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Knowledge is poor concerning losses of ammonia from broiler manure during storage and after spreading. Broiler manure was stored from October to May in two separate heaps, one uncovered and one covered with a 30 cm layer of straw. Ammonia emissions were measured with a micrometeorological mass balance method in five separate periods during storage. Ambient air temperature and temperatures in the heaps were recorded continuously. After storage, broiler manure from the uncovered heap and commercial fertilizer pellets including broiler manure were spread to arable land at a rate of 110 kg [total-N] ha−1. Ammonia emissions were measured with an equilibrium concentration method from plots fertilized with broiler manure and pellets, respectively, with and without harrowing 4 h after spreading. Temperature measurements taken in the heaps during storage indicated high biological activity. The highest temperatures were recorded in the straw-covered heap. Cumulative ammonia losses were 7% of total nitrogen from the uncovered heap and 10% from the heap with cover. Totally, 13·5% of the nitrogen in the broiler manure was lost as ammonia after spreading without incorporation of the manure and 7·5% from plots with incorporation. After incorporation no ammonia emission occurred. No emissions occurred from plots fertilized with pellets.  相似文献   

为深入探讨坡面植被分布对产流产沙过程的影响,定量分析植被分布与坡面产流产沙的关系,通过人工降雨试验,在15°坡面条件下,对不同植被覆盖度(40%,60%)、不同降雨强度(30,60,90 mm/h)和不同植被分布位置(相对距离为0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0)条件下的坡面产流产沙进行观测,分析不同植被分布条件下的水土保持作用,提出了不同覆盖度下控制水土流失的植被优化配置。结果表明:(1)在一定坡度和降雨强度条件下,不同植被分布条件下坡面产流率和产沙率均表现为先迅速增加后趋于稳定的变化趋势;(2)坡面平均产流率和产沙率随着相对距离的增加表现出先减小后增大的趋势,植被相对距离为0.2的坡面的平均产流率在不同实验条件下均为最小;(3)通过随机森林算法发现,降雨强度和植被覆盖度对产流具有重要影响,降雨强度和植被相对距离对产沙具有重要影响;(4)当植被覆盖度为40%时,以减少径流和泥沙为主要目标的最优化植被相对位置分别为0~0.36,0~0.31;当植被覆盖度为60%时,以减少径流和泥沙为主要目标的最优化植被相对位置分别为0~0.43,0~0.22。表明坡面植被分布对产流产沙有重要的影响,在相同植被覆盖度条件下,草带的相对距离越小,对减少径流和泥沙的作用较好。研究成果可为生态恢复过程中植被的优化配置提供理论依据和数据支撑。  相似文献   

Reshaping of relaxed wheat doughs leads to an increase in firmness that significantly changes the results of rheological measurements involving large uniaxial deformations of the dough, whereas the gluten properties remain unaffected. Microscopic investigations reveal that directly after kneading, starch and gluten are thoroughly mixed. However, the shaping procedure of a relaxed dough or shear-flow during rheological measurements cause a separation of gluten and starch. The dilatant behavior of the starch granules and the capacity of gluten to aggregate account for the observed dough-hardening.  相似文献   

通过设在天山天池的实地径流小区试验观测,分析了天山天池自然保护区草地覆被变化和雨强对产流和产沙的影响.结果表明,(1)植被覆盖度对产沙的影响大于对产流的影响.植被覆盖度为35%的退化草地径流场内的总径流深和总侵蚀量分别是50%,55%,75%.这3种植被盖度场地内总径流深的1.4,1.5,2.2和4,6,10倍;总的径流深、总的侵蚀量与植被覆盖度之间的关系可分别用指数函数表示.(2)降雨强度对于产沙的影响大于对产流的影响.在下垫面条件一定时,降雨强度越大,径流量、侵蚀量也越大;径流量、侵蚀量与降雨强度之间的关系可以分别用多项式表示.(3)径流系数与植被覆盖度之间的关系可以用指数函数关系表示.  相似文献   

