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杨肖艳  #  刘红斌#  李铷  傅杨  汤东生 《植物保护》2020,46(6):264-269
为筛选能有效防除云南麦田入侵杂草小籽虉草Phalaris minor的除草剂, 采用温室盆栽法分别测定了麦田常用7种茎叶处理剂各7个梯度剂量对小籽虉草的毒力?结果表明, 在推荐剂量下, 50%异丙隆WP?5%唑啉草酯EC?15%炔草酯WP?69 g/L精噁唑禾草灵EW?7.5%啶磺草胺WG?30 g/L甲基二磺隆OD和70%氟唑磺隆WG对小籽虉草药后30 d的株防效分别为99.34%?99.43%?87.50%?75.00%?34.50%?37.50%, 54.17%, 药后30 d的鲜重防效分别为87.92%?92.66%?56.09%?74.43%?57.17%?45.61%?44.67%?所有除草剂中, 唑啉草酯的GR90接近推荐使用剂量的90%?异丙隆的GR90略高于推荐剂量, 其他除草剂的GR90远高于麦田推荐使用剂量?以上结果表明, 防治麦田杂草小籽虉草的首选除草剂为唑啉草酯, 备选除草剂种类少?  相似文献   

Summary Germination of Phalaris minor declined with the increase in duration of imbibition in water from 30 min to 72 h at temperatures above 22 °C . Germination was reduced down to 10 cm and 2 cm soil depth by wheat straw burning in puddled and non-puddled soil, respectively, with maximum reduction near the soil surface. The dormancy of P . minor seed was not more than 60 days under field conditions. In puddled soil, 38–60% of the viable seeds of P. minor remained concentrated in the upper 5-cm layer. Germination decreased with an increase in soil depth. In total, 15% of seeds stored in the laboratory emerged from 10-cm depth, whereas seeds did not germinate below 4.2-cm depth under field conditions. Depth of emergence of P . minor was shallower in zero tillage compared with the conventional method of wheat sowing. The seeds retrieved from rice soils kept under continuous submergence for 60 days exhibited 26% and 57% loss of germination over semi-submergence and semi-wet conditions respectively. There was 100% loss of germination in 10-month-old seeds retrieved from the soil under rice-growing conditions. Plant density of P. minor was lower in zero tillage than with the conventional method of wheat sowing. Cross-ploughing in the upper 2–5 cm of soil (shallow tillage) and drill-sowing of wheat 1 week after shallow tillage reduced germination of P. minor by 44% and 37% and increased grain yield by 21% and 47% over zero-tillage and conventional methods respectively.  相似文献   

小籽虉草Phalaris minor是近年来危害云南中西部地区冬季作物田的恶性杂草。云南冬季作物以阔叶作物为主, 有必要开展在阔叶作物田小籽虉草的化学防除效果研究。本研究在室内和田间测试了108 g/L高效氟吡甲禾灵EC、150 g/L精吡氟禾草灵EC、10%精喹禾灵EC、69 g/L精噁唑禾草灵EW、240 g/L烯草酮EC、12.5%烯禾啶EC、5%唑啉草酯EC等7种阔叶作物田茎叶处理剂对小籽虉草的防效以及对油菜和蚕豆的安全性。室内研究结果表明, 药后30 d, 5%唑啉草酯EC、12.5%烯禾啶EC、10%精喹禾灵EC在推荐剂量作用下对小籽虉草的鲜重防效超过90%, 杂草植株表现明显枯死症状, 并且安全性指数均大于2; 240 g/L烯草酮EC的株防效较差, 鲜重防效也低于50%; 其他药剂的鲜重防效为80%左右。田间药效试验表明, 5%唑啉草酯EC防效最优, 接近95%, 108 g/L高效氟吡甲禾灵EC和12.5%烯禾啶EC等防效能达到90%, 其他药剂的防效也超过80%, 所有药剂对油菜和蚕豆均安全。以上结果表明, 当前大多数阔叶作物田禾本科杂草除草剂对小籽虉草高效, 对作物安全, 控制小籽虉草的备选除草剂品种较多。  相似文献   

