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本研究从福建省某养殖场病兔分离到3株革兰氏阳性球菌,并对其进行了16S rRNA扩增、生化反应、药敏试验等检测,结果显示该病原菌为金黄色葡萄球菌。  相似文献   

为检测江苏省某奶牛场中乳房炎是否为金黄色葡萄球菌所致,采取4份患病乳汁样本进行试验分离和鉴定,并针对金黄色葡萄球菌采用分离后鉴定,结果显示,分离到的2株致病菌为金黄色葡萄球菌,其他菌株还包括大肠杆菌、肠球菌等,为多种致病病原菌同时引起,主要为金黄色葡萄球菌感染。  相似文献   

Two isolates of mecA-positive methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) from retail raw chicken meat were characterized by phenotypic and genotypic methods. One isolate showed the human biovar, coagulase type III, phage group I * III, the lack of production of enterotoxins and TSST-1, and resistance to PCG/ABPC/EM/GM/KM. The other isolate showed the human biovar, coagulase type III, phage group III, production of enterotoxin C and TSST-1, and resistance to PCG/ABPC/CEZ. The biotyping results indicate that the two isolates showed characteristics of human S. aureus. They also harbored SCCmec type IV, which has prevalently been found in community-acquired MRSA isolates. This paper is the first publication regarding MRSA isolates from raw chicken meat in Japan.  相似文献   

A total of 444 samples of raw chicken meat (thighs, breasts, wings, livers, gizzards, hearts and ovaries) that retailed at 145 different supermarkets in 47 prefectures in Japan were examined for contamination with Staphylococcus aureus in association with its enterotoxigenicity. S. aureus was isolated from 292 (65.8%) of the samples, and from 131 of the 145 supermarkets. There was no significant difference in the detection rate of S. aureus according to the type of meat examined. About 80% of 714 isolates belonged to the poultry (57.1%) and human biotypes (22.1%). Seventy-eight (21.7%) of 360 isolates were enterotoxigenic and isolated from 78 samples in 53 supermarkets in 31 prefectures. Staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs) produced were SEB (50 isolates), SEA (14), SEC (8), SED (2), SEA+SEB (2), and SEA+SEC (2). Most of the enterotoxigenic isolates belonged to the human and poultry biotypes, coagulase type VII, VIII or IV, and were lysed by phages of group III. Identical SE types, biotypes, coagulase types and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns were shown in isolates from different types of meat at the same supermarket and from samples taken from different supermarkets in the same prefectures or in isolates from samples obtained from several different prefectures. Among the 50 SEB-producing isolates, 27 yielded three similar PFGE patterns that differed by only a few fragments, suggesting that they were closely related genetically. The three patterns were found in isolates of samples that retailed at 17 supermarkets in 11 prefectures, indicating that they may be disseminated among raw chicken meat in Japan.  相似文献   

In the present study 320 milk samples collected from 160 apparently healthy camels of three different locations in Sudan were investigated for the presence of Staphylococcus aureus resulting in the isolation of this bacterial pathogen from 28 milk samples from 24 camels. Twenty-five S. aureus were identified phenotypically and by PCR mediated amplification of species-specific genes or gene segments. Investigation of the S. aureus for toxinogenic potential revealed that three S. aureus strains were positive for the enterotoxin encoding gene sec and the genes seg, sei, sem, sen and seo, representing the egc gene cluster. In addition all 25 S. aureus were positive for the superantigen-like encoding gene ssl7 (set1). Partial sequencing of gene sec of the three S. aureus strains yielded an almost complete sequence identity to the sequence of the sec variant sec2. However, all three sec2 genes of the present study showed a deletion of one base causing a frame shift and a corresponding earlier stop codon.According to the present results, the raw camel milk collected from three locations in Sudan seems to be, at least at this stage, of minor importance as vector causing staphylococcal food poisoning.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to determine the contamination of raw poultry meat with enterotoxigenic strains of S. aureus, using the PCR method. PCR is a rapid and sensitive method, which can show the presence in food of enterotoxigenic strains of S. aureus on the basis of specific gene sequences and detect the potential source of contamination before enterotoxins are produced. No coagulase-positive staphylococci strains were found in 65 samples of chicken parts, but these bacteria were present in 11 of 23 examined samples of minced turkey meat (48%). Using the primers for enterotoxin genes A to C, 4 of the 11 isolated S. aureus strains showed a positive result in the PCR. Three of the isolates represented the SEB gene and remaining one the SEC gene. The results obtained showed that PCR is sensitive and rapid method which may be used for detection and identification of enterotoxigenic S. aureus.  相似文献   