试验探索了前作(冬季)种植蔬菜的情况下,不同氮磷肥施用量与配施植物/土壤调理剂对水稻产量和产量性状的影响。研究结果表明,水稻产量与N、P肥施用量呈抛物线型关系,土壤植物调理剂在提高水稻N、P肥吸收利用率方面效果显著。本试验条件下,667m2施N5.9kg+P2O54.1kg+K2O5kg+土壤植物调理剂33kg,能获得高产。对于高需N、P品种,在合理施肥的同时配合使用土壤植物调理剂能充分发挥其产量优势。  相似文献   


Yellow foxtail [Setaria pumila syn. Setaria glauca (L.) Beauv.] competitive influence on corn (Zea mays L.) growth and yield was investigated at Brookings, South Dakota, and Morris, Minnesota, in 1995 and 1996. Yellow foxtail was seeded at different densities, and at Morris, two levels of nitrogen (N) were applied. Corn biomass measured at V‐6 or V‐8, silking, and harvest and grain yield were correlated negatively to foxtail biomass and density, but the loss differed between years and sites. Nitrogen increased corn growth and decreased yield loss. Defining a single foxtail density or biomass that resulted in a maximum yield loss of 10% was not possible. The most conservative estimate was 3 yellow foxtail plants m?2 or 24 g m?2 of yellow foxtail biomass, but ranged up to 55 plants m?2 and 256 g m?2 when weather conditions and N were optimal.  相似文献   

Sunflower has been mentioned in the literature as a plant that requires large amounts of boron (B) to achieve a successful crop. This study aimed at evaluating the influence of sunflower fertilization with boron on the soil nutrient concentration, index leaf, seed yield, fatty acids’ composition of sunflower oil, and oil content. Cultivar M734 was selected for boron fertilization at 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 kg ha?1 rates. The maximum economic return was obtained with 3.13 kg ha?1. Neither oil content nor fatty acid composition was affected by boron. With proper irrigation, the M734 cultivar was able to absorb boron in the 0 ? 40-cm layer, ultimately producing about 3000 kg ha?1 of seeds in soils with only 0.30 mg kg?1 of boron. Based on these results, it is suggested that the boron fertilization program be expanded to include the soil strata at 0?20 cm and 20?40 cm.  相似文献   

试验探索了前作(冬季)种植蔬菜的情况下,不同氮磷肥施用量与配施植物/土壤调理剂对水稻产量和产量性状的影响.研究结果表明,水稻产量与N、P肥施用量呈抛物线型关系,土壤植物调理剂在提高水稻N、P肥吸收利用率方面效果显著.本试验条件下,667 m2施N5.9 kg+P2O5 4.1 kg+ K2O5 kg+土壤植物调理剂33 kg,能获得高产.对于高需N、P品种,在合理施肥的同时配合使用土壤植物调理剂能充分发挥其产量优势.  相似文献   

利用精选机械设备,对玉米种子进行精选,并按照农作物区域试验方法进行试验应用研究。结果表明,机械精选种子采用精量与半精量播种,产量表现优异,增产数量十分显著。  相似文献   

草被覆盖度对黄土坡面径流产沙影响的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用室外人工径流冲刷模拟装置,在5 L/min冲刷流量条件下,对15°、20°、25°三种坡度的裸坡、30%~40%及70%~80%草被覆盖度情况下黄土坡面的产沙量、侵蚀率、径流含沙量进行了试验研究,结果表明:草被覆盖度变化对黄土坡面产沙量、侵蚀率和径流含沙量有着显著影响,覆盖度70%~80%的黄土坡面的产沙量不足裸坡产沙量的10%;相同坡度和冲刷流量条件下,黄土坡面侵蚀率与产沙量变化基本一致;草被对增强黄土坡面土壤抗蚀能力、减少侵蚀具有显著作用。  相似文献   