The effect of the monooxygenase inhibitor, 1-aminobenzotriazole (ABT) on isoproturon phytotoxicity and metabolism was studied in resistant (R) and susceptible (S) biotypes of Phalaris minor and in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Addition of ABT (2·5, 5 and 10 mg litre-1) to isoproturon (0·25, 0·5, 1, 2 and 4 mg litre-1) in the nutrient solution significantly enhanced the phytotoxicity of isoproturon against the R biotype. Isoproturon at 0·25 mg litre-1 reduced the dry weight (DW) of the S biotype by 77%, whereas the R biotype required 4·0 mg litre-1 for similar reduction. Addition of 10 mg litre-1 of ABT to the 0·25 mg litre-1 isoproturon caused 71 and 82% reduction in DW of R and S biotypes, respectively. Wheat was more sensitive to the mixture of isoproturon and ABT than the R biotype of P. minor. Reduced concentrations of ABT in the mixture from 10 to 2·5 mg litre-1 increased the DW of the R biotype more than that of the S biotype. The R biotype metabolised [14C]isoproturon at a faster rate than the S biotype. ABT (5 mg litre-1) inhibited the degradation of [14C]isoproturon in both biotypes of P. minor and in wheat. In the presence of ABT, about half of the applied [14C]isoproturon remained as parent herbicide in all the three species after two days. The metabolites were similar in the R and S biotypes and wheat as determined by co-chromatography with reference standards and mass spectroscopy (MS). ABT inhibited the appearance of the hydroxy and monomethyl metabolites and their conjugates in all the test plants. These results suggest that the activity of the enzymes responsible for the degradation of isoproturon is greater in the R than in the S biotype of P. minor, resulting in its rapid detoxification. Incorporation of the monooxygenase inhibitor ABT into the nutrient solution greatly inhibited the degradation of [14C]isoproturon in the R biotype and increased its phytotoxicity. Both hydroxylation and N-dealkylation reactions were found to be sensitive to ABT; inhibition of hydroxylation was greater than that of demethylation. Since ABT could not completely suppress isoproturon degradation, it is possible that more than one monooxygenase is involved. © 1998 SCI  相似文献   

Littleseed canarygrass (~canarygrass) evolved populations that are resistant to isoproturon during the early 1990s in north‐western India. Clodinafop‐propargyl (~clodinafop) was recommended for controlling these populations. It has been used extensively in wheat for the last several years. Recently, poor or no control of canarygrass by clodinafop has been observed in large areas, which could be related to cross‐resistance or multiple resistance. This study was designed to test whether resistance has evolved in canarygrass populations against clodinafop and to explore control of the resistant populations with sulfosulfuron and pinoxaden. Among the 311 canarygrass populations that were tested, 86, 55 and 34 showed variable phytotoxicity (0–99%) due to 0.030, 0.060 and 0.120 kg ha?1 clodinafop, respectively. Based on the resistance index, 11 populations were “highly resistant”, 60 were “resistant” and the rest (240) were “susceptible” to clodinafop. Five and six clodinafop‐resistant populations showed slight resistance to 0.0125 kg ha?1 sulfosulfuron and 0.025 kg ha?1 pinoxaden, respectively. But, sulfosulfuron at 0.025 and 0.050 kg ha?1 and pinoxaden at 0.050 and 0.100 kg ha?1 controlled all the canarygrass populations. Clodinafop used for 4 years increased the chance of resistance evolving, whereas its rotation with sulfosulfuron reduced the chance of resistance evolving. This study showed that considerable canarygrass populations have evolved a low‐to‐high degree of resistance against clodinafop. The further use of clodinafop would lead to the spread of resistance in larger areas through the dispersal of resistant seeds. Clodinafop should be replaced with 0.025 kg ha?1 sulfosulfuron or 0.050 kg ha?1 pinoxaden. Besides, where canarygrass has not evolved resistance, the yearly rotation of sulfosulfuron with clodanafop or pinoxaden might delay the evolution of resistance.  相似文献   

为了探究豆-麦复种模式对豫西旱作农田土壤团聚体稳定性及C、N含量的影响,在2014—2019年采用田间定位试验,设置玉米-小麦复种模式(CK)、花生-小麦复种模式(PW)和大豆-小麦复种模式(SW)3个处理.于2019年10月采集0~20 cm和20~40 cm土层土壤样品,利用湿筛法分析了土壤水稳性团聚体组成、稳定性...  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to compare selected ecophysiological parameters for a wheat crop found in the Indo‐Gangetic Plains of India and its five dominant weeds. The dominant and regionally ubiquitous weeds in the wheat field that was selected for the study were Anagallis arvensis, Chenopodium album, Melilotus albus, Phalaris minor and Rumex dentatus. Taller weeds, such as C. album and P. minor, constituted one group along with the crop, with a low photosynthetic rate, specific leaf area, leaf nitrogen mass basis, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic nitrogen‐use efficiency and leaf area ratio, in comparison to shorter weeds, such as A. arvensis, M. albus and R. dentatus, which formed another group with a high photosynthetic rate, specific leaf area, leaf nitrogen mass basis, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic nitrogen‐use efficiency and leaf area ratio. Interspecific variations in the photosynthetic rate were driven mainly by variability in the specific leaf area and leaf nitrogen content. The taller weeds and the crop had a low specific leaf area later in the season, whereas the smaller weeds had a relatively high specific leaf area, which might be an adaptation to the shaded environment below the canopy. The result indicates that any weed management in the wheat fields of the Indo‐Gangetic Plains will need two different approaches because of the different strategies followed by the two weed groups that were identified in the present study.  相似文献   

