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Effects of animal gender and age, use of a growth stimulant, and supplementation with grain alone or grain plus other substances on ADG by growing beef cattle grazing bermudagrass paddocks with sod-seeded rye, wheat, and ryegrass were determined. Two grazing experiments (Exp. 1: late winter through mid-spring; Exp. 2: late spring through mid-summer) were conducted. Experiment 1 used 96, 12- to 13-mo-old Simmental-cross calves (heifers, 240 kg; steers, 272 kg), half of which were implanted with zeranol. Within each implant treatment, cattle received no supplement or .5% BW (DM) of ground corn alone or plus a mix of protein meals, zinc sulfate, thiamin-HCl, or salt. Daily gain was higher (P less than .05) with than without supplementation and was similar (P greater than .10) among supplement treatments. In Exp. 2, 96 crossbred beef steers, approximately 7 (230 kg) or 15 mo old (250 kg), were not supplemented (control) or received .5% BW (DM) of ground corn on d 1 to 84 (C-C), corn plus a protein meal mix on d 1 to 84 (CP-CP), corn on d 43 to 84 (O-C), corn plus the protein meal mix on d 43 to 84 (O-CP), or corn on d 1 to 42 and corn plus the protein meal mix on d 43 to 84 (C-CP). Daily gain on d 1 to 84 was affected (P less than .05) by supplement, age, implant, and the supplement x implant interaction (nonimplanted: .37, .56, .68, .40, .49, and .49; implanted: .37, .62, .54, .49, .70, and .71 kg for control, C-C, CP-CP, O-C, O-CP, and C-CP, respectively).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of subclinical, naturally acquired gastrointestinal nematode infestation on weight gain in yearling cattle kept on pasture. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 799 Bos taurus yearlings kept on pasture with 2,805 herd mates in eastern and central South Dakota. PROCEDURE: 11 trials were initiated at 9 sites from 1999 through 2001. For each trial, approximately 10% of cattle in each site's pasture group were identified, weighed, and administered a bolus of ivermectin (sustained-release formulation) prior to turnout. A similar subgroup of nontreated control cattle was identified and weighed prior to turnout. For each trial, treated and control groups remained with the larger pasture group throughout the entire grazing season. At the end of the grazing season, weight measurements and fecal samples were obtained from all treated and control cattle; average daily grazing gain was calculated and compared between these 2 groups. RESULTS: Treatment of grazing cattle with ivermectin increased average daily gain by 0.0459 +/- 0.01 kg/head/d (mean +/- SEM; 0.1 +/- 0.02 lb/head/d), compared with that achieved in control cattle. Control cattle had significantly greater fecal egg counts at grazing season end than treated cattle. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Compared with anthelmintic-treated cattle, yearling cattle with naturally occurring gastrointestinal nematode infestations kept on pasture in the US Northern Plains had a decreased average daily gain equivalent to 6.6 kg (14.5 lb) less gain in a 143-day grazing season. Strategies for control of nematode populations in pastures should be considered to ameliorate this production loss.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted in a sheep flock in the south east of Scotland with a history of ivermectin resistance in Teladorsagia circumcincta. The objective of the study was to compare the effects of single anthelmintic treatments in ewes before turn-out onto pasture that was contaminated with a moderate level of overwintered, ivermectin resistant, T. circumcincta infective larvae. The ewes were treated according to label directions with either a long acting injectable formulation of moxidectin (1mg/kg; affording up to 14weeks persistent action against macrocyclic lactone (ML)-susceptible T. circumcincta) or an oral formulation of moxidectin (0.2mg/kg; affording up to 5weeks persistent action against ML-susceptible T. circumcincta). The lambs were enrolled in the normal management of the farm, and received a total of three oral ivermectin treatments during the 16week study. The efficacy of both treatment strategies in controlling the periparturient rise in faecal nematode worm egg counts and subsequent pasture contamination was assessed from the faecal worm egg counts of the ewes and their lambs between lambing and weaning. Ewes that were treated with the oral formulation of moxidectin shed approximately 3.5 times more T. circumcincta eggs between lambing and weaning than ewes that were treated with the long acting formulation of moxidectin. This difference was reflected in the faecal worm egg counts of the lambs that were grazed alongside the different treatment groups of ewes. The results of the current study demonstrate persistent efficacy of the long acting formulation of moxidectin against an ivermectin resistant T. circumcincta population. The decreased pasture contamination after treatment could lead to improved lamb growth and a need for fewer anthelmintic treatments, thus potentially reducing one possible selection pressure for anthelmintic resistance. However, treatment with the long acting formulation of moxidectin would give rise to fewer susceptible nematodes being present in refugia, which could increase another possible selection pressure for anthelmintic resistance, depending on the subsequent grazing management of that pasture. The rationale for use of a persistent anthelmintic drug to control the periparturient rise in faecal ML-resistant T. circumcincta egg output of the ewes is discussed and potential differences in selection for macrocyclic lactone anthelmintic resistance using the different formulations of moxidectin are acknowledged.  相似文献   

