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Oil palm plantations have been touted as one of the main drivers of deforestation in Indonesia. This paper aims to explain how oil palm companies accumulate power that enables them to control forestland and convert it into oil palm. Specifically, this paper identifies empirical evidence pointing to why oil palm companies emerge as powerful actors in land use conflicts. This paper uses the case of forest lands claimed by different actors – i.e. a timber plantation company, an oil palm company, and local communities – in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Before the decentralisation policy, the interests of timber plantations were principally safeguarded by coercion from the forest ministry. The timber company was also supported by local communities by promising financial incentives to them. Following the decentralisation policy, additional actors get involved in the land use conflicts leading to more complex power interplays. In fact, some forestlands licensed for timber plantations are used by the oil palm company. Oil palm interests resonate with the economic interests of local governments, who use their legal mandates on land use allocation to facilitate the establishment of oil palm. The power of the oil palm company is also enhanced by the support from local communities, to which it handed more financial incentives than those of the timber plantation. It also used dominant information of customary claims and land appropriation by the ministry of forestry, with which it persuades local communities to pressurize government institutions to support oil palm operations.  相似文献   

Today, most poplar plantations in the temperate region are established on abandoned marginal agricultural land, but there is great potential for planting poplars on forest land as the available area is large and does not compete with food production. The objective of this study was to examine how different planting types (un-rooted cuttings, bare-rooted and containerized plants) affect the establishment and early growth of poplar plants on forest and agricultural sites. Our results suggest that on the agricultural site, survival and growth during the first two years are not influenced by plant type. However, at the forest sites, survival of rooted plants was superior compared to un-rooted cuttings. The height and biomass (stem and root) increment of bare-rooted plants was low; greater height and biomass growth was found for containerized plants. Container sizes had no effect on height growth, but leaf and stem biomasses were higher if the largest containers were used. When using the largest containers, concentrations of macronutrients (N, P) were increased compared to bare-rooted plants. Thus, these results suggest that practices for establishing poplar plantations of agricultural land include planting of un-rooted cutting, but on forest land, a plant grown in a container of 470?ml should be used. Together, this can reduce the cost of establishment, increase the available area for poplar plantations and have an impact on poplar plantation economics in Sweden.  相似文献   

Much research effort is being devoted to developing forest management practices with limited impacts on biodiversity. While the impact of poplar Populus sp. plantations on biodiversity is relatively well-known at the landscape scale, the impact of alternative management practices at the plantation scale has received much less attention. Yet biodiversity is likely to be impacted by the choice of the poplar clone, stem density at plantation, type and duration of the understory control, and age at which the poplars are harvested. In this study, we investigated the impact of these factors on herbaceous plant communities with data from plant surveys conducted in 85 young (2–5 years) and 96 mature (11–17 years) hybrid poplar high-forest plantations in northern France. On average, ruderal or generalist plants contributed to 40.5% of the plot species richness; tall herbs (60.2%), forest (26%) and meadow plants (13.8%) contributed to the remaining 59.5% more specialised species. Soil moisture and soil nitrogen were major determinants of plant communities: wet soils were favourable to tall herbs, while meadow and forest species preferred moist soils; a significantly lower diversity of the three species groups was reported in the nutrient richer soils (in mature plantations only for forest plants). Mean species richness decreased with plantation age except for forest species. Plant communities in young plantations showed little differences in composition according to the type of understory control (chemical, mechanical or both). The development of a shrubby layer in mature plantations was restricted to the drier soils and was detrimental to both meadow plants and tall herb species. Effects of previous land use on forest and tall herb species were found only in young plantations, suggesting a rapid reset of plant communities for these two groups. This may not be the case for meadow species as the influence of previous land use was significant in mature plantations only. Finally, clone type and stem density at plantation had no significant impact on plant communities. Adjusting age at which the poplars are harvested seems the only effective way to drive plant communities in high-forest poplar plantations: delaying poplar harvest (probably beyond 15–20 years) would benefit forest plants, while advancing poplar harvest (about 10 years) would benefit tall herbs, especially in wet soil conditions.  相似文献   

