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To determine the effect of dietary inclusion level of wheat shorts (WS; a high nonstarch poly-saccharide-containing feed ingredient) and casein (CS; a control) on the efficiency of utilizing ileal digestible Lys (kLys) and Thr (kThr) for whole body protein deposition (PD) in the growing pig, 2 separate N-balance studies were conducted with either Lys or Thr as first-limiting AA in cornstarch-based diets. For the Lys study, a basal diet (L-basal) was formulated to contain 0.24 g of standardized ileal digestible (SID) Lys per MJ of DE, to which 0.095 or 0.19 g of SID Lys per MJ of DE were added using either CS (L-CS2 or L-CS3, respectively) or WS (L-WS2 or L-WS3, respectively). A sixth diet was evaluated that was similar to L-CS3 but to which 6% pectin (L-pectin) was added as a source of soluble nonstarch polysaccharides. For the Thr study, the basal diet (T-basal) was formulated to contain 0.14 g of SID Thr per MJ of DE, to which 0.055 or 0.11 g of SID Thr per MJ of DE were added from CS (T-CS2 or T-CS3, respectively) or from WS (T-WS2 and T-WS3, respectively). A sixth diet was evaluated that was similar to T-CS3 but to which 6% pectin was added (T-pectin). Increasing SID Lys intake from CS did not influence kLys for PD (P > 0.10), whereas increasing SID Lys intake from WS reduced kLys for PD (P = 0.001; 89 vs. 79%). Inclusion of 6% pectin had no effect on kLys for PD (P > 0.10). Increasing SID Thr intake from CS also did not influence kThr for PD (P > 0.10), whereas kThr for PD was reduced at the greatest dietary inclusion level of WS (P < 0.001; 90 vs. 77%). Pectin inclusion had no effect on kThr for PD (P > 0.10). The inefficiency of utilizing ileal digestible Lys intake for PD may be attributed to nonreactive Lys in WS. The negative impact of including high levels of WS in the diet of pigs on kThr seems to be associated with fiber content of WS; it was not related to increased endogenous ileal AA losses at the distal ileum. The impact of dietary AA source on the use of ileal digestible Lys and Thr for PD, or other body functions, is substantial and should be considered in the formulation of pig diets. Further research is warranted to elucidate the mechanisms contributing to substantial dietary effects on Thr use for PD.  相似文献   

The relationship between available threonine (Thr) intake and whole-body protein deposition (PD) was established using the serial slaughter method in 36 individually housed growing gilts between 39 and 77 kg live BW. Pigs were prescreened for their maximum PD (PDmax), based on a N balance starting at 25 kg BW while they consumed semi-ad libitum a nonlimiting diet. Pigs were fed combinations of a casein and cornstarch-based diet that was confirmed to be first-limiting in Thr and a protein-free diet starting at approximately 30 kg BW. Casein-bound Thr was provided at 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, or 120% of estimated Thr requirements for PDmax. Energy intake was kept constant across treatments and exceeded requirements for PDmax. Pigs were fed three equal meals per day; feeding levels were adjusted weekly based on BW. Pigs were killed at either 39 kg BW (n = 2 per treatment) or 77 kg BW (n = 4 per treatment) for determining chemical body composition. Composition of 39-kg BW pigs was not different across treatments (P > 0.10); therefore, an overall mean initial body composition was used to estimate body protein content at the initial BW. Across treatments, mean daily ME intake was 25.3 (SE 0.08) MJ/d and did not differ (P > 0.10) among treatments. Average daily true ileal digestible Thr intake varied between 5.33 and 9.66 g/d, representing means for pigs on the lowest and the highest Thr intakes, respectively. Mean PD was 93, 102, 118, 124, 139, and 133 (SE 4.2) g/d for pigs on the six respective treatments. Dietary Thr intake did not influence (P > 0.10) Thr content of body protein at the final BW or the partitioning of body protein between carcass, viscera, and blood. The efficiency of Thr utilization for PD was lowest (P < 0.05) at the highest Thr intake level and highest (P < 0.05) at the lowest Thr intake level. It was similar (P > 0.10) at the four intermediate Thr intake levels, in which the relationship between true ileal digestible Thr intake and PD was linear. Based on these four treatments, calculated Thr disappearance, which is closely associated with inevitable Thr catabolism, was 23.5 (SE 0.55)% of available Thr intake. This value is consistent with an efficiency of using available Thr intake above maintenance Thr requirements (54 mg/kg BW0.75) for Thr retention with PD of 73.4 (SE 1.11)%. Based on N balances conducted at approximately 40 and 75 kg BW, the marginal efficiency of Thr utilization was not influenced by BW.  相似文献   

