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欧洲循环水养殖技术综述   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
刘鹰 《渔业现代化》2006,(6):47-49,38
综述了欧洲封闭循环水养殖业概况,介绍了欧洲循环水养殖在鱼类养殖中的应用和欧洲循环水养殖工艺及其特点,提出了几点对我国发展水产养殖业的借鉴意见。  相似文献   

Arno.  GR 《海鲜世界》1998,(4):20-21
在230升的跑道式循环海水中,用于养殖温水性海水鱼——红拟石首鱼(Sciaenopsocellatus)鱼苗和方氏对虾(Penaeus vannamei)稚虾,辅助臭氧处理作用,分别在3小时、6小时和24小时观测鱼、虾对水中残留臭氧的忍耐力。实验证明,虾能够忍受残留臭氧浓度超过2.5mg/L达3小时,浓度为1.0mg/L时。达24小时;鱼种可以忍受臭氧浓度高于0.1mg/L达24小时而不损伤其鳃细胞膜  相似文献   

<正>循环水养殖系统是一种环境友好、水资源高效利用及养殖产量高的集约化养殖模式,由流水式水产养殖逐渐演化而来。循环水养殖系统的发展可追溯到20世纪60年代,较为典型的有日本生物包静水养殖系统(以砾石为载体)和欧洲组装式多级静水养殖系统[1-2]。我国陆基工厂化养殖从最初的苗种培育转变为水产养殖、仓储、吊水等多种功能[3-5],养殖技术水平也不断提高。循环水养殖系统通过物理化学处理技术[6-8]保持良好的水质,实现养殖用水的循环使用,具有节约养殖用水及节省养殖用地的优点[9-11]。此外,循环水养殖系统也是唯一能够实现安全、无化学品和重金属残留的绿色养殖模式[12-14],在水产养殖产业中发挥重要的作用,同时也符合当前我国提出的水产养殖绿色发展、循环经济及低碳减排的战略需求[15]。  相似文献   

龙勇 《河北渔业》2006,(1):25-25,37
工厂化水产养殖中配备循环水系统的目的是为了减小养殖设施对水交换的依赖.循环水系统在水产苗种孵育场、工厂化养殖场和城市水族馆中的应用非常广泛,能够克服水源供应不足的困难和满足将水交换量降至最低的要求,并且使养殖对环境的污染大大下降,同时又具有保持养殖系统自身水质稳定、有效防止病害传播的特点,可以在水交换量极小的情况下维持水质条件满足养殖动物的需求.循环水系统的设计多种多样,但要达到高效都必须做好以下几方面的管理:(1)充气;(2)清除颗粒物质;(3)生物过滤祛除氨氮和亚硝酸盐;(4)缓冲pH值.  相似文献   

欧洲鳗鲡属硬骨鱼纲、鳗鲡目、鳗鲡科、鳗鲡属,分布于北纬20度到北极圈的大西洋。欧洲鳗鲡是我国鳗鲡养殖业的重要品种,经过多年的探索,养殖技术已日趋成熟。目前,我国欧洲鳗鲡养殖方式主要有三种:土池养殖、精养池养殖及网箱养殖,但这些养殖方式对水体环境污染较大,并且养殖受  相似文献   

循环水养殖系统的水处理技术   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
循环水养殖系统基本上是一个省地、省水、高产量的生产工具。其主要效益体现在可以减少用水量,提高养殖密度,减低受到外界影响感染病害的机率。与传统室外养殖法相比较,循环水养殖系统生产1公斤鱼可节省约30吨的水量,且养殖密度提升35—50倍。本文以一种典型循环水养殖系统为例,简单介绍循环水养殖系统的水处理技术。  相似文献   

<正>2014年5月,两万多尾从黑龙江引进的高档淡水冷水鱼"细鳞"和"虹鳟"正在北辰区的工厂化循环水养殖车间里茁壮成长,这标志着2014年天津市水产养殖户与天津农学院合作探索的节水、高产养殖新模式已初获成功。记者来到北辰区双口镇后堡村,走进天津丰沛水产养殖有限公司的工厂化养殖车间看到,九百多平方米的车间里有11个水泥砌筑的圆形水池,每个水池都与车间一侧的循环水处理系统相连,从黑龙  相似文献   

