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庄浪县某特种动物养殖场笼养猫35只,于2000年5月10日突然发生了以呼吸道和眼结膜炎症为主的传染病,用抗菌素等药物治疗无效.笔者采取中医中药疗法,共治疗病猫33只,治愈31只,治愈率93.9%.  相似文献   

陈大庆  李林翔 《野生动物》2013,34(5):281-284
2010年11月底至12月,苏州动物园3头华南虎相继发病,初期表现为精神沉郁、活动减少,食欲下降乃至废绝,发病后的3~5 d有清亮白色流涎,流灰白色浆液性或脓性鼻涕,5~8 d流泪,从鼻腔中掉出白色块状物,且伴有鼻腔出血;采集病虎鼻涕及鼻腔掉出白色块状物送中国人民解放军军事兽医研究所检验。经实验室核酸提取、RT-PCR/PCR和PCR产物分析,结果表明,此次3头虎发病是由于感染猫疱疹病毒Ⅰ型(FHV-1)所致,根据临床症状和检验结果诊断为猫病毒性鼻气管炎病。经过抗病毒抗感染、解热镇痛和补充维生素治疗,3头虎恢复正常。由于此病毒感染动物发病后临床症状与杯状病毒感染引起的猫鼻结膜炎、细小病毒感染引起的泛白细胞减少症以及衣原体感染引起的猫肺炎相似,因此很难从临床症状上得以区分,所以分子生物学检测手段在此病毒的确诊方面扮演着重要的角色。做好该病的预防和及时治疗工作至关重要。  相似文献   

2004年4月北京某牧场饲养的猫发生了病毒性鼻气管炎,现将其发病情况及诊治报道如下。 1发病情况 北京某牧场饲养仙罗猫9只,其中3岁龄种猫4只,1.5月龄幼猫5只。一周左右全部发病。幼猫病初体温升高至40℃,阵发性喷嚏和咳嗽,羞明,流泪,结膜炎,鼻腔分泌物增多,食欲减退,体重下降,精神沉郁,流浆液性鼻液。而后鼻液转为脓性分泌物,抬头仰面张口呼吸,结膜红肿外翻。  相似文献   

猫传染性鼻气管炎是一种由猫疱疹病毒引起的具有高度传染性的猫上呼吸道疾病。猫疱疹病毒主要在猫呼吸道的淋巴细胞和上皮细胞中复制,猫一旦感染将终生携带。猫传染性鼻气管炎临床主要特征表现为结膜炎、上呼吸道感染和流产,以上呼吸道疾病的症状为主。猫疱疹病毒对幼猫危害严重,死亡率可达50%。文章就一例猫传染性鼻气管炎的诊断和治疗以及诊疗体会展开论述,以期为建立科学严谨的防治措施提供参考。  相似文献   

猫病毒性鼻气管炎病毒,又名猫疱疹病毒1型(Feline Herpesvirus type1,FHV-1),属于疱疹病毒科中的α-疱疹病毒,可引起猫及其他猫科动物的眼病及呼吸道疾病,发病率可达100%,成年猫死亡率很低,但幼猫的死亡率可达50%。本病在世界范围内广泛流行,我国己多次发现临床可疑病例。猫感染FHV-1后,虽然有抗体产生,但病毒可潜伏到三叉神经节,  相似文献   

随着物质生活水平的不断提高,人们对精神生活的质量有了更高的追求,很多人选择把猫作为宠物进行饲养,养殖数量暴涨,但与此同时,各类传染病随之增加.猫的传染性鼻气管炎是比较常见的一种疾病,而且在不同情况下症状表现差异较大,给诊断治疗带来一定困难.作者就猫传染性鼻气管炎的诊治临床诊治进行总结、归纳,介绍如下.  相似文献   

猫病毒性鼻气管炎(FR)又称猫疱疹病毒Ⅰ型(FHV-1)可引起猫的上呼吸道感染,是一种猫的常见的急性、高度接触性上呼吸道疾病[1-2].病猫精神沉郁,打喷嚏,食欲下降,结膜炎,浆液性的眼鼻分泌物,体温升高,深部的气管咳嗽[3].慢性感染病例舌头和上颔出现溃疡.FHV-1只感染猫及猫科动物,主要侵害幼猫,发病率达100%[4],死亡率约为50%[5].若怀孕猫感染,可造成流产[6].  相似文献   