论工业人工林的生态经济特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者认为工业人工林是生态林业发展模式实施的重要环节,在我国林业发展中将扮演重要角色,但其生态结构单一,稳定性差,是一个高度输入输出的开放型林分。在各国的实践中,经济效益的高低并无定论。必须依据我国的国情选择适宜的发展方式,以保证其健康发展。  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3-4):201-206
The different interests in forest resources by various stakeholders may result in differences in perceived value of forest conservation. In order to test this hypothesis, we compared the valuation by international ecotourists and local respondents of the perceived benefits of the Mabira Central Forest Reserve. The factors that influenced respondents’ valuation of forest conservation were also investigated. Describing a hypothetical scenario to elicit respondents’ willingness-to-pay (WTP) for forest conservation was the central part of the questionnaire. The WTP;income ratio was used to estimate respondents’ perceived value of forest conservation. A chi-square (χ 2) test indicated significant association between respondent category (local and tourist) and categories of perceived benefits (p-value = 0.001). The locals were more interested in direct-use values while the tourists showed greater interest in the indirect-use values. A Student's t-test showed that the WTP:income ratios of the locals were much higher than for the ecotourists (p-value < 0.001). This implies that the local communities had a higher valuation of forest conservation than the ecotourists. Regression analysis revealed that all other factors being constant, the WTP of respondents who perceived direct- and indirect-use value as the most important forest benefit was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than those who perceived no value by $5.8693 and $0.02628, respectively. The respondents who rated the contribution of the ecotourism project to community development as moderate had a significantly higher WTP compared to those who rated it as low by $6.6908. Overall, these results indicate that the benefits people derive from the forest either through direct or indirect uses influence valuation of forest conservation. Results also indicate that although ecotourismrelated benefits improved attitudes towards forest conservation, ecotourism alone may not be an adequate conservation tool because of the limited support it can provide to the local community.  相似文献   

This study assessed ecological and socio-economic impacts of a participatory forest management project in the Republic of Benin. The study focused on the Wari-Maro Forest Reserve and the ‘Projet d’Aménagement des Massifs Forestiers’ five years after its completion. A forest inventory was carried out using 37 square plots of 729 m2 each to characterise the population structure of two types of plantations established: plantations with exotic species and plantations with native species. In addition, individual surveys were conducted with local households, organs of joint forest management and forestry officers to evaluate their perceptions about the participatory management of the plantations. Finally, the sustainability of the participatory management was assessed with an established rating system. Results showed that plantations with exotic species were more successful than plantations with native species. Local communities argued that they have not been involved in the plantations design but only in the implementation step and that their standards of living have decreased after the project completion. The rating system used showed that the participatory management of plantations had a short-term sustainability. The findings suggest that future projects should be designed and implemented with better participation of local communities as full partners.  相似文献   

The 1998 floods in China triggered the implementation of the Natural Forest Conservation Program (NFCP) which includes: (i) a logging ban over state-owned natural forests in order to protect the deteriorating natural environment, and (ii) strategies for the establishment of commercial plantations and relocation of laid-off forest workers, with the aim of mitigating the negative socioeconomic impacts of the logging ban. In this paper, Sichuan province is used as a case study to analyze the disincentives faced by local communities in developing commercial plantations and the institutional failure to address the disincentive issue. Insight on the necessity of 'real participation' of local communities has been provided, and ways to create incentives as well as institutional rearrangement has been explored and recommended.  相似文献   

Human activities often cause changes and homogenization in landscape structure. To investigate the impact of changing cultivation systems on structural and functional aspects of a tropical agroforestry system, we developed satellite based land cover maps of the La Gamba area in southwestern Costa Rica and refined them by mapping fine-scale linear landscape elements. Performing a landscape pattern analysis, we compared eight sections of the study area by landscape metrics. Furthermore we performed a Morphological spatial pattern analysis (MSPA) for hypothetical non-forest, forest generalist and forest specialist species, and compared the current situation to a possible future scenario with double the area covered by oil palm plantations after a virtual conversion of other agricultural patches. The heterogeneous rural sections clearly differed from the homogeneous forests and especially pasture-dominated rural sections included many diverse, small and elongated patches, many linear landscape elements but few big plantations. According to the scenario with double the area covered by oil palm plantations, non-forest species lost large parts of their habitat, while forest species mainly lost corridors. The protection of natural landscape elements that support wildlife movement between forest areas is of major importance, particularly as the globally increasing cultivation of oil palm is significantly altering many tropical land mosaics, including the countryside of La Gamba. We propose the establishment of eight least cost path corridor routes in the study area to make the agricultural area pervious for wildlife.  相似文献   

