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《Forest Policy and Economics》2008,10(7-8):435-443
This study evaluated the role of rural communities in the conservation of natural resources in South Africa. South Africa has sufficient legal instruments that promote interactive participation of rural people in the management of natural resources. These national laws operate within the policy frameworks provided by the multilateral environmental conventions and protocols to which South Africa is signatory. However, these legal commitments to participatory management of natural resources are not matched by the practice on the ground by South African conservationists. Grassroots conservation officials who are responsible for administering participatory processes primarily focus their attention on the establishment of participatory natural resources management forums. However, these forums typically die out, as they fail to meet local people's expectations. Lack of capacity, experience and innovation underlie the absence of institutional culture for effective integration of rural people's needs into the management of protected natural resources. Strategic recommendations are provided to overcome these inadequacies identified in the implementation of participatory management of natural resources in South Africa.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to assess the institutional constraints that limit the active participation of rural communities in the sustainable use and management of forest resources in Mozambique. It was found that the Land Law does not encourage smallholders to invest in land resource conservation when soil fertility and yields decline and weed infestation begins to manifest. Recognition of customary institutions as legitimate authorities in the management of land and embedded resources by the Land, and Forestry and Wildlife laws constrains the effective participation of women in sustainable use. Both laws externalize the costs of natural resource degradation and have inappropriate beliefs in the capacity of traditional institutions to effectively implement sustainable use and management of natural resources. Lack of skilled human resources was also identified as a key factor limiting the effective implementation of natural resources policies in Mozambique. The majority of rural communities that depend on land, forest, and wildlife resources are unaware of the relevant statutes that govern the ownership and utilization of these natural resources. This paper provides pertinent recommendations for resolving these institutional constraints on the sustainable use and management of natural resources in Mozambique.  相似文献   

Even though many forest villagers have been living on forest department land and serving the department in the northeastern hill forests region of Bangladesh since the early 1950s, their livelihood has not yet been fully explored. This paper examines the livelihoods of forest villagers (Khasia ethnic people) and their contribution to forest conservation, using data from the Sylhet forest division. The forest villagers are well-endowed with all the elements of a sustainable livelihoods framework, though human capital in terms of education is not satisfactory. Strong social capital, stable natural capital and a productive market-oriented agroforestry system facilitate the generation of financial and physical capital that make the livelihoods of Khasia people sustainable. At the same time, their reciprocal contributions in terms of forest protection and plantation development support forest conservation. However, some institutional issues such as insecure land tenure with regular agreement renewal problems need to be resolved for the sake of their livelihoods and forest conservation. Lessons learned from the study can be utilized in formulating future participatory forest management schemes in the country.  相似文献   

埃塞俄比亚拥有147万hm2竹林,是非洲大陆竹类资源丰富的国家。竹子作为埃塞俄比亚最重要的自然资源之一,对环境及社会经济有着重要贡献。但埃塞俄比亚利用竹子促进社会经济和生态发展的巨大潜力仍未被激发。文中概述了埃塞俄比亚竹类资源、竹林经营现状以及当地竹类资源的利用和国际贸易等竹业发展概况,提出了中埃两国竹业合作建议。  相似文献   

Natural forest in Sri Lanka has been decreased significantly in the last few decades. The remaining natural forests especially in floristic region seven have undergone less conservation efforts in the past. Considering the capacity of the government and dependence on forest resources by local villagers, the only way for conservation of these forests in the Southwest lowland is forest management through local participation. Management plans for community-based resource management have been completed. However promotion of such management requires integrated measures, which are beyond jurisdiction of Forest Department. A holistic approach with political commitment concerning buffer zone villages and economic incentives with income generation opportunities supported by external inputs are expected to be implemented as a matter of urgency.  相似文献   