A serial slaughter study was conducted to determine the effects of true ileally digestible lysine (IDLys) intake and metabolizable energy intake (MEI) on whole-body protein deposition (PD) and dietary lysine utilization in pigs between 45 and 75 kg live weight (LW). Conventional N balances were determined at the start and end of the serial slaughter study. Semisynthetic diets based on casein and cornstarch provided protein-bound lysine to support protein depositions of approximately 70% (Lys70%, IDLys 11.1 g/d) or 90% (Lys90%, IDLys 13.2 g/d) of a determined maximum PD. During the serial slaughter study and at Lys70%, pigs were fed one of six levels of MEI ranging from 14.1 to 23.5 MJ/d; at Lys90%, pigs were fed one of seven levels of MEI ranging from 15.6 to 26.4 MJ/d. The serial slaughter study and N balances indicated that MEI and IDLys had independent effects on PD and lysine utilization. Lysine utilization (calculated as the fraction of absorbed available lysine, over and above maintenance lysine requirements, that was retained in body protein) and PD increased with increasing MEI until plateau values were reached. At the plateaus, PD was determined by lysine intake. When lysine intake determined PD, lysine utilization did not decline (P > 0.10) with increasing lysine intake. Based on the N balance study, there was no effect (P > 0.1) of LW on lysine utilization. The marginal efficiency of using absorbed available lysine for PD was 0.75 and was not affected by LW, MEI, or IDLys.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary protein and feeding levels on dietary metabolizable (ME) and net energy (NE) content were determined in 24 pigs, each offered two diets at 2.0 times the energetic maintenance requirement or for ad libitum intake between 55 and 95 kg body weight. Within feeding levels, pigs received, in random order, low‐protein (LP; 11.2% CP, 0.61% lysine) or high‐protein (HP; 20.2% CP, 0.61% lysine) diets of similar digestible energy content. Dietary NE was calculated from heat production based on 24‐h indirect calorimetry following a 7‐day N‐balance period. Feed intake was greater for LP than HP when fed for ad libitum intake (p = 0.001). Protein level did not affect daily gain (p > 0.1) but HP improved gain: feed (p = 0.003). Dietary ME and NE were not significantly affected by feeding level but were decreased by high protein intake (p < 0.07). Reducing dietary protein reduced urinary energy losses and increased energy retention but did not affect heat production. The effect of dietary protein restriction was already evident on the ME level and carried over to a similar degree to the NE level because the utilization of ME was not affected by protein level. Dietary ME and NE decreased by 0.012 MJ/kg (p = 0.014) and 0.018 MJ/kg (p = 0.062), respectively, for each gram per day N intake. The results suggest that although there was an effect of protein level on NE, the greatest effect occurred at the level of ME. However, the prediction of both ME and NE may be improved by adopting energy values for dietary protein that changes with dietary protein content.  相似文献   

通过氮平衡试验,可以根据粗蛋白质(Crude Protein,CP)沉积量和日粮赖氨酸利用率,评估不同性别和日龄的快速生长型肉鸡(科宝500)的赖氨酸需要量.试验分为3个日龄段(第1日龄段10~25日龄,第2日龄段30~45日龄;第3日龄段50~65日龄),每个日龄段各72羽试验鸡(公母各36羽).试验日粮由高蛋白质(High Protein,HP)-豆粕、小麦蛋白质和结晶氨基酸(L-苏氨酸(Thr)、DL-蛋氨酸(Met)、L-精氨酸(Arg)]组成,共设6个级别的粗蛋白质水平,从而使得赖氨酸(4.30gLys/100gCP)成为日粮的第一限制性氨基酸[Lys:(Met Cys):Thr:Arg=1:1.01:0.91:1.14].由于应用了非线性氮利用率模型,将氮维持需要量(Nitrogen Maintenance Requirement,NMR)和每日氮日沉积的理论最大值(Theoretical Maximum for day Nitrogen Retention,NRmax T)确定为模型参数,以便能进一步评估依赖于日龄、性别和每日粗蛋白质沉积量的赖氨酸需要量.例如,按每日粗蛋白质沉积量理论潜能的60%计算得到的日粮赖氨酸需求水平(10~25日龄:赖氨酸含量1.10%,日采食量60g;30~45日龄:赖氨酸含量1.03%,日采食量140 g;50~65日龄:赖氨酸含量0.96%,日采食量170g)与已报道的结果完全一致.然而,当氨基酸需要量水平确定后,采食量预测值就成为最重要的影响因子之一.而作为影响氨基酸需要量重要因素的每日粗蛋白质沉积量和日粮氨基酸的利用效率,在今后的氨基酸需要量研究中还需作进一步的研究.  相似文献   

