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Abstract – We studied eel population characteristics (size classes, densities and body condition) in the lower Loire River floodplain (France) to evaluate the effects of longitudinal and lateral gradients. A total of 36 sites were electrofished in June 2005. The sites were grouped first into three river segments according to the distance inland corresponding to a longitudinal gradient and secondly into three lateral connectivity categories. Results indicate that small eels, especially those ≤300 mm, were very abundant downstream but density rapidly decreased upstream. In addition, eels ≤150 mm tended to be most abundant in connected waterbodies. Conversely, the distribution of larger eels was quite uniform across both dimensions. Eel condition decreased upstream. In parallel, in downstream river segment, eels had a lower condition in disconnected waterbodies than in connected ones. Eel specialists still have only a longitudinal perception of eel habitat. Our results suggest that lateral gradients should be also taken into consideration. 相似文献
Montaña CG, Winemiller KO. Local‐scale habitat influences morphological diversity of species assemblages of cichlid fishes in a tropical floodplain river.Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 216–227. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – We examined the taxonomic and morphological diversity of cichlid fish assemblages in a floodplain river in Venezuela during the dry season at two spatial scales: macrohabitats (lagoons, main channels and creeks) and mesohabitats (leaf litter, sand banks, rocky shoals and woody debris). Nonmetric multidimensional scaling did not reveal differences for species assemblages among macro and mesohabitats. The first two axes from canonical correspondence analysis based on 19 species and six physical variables modelled >61% of the taxonomic variation in assemblages from rock shoals and woody debris, and 55% of variation in assemblages from sand banks and leaf litter. Principal components analysis based on 22 morphological variables yielded two dominant axes that explained >86% of variation in the cichlid assemblages. Morphological diversity was analysed to test the idea that assemblage structure is nonrandom, with structurally complex habitats supporting more species with more functional morphological diversity than simple habitats. Average and standard deviation (SD) of the morphological Euclidean distances of local assemblages among mesohabitats tended to decrease or be constant as the number of species increased. Regressions of the average nearest neighbour distance (NND) and SD of NND with species richness resulted in low and negative slopes of species assemblages among mesohabitats. These relationships suggest that when more species are added to a habitat patch, assemblage morphospace remains approximately constant, species average similarity increases and species dispersion in morphological space becomes more uniform. Results support that cichlids partition habitat at the local scale but not at the macrohabitat scale. 相似文献
Miyazono S, Aycock JN, Miranda LE, Tietjen TE. Assemblage patterns of fish functional groups relative to habitat connectivity and conditions in floodplain lakes.Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 578–585. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – We evaluated the influences of habitat connectivity and local environmental factors on the distribution and abundance patterns of fish functional groups in 17 floodplain lakes in the Yazoo River Basin, USA. The results of univariate and multivariate analyses showed that species–environmental relationships varied with the functional groups. Species richness and assemblage structure of periodic strategists showed strong and positive correlations with habitat connectivity. Densities of most equilibrium and opportunistic strategists decreased with habitat connectivity. Densities of certain equilibrium and opportunistic strategists increased with turbidity. Forested wetlands around the lakes were positively related to the densities of periodic and equilibrium strategists. These results suggest that decreases in habitat connectivity, forested wetland buffers and water quality resulting from environmental manipulations may cause local extinction of certain fish taxa and accelerate the dominance of tolerant fishes in floodplain lakes. 相似文献
Abstract – Seasonal variation in light intensity has strong impacts on invertebrate and vertebrate habitat selection creating trade-offs between foraging gain and risk of death. Diel vertical migration (DVM) has received a particularly interest, but multitrophic level studies in lakes under polar light regime have not been conducted. Here, we examined habitat selection of pelagic zooplankton, planktivores and piscivores in subarctic Lake Muddusjärvi with polymorphic whitefish ( Coregonus lavaretus (L.)). Seasonal change in light was hypothesized to be the most important abiotic factor inducing DVM, whereas predation was considered as an ultimate biotic factor. During period of mid-night sun in June, no DVM was observed at any trophic level, whereas during normal day and night light in September planktivores and zooplankton migrated. DVM was top-down controlled, where piscivorous brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) used pelagic habitat continuously inducing DVM of its main prey, pelagic whitefish morph, which cascaded to reverse DVM of zooplankton. Top-down control of lower trophic level DVMs by piscivores might be more general pattern in lakes than previously considered. 相似文献