An overview of the forestry sector in Costa Rica was undertaken to determine whether the existing management practices of timber resources hold the potential to meet the country's demands for timber in the immediate decades to come, and to identify changes that might be needed in the management of forested lands. To meet these goals, we examined the present status and potential future contribution of the two newest forest sectors: the management of natural forest and plantation forestry. Rcsults indicate that the present management of Costa Rica's timber resources does not hold the potential to meet the country's demands for timber for more than the next ten years without severe loss of its forests. Substantial progress is occurring, but at an insufficient rate. Moreover, despite the considerable headway made in conservation in recent years, the rate of deforestation remains high. A number of factors limit advancement in natural forest management and plantation forestry, both of which have the potential to deaccelerate deforestation. In natural forest management, constraints are the rate at which forests are being brought under management, lack of budgetary provisions for fiscal incentives to private owners who alone cannot be expected to bear the cost of benefits of natural forest management that are national or even global in their distribution, and the weak infrastructure, extension services and research support to meet management goals. In the case of plantation forestry, the capability of this sector to produce commercial timber is not known. Moreover, inadequate management and extension services together with the misuse of the incentive system by private owners is likely to limit the potential of plantations. Institutional constraints include outdated legal and bureaucratic framework, market interventions, absence of clear policy toward natural forest management and plantation forestry, poor investment in infrastructure, extension and research support, and inadequate interaction among various agencies responsible for the development of the forestry sector. Such institutional constraints have allowed the proliferation of disincentives against the development of a sustainable timber sector. If the Costa Rican government's objective is to encourage sustainable forestry, it must first clearly articulate the policy and then create the appropriate legal, economic and institutional framework for implementation of the policy. Costa Rica, with its enlightened public administration system, vast technical and scientific knowledge about its forest ecosystem and extensive assistance from international organizations, must succeed, otherwise prospects for sustainable forestry in thc less fortunate tropical countries would be bleak.  相似文献   


Panama contains some of the most productive and diverse ecosystems in the world, and receives many benefits from the natural services provided by those ecosystems. Yet formal markets for ecosystem services in Panama are poorly developed. We assume that functioning markets for ecosystem services would partially counter development pressures on Panama's natural forests and ecosystems, and propose a suite of policy alternatives that could help develop such markets with the expectation that revenues would fund conservation and restoration efforts. These recommendations fall into five broad categories: (1) increase conservation of existing forests; (2) promote reforestation; (3) strengthen institutional capacity; (4) lower transaction costs; and (5) build the Panama brand for environmental services. A variety of fiscal, legal, organizational, and information-based approaches are recommended. In addition, we recommend convening a national Ecosystem Services Task-Force to organize diverse stakeholders and implement policy alternatives deemed most appropriate for advancing market development. We emphasize policy alternatives that are consonant with political and economic conditions in the country, that leverage outside funding, that recognize political feasibility, and that build upon existing legal and institutional frameworks.  相似文献   

The decline of the natural tropical high forest has reached a critical stage in Ghana’s forestry history. Timber resources are over-exploited, degraded and further production prospects are questionable and of concern to forest management. The objective of this paper is to discuss some of the institutional measures and development instruments being taken in Ghana towards the feasibility of achieving sustainable management of the high forest for timber and other commodity products, as well as conserving other forest resources. This paper, therefore, provides institutional measures and structures, regulatory and economic instruments, currently being taken to ensure effective forest management and increase the productivity of the land and logging. The role of collaborative management approach of both natural reserved and unreserved high forests and to promote integrated farm forestry is explained. Effective management of the high forest resource demands close harmonizing of instruments and mechanisms, both internal and external to forestry, and which encourage stakeholders to participate actively in decision making that affects the resource quality and its production status. Currently, different instruments including regulatory, property rights, motivational, hypothecation, information supply and economic are being applied in Ghana to achieve sustainable forest resource management and timber production. These instruments are not mutually exclusive in their current application, but rather complementary. Thus, an effective mix of instruments is necessary to promote and make feasible, sustainable forestry in Ghana’s socioeconomic development objectives.  相似文献   

Policies play a vital role in setting priorities and actions for forest use and management. High rates of forest loss can be attributed to failure by policies to reduce deforestation and forest degradation. It is argued that in most Least Developed Countries such as Zambia, adopted forest and natural resources policies are rarely put into effect resulting in ecosystem degradation.This study examined policy actor's perception of implementation of policies aimed at reducing deforestation and forest degradation and their implications for forest resources.To examine policy implementation, 55 policy actors were interviewed at national, regional and local levels. This included government officials, Non-Governmental Organisations, traditional leaders and local people. Interviews were analysed using discourse analysis.Findings show that policy implementations deficits are prevalent in Zambia's forest sector. Policy actors identified the main barriers as inadequate institutional capacity, inadequate legal framework, political influences, insecure land tenure, poor funding, and lack of intersectoral coordination. The paper has shown gaps between policies and their implementation. To halt deforestation and forest degradation, it is imperative that formulated policies are implemented. This will require improved communication and coordination among government units and various stakeholders, sufficient resources and harmonizing policies and legal frameworks.  相似文献   

