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贺兰山异色卷蛾生物学特性及防治   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
异色卷蛾在贺兰山区地一年1代,以初龄幼虫在叶肉中越冬,翌年5月中下旬越冬幼虫开始活动,危害青海云杉梢顶芽及幼虫。采用喷雾,放烟和喷烟3种不同方式进行防治试验,筛选出最佳防治措施是释放敌马烟剂,平均防治效果达80%以上。  相似文献   

青海云杉黄卷蛾生物学特性及防治研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青海云杉黄卷蛾Archips crassifolianus Liu在甘肃祁连山东段林区一年发生1代,以2龄幼虫在寄主新梢基部及轮芽处越冬,翌年5月中旬开始活动为害,6月上旬达到盛期。幼虫2-3龄时用50%杀螟松、80%敌敌畏乳油100倍弥雾,防治效果均达到90%以上。用含芽孢3-4亿/ml苏云金杆菌喷雾,防治效果可达到75%。  相似文献   

云杉球果小卷蛾蛹有效积温的测定毕湘虹(黑龙江省森林保护研究所)杨忠伟,徐粕林,汪贵波(柴河林业局病防站)红皮云杉(Piceakoraiensiswakai)为松科,云杉属植物,具有耐阴、耐旱、耐湿、耐贫瘠等生态特性,是东北林区主要的发展树种之一。随着...  相似文献   

青海云杉小卷蛾危险性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对青海云杉小卷蛾在国内分布状况、潜在危害性、寄主植物的经济重要性、传播蔓延的可能性以及危险性的管理难度等几个方面进行了定性、定量分析,对其危险性作出了综合评价,结果表明,该虫在中国的危险性综合评价值为中度危险的林业有害生物。虽然该虫目前在我国仅有局部发生,但能危害大部分青海云杉,其侵害力和适应性都很强,因此,应加强检疫,防止其传播蔓延。  相似文献   

云杉球果小卷蛾性外激素的诱捕试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1992~1993年在牡丹江柴河林业局红皮云杉母树林和大兴安岭红皮云杉天然林对为害云杉球果的云杉球果小卷蛾Cydiastrobilella进行了性外激素诱捕试验。该性外激素于1991年实验合成,共有8种成份组合不同的诱芯,诱捕结果表明第6号诱芯[(100μgZ8-12OH+100μgE8-12OH+100μgZ8E10-12OH)×60]效果最好。同时也用该性外激素对为害兴安落叶松球果的东北小卷蛾C.illutanadahuricolana进行了诱捕尝试。  相似文献   

通过室内外分组饲养观察 ,掌握了青海云杉异色卷蛾 Choristoneura diversana( Hubner)的生活史和生活习性 ,结合贺兰山林区地形地貌特征 ,在三种防治试验中筛选出最佳防治措施——施放敌马烟剂 ,平均防治效果达 80 %以上  相似文献   

宁夏贺兰山青海云杉针叶枯黄原因调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2003年6月,宁夏贺兰山国家级自然保护区的青海云杉Picea crassifolia林多处出现枯黄现象,林相残败,树木生长受阻,严重危害了保护区青海云杉林的生态景观和封山育林成效。为了摸清青海云杉林受害原因,采取线路调查和标准地调查相结合的方法,沿林间便道、林班线和山脊线进行调查,并在  相似文献   

云杉线小卷蛾生物学特性及防治初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云杉线小卷蛾系中国新纪录种。在甘肃渭源县1年发生1代,以卵在2~3年生枝条针叶上越冬;翌年5月上旬开始活动,孵化盛期为6月上、中旬,羽化盛期为7月下旬至8月上旬,其为害与环境条件密切相关。用25%增效氧化乐果乳剂1000倍液喷雾,防治幼虫效果达85%;用10%敌对或敌马烟剂防治成虫的效果达98%。  相似文献   