Survey data have been collected from four rural communities in Leyte Province, the Philippines, on household tree planting and management intentions, as well as the socio-economic characteristics, attitudes to tree planting and management, farming practices and the number of trees planted. In relation to intended tree planting and management activities, respondents were asked a series of structured questions as to what tree species they intend to plant, how many individual trees of each of those species they plan to plant, and for what purpose they propose to plant each of the tree species. This paper reports the results of analyses of the stated tree management intentions of households in the four communities and identifies the socioeconomic factors that influence householders’ tree management intentions. Respondents were generally enthusiastic about the possibility for further tree planting on their land, 75% indicating they would undertake planting. About 60% indicated an interest in commercial tree farming, with no significant differences in this level of interest between communities. It was found that a number of socio-economic variables indicating higher levels of land ownership and previous experience in the forestry industry are related to the intention to plant trees to produce timber for sale. These include the use of materials from public lands, participation in community organisations and community forestry programs, and the present management of trees to produce timber for sale.  相似文献   

Biologically mediated soil processes rely on soil biota to provide vital ecosystem services in natural and managed ecosystems. However, land use changes continue to impact on assemblages of soil biota and the ecosystem services they provide. The objective of the present study was to assess the effect of land use intensification on the distribution and abundance of soil invertebrate communities in the Nilgiri, a human-dominated biosphere reserve of international importance. Soil invertebrates were sampled in 15 land use practices ranging from simple and intensively managed annual crop fields and monoculture tree plantations through less intensively managed agroforestry and pristine forest ecosystems. The lowest taxonomic richness was found in annual crops and coconut monoculture plantations, while the highest was in moist-deciduous and semi-evergreen forests. With 21 ant species, agroforestry systems had the highest diversity of ants followed by forest ecosystems (12 species). Earthworms and millipedes were significantly more abundant in agroforestry systems, plantations and forest ecosystems than in annual crop fields. Ants, termites, beetles, centipedes, crickets and spiders were more abundant in forest ecosystems than in other ecosystems. It is concluded that annual cropping systems have lower diversity and abundance of soil invertebrates than agroforestry and natural forest ecosystems. These results and the literature from other regions highlight the potential role that agroforestry practices can play in biodiversity conservation in an era of ever-increasing land use intensification and habitat loss.  相似文献   

河北环京津地区退耕初步调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了解河北环京津地区生态退耕状况,选择涉及退耕的部分市县进行了问卷调查。调查结果显示:退耕地土地质量普遍较差,长期受旱灾和风沙危害影响,产量较低,但也存在部分有灌溉条件的平地、川地退耕的情况;多数退耕农户对退耕目的有正确的认识,并有着退耕的意愿,但对退耕补助有着较大的依赖性,且对地方政府对退耕的组织实施缺乏必要的信心;对比退耕前后,近70%的被调查退耕农户表示生活水平保持不变,近20%的退耕农户表示有所提高,其原因在于退耕的补助发放和收入结构的变化。退耕对于改变退耕农户贫困状况的作用不容忽视,但需政府加强引导和扶持。  相似文献   

The shamba system involves farmers tending tree saplings on state-owned forest land in return for being permitted to intercrop perennial food crops until canopy closure. At one time the system was used throughout all state-owned forest lands in Kenya, accounting for a large proportion of some 160,000 ha. The system should theoretically be mutually beneficial to both local people and the government. However the system has had a chequered past in Kenya due to widespread malpractice and associated environmental degradation. It was last banned in 2003 but in early 2008 field trials were initiated for its reintroduction. This study aimed to: assess the benefits and limitations of the shamba system in Kenya; assess the main influences on the extent to which the limitations and benefits are realised and; consider the management and policy requirements for the system’s successful and sustainable operation. Information was obtained from 133 questionnaires using mainly open ended questions and six participatory workshops carried out in forest-adjacent communities on the western slopes of Mount Kenya in Nyeri district. In addition interviews were conducted with key informants from communities and organisations. There was strong desire amongst local people for the system’s reintroduction given that it had provided significant food, income and employment. Local perceptions of the failings of the system included firstly mismanagement by government or forest authorities and secondly abuse of the system by shamba farmers and outsiders. Improvements local people considered necessary for the shamba system to work included more accountability and transparency in administration and better rules with respect to plot allocation and stewardship. Ninety-seven percent of respondents said they would like to be more involved in management of the forest and 80% that they were willing to pay for the use of a plot. The study concludes that the structural framework laid down by the 2005 Forests Act, which includes provision for the reimplementation of the shamba system under the new plantation establishment and livelihood improvement scheme (PELIS) [It should be noted that whilst the shamba system was re-branded in 2008 under the acronym PELIS, for the sake of simplicity the authors continue to refer to the ‘shamba system’ and ‘shamba farmers’ throughout this paper.], is weakened because insufficient power is likely to be devolved to local people, casting them merely as ‘forest users’ and the shamba system as a ‘forest user right’. In so doing the system’s potential to both facilitate and embody the participation of local people in forest management is limited and the long-term sustainability of the new system is questionable. Suggested instruments to address this include some degree of sharing of profits from forest timber, performance related guarantees for farmers to gain a new plot and use of joint committees consisting of local people and the forest authorities for long term management of forests.
Peter DorwardEmail:

This analysis suggests important considerations for assessing social impacts of large-scale pulpwood production in Indonesia, emphasizing the extremely limited conditions under which pulp plantations may complement, rather than threaten, livelihoods of existing communities in their vicinity. Pulpwood plantations are expanding rapidly in Indonesia to feed major new pulp mills. Though officially developed on “unproductive forest lands”, pulpwood monocultures are commonly established at the expense of natural forests and indigenous agroforestry systems in Sumatra and Kalimantan. Based on a South Sumatra case study, this article analyzes how pulpwood plantations may be combined with more traditional land uses to improve livelihoods for local populations, considering the potential for “complementary” labor opportunities. This analysis is built on two assumptions: (1) village smallholder activities represent a first choice for village-based workers and smallholders, with relatively high financial returns per hectare; and (2) seasonal variations in labor requirements for village-based livelihoods open opportunities for complementary labor and land uses such as industrial plantations. Applying our model to a Sumatra case study highlights an upper limit to “complementary labor” for industrial timber plantation land use at a ratio of 5:1 (no more than 5 ha of pulpwood to each 1 ha remaining in intensified local agriculture and agroforestry). Other conditions required to minimize risks for local livelihoods include: flexible timing of company operations; priority to local employment; cautious determination of plantation sites; more transparent government licensing of plantation concessions and pulp mills recognizing local and customary land and resource rights.
Judith MayerEmail:

The challenges of a changing climate have directed greater attention to afforestation,but the effects of afforestation on soil fertility and soil biota have not been fully clarified.To explore changes in the soil conditions in two 20-year-old forest plantations established in formerly intensively fertilized plots of agricultural land,we focused on the current developmental state of the sites that received the most fertilizer and evaluated soil properties and Collembola(springtails) communities.Sessile oak(Quercus petraea) and black locust(Robinia pseudoacacia) that had been planted in the afforestation sites were assessed for differences between plantations of native and invasive species.Five adjacent reference associations,including forests and open habitats,were also analyzed and compared.Results showed that the soils in the two afforested sites were similar in their properties and Collembola communities to those of the control cultivated forests,but differed from each other in pH,calcium,phosphorus,and ammonium content.The available potassium and phosphorus contents in the soil of the sessile oak plantation were still high,while the soil organic matter content was adequate(SOM 2.0%) in both plantations.Species richness of Collembola ranged from 18 in the cultivated arable land to 43 in the relict forest.Only a few species typical for forests(e.g.,Neanura muscorum,Isotomiella minor,Entomobrya muscorum) were detected in the young plantations,while species characteristic of open habitats(e.g.,Protaphorura campata,Lepidocyrtus cyaneus) occurred as well.Although more individuals and species of Collembola were present in the soil of young plantations than in arable fields,their community diversities were significantly lower compared to the control forest stands.Collembola community diversity differed significantly also between the two plantation types(with native and non-native tree species).Mean abundance in the afforested sites was about 2.5 times higher than in the cultivated arable land,yet far lower than the mean abundance in the control forests.  相似文献   