天保工程的实施对天保地区的生态、经济与社会产生了综合影响,同时与利益相关者也产生了一些矛盾和冲突,主要表现在:天然林保护与森林经营者之间,天然林保护与林业管理体制之间,天然林保护与林区干部、职工、林农观念之间等。形成这些冲突的原因是错综复杂的。但从主要层面分析,天然林保护的外部性是冲突产生的客观原因,天然林保护理念的绝对化是冲突产生的根源,国家采取的强制性制度变迁是冲突产生的制度原因。此外,林业管理体制僵化和产权交易机制不健全则分别是国有和集体天然林地区冲突产生的关键。  相似文献   

国内外自然保护地人兽冲突管控现状比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人兽冲突是在有限的自然资源状况下人类社会发展所遇到的全球性问题,会同时对人类和野生动物造成不利影响。在当前趋势下,这种矛盾冲突正在激化。文中通过检索相关文献对国内外人兽冲突管控现状进行对比分析。结果表明,国内外有越来越多的学者关注人兽冲突问题;尽管人兽冲突的出现是多种因素综合作用的结果,但国内外的人兽冲突形式存在共性。在应对我国的人兽冲突问题时,应考虑将多学科的知识综合应用于制定解决方案;同时可借鉴国外的一些做法,由各利益相关方共同治理、共同出资,并加强与国际组织的交流合作。  相似文献   

Property rights over natural resources became a distinct area of inquiry in environmental economics and policy in the last decades, but their role has not yet been investigated thoroughly. Transition countries represent an excellent material of analysis of various policies and institutional developments concerning the regime of use and management of natural resources. The processes of societal transformation had deep impacts on the forestry sector, entailing land reforms and subsequent changes to its institutional and organisational framework. This paper presents an analysis of the reciprocal relationship between the evolving forest property rights and the conduct of policy and economic actors, in connection with their outcomes. The theoretical framework consists of institutional economics, whose core concept is that patterns of interaction between institutions and actors produce physical outcomes, assessable by criteria such as equity and efficiency. The study concentrated on three distinct periods and the applicable property regimes. Within this framework, the impacts of the characteristics of property regimes and the general framework of socio-economic conditions on the exercise of property rights were analysed. The analysis of the conduct of forest owners in relation to the institutional design was completed by the analysis of the other actors influential for land reforms. Romanian forestry sector, in evolution from the period shortly before World War II to present, represents the case of the study. Research data were collected by interviewing/questioning, participant observation and literature review. They were analysed through an integrated method of content analysis and a matrix analysis. An important conclusion is that not only the regime of forest property is determinant for the outcomes of resource use and management, but also the general settings in which they are embedded. Another essential point is that land reforms driven by either efficiency or equity rationales are not mere diversions of the benefit stream, but complex processes with serious implications for the status of the resource at stake.  相似文献   

世界自然保护区发展概述   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
文章介绍了世界自然保护区的分布和近年来的增长情况,以及目前所采取的保护措施;论述了自然保护区加速发展的原因;分析了自然保护与保护区居民生产生活之间产生矛盾的根源;讨论了处理自然保护与社区发展之间关系的尝试;对自然保护事业的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Statistically-designed inventories and biodiversity monitoring programs are gaining relevance for biological conservation and natural resources management. Mandated periodic surveys provide unique opportunities to identify and satisfy natural resources management information needs. However, this is not an end in itself but rather is the beginning of a process that should lead to sound decision-making in biodiversity conservation. Forest inventories are currently evolving towards multipurpose resource surveys and are broadening their scope in several directions: (i) expansion of the target population to include non-traditional attributes such as trees outside the forest and urban forests; (ii) forest carbon pools and carbon sequestration estimation; (iii) assessment of forest health; and (iv) inclusion of additional variables such as biodiversity attributes that are not directly related to timber assessment and wood harvesting.There is an on-going debate regarding the role of forest inventories in biodiversity assessment and monitoring. This paper presents a review on the topic that aims at providing updated knowledge on the current contribution of forest inventories to the assessment and monitoring of forest biodiversity conditions on a large scale. Specific objectives are fourfold: (i) to highlight the types of forest biodiversity indicators that can be estimated from data collected in the framework of standard forest inventories and the implications of different sampling methods on the estimation of the indicators; (ii) to outline current possibilities for harmonized estimation of biodiversity indicators in Europe from National Forest Inventory data; (iii) to show the added value for forest biodiversity monitoring of framing biodiversity indicators into ecologically meaningful forest type units; and (iv) to examine the potential of forest inventory sample data for estimating landscape biodiversity metrics.  相似文献   