国内外工厂化循环水养殖研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

工厂化循环水养殖模式是一种新型的高效养殖模式, 以养殖用水净化后循环利用为核心特征, 节电、节水、节地, 符合当前国家提出的循环经济、节能减排、转变经济增长方式的战略需求。本文以循环水养殖模式应用实践为主线, 结合近几年养殖模式的科学研究和产业发展, 围绕养殖管理与应用, 分别对水循环系统对化学物质的承载力、水循环率、主要养殖种类、养殖效果和最适养殖密度等运营管理环节进行了总结和探讨, 为今后建立适用于中国国情的工厂化循环水养殖模式管理标准提供参考。


循环水养殖是未来水产养殖的主要发展方向之一,系统中CO2的过度富集会影响生物滤器过滤效率和养殖对象生长发育,因此CO2的高效脱除是整个循环水养殖系统中的关键技术之一。中国循环水养殖产业在30多年的发展过程中,各项CO2脱除技术日渐成熟。文章围绕着目前国内外工厂化循环水养殖系统的应用现状,介绍了循环水系统中CO2的来源、危害以及脱除的基本原理,综述了气体交换法、化学法和生态法3种CO2脱除工艺的特点以及国内外研究进展,比较了各类脱除技术的优点,针对CO2脱除主要存在的方法单一、主要设施占据空间大、成本高等问题,提出了多种脱除工艺并用、运行设备系统集约化、优化脱除过程及装备智能化等未来发展对策。本研究旨在为未来工厂化循环水养殖CO2高效脱除技术工艺的优化与专用装备的研制提供参考。  相似文献   

简述了国内外工厂化循环水养殖系统,对比了传统养殖模式中高位池养殖与池塘养殖模式,指出了工厂化循环水养殖对虾模式存在的问题,探讨了工厂化循环水养殖模式的推广阻力.  相似文献   

循环水养殖系统中的固体悬浮物去除技术   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
循环水养殖系统(Recirculating aquaculture systems,RAS)中固体悬浮物(Suspended solids,SS)的去除效果直接影响到鱼类生长、生物净化效果、系统配置和运行成本等诸多重要因子。根据固体悬浮物产生、物理特性和分布规律,结合颗粒悬浮物去除工艺特点,对去除技术进行系统研究分析。固体悬浮物源自饲料,密度一般为1.05~1.19 g/cm3,运用重力分离、过滤和泡沫分离等工艺通过预处理、粗过滤和精处理三道工艺步骤,可分别去除不同直径的颗粒物质,在达到合理含量的前提下,获得低能耗、低成本和系统稳定运行的综合效果。固体悬浮物的去除符合目标明确、排出及时和区别对待三原则,去除工艺注重相关技术的优化集成。  相似文献   

This study aims to analyze the economic feasibility of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) in pangasius farming in Vietnam. The study uses a capital budgeting approach and accounts for uncertainty in key parameters. Stochastic simulation is used to simulate the economic performance of medium and large farms operating with a traditional system or RAS. Data are obtained through structured surveys and a workshop in the Mekong River Delta. Results show that for large farms, net present value increases from an average of 589,000 USD/ha to 916,000 USD/ha after implementing RAS. Overall, the probability that RAS is a profitable investment is found to be 99% for both farm sizes. With RAS, the crucial parameters determining profitability are price, yield, costs of fingerling, feed, and initial investment. Findings on the robustness of the economic performance of RAS are useful to support public and private decision making towards increasing the sustainability of pangasius production.  相似文献   

Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are often designed using simplified steady-state mass balances, which fail to account for the complex dynamics that biological water treatment systems exhibit. Because of the very slow dynamics, experimental development is also difficult. We present a new, fast and robust Modelica implementation of a material balance-based dynamic simulator for fish growth, waste production and water treatment in recirculating aquaculture systems. This simulator is used together with an optimization routine based on a genetic algorithm to evaluate the performance of three different water treatment topologies, each for two fish species (Rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon) and each in both a semi-closed (no denitrification) and a fully recirculating version (with denitrification). Each case is furthermore evaluated at both saturated and supersaturated oxygen levels in the fish tank influent. The 24 cases are compared in terms of volume required to maintain an acceptable TAN concentration in the fish tank. The results indicate that the smallest volume is obtainable by introducing several bypass flows in the treatment system of a semi-closed RAS and that the gains can be significant. We also show that recycling already treated water back upstream in the treatment process degrades performance and that if one wishes to have a fully recirculating system with minimal water exchange, then the flows of oxygen, carbon and nitrogen must be carefully considered. For several of the cases, no optimum with denitrification could be found. We thus demonstrate that the best configuration and operation strategy for water treatment varies with the conditions imposed by the fish culture, illustrating the complexity of RAS plants and the importance of simulations, but also that computer-driven optimal design has the potential to increase the treatment efficiency of biofilters which could lead to cheaper plants with better water quality.  相似文献   

Stringent environmental legislation in Europe, especially in the Baltic Sea area, limits the discharge of nutrients to natural water bodies, limiting the aquaculture production in the region. Therefore, cost-efficient end-of-pipe treatment technologies to reduce nitrogen (N) discharge are required for the sustainable growth of marine land-based RAS. The following study examined the potential of fed batch reactors (FBR) in treating saline RAS effluents, aiming to define optimal operational conditions and evaluate the activated sludge denitrification capacity using external (acetate, propionate and ethanol) and internal carbon sources (RAS fish organic waste (FOW) and RAS fermented fish organic waste (FFOW)). The results show that between the evaluated operation cycle times (2, 4, and 6 h), the highest nitrate/nitrite removal rate was achieved at an operation cycle time of 2 h (corresponding to a hydraulic retention time of 2.5 h) when acetate was used as a carbon source. The specific denitrification rates were 98.7 ± 3.4 mg NO3-N/(h g biomass) and 93.2 ± 13.6 mg NOx-N/(h g biomass), with a resulting volumetric denitrification capacity of 1.20 kg NO3-N/(m3 reactor d). The usage of external and internal carbon sources at an operation cycle time of 4 h demonstrated that acetate had the highest nitrate removal rate (57.6 ± 6.6 mg N/(h g biomass)), followed by propionate (37.5 ± 6.3 mg NO3-N/(h g biomass)), ethanol (25.5 ± 6.0 mg NO3-N/(h g biomass)) and internal carbon sources (7.7 ± 1.6–14.1 ± 2.2 mg NO3-N/(h g biomass)). No TAN (Total Ammonia Nitrogen) or PO43- accumulation was observed in the effluent when using the external carbon sources, while 0.9 ± 0.5 mg TAN/L and 3.9 ± 1.5 mg PO43--P/L was found in the effluent when using the FOW, and 8.1±0.7 mg TAN/L and 7.3 ± 0.9 mg PO43--P/L when using FFOW. Average sulfide concentrations varied between 0.002 and 0.008 mg S2-/L when using the acetate, propionate and FOW, while using ethanol resulted in the accumulation of sulfide (0.26 ± 0.17 mg S2-/L). Altogether, it was demonstrated that FBR has a great potential for end-of-pipe denitrification in marine land-based RAS, with a reliable operation and a reduced reactor volume as compared to the other available technologies. Using acetate, the required reactor volume is less than half of what is needed for other evaluated carbon sources, due to the higher denitrification rate achieved. Additionally, combined use of both internal and external carbon sources would further reduce the operational carbon cost.  相似文献   

本文从工厂化水产养殖自动控制系统的组成、自动控制方法、自动控制技术在水质参数检测与调控中的应用等方面,论述了有关研究的技术成果和未来发展趋势。根据水产养殖工业化和自动化发展,以及自动控制技术在水产养殖中的广阔应用前景,指出了发展水产养殖自动化检测和调控精准技术的必要性,提出发展规范化、标准化的水产养殖自动化技术,以推动水产养殖工业化的发展。  相似文献   

膜法SBR(sequence batch reactor)是将SBR法与接触氧化法相结合的一种新型生物膜法处理工艺。此研究以总氨氮(TAN)及总氮(TN)的去除反应速度作为考察指标,分析生物膜法SBR(biofilm sequence batch reactor,BSBR)处理水产循环养殖系统水体中影响TAN及TN去除效果的主要因素。其中,pH和碱度对硝化反应有很大的影响,pH控制在6.3以上时TAN处理效果较好。溶解氧(DO)对反硝化反应也有较大的影响,同时考虑到水生生物的生长需求,在此试验系统中进入反应器的水体DO最好能控制在4.5~6.5mg·L^-1。水温保持在20%左右,可以保证有一个较好的脱氮效果。  相似文献   