江怀亮 《林业科技》1998,23(2):39-39,29
云杉球果小卷蛾的防治江怀亮(黑龙江省鹤北林业局)红皮云杉(PiceakoraiensisWakai)是我国北方的珍贵针叶树种,因其材质好,适应性强,已成为黑龙江省林区人工林重点发展树种之一。随着该树种造林面积的不断扩大,种子的需求量逐年增加。但因云杉...  相似文献   

The potential of the dry zone agro-ecosystem of southern Honduras to contribute to the conservation of Mesoamerican dry forest tree diversity is evaluated. Four rural communities containing eight land uses were surveyed using rapid botanical sampling resulting in the identification of 241 tree and shrub species. As a result of ordination analysis, it is concluded that the land uses are relatively similar in their species composition, particularly maize fields (milpas), fallows, pastures and woodlots, because of the predominance of natural regeneration. Therefore all land uses might contribute to local tree diversity conservation. Those land uses in which planting also contributes to diversity, home gardens (solares) and orchards, are more distinct; however the tree species found there are widespread and often exotics and thus not the usual focus of conservation measures. Across the landscape the total complement of species considered a global priority for biodiversity conservation is very low and therefore this agro-ecosystem does not represent a good place in which to implement dry forest tree diversity conservation programmes. Instead its value is likely to be in the contribution that tree diversity makes to rural livelihoods. Particular consideration is given to Swietenia humilis Zucc. (small leaved mahogany) and its status as a threatened species is questioned because of its abundance within this landscape and its wide distribution. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Am Beispiel zweier Best?nde wird ein neuer Ansatz pr?sentiert, mit dem sich die Ergebnisse derArten-Durchmischung ohne relativen Vergleich mit den Werten eines anderen Bestandes beurteilen lassen. Den als konstant betrachteten Stammfu?koordinaten werden die Attribute Baumart und Brusth?hendurchmesser durch zuf?lligePermutationen zugeordnet. Dadurch entstehen Zufallsw?lder, die die gleiche Artenzusammensetzung besitzen wie die Originalbest?nde. Der Vergleich der beobachteten Durchmischungswerte mit den bei zuf?lliger Verteilung zu erwartenden ergibt eine geeignete Interpretationshilfe. Summary By using two forest stands as an explanatory example a new approach is presented, which helps to evaluate the results of thespecies mingling without necessitating a relative comparison of the values to another stand. The tree attributes tree species and diameter at breast height are reassigned to the constant coordinates defining tree position by randompermutation. Random forests are thereby generated, which have an identical species composition as that of the original stands. The comparison of the observed mingling values to the expected is to aid in interpretation.  相似文献   

为筛选适宜鄂北岗地的造林树种,提高造林成效,采用样地调查方法对2018年鄂北岗地“精准灭荒”工程造林项目进行了调查,比较各树种造林成活率、保存率及造林第二年生长情况,结合主成分分析并聚类,综合评价各树种的造林效果。结果表明,11个造林树种间的造林成活率、保存率、盖度、新梢生长量及中心干枯死率均存在极显著差异,其中,油茶造林成活率、保存率最高(96.7%±2.0%、94.9%±2.7%),湿地松盖度最大(0.097±0.011),刺槐一年生梢最长(39.8 cm),油茶、湿地松、柏木中心干枯死率低;造林指标的综合评价值(D值)由高到低排序,依次为油茶、湿地松、女贞、柏木、刺槐、栾树、桂花、重阳木、银杏、樟树、槲栎。通过聚类分析将11个造林树种分为4 个类群,最适宜的树种为油茶、湿地松和女贞,比较适宜的树种为柏木和刺槐,适宜性差的树种为栾树、桂花、重阳木、银杏、樟树,不适宜树种为槲栎。油茶、湿地松、女贞、柏木、刺槐综合表现较优,可作为鄂北岗地造林的首选树种。  相似文献   