本研究测定分析了秸秆制粒饲喂肉牛对其采食、反刍、养分表观消化率、瘤胃发酵和增重的影响,以丰富秸秆饲料化利用方式。试验选取30头18月龄左右、活重接近的西杂肉牛,随机分成3组(每组10头),分别饲喂粉碎玉米秸秆(对照组)、玉米秸秆颗粒饲料(试验Ⅰ组)及玉米秸秆精粗饲料颗粒(试验Ⅱ组)。结果表明,1)秸秆制粒饲喂肉牛,其采食、反刍、咀嚼时间均有所缩短,且每食团咀嚼时间显著少于对照组(P=0.004),而试验Ⅱ组采食时长显著低于对照组(P=0.032)。2)除试验Ⅰ组中性洗涤纤维的表观消化率显著低于对照组外(P<0.05),3组肉牛其他养分的表观消化率均无显著差异。3)秸秆粉碎制料后饲喂肉牛影响瘤胃发酵,与对照组比较,试验Ⅰ组瘤胃pH值及丁酸含量显著下降(P<0.05),而乙酸含量和乙酸/丙酸显著升高(P<0.05);试验Ⅱ组瘤胃液丁酸含量显著下降(P<0.05),乙酸/丙酸及NH3-N含量显著升高(P<0.05)。4)秸秆粉碎制粒饲喂肉牛能显著增加日增重和饲料转化率(P<0.05),试验Ⅰ组及试验Ⅱ组日增重较对照组分别高出0.36和0.38 kg,饲料转化率(料重比)分别提高27.86%和29.09%。  相似文献   

Four groups of 16 crossbred beef calves were used in evaluating different anthelmintic treatment schedules: group 1 was given ivermectin (IVM) at weaning only (October 31) and grazed on initially safe pasture; group 2 was given IVM at weaning, on January 28, and on April 22, and grazed on contaminated pasture; and group 3 was given IVM at weaning and on April 22, and grazed on contaminated pasture; and group-4 was group treated with fenbendazole (FBZ) at weaning only, with provision for individual salvage treatment, and grazed on contaminated pasture. The investigation was from Oct 31, 1984, to Oct 9, 1985. Initially high fecal egg counts at weaning were more effectively reduced by IVM than by FBZ, and the effect of safe pasture was evident in minimal worm burdens in tracer calves grazed with group-1 cattle during November and least amount of weight loss in group-1 yearlings during winter. Fecal egg counts, pasture larval counts, and plasma pepsinogen concentrations remained low in group 2 after the January treatment. Fecal egg counts of the other groups increased substantially during late winter and spring, but pasture larval counts increased only on group-1 and group-4 pastures. During spring, highest worm burdens were found in group-1 and group-4 tracer calves (grazed in April) and in group-3 and group-4 yearlings (slaughtered in early April). Six cattle of group 4 were salvage treated with FBZ in February and April. Greatest gains were observed from March through June, with group-2 and group-1 cattle gaining the most.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Five groups of 20 weaned beef calves were injected subcutaneously with either an ivermectin, a doramectin, an abamectin long-acting formulation, an ivermectin long-acting formulation or a saline control, at turnout and 60 and 120 days later. The animals grazed the same pasture and were sampled and weighed at turnout and 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 days later. At turnout the mean bodyweights of all the groups were similar and faecal culture showed that they had a mixed strongyle infection of Cooperia, Haemonchus, Ostertagia, Oesophagostomum and Trichostrongylus species. After 180 days, the mean bodyweight gains of each group were respectively 62.1 kg, 102.2 kg, 106.4 kg, 107.3 kg and 110.1 kg for the control, ivermectin, doramectin, ivermectin long-acting and abamectin long-acting groups. All the products significantly improved the weight gains of the cattle, and significantly reduced their faecal egg counts.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of rumen-protected oil (soybean and palm oil) in supplements for beef cattle during the fattening...  相似文献   