Increasing concerns about potential environmental effects of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) accumulation in soils require better understanding of its behavior and its effect on trace element mobilization. In this study we investigated the effect of EDTA on soil trace element mobilization in undisturbed soil columns taken from a heavy metal contaminated field. The columns were leached by EDTA solutions of different concentrations under unsaturated, steady‐state conditions. The transport of trace elements (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sn, Zn) and EDTA was monitored by regularly collecting the leachates. After the termination of the leaching experiment the soil columns were divided into 5 layers to determine trace elements and EDTA concentrations in the soil. The results revealed that the soil analysis alone was not suitable to infer mobilization or immobilization patterns in relation to the EDTA concentration, as the mobilized fraction was too small in relation to the total trace metal concentrations in the soil. Analysis of the leachates displayed that after 2–4 pore volumes the EDTA output concentration reached about 80% of the input concentration. The trace element concentrations in the leachates showed that some elements were mobilized by EDTA (Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, Co, Ni, Zn) while others were immobilized (Mn, Cr, Mo, Sn) in the soil columns after EDTA application.  相似文献   

Soybean is one of the most important legume crops in the world. Two greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine the influence of liming and gypsum application on yield and yield components of soybean and changes in soil chemical properties of an Oxisol. Lime rates used were 0, 0.71, 1.42, 2.14, 2.85, and 4.28 g kg?1 soil. Gypsum rates applied were 0, 0.28, 0.57, 1.14, 1.71, and 2.28 g kg?1 soil. Lime as well as gypsum significantly increased grain yield in a quadratic fashion. Maximum grain yield was achieved with the application of 1.57 g lime per kg soil, whereas the gypsum requirement for maximum grain yield was 1.43 g per kg of soil. Lime significantly improved soil pH, exchangeable soil calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) contents, base saturation, and effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC). However, lime application significantly decreased total acidity [hydrogen (H) + aluminum (Al)], zinc (Zn), and iron (Fe) contents of the soil. The decrease in these soil properties was associated with increase in soil pH. Gypsum application significantly increased exchangeable soil Ca, base saturation, and ECEC. However, gypsum did not change pH and total acidity (H + Al) significantly. Adequate soil acidity indices established for maximum grain yield with the application of lime were pH 5.5, Ca 1.8 cmolc kg?1, Mg 0.66 cmolc kg?1, base saturation 53%, Ca saturation 35%, and Mg saturation 13%. Soybean plants tolerated acidity (H + Al) up to 2.26 cmolc kg?1 soil. In the case of gypsum, maximum grain yield was obtained at exchangeable Ca content of 2.12 cmolc kg?1, base saturation of 56%, and Ca saturation of 41%.  相似文献   

黄泛沙地杨树丰产林改善小气候效应的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对杨树丰产林内的小气候因素进行系统测定,结果表明:杨树丰产林能有效地降低风速;减少土壤的风蚀量;对空气温度具有明显的调节作用,在5月份能降低日平均空气温度、减小空气温度日较差;降低土壤温度,尤其是土壤表层温度的降温效果最为明显;杨树丰产林明显的提高空气湿度,有效地减少地面水分蒸发;杨树纯林能增加土壤湿度,而林麦间作则由于作物根系的吸水作用,土壤含水量明显低于纯林和对照地。  相似文献   

Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris, cv Novadima) was grown from 1980 to 1988 on a luvisol from loess in Northwest-Germany always at the same uniformly cropped site. N-fertilizer levels ranged from 2 to 211 kg N/ha. Root yield, sugar yield and white sugar yield increased with increasing N-supply and reached maximum values at 159, 136 and 129 kg N/ha, respectively. Root yield showed no or only a slight decrease, whereas sugar yield and white sugar yield decreased with N-levels beyond optimum. Sugar concentration and white sugar concentration decreased with increasing N-supply, white sugar concentration showed a greater response. Sugar concentration was highest at 32 kg N/ha and decreased slightly with less N-supply. Concentration of potassium was not altered, the concentration of amino-N showed a great increase and sodium increased slightly with more N, being lowest at 36 kg N/ha with a very small increase with less N. Sugar loss was less affected than concentration of sodium and amino-N and response of sugar gain was lower than response of sugar loss. White sugar yield formed a broad optimum and decreased by only 2% from the maximum value within a range of approx. 100 kg N/ha.  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(7):1295-1317