This study aims to identify which tree species bats use as maternity roosts in woodland in southern Norway and, to assess the effectiveness of bat boxes as potential mitigating measures if roosts are lost to forestry or other factors. Radio telemetry was used to find roosts in summer during late pregnancy and through the lactation period by tagging two common species; Daubenton's bats Myotis daubentonii (Kuhl 1817) and soprano pipistrelles Pipistrellus pygmaeus (Leach 1825). In addition, tree roosts were searched using ultrasound detectors at three sites. A total of 35 roosts in natural crevices were found using radio telemetry and through searches with ultrasound detectors and 31 of these roosts were in hollow trees, the majority in aspens Populus tremula L. (n?=?30). Some tree roosts were even used by the northern bat Eptesicus nilssonii (Keyserling &; Blasius 1839) which is considered a house-dwelling species in Norway. Aspens have some qualities preferred by bats and were both warmer and safer than other hollow tree species in this study area. Bat boxes are used as maternity roosts mainly by soprano pipistrelles at these latitudes, thus at present, there is no suitable alternative to hollow trees that would satisfy all tree-dwelling bat species.  相似文献   

为筛选出适宜粤东地区林分改造的乡土阔叶树种,通过分析火力楠、山杜英、毛果青冈、红锥和中华楠5个树种早期生长的保存率、树高、地径和冠幅等指标,结果表明,5个树种的保存率均在90%以上,具有较强的适应性;树高、地径和冠幅三者之间呈显著正相关,各树种间也存在一定差异;聚类分析表明,5个树种分为3类,火力楠和山杜英为速生树种,红锥和毛果青冈次之,中华楠生长最慢。5个树种均为优良珍贵乡土阔叶树种,适应性强,在林分改造中,可根据树种生长特性进行合理搭配,确保改造效果。  相似文献   

为深入分析新平县古树群资源的生长特征和分布情况,采用文献研究和现场补充调查的方法,对新平县古树群的种类、数量、分布、生长特征、区系等进行了统计与分析。结果表明,新平县古树群60个,2 028株,隶属14科、19属、20种。平均树龄100~200 a,林分胸围200~300 cm,林分高度10~20 m,郁闭度0.45。新平县古树群分布于海拔400~2 000 m,随着海拔升高古树群株数不同程度的减少;古树群只集中分布在漠沙镇、戛洒镇、水塘镇、者竜乡、建兴乡、平掌乡6个乡镇,主要树种为杧果、酸豆、茶、云南油杉等,呈现集中分布为主,零星分布为辅的格局。从古树群植物区系组成科级水平方面看,属于热带和温带分布区类型的科数相差不大,但是属级和种级水平方面,属于热带分布区类型的数量较多。以期更深地了解新平古树群植物的起源和分布,为新平县古树名木研究和树种规划提供新的依据。  相似文献   

Concerns exist about the limited diversity of tree species in agricultural landscapes. Complete tree inventories were carried out on 201 farms from four villages in western Kenya to establish whether significant differences in tree species composition existed between farms, and if so their magnitude and implications for new introductions and plantings. Tree species composition was interpreted to encompass elements of both tree identity and abundance. Tree identity was viewed from both taxonomic and function (e.g. fruit, timber, medicine) perspectives. Novel types of ordination using the Hellinger ecological distance and polynomial Redundancy Analysis indicated wide heterogeneity between farms with respect to tree species composition. For the 12 most prevalent functions of trees, the analyses showed significant differences (p<0.05). Partitioning of variance identified that village location explained much of the differences between farms suggesting that farmers share tree species within villages more than between villages. Differences between farms were assessed on two-dimensional ordination graphs. For five important tree functions, including beverage, charcoal, construction, fodder and medicine, two species dominated the compositional differences. For these functions, diversification can be achieved by village-to-village sharing even in the absence of any new species introductions. A general process to determine the degree of tree diversity at farm and landscape levels and steps to increase it are discussed.  相似文献   

