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High mortality in female pigs on breeding farms is a critical problem in the U.S. swine industry. The objectives of this study were to determine whether female pig mortality on Japanese commercial farms increased; to investigate correlations between the mortality and herd-management factors, especially herd size and lactation length; and to determine herd repeatability in female pig mortality. A five-year annual measurement data between 1999 and 2003 were abstracted from recording files of 113 farms in Japan. The year-effects on measurements were analyzed by using repeated measures data between 1999 and 2003 in mixed-effects linear models. The annual mortalities for female pigs in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003 were 4.93%, 5.25%, 5.40%, 5.32%, and 4.85%, respectively. The year-effect on the female pig mortality was not found for the five years. Neither herd size, lactation length nor other management factors were found to be consistently correlated with female pig mortality for the five years. The repeatability of the mortality was 36.5% on commercial farms. In conclusion, female pig mortality did not increase during these five years in Japan. Herd size and lactation length were not risk factors for female pig mortality.  相似文献   

A telephone survey of 600 farmers throughout Great Britain and Ireland was conducted in order to characterise helminth control practices, and identify factors correlated with perceived anthelmintic failure. Overall, 93% of surveyed farmers routinely treated their sheep against nematodes, 67% against liver fluke and 58% against tapeworms. Anthelmintic resistance in nematodes was perceived by farmers to be present on 10% of farms. Farmers who dosed ewes at mating were more likely to have observed anthelmintic failure, than those who were aware of national guidelines on parasite control. However, objective assessment of anthelmintic efficacy had only been undertaken on 19% of farms. Ewes were treated at mating and lambing on 63% and 62% of farms, respectively. On average, lambs were treated 3.6 times annually, depending on geographical region and on dates of lambing and finishing. Although 'quarantine' treatments were widely administered to bought-in stock, these were appropriately applied in only 3% of cases. This study provides baseline data against which the impact of future anthelmintic information campaigns can be assessed; it will facilitate the development of rational, farm-level mathematical models in support of sustainable parasite control, and will aid in the design of farm management practices that prolong the effective lifespan of novel classes of anthelmintic.  相似文献   

Data from 67 pig farms with a variety of farrowing systems were used to identify factors associated with preweaning mortality in British pig herds. The median mortality reported by the farmers was 10.7 per cent (interquartile range 8.5 to 14 per cent). There was a significantly higher mortality when the pigs were weaned when they were older. A multivariable Poisson model was developed into which the types of farrowing system on each farm and the age at weaning were forced. Factors associated with a lower preweaning mortality rate were insulating the farrowing building, providing extra heat at farrowing, giving the piglets iron injections, dipping their navels, using fan ventilation and using artificial lighting systems. Factors associated with a higher mortality rate were a later weaning age, the use of infra-red lamps rather than other forms of supplementary heat, and the use of a creep without any bedding.  相似文献   

A clostridial ‘syndrome’ in suckling and weaner pigs, with risk factors of high injectable ceftiofur use and poor hygiene, presented an opportunity to engage in management change to improve pig health and reduce ceftiofur use on four farms. Management changes included all‐in‐all‐out pig flow, batch disinfection with biofilm control, reduced protein starter diets, appropriate stocking density and the use of an anti‐clostridial probiotic. Assessment of the program was obtained from a questionnaire. The health and production changes were positive across all farms and were associated with reduced use of antibiotics, together with cost and labour savings. Provided there is a good relationship between a committed, competent veterinarian, and a committed, competent manager, change management programs can be successfully implemented over 6–12 months.  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟是由非洲猪瘟病毒引起的猪的一种急性、热性、高度接触性传染病。该病虽不是人畜共患病、不感染人,但对生猪产业威胁巨大,发病率高、死亡率高,疫情早期发现难、预防难、根除难,防控难度极大。种猪场和规模化猪场(以下简称“两场”)是生猪产业发展的根基和猪肉市场供给的主要来源,严防“两场”发生非洲猪瘟疫情,对保障生猪产业稳定发展和猪肉市场供给至关重要。  相似文献   

