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Trials were conducted on 2 commercial sheep flocks in the Gippsland region of Victoria to determine the efficacy of treating ovine virulent footrot by footbathing in aqueous zinc sulphate solution (20% w/v). The effects of foot paring, parenteral penicillin, vaccination and addition of sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) to the footbaths were assessed. Trial 1 comprised 297 sheep with an initial prevalence of footrot of 33% and most lesions were severe and chronic. Treatment of sheep with unpared feet by zinc sulphate footbathing for 1h did not result in a significant reduction in footrot prevalence (n = 120, cure rate 33%) whereas a significant (P less than 0.01) response was obtained by footbathing for 1h with zinc sulphate/SLS (n = 120, cure rate 55%). Trial 2 comprised 1,042 sheep with a pretreatment footrot prevalence of 71% and predominantly severe lesions. In this flock all treated sheep were footbathed in zinc sulphate/SLS for 1h on 2 occasions, 5 days apart and the effects of additional surgical and parenteral treatments were assessed. Foot paring had a significant detrimental effect on cure rate (P less than 0.01). The administration of procaine penicillin at the time of the first footbathing with zinc sulphate/SLS made no significant improvement to the rate of cure. Footrot vaccine given 8 and 2 weeks prior to footbathing did not cure significantly more sheep than footbathing alone, but the results were significantly better than from foot paring plus footbathing, and from combined foot paring, footbathing and parenteral penincillin treatment (P less than 0.01). The cure rate was 84% for sheep that were only footbathed, 72% for those foot pared and footbathed, 72% for those foot pared, footbathed and given penicillin, and 88% for those vaccinated and footbathed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the infectivity of ovine and caprine strains of Dichelobacter nodosus for both sheep and goats. DESIGN: Pen experiments in which 20 sheep and 19 goats were challenged directly with the two strains, and transmission experiments on pasture, using donors infected by experimental challenge. RESULTS: Sheep and goat strains of D nodosus infected both animal species in experimental challenges. Animals so infected transmitted footrot to both sheep and goats on pasture plots. A significantly smaller proportion of goats than sheep was infected when challenged with either strain. The interval between exposure and development of footrot in goats was longer than in sheep when recipient animals were exposed to infected donors on pasture. The disease was less invasive in goats than in sheep. CONCLUSIONS: With the strains of D nodosus used there was no evidence of host specificity. Direct transmission of footrot can occur between sheep and goats in the same environment. There is a need to include goats in ovine footrot eradication programs and vice versa.  相似文献   

Factors associated with the proportion of sheep cured of virulent footrot after antibiotic treatment were studied in a field trial under dry environmental conditions. From 2 similar flocks, 1091 Merino sheep weighing about 50 kg and infected with virulent footrot received an intramuscular injection of either 12 mL of a mixture of penicillin (250 mg/mL) and streptomycin (250 mg/mL), 6 mL of long acting oxytetracycline (200 mg/mL) or 6 mL of a mixture of lincomycin (50 mg/mL) and spectinomycin (100 mg/mL). Variables that were significantly associated with the proportion of sheep cured were: the type of antibiotic used, the number of feet infected and the flock from which the sheep came. There was an interaction between antibiotic type and number of feet infected and between antibiotic type and flock in association with the proportion of sheep cured. The extent of paring and the occurrence of blowfly strike in footrot lesions treated with diazinon had no significant association with the proportion of sheep cured.  相似文献   

当前生猪养殖过程中发生的各类细菌感染性疾病越来越复杂,细菌耐药性越来越严重,治疗的难度加大,经济损失极大,且严重影响了养猪业的持续发展.初生仔猪相对于养殖的其他阶段较容易发生各类疾病,尤其是消化系统、呼吸系统的细菌感染性疾病,严重影响仔猪的存活率和正常生长.  相似文献   

Footrot is a mixed bacterial infection of the hooves of sheep. The gram-negative anaerobic bacterium Dichelobacter nodosus is the principal causative agent, with different strains causing diseases of different severity, ranging from benign to virulent. In Australia, in the state of New South Wales (NSW), only virulent footrot is subject to regulatory action, including quarantine. However, it is often difficult to distinguish benign footrot from virulent footrot in the initial stages of infection, or under adverse climatic conditions. The gelatin gel test, which measures the thermostability of secreted bacterial proteases, is the laboratory test most widely used in Australia to aid in the differential diagnosis of footrot. The proteases of virulent strains are, in general, more thermostable than the proteases of benign strains. However, there are some false positives in the gelatin gel test, which may lead to unnecessary quarantine procedures. We used Southern blot analysis on 595 isolates of D. nodosus from 124 farms on which sheep had benign or virulent footrot to test for the presence of the intA gene. We found that for D. nodosus strains which are stable in the gelatin gel test, there is a high correlation between the presence of the intA gene and the ability of the strain to cause virulent footrot. We also developed a PCR-based assay for the rapid detection of intA, which can be used to test DNA extracted from colonies grown on plates, or DNA extracted from cotton swabs of culture plates.  相似文献   

奶牛腐蹄病的治疗与预防   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
奶牛腐蹄病是一种以蹄部角质腐败,趾间皮肤和组织腐败、化脓为特征的局部化脓性、坏死性炎症。它能引起牛蹄真皮坏死、化脓,角质溶解及蹄间肉芽增生。反刍动物特别是牛、羊较常见,北方地区的春季和夏季,在某些牛群中可引起地方性流行,其发病率高,一般约为8%~20%,有的高达30%-50%。  相似文献   