Four growing pigs (initial liveweight 25.9 ± 0.54 kg, final liveweight 43.0 ± 1.06 kg) were used to study the effect of dietary lysine level on nutrient digestibility, whole-body protein turnover, plasma insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), growth hormone (GH), insulin, glucose, and urea nitrogen (PUN). Four diets, containing 7.0 g (L1), 9.5 g (L2), 12.0 g (L3) and 14.5 g (L4) lysine per kg diet respectively, were formulated as experimental treatments. The animals and diets were allocated in a 4 × 4 Latin square design. Nitrogen (N) metabolism and whole-body protein turnover were measured by classical method and single-dose 15N end-product method, respectively. The blood samples were taken at the end of each experimental period. Results showed that N retention (NR) and N biological value (NBV) were significantly increased from L1 to L4 (P < 0.05). However, differences in NR and NBV between L2, L3 and L4 were not significant (P > 0.05). There was no significant difference on dry matter (DM) digestibility, organic matter (OM) digestibility and N digestibility between different treatments (P > 0.05). Whole-body protein synthesis, protein degradation and protein accretion increased markedly from L1 to L2 (P < 0.05), but did not increase further from L2 to L4. Whole-body protein accretion (y, g/kg W0.75/d) increased with dietary lysine (x, g/kg) in a quadratic manner: y = − 0.09x2 + 2.12x − 5.14 (r2 = 0.96, n = 4, P < 0.05).The results also showed that differences in plasma IGF-I, GH, glucose and PUN concentration between different treatments were not significant (P > 0.05). Plasma insulin concentration (y, μIU/ml) was increased with dietary lysine (x, g/kg) in a quadratic manner: y = 0.23x2 − 4.10x + 32.25 (r2 = 0.99, n = 4, P < 0.05), but it was not found that plasma insulin concentration was related to NR. A significant correlation was found between NR (y, g/d) and plasma IGF-I (x, ng/ml): y = − 3.1 × 10− 3x2 + 1.31x − 122.28 (r2 = 0.99, n = 4, P < 0.05).It was concluded that dietary lysine level had a significant influence on NR and whole-body protein turnover but not on plasma IGF-I and GH concentration. Plasma IGF-I may be an important factor controlling N metabolism of growing pigs. Further research was needed to study the mechanism.  相似文献   

杜长大中猪饲粮适宜蛋白质及赖氨酸水平试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验采用1×3因子设计,选取杜长大三元杂种中猪60头,阉公和母猪各半,随机分为3个处理组,每个处理组设2个重复(阉公和母猪各一个重复),每个重复10头猪,同性别的猪饲养在一个栏内。按3种粗蛋白质水平(17.5%,16.1%,15.1%)、3种赖氨酸水平(0.92%,0.83%,0.75%)组合配制3种试验饲粮(能量水平一致,消化能均为13.5MJ/kg),分别饲喂3个处理组。试验结果表明,40~70kg的混养猪群,饲粮以粗蛋白质15.1%、总赖氨酸0.75%的水平为适宜。40~70kg杜长大阉公猪,饲粮以粗蛋白质15.1%、总赖氨酸0.75%的水平为适宜;同阶段青年母猪,饲粮以粗蛋白质17.5%、总赖氨酸0.92%的水平为适宜。  相似文献   

