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A field population of brown planthoppers (Nilaparvata lugens St?l) was collected and selected for imidacloprid resistance in the laboratory. The resistance increased by 11.35 times in 25 generations and the resistance ratio reached 72.83 compared with a laboratory susceptible strain. The selected resistant strain showed obvious cross-resistance to all the acetylcholine receptor targeting insecticides tested (monosultap 1.44-fold, acetamiprid 1.61-fold, imidacloprid homologues JS599 2.46-fold and JS598 3.17-fold), but not to others. Further study demonstrated that TPP and DEM had no synergism on imidacloprid. However, PBO displayed significant synergism in some different strains, and the synergism increased with resistance (S strain 1.20, field population 1.43 and R strain 2.93). PBO synergism to cross-resistant insecticides was also found in the resistant strain (monosultap 1.25, acetamiprid 1.39, JS598 1.94 and JS599 2.02). We concluded that esterase and glutathione S-transferase play little role in imidacloprid detoxification. The increase of the P450-monooxygenases detoxification is an important mechanism for imidacloprid resistance and target resistance may also exist in this species.  相似文献   

Two Botrytis cinerea isolates, field captan-resistant and normal type, were grown in liquid medium for 4 days prior to captan application. The glutathione (GSH) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) of their mycelium and medium were analyzed at various times during the fifth day of their growth. Only slight differences in GSH levels between the isolates were observed, but marked differences in mycelial GSH were found in response to captan. Following the application of captan, less GSH was produced and after a longer lag period by the normal type of the fungus compared to the resistant isolate. This increase in the GSH level in the resistant isolate could make more nonvital thiol compound available for detoxifying captan and therefore prevent damage the fungicide could cause to the vital protein thiols of fungal cells.  相似文献   

为明确螺虫乙酯在湖北地区的抗性水平以及与其存在潜在交互抗性风险的常用药剂类型,采用着卵叶片浸渍法,于2013年对湖北省13个烟粉虱MEAM1和MED隐种地理种群对螺虫乙酯的抗药性进行了监测,并以室内敏感品系SUD-S为参照,对经螺虫乙酯连续17代抗性筛选的WH-2种群进行了交互抗性分析。结果表明:湖北省13个烟粉虱地理种群对螺虫乙酯均表现出极低的抗性,LC50介于0.015~0.081 mg/L之间;其中MED隐种WH-2种群对螺虫乙酯的抗性最高,LC50为0.081 mg/L。在室内用螺虫乙酯对MED隐种WH-2种群连续17代抗性筛选后,其对螺虫乙酯的抗性倍数上升约7倍。经螺虫乙酯筛选的WH-2种群对吡虫啉、乙酰甲胺磷、灭多威、氟氯氰菊酯、氰戊菊酯和氟啶虫胺腈均产生了低水平的交互抗性,抗性倍数分别为8.699、7.165、5.317、6.681、2.958、5.662倍,而对毒死蜱和阿维菌素无交互抗性。表明烟粉虱在湖北省部分地区对螺虫乙酯存在低水平抗性,且螺虫乙酯与部分常用杀虫剂存在交互抗性风险。  相似文献   

The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, is a key pest of many agricultural crops. Studies of stability of resistance, cross-resistance relationships and monitoring of chlorfenapyr resistance were carried out with T. urticae to provide basic information necessary to define effective acaricide resistance management strategies for this pest. Chlorfenapyr resistance was shown to be stable in the absence of selection pressure under laboratory conditions. The activities of seven different acaricides against chlorfenapyr-resistant and -susceptible strains of T. urticae were evaluated. The results indicated possible positive cross-resistance between chlorfenapyr and the acaricides abamectin, propargite and etoxazole. No cross-resistance was detected for the acaricides milbemectin, fenpyroximate and diafenthiuron. A possible negatively correlated cross-resistance was observed between chlorfenapyr and spiromesifen. The evaluation of 21 T. urticae populations from several crops in the States of São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Goiás, and Bahia, in Brazil, indicated that the susceptibility of mites to chlorfenapyr was variable, with percentages of resistant mites ranging from 0.0 to 86.5%. The highest resistance frequencies were observed in ornamental plants in the State of São Paulo. Some populations from cotton and papaya also presented high frequencies of chlorfenapyr resistance. This is the first report on chlorfenapyr resistance in T. urticae on cotton and papaya in Brazil. Strategies for the management of acaricide resistance are discussed.  相似文献   

