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为了给广西边境地区重大动物疫病防控阻截带建设提供数据支持,以及了解中越边境地区家禽禽流感病毒生态学,2012年12月—2017年12月,对广西边境地区主要活禽批发市场家禽及市场环境进行了系统监测。结果显示:广西边境地区活禽批发市场内禽流感病毒污染较重,呈多亚型病毒共存状态;家禽样品的平均病毒分离率为15.95%,环境样品则高达23.65%,明显高于家禽样品。市场调查发现:广西9个边境县(市、区)中,年活禽交易量在100万只以上的有5个;市场交易活禽主要为本地散养或规模场养殖家禽、从其他地区批发转运来的家禽以及边境走私家禽;大部分活禽市场没有配备消毒和无害化处理设施,也未严格执行休市制度。监测和调查结果表明,广西边境地区活禽批发市场家禽交易量大且频繁,来源复杂;市场中禽流感病毒污染严重,多亚型病毒在市场内常年蓄积循环,且存在家禽隐性带毒现象,因而有病毒散播风险。污染严重主要是因市场管理水平不高和生物安全措施不到位造成的,因此需要加强市场的动物卫生监管,提高禽流感监测力度。  相似文献   

在生猪的养殖过程中,猪流行性腹泻一旦发生会造成较为严重的经济损失。本文主要对猪流行性腹泻病毒的基因结构和当前猪流行性腹泻疫苗的研究进展进行了介绍,希望能为猪流行性腹泻的科学防控提供参考。  相似文献   

山东莒县部分乡镇蜂群短期内死亡严重,通过对典型发病蜂场临床症状调查和实验室病毒检测,确诊发病蜂场病因主要为蜜蜂以色列急性麻痹病毒、克什米尔病毒、残翅病毒混合感染,究其原因为秋季治螨不彻底、蜂群饲喂不足、饲养管理不善所造成,建议蜂农更新养殖理念,饲养强群,彻底治螨,搞好蜂场环境卫生,在蜜源匮乏季节要及时饲喂,避免盗蜂发生...  相似文献   

春季漂忽不定的气温,给细菌、病毒滋生繁殖提供了良好的环境,加上猪舍内通风量小,潮湿大,抗病力下降猪群极易发生感冒继而引发各种疾病。严重的引发混合感染,造成猪场养殖成本增加,  相似文献   

随着水产养殖业的快速发展,各种新发传染病不断暴发流行,其中由野田村病毒引起的传染病,造成大批养殖水生动物死亡,给水产养殖业和生态环境带来了严重威胁。野田村病毒分为α野田村病毒属和β野田村病毒属,以及分类未定的野田村病毒,其中水生动物野田村病毒主要包括鱼类神经坏死病毒、对虾偷死野田村病毒、罗氏沼虾野田村病毒、行动障碍野田村病毒以及贝类神经坏死病毒。一些野田村病毒易感宿主多,如α野田村病毒可感染哺乳动物,虾类野田村病毒可感染鱼类,鱼类野田村病毒又可感染贝类,加之近年来的研究发现一些野田村病毒毒株存在自然重组现象,这对水产养殖业造成了威胁。本文综述了野田村病毒科病毒的分类,水生动物野田村病毒主要种类,以及野田村病毒跨物种传播、病毒重组等研究进展,探讨国内外新发现的水生动物野田村病毒的潜在风险,为有效监测和防控水生动物野田村病毒病提供借鉴。  相似文献   

猪伪狂犬病是由伪狂犬病毒(Pseudorabies virus, PRV)引起的一种畜禽传染病。临床症状以哺乳仔猪死亡率高、母猪繁殖障碍、育肥猪迟缓生长为主要特征。该病毒具有很强的传播性可引起猪群传染,严重影响猪的生长发育,对养殖业造成经济损失,对人类健康产生潜在威胁。因此,养殖生产中预防和控制该病毒是非常重要的。本文通过介绍发病机理、临床症状、防控措施,以期为规模化猪场监测防控PRV提供了良好参考。  相似文献   

