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Ovarian fragments from both primed (gonadotrophin treated) and unprimed female carp were incubated either with or without carp hypophysial homogenate and steroid hormone production measured. In incubations without hypophysial homogenate, production of all the steroids measured was either very low or nondetectable and there was no significant difference between tissue from primed and unprimed fish. In the presence of carp hypophysial homogenate a very significant increase in production of testosterone, 17-hydroxyprogesterone and testosterone glucuronide was observed, but there was no significant difference between primed and unprimed fish. 17,20-Dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20P) was not stimulated by carp hypophysial homogenatein vitro in ovaries from unprimed fish, but a very significant increase in production of this hormone was observed in tissue from fish which had received a priming dose of pituitary hormone. It is suggested that the priming dose of pituitary extract used in the normal hypophysation procedure to induce ovulation in teleosts initiates the potential for synthesis of 17,20P in response to later gonadotrophin challenge, and that this initiation may be related to the migration of the germinal vesicle.A preliminary account of these results was presented at the Fish Culture Conference, Barcelona, August 1985 (Kime and Bieniarz 1985).  相似文献   

Goldfish, carp and trout gills were incubated with 3H-17-hydroxyprogesterone (17P). With goldfish gills, the metabolites were 17,20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20P; 82%), 17,20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20P; 8%), 11-ketotestosterone (KT) glucuronide (5.4%) and 17,20P glucuronide (0.2%). Sulfates were not detected. Carp gills converted 17P into 17,20P (11.2%), 17,20P (9.6%), KT (8.4%), glucuronides of 17,20P (1.3%) and 17,20P (1.6%) and sulfates of 17,20P (5.1%) and 17,20P (7.2%). 17,20P (38% free, 1.8% glucuronide and 21.1% sulfate) was the sole metabolite of 3H-17P in trout gill incubations. In the presence of high (10; µg ml-1) substrate concentration, cyprinid gills gave predominantly free 17,20P, while trout gills yielded only free 17,20P. Production of 17,20P, predominantly as its sulfate, from endogenous precursors was demonstrated in trout gills but was not stimulated by trout primary extract. Our results demonstrate for the first time the steroidogenic potential of teleost gills and suggest that they may play a role in secretion of pheromones in some species.  相似文献   

In this study, developmental changes in the steroidogenic capacity of testicular fragments and isolated ovarian follicles of a hybrid sturgeon, Bester, at a variety stage of developments were examined. Testicular fragments or isolated ovarian follicles were incubated in L-15 medium in the presence or absence of different concentrations of five preparations; forskolin, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), pregnenolone (P5), 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) and testosterone (T) for 18 h at 15 °C. After incubation, concentrations of 11-ketotestosterone (11 KT) (testis) and, 17-estradiol (E2) (ovarian follicles) and 17,20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (DHP) (testis and ovarian follicles) were measured. 11KT was detected in the media following incubation with P5, 17OHP and T. Its concentration was higher during late spermatogenesis and prespermiation and lower at the degeneration stage. Both P5 and 17OHP were converted to DHP during the prespermiation stage. Forskolin had little stimulatory effect on the synthesis of 11KT and DHP and HCG did not induce the production of these steroids.E2 was detected in the medium following incubation of follicles with P5, 17OHP and T at all stages of oocyte development. The concentration of E2 in the medium increased during vitellogenesis with the peak production occurring at the tertiary yolk stage. In contrast, the potencies of follicles to produce steroids shifted to the production of DHP during migratory nucleus stage. Forskolin and HCG had little effect on the synthesis of E2 and DHP. These results demonstrated that the failure of spontaneous spermiation or ovulation is not due to the insufficient synthesis of DHP, but may due to the lack of availability of precursors.  相似文献   