Samenvatting In de literatuur zijn aanwijzingen te vinden, dat in bepaalde gevallen een schimmelaantasting tot staan gebracht kan worden door verhouting van de wanden van een aantal cellagen rondom de infectieplaats.Onderzocht werd of de doorvan Andel (1958) gevonden bescherming van komkommers tegenCladosporium cucumerinum—na toediening van,l-threo--phenylserine—toe te schrijven zou zijn aan een sterkere verhouting van de celwanden. Geconcludeerd werd, dat dit niet het geval is.Door dit onderzoek werd echter de aandacht gevestigd op de mogelijke betekenis van dit mechanisme voor de resistentie van bepaalde komkommerrassen. Om dit na te gaan werden geïnoculeerde en niet geïnoculeerde kiemplanten van het vatbare ras Lange gele Tros en het resistente ras Vios anatomisch onderzocht. Alleen in het geïnoculeerde resistente ras werd verhouting van schorsparenchymcellen waargenomen. Lignine-vorming kan dus inderdaad van belang zijn als mechanisme van actieve resistentie tegen pathogenen.In de laatste jaren zijn enige publikaties verschenen, waaruit blijkt dat de activiteit van het enzym peroxydase, dat de vorming van één van de tussenprodukten bij de vorming van lignine, katalyseert, toeneemt wanneer infectie van de plant optreedt. Het verschil tussen vatbaar en resistent zou in bepaalde gevallen kunnen berusten op het vermogen van de cellen rondom de infectieplaats, om in niet of wel voldoende mate het benodigde substraat te synthetiseren.  相似文献   

Resistance and cross-resistance to the spinosyns - A review and analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The spinosyns were introduced in 1997 with the launch of spinosad. Since then, there have been several cases of resistance to spinosad in the field populations of insect pest species that have resulted in reduced efficacy. There have also been a number of studies where spinosad-resistant insect strains were created and characterized in the laboratory. Likewise many studies examining resistance to a variety of other classes of insecticides have included spinosad in the evaluation of their cross-resistance spectrum. Understanding mechanisms of resistance and cross-resistance can provide the basis for developing insecticide resistance management programs, as well as defining the most appropriate tools to address potential resistance issues. This review provides an overview and analysis of resistance and cross-resistance to the spinosyns (spinosad and spinetoram). Although there are more than 30 examples of resistance to the spinosyns, only half of these are related to selection in the field. The majority of these field selected examples occur in either the diamondback moth or western flower thrips. There have also been over 85 studies investigating cross-resistance to the spinosyns. However, in half of these studies spinosad showed no cross-resistance, and in another third of the total studies spinosad cross-resistance was minimal. Therefore, while resistance and cross-resistance to the spinosyns does occur, it is appears to be more limited in impact than might be implied from the large body of literature on the subject.  相似文献   

A 110-fold acetamiprid-resistant Plutella xylostella (L) strain was established after four selection experiments (in five generations) on a 9.5-fold resistant colony in the laboratory. The resistant strain did not show cross-resistance to chlorfluazuron or Bacillus thuringiensis subsp kurstaki Berliner, but displayed low resistance to cartap and phenthoate.  相似文献   

A susceptible strain of diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.), was used to select for resistance to tebufenozide in the laboratory. After continuous selection with tebufenozide 17 times during 35 generations, a resistant strain was achieved with high resistance to tebufenozide (RR 93.8). Bioassay revealed that this strain showed high cross-resistance to abamectin (RR 35.7), methoxyfenozide (29.1) and JS118 (16.5), and a little to deltamethrin (3.9), but no obvious cross-resistance was found to cypermethrin (1.3), fipronil (1.3), trichlorfon (1.1), chlorfenapyr (1.0), phoxim (0.9) and acephate (0.8). The resistant and susceptible insects had similar development rates, but life table tests indicated that the resistant strain showed reproductive disadvantages, including decreased copulation rate, reproductivity and hatchability. When compared with the susceptible strain, the resistant insects had a relative fitness of only 0.3. This indicated that tebufenozide resistance selected under laboratory conditions had considerable fitness costs in this pest, and therefore rotational use of insecticides without cross-resistance is recommended to delay development of resistance.  相似文献   

A biotype of Amaranthus retroflexus L. is the first weed in Israel to develop resistance to acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicides. The resistant biotype (Su-R) was collected from Ganot, a site that had been treated for more than 3 consecutive years with sulfometuron-methyl + simazine. On the whole-plant basis, the resistance ratio ( ED50 Su-R)/( ED50 Su-S) was 6–127 for sulfonylureas, 4–63 for imidazolinones, 20–35 for triazolopyrimidines and 11 for pyrithiobac-sodium. Similar levels of resistance were found also when the herbicides were applied before emergence. Based on a root elongation bioassay, Su-R was 3240-fold more resistant to sulfometuron-methyl than Su-S. In vitro studies have shown that the Su-R biotype was resistant at the enzyme level to all ALS inhibitors tested. The nucleotide sequences of two amplified regions between the Su-S and the Su-R differed in only one nucleotide. One substitution has occurred in domain A, cytosine by thymine (C C C to C T C) at position 248, that confers an exchange of the amino acid proline in the susceptible to leucine in the Su-R. The proline to leucine change in domain A is the only difference in the amino acid primary structure of the regions sequenced, indicating that it is responsible for the ALS-inhibitor resistance observed.  相似文献   