Abstract Low-head dams in arid regions restrict fish movement and create novel habitats that have complex effects on fish assemblages. The influence of low-head dams and artificial wetlands on fishes in Muddy Creek, a tributary of the Colorado River system in the USA was examined. Upstream, fish assemblages were dominated by native species including two species of conservation concern, bluehead sucker, Catostomus discobolus Cope, and roundtail chub, Gila robusta Baird and Girard. The artificial wetlands contained almost exclusively non-native fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas Rafinesque, and white sucker, Catostomus commersonii (Lacepède). Downstream, fish assemblages were dominated by non-native species. Upstream spawning migrations by non-native white suckers were blocked by dams associated with the wetlands. However, the wetlands do not provide habitat for native fishes and likely inhibit fish movement. The wetlands appear to be a source habitat for non-native fishes and a sink habitat for native fishes. Two non-native species, sand shiner, Notropis stramineus (Cope), and redside shiner, Richardsonius balteatus (Richardson), were present only downstream of the wetlands, suggesting a beneficial role of the wetlands in preventing upstream colonisation by non-native fishes. 相似文献
- 1. Costa Rica has recently experienced a rapid proliferation of dams for hydropower on rivers draining its northern Caribbean slope. In the Sarapiquí River Basin, eight hydropower plants were built between 1990 and 1999 and more projects are either under construction or proposed. The majority of these dams are small (<15 m tall) and operate as water diversion projects.
- 2. While the potential environmental effects of individual projects are evaluated prior to dam construction, there is a need for consideration of the basin‐scale ecological consequences of hydropower development. This study was a first attempt to quantify the extent of river fragmentation by dams in the Sarapiquí River Basin.
- 3. Using simple spatial analyses, the length of river upstream from dams and the length of de‐watered reaches downstream from dams was measured. Results indicated that there are currently 306.8 km of river (9.4% of the network) upstream from eight existing dams in the Sarapiquí River Basin and 30.6 km of rivers (0.9% of the network) with significantly reduced flow downstream from dams. Rivers upstream from dams primarily drain two life zones: Premontane Rain Forest (107.9 km) and Lower Montane Rain Forest (168.2 km).
- 4. Simple spatial analyses can be used as a predictive or planning tool for considering the effects of future dams in a basin‐scale context. In the Sarapiquí River Basin, we recommend that future dam projects be constructed on already dammed rivers to minimize additional river fragmentation and to protect remaining riverine connectivity.
Beatty SJ, Morgan DL, McAleer FJ, Ramsay AR. Groundwater contribution to baseflow maintains habitat connectivity for Tandanus bostocki (Teleostei: Plotosidae) in a south‐western Australian river.Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 595–608. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – A global biodiversity hotspot, south‐western Australia is characterised by a highly endemic freshwater fish fauna that is severely impacted by habitat alterations. As is the case with many rivers in this region, the Blackwood River is secondarily salinised as a consequence of agricultural practices and this has caused population depletions of halo‐intolerant fishes. This study is the first to examine the role that groundwater intrusion has in maintaining habitat connectivity for an obligate freshwater fish in a secondarily salinised river. We determined the significance of nonsaline groundwater intrusion in maintaining habitat and migratory routes of the freshwater cobbler, Tandanus bostocki during prolonged annual dry periods; characteristic of Mediterranean climatic zones. Tandanus bostocki undertook large, yet spatially and temporally variable, localised movements through riffles. During baseflow, the period of major groundwater influence, movements were significantly associated with discharge. Analysis of gonadal development suggested that such movements were not strictly related to reproduction and were probably for foraging purposes. The study reveals groundwater is crucial in maintaining migratory routes through riffles and suggests T. bostocki may be reliably used as an indicator of aquatic habitat connectivity in light of groundwater extractions and also continued rainfall reductions in this region due to climate change. 相似文献
Abstract – Movement and habitat use of river blackfish ( Gadopsis marmoratus R.) was studied in a highly modified central Victorian stream (Birch Creek), Australia, using radio telemetry ( N = 10) and mark–recapture ( N = 113) between October 2001 to May 2002, and November to December 2002 respectively. Blackfish had a small home range of 10–26 m with strong affinity to a pool. However, small movements within a pool were common which resulted in relatively large cumulative movements. At a diel scale there were no significant differences in blackfish movement between day and night (Kruskal–Wallis test, P = 0.95). Six of seven blackfish translocated 40 m upstream or downstream of their original positions returned within 48 h, suggesting strong affinity not only to a pool, but also to a small region within a pool. Blackfish utilised slow flowing (0–20 cm s−1 ) and deep waters (40–60 cm). Blackfish were strongly associated with the instream cover habitats of undercut banks and boulders. Significant differences were recorded in instream cover and water velocity used by blackfish between day and night (Kruskal–Wallis test, P = <0.01). At night blackfish used open areas with high water velocities whereas during the day blackfish used complex undercut banks with low water velocities. 相似文献
