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仔犬是指从出生到断奶约45 d这一阶段的犬,仔犬成活率高、体格健壮、发育整齐是饲养仔犬的目标,这一阶段的饲养技术至关重要.  相似文献   

Urethral Calculus in a Six-week-old Puppy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— —A case of urethral calculus in a 6-week-old puppy with a brief review of reports of similar early cases.
Résumé— —Un cas de calcul urétral chez un petit chien âgé de six semaines; une courte revue de rapports sur des cas précoces similaires.
Zusammenfassung— —Ein Fall von Urethra-Stein bei einem 6 Wochen alten Hund wird berichtet mit einer kurzen Uebersicht von Berichten von ähnlichen frühen Fällen.  相似文献   

The BVA AWF/RSPCA Puppy Contract has attracted support from the Associate Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare (APGAW) in its recent update report on dog breeding.  相似文献   

Abstract— A case of a papular and plaque-like superficial dermal mucinosis with pruritus in a mixed-breed puppy is reported. The mucinosis and pruritus were non-responsive to glucocorticoid or antibiotic therapy and the dog was eventually euthanised at the owner's request. This type of mucinosis has not been reported in the dog to the authors' knowledge. It shares some similarities with discrete papular mucinosis and self-healing juvenile cutaneous mucinosis in people.
Résumé— Un cas de mucinose dermique superficielle en plaque et papuleuse avec prurit chez un chiot croisé est décrit. La mucinose et le prurit ne répondirent pas à l'antibiothérapie et à la corticothérapie et le chien fut finalement euthanasiéà la demande du propiétaire. Ce type de mucinose n'a jamais été décrit chez le chien à la connaissance de l'auteur.
Zusammenfassung— Ein Fall einer papulösen und plaque-ähnlichen oberflächlichen dermalen Muzinose mit Pruritus bei einem Mischlingswelpen wird beschrieban. Muzinose und Pruritus sprachen nicht auf die Behandlung mit Glucocorticoiden oder Antibiotika an, und der Hund wurde schließlích auf Wunsch des Besitzers euthanisiert. Diese Art der Muzinose wurde nach den Informationen des Autors beim Hund bislang nicht beschrieben.
Resumen  Se describe un caso de mucinosis dérmica superficial pruriginosa de tipo papular y con formación de pseudo placas en un cachorro mestizo. La mucinosis y el prurito no respondieron a la terapia con glucocorticoides ni a la terapia con antibiótico y el perro se eutanasió finalmente a petición de los propietarios. Este tipo de mucinosis no se había descrito previamente en el perro.  相似文献   

1 发病原因 由于犬的空肠和回肠交接处界限明显,且空肠管腔比回肠管腔粗大,发生套叠时常常是回肠进入空肠.因此,此部位是犬肠叠的常发部位。 急性肠卡他、肠炎,肠道内寄主虫、异物,以及暴饮冷水、冷食或突然受凉等因素。  相似文献   

A 10-week-old male Great Dane Puppy was presented for sudden onset tetraataxia and severe paresis of the front legs. Mineral deposits were detected radiographically, at gross postmortem examination, and light microscopically between the vertebral arches of multiple cervical and lumbar vertebrae. These deposits were associated with the interarchial ligaments (ligamentia interarcualia), along the interfaces of the synovium and articular cartilage of multiple cervical, thoracic, and lumbar facets, on the dorsal aspect of several thoracic intervertebral discs, and at the insertion of muscles at the lateral aspect of several cervical and thoracic vertebral bodies. The mineral deposits were associated with a granulomatous inflammation and synovial fibrocartilaginous metaplasia and proliferation, which was focally exuberant. X-ray diffraction analyses of the mineral deposits revealed calcium hydroxylapatite as the major component. The clinical signs in this puppy were due to focal compression of the spinal cord by marked extraarticular ligament-associated fibrocartilaginous proliferation.  相似文献   

New owners usually have many questions regarding their puppy’s behavior during the first physical examination. The aim of this pilot study was to investigate the behaviors expressed by puppies when exposed to a veterinary clinic environment. The puppies’ response to physical examination was also studied. A total of 102 puppies, between 8 and 16 weeks of age and of various breeds, were filmed during a standardized physical examination at the veterinary clinic. The study included an observation of the puppy free on the floor (FF) followed by a physical examination on a table (PET) and various manipulations on the floor (MF). During FF, the behavioral categories recorded were: activity, exploration, facial expression, puppy solicitation of interaction with the veterinarian, vocalization, and others. During PET and MF, the type of interaction with the veterinarian, facial expression, and ear position were examined. The study revealed some significant differences between behaviors exhibited by puppies according to their sex, age, and estimated adult weight. Behaviors generally varied widely among puppies, but some individuals showed “extreme behaviors” (outliers) compared to the median puppy. These behaviors included more active avoidance, more locomotion, more panting, or more vocalization, which were often correlated across contexts. These findings suggest that even at a young age, some puppies can be differentiated from others by specific behaviors. Whether or not these individuals are at higher risk of developing behavioral disorders as adults remains to be investigated.  相似文献   

本文介绍了动物标记技术在仔犬警用行为研究中的应用。动物行为研究中的标记技术大致可分为:自然标记法;暂时标记法;半永久标记法;永久标记法。这些技术已用于多种动物行为研究之中,对于仔犬来说因其特殊的社群行为及心理生理结构,在观测其警用行为时,采用自然标记法和暂时标记法来标记仔犬,不仅方便而且效果也很显著。  相似文献   

本文介绍了动物标记技术在仔犬警用行为研究中的应用.动物行为研究中的标记技术大致可分为自然标记法;暂时标记法;半永久标记法;永久标记法.这些技术已用于多种动物行为研究之中,对于仔犬来说因其特殊的社群行为及心理生理结构,在观测其警用行为时,采用自然标记法和暂时标记法来标记仔犬,不仅方便而且效果也很显著.  相似文献   

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