Objective To determine the prevalence of subacute rumen acidosis (SARA) in beef cattle grazing lush pasture and the effect of monensin on reducing SARA and improving animal performance. Design Commercial Angus and Murray Grey steers received a monensin slow‐release capsule (n = 19) or remained untreated (n = 19). Cattle grazed an oats crop or tetraploid ryegrass pasture for a total of 91 days. Rumen fluid pH, volatile fatty acids (VFA) and lactic acid concentrations and body weight data were collected prior to treatment and again 28, 56 and 91 days after treatment. Changes in measures over time were analysed using mixed model repeated measures analysis. Differences in average daily gain between treatment groups were determined. Results The prevalence of SARA was low during the study, with only one animal satisfying criteria for SARA at one time point. Cattle treated with monensin capsules were 11.9 kg heavier at the completion of the study compared with untreated controls (414.5 ± 3.88 kg vs 402.6 ± 4.03 kg, P = 0.04). Rumen VFA and L‐ and D‐lactate levels did not differ between cattle treated with monensin and untreated cattle. However, the ratio of propionate to acetate plus two times butyrate was higher (P < 0.001) when cattle were treated with monensin. Conclusions Subacute rumen acidosis was not consistently detected under the conditions of the study. The higher body weight of cattle treated with monensin may have been due to improved energy utilisation of the pasture, indicated by increased propionate proportions in the rumen, rather than prevention of SARA.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the kinetic parameters of a new formulation that contained 2.25% ivermectin combined with 1.25% abamectin in bovine plasma. The results for 2.25% ivermectin: C max (37.11 ng/mL ± 7.42), T max (16 days ± 5.29), T 1/2 (44.62 days ± 53.89), AUC (928.2 ng·day/mL ± 153.83) and MRT (36.73 days ± 33.64), and for 1.25% abamectin: C max (28.70 ng/mL ± 9.54), T max (14 days ± 4.04), T 1/2 (15.40 days ± 11.43), AUC (618.05 ng·day/mL ± 80.27) and MRT (20.79 days ± 8.43) suggest that this combination of 2.25% ivermectin + 1.25% abamectin possesses properties that give this pharmaceutical formula a longer activity time than two of the commercial products tested (1% ivermectin and 1% abamectin), and showed similarity to 3.15% ivermectin.  相似文献   