A field population of Plutella xylostella (L) from Pakistan was found to be highly resistant to deltamethrin (>500-fold) but had little or no resistance to spinosad, fipronil, indoxacarb, abamectin, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) var kurstaki, Bt var aizawai or Cry1Ac when compared with a susceptible laboratory population, Lab-UK. A sub-population was selected for six generations (laboratory G3-G8) with deltamethrin (delta-SEL), while a second sub-population was left unselected (UNSEL). Bioassays at G9 found that selection with deltamethrin gave resistance ratios of >230 compared with UNSEL (>6730 compared with Lab-UK). The delta-selected population showed no apparent cross-resistance to spinosad, fipronil or indoxacarb. Logit regression analysis of F1 reciprocal crosses between delta-SEL and Lab-UK indicated that resistance to deltamethrin in the delta-SEL population was inherited as an autosomal, incompletely dominant (D(LC) = 0.67) trait. A direct test of monogenic inheritance based on a back-cross of F1 progeny with delta-SEL suggested that resistance to deltamethrin was controlled by more than one factor.  相似文献   

Kim YJ  Lee SH  Lee SW  Ahn YJ 《Pest management science》2004,60(10):1001-1006
A field colony of the Two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae (Koch), resistant to fenpyroximate was further selected with fenpyroximate 5SC for 20 generations at a selection pressure of 30-50% mortality (designated as FR-20 strain). Resistance and cross-resistance levels of the FR-20 strain to 18 acaricides were determined using a spray method. The FR-20 strain was extremely resistant to fenpyroximate [resistance ratio (RR) 252]. The strain exhibited extremely strong positive cross-resistance to acrinathrin (RR 196), and high levels of resistance to benzoximate (RR 55) and propargite (RR 64). Moderate levels of cross-resistance (RR 11-40) to abamectin, fenbutatin oxide, fenpropathrin, pyridaben, pyridaben + bifenthrin and tebufenpyrad were observed. The FR-20 strain showed low levels of resistance (RR < 10) to azocyclotin, bromopropylate, chlorfenapyr, chlorfenapyr + bifenthrin, chlorfenapyr + pyridaben, dicofol, fenazaquin and milbemectin. Synergist experiments with different metabolic inhibitors revealed that piperonyl butoxide had the greatest effect on the efficacy of fenpyroximate, followed by iprobenfos and triphenyl phosphate. In a comparative assay with detoxifying enzymes, the FR-20 strain showed 2.5-fold higher activity in p-nitroanisole-O-demethylation, and 2.5- and 2.2-fold higher activities in alpha- and beta-naphthyl acetate hydrolysis, respectively. These results suggested that enhanced activities of both mixed-function oxidases and esterases likely contribute to the fenpyroximate resistance of the FR-20 strain of T urticae.  相似文献   

Venturia nashicola is the causal agent of scab, a fungal disease affecting Asian pears. The Japanese pear cv. ‘Kousui’ is highly susceptible to the race 1 of this fungus whereas the cv. ‘Kinchaku’ and the non-host European pear cv. ‘Flemish Beauty’ are resistant. The aim of this work is to investigate the role of polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins (PGIPs) of pear during the interactions with V. nashicola leading to susceptibility or resistance. PGIP protein was detected from immature fruit of Kousui and Kinchaku. It showed a molecular mass of 42 kDa that shifted to 35 kDa after chemical deglycosylation. The gene pgip was amplified by PCR using genomic DNA and/or cDNA from young leaves of Kousui, Kinchaku, and European pear cvs. Flemish Beauty, ‘Bartlett’, and an Asian wild pear strain ‘Mamenashi 12’, then sequenced after sub-cloning. Some conserved variations were identified in the sequence indicating that gene family also exists in pgip of Japanese pear and confirmed by Southern blot analysis. The expression of PGIP was studied in scab-inoculated leaves of the susceptible Kousui and the resistant Kinchaku and Flemish Beauty. pgip Gene and its encoding protein were highly and rapidly activated in these resistant plants. In addition, PGIP extracts derived from Kinchaku and Flemish Beauty partially inhibited the activity of polygalacturonase (PG) from V. nashicola suggesting a possible role of PGIP in limiting fungal growth frequently observed in these resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

