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 Processes that govern the soil nitrogen (N) supply in irrigated lowland rice systems are poorly understood. The objectives of this paper were to investigate the effects of crop rotation and management on soil N dynamics, microbial biomass C (CBIO) and microbial biomass N (NBIO) in relation to rice N uptake and yield. A maize-rice (M-R) rotation was compared with a rice-rice (R-R) double-cropping system over a 2-year period with four cropping seasons. In the M-R system, maize (Zea mays L.) was grown in aerated soil during the dry season (DS) followed by rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown in flooded soil during the wet season (WS). In the R-R system, rice was grown in flooded soil in both the DS and WS. Three fertilizer N rates (0, 50 or 100 kg urea-N ha–1 in WS) were assigned to subplots within the cropping system main plots. Early versus late crop residue incorporation following DS maize or rice were established as additional treatments in sub-subplots in the second year. In the R-R system, the time of residue incorporation had a large effect on NO3 -N accumulation during the fallow period and also on extractable NH4 +-N, rice N uptake and yield in the subsequent cropping period. In contrast, time of residue incorporation had little influence on extractable N in both the fallow and rice-cropping periods of the M-R system, and no detectable effects on rice N uptake or yield. In both cropping systems, CBIO and NBIO were not sensitive to residue incorporation despite differences of 2- to 3-fold increase in the amount of incorporated residue C and N, and were relatively insensitive to N fertilizer application. Extractable organic N was consistently greater after mid-tillering in M-R compared to the R-R system across N rate and residue incorporation treatments, and much of this organic N was α-amino N. We conclude that N mineralization-immobilization dynamics in lowland rice systems are sensitive to soil aeration as influenced by residue management in the fallow period and crop rotation, and that these factors have agronomically significant effects on rice N uptake and yield. Microbial biomass measurements, however, were a poor indicator of these dynamics. Received: 31 October 1997  相似文献   

 A greenhouse experiment was conducted to compare effects of different C and N sources applied to a flooded soil on soil microbial biomass (SMB) C and N, extractable soil organic N (NORG), and NH4 +-N in relation to plant N accumulation of rice (Oryza sativa L.). In addition to a control without inputs (CON), four treatments were imposed receiving: prilled urea (PU), rice straw (RS), RS and PU (RS+PU), or Sesbania rostrata as green manure (SES). Treatments were arranged according to a completely randomized design with four replicates and further consisted of pots with and without transplanted rice. While plant effects on the SMB were relatively small, the application of organic N sources resulted in a rapid increase in SMB until 10 days after transplanting (DAT) followed by a gradual decline until 73 DAT. Plant N accumulation data in these treatments clearly indicated that the SMB underwent a transition from a sink to a source of plant-available soil N during the period of crop growth. Seasonal variation of the SMB was small in treatments without amendment of organic material (CON, PU) presumably due to a lack of available C as energy source. Extractable NORG was significantly affected by soil planting status and organic N source amendment, but represented only a small N pool with little temporal variation despite an assumed rapid turnover. Among the three treatments receiving the same amount of N from different sources, the recovery efficiency of applied N was 58% for PU and 28% for both RS+PU and SES treatments at 73 DAT. The N uptake of rice, however, was not driven by N availability alone, as most evident in the RS+PU treatment. We assume that root physiological functions were impeded after application of organic N sources. Received: 1 June 1999  相似文献   