Abstract – Blue suckers, Cycleptus elongatus , are a highly mobile species speculated to have spring spawning migrations. However, previous studies have not quantified seasonal migrations of blue suckers. Use distributions were calculated at 90% and 50% for three seasons to identify geographic space-use requirements of blue suckers. Mean 90% use distributions (±SE) varied from 8.1 km (±5.3 km) in summer to 78.6 km (±9.9 km) in fall to 174.9 km (±13.1 km) in spring. The great space-use requirements of blue suckers in fall and spring indicate that the species makes substantial upstream migrations in fall and also preceding spawning in spring, then return to a core area postspawning. The broad geographical range occupied by blue suckers throughout their life-history cycle emphasises the need for interjurisdictional management of the species and highlights potential detrimental effects of blocking fish passage. 相似文献
Pander J, Geist J. Seasonal and spatial bank habitat use by fish in highly altered rivers – a comparison of four different restoration measures.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 127–138. © 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S
Abstract – River regulations have resulted in substantial modifications of the characteristics and the diversity of stream ecosystems. Fish habitat use in the context of species life histories and temporal habitat dynamics are crucial for the development of sustainable measures of habitat restoration in degraded rivers. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of introducing four different in-stream structures (bank ripp-rapp, benched bank ripp-rapp, successively grown riparian wood and artificial dead wood, nine replicates each) on the seasonal fish community distribution in a heavily modified stream ecosystem. Species richness and diversity, fish biomass and density showed strong variation (i) between habitat types, (ii) among replicates of the same habitat type, and (iii) in different seasons. The current low abundance of historical widespread rheophilic and migratory fish species in the study stream suggests that technical bank habitat restoration measures are only of limited use for the restoration of highly specialised target species in conservation such as Barbus barbus and Chondrostoma nasus . However, introduction of particular artificial stream structures (in particular of artificial dead-wood fascines) was found to concentrate biomass and density of none-specialised fish species like Squalius cephalus , Alburnus alburnus , Gobio gobio or Rutilus rutilus . 相似文献
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 127–138. © 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S
Abstract – River regulations have resulted in substantial modifications of the characteristics and the diversity of stream ecosystems. Fish habitat use in the context of species life histories and temporal habitat dynamics are crucial for the development of sustainable measures of habitat restoration in degraded rivers. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of introducing four different in-stream structures (bank ripp-rapp, benched bank ripp-rapp, successively grown riparian wood and artificial dead wood, nine replicates each) on the seasonal fish community distribution in a heavily modified stream ecosystem. Species richness and diversity, fish biomass and density showed strong variation (i) between habitat types, (ii) among replicates of the same habitat type, and (iii) in different seasons. The current low abundance of historical widespread rheophilic and migratory fish species in the study stream suggests that technical bank habitat restoration measures are only of limited use for the restoration of highly specialised target species in conservation such as Barbus barbus and Chondrostoma nasus . However, introduction of particular artificial stream structures (in particular of artificial dead-wood fascines) was found to concentrate biomass and density of none-specialised fish species like Squalius cephalus , Alburnus alburnus , Gobio gobio or Rutilus rutilus . 相似文献
Nicholas J. Clifford Oliver P. Harmar Gemma Harvey Geoffrey E. Petts 《水产资源保护:海洋与淡水生态系统》2006,16(4):389-408
- 1. Improved linkage between physical characteristics of rivers and biological performance or potential is a recurrent theme in contemporary river survey, management and design. This paper examines the degree to which flow biotopes and functional habitats may be differentiated with respect to physical habitat delimiters, i.e. flow depth, velocity and Froude number.
- 2. Re‐examination of published data demonstrates only very broad associations between biotopes, functional habitats and ‘low’, ‘medium’ and ‘high’ bands in the chosen physical habitat delimiter. The associations are also not consistent between different delimiters.