为了解我国不同地区棉蚜Aphis gossypii对吡虫啉和氟啶虫胺腈的抗性现状,对代表性棉区棉蚜田间种群进行抗药性监测,同时通过构建具有R81T及V62I单突变和R81T-V62I共同突变的棉蚜烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体(nicotinic acetylcholine receptor,nAChR)蛋白模型,与吡虫啉和氟啶虫胺腈进行分子对接,分析这些突变在吡虫啉和氟啶虫胺腈抗性中的作用,并分析吡虫啉和氟啶虫胺腈之间是否存在交互抗性。结果显示,不同地区棉蚜对吡虫啉产生了高水平抗性,抗性倍数为174.70~56 409.18,对氟啶虫胺腈产生了低至中等水平抗性,抗性倍数为7.35~44.63,说明不同地区的棉蚜对氟啶虫胺腈的敏感度高于吡虫啉,且吡虫啉抗性和氟啶虫胺腈抗性间不存在相关性。R81T、V62I单突变和R81T-V62I共同突变导致吡虫啉与棉蚜nAChR的亲和力降低,对氟啶虫胺腈与棉蚜n AChR的结合无明显影响。R81T及V62I单突变和R81T-V62I共同突变导致棉蚜对吡虫啉产生靶标抗性,但是对氟啶虫胺腈的抗性无明显影响,这些突变不会导致吡虫啉与氟啶虫胺腈产生靶标突变的交互抗性。  相似文献   

In an in vivo study, the rate of iodide oxidation by horseradish peroxidase was found to be reduced by the addition of ammonium thiocyanate to the system. The seleetive herbicidal activity of sodium iodide towards dwarf bean, pea, kale and cabbage was tested while the poicnlial ihioeyanale conteni of these platits was measured, A good relationship between inereasmg thiocyanale content and inereasing resistance to iodide was observed.  相似文献   

Model experiments were carried out with the tomato varieties Moneymaker (no resistance genes), Leaf Mould Resister No. 1 (resistance gene Cf 1), Vetomold (resistance gene Cf 2) and V 473 (resistance genes Cf 1 and Cf 2) and various physiological races ofCladosporium fulvum. Leaking of32P from labelled leaf disks, was obtained on infiltration with high molecular weight excretion products from incompatible races ofC. fulvum but not with those from compatible races. These products were obtained by Sephadex G-25 gel filtration of culture filtrates.The observations are in line with our hypothesis that the gene-for-gene relation existing between tomato andC. fulvum is based on interaction of specific fungal excretion products with specific receptors in the host which may be located in the cell membrane. The presence of these fungal compounds is supposed to be controlled by four avirulence genes (A1, A2, A3 and A4) and that of the receptors by the four resistance genes (Cf 1, Cf 2, Cf 3 and Cf 4). Results obtained from experiments with tomatoes Cf 1, Cf 2 and Cf 1 Cf 2 suggest that leakage followed by the hypersensitivity reaction occurs whenC. fulvum races possessing a specific avirulence allele penetrate into a host carrying the corresponding resistance allele.It is not yet clear why growth ofC. fulvum is stopped when leakage of the host tissue resulting in the hypersensitive reaction takes place. No compound toxic toC. fulvum is present or is formed in homogenates of tomato leaves.Samenvatting Modelproeven werden uitgevoerd met de tomatenvariëteiten Moneymaker (geen resistentiegenen), Leaf Mould Resister No. 1 (resistentiegen Cf 1), Vetomold (resistentiegen Cf 2), V 473 (resistentiegen Cf 1 en Cf 2) en verschillende fysiologischen rassen vanCladosporium fulvum. Bladponsjes van radioactief gemerkte bladeren (gemerkt met32P) werden geïnfiltreerd en geïncubeerd met cultuurfiltraatfracties (fractionering over Sephadex G-25) vanC.fluvum. Waargenomen werd dat ponsjes, behandeld met cultuurfiltraat van een niet compatibeleC.fulvum, een grotere uitlek van radioactief gemerkt materiaal te zien gaven dan in de, gevallen waarin een compatibele schimmel werd gebruikt.Deze waarnemingen stemden overeen met onze hypothese dat de gen-om-gen relatie die bestaat tussen tomaten enC.fulvum, gebaseerd, is op een interactie van specifieke schimmelprodukten met specifieke receptoren in de plantencellen, mogelijk in de membranen. De produktie van de specifieke stoffen door de schimmel zou worden bepaald door vier avirulentiegenen (A1, A2, A3 en A4), en de aanwezigheid van de specifieke receptoren in de plantencel door de vier resistentiegenen Cf 1, Cf 2, Cf 3 en Cf 4.De waarnemingen, verkregen uit de proeven met de tomaten Cf 1, Cf 2 en Cf 1 Cf 2, doen vermoeden dat de uitlek een gevolg is van een overgevoeligheidsreactie die optreedt, indien een fysio vanC.fulvum, dat een specifiek avirulentie allel bezit, een gastheer binnendringt die beschikt over een bijpassend resistentie allel.Het is tot nu toe niet duidelijk waarom de groei vanC.fulvum stopt indien, uitlek op gaat treden als gevolg van de overgevoeligheidsreactie. In homogenaten van tomatenbladeren werd geen stof gevonden die de groei vanC.fulvum remt.  相似文献   