 We studied the influence of soil compaction in a loamy sand soil on C and N mineralization and nitrification of soil organic matter and added crop residues. Samples of unamended soil, and soil amended with leek residues, at six bulk densities ranging from 1.2 to 1.6 Mg m–3 and 75% field capacity, were incubated. In the unamended soil, bulk density within the range studied did not influence any measure of microbial activity significantly. A small (but insignificant) decrease in nitrification rate at the highest bulk density was the only evidence for possible effects of compaction on microbial activity. In the amended soil the amounts of mineralized N at the end of the incubation were equal at all bulk densities, but first-order N mineralization rates tended to increase with increasing compaction, although the increase was not significant. Nitrification in the amended soils was more affected by compaction, and NO3 -N contents after 3 weeks of incubation at bulk densities of 1.5 and 1.6 Mg m–3 were significantly lower (by about 8% and 16% of total added N, respectively), than those of the less compacted treatments. The C mineralization rate was strongly depressed at a bulk density of 1.6 Mg m–3, compared with the other treatments. The depression of C mineralization in compacted soils can lead to higher organic matter accumulation. Since N mineralization was not affected by compaction (within the range used here) the accumulated organic matter would have had higher C : N ratios than in the uncompacted soils, and hence would have been of a lower quality. In general, increasing soil compaction in this soil, starting at a bulk density of 1.5 Mg m–3, will affect some microbially driven processes. Received: 10 June 1999  相似文献   

A long-term experiment, which started in 1971 near Perugia, central Italy, was performed to investigate the effect of different crop residue management practices and rotation systems on some soil properties. Twenty years after the beginning of the experiment, chemical (organic C, total N, humified organic C, humic and fulvic acids), microbiological and biochemical parameters (microbial biomass, global hydrolase activity, dehydrogenase and catalase activities) were investigated. Two crop residue management practices were used in the experiment, i.e. removal (RCR soils) and burial (BCR soils). These treatments were factorially combined with eight rotation systems, i.e. five maize-wheat rotations of different lengths (M-1W, M-2W, M-3W, M-4W and M-5W) and three continuous wheat systems with different fertilization inputs, from 150 to 250 kg N ha–1. Soil samples were collected in the spring of 1991 for chemical determinations, and in the spring and autumn of 1992, 1993 and 1994, for microbiological and biochemical determinations. All soil chemical, microbiological and biochemical parameters investigated showed significant differences depending on the management of the crop residues. The BCR soils showed more favourable characteristics. In contrast, few significant effects were observed in relation to rotation and N-fertilization treatment. Significant correlations were found between organic-C content and all microbiological and biochemical parameters, as well as between the microbiological and biochemical parameters themselves, indicating that organic-C content plays an important role in determining the level of soil enzyme activity and, consequently, of soil fertility. This experiment showed that burying crop residues in soil can be considered good agronomic practice, which may help limit the gradual depletion of soil organic matter and improve the chemical properties of the soil. Received: 11 January 1996  相似文献   

以黄土高原南部半湿润易旱区已进行17年的田间定位试验为研究对象,研究了不同培肥措施(不施肥、施用氮磷钾及氮磷钾与有机肥配合施用)下两种种植制度(一年1熟及一年两熟)和撂荒对土壤微生物量碳、氮(SMBC、SMBN)及可溶性有机碳、氮(SOC、SON)等含量的影响.结果表明,与一年1熟的小麦一休闲种植制度相比,一年两熟小麦一玉米轮作提高了0~10 cm土层SMBC、SMBN、有机碳(TOC)、全氮(TN)和土壤SOC、SON的含量,而对10~20 cm土层上述测定指标影响不大.与不施肥(CK)或单施化肥处理(NPK)下小麦-休闲和小麦-玉米轮作方式相比,撂荒处理显著提高了0~10 cm土层各测定指标的含量.不同培肥措施相比,氮磷钾配施有机肥显著提高了0~10 cm、10~20 cm土层SMBC、SMBN含量;NPK处理0~10 cm土层SMBN含量显著增加,10~20 cm土层SMBN和0~10 cm、10~20 cm土层SMBC含量增加但未达显著水平.不同培肥措施和种植制度对SMBC/TOC和SMBN/TN的比例无明显影响.  相似文献   