羊痘病毒是主要感染羊的病毒性传染病,可分为绵羊痘病毒和山羊痘病毒,是危害养羊业健康发展的主要病毒性传染病。羊痘病毒主要通过接触传播和呼吸道传播,羊群营养不良及环境应激都会增加发病机会,发病羊表现为体温升高和出现水疱和丘疹,严重时发生继发感染会导致死亡,造成严重的经济损失。2019年3月,某羊场的绵羊感染羊痘病毒,经笔者积极诊治,病情得到了有效控制。  相似文献   

牛呼吸道疾病(bovine respiratory disease,BRD)是引起舍饲牛发病和死亡的主要原因,给北美和世界养牛业造成巨大的经济损失。BRD是由多种病毒、细菌与外界环境相互作用,如应激、环境因素与多种病毒、细菌和支原体等而引起的一种严重的呼吸系统疾病。作者就引起BRD的常见和严重的病原牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒(infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus,IBRV)和牛呼吸道合胞体病毒(bovine respiratory syncytial virus,BRSV)的生物学特性、细胞感染和致病机制等进行简要概述,以期为该病的防制和研究提供参考。  相似文献   

为了解鸡马立克病病毒(MDV)、禽白血病病毒(ALV)和禽网状内皮组织增生症病毒(REV)在鲁北地区鸡群中的感染情况,对来自21个鸡群的送检病例进行了病原核酸的PCR检测.结果显示,MDV阳性率为28.5%,ALV-J阳性率为23.8%,REV阳性率为14.3%,肿瘤病毒的二重感染率为28.6%.结果表明,3种肿瘤病毒在鲁北地区蛋鸡和地方品种鸡群中的感染严重,病毒的混合感染较多.因此,做好MD的疫苗防护,对ALV-J及REV的感染状况要进行定期检测,控制好养殖环境,尽量避免3种肿瘤病毒的继发感染.  相似文献   

为节省劳动力,改变养殖场传统的管理模式,笔者将物联网技术应用于肉羊的养殖管理过程中,开发设计出综合的养殖场管理平台,实现肉羊养殖环境的实时监测与智能控制、肉羊的个体行为监测、疾病诊断与预警、繁育管理以及精细投喂等功能,实现养殖场的智能化监控和管理。  相似文献   

玉米-紫花苜蓿间作模式与效应研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
以玉米和紫花苜蓿间作系统为研究对象,研究了不同间作模式和不同减氮水平下的光照强度、透光率、土壤养分含量、玉米产量、苜蓿产量和单位面积纯收益变化规律。结果表明,随着玉米大行距的加大,玉米行间和苜蓿带与玉米带间隔中部、底部的光照强度和透光率均表现增大趋势,除T4处理外,其他处理的玉米行间中部、底部的光照强度和透光率均高于对照CK。间作处理的有机质、有机氮、速效氮较对照均成增加趋势,而且这种趋势随着间作时间的延长越发明显,土壤有机质、有机氮、速效氮含量随玉米大行距的加大均成增加趋势。在保持单位面积株数相同的情况下,3个试验年份玉米籽粒产量均以T2处理最高,除T4处理玉米籽粒产量低于对照外,其他处理产量均高于对照,苜蓿产量随玉米大行距的加大均成增加趋势;3个试验年份单位面积纯收益均以T3处理最高,所有间作处理单位面积纯收益均高于对照。减氮均不同程度地造成了玉米减产,但随着间作时间的延长减氮所造成的减产幅度逐渐降低,到试验第3年,R1和R2处理的玉米产量与CK相比没有显著性差异(P>0.05);试验第3年R1和R2处理的单位面积纯收益均高于CK,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess and compare the environmental impacts of two types of dairy farming systems, one of which makes use of whole‐crop rice silage and the other of which is conventional, using life cycle assessment (LCA). The functional unit was defined as 1 kg of 4% fat‐corrected milk (FCM). The processes associated with the dairy farming life cycle, such as feed production, feed transport, animal management including biological activity of the animal, and waste treatment were included within the system's boundaries. Environmental impacts of the rice silage‐using and conventional dairy farming systems were 987 and 972 g CO2 equivalents for global warming, 6.87 and 7.13 g SO2 equivalents for acidification, 1.19 and 1.23 g PO4 equivalents for eutrophication, and 5.53 and 5.81 MJ for energy consumption, respectively. Our results suggest that the dairy farming system using rice silage in Japan has smaller environmental impacts for acidification, eutrophication, and energy consumption, and a larger impact for global warming compared with conventional farming. Further interpretation integrating these impact categories suggested 1.1% lower environmental impact of the rice silage‐using dairy farming system as a whole.  相似文献   