猫传染性鼻气管炎又名猫疱疹病毒1型感染症,是由猫疱疹病毒1型引起的猫的急性和高度接触性的上呼吸道感染,该病毒是具有囊膜的双股DNA病毒,病毒囊膜糖蛋白对病毒的吸附、侵入和细胞间扩散是必需的,可刺激机体产生中和抗体。囊膜糖蛋白的研究不仅能了解病毒分子生物学的结构和功能,而且对该病的预防和诊断也具有重要意义。笔者就gB蛋白和gD蛋白的结构和分子生物学特性作一综述,并对其研究展进行了展望。  相似文献   

为了解山东省青岛市猫疱疹病毒Ⅰ型(FHV-1)的流行情况,2019年6月至2021年6月共采集猫眼鼻拭子样本218份,提取样本DNA后利用PCR方法进行FHV-1核酸检测,共检出阳性样本22份,阳性率为10.1%(22/218)。宠物救助站猫的FHV-1阳性率(16.7%)略高于其他来源猫,2~6月龄幼猫的FHV-1阳性率(13.6%)略高于成年猫(7.0%),成年公猫阳性率(7.3%)稍高于成年母猫(6.7%),但各组间均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。对2021年3月采集的60份猫血清进行了FHV-1中和抗体检测,共检出阳性样本40份,抗体阳性率为66.7%。结果表明,青岛市猫群中存在一定的FHV-1流行,抗体保护水平不高,应加快国产FHV-1相关疫苗的研制,及时对猫进行免疫预防。  相似文献   

牛传染性鼻气管炎(IBR)是由牛疱疹病毒I型(BoHV-I)引起的一种急性接触性疾病。主要从临床症状、流行病学特点、疫病动态、病原学、分子生物学、诊断和防控措施等方面来论述牛传染性鼻气管炎,以期为该病诊断、防控、疫苗研究提供参考。  相似文献   

从青海省互助、玛多、海晏、玉树、贵德、德令哈、共和等14个地区采集牛血清样品420份,应用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)调查了青海省牛传染性鼻气管炎和病毒性腹泻黏膜病的感染情况。结果在被检牛血清420份样品中,共检出阳性血清样品228份,平均阳性率为50.67%(228/420);在被检牦牛血清180份样品中,共检出阳性血清样品1份,平均阳性率0.56%(1/180)。  相似文献   

试验旨在检测抗病毒药物对猫传染性鼻气管炎病毒的有效性。利用F81细胞建立抗猫传染性鼻气管炎病毒药物的体外筛选模型,采用MTT法检测,计算病毒的抑制率。结果显示,阿昔洛韦、利巴韦林、L-赖氨酸、板蓝根和黄芪多糖的半数有效浓度(IC50)分别为9.5、3.3、3.4、161.0和4.7 μg/mL,聚肌胞IC50为6.0 mg/mL,治疗指数TI分别为76.8、39.3、2 588.0、4.5、78.7和5.8。结果表明,L-赖氨酸和黄芪多糖为高效抗猫传染性鼻气管炎病毒药物。  相似文献   

This study was aimed to detect the efficacy of antiviral drugs against feline infectious rhinotracheitis virus. F81 cell was used to construct a model for drug screening against feline infectious rhinotracheitis virus in vitro. Virus inhibition rate was detected with MTT assay and calculated with SPSS software. The IC50 of acyclovir, ribavirin, L-lysine, isatis root and Astragalus polysaccharides were 9.5,3.3,3.4,161.0 and 4.7 μg/mL, respectively,the IC50 of polyinosinic was 6.0 mg/mL. The TI of them were 76.8, 39.3, 2 588.0, 4.5, 78.7 and 5.8, respectively. The effect of L-lysine and Astragalus polysaccharides were most significant.  相似文献   

Our objective was to determine the prevalence of serum antibodies to bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) and bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) virus in beef cattle in Uruguay. A random sample of 230 herds selected with probability proportional to population size based on the number of cattle was chosen from a list frame of all registered livestock farms as of June 1999. Sera from up to 10 heifers, cows and bulls (up to 30 sera total per herd) were collected on selected farms between March 2000 and March 2001 and evaluated by means of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). Overall, 6358 serum samples were evaluated. We also collected data on previous diagnosis of BHV-1 or BVD infections and on the use of vaccines against these agents.