 Delaying cultivation and incorporation of arable crop residues may delay the release of NO3 and hence reduce leaching. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of timing of cultivation on the mineralization and leaching of NO3 from an arable crop residue. Overwinter N leaching and periodic measurements of soil inorganic N were combined to estimate net N mineralized after ploughing a crop residue into a free-draining loamy sand soil in central England on six dates from June 1994 to January 1995. The crop residue was whole green barley with approximately 2% N. N leaching in the two following winters was increased by the addition of crop residues. Early residue application also tended to increase N leached in the first winter, largely as a consequence of relatively large losses early in the drainage period. Thus, early incorporation of crop residues presents a greater leaching risk. The amount of N leached in the second (drier) winter was similar for all dates of incorporation. At the end of the first winter, inorganic N derived from the crop residue was greatest for earlier additions: June (40% N applied) > September (30% N applied) > August (20% N applied) > October (19% N applied) > November (11% N applied) > January (3% N applied). However, at the end of the experiment, there was no evidence that the residues which had mineralized least by the end of the first winter had, to any significant degree, caught up, and this was confirmed by the parameters of the equation for first-order decomposition in thermal time. These results indicate that the effect of temperature, particularly in the early stages of residue mineralization, is complex and interacts with other soil processes in terms of the fate of the N mineralized. Received: 19 July 1999  相似文献   

Short-term effects of tillage systems on active soil microbial biomass   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 Conservation tillage, and especially no-tillage, induce changes in the distribution of organic pools in the soil profile. In long-term field experiments, marked stratification of the total soil microbial biomass and its activity have been observed as consequence of the application of no-tillage to previously tilled soils. Our objective was to study the evolution of the total and active soil microbial biomass and mineralized C in vitro during the first crop after the introduction of no-tillage to an agricultural soil. The experiment was performed on a Typic Hapludoll from the Argentinean Pampa. Remaining plant residues, total and active microbial biomass and mineralized C were determined at 0–5 cm and 5–15 cm depths, at three sampling times: wheat tilling, silking and maturity. The introduction of no-tillage produced an accumulation of plant residues in the soil surface layer (0–5 cm), showing stratification with depth at all sampling dates. Active microbial biomass and C mineralization were higher under no-tillage than under conventional tillage in the top 5 cm of the profile. The total soil microbial biomass did not differ between treatments. The active soil biomass was highly and positive correlated with plant residues (r 2=0.617;P<0.01) and with mineralized C (r 2=0.732;P<0.01). Consequently, the active microbial biomass and mineralized C reflected immediately the changes in residue management, whereas the total microbial biomass seemed not to be an early indicator of the introduction of a new form of soil management in our experiment. Received: 23 February 1999  相似文献   

Microbial-induced soil aggregate stability under different crop rotations   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
 Changes in the quantity and quality of soil organic carbon, and their effect on soil aggregate stability as a result of growing different crops in rotation with wheat, were investigated on a red earth (Oxic Paleustalf) in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. After two cycles of the 1 : 1 rotation, while the total organic carbon in the 0–5 cm soil depth was similar (15.1 g/kg), significant differences in water stable aggregation were observed in the order: wheat/lupin=wheat/barley >wheat/canola>wheat/field pea. Using a selective extraction technique, significant differences in the quality (composition) of the soil organic carbon were detected in the soils from the different rotations. Soil from the lupin rotation had the highest salt- and acid-extractable carbon whereas that from the barley rotation had the highest level of hot-water-extractable carbon and microbial biomass carbon. Rather than total carbon or other extractable fractions, the observed differences in aggregate stability were only significantly (P<0.05) related to microbial biomass carbon, which made up only 1.3–1.7% of the total carbon pool. Multiple linear regression analysis indicated that with the exception of salt-extractable carbon, inclusion of any other of the less labile fractions failed to improve the correlation relationship. The labile nature of the microbial biomass carbon therefore accounted for the transient existence of the differences in aggregate stability under different rotation crops. The latter was found to be transient and disappeared at the end of the subsequent wheat crop. Received: 5 November 1998  相似文献   

