准要...  相似文献   

鹌鹑Coturnix coturnix(Linnaeus)别名赤喉鹑、红面鹌鹑。属鸟纲鸡形目雉科鹌鹑。据文献记载,现在世界上共有七种,主要分布于东半球。我国境内有两种:指名亚种Coturnix coturnix coturnix(Linnaeus)和普通亚种Coturnix coturnix Japonica(Temminck et schlegd) 鹌鹑属候鸟。在我国食用鹌鹑从春秋战国《礼记·周礼》一卷中已有文字记载。在埃及金字塔上至今还保留有食用鹌鹑卵的记载。从  相似文献   

鸵鸟骨骼的解剖学观察   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文采用解剖学方法,对成年非洲鸵鸟骨骼进行了观察。发现,鸵鸟胸骨极为发达,正方形舟状,无龙骨突,形成平胸。全部腰椎和荐椎与最后2个胸椎及前2个角椎愈合成一整体的腰荐骨。后肢骨特别发达。两侧耻骨在中心线以软骨连接,形成不开放的骨盆联合。鸵鸟的解剖学结构其生活习性和生理功能相适应。  相似文献   

鹌鹑是小而早熟的家禽。繁殖的目的是利用其鲜美而营养丰富的蛋和肉。世界上许多国家繁殖推广的是日本鹌鹑。其体躯呈栯圆形,尾和翼短,脚中等长。它是足够灵活的家禽,非常适宜笼养。羽色有深棕一灰色,头、胸和其他一部分躯体上有一些不同的深浅。成年鹌鹑重120~140克。笼养时年产蛋量达250~300个。蛋重10~12克。幼鹑生长迅速,二月龄时可屠宰供食用。  相似文献   

The anatomical and functional communications of the synovial sacs of the equine stifle joint were evaluated in 50 stifle joints of 25 horses. Femoropatellar joint (FPJ) sacs were injected with 50 ml of gelatin-based dye and horses were then walked for 50 m. Horses were subsequently killed, the stifle joints dissected and the location of the dye recorded. Twenty-three horses (46 joints) had clinically normal stifle joints and in this group, anatomical communications of the stifle joints were bilaterally symmetrical in each horse. In 15 of these 23 horses (65 per cent), direct anatomical communication between the FPJ sac and the medial sac of the femorotibial joint (FTJ) was demonstrated. The FPJ sac communicated with both the medial and lateral sacs of the FTJ in four of these 23 horses (17.5 per cent). There were no anatomical communications between the FPJ sac and either sac of the FTJ in the remaining four horses (17.5 per cent). Functional communication, which was established by finding dye in the FTJ sacs were anatomical communication with the FPJ sac existed, was demonstrated in 14 of 19 horses (74 per cent). Two horses were affected with degenerative joint disease of one stifle joint. In both of these joints the FPJ sac communicated with both the medial and lateral FTJ sacs. This distribution was different from that of the contralateral joint. When performing intra-articular anaesthesia of equine stifle joints, each synovial sac needs to be injected separately to ensure that anaesthesia of the appropriate synovial sac is obtained.  相似文献   

The lectin-binding characteristics of the epithelial lining of the thoracic air sacs of the chicken were determined. Con A, LCA and PSA bound to the apical membrane as well as to the cytoplasm distal to the nucleus of the surface epithelium, indicated the presence of a-linked mannose as well as N-acetylchitobiose-linked alpha-fucose residues in the glycoproteins. GSL I bound to the apical membrane and cytoplasm distal to the nucleus, but not to the cilia of the epithelium, where-as MPL, DBA and RCA120 bound to the apical membrane, cilia and cytoplasm, indicated the presence of a-linked N-acetylgalactosamine residues. However, neither SJA or SBA showed any binding, indicating the absence of beta anomers of galactosyl (beta1.3)N-acetylgalactosamine and beta-linked N-acetylgalactosamine residues. UEA I bound to the apical membrane and cilia, as well as to the cytoplasm of a few cells, indicated the presence of alpha-linked fucose residues. PNA bound to the apical membrane of some, but not all, surface epithelium cells, indicated the presence of galactosyl (beta1.3)N-acetylgalactosamine residues. WGA bound to the apical membrane and cilia, as well as to the cytoplasm of a few cells, indicated the presence of neuraminic acid residues.  相似文献   