高海拔地区春小麦干物质积累与水热条件的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索气候变化情景下农作物种植应对措施,采用分期播种法,研究了高海拔旱作区不同气候情景对春小麦干物质积累过程中降水、热量的影响.结果表明,春小麦干物质积累量与积温、降水均呈极显著正相关,干物质积累期间的积温每增加50℃·d,累积生长量增加0.2g·株-1·d-1;降水量增加10 mm,累积生长量增加0.11 g·株-1·d-1.计算两年不同播期水、热耦合指数,具有指数大干物质积累多,反之则有减少的趋势.在水、热要素中,降水在旱地春小麦干物质积累过程中的贡献更突出.最终干物质积累量与产量呈极显著正相关,干物质积累量增加,产量增加.根据干物质积累特点和不同气候条件提出了种植应对措施.  相似文献   

在四川丘陵区水旱轮作田进行了保护性耕作与传统耕作栽培模式的对比研究,对秸秆还田条件下的不同耕作模式对土壤水分及小麦产量的影响进行了探讨.试验结果表明,在小麦整个生育期,覆盖处理土壤水分含量均明显地高于不覆盖处理(对照),且免耕覆盖处理又显著优于翻耕覆盖处理.小麦分蘖高峰期覆盖处理的土壤水分比不覆盖处理分别高4.9%~12.8%,对土壤有较好的保墒作用.覆盖处理的小麦最高茎蘖数比翻耕不覆盖增加11.4%~45.8%,由于增加了小麦成穗数、穗粒数和千粒重,保护性耕作条件下覆盖处理比翻耕覆盖增产3.2%~18.1%,对提高小麦产量有明显的作用.  相似文献   

通过在陕西关中平原地区连续7年的田间定位试验,运用多元方差分析及因子分析法比较评价了冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系下4种耕作措施(深松、旋耕、免耕、传统耕作)及2种秸秆管理措施(玉米秸秆还田、不还田)对土壤质量的影响。结果表明:玉米收获后0~20 cm土壤容重免耕处理最大,旋耕、翻耕处理次之,深松处理最小;秸秆还田0~10 cm土壤容重较不还田处理降低2.33%,达显著水平。小麦、玉米收获后0~20 cm土壤养分组、有机质环境组及酶活性组指标变量受不同耕作措施的影响均大于受秸秆管理措施的影响。传统耕作两季土壤质量均最差。深松、旋耕有一定后效,且有机质养分因子得分较高,免耕则相反。综合土壤质量、作物产量及经济效益,玉米秸秆还田/深松/旋耕/播种小麦-小麦秸秆高留茬/免耕/播种玉米模式适宜在该区推广。  相似文献   

The transition from seed dormancy to germination is a multi‐step process. However, distinguishing between physiological processes involved in seed dormancy alleviation and those involved in germination has been difficult. We studied the seed dormancy alleviation process in Amaranthus tuberculatus, an important weed species in midwestern USA. Using three A. tuberculatus biotypes that differ in dormancy level, it was determined that stratification reduced seed dormancy from a high to a low level. Temperature alternation alleviated low seed dormancy and triggered germination. Exogenously applied abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellic acid (GA) had no effect on seeds with high dormancy. However, ABA and paclobutrazol (a GA biosynthesis inhibitor) significantly reduced germination of seeds with low dormancy. Hormones could not replace the effects of stratification or temperature alternation on dormancy alleviation. Based on our results, we propose a seed dormancy–germination transition model in which the dormancy of A. tuberculatus seeds is progressively reduced from a high to a low level; but environmental conditions (i.e. stratification) can accelerate the dormancy alleviation process. Under low dormancy levels, the seed is more sensitive to environmental cues that are responsible for removing dormancy and triggering germination (i.e. temperature alternation). Finally, ABA and GA regulation occurs primarily during the final transition from low dormancy to germination rather than the alleviation of high dormancy.  相似文献   

A Collavo  M Sattin 《Weed Research》2014,54(4):325-334
In Europe, glyphosate‐resistant weeds have so far only been reported in perennial crops. Following farmers' complaints of poor herbicide efficacy, resistance to glyphosate as well as to ACCase and ALS inhibitors was investigated in 11 populations of Lolium spp. collected from annual arable cropping systems in central Italy. Field histories highlighted that farmers had relied heavily on glyphosate, often at low rates, as well as in a non‐registered crop. The research aimed at elucidating the resistance status, including multiple resistance, of Lolium spp. populations through glasshouse screenings and an outdoor dose–response experiment. Target‐site resistance mechanism was also investigated for the substitutions already reported for EPSPs, ALS and ACCase genes. Three different resistant patterns were identified: glyphosate resistant only, multiple resistant to glyphosate and ACCase inhibitors and multiple resistant to glyphosate and ALS inhibitors. Amino acid substitutions were found at position 106 of the EPSPs gene, at position 1781, 2088 and 2096 of the ACCase gene and at position 197 and 574 of the ALS gene. Not all populations displayed amino acid substitutions, suggesting the presence of non‐target‐site‐mediated resistance mechanisms. After 39 years of commercial availability of glyphosate, this is the first report of multiple resistance involving glyphosate selected in annual arable crops in Europe. Management implications and options are discussed.  相似文献   

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