 Pot and field experiments were conducted to determine microbial immobilization of N fertilizer during growth periods of winter wheat and winter barley. In a pot experiment with winter wheat, Ca(15NO3)2 was applied at tillering [Zadok's growth stage (GS) 25)], stem elongation (GS 31) and ear emergence (GS 49). Rates of 100 mg N pot–1, 200 mg N pot–1 or 300 mg N pot–1 were applied at each N application date. At crop maturity, 15N-labelled fertilizer N immobilization was highest at the highest N rate (3×300 mg N pot–1). For each N-rate treatment about 50% of the total immobilized fertilizer N was immobilized from the first N dressing, and 30% and 20% of the total 15N immobilized was derived from the second and third applications, respectively. In field trials with winter wheat (three sites) and winter barley (one site) N was applied at the same growth stages as for the pot trial. N was also applied to fallow plots, but only at GS 25. N which was not recovered (neither in crops nor in soil mineral N pools) was considered to represent net immobilized N. A clear effect of N rate (51–255 kg N ha–1) on net N immobilization was not found. The highest net N immobilization was found for the period between GS 25 (March) and GS 31 (late April) which amounted to 54–97% of the total net N immobilized at harvest (July/August). At GS 31, non-recovered N was found to be of similar magnitude for cropped and fallow plots, indicating that C from roots did not affect net N immobilization. Microbial biomass N (Nmic) was determined for cropped plots at GS 31. Although Nmic tended to be higher in fertilized than in unfertilized plots, fertilizer-induced increases in Nmic and net N immobilization were poorly correlated. It can be concluded that microbial immobilization of fertilizer N is particularly high after the first N application when crop growth and N uptake are low. Received: 6 July 1999  相似文献   

Summary Three mollisols, typical of the Palouse winter wheat region of eastern Washington and northern Idaho, were analyzed for microbial biomass, total C and total N after 10 years of combined tillage and rotation treatments. Treatments included till, no-till and three different cereal-legume rotations. All crop phases in each rotation were sampled in the same year. Microbial biomass was monitored from April to October, using a respiratory-response method. Microbial biomass, total C and total N were highest under no-till surface soils (0–5 cm), with minimal differences for tillage or depth below 5 cm. Microbial biomass differences among rotations were not large, owing to the relative homogeneity of the treatments. A rotation with two legume crops had the highest total C and N. Microbial biomass was significantly higher in no-till surface soils where the current crop had been preceded by a high-residue crop. The opposite was true for the tilled plots. There was little change in microbial biomass over the seasons until October, when fresh crop residues and rains had a strong stimulatory effect. The seasonal pattern of biomass in no-till surface soils reflected the dry summer/winter rainfall climate of the region. The results of this study show that numerous factors affect soil microbial biomass and that cropping history and seasonal changes must be taken into account when microbial biomass data are compared.Scientific paper no. 7634  相似文献   

Organic amendments not only promote soil quality and plant performance directly but also facilitate the establishment of introduced microbial agents. A field experiment with a fully factorial design was conducted using three levels of vermicompost (without vermicompost, low dose of 15 Mg ha−1 and high dose of 30 Mg ha−1), with and without plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) to investigate their effects in a tomato – by spinach rotation system. Our results demonstrated that applying PGPR alone had no effect on soil properties and crop performance. Vermicompost enhanced the beneficial effects of PGPR on both soil and crop, with the extent of promotion depending on the dose of vermicompost and crop types. In the presence of vermicompost, PGPR significantly (P < 0.05) reduced soil carbon and nitrogen but increased soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen. PGPR also significantly increased the yield of tomato and spinach under the low dose of vermicompost, but only significantly increased tomato yield under the high dose of vermicompost. There were strongly synergistic effects between vermicompost and PGPR on crop quality, with crop nitrate concentration being significantly decreased, while the vitamin C in tomato and soluble protein in spinach was significantly increased. Our results revealed the high potential of integrating vermicompost and microbial agents to substitute for regular chemical fertilization practices.  相似文献   