The addition of a combination of lincomycin and spectinomycin to feed at the total concentrations of 44 and 77 mg/kg, beginning at the time of exposure and continuing for 8 weeks, prevented experimentally induced swine dysentery in swine. The disease did not develop after the medication was withdrawn. In contrast, swine dysentery, similar to that seen in the nonmedicated swine, did develop in simultaneously exposed swine treated with feed containing either 44 mg of tylosin or 99 mg sodium arsanilate/kg. The swine fed sodium arsanilate and which developed hemorrhagic diarrhea had a more severe form of this type of diarrhea than did the nonmedicated swine. After reexposure to inefective inoculum of swine dysentery 86 days after initial exposure, all remaining swine previously medicated with either tylosin or sodium arsanilate and all nonmedicated swine were immune; whereas 17 of the 24 swine fed the combination of lincomycin and spectinomycin were susceptible to swine dysentery and developed diarrhea.  相似文献   

Antigens in the extracellular protein (ECP) complexes of Bacteroides nodosus, isolated from sheep with either benign or virulent footrot, were studied by immunoelectrophoresis (IEP). Rabbit antisera against ECP from virulent and benign strains, were used in homologous and heterologous crossed IEP. Four precipitin peaks unique to the virulent strain, and five peaks unique to the benign strain were identified. In an attempt to characterize the different antigens in ECP, rabbit antisera were raised against an outer membrane protein (OMP, mol. wt. 35 000 daltons), pili and various proteases of virulent and benign strains of B. nodosus. No precipitin band was observed when ECP from both B. nodosus strains were reacted against anti-OMP and anti-pilus antisera. However, single precipitin bands unique to one protease from the benign strain and one protease from the virulent strain were identified. The results suggest that specific antigens other than proteases or pili are important in determining whether a B. nodosus isolate is virulent or benign.  相似文献   

An acute outbreak of swine dysentery (Doyle) on a farrowing farm is described. Besides clinical signs of enteritis a general loss of condition was seen throughout the herd. This resulted in a decreased fertility and breeding performance among sows and an increase in piglet mortality. Several dehydrated sows aborted. The outbreak was stopped by oral treatment with lincomycin/spectinomycin 1:1. In the course of the treatment all animals and buildings were washed and disinfected. The use of pharmacotherapeutics in treating swine dysentery is discussed with emphasis on the involuntary induction of carriers.  相似文献   

Treatment of cattle, sheep and horses with lincomycin: case studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In large animal practice, clinical cases involving deep-seated infections affecting bones, joints, meninges and the larynx are particularly difficult to treat. The antibiotic lincomycin has the ability to penetrate tissue of poor vascularity and is also effective in the presence of pus. Eleven cattle, six sheep and three horses were treated with the drug at various doses and in 75 per cent of the cases there was a positive response.  相似文献   

Programmes based on the identification and treatment of cases and the culling of animals refractory to treatment had failed to eradicate virulent footrot from two districts in the western region of Nepal. From 1993 to 1996 vaccination against two endemic virulent strains of Dichelobacter nodosus was tested for its potential to contribute to the eradication of footrot from the region. Only sheep and goats which had been free of signs of footrot at three inspections at monthly intervals before their annual migration to alpine pastures were eligible for inclusion. From November 1992, the treatment of cases identified during inspections included the injection of specific vaccine. Successfully treated cases migrated with their flocks but were excluded from the vaccine trial. Non-responding cases were culled. Forty combined flocks of sheep and goats (approximately 9500 animals) were used initially to compare three vaccination regimens. Eleven flocks (sheep and goats) were treated with two doses of specific vaccine (group A), nine (sheep and goats) were treated with commercial vaccine followed by specific vaccine (group B) and 10 (sheep and goats) were treated with two doses of commercial vaccine (group C) in March to April 1993 before the annual migration; 10 flocks (sheep and goats) remained unvaccinated (group D). Only sheep and goats free of signs of footrot were allowed to migrate. Nevertheless, virulent footrot recurred in many flocks three months later. However, its prevalence was significantly lower in group A than in the other three groups combined. Groups A, B and C then received the specific vaccine before their migrations in 1994 to 1996; group D remained unvaccinated. The annual programme of inspection and identification and treatment of cases continued for seven years, but the vaccinations ceased after four years. There was no recurrence of virulent footrot after November 1993. After the first season the virulent strains of D nodosus used in the specific vaccine could no longer be isolated, although antigenically distinct, benign strains of the organism persisted in cases of benign footrot.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Virulent ovine footrot was transmitted accidentally to a group of 23 adult Merino sheep (flock B) after holding for 1 hour in sheep yards, which earlier the same day had contained another flock (flock A) with < 1% prevalence of sheep with footrot lesions. Sheep in flock B were rendered susceptible to virulent footrot by grazing 600 mm high unimproved pasture dominated by paspalum ( Paspalum dilatatum ) and kangaroo grass ( Themeda australis ) during warm, humid and wet weather. In addition to moisture, interdigital abrasions caused by the pasture might have predisposed the interdigital skin to infection with Dichelobacter nodosus .  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if intermediate footrot (IFR) can be eradicated from a flock of sheep by inspection and culling of cases during a non-transmission period and if prior antibiotic treatment or vaccination increases the likelihood of eradication. PROCEDURE: A replicated field experiment that compared the three eradication strategies was followed by an observational study of the best of these applied in a commercial flock of 3000 sheep. RESULTS: In the replicated experiment, IFR was eradicated either by inspection and culling alone, or when combined with vaccination. Eradication failed when the sheep were treated with parenteral antibiotics before inspection and culling during the non-transmission period. In the whole-flock program, eradication by repeated inspection and culling of footrot cases during the non-transmission period was successful and the flock remained free of infection 3 years later. CONCLUSIONS: IFR can be eradicated by inspection and culling but latent infections, which may persist undetected for at least 34 weeks, require surveillance inspections to be repeated during the non-transmission phase of the program. The use of parenteral antibiotics as an aid to the eradication of IFR is contraindicated.  相似文献   

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