We investigated the on-farm potential of common farm invertebrates to transmit porcine circovirus genotype 2 (PCV2) and other non-enveloped viruses. In 2007 (pre-PCV2 vaccination) and 2008 (post-PCV2 vaccination), invertebrate communities were trap-collected (8 trap-dates per year), counted and sorted into genus and species groups on 5 farm study sites within England. Total DNA was extracted from feces of representational cross-sections of pigs on each farm in each year and also from intact samples of Diptera flies (ca. 20 flies per trap) and dissected viscera of any cockroaches (ca. 5 per trap). Each DNA sample was tested for the presence of PCV2 DNA by separate PCRs for ORF1 and ORF2. Positive samples were sub-typed via DNA sequencing of PCR products. The pig-associated Diptera fly community was dominated by Musca domestica (house fly) in both years on all 5 farms; numerous Blatta orientalis cockroaches were only noted on 1 farm throughout. Specific PCV2b DNA elements were routinely detected (25-60% of samples) in weaner/nursery pig feces in 2007, but not in other age groups. Musca collected on 4 of the 5 farms in 2007 was also positive for PCV2b DNA elements. Comparison of ORF2 sequences indicated that ORF2 sequences indicating PCV2b genotype were identical in pigs and flies. Minor changes were noted in ORF1 sequences from different samples. Flies collected in the weaner/nursery area were most likely to be positive (22-50% of fly-trap samples). DNA extracted from all cockroaches (2007 and 2008) and all flies and pig feces in 2008 were also negative throughout. We suggest that Musca flies have the most likely on-farm potential to carry and transmit PCV2b due to their life cycle incorporating stages in close association with pigs and their habitat. Vaccination appeared to reduce environmental load of PCV2b.  相似文献   

A cohort study was carried out on 112 breeding pig farms in England to investigate the impact of type of farrowing accommodation on preweaning mortality in piglets. Four types of farrowing accommodation were studied; farrowing crates, indoor loose pens, crate/loose systems (where the sow was restrained in a crate during birth and the first days of lactation before being moved to a loose pen) and outdoor farrowing in arcs in paddocks. Four estimates of preweaning mortality were collected: an oral estimate from the farmer before the visit, an estimate from the 6-month rolling average from computer records, records from 20 litters observed when the farm was visited and prospective records collected from 20 farrowings after the visit. These four estimates were significantly correlated. The prospective records also included a farmer reported date and cause of death. From the prospective data there were 25,031 piglets from 2143 litters from 112 farms, 6.5% of piglets were stillborn while live born preweaning mortality was 12%. Mixed effect discrete time survival, binomial and competing risk, models were used to investigate the association between preweaning mortality and farrowing accommodation, controlling for sow parity, litter size and number of piglets stillborn and fostered. There was a reduced risk of stillbirths in outdoor farrowing systems compared with crated systems. Farmers reported that crushing of healthy piglets was the most frequent cause of death accounting for 55% of live born preweaning mortality. There was no significant difference in mortality in live born piglets by farrowing system. There was a significantly higher risk of farmer reported crushing of healthy live born piglets in outdoor arcs compared with piglets reared with sows in farrowing crates and a significantly reduced risk of death from causes other than crushing in piglets reared outdoors or in crate/loose systems compared with piglets reared in crated systems. We conclude that, in the farms in this study, farrowing crates reduced the risk of preweaning live born mortality attributable to crushing but piglets in this system were at increased risk of death from other causes. Consequently crates had no significant effect on overall preweaning mortality percentage. In all four commercial production systems; outdoor, farrowing crates, crate/loose farrowing systems and indoor loose housed systems, there were similar levels of mortality.  相似文献   

A prospective longitudinal study was carried out on 39 outdoor breeding pig farms in England in 2003 and 2004 to investigate the risks associated with mortality in liveborn preweaning piglets. Researchers visited each farm and completed a questionnaire with the farmer and made observations of the paddocks, huts and pigs. The farmer recorded the number of piglets born alive and stillborn, fostered on and off and the number of piglets that died before weaning for 20 litters born after the visit. Data were analysed from a cohort of 9424 liveborn piglets from 855 litters. Overall 1274 liveborn piglets (13.5%) died before weaning. A mixed effect binomial model was used to investigate the associations between preweaning mortality and farm and litter level factors, controlling for litter size and number of piglets stillborn and fostered. Increased risk of mortality was associated with fostering piglets over 24 h of age, organic certification or membership of an assurance scheme with higher welfare standards, farmer's perception that there was a problem with pest birds, use of medication to treat coccidiosis and presence of lame sows on the farm. Reduced mortality was associated with insulated farrowing huts and door flaps, women working on the farm and the farmer reporting a problem with foxes.  相似文献   