There are conflicting reports in the existing literature on the nature of the epithelial lining and the content of the supporting connective tissue of the respiratory air sacs of birds. The present study describes the light and electron microscopic structure of the thoracic air sacs of the fowl. A simple squamous epithelium lined the greater part of the thoracic air sacs. The squamous cells characteristically contained vesicles filled with lamellar or myelinoid material. Localized areas of cuboidal to columnar ciliated epithelium were randomly distributed and often associated with underlying blood vessels. Isolated ciliated cells first appeared on squamous or low cuboidal cells and increased in frequency as the cells became taller. Occasional basal and goblet cells were seen between the ciliated columnar cells. A fibrous connective tissue stroma supported the epithelium. Fine elastic fibres were particularly prevalent immediately below the epithelium. Isolated smooth muscle myocytes were present in the connective tissue stroma. A sheet of smooth muscle extended some distance into the membrane from the attachment of the latter to the body wall. Numerous small blood vessels, lymphatics and occasional nerve bundles were observed in the stroma.  相似文献   

Air sacs are considered to be one of the controlling factors of bird behaviour and habits in addition to their roles in ventilation, regulating body temperature, swimming and flight. As a scavenger and an omnivorous flight bird, air sacs of the hooded crow were the focus of this study. Eight healthy, adult hooded crows were used to examine the morphological characteristics of the air sacs, which were examined grossly and with latex and cast preparations. In general, the morphological overview of the hooded crow air sacs is similar to other avian species. We observed nine air sacs; four paired sacs (cervical, cranial thoracic, caudal thoracic and abdominal air sacs) and one unpaired sac; the clavicular air sac. The cervical air sac communicated to the lung through the medioventral bronchus and had three diverticula; intermuscular, subscapular and subcutaneous. The clavicular air sac communicated with lung through the medioventral bronchus and had subscapular, axillary, humeral, subpectoral and sternal diverticula. The cranial and caudal thoracic air sacs were communicated with lung through the lateroventral bronchi and the both sacs did not have any diverticula. The abdominal air sacs were posterior to the caudal thoracic air sacs. The left abdominal sac was the largest air sac. The right and left abdominal sacs gave off branches to diverticula that pneumatized synsacrum. The abdominal air sacs gave off femoral diverticula behind the hip joint as well as perirenal diverticula.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to reveal the morphological characteristics of the lung and air sacs in Coturnix coturnix japonica (Japanese quails). Ten quails were allocated into two groups. Tracheas of 5 quails with neoprene latex and 5 quails with methylmetacrylate were injected to fill the trachea and air sacs. Latex embalmed animals were stored in 10% formaldehyde solution for two months. Animals given methylmetacrylate were maserated in 30% potassium hydroxide at 40 degrees C for two days. Lungs were located in the dorsal part of the thorax and very close to the thoracic vertebrae and ribs. Shorter than the dorsal border, the ventral border lied between the 3rd and 6th ribs. Cervical, clavicular, cranial thoracic, caudal thoracic and abdominal sacs were identified. These sacs had connection with the 3rd, 4th and 5th lateroventral and 4th mediolateral bronchi. Saccus cervicalis was located on the left and right portions of the vertebrae cervicales et thoraricae with a pronounced communication ventromedially. However, the cervical sac aeration of only all cervical vertebrae was present in this study. Humerus was a non-aerated bone. Pneumatic foramen was absent and did not aerate the sternum. Cranial thoracic sac connected to the 1st, 2nd and 4th medioventral bronchi and gave no diverticulum for aeration. Cranial thoracic sac received air through the 4th medioventral and the 1st and 2nd lateroventral bronchi. Left and right abdominal air sacs paramedially produced diverticulum femorale, but this diverticulum did not enter the femur.  相似文献   

The positions of the air sacs and body cavities are described in relation to post‐mortem techniques and injection procedures. Certain modifications are recommended.  相似文献   

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