The estimated prevalence of exposure to BHV-1 and BVD at the herd level for the Uruguayan beef population was 99% and 100%, respectively. Approximately 37% of beef cattle in Uruguay have been exposed to BHV-1 and 69% to BVD virus. Only 3% of beef herds in Uruguay regularly (typically, annually) use vaccines against either of these agents.  相似文献   

利用微量血清中和试验和攻毒试验、牛传染性鼻气管炎弱毒活疫苗检测免疫后牛血清中牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒的抗体效价及其与保护效力的平衡关系。40头牛其中弱毒活疫苗免疫牛30头,对照牛(抗体阴性牛)10头,采用不同剂量免疫(10^3.5~10^6.5TCID50/mL),按抗体效价高低将实验动物分,并用IBRV LN01/08强毒株攻击,将攻毒保护结果与攻毒时抗体效价结果平行比较分析,结果显示,当IBRV抗体效价高于1:6时,疫苗免疫可以对牛产生良好的保护效力,保护率在80%以上,低于1:6但高于1:3时,免疫苗抗体阳性牛攻毒后保护率近78%。试验结果显示牛传染性鼻气管炎活疫苗的抗体水平于保护效力之间存在一定的平行关系。  相似文献   

黑龙江东北虎林园猫科动物体内寄生虫感染调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年1月18日和7月27日作者分别从哈尔滨东北虎林园采集65份和84份多种猫科动物粪便样品,并利用漂浮法进行寄生虫虫卵检查。结果显示,粪样中存在有猫弓首蛔虫和狮弓蛔虫虫卵。两次蛔虫的感染率分别为50.77%和53.71%。在本次调查中还发现一种球虫卵囊,经证实为等孢球虫。调查表明该园猫科动物群以蛔虫感染为主。  相似文献   

The relative variability of the sero-prevalence of antibodies to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) due to cow, farm, and agroecological area levels were investigated for three contrasting districts in Kenya: Samburu, an arid and pastoral area; Kiambu, a tropical highland area; and Kilifi, a typical tropical coastal area. Cattle were selected by two-stage cluster sampling and visited once between August 1991 and 1992. Data on animal, farm, and area factors were analyzed using Schall's algorithm and MLn (multi-level, n-level), two generalized mixed-model programs suitable for multi-level analysis. Most variation in IBR sero-prevalence was from farm-to-furm. This was reflected by the many farm-level fixed effects (farm size, disease control measures and type of breeding) significant in models both ignoring and accounting for single variance components (clustering) at farm, area, and district levels. Area-to-area and district-to-district variations were noted but the area and district variance components were one-third and one-fifth the size of the farm variance components for both methods. As farm-to-farm variation differed markedly by farm size and district, models in MLn were extended to allow for multiple farm-level variance components by these categories. For each, sero-prevalence of IBR increased with age and was significantly decreased on small-sized zero-grazing farms. These models, particularly the model with different farm variance components by districts, fit the data better and highlighted well that there was considerable farm-to-farm variation—differing by district—and that the available farm-level fixed effects did not predict IBR sero-prevalence well.  相似文献   

Abstract— The object of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) liquid (Efamol Vet; Guildford, U.K.) to decrease the signs of feline pruritic skin disease. Cats were accepted into the study if their dermatologic signs were related to probable flea allergy and/or atopy, their signs did not abate with increased flea control alone and they were not on any concurrent anti-inflammatory drugs or supplements. They were initially placed on 4 weeks of intense flea control then randomly in a double-blinded manner placed on either 8 weeks of EPO liquid or olive oil (control). Pruritus, erythema, self-trauma, alopecia and overall dermatologic condition were monitored and scored at 4-week intervals for the entire 12 weeks of study. The mean of each parameter for each group (EPO or olive oil) was compared to itself over time and to the other group using an analysis of variance with repeated measures. No significant difference ( P ≪ 0.05) was noted over time or between groups for any of the five parameters.  相似文献   

鸭球虫病是由多种鸭艾美耳球虫寄生于鸭肠上皮细胞引起的一种原虫病,给养禽业带来巨大的经济损失。为了解离子型抗球虫药物对鸭球虫病的防治效果,在模拟家鸭笼养的环境条件下,选用莫能霉素、盐霉素、马杜拉霉素、拉沙里菌素、那拉霉素等5种离子载体药物进行试验。试验结果表明,5种离子载体类药物对鸭球虫病均有很好的防治效果,并且马拉霉素等对家鸭的增重也有一定效果。  相似文献   

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