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渔民、渔船、渔港是渔业生产发展最活跃的重要因素,渔港是渔民、渔船赖以生存和扩大再生产活动的重要场所.必须具备渔船避风、停泊、装卸渔货、渔需物资、渔民生活补给等功能。渔港设施完善与否直接关系到广大渔民、渔船的生产安全。  相似文献   

今年第十号强台风影响,在东海作业的36艘台湾渔船于9月25日至29日到上海港避风.上海市水产工会和上海市人民政府台湾同胞接待处热情接待了来避风的台湾渔民.  相似文献   

正渔港建设一直是制约广东省渔业生产、渔区发展和渔船避风安全的短板。广东省71万沿海传统渔民"靠海吃海",渔港是渔船的家,更是渔民的家。在海洋资源萎缩、养殖环境恶化的影响下,传统捕捞收入减少,甚至出现返贫现象。过去,广东省渔港建设资金投入不足,仅为浙江的1/6;基础设施落后,防风标准低,全省只有闸坡1个渔港锚地可防12级台风,渔民生命财产  相似文献   

渔港是渔民生产生活的重要场所和渔船避风停泊的主要基地,是渔业安全生产的重要基础环节。为进一步提高渔港管理和服务水平,保障渔船停泊安全需要,促进渔业安全生产和可持续发展,农业部、国家安全监管总局近日联合下发通知,部署开展"文明渔港"创建活动。  相似文献   

长期以来,我国对港澳流动渔民实行“双重户籍”管理,为港澳流动渔船在南海近海生产作业提供港口避风以及后勤补给服务。香港回归后,港澳流动渔民心向政府,通过民间组织向我国港澳办和渔业主管等部门呼吁争取“国民待遇”,中国渔船船东互保协会经与广东省港澳流动渔民工作办公室、南海区渔政渔港监督管理局充分协商,决定给予赴南沙生产作业的港澳流动渔船享受大陆渔民同样的待遇,鼓励和支持港澳流动渔民和船东积极参加渔船船东互保。凡经香港港航机构或国内渔港监督机关登记,并持有效适航证书的港澳流动渔业船舶的所有人、经营人或租…  相似文献   

本文从国内渔业防灾减灾所面临的严峻形势开始阐述,对避风锚地影响因素进行了归纳总结,提出了渔船避风锚地的定义和选址要求,分析了渔船的避风作业流程及主要设施需求,从安全辅助设施、监控指挥设施和后勤保障设施三个方面提出渔船避风锚地公益性基础设施的建设内容,对于我国东南沿海受台风影响的省份建设避风锚地具有一定的指导作用和参考价值。  相似文献   

<正>东平渔港虽然是国家级中心渔港,但是一刮10级以上的台风,渔船都要跑到外地避风。"广东阳江市阳东区东平镇一位渔民在接受《海洋与渔业》记者采访时说,东平渔港抗台风能力较差,港内防台风仅限10级以下,每次台风来袭,都会造成较大损失。据悉,东平渔港海域总面积近31.5平方公里,陆域面积9.5平方公里,港池面积2.5平方公里,平均水深3.0米,可同时停泊大小船只1000多艘,渔船可全天候进出港,平均每年接纳本港及外港渔"  相似文献   

沈家门是我国近海最大的渔港,沿海六省二市都有渔船在这里停泊、避风、维修、补给和处理鱼货。春夏汛期,停泊在港内的渔船约3,000艘左右,渔民达四、五万人。冬季带鱼汛来港船只有7,000余艘,渔民达十余万人。还有商船和其他各类船只在港内停泊。 1980年,沈家门渔港被列为全国重点渔港,成立了渔港监督机构。普陀县政府对渔港管理工作十分重视,于1981年制定颁布了“沈家门渔港港章”并成立了沈家门渔港综合治理办公室,由县渔委、渔政、渔监、公安、工商行政管理、港监、水产等七个部门组成。在渔  相似文献   

本刊讯 广东省在十年渔港建设人大议案基础上,全面推动标准渔港体系建设,从2009年起连续5年,建设100个标准渔港,为全省6多万艘渔船,100多万渔民构筑平安港、幸福港,得到了各地政府、渔民群众的充分肯定.广东省主要通过财政支持、简化审批、减免费用等多项举措,以现有渔港的改造、扩容、升级为重点,以提高避风能力为核心,增加有效避风港池面积,完善渔港配套设施,全面提高渔港建设等级.  相似文献   

渔港是渔船、渔民远航归来,进行避风、修整、补给、交易的“家”,是渔业生产赖以生存和发展的重要基础设施,即使是在发达国家和地区,如挪威、日本和我国香港等,也都给予渔港建设和管理以足够的重视和支持。改革开放以来,港口、岸线对国民经济发展所具有的促进作用B益凸显  相似文献   