The Bayesian approach was implemented for fitting several maternally ancestral models for weaning weight data of Angus calves. The goal was to evaluate to what extent genetic evaluation models with additive grand maternal effects (G), or with an ancestrally structured covariance matrix for maternal environmental effects (E), or with a sire × year interaction (ISY), or combinations thereof (GE, GSY, ESY, GESY), redistribute the additive variability and reduce the negative magnitude of the additive correlation between direct and maternal effects (r(AoAm)), when compared with the regular maternal animal model (I). All animals with records had known dams and maternal granddams. The sampling scheme induced low autocorrelations among all variables and tended to converge quickly. The signs of the estimates of r(AoAm) were consistently negative for all models fitted. The magnitudes of the estimates of r(AoAm) from models E, G, GE, ESY, and GESY were almost one-third of those from models I and ISY. Inclusion of the sire × year interaction had some effect in reducing the negative magnitude of r(AoAm), but also reduced the size of the estimates of direct (h(0)(2)) and maternal (h(m)(2)) heritabilities. In comparison, models E or G reduced the negative magnitude of r(AoAm) by 0.50 units and produced more favorable estimates of H(0)(2) and h(m)(2) than models I and ISY. The estimate of h(0)(2) from G was similar to the one from I; however, the estimated h(m)(2) was 0.04 units greater, whereas the estimate of r(AoAm) was much less negative (-0.21 vs. -0.71) than the respective estimates from I. The environmental correlation between the weaning weights of dams and their daughters (λ) was estimated to be -0.28 ± 0.03 in E and ESY, and -0.21 ± 0.03 in GE and GESY. Inclusion of the sire × year interaction effect by itself did not have much of an impact in the reduction of the estimated magnitude of r(AoAm). Rank correlations among EBV for direct effects were larger than 0.94 and did not show any appreciable difference among models, whereas the rank correlation among maternal breeding values displayed differences in the ranking between I and the other models. Models E and ESY recovered the largest amount of total additive variability with maternal effects.  相似文献   

试验选用健康的三江平原放牧肉牛50头,体重在320 kg左右,随机分成5组,每组10个重复,每个重复1头牛。肉牛放牧采食的同时,试验各组按牛重的0.6%、0.8%、1.0%、1.2%和1.4%每头每天分别饲喂1.9(A组)、2.5(B组)、3.3(C组)、3.8 kg(D组)和4.5 kg(E组)的精料补充料,预试期10 d,试验期60 d。旨在研究冬季放牧条件下,不同精料补饲量对放牧肉牛生长性能的影响。结果表明:(1)随着精料补饲量的增加,肉牛的平均日增重逐渐增加,B组显著高于A组(P<0.05),C、D、E组极显著高于A组和B组(P<0.01);(2)饲料转化率以C组最高,为35.63%,显著高于其他各组(P<0.05),并呈现先增加后降低的规律;(3)经济效益C组最高,C组60 d育肥收入较A组极显著提高176.42%,较B组显著提高80.12%,与C组和D、E组相比略有增加,但差异均不显著(P>0.05)。结果说明,按牛体重的1.0%补饲精料效果最好。  相似文献   

The performance of grazing cattle in tropical areas is deeply influenced by parasitism, and the increasing reports of resistance are a threat to effective nematode control. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of avermectins on the performance of weaned calves naturally infected by ivermectin-resistant gastrointestinal nematodes. The effect of four commercial endectocides (ivermectin 2.25 % + abamectin 1.25 %, ivermectin 3.15 %, doramectin 3.15 %, and doramectin 1 %) on parasitism and performance of a hundred weaned Nellore calves were evaluated during 112 days. The most effective anthelmintic showed efficacy of 84 % and resulted in an increase (P?<?0.05) of live weight gain of 11.85 kg, compared to untreated group, 9.05 and 9.41 kg compared to those treated with more ineffective avermectins which showed efficacy of 0 and 48.2 %, respectively. A significant (P?<?0.05) and weak negative correlation (r?=??0.22) between the eggs per gram (EPG) and body weight was observed, indicating that even the low mean EPG (175?±?150) observed at day 0 in the control group, with predominance of Haemonchus sp., was responsible for production losses. These results indicate that control of nematode parasites in beef cattle in the weaning phase may not result in increased productivity when carried out without technical criteria.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate reduced supplementation frequencies for grazing beef cattle in rainy season. In experiment 1, evaluating the nutritional parameters, four rumen-cannulated Nellore bulls (BW = 410 kg) were used. In experiment 2, evaluating animal performance, 48 Nellore bulls (BW = 358 kg) were used. The treatments were as follows: mineral supplement (MS) alone and MS plus protein-energy supplement provided 3×, 5× and 7×/week. Supplementation frequency did not affect (P > 0.05) intake and digestibility. Average daily gain was greater (P < 0.001) to supplementation compared with MS. The supplementation 5×/week resulted in greater weight gain per hectare (9.24) and higher economic returns during the study period (1.64%) compared to other supplementations. Supplementation 5×/week increased animal performance and positively influenced economic returns.  相似文献   