- 3. Re‐analysis is complicated by considerations of research design and methodology. Further studies are required with greater control on the circumstances of observation (particularly flow stage and seasonality), which explicitly control for variance within and between different river cases, and which adopt more consistent terminology.
- 4. Field data for a single river reach at low and high flows indicate that use of the Froude number, in particular, requires careful interpretation. Very different velocity and depth combinations can exhibit similar Froude numbers. This may obscure important contrasts, such as those between channel margin and channel centreline environments.
- 5. Field data also reveal that the flow characteristics of even basic (riffle or pool) units of channel morphology exhibit strong stage‐dependence. There are also significant variations when channel margins are isolated from the definitions of the bedforms or analysis of the data. Current practice which seeks to simplify field survey to channel cross‐section transects is therefore likely to be misleading.
- 6. Given these difficulties, attempts to link biotopes with ecological response appear premature. Further research might, however, be directed to identifying possible associations between combinations of flow types and bedforms or functional habitats. In this sense, the biotope concept may be more profitably employed as one of several surrogate measures for potential biodiversity.
Jason D. Thiem Ben T. Broadhurst Mark Lintermans Brendan C. Ebner Rhian C. Clear Daniel Wright 《Ecology of Freshwater Fish》2013,22(1):145-156
Knowledge of the movement patterns of threatened fishes aids their conservation management and informs sustainable development of natural resources including freshwater. Prior to the expansion of a temperate upland reservoir in Australia, we used radio telemetry to compare seasonal differences in the diel movements of adult endangered Macquarie perch (Macquaria australasica) (235–414 mm total length) in Cotter Reservoir, Australian Capital Territory. Macquarie perch exhibited a diel range of 389 ± 46 m, a diel mobility of 769 ± 93 m and diel area use of 24008 ± 5595 m2 among four seasons. Diel range was significantly higher in winter compared with other seasons, and diel mobility was negatively correlated with fish size among four seasons. Macquarie perch inhabited deeper water in summer across the diel cycle (7.2 ± 0.5 m) in comparison with other seasons (spring: 3.8 ± 0.3 m, autumn: 3.0 ± 0.2 m, winter: 3.0 ± 0.3 m). Within seasons, both remote and manual telemetry identified that diel activity was predominantly crepuscular. Prey availability and the threat of avian predation represent the most likely explanations for the differences in seasonal movements. In a reservoir where expansion will likely result in a loss of critical habitat (emergent macrophytes) for this endangered species, we use site‐specific knowledge of the spatial ecology of Macquarie perch to inform the placement of shelter habitat prior to filling the enlarged reservoir. 相似文献
Abstract – We used radio-telemetry to investigate the movement patterns of river blackfish [ Gadopsis marmoratus (Richardson)] in Armstrong Creek, south-eastern Australia between August and October 2005. Movements of 11 fish were monitored 2–3 times per week during daylight over 48 days and diel movements of six fish monitored hourly for three consecutive days and nights. Most river blackfish displayed little or no movement during the day and were confined to distinct positions in the stream. However, fish moved over significantly larger ranges and moved amongst mesohabitats at night, which would not have been detected using daylight tracking data only. River blackfish most often were located within pools, but they also commonly used riffle and run habitats. We also found that several fish used inundated riparian areas during a flood and two fish made rapid, large movements coinciding with the elevated flows. This study has revealed previously undocumented aspects of the movements and behaviour of river blackfish. The study has also shown the potential for different conclusions regarding the extent of movement by a species depending on the temporal scale and the timing of observations. 相似文献
The continental shelf of the southeast United States forms one of North America's Large Marine Ecosystems (LME). Despite increased attention on ecosystem management, fisheries within this LME continue to be managed on a single stock basis, in part because interactions among species and environmental effects are poorly understood. Using fishery data from two different sources (recreational and commercial), we applied multivariate statistical techniques to elucidate spatial and temporal dynamics of reef fish assemblages. Spatial analyses of species composition revealed a zoogeographic boundary near Cape Canaveral, Florida, suggesting that management of reef fishes could be applied to the northern and southern regions with discrimination. Temporal analyses revealed, in general, gradual changes in species composition of landings, but with primary shifts in 1992 and again in 1999–2000. Chronological patterns, evident in these two independent data sets, bear the signature of one or more trending factors, which in this LME could include increased exploitation, spread of invasive species, habitat degradation, or climate change. 相似文献