The plasma levels of estradiol-17 (E2), 17, 20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20-P) and gonadotropin (GTH) were measured in brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) during the period from the end of vitellogenesis to postovulation. Blood samples were taken according to specific stages of maturation, including germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) and ovulation. E2 levels were quite high (45 ng/ml) at the end of vitellogenesis (and prior to GVBD) and dropped precipitously by GVBD (2 ng/ml). They remained low through ovulation and postovulation. 17,20-P levels were low prior to GVBD (0.7 ng/ml) and increased dramatically at GVBD (148 ng/ml). The levels of 17,20-P remained high at ovulation (142 ng/ml) and then dropped significantly within 24 h to approximately half of the ovulatory values. They decreased even further by 7 days postovulation. GTH levels rose gradually through GVBD and ovulation from a postvitellogenic level of approximately 3 ng/ml to a 7 day postovulatory value of approximately 10 ng/ml. The overall results; 1) decrease in estradiol prior to GVBD, 2) increase in 17,20-P at GVBD and 3) gradual GTH rise through GVBD and ovulation, are similar to those reported for other salmonids.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of sex steroids on spermiation in protandrous male black porgy, Acanthopagrus schlegeli. Experiments on common carp (Cyprinus carpio) were also conducted for comparison. Fifty male black porgy were divided into 5 groups and injected with a superactive analogue of mammalian luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH-A), 17,20,21-trihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (20-S), 17,20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20-DHP), 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) or saline. The dosage of the sex steroids given on days 0, 2, 4 and 6 was 330, 330, 990 and 1980 µg kg-1 body weight, respectively. Milt volume and sperm concentrations were measured on days 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. Similar treatments were also conducted in 45 male common carp. Milt volume was significantly increased in black porgy after treatment with 20-S and 17,20-DHP; 17,20-DHP had stimulatory effects on spermiation at a lower dose (900 µg kg-1 body weight, p < 0.05) as compared to 20-S (1980 µg kg-1 body weight, p < 0.01). In the common carp, milt volume was also increased after treatment with LHRH-A and 17,20-DHP but not with 20-S. 17,20-DHP stimulated spermiation at a lower dose in common carp (330 µg kg-1 body weight) than in black porgy (990 µg kg-1 body weight). However, 11-KT did not stimulate spermiation in black porgy or common carp. The concentrations of plasma 11-KT could immediately reflect to the administration of exogenous 11-KT in black porgy.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of a drop in water temperature (18 °C to 9 °C in 24 h) on the pituitary and interrenal hormones of the gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata. The in vitro sensitivity of the interrenal tissue to ACTH, plasma levels of cortisol, ACTH, -MSH, GH, glucose, lactate and ions were determined. In vitro ACTH, stimulated the release of cortisol from isolated interrenal glands from control gilthead sea bream in a concentration dependent fashion. However, the interrenal cells were less sensitive to ACTH as soon as 24 h following the onset of the temperature drop. At this time, plasma cortisol and ACTH levels were raised, and plasma GH concentrations were decreased, whereas no significant changes were found in plasma -MSH. After 96 h plasma ACTH levels had recovered whereas plasma cortisol levels were still higher than controls after 8 days of the beginning of the experiment. Interrenal sensitivity had recovered after 8 days. The results may help to clarify the relationship between the stress response and the aetiology of the winter syndrome in sea bream.  相似文献   

Ovarian follicles taken from sexually maturing rainbow trout at the mid-vitellogenic stage of ovarian development were incubated in vitro in the presence or absence of melatonin or somatostatin-14 (SRIF-14) to determine whether there is evidence of a direct action of these factors on gonadal steroidogenesis in fishes. The steroidogenic capacity of the ovarian follicles was assessed by measuring testosterone (T) and 17-estradiol (E2) release into the incubation medium, and by examining the steroid metabolites produced following incubation of follicles with radiolabelled steroid precursors.Melatonin appears to elicit a biphasic effect on steroidogenesis by in vitro rainbow trout ovarian follicles; at a concentration of 1 × 10–3 M, melatonin stimulated basal T and E2 production, but at a concentration of 1 × 10–2 M there was an inhibition of basal and sGtH-stimulated T and E2 Melatonin may act to reduce the activity of specific steroidogenic enzymes, since there was evidence of melatonin at 1 × 10–2 M enhancing the accumulation of [3H]17-hydroxyprogesterone in the medium following incubation with [3H]pregnenolone, possibly suggesting the inhibition of C17,20-lyase activity. In contrast, SRIF-14, used at concentrations of 1 × 10–8 M and 1 × 10–6 M, had no effect on basal or sGtH-stimulated E2 or T production by ovarian follicles, incubated in vitro.  相似文献   