为探讨聚丙烯塑料发泡材料(EPP)、悬浮球填料和海绵填料对集装箱循环水养殖废水中细菌吸附性能的差异,以及3种填料挂膜启动和挂膜成熟后对氨氮(NH_4~+-N)、亚硝酸盐氮(NO_2~--N)和硝酸盐氮(NO_3~--N)的净水效果,以集装箱循环水养殖废水为研究对象,采用自然挂膜的方式进行了为期3个月的试验,并对相关指标进行测定。结果显示:EPP填料对养殖废水中细菌的吸附能力最好,另外两种填料对细菌的吸附能力次之并且差异不显著(P0.05);3种填料自然挂膜成熟的时间分别为21 d、26 d和30 d;各填料挂膜成熟后处理高浓度NH_4~+-N养殖废水时,NH_4~+-N浓度与NO_2~--N浓度之间的关系可以用多项式y=ax~2+bx+c进行拟合,NH_4~+-N浓度与NO_3~--N浓度之间的关系可以用对数式y=aln(x)+b进行拟合。研究表明:EPP填料、悬浮球填料和海绵填料均可作为生物填料用于集装箱循环水养殖系统。  相似文献   

Predicting the performance of biofilters is an engineering challenge that is critical to both designers and managers. The task is complicated by the wide variety of water quality expectations and environmental conditions displayed by a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS). A myriad of biofilters designs have been generated reflecting approaches of engineers attempting to maximize specific surface area and oxygen transfer within the context of a biofilm management strategy. A rating strategy is presented for biofilters to facilitate the identification of appropriate matches between biofiltration formats and RAS applications. As a foundation, a previously proposed RAS classification system based upon salinity, temperature and trophic levels is upgraded to create 17 systems classifications. A biofilter classification system identifies seven combinations of trophic level and pH which should be sufficient to serve the RAS demands. Temperature and salinity are neglected as a means of simplifying the approach. An experimental methodology based upon chemical feeds is proposed to represent the steady-state RAS performance of the biofilters. Data is summarized by linear analysis of filter performance for concentration ranges below 1.0 g TAN m−3 and simple averaging is proposed for higher trophic levels. Input from the aquacultural engineering community and RAS aquaculturists is required to further refine the approach prior to endorsement.  相似文献   

本文从工厂化水产养殖自动控制系统的组成、自动控制方法、自动控制技术在水质参数检测与调控中的应用等方面,论述了有关研究的技术成果和未来发展趋势.根据水产养殖工业化和自动化发展,以及自动控制技术在水产养殖中的广阔应用前景,指出了发展水产养殖自动化检测和调控精准技术的必要性,提出发展规范化、标准化的水产养殖自动化技术,以推动...  相似文献   

实验从山东德州市一罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)养殖场循环水养殖系统的脱氮池中分离到一株具有高效脱氮特性的菌株(编号DZYC02),分别以葡萄糖、蔗糖、可溶性淀粉、丁二酸钠、乙酸钠、柠檬酸钠为碳源,研究了碳源种类对菌株DZYC02脱氨氮效果的影响;同时以蔗糖为碳源、NH4Cl为氮源,研究了不同碳氮比、初始pH及盐度对该菌株脱氮效果的影响。结果显示:菌株DZYC02在以柠檬酸钠为碳源、C∶N≥15、pH 5~7、盐度0~15的条件下具有良好的脱氮效果,24 h内对浓度为20 mg/L的NH+4的去除率达100%,48 h内对浓度为20 mg/L的NO-2去除率高达100%;将该菌采用浸泡方式感染斑马鱼(Danio rerio)进行生物安全试验,结果显示菌株DZYC02对斑马鱼表现出较好的安全特性。分别用Biolog细菌鉴定方法和16S rDNA序列分析比对法对该菌进行鉴定,结果显示菌株DZYC02为一株肺炎克雷伯氏菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)。  相似文献   

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