Abstract – Spatial and temporal variation of species–environment relationships were evaluated for shallow-margin and deep-water fish assemblages in the Brazos River, a large floodplain river in Texas, USA. Total variation among the deep-water assemblages (11 species, 86% turnover across gill net samples) was greater than for shallow-margins (38 species, 64% turnover across seine samples). For both shallow-margin and deep-water assemblages, variation was greater among sites than between winter and summer seasons. Shallow-margin assemblage structure was related to depth, velocity and substrate, whereas for deep-water assemblages river discharge, temperature and velocity were important. Season itself accounted for little of the variation among either shallow (6.7%) or deep-water (2.3%) assemblages. Overall temporal patterns of shallow-margin samples appeared to show responses to juvenile recruitment, spates and migration of coastal fishes, whereas for deep-water samples, patterns related to use of reproductive habitats, juvenile recruitment and seasonal activity levels. Brazos River assemblages were less variable overall in comparison with studies along similar length of reach in headwater streams and wadeable rivers. The residual variation in species distribution (54% for shallow-margin and 67% for deepwater) that was not explained by instream variables and season suggests a greater influence of biotic interactions in rivers, particularly those across the spatially dynamic interface of main channel habitats and shallow river margins. 相似文献
Abstract – The relationship between ontogenetic changes and both feeding and habitat preferences was studied in a stream catfish population of Argentine Patagonia. Fish capture, as well as habitat data recording, was performed during a 1-year long period. Larvae–juvenile transition was determined between 22.4 and 29.4 mm standard length (SL), on the basis of the relative growth changes and morphogenesis, and juvenile–adult shift was established between 61 and 65 mm SL using a macroscopic criterion of gonadal development and gonadosomatic index. Spawning period was estimated to be in the summer season, from December to February. Larvae preferred shallow marginal pools and fed mainly on small Chironomidae larvae, while juveniles and adults inhabited riffles and preyed on Ephemeroptera nymphs and Chironomid larvae. Morphological constraints during the larval period were related to habitat and feeding preferences. A complete development of fins allowed juveniles to colonise faster water habitats while a bigger mouth gape permitted them to prey on new items and on a larger size prey range. 相似文献
Abstract– The role of predation risk and structural complexity in determining the habitat use and activity patterns of roach, rudd and perch was assessed using a series of video-recorded laboratory trials. The time spent in open and structured habitats, vertical swimming heights and activity levels of each species were observed in the presence and absence of a potential, pike, predator. Habitat complexity varied between treatments with artificial stem densities of 200, 400 and 600 stems'm−2 . Predator free trials showed that roach and rudd spent significantly less time in structured habitats than perch. Increasing stem density had no significant effect on the habitat choice of perch but did affect the distribution of roach and rudd. Stem density influenced the vertical swimming height of rudd or perch but not roach, although the effects of habitat complexity on swimming activity were more complicated. Pike were themselves influenced by increases in stem density, only selecting structured habitats when stem densities were less than 600 stems'm−2 . In the presence of a predator, both roach and rudd increased the amount of time spent in structured areas. These observed differences were independent of stem density. Perch, however, decreased the amount of time spent in structural habitats at all stem densities. Predation risk also prompted significant changes in both vertical swimming height and activity levels of potential prey fish. A pike predation success hierarchy of rudd-roach-perch was also observed during the study. The reasons for this pattern are discussed. 相似文献
V. L. L. de Almeida N. S. Hahn A. E. A. de M. Vazzoler 《Ecology of Freshwater Fish》1997,6(3):123-133
Abstract— Between March 1992 and February 1993 five piscivorous fish species, Acestrorhynchus lacustris (Reinhardt, 1874), Hoplias malabaricus (Bloch, 1794), Rhaphiodon vulpinus Agassiz, 1829, Salminus maxillosus , Valenciennes, 1840 and Plagioscion squamosissimus (Heckel, 1840), of the high Paranà River floodplain showed a wide total prey spectrum though only three to four taxa were dominant in their diet. Shrimp, Macrobrachium amazonicum , were also common to the majority of species. Seasonal and spatial variations occurred throughout the study period probably due the availability of prey species. The main resources shared by the predators were also the most abundant in the area, with consumption markedly focused on prey about 5.0 cm long. Detrended correspondence analysis was effective in discriminating two groups of predators species that exploited distinct microhabitats. The predators with the least scores consumed small characids that inhabit mid-water or the littoral region, whereas those with the largest scores consumed prey associated to the bottom. 相似文献