Eight replicates of four Large White littermate female pigs were used to evaluate the effect of protein and lysine levels in the diet on the efficiency of protein and energy utilization. In each replicate, one pig was slaughtered at about 20 kg live weight and the others received three diets that contained (per Mcal digestible energy) 37.5 and 2.00 g (diet pl), 37.5 and 2.35 g (diet pL) or 45.0 and 2.35 g (diet PL) of digestible protein and lysine, respectively. Pigs were slaughtered after a 7-wk period. Tissue and chemical composition of the gain and energy and nitrogen gain were determined by using the comparative slaughter technique. Metabolizable energy (ME) intakes were similar in the treatments. Pigs fed the pl diet had a smaller body weight and muscle gain and retained less nitrogen and more lipids than pigs fed pL and PL diets. The decrease in the level of nonessential nitrogen in the diet (pL vs PL) did not affect body weight and muscle gain and the amount of nitrogen retained in muscle tissues. However, pigs given the PL diet had a higher total nitrogen retention and a lower fat deposition and exhibited a higher heat production. For each gram of additional protein catabolized for energy purposes (PL vs pL), heat production was increased by 1.8 kcal. The amount of lysine per unit of muscle gain (38 g/kg) or protein deposited (120 g/kg) was independent of protein and lysine levels in the diet. Estimates of energy (indirect calorimetry) and nitrogen (balance technique) retention were also obtained on the same animals; results were comparable with data obtained by direct measurements.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that the effect of lysine intake, if first-limiting, on protein retention in growing pigs is completely independent of the effects of energy intake, differences in the protein retention capacity among genotypes and gender, and body weight. Protein retention, using the nitrogen balance technique, was measured in 12 castrated male German Landrace and Pietrain pigs at 44 and 77 kg of BW and at two energy intake levels (1.1 and 1.3 MJ ME/kg BW.75). All animals received a constant amount of a basal diet that provided a protein intake of 220 g/d and a total lysine intake of 13 g/d. Appropriate amounts of cornstarch were offered additionally to reach the intended energy intake levels. The results show that neither energy intake nor breed had any effect on the level of protein retention, whereas, at 77 kg BW, protein retention was significantly lower than at 44 kg (117.8 and 123.5 g/d, respectively), which can be attributed to the higher requirement for maintenance. The results of this experiment and the linearity of the relationship between protein retention and lysine intake as shown by several authors simplify both the prediction of protein retention from lysine intake and the calculation of the lysine requirement for a particular protein retention. However, to ensure accuracy of these predictions, it is essential to know when ratios of lysine to other amino acids and to energy and capacity for protein retention in the animal become first-limiting.  相似文献   

Two 21 d-experiments were conducted to determine the optimum standardized ileal digestible(SID)threonine:lysine ratio(Thr:Lys) for weaned piglets reared under clean(Exp. 1) or unclean(Exp. 2) sanitary conditions and fed antibiotic-free diets. In each experiment, 90 mixed-sex pigs(Duroc × [Yorkshire × Landrace]; initial BW 7.2 ± 0.3 kg) were randomly assigned to 5 dietary treatments each with 6 replicates(3 pigs per pen). The dietary treatments were 5 graded levels of SID Thr:Lys(55,59, 63, 67 and 71%). Diets were corn-wheat-soybean meal-based with a constant SID Lys of 1.18% that was set to be second limiting amino acid. In Exp. 1 and Exp. 2, plasma-free Thr increased(P = 0.05) with increasing dietary SID Thr:Lys. In Exp. 1, the SID Thr:Lys for gain-to-feed ratio(G:F) was optimized at 65%.In Exp. 2, the estimated optimal SID Thr:Lys for overall G:F was 66.5%. In conclusion, an average optimal SID Thr:Lys of 65 and 66.5% could be used to optimize feed efficiency for weaned pigs under clean and unclean sanitary conditions, respectively.  相似文献   

A series of N balance experiments using growing pigs was conducted to study the efficiency of utilization of lysine, threonine, sulphur amino acids and tryptophan and to estimate their maintenance requirements. Purified diets based on casein and crystalline amino acids as the sole source of N contained graded levels of each amino acid, corresponding to expected protein accretion rate of 0, 33, 66, 99 and 132 g/day, respectively. N retention increased linearly (p < 0.01) as the dietary concentration of the limiting amino acid increased. Based on linear regression equations relating amino acid deposition in body protein to amino acid intake, marginal efficiencies of ileal digestible amino acid utilization were calculated to be lysine 0.91, threonine 0.83, sulphur amino acids 0.85 and tryptophan 0.66. Extrapolating the regression equations to zero N retention, the daily requirements of amino acids for N equilibrium were estimated to be (mg/kg(0.75)) lysine 39, threonine 49, sulphur amino acids 46 and tryptophan 16.  相似文献   