To investigate whether PCB 126 exposure duringembryonic development induces an endocrine stressresponse in larval carp, eggs were exposed,containing 0.01% ethanol (vehicle-control), 10-11,immediately after fertilization, for 48 h to water10-10 or 10-9 mol l-1 PCB in 0.01% ethanol. Eggsincubated in water served as controls. After transferto PCB-free water, mortality, the incidence ofyolk-sac and pe-ricardial oedema, wet and dry weight,rate of skin pigmentation, and whole-body contents ofthe stress hormones ACTH, -MSH and cortisol weredetermined at 48, 96, 144, 168, 192 and 216 hpost-fertilization. Except for the dry weight, allparameters of animals exposed to 10-10 and 10-9 moll-1 PCB increased in a concentration-related manner.However, these changes became evident only at 144 hpost-fertilization, i.e. after resorption of theyolk-sac. Swelling of the yolk sac and pericardiumoccurred, and whole-body ACTH, -MSH and cortisollevels increased. Although animals exposed to 10-10and 10-9 mol l-1 PCB displayed stable but elevatedwhole-body ACTH and -MSH levels until 216 h,whole-body cortisol concentrations gradually decreasedfrom 168 h post-fertilization, and were significantlybelow control values at 216 h post-fertilization.Exposure of the carp embryos to 10-11 mol l-1 PCB only increased whole-body -MSH levels. Increased whole-body ACTH and cortisol levels indicate that PCBinduces a stress response in carp larvae, possiblymediated by a disturbed hydromineral balance (oedema).We further suggest that the PCB-stimulated bodypigmentation is mediated by a stimulation of -MSHsecretion.  相似文献   

The presence of 17,20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20-DHP) oocyte receptor activity has been demonstrated in brook troutSalvelinus fontinalis. Scatchard analyses of the cytosol fraction during various terminal stages of oocyte maturation gave a high equilibrium association constant (Ka) value of 1.394±0.669 108M–1 (n=7) and low maximum binding capacities (Nmax). The association kinetics of the receptor was second order k+1=2.292×106M–1 sec–1. The dissociation rate constant ka was 1.502×10–2 sec–1 for the first order dissociation reaction. The Ka=1.526×108M–1, when it was determined from k+1/k–1 a value close to that found from the Scatchard analysis. Competition studies showed the following binding affinities testosterone > 17-HP > 17,20-DHP > Promegestone > progesterone > estradiol > pregnenolone; cortisol showed no competitive inhibition. Cytosolic extracts when pre-equilibrated with various labelled steroids and eluted from a Sephacryl S-300 column gave multiple specific binding peaks. On sucrose density gradient centrifugation specific binding was observed at 3.05 S in cytosol containing 0.15M sodium chloride buffer. The receptor lost binding activity when incubated with various proteases, but DNase and RNase had no effect. Blood plasma without heparin at (110) dilution also bound [3H]17,20-DHP, Ka was 8.04×107 M–1.The nuclear pellet extract (750×g) gave very little specific binding activity even at high radiolabelled steroid concentrations and a linear Scatchard plot was not obtained. Nevertheless the nuclear extract, after dextran-charcoal treatment, pre-equilibrated with [3H]17,20-DHP, bound specifically to DNA cellulose, and cytosol from the same oocytes also bound to DNA cellulose under similar conditions. Although specific binding to DNA cellulose was obtained the salt concentrations at which the steroid-receptor complex elution took place was not reproducible in both nuclear extracts and cytosol samples. Also binding activity was extremely small compared to the total cytosolic binding. The nuclear extract when pre-equilibrated with high concentrations (20 nM) of the labelled steroid and then chromatographed on Sephacryl S-300 column gave a specific binding peak which was similar to that of the cytosolic preparation.The receptor levels in cytosol decreased progressively during final maturation (Stages 1–7). There is preliminary evidence for the presence of 17,20-DHP receptor activity in cytosol of landlocked Atlantic salmonSalmo salar ouananiche, and rainbow troutSalmo gairdneri. The zona radiata fraction from late stages oocyes 5, 6, and 7 in brook and rainbow trout oocytes were isolated by ultracentrifugation; from this fraction a protein was characterized which covalently bound [3H]R5020 after photoaffinity labelling. The same protein also bound [3H]17,20-DHP after solubilization in Brig 35 buffer. The SDS gel electrophoresis subunit composition of the above protein was similar to the cytosol counterpart binding [3H]17,20-DHP, although the molecular weights were different. The blood sample [3H]R5020 binding component subunit composition was different from that of the membrane extracted protein. These results demonstrate the presence of 17,20-DHP receptor activity in the cytosol and zona radiata membranes of the oocytes during final maturation.A. Maneckjee is presently NSERC postgraduate scholar at MSRL and Ph.D. candidate at Department of Biochemistry, Memorial University of Newfoundland.  相似文献   