The clinical syndrome of a new disease of pigs in four herds in the Humberside area is described. The first signs of the disease were anorexia, lethargy and pyrexia with up to 60 per cent of the dry sows affected. These signs were followed by an increased incidence of abortions which occurred in up to 3.3 per cent of sows, premature farrowings in up to 20.6 per cent of sows and stillbirths and late mummification which affected up to 26.0 and 18.8 per cent of fetuses, respectively. Mortality in neonatal and pre-weaning pigs reached up to 88 per cent and respiratory disease of high morbidity and low mortality occurred in fattening pigs. There were infertility problems in sows, with an increase in returns to service and a failure to show oestrus after weaning or aborting. The signs of the disease in boars were anorexia and malaise. Cyanosis of the extremities affected up to 2 per cent of the animals. The outbreak lasted 11 weeks in all the herds.  相似文献   

商品猪生产由原来的小型家庭式农场生产模式逐渐转变为一位私营农场主雇佣多位或许多雇员的大型工业化养猪场生产模式,人们逐渐意识到消费者、决策者和零售商使用工业化生产方法带来的相关动物福利问题。本文围绕猪生长周期论述不同生产阶段的猪对动物福利要求。  相似文献   

商品猪生产由原来的小型家庭式农场模式逐渐转变为一位私营农场主雇佣多位或许多雇员的大型工业化养猪场生产模式,人们逐渐意识到消费者、决策者和零售商使用工业化生产方法带来的相关动物福利问题。本文就猪的不同生长阶段讨论相应的福利挑战和可能的改进措施。  相似文献   

商品猪生产由原来的小型家庭式农场模式逐渐转变为一位私营农场主雇佣多位或许多雇员的大型工业化养猪场生产模式,人们逐渐意识到消费者、决策者和零售商使用工业化生产方法带来的相关动物福利问题。文章按照猪生长周期就饲养体系和欧盟动物福利法展开论述。  相似文献   

猪伪狂犬病是集约化种猪场较为常见的一种猪疾病,对养猪业发展有着较大危害,具有高度接触性、热性等特点。本文主要围绕集约化种猪场猪伪狂犬病诊断及净化策略等方面展开讨论,针对病毒特征、流行特点和发病机制等诊断猪狂犬病,并制定针对性净化措施,为养猪场良好发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Mycoplasma suis (Eperythrozoon suis) was detected by PCR and Southern blot in 186 pigs (121 sows, 61 piglets and four boars) on four farms in southern Brazil. DNA was extracted from blood samples and a 16S rRNA gene fragment of M suis was amplified by PCR; Southern blot analysis was then performed on all the samples. Twenty-two of the sows (18.2 per cent) were positive by PCR, and 40 (33.1 per cent) were positive by Southern blot; only one piglet and one boar were positive. The packed cell volume and total plasma protein of the pigs and their PCR and Southern blot results were not significantly different on the four farms, but higher proportions of the pigs were positive by Southern blot than by PCR (P<0.05). The packed cell volume and total plasma protein concentrations of the M suis positive and negative sows were not significantly different.  相似文献   

2007年,我省的猪存栏量大幅下降,猪肉供不应求,价格大幅上升,其中一个主要原因是猪的疾病很复杂,种猪繁殖性能低,猪的死亡率高,生产  相似文献   

完善的猪场生物安全体系是有效控制猪群疫病,保护猪群健康的重要途径。恢复养猪生产,需要有效的生物安全体系作保障。在非洲猪瘟环境下,如何重建生物安全体系,有效评估和实施生物安全措施,并在实施中不断完善,是猪场恢复生产所面对的重要问题。文章分析了目前生物安全体系中存在的问题,阐述了重建及实施猪场生物安全体系的方法,包括现场调查评估、体系文件的完善、设施与设备的改进、员工的培训与执行、效果评估(包含实验室评估)与体系改进等,以此重新建立并逐步完善适合本猪场的生物安全体系,为恢复生产提供坚实的基础保障。  相似文献   

随着"猪高热病"的深远影响和甲型H1N1流感全球扩散蔓延,绝大部分养殖场在加强生物安全防范方面的认识逐年提高。回顾2009年我国养猪业实际的发展状况以及猪病的发生发展与演变形势,笔者从生物安全的角度,在防疫接种、隔离饲养、规范消毒和多种形式的药物保健等方面,总结了猪场建立健全生物安全体系常用的方式方法,归纳了猪场抵御重大疫病风险、减少经济损失的一些有益措施。同时也对仍然值得关注和还需改善的某些集约化生产细节提出了建议。  相似文献   

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