 The effect of long-term waste water irrigation (up to 80 years) on soil organic matter, soil microbial biomass and its activities was studied in two agricultural soils (Vertisols and Leptosols) irrigated for 25, 65 and 80 years respectively at Irrigation District 03 in the Valley of Mezquital near Mexico City. In the Vertisols, where larger amounts of water have been applied than in the Leptosols, total organic C (TOC) contents increased 2.5-fold after 80 years of irrigation. In the Leptosols, however, the degradability of the organic matter tended to increase with irrigation time. It appears that soil organic matter accumulation was not due to pollutants nor did microbial biomass:TOC ratios and qCO2 values indicate a pollutant effect. Increases in soil microbial biomass C and activities were presumably due to the larger application of organic matter. However, changes in soil microbial communities occurred, as denitrification capacities increased greatly and adenylate energy charge (AEC) ratios were reduced after long-term irrigation. These changes were supposed to be due to the addition of surfactants, especially alkylbenzene sulfonates (effect on denitrification capacity) and the addition of sodium and salts (effect on AEC) through waste water irrigation. Heavy metals contained in the sewage do not appear to be affecting soil processes yet, due to their low availability. Detrimental effects on soil microbial communities can be expected, however, from further increases in pollutant concentrations due to prolonged application of untreated waste water or an increase in mobility due to higher mineralization rates. Received: 28 April 1999  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of two nitrification inhibitors, 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) and dicyandiamide (DCD), on the accumulation of and after incorporation of cauliflower residues in incubation experiments. Cauliflower leaves were incubated with soil and DCD or DMPP at two application rates [8.93 and 17.9 mg active component (ac) kg−1 for DCD; 0.89 and 1.79 mg ac kg−1 for DMPP]. Both doses of DCD and DMPP increased on average by 18.9 and 26.0 mg N kg−1 for DCD1 (during 30 days) and DCD2 (during 45 days), respectively, and on average by 14.4 mg N kg−1 for DMPP1 and DMPP2 during a period of at least 95 days. In DCD-treated soils, data followed an S-shaped curve, indicating that nitrification restarted during the experiment: inhibition was on average 24% during 35 days for DCD1 and on average 45% during 49 days for DCD2. Thereafter, amount in DCD-treated soils exceeded that of the cauliflower-only treatment by 31% for DCD1 and 78% for DCD2, probably due to a nitrogen release from DCD itself and a priming effect induced by DCD. In DMPP-treated soils, data followed a linear pattern since nitrification was inhibited during the complete incubation (95 days): inhibition was on average 56 and 64% for DMPP1 and DMPP2, respectively. DMPP did not affect the N mineralization of the crop residues. Under favourable conditions, DCD is able to inhibit the nitrification from crop residues for 50 days and DMPP for at least 95 days. Hence, especially DMPP shows a potential to reduce leaching after incorporation of crop residues.  相似文献   

Collembola and microbial biomass C were investigated in a field experiment with controlled agricultural traffic and crop rotation over a period of 27 months. The wheel-induced compactive efforts were applied according to management practices within the crop rotation of sugar beet, winter wheat, and winter barley. Increasing wheel traffic produced increasing soil compaction, mainly due to a reduction in surface soil porosity. Increasing soil compaction was accompanied by a decrease in microbial biomass C and the density of collembola. The influence of soil compaction on microbial biomass C was smaller than that of the standing crop. However, for collembola, especially euedaphic species, a reduction in pore space appeared to be of more importance than the effects of a standing crop. Within the crop rotation, microbial biomass C and the density of collembola increased in the order sugar beet, winter wheat, and winter barley.  相似文献   