17-estradiol, 17-20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17-20-P), and testosterone levels were measured in plasma samples obtained from vitellogenic coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) before and 32 days after injection of the aromatase inhibitor Fadrozole (AI). Plasma 17-estradiol levels decreased significantly 6 h after injection in all AI treated fish. The higher the dose the longer the maintenance of low plasma 17-estradiol levels. Inversely, plasma 17-20-P increased significantly 6 h after injection in all AI treated fish, and the higher the dose the longer the maintenance of high plasma 17-20-P levels. At 48 h after injection plasma testosterone levels were significantly higher in the AI treated groups. The oocyte maturation index showed that multiple injections with AI retarded oocyte development. Besides, oocyte diameter and GSI were lower in the same group, which presented high incidence of atresia of vitellogenic oocytes. The ovarian follicles and brain of the fish which received multiple injections secreted less 17-estradiol, in vitro. These findings suggest that aromatase inhibitors such as Fadrozole may have a potential as a tool to regulate sexual development in salmon.  相似文献   

Thein vitro secretion of 17,20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one 20-sulphate (17,20-P-sulphate) and the free steroid 17,20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20-P), by rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) gonads, in response to gonadotropin (GTH) I and GTH II, were studied during the final stages of sexual maturation. Substantial amounts of 17,20-P-sulphate were produced, by both mature ovaries and testes, indicating considerable 20-hydroxysteroid sulphotransferase (20-HST) activity within these tissues. In the post-ovulatory ovary the level of 17,20-P-sulphate (36.6 ng ml–1) greatly exceeded that of 17,20-P (8.59 ng ml–1). The amount of 17,20-P-sulphate produced in incubations of both mature ovary and testes was unaffected by either GTH I or GTH II treatment at physiological concentrations up to 100 ng ml–1. Similarly, incubations of maturing ovary and testes, treated with GTH I or GTH II, in the presence of added 17,20-P at 100 ng ml–1 of medium, produced levels of 17,20-P-sulphate that were similar to those of the controls. In incubations of mature ovarian follicles at the stages of germinal vesicle breakdown and preovulation, both GTHs significantly stimulated secretion of 17,20-P, although GTH II was always more potent than GTH I. GTH II significantly elevated the levels of 17,20-P in testicular incubations from mature males more than 4-fold relative to GTH I and controls, which did not differ from one another.In conclusion, 20-HST, the enzyme responsible for the sulphate conjugation of 17,20-P, was found to be active in the ovaries and testes of rainbow troutin vitro. However, the levels of this enzyme do not appear to be regulated by either GTH I or GTH II.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, male parr were implanted with Silastic capsules filled with different aromatase inhibitors: 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione (ATD), 4-hydroxy-4-androstene-3,17-dione (4OH), and the non-steroidal CGS16949 A, 4-benzonitrile monohydrochloride (CGS). Aromatization in brain homogenates were lower in salmon implanted with CGS and ATD than in controls. This was not the case for 4OH, but administration of 4OH to brain homogenates reduced the aromatase activity. All three aromatase inhibitors had effected gonadal weights in fish sampled in the summer, but the effects were markedly different among inhibitors. Plasma levels of the androgen 11-ketotestosterone (11KT) and the progestin 17, 20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20P) were measured by means of radioimmunoassay. CGS and ATD, but not 4OH, significantly decreased the plasma 17,20P levels in the autumn. Plasma levels of 11 KT were not influenced by ATD or CGS treatment, but 4OH had a lowering effect in one autumn sampling. ATD and 4OH (CGS not tested) increased the proportion of maturing males.These findings suggest that aromatization is of physiological importance in different mechanisms controlling reproduction in salmon.  相似文献   