机载LiDAR和高光谱融合实现普洱山区树种分类   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]通过机载遥感影像对普洱山区进行植被分类研究,为山区森林经营规划与可持续经营方案的制图提供高效应用途径。[方法]将2014年4月航拍的机载AISA Eagle II高光谱和Li DAR同步数据融合,利用点云数据提取的数字冠层高度模型(CHM)得到树种的垂直结构信息,结合经过主成分分析(PCA)的高光谱降维影像,选用支持向量机(SVM)分类器进行分类。[结果]普洱市万掌山实验区主要树种分为思茅松、西南桦、刺栲、木荷等。融合影像数据分类的总体精度和Kappa系数分别为80.54%、0.78,比单一高光谱影像数据分类精度分别提高6.55%、0.08,其中主要经营树种思茅松的制图精度达到了90.24%。[结论]该方法对山区主要树种的识别是有效的,将机载Li DAR与高光谱影像融合可以有效改善分类精度。  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(2):77-88
Estimating tree volume and biomass constitutes an essential part of the forest resources assessment and the evaluation of the climate change mitigation potential of forests through biomass accumulation and carbon sequestration. This research article provides stem volume and biomass equations applicable to five tree species, namely Afzelia africana Sm. (Caesalpiniaceae), Anogeissus leiocarpa (DC.) Guill. and Perr. (Combretaceae), Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. (Bombacaceae), Dialium guineense Willd. (Caesalpiniaceae), Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst. ex A.DC. (Ebenaceae) in natural protected tropical forests and, in addition, Tectona grandis L.f. (Verbenaceae) in plantations. In addition to the tree species specific equations, basic wood density, as well as carbon, nitrogen, organic matter and ash content were determined for these tree species in tropical conditions in West Africa. One hundred and sixty-two sample trees were measured through non-destructive sampling and analysed for volume and biomass. Stem biomass and stem volume were modelled as a function of diameter (at breast height; Dbh) and stem height (height to the crown base). Logarithmic models are presented that utilise Dbh and height data to predict tree component biomass and stem volumes. Alternative models are given that afford prediction based on Dbh data alone, assuming height data to be unavailable. Models that include height are preferred, having better predictive capabilities. Ranges in carbon, nitrogen and ash contents are given as well. The successful development of predictive models through the use of non-destructive methods in this study provide valuable data and tools for use in determining the contribution of these major African rainforest tree species to global carbon stocks, while ensuring the preservation of this valued African resource. This study needs to be expanded to further regions and tree species to complete a full inventory of all tree species, emphasising the relevance of African trees to carbon stocks at a global scale.  相似文献   

In close-to-nature silviculture one strives to derive the advantages of the natural adaptations of tree species to different growth conditions. Evidence of the natural distribution of tree species is obtained through vegetation science (recent ground vegetation, primeval forest relicts), studies of old written sources, and pollen and macrofossil analyses. Here we have analysed macrofossil samples of charcoal kiln sites and the recent ecological conditions in the vicinity of these sites, as well as secondary written sources on forest and land-use history. From charcoal analysis of kiln sites we were looking for spatial patterns of past tree species exploitation, with special regard to regional and local differences in the forest growth conditions and the natural wood supply. Therefore, we selected remote forest areas characterised by a high density of kiln sites and significant differences in the ecological conditions. The sample sites ranged over a landscape profile of 40 km, covering many ecological site types. The anthracological results of 181 post-medieval kiln sites were evaluated, considering two spatial scales: the total 40-km profile and a fine-scale profile of 4 km. Considering the charcoal material analysed as a whole, all of the tree taxa to be expected based on the natural conditions were found. The frequencies of the exploited taxa also reflected a natural situation. Wood of the climax vegetation, Fagus, Abies and Picea, was mainly used and all other taxa were quantitatively unimportant. The results for the individual sites showed considerable differences in taxa composition, from which regular spatial patterns of the past tree species distribution were deduced. These regional and local patterns are explained by natural differences in the ecological conditions in the vicinity of the sample sites. At the same time, new indications of the natural tree species composition of our forests are inferred. A pronounced dependency of charcoal production on the local natural wood supply is discernible. No indications of tree species selection or forest degradation could be found.  相似文献   

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