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Cilia-associated respiratory (CAR) bacillus infection of obese mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cilia-associated respiratory (CAR) bacillus was identified in respiratory tract lesions of obese mice dying of chronic respiratory disease. Neither Mycoplasma pulmonis nor pathogenic bacteria were isolated from cultures of the lesions at necropsy, but there was serologic and histologic evidence of respiratory virus infection. Cranial-ventral areas of lung were firm and demarcated from unaffected lung at gross examination, and representative tissue sank in water. Microscopically, there was suppurative bronchopneumonia with extensive peribronchiole lymphocyte and plasma cell proliferation. The affected bronchiole epithelium was covered with a sheet of slightly basophilic, filamentous, gram negative bacteria. Bronchioles with lesser amounts of lymphocyte accumulations contained lesser amounts of filamentous bacteria. Bronchioles without filamentous bacteria lining the respiratory epithelium lacked peribronchiole lymphocyte accumulations. There was a high correlation between CAR bacillus-positive serology and the identification of diagnostic histologic lesions. CAR bacillus was readily stained using immunohistochemical methods, and the ultrastructural features were similar to that described in rat infections.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma bovis is an important cause of calf pneumonia worldwide. In this study, we examined 140 cattle at slaughter comprising 70 veal calves and 70 beef cattle; 115 animals with pneumonic lesions and 25 without. Lung samples were submitted for bacteriological, histological, and M. bovis-immunohistochemical analyses. Serology for M. bovis was positive in 76% of beef cattle and 100% of veal calves. M. bovis was isolated only from veal calves in 16 out of 64 pneumonic cases. M. bovis was detected by immunohistochemistry in seven bacteriologically positive cases. M. bovis antigen was associated with bronchogenic necrosuppurative or fibrinonecrotizing lesions. Bacteriologically positive and immunohistochemical negative cases were associated with catarrhal bronchointerstitial pneumonia. Results suggest that M. bovis infection may develop into a severe necrosuppurative bronchopneumonia or fibrinonecrotizing pneumonia when associated with a high number of intralesional organisms or, conversely, into a mild catarrhal bronchointerstitial pneumonia when associated with a low number of organisms.  相似文献   

Filamentous, gram-negative bacteria morphologically similar to cilia-associated respiratory (CAR) bacillus of rodents and rabbits were isolated from the tracheas of 5 pigs and 4 calves. All pigs but none of the calves had histologic lesions of chronic tracheitis. In silver-stained histologic sections, CAR bacilli were adhered to the tracheal epithelium of each pig but were not found in the calves. Like CAR bacillus of rats, the bacteria displayed gliding motility and grew only in cell culture or cell culture medium supplemented with fetal serum. Initially, all isolates were contaminated by Mycoplasma spp. This contamination was eliminated from 4 pig isolates by limiting dilutions, and mycoplasma-free isolates were used to intranasally inoculate gnotobiotic pigs and CAR bacillus-free mice and rats and to immunize guinea pigs. The gnotobiotic pigs remained healthy, and when they were necropsied 4 and 7 weeks after infection no macroscopic or microscopic lesions were found in the respiratory tract. However, CAR bacillus was isolated at both times from the nasal cavities and tracheas of inoculated pigs, and the ciliated tracheal epithelium of infected pigs necropsied 7 weeks after infection was colonized by low numbers of CAR bacillus-like bacteria. The rats and mice remained healthy through week 12 postinoculation, and evidence of short- or long-term colonization was not detected by histologic examination or culture. When used as primary antibody for immunohistochemical staining, sera from guinea pigs immunized with pig CAR bacillus specifically stained CAR bacilli colonizing the respiratory epithelium of naturally infected pigs, whereas sera collected prior to immunization failed to react with the bacteria. These results indicate that CAR bacilli are unlikely to be primary pathogens of pigs or cattle and that rodents do not act as reservoirs.  相似文献   

Respiratory disease in adult cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article discusses the nomenclature of respiratory disease, acute respiratory distress syndromes, hypersensitivity diseases, chronic respiratory disease, and the differential diagnosis of respiratory disease.  相似文献   