本文对Journal of animal science杂志上近9年(1997-2005)发表的17篇文献进行了日粮能量,粗蛋白,赖氨酸水平和体重对生长肥育猪(15kg-110kg)采食量影响的分析,得出回归方程,日采食量(ADFI)=6.19+0.018BW(体重,kg)-1.502ME(代谢能,Mcal/kg)(R^2=0.65,n=127),并将议程计算数值与NRC的推荐进行了比较,结果表明该回归议程具有一定的实用性.  相似文献   

利舒宝乳化剂对生长猪能量利用效率的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
脂肪是一种高能量的饲料原料.代谢能为7000-9000Kcal/kg。远比碳水化合物和蛋白质的代谢能高,而且脂肪的体增热较低,动物直接分解日粮中的脂肪产生脂肪酸比从葡萄糖合成脂肪酸更节约能量,因此在畜禽养殖中广泛用来提高生产效率。但是脂肪的来源和饱和度等因素又影响脂肪的消化能力,一般从提高脂肪的乳化能力和利用率两个方面来提高消化能力.而在日粮中添加外源乳化剂就能起到上述作用。本试验旨在探讨利舒宝乳化剂对生长猪能量利用效率的影响。  相似文献   

In 57 N-balance experiments with castrated male pigs (20 ... 65 kg live weight) the influence of graded lysine supplements to crushed barley enriched with energy, minerals and vitamins on nitrogen metabolism and lysine effectiveness was tested. Close correlative relations between lysine concentration and the b-value, the NPU-value, N-balance and N-excretion in urine could be detected. In agreement with the law of minimum a constant lysine effectiveness could be observed within the limiting range. The supplemented synthetic lysine distinguished itself by the same effectiveness as the protein-bound barley lysine. When barley supplemented with lysine is used, an amount of lysine supplement should be chosen from the point of view of nutrition physiology which raises the total lysine content to a maximum level of 6.3 g/16 g N because lysine supplementation exceeding this value without the simultaneous supplementation of limiting threonine remains ineffective.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to determine the effects of feeding level, body weight, and time after surgery on basal ileal endogenous amino acid (AA) and N losses in growing pigs. Three pairs of littermate pigs were surgically prepared with ileo-rectal anastomoses. One pig in each pair was anastomosed at 38 kg BW, and the remaining pigs were anastomosed at 67 kg BW. Each pig received at different periods 50, 70, or 90 g of dry matter per kilogram of BW.75 of a protein-free diet according to a Latin square design involving three pigs starting at 45 kg BW and involving six pigs starting at 77 kg BW. For most AA, the time after surgery x feeding level interaction was significant. The basal endogenous losses (in g/d) increased linearly with feeding level at both BW. At the higher BW, the basal endogenous losses (in g/kg DMI) were constant regardless of feeding level, whereas at the lower BW they responded quadratically. At the low feeding level, the endogenous losses were higher than at the medium or high feeding level. We concluded that the basal endogenous losses are proportional to DMI when the feeding level is higher than 70 g/kg BW.75. The AA profile was not influenced by these three variables, but there was a large animal effect. These results suggest that, in digestibility trials, an assessment of the basal ileal endogenous AA losses must be performed on each pig to correct the apparent ileal AA digestibility data.  相似文献   

Seventy-two crossbred (Large White X Landrace) pigs were used in a 3 X 7 factorial experiment to investigate the response of two strains of boars (strains A and B) and of castrated male pigs (strain B) to seven levels of intake of a single diet (ranging from 5.3 Mcal digestible energy [DE]/d to ad libitum) between 45 and 90 kg live weight. All aspects of growth performance and body composition were affected to different degrees by both strain and sex. At all levels of energy intake strain A boars grew faster, had a lower feed to gain ratio and contained less fat and more water in the empty body than strain B boars, which in turn exhibited faster live weight gain and more efficient and leaner growth than castrated males. The magnitude of the differences in growth performance between strain A and strain B boars and castrates increased with increased energy intake above 7.88 Mcal DE/d, and these differences were associated with concomitant strain differences in their respective capacity for protein growth and in the relationship between energy intake and protein deposition. For strain A boars the rate of protein deposition increased linearly from 92 to 188 g/d with increased energy intake from 5.3 Mcal DE/d to ad libitum. For strain B boars and castrates the rate of protein deposition increased linearly with increased energy intake up to 7.88 Mcal DE/d, but thereafter it remained constant at 128 and 85 g/d, respectively. For castrates protein deposition was depressed (P less than .01) when the diet was offered ad libitum. Strain A boars had a higher energy requirement for maintenance (3.55 Mcal DE/d) than strain B boars (2.77 Mcal DE/d) or castrates (2.60 Mcal DE/d). Strain A boars also contained less protein and more water in the fat free empty body than the other two pig types.  相似文献   