A field experiment was conducted at Central Cotton Research Institute, Multan, Pakistan on Miani soil series, silt loam soil (Calcaric, Cambisols and fine silty, mixed Hyperthermic Fluventic Haplocambids) to assess the response of four cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivars to potassium (K) fertilization. The treatments consisted of four cotton cultivars (CIM-448, CIM-1100, NIAB-Karishma, S-12), four potassium rates (0, 62.5, 125, 250 kg K ha?1), and two sources of potassium fertilizer [muriate of potash (KCl) and sulphate of potash (K2SO4)]. The cotton cultivars differed significantly in response to various potassium fertilizer levels and its sources with respect to seed cotton yield and its components. The highest yield was obtained with the application of 250-kg K ha?1, however, it was economical to add 125 kg K ha?1. Seed cotton yield of cv. CIM-448 was considerably greater than that of the other cultivars in K-unfertilized treatments, which was related to cultivar differences in K uptake efficiency in utilizing native potassium nutrient. Potassium added as muriate of potash caused a significant depression in seed cotton yield than that of sulphate of potash. The increase in yield seemed to have resulted largely from the higher K concentration of leaf tissues at bloom stage and available soil-K because of potassium application. A significant relationship between the yield and number of bolls per plant (r = 0.92**) and boll weight (r = 0.85**) indicated that these two growth attributes were responsible for enhancing the quantum of final harvest of seed cotton.  相似文献   

径流含沙量的大小体现水沙关系的消长和演变,可以作为评价植被影响下径流和产沙的交互演变过程特征的重要指标。通过人工降雨试验,研究不同草被覆盖度变化在不同雨强和不同坡度条件下对黄土坡面径流含沙量的综合影响特征。结果表明:(1)草被盖度越大,坡面径流的初始产流时间越滞后。有草被覆盖坡面的径流含沙量随降雨历时变化为降雨前15 min有波动,但总体上呈降低趋势,之后达到稳定,且有草被覆盖坡面的径流含沙量显著低于裸地。(2)径流平均含沙量均随雨强和坡度的增大而增大,平均含沙量对雨强和坡度的响应均可用幂函数方程描述,R2分别为0.823~0.974和0.880~0.971。随着盖度的增加,平均含沙量降低,且雨强对平均含沙量的影响随盖度的增加而减弱。平均含沙量对盖度的响应可用线性方程描述,R2为0.732~0.979。(3)径流平均含沙量对盖度和雨强(R2=0.822,NE=0.921,p<0.01)及对盖度和坡度(R2=0.975,NE=0.697,p<0.01)的响应关系皆可用二元幂函数方程描述,径...  相似文献   

Abstract: In recent years, sulfur (S) deficiencies in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) have become more common, particularly on coarse‐textured soils. In Study I, field experiments were conducted in 2001/2002 through 2003/2004 on Mississippi River alluvial soils (Experiment I) and an upland, loessial silt loam (Experiment II) to evaluate the influence of spring S rates of 0, 5.6, 11.2, and 22.4 kg ha?1 and a fall rate of 22.4 kg sulfate (SO4)‐S ha?1 on grain yield of three varieties. In Study II, field experiments were conducted in 2001/2002 and 2004/2005 on alluvial soils to evaluate the influence of spring S rates of 0, 5.6, 11.2, and 22.4 kg SO4‐S ha?1 in fields where S‐deficiency symptoms were present. Grain yield response to applied S occurred only on alluvial, coarse‐textured, very fine sandy loam soils (Study II) that had soil SO4‐S levels less than the critical level of 8 mg kg?1 and organic‐matter contents less than 1 g kg?1 in the 0‐ to 15‐, 15‐ to 30‐, and 30‐ to 45‐cm depths. Soil pH increased with soil depth. Optimum S rate was 11.2 kg SO4‐S ha?1 in 2001/2002 and 5.6 kg SO4‐S ha?1 in 2004/2005. On the upland, loessial silt loam soil, soil SO4‐S levels accumulated with depth, whereas organic‐matter content and pH decreased. In the loessial soils, average soil SO4‐S levels in the 15‐ to 30‐ and 30‐ to 45‐cm soil depths were 370% greater than SO4‐S in the surface horizon (0 to 15 cm).  相似文献   