鼠金黄色葡萄球菌的分离与鉴定   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
20 0 1年 9月 ,从江苏省某动物房感染发病的实验小鼠中分离到 1株金黄色葡萄球菌并进行了鉴定。该菌能产生金黄色色素 ,发生 β 溶血反应 ,发酵部分糖和甘露醇 ,凝固酶试验为阳性  相似文献   

After recognition of a cluster of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection in horses and humans at the Ontario Veterinary College Veterinary Teaching Hospital, environmental contamination with MRSA was evaluated. A total of 260 environmental surfaces were sampled during periods when MRSA-infected horses were hospitalized, and MRSA was isolated from 25/260 sites (9.6%). The most commonly contaminated sites were stalls housing MRSA-positive horses, but other stalls, medical equipment, personal items, and equine restraint devices also were contaminated. The role of the environment in the transmission of MRSA infection to horses or humans is unclear. However, relatively widespread contamination of the hospital environment, as apparently occurs when infected horses are hospitalized, suggests that the environment may be an important source of MRSA infection. This possibility must be taken into consideration when designing infection control and disinfection protocols.  相似文献   

【目的】 为开发噬菌体"鸡尾酒"制剂防治奶牛乳腺炎提供生物学材料。【方法】 以实验室分离的奶牛乳腺炎源金黄色葡萄球菌82为宿主菌,通过点滴法和双层平板法在奶牛场的污水、弃奶和粪便混合物中分离并纯化其噬菌体,通过噬菌斑及透射电子显微镜对该株噬菌体的形态特征进行观察。利用核酸酶处理分析该噬菌体核酸类型,并对其裂解谱、最佳感染复数、一步生长曲线、热稳定性、pH稳定性进行研究。【结果】 分离筛选出金黄色葡萄球菌82的裂解性噬菌体P82,电镜下观察其头部为二十面体,大小约为120 nm×83 nm,有一条带可伸缩尾鞘的长尾,长约126 nm,属于有尾噬菌体目,肌尾噬菌体科。通过琼脂糖凝胶电泳鉴定其核酸类型为双链DNA (dsDNA)。噬菌体P82的最佳感染复数为0.001,对奶牛乳腺炎源金黄色葡萄球菌裂解率为36.51%(23/63),宿主谱较广;其生长潜伏期约为25 min,爆发期约为45 min,裂解量约为74 PFU/cell;在pH 4.0~12.0时活性稳定,在pH 2.0和13.0时则完全失去活性。噬菌体P82热稳定性较高,在70 ℃作用60 min后仍有裂解能力,在80 ℃作用40 min时则失去裂解能力。【结论】 本研究分离的噬菌体P82效价较高、裂解能力强、增殖速度快、噬菌谱广,对不同温度和pH均有较好的耐受度,能作为专一性裂解奶牛乳腺炎源金黄色葡萄球菌的噬菌体候选株,可与其他噬菌体混合制成噬菌体"鸡尾酒"制剂用于防治奶牛乳腺炎,为奶牛乳腺炎的噬菌体疗法提供材料。  相似文献   

为了解河南省规模化奶牛养殖场金黄色葡萄球菌的分布及耐药情况,从具有代表性的奶牛养殖场采集400批样品,采用VITEK-2 Compact全自动微生物分析系统对样品中的金黄色葡萄球菌进行分离鉴定,并通过微量肉汤稀释法对分离出的金黄色葡萄球菌进行耐药性分析。结果显示,该研究共分离金黄色葡萄球菌82株,分离率为20.5%。经耐药性分析发现,分离得到的金黄色葡萄球菌对青霉素、红霉素、氨苄西林耐药严重,耐药率分别为100%、86.6%和98.8%;对头孢菌素类、林可霉素类、喹诺酮类抗生素较为敏感。该研究结果提示河南省规模化奶牛养殖场金黄色葡萄球菌存在严重的耐药现象,建议在畜禽生产中要谨慎使用抗生素。  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is a major etiological pathogen of bovine mastitis, which triggers significant economic losses in dairy herds worldwide. In this study, S. aureus strains isolated from the milk of cows suffering from mastitis in Korea were investigated by spa typing and staphylococcal enterotoxin (SE) gene profiling. Forty-four S. aureus strains were isolated from 26 farms in five provinces. All isolates grouped into five clusters and two singletons based on 14 spa types. Cluster 1 and 2 isolates comprised 38.6% and 36.4% of total isolates, respectively, which were distributed in more than four provinces. SE and SE-like toxin genes were detected in 34 (77.3%) isolates and the most frequently detected SE gene profile was seg, sei, selm, seln, and selo genes (16 isolates, 36.3%), which was comparable to one of the genomic islands, Type I νSaβ. This is a first report of spa types and the prevalence of the recently described SE and SE-like toxin genes among S. aureus isolates from bovine raw milk in Korea. Two predominant spa groups were distributed widely and recently described SE and SE-like toxin genes were detected frequently.  相似文献   