Feed intake and diet composition appear to affect the body temperature of pigs. Two trials were conducted to analyse the effect of feed intake level and dietary protein content on the intestinal temperature (IT) of pigs housed under thermo neutral conditions. Ten pigs (64.1 ± 1.3 kg initial body weight) fitted with an ileal cannula were used. A thermometer set to register the IT at 5‐min intervals was implanted into the ileum through the cannula. In both trials, the ambient temperature ranged from 19.1 to 21.6°C and the pigs were fed at 07:00 and 19:00 hr (same amount each time). In trial 1, the pigs were fed daily 1.2 or 1.8 kg of a wheat–soybean meal diet. The IT followed a similar pattern along a 24‐hr period regardless the feed intake level. The IT rapidly increased up to 0.61 and 0.74°C after the morning meal and up to 0.53 and 0.47°C after the evening meal in pigs fed 1.2 and 1.8 kg/d respectively. The postprandial IT was higher in pigs fed 1.8 kg after each meal (p < .05). In trial 2, pigs were fed daily 1.8 kg of a low (11%) or a high (22%) crude protein diet. The IT followed a similar pattern along the 24‐hr period regardless the dietary protein level. The postprandial IT did not differ between pigs fed the low protein or the high protein (p > .10). The IT rapidly increased up to 0.66 and 0.62°C after the morning meal in pigs fed the high‐ and low‐protein diet (p < .05), but there was no change after the evening meal (p > .10). In conclusion, the feed intake level affected the IT of pigs housed under TN conditions, but the dietary protein content had no effect.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate potential interactive effects of supplemental Cr and dietary protein levels in growing pigs. Thirty-six individually penned barrows, 22 to 63 kg, were used in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement of supplemental Cr (0 or 200 ppb from chromium tripicolinate) and protein level (76, 83, or 90% of lysine requirement). A corn-soybean meal basal diet was designed to supply all mineral and vitamin needs, 90% of the estimated metabolizable energy need, and 76% of the estimated protein need at 70% of ad libitum feed intake. Additional protein to 83 or 90% of the lysine requirement was provided by a soy protein isolate supplement. Growth data were collected for a 50-d period, and pigs were killed at a mean of 63 kg BW. Increasing lysine levels linearly (P < 0.01) increased ADG and liver weight. Lysine level had a quadratic effect on 10th rib backfat thickness (P < 0.05) and cooler shrink (P < 0.01) with the highest responses at the 83% lysine level. Increasing lysine level linearly decreased (P < 0.05) carcass content of ash and lipid and quadratically increased the carcass water content (P < 0.01). Carcass accretion rate showed a linear increase for protein (P < 0.01) and water accretion (P < 0.01). Dry matter composition of the longissimus muscle showed linear increases of ash (P < 0.05) and protein (P < 0.01) and a linear decrease of lipid content (P < 0.01) resulting in a linear increase (P < 0.05) of the protein to lipid ratio based on the increasing lysine levels. Pre-feeding insulin levels were increased (P < 0.05) with increasing level of lysine. One hour post-feeding, a quadratic lysine response for plasma glucose (P < 0.05) was observed with the lowest concentration at 83% lysine. Cr addition increased 10th rib backfat thickness (P < 0.10). There was no Cr x lysine level interaction (P > 0.10) observed for any of the growth or carcass traits. Plasma glucose concentrations pre-feeding were lower for Cr-supplemented pigs (P < 0.01). As expected, increasing protein levels in protein-deficient diets increased protein accretion while decreasing lipid accretion in 22 to 63 kg growing pigs; however, these effects were more clearly seen in the longissimus muscle than in the entire carcass. Supplementation of Cr exerted only minor effects with few Cr x lysine interactions observed in this study.  相似文献   

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