Copper toxicosis in veal calves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Copper toxicosis was diagnosed in 7 veal calves, 10-16 weeks old, from 5 separate farms. All calves died without specific clinical signs, although 4 of the calves were icteric. The calves' dietary rations had been supplemented with various copper-containing hematinics. Peritoneal hemorrhage was reported at post-mortem in 2 calves. Microscopic evidence of hepatopathy consisted of hepatocellular degeneration and necrosis, hemorrhage, and fibrosis. Concentrations of copper in livers from intoxicated calves ranged from 277 to 684 ppm and in kidneys from 1.1 to 82.0 ppm. The extent and severity of lesions in livers appeared to correlate with concentrations of copper. Nephrosis was minimal, without evidence of hemoglobinuria.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus infection in transported calves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nasal swab samples were collected from calves on individual farms in Tennessee and sequentially at an auction barn and at a feedlot to detect respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). In 1976, RSV was isolated from 5 of 225 calves at the auction barn and from 13 of 92 calves examined at the feedlot. Of the 13 isolations, 11 were from calves with acute respiratory tract disease. Most (14/18) calves infected with RSV were also shedding parainfluenza-3 virus in their nasal secretions. Attempts to isolate RSV in the 1977 study were unsuccessful, but there was serologic evidence of RSV infection. Most calves had serum antibody to RSV when examined initially at the farm or at the auction barn. Approximately 46% (46/99) of calves in the 1976 study and 71% (40/56) of calves in the 1977 study had a greater than or equal to 4-fold increase in serum antibody titer to RSV from auction barn to feedlot sample collection.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetics of florfenicol in veal calves   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The pharmacokinetic disposition of florfenicol was described in veal calves after administration of a single 22-mg/kg dose intravenously, orally after a 12-h fast and orally 5 min post feeding. Both serum concentrations and urinary excretion were studied. After intravenous administration the median elimination half-life was 171.9 min while the half-life of the distribution phase was 5.9 min. The median body clearance (Cl) and apparent volume of distribution (Vz) were 2.85 ml/kg/min and 0.78 l/kg, respectively. Following oral administration the median bio-availability (f) was 0.88 for calves dosed after a 12-h fast and 0.65 for calves dosed 5 min post feeding. Calves given the oral doses had a complex absorption pattern with delayed absorption. Slightly more than 50% of the administered dose both orally and intravenously was recovered as unchanged florfenicol in the urine by 30 h.  相似文献   

The analysis and optimization of transportation routes of calves to slaughterhouses by means of a GIS (geographical information system) route planning and time limitation software for the fleet management in transportation industry was performed. As basic data the farms (last locations of the calves) and the slaughterhouses were available in each case with addresses and coordinates. 150 data records from 258 veal calves could be evaluated. None of the calves was transported longer than 6 hours. Therefore, in all cases the Swiss law for animal protection was obeyed concerning maximum length of transportation time. In the road model, 82% of calves were transported too far.  相似文献   



Right atrial aneurysms have been reported in bovine species, but a clear aetiopathogenesis has never been elucidated.


One thousand and seventy-nine veal calves (6–9 months old) and 313 beef cattle (10–24 months old) housed in intensive livestock farming systems and regularly slaughtered were included in the present study.


Hearts were externally examined and the identified right atrial aneurysms were submitted for gross and histopathological investigations.


Right atrial aneurysms, which involved the right auricle, were detected in both veal calves (4.63%) and beef cattle (8.63%). Two types of aneurysms were observed: one type showing communications with the atrial lumen, the other one having no connections with it. Aneurysms communicating with the atrial lumen were characterized by endocardial fibrosis, whereas the other ones showed arterial characteristics (intimal fibromuscular hyperplasia and medial elastic fibre and fibrous tissue deposition).


Considering the similarities with the right atrial aneurysms reported in people, the aneurysms communicating with the atrial lumen were considered to be caused by an inherent atrial weakness (so called ‘loci minoris resistentiae’ areas). On the contrary, the aneurysms with no communications with the atrial lumen, whose localization suggested an origin from the intramural coronary arteries of the pectinate muscles, may be subsequent to systemic hypertension due to intensive livestock farming conditions.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetics of thiamphenicol in veal calves.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

An experiment was performed to develop a model to study the impact of stress on responsiveness to infection with bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV1) in veal calves. Social isolation after previous group-housing was used as a putatively stressful treatment. Group-housed specific pathogen-free veal calves (n=8) were experimentally infected with BHV1 at the age of 12 weeks. Half of the calves were socially isolated at the time of infection. Clinical, virological and serological responses to BHV1, and adreno-cortical reactivity to exogenous ACTH were examined. In comparison with group-housed calves, calves socially isolated at the time of infection showed a diminished clinical and fever response, and delayed viral excretion after primary infection with BHV1. Four weeks after social isolation, basal cortisol levels before, and the integrated cortisol response after administration of a low dose of ACTH, were significantly depressed in socially isolated calves. The results suggest that social isolation in veal calves influences the response to an experimental BHV1 infection. A possible mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   


The oral absorption and bioavailability of flumequine was studied in 1‐, 5‐ and 18‐week‐old calves following intravenous and oral administration of different formulations of flumequine (Flumix®, Flumix C® and pure flumequine). Increasing age had a negative influence on the Cmax after the administration of Flumix®, based on a larger VD in the older calves. The Cmax decreased from 5.02 ± 1.46 μg/ml in the first week to 3.28 ± 0.42 μg/ml in the 18th week. Adding colistin sulfate to the flumequine formulation and administring pure flumequine mixed with milk replacer had a negative effect on the Cmax of flumequine after oral administration of 5 and 10 mg/kg body weight. The bioavailability of the orally administered flumequine formulations was 100% in all cases except after the administration of Flumix C®, for which it was 75.9 ± 18.2%. The urinary recovery of flumequine after intravenous injection of a 10% solution varied from 35.2 ± 2.3% for Group B. to 41.2 ± 6.3% for Group C.

The dosage of 5 mg/kg body weight Flumix® twice daily in 1‐week‐old veal calves is sufficient to reach therapeutic plasma concentrations, based on a MIC value of 0.8 μg/ml of the target bacteria.

