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Using univariate analysis, the correlation between signalment, history, outcome and radiographic diagnosis made on whole-body radiographs was investigated in 100 consecutive feline trauma patients of an urban clinic. The radiographic findings included: 53 thoracic injuries, 39 abdominal injuries, 34 pelvic injuries, 28 soft tissue injuries, 26 spinal injuries, and 19 cases with signs of hypovolemia. Only four radiographs were considered normal. Surgical intervention was carried out in 51 cases. Of the 100 cases, 73 survived, 23 were euthanatized, and four died. A significant positive correlation with euthanasia was found when compared to patient age (p=0.0059), abdominal trauma (P=0.0500), spinal fractures (P=0.0468), and soft tissue injuries (P=0.0175). A significant negative correlation with survival was found when compared to patient age (P=0.0358), abdominal trauma (P=0.0439), intraperitoneal free air (P=0.0041), and soft tissue injury (P=0.0288). The results of this study indicate that whole-body radiographs are useful in detecting injury in the thorax, abdomen, spine, pelvis and soft tissues, and are valuable in the diagnostic work-up of feline trauma patients.  相似文献   

Sporotrichosis is caused by Sporothrix schenckii. The cat is the animal species most affected by this mycosis and plays an important role in the zoonotic transmission of this disease. The definitive diagnosis is made by isolation of the fungus in culture; however, cytopathological examination is frequently used in cats. Medical records from cats treated at Instituto de Pesquisa Clínica Evandro Chagas/Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between 2004 and 2006 were reviewed. Criteria for inclusion were a diagnosis by isolation of S schenckii in culture and cytopathological examination of the same lesion as that used for collection of the culture material. Eight hundred and six cats were included in the study. Yeast-like structures suggestive of S schenckii were observed in 636 cases. The sensitivity of the method was 78.9%. Its practicality, low cost and sensitivity validate cytopathology as a safe technique for the presumptive diagnosis of sporotrichosis in cats.  相似文献   

Physical examination of the pulmonary system includes inspection, auscultation, percussion, and palpation. By integrating these findings, it is often possible to diagnose and differentiate pulmonary edema, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, pulmonary fibrosis, and tracheal collapse. The veterinarian can use the physical examination optimally by initially performing examinations with those who are experienced with the methods and with an understanding of the relatively simple laws of physiology and physics governing transmission of sounds from the patient's lung.  相似文献   

The approach to pre-purchase evaluation of the equine cardiovascular system is discussed with emphasis on cardiac auscultation and on the terminology that should be used when reporting clinical findings. Innocent cardiac murmurs and arrhythmias are contrasted with those that should be considered as reliable signs of cardiovascular disease. Ultrasonography and electrocardiography are recommended to establish baseline values for future reference, to support opinions rendered by the examining veterinarians, or to provide for diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

Practical and rapid physical examination techniques that allow the clinician to neuroanatomically localize the site of disease to the cerebrum,cerebellum, brainstem/cranial nerves, or spinal cord/peripheral nerves are described. The physical examination methods discussed in this article can be performed easily and quickly and do not require any specialized or expensive equipment to perform.  相似文献   

Cats with feline leukemia virus (FeLV)-associated enteritis (FAE), enteritis of other known viral etiology (parvovirus [PV], enteric coronavirus [CoV]), and enteritis of unknown etiology with histologic features similar to those of FAE and PV enteritis (EUE) and FeLV-negative and FeLV-positive cats without enterocyte alterations were examined. Amount and types of infiltrating leukocytes in the jejunum and activity and cellular constituents of mesenteric lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow were determined. PV and CoV infections were confirmed by immunohistologic demonstration of PV and CoV antigen, ultrastructural demonstration of viral particles in the intestinal content, and in situ hybridization for PV genome. FeLV infection was detected by immunohistology for gp70, p27, and p15E. Latent FeLV infection was excluded by polymerase chain reaction methods for exogenous FeLV DNA. Enterocyte lesions involved the crypts in cats with PV enteritis, FAE, and EUE and the villous tips in cats with CoV enteritis. Inflammatory infiltration was generally dominated by mononuclear cells and was moderate in the unaltered intestine and in cats with PV enteritis and marked in cats with FAE, CoV enteritis, and EUE. In cats with EUE, myeloid/histiocyte antigen-positive macrophages were relatively numerous, suggesting recruitment of peripheral blood monocytes. Lymphoid tissues were depleted in cats with PV enteritis and with EUE but were normal or hyperplastic in cats with FAE. Bone marrow activity was decreased in cats with PV enteritis; in cats with FAE or EUE and in FeLV-positive cats without enterocyte alterations, activity was slightly increased. In cats with FAE and PV enteritis, a T-cell-dominated response prevailed. EUE showed some parallels to human inflammatory bowel disease, indicating a potential harmful effect of infiltrating macrophages on the intestinal epithelium.  相似文献   

Cats submitted for post-mortem examination have been studied for persistent FeLV infection using immune histological methods. Persistent FeLV infection turned out to cause the most frequent lethal infectious disease of the cat. In the post-mortem material, 16 per cent of the cats were found positive whereas 3 per cent can be assumed for the normal feline population. FeLV-positive animals die from FeLV-associated non-tumourous conditions in 75 per cent of the cases rather than from leucosis. The most important non-tumourous conditions are anaemia, feline infectious peritonitis, inflammation of the respiratory tract and liver degeneration. Important differences have been found between the various forms of leucosis which can also be distinguished in the small animal practice concerning their association with FeLV infection. Variations between 20 and 90 per cent have been found.  相似文献   

The radiological examination of the thoracolumbar spine of a horse with a potential back problem is most important in order to come to a diagnosis and the imaging method of choice. The use of parallel grid-cassettes, appropriate films, rare earth screens and aluminium filters requires radiographic equipment with an output of 60-120 kV and 25-90 mAs. By use of this technique in the standing horse it is possible to obtain radiographs of the summits of the dorsal spinal processes of the thoracolumbar spine from the first thoracic (T1) to approximately the third of fourth lumbar vertebrae (L3/4). Since the thickness of soft tissue is increasing from distal to proximal it is necessary to increase the output to image the processus articulares craniales et caudales. Therefore additional radiographs have to be taken.  相似文献   

Routine examination of the digestive system relevant to purchase includes gross examination of the feces, auscultation of the abdomen, and examination of the oral cavity and teeth for verification of age and identification of any gross abnormality. Further examination is indicated only when there is a history of diseases such as colic, especially colic surgery, or esophageal obstruction. Special procedures that might be indicated, depending upon the history and findings on the routine physical examination, include rectal palpation of the abdominal viscera; endoscopic examination of the esophagus; abdominal paracentesis; radiographs of the teeth, esophagus, or abdomen; and transabdominal or transrectal ultrasound.  相似文献   

A thorough examination of the cardiovascular system is an integral part of a physical examination in the horse. The normal equine cardiovascular parameters are discussed, with an emphasis on auscultatory findings. The availability and application of other diagnostic techniques are discussed based upon findings of the physical examination.  相似文献   

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