The Gulf of Finland is one of the most eutrophic areas in the Baltic Sea and is also the main fishing area for more than 150 000 recreational fishermen in Finland. The findings of a mail survey showed that the most important species for the recreational fishery is perch, Perca fluviatilis L. There is no clear evidence that eutrophication has had a harmful effect on the stocks of perch and other species considered important. Heavy fouling of gear, particularly gill nets, is the most acute problem caused by eutrophication to the local recreational fishery. The rapid fouling of passive gear was experienced by 67–86% of all fishermen in the three study areas. A general deterioration in water quality was perceived because only 2–14% of fishermen rated the water quality as excellent. However, a minority of recreational fishermen seem to have adapted or grown accustomed to the deterioration in water quality. Even in the two most eutrophic study areas, 23–31% of recreational fishermen considered that an improvement in local water quality would not benefit their own fishing in any way.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the consequences of a geographical differentiation in reproductive potential through a species range not being recognized in the management of a coastal fishery resource. A dynamic spatial model with age-structure and bioeconomic components was built to explore the potential effects of fishing port location on metapopulations with a source–sink structure. Management of this type of fishery using marine protected areas (MPA) with or without considering the location of source and sink components is also addressed. An array of unit areas for a multi-age semi-sedentary resource was fed with recruits generated by a Beverton–Holt spawner–recruit relationship driven by the adult biomass in a source area. This contributes recruits both to source areas, and adjacent sink areas which do not produce recruits. Recruits are allocated to unit areas in the array according to a negative binomial distribution, allowing age structures to build up in each. Exploitation is from one of two ports, either situated close to the source area or distant from it; it being assumed (as for inshore fleets) that distance traveled is a key variable. Effort exerted per unit area is therefore determined by dynamic site-specific profits. Because fishing costs increase with distance, the alternative port locations are predicted to have substantially different impacts on biological and economic performance variables when there are no spatial management measures in place. Closing half the source area to fishing mitigates substantially the effect of port location, and improves all performance variables regardless of port location. The greatest positive impacts of a closure occur where the main port harvesting the resource is the one nearest the source area being protected.

When a spatial closure is applied, the average distance harvesters travel from a port close to the source is predicted to increase for all levels of fishing intensity, while distances traveled by fishermen from a port near the sink areas are predicted to decrease. If an MPA is established outside the source area, it is predicted to result in deteriorating production and net revenues because fishing intensity will tend to increase in the unrestricted source area.  相似文献   

渔港建设投融资模式的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渔港作为渔业生产的重要基础设施,在促进渔业和临港经济发展中起着举足轻重的作用。但是投资匮乏、资金短缺严重制约着我国渔港经济的发展,而目前对渔港投融资理论的研究尚不完善。文章在投融资理论基础上归纳出渔港投融资的定义,描述了渔港投融资的特征,列举并分析了适合渔港建设的投融资模式及其存在的问题,最后探索出最具可操作性的渔港投融资模式。  相似文献   

The perch population in Lake Höytiäinen was intensively fished to reduce the density of the population and hence also the predation pressure by perch on vendace larvae. A hypothesis suggests that this predation can prevent recovery of commercially important vendace stock from a state of low-density. In the 1990s the density of the perch population in Lake Höytiäinen has increased, while the vendace stock has been sparse. Intensive fishing was conducted by professional fishermen with a paired bottom trawl, seine net, hoop net and small fish traps and by recreational fishermen with small fish traps. The size of perch population during the intensive fishing period was studied by test fishing with multi-mesh gillnets and the Leslie method in which trawl YPUE was regressed on the cumulative yield. The results suggest that the population size clearly diminished in the area where the fishing pressure was strongest. YPUE of test fishing decreased ca. 30% whereas the Leslie method gave almost a decrease twice as large as that of the former. Mean weight of perch increased in the trawl and test fishing catches during the intensive fishing period. The most effective fishing gear was trawl (62% of the total yield), but importance of trap net fishing by recreational fishermen was also high as they caught 22% of the total yield.  相似文献   

近海渔民用工荒问题是渔业现代化建设中遇到的新问题,是渔民转产转业的附带问题.本文通过对部分省市出现的渔民用工荒现状进行分析,指出了出现该问题的主要原因,认为中国人口大背景及新经济形势、海洋捕捞业的特殊性、传统渔民观念问题以及信息的不对称因素是形成当前近海渔民用工荒问题的主要原因.在文章的最后,给出了相应的对策建议,认为政府应针对性出台并完善具有执行力的扶持政策、船东应放宽眼界扩充外来雇工渠道、大力发挥第三方机构——渔业行业协会等中介组织的积极作用.  相似文献   

