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水产动物育种值估计方法及其应用的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
育种值是选种和配种计划制定的基础,育种值估计是水产动物选择育种的重要内容之一,育种值估计的准确性直接影响着育种项目的遗传进展和选择效果。本文综述了3种育种值估计方法,选择指数、最佳线性无偏预测BLUP法和标记辅助BLUP方法的原理、优缺点及其在水产动物育种中的应用进展。众多研究表明,基于系谱结构和表型信息的BLUP方法将成为水产动物育种中一种快速有效的育种值估计方法。  相似文献   

水产动物育种分析与管理系统的开发和应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对国内水产动物多性状选择育种研究处于起步阶段的现状,以BLUP遗传评定为核心的水产动物多性状复合育种技术体系为依托,结合国内水产动物育种项目研究,开发了一套适合大多数水产动物育种分析与项目管理的软件系统。该系统是在WindowsXP环境下利用MicrosoftSQLServer2000数据库和基于ObjectPascal语言的DelphiIDE工具开发完成的。主要包括6个功能模块:系统管理、基本信息、种质管理、性能管理、育种分析和销售管理等,覆盖整个育种项目周期,并对流程实行标准化,能够自动化完成种质和性能测定数据的管理、遗传参数估计、育种值计算和配种方案制定等主要工作。软件已经在中国对虾、大菱鲆和罗氏沼虾等育种项目中得到应用,其推广和应用能够有效提升行业的整体育种技术水平,推动我国水产动物育种工作的发展。  相似文献   

国家“863计划”在现代农业技术领域通过攻关,在主要海水养殖生物的BLUP育种技术体系取得重要突破,鱼类、贝类水产动物多性状复合育种技术达到世界领先水平。打破了国外水产发达国家的技术垄断和封锁,率先建立了我国自主知识产权的水产生物BLUP育种体系。  相似文献   

畜禽的遗传评定即育种值的估计是动物育种工作中的关键步骤。育种值估计越准确则选育畜禽更有效。遗传评定方法经过了选择指数法、群体比较法、最佳线性无偏预测法等方法。而随着分子技术和计算机科学等各方面的发展畜禽遗传评定的方法也在此基础上不断进步,已发展出了以原有BLUP方法为基础在分子水平上对育种值进行评估的MBLUP法来做畜禽遗传评定。在未来科技的更高快发展下还会有更多更为高效准确改良方法用于畜禽遗传评定。  相似文献   

牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)优良养殖新品种培育是防止其品种退化和提高经济效益的主要途径,数量性状遗传评估是牙鲆育种的主要方法之一。本研究利用已建立的牙鲆核心群体建立42个牙鲆家系,分别测量140、170、200、380日龄各家系生长相关性状(体重、全长和体宽),通过MINQUE、REML和BLUP方法对其进行数量遗传分析。结果显示,不同时期生长性状的变异系数为10.56%–38.62%,其中,体重的变异系数最大,全长和体宽的变异系数都较小,不同性状的变异系数均随着日龄的增加而减小。3个性状的加性方差分量比率为(0.13±0.01)–(0.29±0.06),随机方差分量比率为(0.71±0.06)–(0.87±0.01),狭义遗传力为(0.13±0.01)–(0.29±0.06),广义遗传力为(0.15±0.01)–(0.54±0.06),以上遗传参数均达极显著性水平(P0.01)。综合比较3个性状在不同时期的遗传效应,结果发现,F0990、F1005、KS和F0719这4个群体亲本都为极显著正向效应,F0751、F0768、F0780、F09121、F0927和RS这6个群体亲本都为极显著负向效应(P0.01),其余的亲本均为一般效应。表型相关系数在0.82–0.96之间,遗传相关系数在0.72–0.97之间。利用BLUP方法对380日龄测量的数据进行育种值估算,结果发现,亲鱼体重育种值为14.63–100.05,其中,体重育种值最高的亲鱼个体为F1005-8、F09119-11、F09125-4、F0915-57、F09104-12、F1264、F0908-38、F0927-20、F1005-53、F0990-6、F09125-7、F0751-14和F1005-42。家系平均体重育种值为20.87–35.60,其中,平均体重育种值最高的家系为F1416、F1428、F1442、F1418、F1427、F1408、F1402、F1412和F1446。以体重育种值为依据选留的家系育种值与根据表型值选留的家系育种值比较可得:体重育种值选择比其表型值的选择效率高81.91%,育种值选育更好。本研究为牙鲆优良家系的建立及新品种的培育筛选出了性状优良的亲本和家系,同时为牙鲆育种计划的制定提供了重要理论依据。  相似文献   