Repeated injections of salmon pituitary extract (20 mg per fish per week) induced vitellogenesis in feminized, cultivated Japanese eels (Anguilla japonica). Oocytes were attained at the migratory nucleus stage after 11 or 12 injections. Addition of 17,20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (DHP) into the incubation medium induced germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) in the oocytes at the migratory nucleus stage. An injection of DHP (2 µg g-1 BW), given 24h after an injection of salmon pituitary extract (20 mg fish-1), succeeded in inducing maturation and ovulation in females which contained occytes at the migratory nucleus stage. Most fish ovulated 15–18h following the DHP injection. Eggs that were ovulated within 15h after the DHP injection showed high fertility and hatchability, but eggs ovulated 18 or 21h after the DHP injection, showed considerably lower fertility and hatchability. A delay between ovulation and stripping of the eggs rapidly decreased both the fertility and hatchability within 6–9h after ovulation, indicating that artificial fertilization must be carried out immediately after ovulation. Repeated injections of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) at a concentration of 1 IU g-1 BW week-1 induced spermatogenesis, spermiation, and the acquisition of potential for sperm motility in cultivated males. Most males spermiated after the fifth or sixth injection of hCG, and the milt weight gradually increased and remained constant (1–2 g) from the 11th to 31th injection. Sperm motility peaked 24h after each weekly injection, and decreased from the 3rd day after the injection. Potassium ions are an essential constituent for the maintenance of motility in the eel spermatozoa. Artificial seminal plasma containing 15.2 mM KCl is applicable as a milt diluent. Using these techniques developed for female and male eels, we have succeeded in obtaining many fertilized eggs from cultivated eels.  相似文献   

Cytosol from brook trout ovarian follicles (stages 1–3) was photoaffinity (PA) labelled using synthetic progestin 17,21-dimethyl-19-nor-pregn-4,9-diene-3,20-dione ([3H]R5020). The covalently bound cytosol protein had a relative mass of 501,000 Mr following Sephacryl S-300 column chromatography. The zona radiata membrane fraction from brook trout oocytes which had gone through the first phase of meiotic maturation (stages 6–7) was isolated by ultracentrifugation of the whole oocytes. The zona radiata solubilized protein presumably from the oocyte membrane was also PA labelled and found to give a peak at 355,000 Mr. The SDS PAGE of the cytosol and zona radiata PA labelled protein gave very similar subunits indicating that the membrane protein and the cytosol protein, both of which bind the maturation inducing steroid (MIS) 17,20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20-DHP), have similar subunit structures. The isolated zona radiata protein showed cooperativity of binding to [3H]17,20-DHP and PA labelling to [3H]R5020. The association constant (Ka) was 2.0×107M–1 and maximum binding capacity (Nmax) 427 fmoles/mg protein with MIS [3H]17,20-DHP.No evidence for nuclear binding of MIS [3H]17,20-DHP or PA labelling of [3H]R5020 to nuclei was observed. The nuclei were isolated from stages 1 and 3 fresh ovarian follicles of brook trout. The experimental evidence presented demonstrates the presence of MIS 17,20-DHP receptor-like protein from the zona radiata membranes by PA labelling in brook trout oocytes during final stages of maturation.  相似文献   

In order to specify the timing of some changes in ovarian steroid production during the transition from vitellogenesis to ovulation, plasma hormones levels andin vivo andin vitro responses of the ovary to salmon gonadotropin (s-GtH) or dibutyryl-cyclic adenosine mono-phosphate (db-cAMP) were recorded in relationship with the state of germinal vesicle migration in the oocyte.In vivo, a small, but significant, increase of plasma 17-hydroxy-20-dihydroprogesterone (17, 20-OH-P) level was detected earlier (at the subperipheral germinal vesicle stage) than the increase of GtH level (detectable at the peripheral germinal vesicle stage) and the decline of oestradiol-17 (E2–17) (also detectable at the peripheral germinal vesicle stage). Negative correlations were established between E2–17 levels and GtH (=–0.53) or 17,20-OH-P (=–0,43) levels while a positive correlation occurred between 17,20-OH-P and GtH levels (=+0,54).In vivo no action of GtH on the decline of E2–17 levels was detected GtH did not stimulate 17,20-OH-P production, within 72h, in females at the end of vitellogenesis stage. It had significant effect in females at other stages closer to ovulation, but the pattern of responses changed according to the stage.In vitro db-cAMP like GtH was able to stimulate 17,20-OH-P output from ovarian follicles. The greatest response was observed at the later stage. (GVBD). Testosterone output was also increased by GtH, but the lowest response was observed at the later stage (GVBD). Androstenedione output was lower than testosterone output.In vitro, a small but significant decline of E2–17 output was induced by GtH. We conclude that substantial changes occur during the very last stages prior to ovulation, both in the steroidogenic potential of the ovary and in the ovarian sensitivity to GtH. 20-oxydoreductase is probably progressively induced during GV migration when GtH basal levels are increasing but still relatively low. Without minimizing the role of discrete pulses of GtH on this induction, we could expect synergic actions of other hormones. Thus a high testosterone/oestradiol ratio in the follicle environment favours 17,20-OH-P secretion.  相似文献   