转Bt基因抗虫作物在害虫综合防治中发挥重要作用,是新一代植物保护产品,其抗虫性能和经济效益已得到普遍肯定。然而由于转基因抗虫植物在整个生育阶段高水平的表达Bt杀虫蛋白,有可能会导致害虫对Bt杀虫蛋白产生抗性,抗性的产生将严重影响Bt植物的应用。田间已经发现小菜蛾Plutella xylostella(Linnaeus)对Bt杀虫剂产生了抗性,实验室人工汰选条件下已经有多种害虫对Bt杀虫蛋白产生了抗性,并对抗性产生的机制进行了研究,目前主要认为害虫产生抗性与杀虫蛋白与中肠细胞上受体蛋白结合能力的改变以及Bt杀虫蛋白在中肠的水解作用的变化有关,但抗性产生的机制还与其它因素有关,估计是多方面因素造成的,因此,抗性机制的产生还不十分清楚。目前已经制订了“高剂量+庇护所”和多基因策略等一系列有效抗性治理策略,这些策略还需要在深入研究并阐明抗性机制的基础上,进一步完善,以实现Bt抗虫植物在害虫防治中的可持续利用。  相似文献   

After inoculation of elms withCeratocystis ulmi tylose formation in vessels of the susceptible clone Belgica appeared to be delayed in comparison with tylose formation in the resistant clone 390. It is suggested that tylose formation may be a resistance mechanism in elms to Dutch elm disease.Samenvatting Na inoculatie van iepen metCeratocystis ulmi bleek de thyllenvorming te zijn vertraagd in de vaten van de vatbare kloon Belgica in vergelijking met de thyllenvorming in de resistente kloon 390 (Fig. 1). Thyllenvorming zou een resistentie mechanisme kunnen zijn tegen de iepziekte.  相似文献   

Kim SG  Kim KW  Park EW  Choi D 《Phytopathology》2002,92(10):1095-1103
ABSTRACT Locations of silicon accumulation in rice leaves and its possible association with resistance to rice blast were investigated by electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis. A blast-susceptible cultivar, Jinmi, and a partially resistant cultivar, Hwaseong, were grown under a hydroponic culture system with modified Yoshida's nutrient solution containing 0, 50, 100, and 200 ppm of silicon. Electron-dense silicon layers were frequently found beneath the cuticle in epidermal cell walls of silicon-treated plants. Increasing levels of silicon were detected in the outer regions of epidermal cell walls. Silicon was present mainly in epidermal cell walls, middle lamellae, and intercellular spaces within subepidermal tissues. Furthermore, silicon was prevalent throughout the leaf surface, with relatively small deposition on stomatal guard cells in silicon-treated plants. Silicon accumulation and epidermal cell wall thickness in leaves were greater in cv. Jinmi than in cv. Hwaseong. However, the thickness ratios of the silicon layers to epidermal cell walls were greater in cv. Hwaseong (53.25 to 93.28%) than in cv. Jinmi (36.58 to 66.54%). Leaf blast severity was lower in cv. Hwaseong than in cv. Jinmi and was significantly reduced in silicon-treated plants of both cultivars. These results suggest that silicon-induced cell wall fortification of rice leaves may be closely associated with enhanced host resistance to blast.  相似文献   

Samenvatting In cultuurfiltraten vanVenturia inaequalis, de verwekker van appelschurft, werden stoffen gevonden die toxisch zijn voor blad van appelrassen welke tegen dit physio resistent zijn. Blad van vatbare rassen is ongevoelig. De resistentie komt tot stand doordat deze toxische werking in het blad de vorming veroorzaakt van fungicide oxydatie-producten van phloridzine. Op grond van deze waarnemingen kan een mogelijke interpretatie van de gen-om-gen relatie bij deze plant-parasietverhouding worden opgesteld.  相似文献   

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