生长抑素基因工程苗和半胱胺对放牧羔羊增重效果的影响   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
选择 4~ 5月龄体重相近的杂种羔羊 90只 ,随机分成对照、添加半胱胺 (CS87)和生长抑素 (SS)苗免疫共 3组 ,每组公母各半。CS87按每千克体重 80mg每周添加 1次 ,持续 6周 ;SS苗按 1mL/只一次性免疫 ,9周结束。结果显示 ,添加CS87组 0~ 2 1d增重提高 1 6 46 % (P <0 0 5) ,2 1~ 42d增重提高 1 5 95 % (P <0 0 5) ;SS苗免疫组在 2 1~ 42d提高 5 86 % (P >0 0 5) ,42~ 63d提高 1 7 5 % (P <0 0 5) ,母羊效果优于公羊。  相似文献   

试验以高寒阴湿地区西门达尔杂种黄牛的育肥为目的,进行低精料水平下玉米秸秆不同处理舍饲喂养试验。结果表明,玉米秸秆经青贮加工后可进高牛采食量、日增重,提高饲料转化率。试验期90d,全贮组、黄贮组较干草组日增重分别提高628.5g和315.7g。全贮组头均纯效益比黄贮组提高180.38元,比干草组提高325.2元,黄贮组比干草组提高145.58元。  相似文献   

添喂发酵液饲喂育肥肉牛的增重效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着畜禽产业结构的调整,食草家畜得到了迅猛发展,牛羊头数猛增,发展牛羊饲养业已成为广大农民增收的一个好项目.但传统的直接饲喂秸秆饲草养畜法,已成为制约饲养牛羊经济效益的瓶颈.为此,搞好秸秆饲草的科学加工处理和推广应用新技术,已成为牧业生产上的一个突出问题.近年来,我们在推广秸秆青贮、氨化、微贮的基础上,通过实践中的反复探索,又进行了发酵液法饲喂育肥牛的研究,获得了明显效果.  相似文献   

Cydectin(?) 2% LA Solution for Injection for Sheep (Pfizer Animal Health) is a long-acting (LA) formulation of moxidectin for the treatment and prevention of mixed infections of gastro-intestinal nematodes, respiratory nematodes and certain arthropod parasites in sheep. To evaluate the duration of persistent efficacy against nasal bots (Oestrus ovis), a natural exposure study was conducted in Spain during the summer of 2011. One hundred and twenty nasal bot-free, Rasa Aragonesa sheep were randomly allocated to eight groups of 15 animals each. On Day 0, four groups were treated at the recommended dose rate of 1 mg moxidectin/kg bodyweight. Four groups remained untreated as negative controls. All animals were held in nasal bot-proof housing except for exposure to natural challenge when one group of treated sheep and one of group of control animals were transferred to a local pasture at either 0-20, 20-40, 40-60, or 60-80 days after treatment. Following challenge, sheep were scored for clinical signs of bot infestation, necropsied and the heads sectioned for larval recovery. Nasal bot larvae were retrieved from 7 to 11 control sheep following each exposure period indicating that adult bots were active throughout the study. In the first challenge up to 20 days after treatment, when sheep were slaughtered immediately after exposure, the majority of larvae were first instar (L1) and only 3 of the 15 control sheep were infested with second instars (L2). There was 100% efficacy against L2 and 38.1% reduction in the number of live L1 in the treated sheep but mean counts were not significantly different between treatment and control groups (P ≥ 0.05). For the subsequent exposure periods 20-80 days after treatment (necropsies 7-9 days after challenge), 6-10 sheep were infested with L1 and 9-11 control sheep were infested with L2 and third instars (L3). There was negligible efficacy against L1, but treatment with moxidectin resulted in 100% control of L2 and L3. These results are consistent with the biology of nasal bots and control with a systemic agent, as the slower growing L1 have limited feeding and are therefore less susceptible to systemic parasiticides. The study demonstrated that the persistent efficacy of this long-acting injectable formulation of moxidectin protects against the development of active O. ovis infestations for at least 80 days after treatment.  相似文献   

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