For the past ten years, sheep farmers from the French Mediterranean area have been able to use agri-environmental farming schemes to prevent the development of forest on rangelands and to preserve biodiversity in these open areas. These new environmental concerns are the background for an investigation into the management of long-term interactions between farm practices and systems on grazed land. This includes an analysis of how farmers change their management practices.Considering these practices in their socio-technical dimension, we carried out a survey among sheep farmers within the Luberon Natural Regional Park to analyse the process of transformation in practice, as sheep farm sizes are also roughly increasing. We will show how changes in practice are linked with the ability of farmers to integrate these into new farming systems. But it is also related to the social status of these practices in relation to local professional groups, who define the social framework concerning farming activities and who attribute value to different practices.Integrating these links between the technical and social dimensions of practices is a challenge for producing indicators able to evaluate the abilities of farming systems to change in order to participate in the medium term environmental management.  相似文献   

随畜牧业发展,草田耕作制度在中国北方和南方发展迅速,我国南方逐步形成柱花草和一年生黑麦草为主的种植模式,我国北方呈现紫花苜蓿、黑麦草及沙打旺为主的种植模式。草田耕作具有提高土壤有机质、增加氮素供给、改善土壤物理特性、维持土壤养分平衡和防止土壤侵蚀等作用。草田耕作对合理利用土地资源和实现农牧业可持续发展具有重要意义。草田耕作使用地和养地结合,实现由传统粮食/经济作物二元结构向粮食/牧草/经济作物三元结构过渡,有利于提高光、热、水和土地资源利用,提高系统生产力,达到既提高粮食产量,又提供蛋白质饲料,同时改善生态环境。同时,两种作物或牧草间作或混作可产生互补作用。  相似文献   

论西部地区现代农作制度发展模式与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析西部地区农作制度面临的主要问题基础上,提出了本区现代农作制度的7种主要发展模式,即:节水型农作制度、设施型农作制度、保护型农作制度、循环型农作制度、特色型农作制度、绿色型农作制度和观光型农作制度;并提出了实现西部地区农作制度可持续发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

近年来,西安市阎良区的奶牛养殖业兴起,但同时也出现了粪污处理和环境污染问题。为了解决这些问题并推动绿色发展,阎良区畜牧兽医技术推广中心积极推广“发酵床奶牛养殖技术”。这项技术不仅解决了粪污治理和环境保护问题,还提高了奶牛产量,降低了发病率,促进了养殖业提质增效,实现了绿色无污染养殖的目标。通过以阎良区海文牛场为例,我们探讨了该技术的规程,为推进奶牛养殖业的绿色、健康、可持续发展提供了参考案例。  相似文献   