甘露醇预处理方式、方法对大麦花粉植株再生的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在大田生长的洋同花药培养反应的4个大麦基因型上,研究了甘露醇预处理方式。方法对花药培养诱导胚状体和再生植株形成的影响。结果表明,同一预处理方法,在液、固体预处理方式上,其花药培养反应均无明显差异,说明预处理方法与预处理方式无关。在不同浓度的甘露醇预处理之间,随甘露醇浓度的增加,绿功分化频率有显著的提高。基因型与甘露醇预处理的时间长度之间存在相互作用,即甘露醇预处理的最适时间,因大麦基因型的不同而有  相似文献   

Bermuda grass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] is a major forage for grazing and hay production in the southern United States. The objectives of this study were to determine effects of nitrogen (N) fertilization rate (0, 112, 224, 336, and 448 kg ha?1), split spring and summer applications of N at the 224 and 448 kg ha?1 rates, and harvest periods (spring and summer) on forage yield, crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), total digestible nutrients (TDN), and concentrations of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), and calcium (Ca in Midland Bermuda grass. Data were collected from 2002 to 2008 as part of an ongoing, long-term soil fertility experiment in southern Oklahoma. Repeated measures analysis of these long-term data showed that forage yield responses to N rate varied with year and harvest time with up to 2.5-fold yield differences among years. Nitrogen fertilization increased CP, TDN, and macronutrient P and Mg and decreased ADF and NDF. Crude protein was increased by ≥50%, and ADF and NDF dropped by up to 25% with the greatest N rate. In general, split N applications did not affect forage yield but produced low-quality forage compared to single N application in spring. Split application of 448 kg N ha?1 gave forage with CP, TDN, ADF, and NDF similar to the Bermuda grass receiving 336 or 448 kg N ha?1 as a single application. Spring forage had better forage quality than summer harvests. While N fertilization increased forage Mg and P concentrations by more than 50% during both spring and summer, it had no effect or slight increased K and Ca concentrations. In the southern Great Plains, despite the weather-dependent variability in forage yield of Bermuda grass, N application increase forage quality.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to study the influence of three organic manures, farm yard manure (FYM), poultry manure (PLM), and pigeon manure (PGM), on soil physical and chemical properties on tuber yield of Jerusalem artichoke in a newly reclaimed saline calcareous soil. A field experiment was conducted applying the three manures, alone and/or in different combinations. Soils were investigated at surface (0–30 cm) and subsurface (30–60 cm) layers before and after planting, and analyzed for physical and chemical properties. The results indicated that the application of 31.5 kg ha?1 of PLM+10.5 kg of PGM T7 recorded highest available nitrogen, zinc, copper, and moisture content at the surface layer. The same results were obtained for iron and manganese at both layers. While, applying 21.0 kg ha?1 FYM+21.0 kg ha?1 PLM T10 recorded the best treatment for pH, phosphorus, zinc, copper, moisture content, and saturation percentage at the subsurface layer. Applying 21.0 kg ha?1 PGM + 10.5 kg ha?1 FYM+10.5 kg ha?1 PLM T15 recorded the best treatment for organic matter content and bulk density at surface layer and reduced the electrical conductivity and inulin tuber content at both layers. On the other hand, calcium carbonate and sodium adsorption ratio were reduced in both layers by applying 21.0 kg ha?1 PLM+10.5 kg ha?1 FYM+10.5 kg ha?1 PGM T14. The best treatment for tuber nitrogen content and total yield was obtained with applying 42.0 kg ha?1 PLM T2 only and 31.5 kg ha?1 FYM+10.5 kg ha?1 PLM T4, respectively.  相似文献   

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