Perennial tree crops are often grown in complex multistrata systems that incorporate natural vegetation. These systems contribute simultaneously to sustaining rural livelihoods and to the conservation of biodiversity, but their productivity is usually low. Introduction of high yielding germplasm, usually selected in monocultural plantations, is a potential way to increase productivity, but a critical requirement is that such plants can be established in a competitive multispecies environment. The establishment of clonal planting stock in the jungle rubber agroforests of Indonesia was explored through participatory on-farm research. The trial involved four farmers who grew clonal rubber trees in a total of 20 plots, constituting five replicate experimental blocks spread across four farms. Unexpectedly, vertebrate pest damage by monkeys (Presbytis melalophos nobilis) and wild pigs (Sus scrofa) was the most important influence on establishment, explaining almost 70% of the variation in rubber tree growth. The amount of labour invested in weeding was also positively correlated with rubber tree growth. Farmers generally decided to completely cut back vegetation between rows of rubber trees, including potentially valuable trees, rather than weeding within the rows and selectively pruning trees in the inter-row. Farmers thought that the inter-row vegetation would harbour vertebrate pests and compete with the clonal rubber, and they had access to fruits, firewood and other non-timber forest products from other land. Thus, contrary to expectations, when offered clonal germplasm, farmers opted to use plantation monoculture methods to protect what they considered a valuable asset, rather than maintain the traditional multispecies strategy they use with local germplasm. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper explores the institutional design of timber benefit sharing under the Joint Forest Management (JFM) policy and its effectiveness as an incentive for forest protection in Madhya Pradesh, India. Institutional analysis and case studies including household surveys for five committees were carried out. Except for plantations newly created under JFM, the places and times of timber harvesting were determined solely by the state forest department according to the division-level working plan. The sharing of the monetary benefits was determined by the state government and paid in equal amounts to committees in a lump sum, without taking the committees’ differing degrees of performance into consideration. Except in one committee, only a few respondents knew about the benefit sharing. In a committee where the shared benefits had been paid, even though little collective action had taken place, the money was used without communal decisions. It was confirmed that benefit sharing from timber production in Madhya Pradesh had not been implemented with flexible calculation and payment systems based on local people’s involvement in the decision-making process. Information provided by the concerned forest officers was the only way to motivate local people, and yet the appropriate information provisions were not likely to be in place. At the very least, improvements in the information provision with a change in the forest officers’ perceptions and attitudes are desirable.  相似文献   

Tree plantations are often used to compensate for the destruction and conversion of natural forests in the tropics. An important question is whether these plantations allow for the regeneration of indigenous tree species and are expected to transform into more natural forests in the future. To evaluate the potential of differently managed forest types for seedling recruitment of indigenous tree species we studied structural characteristics as well as tree and seedling communities in stands of natural forest, different types of tree plantations and secondary forest in Kakamega Forest, western Kenya. Forest types differed considerably in structural characteristics and tree composition with stands of natural forest significantly differing from all other forest types in vertical foliage height diversity and number of late-successional tree species. By contrast, total seedling species richness and number did not differ among the forest types. Yet, number of seedlings of late-successional species decreased from natural forest and plantations of a mixture of indigenous tree species towards monocultures and secondary forests while number of seedlings of early-successional species increased in the same order. A joint Principal Component Analysis (PCA) corroborated higher similarity among seedling communities than among tree communities. Our results indicate a convergence of recruiting seedling communities in different forest management types suggesting that tree plantations might buffer forest loss to a certain extent and may have the potential to develop into more natural forest over time.  相似文献   

A mail-out survey questionnaire was developed by the Agroforestry group at the University of Guelph to determine the level of awareness and interest in the adoption of agroforestry systems by landusers from four townships in Wellington County, Ontario. The questionnaire investigated: (1) the current level of knowledge regarding windbreaks, woodlots and plantations, intereropping, riparian plantations and silvipasture, (2) the present level of participation in each of these systems on-farm, (3) the perceived benefits and/or drawbacks of each of these initiatives with respect to total farm income, income diversity, land rehabilitation, land value/equity, soil/water conservation, labour intensity, overhead and return on the term of investment.The majority of respondents were familiar with conventional agroforestry systems such as windbreaks and woodlots/plantations (80%, 62% respectively), therefore the level of interest in the adoption of these practices was significant (74%, 66% respectively). Response rates were lower for silvipasture, riparian plantations and intercropping, most likely as result of the low level of familiarity with these practices (20%, 32%, 4% respectively). Respondents commented that agroforestry systems would have a neutral effect on farm income, and would increase land stewardship. In some cases, interested landusers indicated a willingness to participate in agroforestry systems even though they anticipated increases in overhead and labour intensity; however, this was only true if they held land stewardship as a priority. Landusers were more concerned with the economic aspects of agroforestry, as a determinant to the future adoptability of particular practices. Age, gender, farm operation and farm size were not correlated with the adoption of agroforestry systems.The success of agroforestry programs on farms in the study area is largely dependent on the attitudes and willingness of landusers to participate in non-traditional agricultural systems.  相似文献   

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