In the Mekong delta, backyard pig rearing plays an integral role in recycling nutrients in farming systems and generating valuable cash income. However, development has been hampered by fatal epizootics of piglets and reproductive failure of sows. Diseases are named by symptoms and blindly treated with antibiotics. As antibiotics are often ineffectual, involvement of viral diseases are suspected. To identify the causative agent, we first sero-surveyed porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) and pseudorabies with 478 sera from non-vaccinated pigs collected from backyard farms, state farms and slaughterhouses in Can Tho province between 1999 and 2002. Antibodies for PRRS were first detected in 2002 in backyard farms and at high prevalence in state farms with increased piglet mortality. A few backyard breeder pigs had antibodies for pseudorabies in 2000 and 2002. With compulsory classical swine fever (CSF) vaccination, we examined the relationship between vaccination and antibodies in 70 serum samples. Seventy-nine percent of vaccinated breeders had CSF antibodies-higher than expected with irregular vaccination. Since circulation of CSF virus was suspected, isolation was attempted at 10 farms with fatal epizootics between 2002 and 2003. The viruses were detected at all farms and clustered within genogroup 2, despite vaccines corresponding to genogroup 1. This study demonstrated virologically/serologically the existence of PRRS, pseudorabies and CSF viruses in the Mekong delta of Vietnam. We also identified CSF as a cause of piglet mortality that disastrously affected backyard farming. Vaccine standardization and proper instructions are needed to simplify diagnosis and complement established simultaneous vaccination of sows with piglets.  相似文献   

The potential environmental effects of livestock farming are mainly associated with intensification of poultry, pig and dairy cow production systems. The major impacts are mainly caused by housing of livestock, which can lead to air and water pollution associated with nitrogen and phosphorus emissions and losses from manure. European countries regulate the potential for these types of pollution through a number of mechanisms, which have received wide public acceptance. In grazing systems, nitrogen pollution, associated with the use of nitrogen fertilizer, is also the subject of legislation. Perhaps because of this regulatory approach, surveys of the public have found that human food quality and animal welfare are more important issues than effects on air and water quality when considering livestock systems.Variation in stocking rates of grazing ruminants can change the structure and composition of pastures with potential impacts on biodiversity and the production of methane, a greenhouse gas. In European countries, maximum stocking rates have been set to reduce these impacts. Surveys of the European public have suggested that they are willing to pay for the mitigation of these environmental effects but that they also value strongly the cultural component of grazed livestock systems. There are few underlying concepts about how society views the environmental impacts of livestock systems. These are used to conclude that current attitudes are likely to prevail in the next decade.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effect of management on the undocumented Achai cattle reproductive performance in transhumant farming systems (TFS) and in sedentary farming systems (SFS) in northwestern Pakistan. Data were collected from 172 households in TFS and 270 households in SFS to analyze the effect of farming systems, parity, and calving season on key reproductive traits. The results show that farming systems significantly affect pubertal age, while parity has no significant effect on any of the key traits. The calving season significantly affects the postpartum anoestrus interval in TFS only. More than 50% of the cows in both systems have postpartum anoestrus intervals and calving intervals within the recommended values for cows in tropical countries. Achai cows have high first-service conception rates (70% and 71% for TFS and SFS, respectively) and require a relatively small number of services per conception (1.53 ± 0.06 and 1.48 ± 0.05 SE for TFS and SFS, respectively). This local breed thus warrants conservation under both farming systems.  相似文献   

亚热带山区草地农业系统分析——以贵州省晴隆县为例   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
中国西南岩溶山区面临环境和贫困的双重挑战,建立兼顾生态和民生需要的农业生产系统,是该地区可持续发展的关键。本研究以贵州省晴隆县为例,在实地调查的基础上,对作物生产系统、山羊生产系统及农牧结合系统这3种发展模式进行了比较和分析。农户生产系统的纯收入以农牧结合系统为最高,山羊生产系统次之,作物生产系统最低,说明实行草地农业系统有利于增加农民收入。退耕种草使昔日水土流失严重的坡耕地农田转变为多年生草地,提高了植被覆盖度,显著减少了化肥和农药用量,草地放牧利用促进养分返还土壤,从而降低水土流失及环境污染风险,生态效益显著。该县发展以多年生放牧草地为基础的山羊生产,加上服务中心在技术和市场销售上的支撑作用,为破解西南岩溶山区生态和贫困难题探索了一条可行的途径。  相似文献   

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