Abstract Victoria, is a recently (1984) impounded, deep, hydro-electric reservoir in Sri Lanka with an established commercial fishery. Participatory appraisal of the fishing community revealed decreasing reliance on fishing income with many fishermen moving away to supplementary occupations because of declining fish catches. Illegal fishing and theft of fishing gear resulting from open access, difficulties encountered in enforcing fisheries regulations and the need for fishermen to find alternative sources of income during low water levels are the major management problems. The top–down centralized management approach previously practised was ineffective in addressing any of these issues. Therefore, the possibilities and limitations for introducing co-management as an alternative management strategy were discussed. Financial hardship coupled with perceived benefits through state sponsored welfare schemes caused a positive attitude change among fishermen, making them respond favourably to fishery management. Establishing a licensing system for controlled access, ensuring greater user-group participation through equitable distribution of state sponsored benefits among members, attempting to enforce penalties for illegal fishing linked with surprise checks to enforce management regulations, and obtaining stakeholder perceptions regarding management issues are some of the recent steps taken by the Fishermen's Co-operative Society which would positively contribute towards developing effective co-management in this reservoir.  相似文献   

从渔港功能演化角度,对渔港经济区内涵进行了分析,指出渔港经济区是对渔港衍生功能开发的产物;从三次产业、产业功能、渔港指向性和在产业链条中所处地位四个方面讨论了渔港经济区涉及的产业领域及其特征;从驱动方式与所处城市(城镇)的空间关系、区内产业形态、区内产业组织结构四个角度讨论了渔港经济区的类型及其选择。  相似文献   

Recreational fishing, whether free or at cost, has an economic value. This value was measured in five Nordic countries based on a contingent valuation mail survey. Regression models were used to identify demographic characteristics, types of fishing patterns and differences in the countries’ management regimes that can explain both actual fishing expenditure and willingness to pay for the non‐market benefits by persons participating in fishing or enjoying the benefits derived by it. Net benefit, i.e. willingness to pay over and above actual expenditure was highest amongst those fishing. In Denmark, the small number of generalist fishermen get the highest benefit. In Finland results are mixed but sports fishermen benefit on average even more than generalists. Urban sports fishing raises the highest benefit in Iceland while in Norway the benefit is more equally spread, with occasional anglers and women reaping the least. In Sweden the mean benefit is the lowest in the Nordic countries but evenly distributed among categories of fishermen. In the Nordic countries combined, nationality explains willingness to pay as being Norwegian or Finnish increases benefit and being Icelandic reduces it. The non‐use value of recreational fisheries was elicited through posing questions on willingness to pay for the preservation of the existence of current fish stocks and current quality of recreational fishing to persons participating in fishing or enjoying the benefits derived from it. For those not fishing or people in general, the power of the models to explain willingness to pay for the existence of recreational fisheries was very weak. The benefit, i.e. willingness to pay, is higher if somebody in the household fishes. Educated, young, urban, well‐off citizens also put value on the non‐use of the resource.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着渔业经济的快速发展,我国的渔业发展面一临着渔业资源严重枯竭、渔业监管困难、渔民收入增长幅度放缓等诸多问题。为此学术界在渔业资源管理方法上提出了许多意见,同时也存在着一些分歧。文章通过理论推演,结合文献数据,探讨了渔村社区组织与我国渔业协会的关系,分析了包括渔业协会在内的渔村社区组织对渔业资源管理的作用,通过对代表性渔业资源管理理论的利弊分析,剖析了渔民协会等渔村社区组织的渔业资源管理职能。同时指出由于渔业协会在资源管理中具有重要作用,但因其自身也存在着一定局限性,因此,培育渔业协会、完善其资源管理职能,实行基于渔业协会等渔村社区组织的合作管理也就成为我国加强渔业资源管理的一种制度选择。  相似文献   

近年来,福建省渔船投保综合险数量和理赔案件数量不断增长,渔船理赔过程中由于渔船互助保险机构理赔人员的素质偏低、事故查勘专业程度不高以及渔民对保险的认知不足等,影响着渔船互助保险业务的发展。通过对以上理赔过程中存在的问题进行详细分析,提出创新理赔人员业务培训,加强渔民会员对渔业互助保险的认知,建立渔业互助保险机构、渔民会员、船厂三方的沟通机制等方法和措施,提高福建省渔船保险理赔服务,为渔业互助保险理赔业务的可持续发展打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

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