在我国,天然林资源所占森林资源比重大,质量却不高,天然林保育是森林可持续经营的必然选择。为此在界定天然林与天然林保育术语的基础上,论述了森林更新演替、森林可持续经营、生态系统经营、近自然经营、分类经营、保护生物学与景观生态学理论等,是天然林保育的基础理论,应依此确定森林经营实践的支撑技术,以实现我国天然林森林可持续经营目标。  相似文献   

杨桦次生林是在各种次生裸地上发生次生演替而形成的天然群落,在涵养水源、保持水土、维系区域生态系统平衡和减免自然灾害等诸多方面均占居重要的战略地位。笔者在汲取国内外相关研究成果和学术观点的基础上,系统阐述了杨桦次生林的起源、地理分布、群落结构、演替动向及可持续经营等领域的研究现状和进展,指出了综合利用和高效经营方面存在的不足,展望了资源可持续经营和创新利用的广阔前景,提出了可持续经营的具体思路和对策。  相似文献   


The Condor Bioreserve (CBR) project seeks to promote community-based and participatory forms of conservation at four protected areas in Ecuador. This chapter provides a review of the academic and practitioner literature on participatory conservation, and explores the kinds of participation which occur in the CBR. Three assertions are central to the paper. First, the ways communities are represented by project documents and project planners condition the outcomes of participatory projects. Second, the intense focus of participatory approaches on the community level diverts attention from political and economic realities which constrain the ability of community members to actively conserve natural resources. And third, the chronological point at which communities and local people become involved in decision processes affects the kinds of participation in conservation projects; because problem definition is a key moment in which various participants establish basic assumptions about the nature of problems, the exclusion of local communities from the initial phases of program planning conditions the ways in which communities are likely to participate in conservation efforts. The paper addresses these issues by looking at the cases of management planning activities, the water fund (FONAG), extension efforts in the Sinangoé community, and the Local Participation in the Management of Protected Areas (PALOMAP) external review of participation in the CBR initiative.  相似文献   

马平  杨春玲 《林业调查规划》2011,36(5):39-48,52
云南省内自然保护区资源保护与利用中存在的冲突,其在表征上是我国自然保护区法律规范之间存在冲突,内在实质是由于经济发展与环境生态之间、不同利益主体发展权之间以及现代生产生活方式与传统文化与知识之间的冲突.在现代法治社会中,正确认知与解决上述冲突需要完善相关法律指引,尤需对现有立法和行政理念进行修正,应以保护环境、维护生物多样性之完整为出发点,尊重本地社区的参与和发展等权利,实现自然资源的合理利用.  相似文献   

森林资源是人类和其它生物同生共存的重要基础和核心支柱。森林资源如此重要,而我国的保护和培育利用现状却不容乐观,乱采滥伐、自然退化、病虫害等现象日益威胁着现有的森林资源。那么,在当前及今后一个相当长的时间里,我们必须将可持续发展的理念真正贯彻到森林资源的保护、培育和利用中,在可持续发展理念的指导下进一步完善有关森林资源保护方面的法律法规,健全森林资源保护、经营综合利用的制度体系,创新森林资源的经营方式,按区域开展分类经营和产业化经营,使我国有限的森林资源为子孙后代造福。  相似文献   

野生动物资源是我国自然资源的重要组成部分。由于我国经济的快速发展、人口数量持续增长,野生动物种群及其栖息地不断遭受破坏,导致部分物种濒临灭绝。对这些濒临灭绝的珍稀野生动物进行保护是我国生物多样性保护的主要内容之一。文中介绍了我国濒危野生动物概况,包括从法律、行政、科学研究、宣传教育、国际合作等方面采取的保护措施,概述了我国濒危野生动物保护工作取得的成效,分析了存在的问题,提出了保护建议,以期进一步有效、有针对性地完善我国濒危野生动物保护方法及政策,推动野生动物保护事业的发展。  相似文献   

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