为了评估中国对虾最佳线性无偏预测(Best liner unbiased prediction,BLUP)的育种效果,利用2005年评估的个体育种值,组建3个高育种值家系为实验组,3个平均值育种值家系为对照组,进行了生长对比测试。2006年,6个家系的苗种经过独立培育、中间暂养,体重达到1g左右时用荧光标记进行了标记,标记后的幼虾同时放养于对虾养殖池中。在生产养殖池中养殖63d后进行生长性状的测定。BLUP法预测结果显示,中国对虾一代选育后的预期遗传进展为0.78g,相对于选育前全群的平均值6.68g提高了约11.68%。实际对比测试结果表明,高育种值家系后代平均体重为21.55g,平均育种值家系的平均体重为19.03g,选育一代的体重提高13.28%。结果表明,BLUP育种技术对中国对虾生长性状的选育效果显著。  相似文献   

牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)优良养殖新品种培育是防止其品种退化和提高经济效益的主要途径,数量性状遗传评估是牙鲆育种的主要方法之一.本研究利用已建立的牙鲆核心群体建立42个牙鲆家系,分别测量140、170、200、380日龄各家系生长相关性状(体重、全长和体宽),通过MINQUE、REML和BLUP方法对其进行数量遗传分析.结果显示,不同时期生长性状的变异系数为10.56%-38.62%,其中,体重的变异系数最大,全长和体宽的变异系数都较小,不同性状的变异系数均随着日龄的增加而减小.3个性状的加性方差分量比率为(0.13±0.01)-(0.29±0.06),随机方差分量比率为(0.71±0.06)-(0.87±0.01),狭义遗传力为(0.13±0.01)-(0.29±0.06),广义遗传力为(0.15±0.01)-(0.54±0.06),以上遗传参数均达极显著性水平(P<0.01).综合比较3个性状在不同时期的遗传效应,结果发现,F0990、F1005、KS和F0719这4个群体亲本都为极显著正向效应,F0751、F0768、F0780、F09121、F0927和RS这6个群体亲本都为极显著负向效应(P<0.01),其余的亲本均为一般效应.表型相关系数在0.82-0.96之间,遗传相关系数在0.72-0.97之间.利用BLUP方法对380日龄测量的数据进行育种值估算,结果发现,亲鱼体重育种值为14.63-100.05,其中,体重育种值最高的亲鱼个体为F1005-8、F09119-11、F09125-4、F0915-57、F09104-12、F1264、F0908-38、F0927-20、F1005-53、F0990-6、F09125-7、F0751-14和F1005-42.家系平均体重育种值为20.87-35.60,其中,平均体重育种值最高的家系为F1416、F1428、F1442、F1418、F1427、F1408、F1402、F1412和F1446.以体重育种值为依据选留的家系育种值与根据表型值选留的家系育种值比较可得:体重育种值选择比其表型值的选择效率高81.91%,育种值选育更好.本研究为牙鲆优良家系的建立及新品种的培育筛选出了性状优良的亲本和家系,同时为牙鲆育种计划的制定提供了重要理论依据.  相似文献   

中国对虾新品种“黄海2号”的培育   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
选取中国对虾“黄海1号”、“即抗98”2个养殖群体,朝鲜半岛南海群体、乳山湾群体、青岛沿岸群体及海州湾群体4个自然群体,采用不平衡巢式交配设计方案,于2005年建立了中国对虾育种的基础群体.设计并建立了中国对虾的多性状复合育种技术,选育的目标性状为生长速度、白斑综合征病毒(white spot syndrome virus,WSSV)感染后的存活时间及养殖存活率.结果显示,养殖170 d收获体质量的遗传力为0.22,抗WSSV存活时间的遗传力为0.14,存活率的遗传力为0.03.采用BLUP法估算个体育种值,通过百分比加权的形式,分别赋予生长速度、抗WSSV存活时间和存活率的加权值为80%、15%和5%,并对性状育种值进行标准化,获得综合选择指数;按照每个家系及个体的综合选择指数大小进行家系间及家系内留种,并根据系谱信息,设计交配方案,将每代的近交系数控制在1%以内.选育4代后的统计结果表明,平均每代的遗传进展为生长速度,13.56%;抗病力,6.76%;存活率,5.05%.3个性状中,收获体质量的遗传力最高、加权最大,每代获得的遗传进展稳定在12%以上;抗WSSV存活时间与存活率遗传力较低,每代获得的遗传进展相对小且不稳定.实验培育的新品种“黄海2号”于2009年通过全国水产原良种委员会审定,可在适合中国对虾的养殖区进行推广养殖.  相似文献   