 The effects of 5 years of continuous grass/clover (Cont grass/clover) or grass (Cont grass) pasture or 5 years of annual grass under conventional (Ann grass CT) or zero tillage (Ann grass ZT) were compared with that of 5 years of continuous barley (LT arable) on a site which had previously been under arable crops for 11 years. For added comparison, a long-term grass/clover pasture site (LT past) nearby was also sampled. Soil organic C (Corg) content followed the order LT arable=Ann grass CT<Ann grass ZT<Cont grass=Cont grass/clover<LTpast. Trends with treatment for microbial biomass C (Cmic), basal respiration, flourescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolytic activity, arginine ammonification rate and the activities of dehydrogenase, protease, histidase, acid phosphatase and arylsulphatase enzymes were broadly similar to those for Corg. For Cmic, FDA hydrolysis, arginine ammonification and the activities of histidase, acid phosphatase and arylsulphatase, the percentage increase caused by 5 years of continuous pasture (in comparison with LT arable) was 100–180%, which was considerably greater than that for organic C (i.e. 60%). The microbial metabolic quotient (qCO2) was higher for the two treatments which were mouldboard ploughed annually (LT arable and Ann grass CT) than for the undisturbed sites. At the undisturbed sites, Corg declined markedly with depth (0–15 cm) and there was a similar stratification in the size and activity of Cmic and enzyme activity. The microbial quotient (Cmic/Corg) declined with depth whilst qCO2 tended to increase, reflecting a decrease in the proportion of readily available substrate with depth. Received: 7 July 1998  相似文献   

 In arable soils in Schleswig-Holstein (Northwest Germany) nearly 30% of the total organic C (TOC) stored in former times in the soil has been mineralized in the last 20 years. Microbial biomass, enzyme activities and the soil organic matter (SOM) composition were investigated in order to elucidate if a low TOC level affects microbial parameters, SOM quality and crop yield. Microbial biomass C (Cmic) and enzyme activities decreased in soils with a low TOC level compared to soils with a typical TOC level. The decrease in the Cmic/TOC ratio suggested low-level, steady-state microbial activity. The SOM quality changed with respect to an enrichment of initial litter compounds in the top soil layers with a low TOC level. Recent management of the soils had not maintained a desirable level of humic compounds. However, we found no significant decrease in crop yield. We suggest that microbial biomass and dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase activities are not necessarily indicators of soil fertility in soils with a high fertilization level without forage production and manure application. Received: 12 December 1997  相似文献   

 A chloroform-fumigation extraction method with fumigation at atmospheric pressure (CFAP, without vacuum) was developed for measuring microbial biomass C (CBIO) and N (NBIO) in water-saturated rice soils. The method was tested in a series of laboratory experiments and compared with the standard chloroform-fumigation extraction (CFE, with vacuum). For both methods, there was little interference from living rice roots or changing soil water content (0.44–0.55 kg kg–1 wet soil). A comparison of the two techniques showed a highly significant correlation for both CBIO and NBIO (P<0.001) suggesting that the simple and rapid CFAP is a reliable alternative to the CFE. It appeared, however, that a small and relatively constant fraction of well-protected microbial biomass may only be lysed during fumigation under vacuum. Determinations of microbial C and N were highly reproducible for both methods, but neither fumigation technique generated NBIO values which were positively correlated with CBIO. The range of observed microbial C:N ratios of 4–15 was unexpectedly wide for anaerobic soil conditions. Evidence that this was related to inconsistencies in the release, degradation, and extractability of NBIO rather than CBIO came from the observation that increasing the fumigation time from 4 h to 48 h significantly increased NBIO but not CBIO. The release pattern of CBIO indicated that the standard fumigation time of 24 h is applicable to water-saturated rice soils. To correct for the incomplete recovery of CBIO, we suggest applying the k C factor of 2.64, commonly used for aerobic soils (Vance et al. 1987), but caution is required when correcting NBIO data. Until differences in fumigation efficiencies among CFE and CFAP are confirmed for a wider range of rice soils, we suggest applying the same correction factor for both methods. Received: 1 June 1999  相似文献   