Salmon pituitary glands contain two structurally distinct -subunit proteins (1 and 2) of glycoprotein hormones: the 2-subunit is common to all salmon gonadotropins (GTH I and GTH II), whereas the 1-subunit is present in only some GTH I molecules. GTH I is predominant in the pituitary gland and plasma during gametogenesis of salmon, but the roles of the 2 GTHs in gametogenesis remain unclear. To understand the roles of GTH I, it is important to clarify patterns of 1- and 2-subunit production with sexual maturity. Thus, we produced antisera that recognized the 1- or 2-subunit, and then immunohistochemically examined the production sites of these subunits in the trout pituitary gland during ovarian development. In all pituitary glands examined, the immunoreactivity of both the 1- and 2-subunits was strong in the GTH II-producing cells, although salmon GTH II, both 1- and II-subunits, has not been detected. However, GTH I-producing cells showed a less dense immunoreactivity for 1- and 2-subunits, whereas the I-subunit was abundant. On the other hand, TSH cells, reacted with 2 but not with 1.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of estrogens on sexual differentiation in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.), a gonochoristic marine teleost that under culture conditions has a histologically sexual undifferentiated period that covers most of the first year of life, after which most individuals develop as males. Sea bass that had no noticeable histological sign of sex differentiation were fed estrogens at two doses (5 or 10 mg kg-1 food) and for different periods ranging from 48 to 426 days post fertilization (DPF). Exposure to the synthetic estrogen 17-ethynylestradiol (EE2) at 10 mg kg-1 food from 60 to 260 DPF, including the sensitive period to equivalent doses of synthetic androgens previously determined for this species (126-226 DPF), significantly (p < 0.05) more than doubled the number of juvenile females to 80%, compared to the control value of 33%, and completely suppressed gonadal development in the remaining 20% of the population. This suggests that the period during which sea bass gonads exhibit high sensitivity to androgens is also very sensitive to estrogens. A comparable exposure to the natural estrogen estradiol-17 (E2) resulted in 13% of the fish having suppressed gonadal development, but induced 57% of the fish to develop gonads with germinal tissue of both sexes, suggesting a pivotal role for E2 during this sensitive period. Earlier exposure to EE2 at 10 mg kg-1 food from 48-88 DPF, significantly (p < 0.05) increased the number of females to 62% from 36% in the control group, allowing for the normal testicular development in the remaining fish. In contrast, a later chronic exposure (226-426 DPF) to E2, at either 5 or 10 mg kg-1 food, starting when the gonads showed no sign of sexual differentiation but past the critical sensitive period, had no effect on the resulting overall sex ratios, indicating that after this period responsiveness of the gonads to estrogens decreases as gonadal sexual differentiation progresses. However, the consequences of this apparently innocuous exposure were later manifested in adults, exemplified by a significant dose-dependent reduction in the number of mature males at 626 DPF, coinciding with the second reproductive season, the time when males normally reach sexual maturation in cultured sea bass. This suggests that chronic exposure to E2 past the critical sensitive period may not affect the sex ratio, but could result in alterations in the male reproductive organs. This was later verified by histological analysis which revealed a significant (p < 0.05) dose-dependent reduction of the surface of the testicular lobules in the remaining males that did not mature. Together, these experiments illustrate both readily observable and subtle effects of estrogens on sex proportions, gonadal morphology and maturation rates, providing evidence that estrogen exposure can have delayed action in a teleost in a manner similar to the effects described for mammalian species. The possible existence of effects of this latter type in adult fish could be considered when evaluating the consequences of deliberate or accidental exposure to estrogens or putative estrogenic chemicals, particularly if such exposure had taken place during sex differentiation.  相似文献   