Milk is considered a nutritious food because it contains several important nutrients including proteins and vitamins. Conversely, it can be a vehicle for several pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus. This study aimed to analyze the frequency of genes encoding the staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs) SEA, SEB, SEC, SED, SEE, SEG, SEH, SEI and SEJ in S. aureus strains isolated from raw or pasteurized bovine milk. S. aureus was found in 38 (70.4%) out of 54 raw milk samples at concentrations of up to 8.9 x 10(5) CFU/ml. This microorganism was present in eight samples of pasteurized milk before the expiration date and in 11 samples analyzed on the expiration date. Of the 57 strains studied, 68.4% were positive for one or more genes encoding the enterotoxins, and 12 different genotypes were identified. The gene coding for enterotoxin A, sea, was the most frequent (16 strains, 41%), followed by sec (8 strains, 20.5%), sed (5 strains, 12.8%), seb (3 strains, 7.7%) and see (2 strains, 5.1%). Among the genes encoding the other enterotoxins, seg was the most frequently observed (11 strains, 28.2%), followed by sei (10 strains) and seh and sej (3 strains each). With the recent identification of new SEs, the perceived frequency of enterotoxigenic strains has increased, suggesting that the pathogenic potential of staphylococci may be higher than previously thought; however, further studies are required to assess the expression of these new SEs by S. aureus, and their impact in foodborne disease. The quality of Brazilian milk is still low, and efforts from the government and the entire productive chain are required to attain consumer safety.  相似文献   

为鉴定外伤感染死亡兔的病原菌,采集病死兔肝、肺、肾等器官进行细菌分离鉴定及体外抑菌试验。结果表明:分离菌靛基质、枸橼酸盐等试验为阴性,凝固酶和过氧化氢酶试验为阳性,分解葡萄糖、麦芽糖等,不能分解淀粉;病菌对青霉素、卡那霉素等高度敏感,对氨卡西林,阿莫西林等耐药;枯草芽孢杆菌和鸡唾液乳酸杆菌对其均有较强的抑制作用。因此,分离菌为免金黄色葡萄球菌,该病是由金黄色葡萄球菌引起的兔葡萄球菌病,防治首选药物为青霉素,枯草芽孢杆菌和鸡唾液乳酸杆菌可减少或部分取代抗生素对该病的防治。  相似文献   

从奶牛分离得到耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(methieillin—resistant Staphylococcus aureus,MRSA)。按常规方法复苏菌株,用血浆凝固酶试验鉴定SA。用KB法、琼脂筛选法、生化鉴定法(VITEK32)、聚合酶链反应等鉴定MRSA。常规分离鏊定的葡萄球菌468株,其中凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌(coagulase negative Staphylococcus,CNS)361株,检出率为77.149,6,金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus,SA)105株,检出率为22.44%,MRSA36株检出率为34.29%,2株未定型,占0.42%。而MRSA在乳房炎奶样中检出率高达34.29%,表明新疆兵团部分垦区牛场MRSA已经呈蔓延趋势。  相似文献   

采用16S rRNA序列分析及生化分析的方法,从某规模育肥羊场的患呼吸系统疾患的病羊分离到1株金黄色葡萄球菌,命名为JLY-1。药敏试验结果显示,JLY-1是1株多重耐药葡萄球菌,对红霉素、氨苄西林、复方新诺明高度耐药(MIC≥512 μg/mL);对多西环素、丁胺卡那(MIC≥64 μg/mL)和环丙沙星、恩诺沙星(MIC≥4 μg/mL)耐药;对氟苯尼考和头孢曲松敏感(MIC≤0.25 μg/mL)。  相似文献   

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