基于选择指数法对凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)生长和高氨氮耐受性进行选择,用3种方法评估选择效果:Ⅰ)比较选择系和对照系相关性状的育种值;Ⅱ)比较选择家系和对照家系的最小二乘均值;Ⅲ)比较选择系与对照系表型值,计算相关性状的现实遗传力、遗传获得,并采用BLUP法估算相关性状的遗传力及遗传相关。结果显示,生长性状的选择反应为0.493~1.039,高氨氮耐受存活的选择反应为0.028~0.046;凡纳滨对虾生长性状的现实遗传力为0.288~0.315,遗传获得为6.45%~20.16%,高氨氮耐受成活率的现实遗传力为0.016,遗传获得为2.09%;BLUP法估算生长性状遗传力为0.216~0.284,且显著(P0.05),高氨氮耐受性遗传力为0.028±0.026,生长性状间呈高度遗传正相关为0.871~0.948,体质量与高氨氮耐受性间的正遗传相关为0.180±0.032,且显著(P0.05)。研究表明,采用选择指数法选育一代后,生长性状提高明显,高氨氮耐受性提高较小;选育群体生长性状具有较大遗传改良潜力,如何快速提高选育群体的高氨氮耐受性有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

电子标记辅助虹鳟家系建立及快速生长家系筛选   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以中国水产科学研究院黑龙江水产研究所选育的虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)优良品系G1世代为基础群体,开展了电子标记辅助的大规模虹鳟家系构建工作,建立了G2世代全同胞家系72组,并初步进行了快速生长家系的筛选工作。对不同家系鱼种进行电子芯片植入后放在同池进行生长比较,本研究中虹鳟上市日龄(约为850日龄)体质量、体长的总体家系效应都达到了极显著水平(P<0.0001);通过对不同家系间850日龄体质量和体长的家系效应显著性检验与最小二乘均值的多重比较分析,获得了682BABB、6717B7A、6828308、682A50A、6829C24、6829DC7、682A382、68284DA这8个体质量和体长性能优良的家系。上述家系将作为优先入选家系进入组建G3世代的储备亲本群体。本研究结果可以与本课题组先期开展的基于个体育种值BLUP分析的多性状复合育种工作相互印证。这将有助于提高对虹鳟生长性状进行遗传选择的准确性,同时对其他水生动物数量性状的遗传选育研究也具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

An algorithm to perform mate selection in aquaculture breeding using a computational optimization procedure called “differential evolution” (DE) was applied under optimum contribution selection and mate selection scenarios, to assess its efficiency in maximizing the genetic merit while controlling inbreeding. Real aquaculture data sets with 8,782 Nile tilapias from five generations and 79,144 coho salmon from eight generations were used to optimize objective functions accounting for coancestry of parents and expected genetic merit and inbreeding of the future progeny. The mate selection results were compared with those from the realized scenario (real mates), truncation selection and optimum contribution selection method. Mate selection allowed reducing inbreeding up to 73% for Nile tilapia, compared with truncation selection, and up to 20% for coho salmon, compared with realized scenario. There was evidence that mate selection outperformed optimum contribution selection followed by minimum inbreeding mating in controlling inbreeding under the same expected genetic gain. The developed algorithm was computationally efficient in maximizing the objective functions and flexible for practical application in aquaculture breeding.  相似文献   

近交及其对水产养殖的影响   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
马大勇 《水产学报》2005,29(6):849-856
因大多数野生物种的捕捞已接近甚至超过了可开发的限度,因此必须大量增加水产品的养殖以满足人们对水产品的需要。目前,许多水产养殖种类的苗种来源于野生亲体或野生种苗,但是当野生种群被过度捕捞或数量大量减少时,越来越多的苗种将来源于人工蓄养的亲体群体。  相似文献   