The main aim of the present study was to examine the impact of some biological and environmental factors on the lipid and fatty acid compositions of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), with special emphasis on 3 fatty acids. Two year groups of salmon at nine fish farms distributed along the Norwegian coast were fed the same diet and were sampled every second month. The data are believed to give a representative characterization of lipid and fatty acid content of salmon farmed in Norway.Multiple regression analysis revealed that variation in lipid content and body weight explained 80% of the variation found in 3 fatty acids in farmed salmon, and 22:6 3 showed greater variation than other 3 fatty acids. Further analysis of lipid-corrected values revealed only minor effects of latitude on the per cent content of highly unsaturated 3 fatty acids, and hardly any effect of seawater temperature, with the exception of 22:6 3, which decreased slightly with increasing temperature.The per cent 22:6 3 in the fillet became gradually reduced with increasing fish age and body weight, whereas the content of 20:5 3 and other 3 fatty acids remained relatively constant. The per cent content of 22:6 3 of young salmon was higher than in the feed, but approached the feed value gradually as body weight increased. The lipid content of the salmon increased with fish age, and the absolute quantitative contents of both 22:6 3 and 20:5 3 increased meanwhile, even though the per cent content of 22:6 3 decreased quite pronouncedly.The per cent 22:6 3 and other 3 fatty acids was higher in wild than in farmed salmon, but the absolute quantitative content was higher throughout in farmed salmon, which had higher lipid contents. The 3/6 ratio, which is important in human health evaluation, was lower in farmed than in wild salmon. The large flexibility of 3 fatty acids and lipid content of farmed salmon leave us with the option of producing a wide variety of salmon qualities requested by the market. Both per cent and absolute quantitative 3 contents, as well as the 3/6 ratio, may readily be manipulated.  相似文献   

Effective non-bicarbonate buffering capacity (or buffer value) was measured in white muscle of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) by titrations with mineral acid and base in a carbon-dioxide free, closed system. Yellow perch were collected at three month intervals throughout 1983 from an acidic lake (pH 4.6) and two alkaline lakes (pH 7.8) in northern Wisconsin. Buffering capacity was also determined for white muscle of perch kept in the laboratory under different regimes of temperature and ration. The mean buffering capacity of white muscle from yellow perch taken directly from natural environments ranged from 40.7 ± 3.1 (SD) slykes in March of 1983 to 53.7 ± 2.8 (SD) slykes in July of that year. These changes in buffering capacity were strongly correlated with water temperature. Egg production and thirty-day laboratory starvation produced significant decreases in buffering capacity and increases in the water content of yellow perch muscle. Fed perch in the laboratory had a temperature dependent buffering capacity similar to field caught fish. Buffering capacity of white muscle did not differ between yellow perch from acidic and alkaline lakes. Investigators using buffering capacity as a gauge of species differences in metabolic potential, should be wary of seasonal and reproductive factors that might alter their conclusions.  相似文献   

Abstract– The role of predation risk and structural complexity in determining the habitat use and activity patterns of roach, rudd and perch was assessed using a series of video-recorded laboratory trials. The time spent in open and structured habitats, vertical swimming heights and activity levels of each species were observed in the presence and absence of a potential, pike, predator. Habitat complexity varied between treatments with artificial stem densities of 200, 400 and 600 stems'm−2. Predator free trials showed that roach and rudd spent significantly less time in structured habitats than perch. Increasing stem density had no significant effect on the habitat choice of perch but did affect the distribution of roach and rudd. Stem density influenced the vertical swimming height of rudd or perch but not roach, although the effects of habitat complexity on swimming activity were more complicated. Pike were themselves influenced by increases in stem density, only selecting structured habitats when stem densities were less than 600 stems'm−2. In the presence of a predator, both roach and rudd increased the amount of time spent in structured areas. These observed differences were independent of stem density. Perch, however, decreased the amount of time spent in structural habitats at all stem densities. Predation risk also prompted significant changes in both vertical swimming height and activity levels of potential prey fish. A pike predation success hierarchy of rudd-roach-perch was also observed during the study. The reasons for this pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

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