 Water and N availability are the major limiting factors of primary production in desert ecosystems, and the response of soil biota to these two factors is of great importance. We examined the immediate response of soil nematodes and the microbial biomass to a single pulse of water amendment in N-treated plots in the Israeli Negev desert. Plots were treated with 0, 50 and 100 kg NH4NO3 ha–1 in December 1992, and at the end of the summer period (August 1993) the plots were exposed to a 15 mm water. Soil samples from the 0–10 cm layer were collected daily and analysed soil moisture, total soluble N, nematode populations and microbial biomass. Soil moisture increased to 8.5%, then gradually decreased to 2% during the 11 days of the study. Microbial biomass, soil respiration and metabolic quotient values did not exhibit any significant correlation with soil N levels. Free-living nematode population levels in the different plots were found to increase from a mean level of 45 500 to a mean level of 92 300 individuals m–2. N treatment was found to affect the patterns of free-living nematode population dynamics. The results of this study demonstrated the importance of moisture availability levels and the ability to mobilize previous N inputs into available N which, occurring in pulses, can affect the microbial ecophysiological status, nematode population dynamics and the interrelationship between these two important components in the desert soil milieu. Received: 5 November 1998  相似文献   

The role of tree leaf mulch and nitrogen fertilizer on turfgrass soil quality   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
 The influence of tree leaf amendment and N fertilization on soil quality in turfgrass environments was evaluated. Our objective was to assess changes in soil quality after additions of leaf materials and N fertilization by monitoring soil chemical and physical parameters, microbial biomass and soil enzymes. Established perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) plots were amended annually with maple (Acer spp.) leaves at three different rates (0, 2240, and 4480 kg ha–1 year–1) and treated with three nitrogen rates (0, 63, and 126 kg N ha–1 year–1). Tree leaf mulching did not significantly affect water infiltration or bulk density. However, trends in the data suggest increased infiltration with increasing leaf application rate. Tree leaf mulching increased total soil C and N at 0–1.3 cm depth but not at 1.3–9.0 cm. Extracted microbial phospholipid, an indicator of microbial biomass size, ranged from 28 to 68 nmol phospholipid g–1 soil at the 1.3–9.0 cm depth. The activity of β-glucosidase estimated on samples from 0–1.3 cm and 1.3–9.0 cm depths, and dehydrogenase activity estimated on samples from 1.3–9.0 cm were significantly increased by leaf mulching and N fertilizer application. Changes in microbial community composition, as indicated by phospholipid fatty acid methyl ester analysis, appear to be due to seasonal variations and did not reflect changes due to N or leaf amendment treatments. There were no negative effects of tree leaf mulching into turfgrass and early data suggest this practice will improve soil chemical, physical, and biological structure. Received: 10 December 1997  相似文献   

No information is available on the role of particle size of canola (Brassica napus) residue in altering C mineralization and nutrient (N, S) cycling in soil. We studied decomposition of canola residue (at 20±1 °C temperature and 10% moisture (w/w) for 6 months to elucidate the effect of its particle size (<1, 5-7, and 20-25 mm) on dynamics of C, N and S turnover following incorporation into a nutrient-poor sandy soil.Averaged over time, particle size of canola residue did not significantly affect C mineralization rate, the size of microbial-C and microbial-N pools, or the extent of CaCl2-extractable S immobilization, but altered the extent of mineral-N immobilization and water-soluble organic C (W-SOC) depletion. A rapid decrease in C mineralization rate in the first week matched the rapid depletion of W-SOC, especially for the <1 mm residue treatment. Over 6 months, mineral-N in the amended soils rarely increased beyond the starting level (0.8-1 mg kg−1 soil for all the treatments), whereas nitrate-N increased 19-fold in the non-amended soil. This suggests an occurrence of strong N immobilization in the amended soils; such immobilization was high for the <1 mm residue treatment. On a cumulative basis, 33-35% of C added in canola residues to the soil was respired in 6 months. The microbial-C and microbial-N pools peaked by day 4 for all the residue treatments (compared to time zero, 58-122% increase for microbial-C and 36-57% for microbial-N). Averaged over time, amended soils contained approx. 40% more microbial-C and microbial-N than the non-amended soil. An addition of canola residue (regardless of the size) to soil increased the extractable S significantly (3.4-fold) on day 0; this initially increased S level decreased by one-third over 6 months. In conclusion, particle size of canola residue did not affect temporal pattern of C and S mineralization in a nutrient-poor sandy soil, but altered N cycling.  相似文献   

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