This study provides an overview of successful genetic improvement programmes for important farmed aquaculture species in Asia, with a focus on lessons and experiences gained as well as challenges remaining. In both fish and prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii), conventional selective breeding approaches have resulted in significant improvement in productivity, with genetic gains ranging from 8 to 12% per generation. Selection for high growth has also brought about beneficial changes in fillet weight of fish and edible meat in prawns without detrimental effects on flesh quality attributes and fitness‐related traits. Genetically improved animals show remarkable vigour and high adaptation to a range of culture environments/conditions in Asian countries. Despite these successes, however, the conduct and practical implementation of such breeding programmes still present several challenges. These include the expansion of breeding objectives, management of inbreeding in closed‐selection populations, controlling the effects of genotype by environment interactions, simultaneous production of large number of full‐ and half‐sib families for species with asynchronous spawning behaviour, maintaining pedigree records, dissemination of the improved strains for widespread production, as well as a reluctance by many to carry out systematically designed genetic improvement for aquatic animal species. There are also challenges with regard to the application of genomic information in genetic enhancement programmes and the development of genetically improved strains in response to climate and environmental changes. In this study, each of these challenges is discussed and solutions are proposed to increase efficiency of future genetic improvement programmes for economically important aquaculture species.  相似文献   

We have compared rate of inbreeding (ΔF) and genetic gain (ΔG) in truncation selection schemes for fish on best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) estimated breeding values (EBVs; BTS) or phenotypic values (PTS) with one constraint on the number of tanks (100 or 200) to rear the families, e.g., until tagging size, and one constraint on the total number of selection candidates (3200 or 6400). Single trait selection was practiced for a trait with heritability of 0.1, 0.4 or 0.7 and 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 or 200 selected sires and dams were selected. When going from PTS to BTS, we found an overall increase of ΔG and ΔF of a factor of 0.07 and 1.45, respectively; that is, the increase of ΔG was moderate and accompanied by a dramatic increase of ΔF. In general, ΔF was reduced by increasing the number of tanks at a given number of selection candidates and by decreasing the number of selection candidates at a given number of tanks. ΔF was also reduced for schemes with high heritability because BLUP breeding value estimation then increases the weight on the individual's phenotype, which leads to a reduced correlation between BLUP estimated breeding values within a family, and fish from more families become selected. In practical fish breeding schemes, PTS seems preferable over BTS because BTS generally give unacceptable high ΔF (≫0.01) for these schemes with few but large families. PTS can, however, only be used for traits measured on the selection candidate, which makes PTS less valuable for schemes with comprehensible breeding goals, including, for example, growth, disease resistance, maturity and fillet quality traits. Several traits are measured today on sibs only.  相似文献   

Genetic improvement of aquaculture species offers a substantial opportunity for increased production efficiency, health, product quality and, ultimately, profitability in aquacultural enterprises. Technolo‐gies exist that can be implemented immediately to improve multiple traits that have economic value, while simultaneously accounting for inbreeding effects. Genetic improvement techniques for delivering genetic gain include formal definition of the breeding objective, estimation of genetic parameters that describe populations and their differences, evaluation of additive and non‐additive genetic merit of individuals or families and defining the structure of a breeding programme in terms of mating plans. Novel genetic technologies involving the use of DNA‐based tools are also under development for a range of aquaculture species. These gene marker technologies can be used for identification and monitoring of lines, families and individuals, monitoring and control of inbreeding, diagnosis of simply inherited traits and genetic improvement through selection for favourable genes and gene combinations. The identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL), and direct or linked markers for them, will facilitate marker‐assisted selection in aquaculture species, enabling improvement in economically important traits, particularly those that are difficult to breed for, such as food conversion efficiency and disease resistance.  相似文献   

The giant freshwater prawn breeding programme in China has been carried out as a closed nucleus from 2006. The programme aimed to improve the harvest body weight and pond survival and has achieved remarkable progress. In this study, the genetic diversity and population structure of the giant freshwater prawn breeding nucleus was analysed. Pedigree completeness, the status of genetic diversity, inbreeding accumulation and effective population size of the breeding nucleus were analysed according to the pedigree record. From 2006 to 2014, a total of 107,941 individuals with 555 males and 967 females in nine generations were included in the analyses. Pedigree completeness index in six generations was at least 0.92. After performing eight selections, the genetic diversity decreased by 3%, 67% of which was caused by random genetic drift. After performing 2 years’ selection, the inbreeding level began to show a marked upward trend. The regression of the average rate of inbreeding and the average rate of co‐ancestry was 0.0041 and 0.0051 from 2006 to 2014. The effective population size calculated from the above two parameters was 122 and 98 respectively. The effective population size is still within the recommended level for a population to continue the genetic improvement programme, but below the level required (500) for retaining the evolutionary potential. To restrain the increasing level of inbreeding and maintain effective population size, measures are required to develop a breeding programme which integrates management of genetic variability and selection.  相似文献   