In older calves it is advisable to increase the dosage 7.5 or 10 mg/kg body weight every 12 hours. In combination with colistin sulfate it is also advisable to increase the dosage slightly because of the negative effect of the colistin sulfate on the Cmax of flumequine.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetic parameters of oxytetracycline were analysed in healthy preruminant veal calves after intravenous, intramuscular and oral administration. The serum half-lives in the β-elimination phase of both 10% and 20% solutions after i.v. injection of 10 mg/kg were similar (7.07 ± 1.36 h and 7.16 ± 1.17 h, mean ± SD), whereas the total body clearance and the apparent volume of distribution were higher for the 20% solution. Serum concentrations above 0.5 μg/ml were maintained with both formulations during 12–24 h but were only above 4 μg/ml to 5 h. Intramuscular administration of the 20% solution gave a complete absorption with two rate constants of absorption, a faster (t1/2a1= 0.27 h) and a slower one (t1/2a2= 10.90 h) responsible for the delayed elimination half-life after this route of application (t1/2β= 9.83 ± 1.35 h). Mean serum concentrations reached a maximum level of 3.01 ± 0.72 μg/ml at 4.01 ± 2.84 h and decreased to 0.5 μg/ml between 12 and 24 h. 50 mg/kg given orally with a milk replacer were found to have a mean bioavailability of 46.35%. A mean serum peak level of 4.99 ± 1.37 μg/ml was achieved at 9.16 ± 1.99 h and the mean concentration was still above 0.5 μg/ml after 48 h. The elimination half-life (t1/2β= 10.66 ± 3.15 h) reflected the slow absorption step (t1/2a2= 10.15 h) following that responsible for the initial faster absorption (t1/2a2= 1.99 h). Comparison of the area under the serum curves gave mean values of 117% for tetracycline and of 53% for chlortetracycline relative to oxytetracycline (arbitrarily fixed at 100%) after identical oral dosage of the three tetracyclines. We also propose and discuss a dosage schedule based on minimal inhibitory concentrations of different susceptible pathogens  相似文献   

The oral absorption and bioavailability of flumequine was studied in 1-, 5- and 18-week-old calves following intravenous and oral administration of different formulations of flumequine (Flumix, Flumix C and pure flumequine). Increasing age had a negative influence on the Cmax after the administration of Flumix, based on a larger VD in the older calves. The Cmax decreased from 5.02 +/- 1.46 micrograms/ml in the first week to 3.28 +/- 0.42 micrograms/ml in the 18th week. Adding colistin sulfate to the flumequine formulation and administring pure flumequine mixed with milk replacer had a negative effect on the Cmax of flumequine after oral administration of 5 and 10 mg/kg body weight. The bioavailability of the orally administered flumequine formulations was 100% in all cases except after the administration of Flumix C, for which it was 75.9 +/- 18.2%. The urinary recovery of flumequine after intravenous injection of a 10% solution varied from 35.2 +/- 2.3% for Group B, to 41.2 +/- 6.3% for Group C. The dosage of 5 mg/kg body weight Flumix twice daily in 1-week-old veal calves is sufficient to reach therapeutic plasma concentrations, based on a MIC value of 0.8 micrograms/ml of the target bacteria. In older calves it is advisable to increase the dosage 7.5 or 10 mg/kg body weight every 12 hours. In combination with colistin sulfate it is also advisable to increase the dosage slightly because of the negative effect of the colistin sulfate on the Cmax of flumequine.  相似文献   

Sera from adult cattle with fluke-infected and normal livers were analyzed for γ-GT and AspAT activities. The analyses revealed no significant increases in either γ-GT or AspAT values of the animals with fascioliasis as compared with the non-infected animals. The advanced chronic stage of the infection characterized by hepatic fibrosis, limited injury of parenchyma and low fluke burdens may explain the lack of enzymatic increase.  相似文献   

A survey of abomasal ulceration in veal calves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abomasal ulceration was found in 264 of 304 commercially reared veal calves at slaughter. The incidence and severity of lesions were greatest in loose housed calves with access to straw and fed milk substitute ad libitum. The majority of lesions were located in the distal pylorus. There was no evidence that the abomasal erosions and ulcers found in the majority of veal calves affected their growth rate or were deleterious to their welfare. It is suggested that pyloric ulceration may be related to the diet of veal calves.  相似文献   

The kinetics of free and microgranulated sulfadimidine were compared in milk-fed calves dosed orally (180 mg/kg) in a crossover study. Microgranulation results in delayed absorption of sulfadimidine and poor bioavailability, with the area under the plasma concentration-time curve ( AUC (O-oo)) reduced from 7400 to 3781 μg·h/mL, and maximum plasma concentration ( C max) reduced from 188.1 ± 39.0 to 84.41 ± 22.6 μg/mL. It is concluded that sulfadimidine microgranulated with long chain fatty acids is not suitable for use in milk-fed calves; the gastrointestinal transit time is too rapid to allow full release of the drug, markedly limiting its bioavailability. In adult animals, or in the young of other animal species in which digesta transit time is slower than in calves, the bioavailability of microgranulated sulfadimidine may be much greater.  相似文献   

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