The genetic response and economic benefit from alternative breeding programme designs for blacklip and greenlip abalone (Haliotis rubra and Haliotis laevigata, respectively) were evaluated using a computer simulation model. Two selection criteria were investigated, one used family breeding values for liability to disease challenge test infection and the other used a direct selection of the best performing individuals across families for growth rate. Five scales of breeding programme were tested and the model predicted that if growth rate is the only selection criterion, breeding programmes of a scale using 150 families of each species each generation would result in 12–13% genetic improvement in initial generations and have the greatest beneficial economic impact on the Australian abalone industry of the options tested. The model predicts an average discounted benefit–cost ratio of 48:1, total added discounted benefit of AU$4.90 for each kilogram of abalone produced and nominal economic effect on operating income of over AU$16 million per year after 10 years. If disease resistance is the only selective breeding criterion, 100 families of each species would result in the highest benefit–cost ratio of the options tested, although some genetic gain would need to be sacrificed to reduce inbreeding to acceptable levels in this scenario. A strategy for a stand‐alone abalone selective breeding cooperative was also modelled. For a farm of current tank area yielding 100 t year?1, participation is expected to yield over AUThe genetic response and economic benefit from alternative breeding programme designs for blacklip and greenlip abalone (Haliotis rubra and Haliotis laevigata, respectively) were evaluated using a computer simulation model. Two selection criteria were investigated, one used family breeding values for liability to disease challenge test infection and the other used a direct selection of the best performing individuals across families for growth rate. Five scales of breeding programme were tested and the model predicted that if growth rate is the only selection criterion, breeding programmes of a scale using 150 families of each species each generation would result in 12–13% genetic improvement in initial generations and have the greatest beneficial economic impact on the Australian abalone industry of the options tested. The model predicts an average discounted benefit–cost ratio of 48:1, total added discounted benefit of AU$4.90 for each kilogram of abalone produced and nominal economic effect on operating income of over AU$16 million per year after 10 years. If disease resistance is the only selective breeding criterion, 100 families of each species would result in the highest benefit–cost ratio of the options tested, although some genetic gain would need to be sacrificed to reduce inbreeding to acceptable levels in this scenario. A strategy for a stand‐alone abalone selective breeding cooperative was also modelled. For a farm of current tank area yielding 100 t year?1, participation is expected to yield over AU$0.7 million in discounted total added production value and annual discounted returns of over AU$0.4 million per annum by year 10.  相似文献   

剑尾鱼RW-H近交系20个微卫星位点的遗传结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了对水生实验动物剑尾鱼(Xiphophorus helleri)RW-H系近交15代的遗传结构进行研究,寻找该近交系的标志基因位点,选择20个在野生剑尾鱼群体具多态性的微卫星位点,对剑尾鱼RW-H系(红眼白体)30尾个体进行分析。结果表明,其中有17个位点为单态,有可能作为该近交系的标志基因位点;另外3个位点Msa012、Msa033和Msc036具有多态性,多态信息含量值分别为0.3047、0.3457和0.3648。通过Pop-gene 3.2软件分析得知全部基因位点的纯合率达到了95.83%,个体间平均遗传距离为0.0482(0.000 0~0.1625),遗传相似系数为0.9518(0.8500~1.0000),说明剑尾鱼RW-H系已经具有很高的近交程度。几个多态性位点的发现,可以指导近交选育,加快选育进度。本研究方法不仅检测出剑尾鱼RW-H系具较低的遗传多样性,而且可为中国建立分子水平的实验动物监测标准提供基础数据。  相似文献   

团头鲂选育群体基因组选择信号的检测有助于研究人工选育条件下基因组的进化机制,为团头鲂的进一步遗传改良提供依据。以团头鲂"浦江1号"选育奠基群体(F0)为对照组,以3个团头鲂选育群体为试验组,采用经典的Ewens-Watterson中性检验和基于3种算法(岛屿模型、分级岛屿模型、贝叶斯似然法)的FST-离群值点检验,在14个转录组微卫星位点上进行选择信号检测。结果显示,F0群体中所有位点均为中性位点,选育群体A在Mac927位点和Mac158位点受到了正向选择压力,选育群体B在Mac158位点受到了正向选择压力,选育群体C在Mac927位点和Mac158位点受到了正向选择压力。由此可见,自1985年起的连续世代人工选育已在团头鲂基因组中留下了可检测到的选择信号。3个选育群体均在Mac158位点检测到选择信号,表明3个选育群体受到的人工选择方向比较接近。  相似文献   

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