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The Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B transmitted host range of Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV), genus Crinivirus, Family Closteroviridae, and Cucumber vein yellowing virus (CVYV), genus Ipomovirus, Family Potyviridae, was studied. New experimental hosts were identified for each of these viruses. Seventeen species in eight plant families were assessed as potential hosts for ToCV. Infection in asymptomatic Anthriscus cereifolium (chervil) test plants by ToCV was confirmed by using a Real-Time PCR assay designed for ToCV. The presence of readily transmissible, infectious ToCV virions in A. cereifolium was confirmed by re-isolation of the virus via whitefly-transmission from A. cereifolium to Lycopersicon esculentum and A. cereifolium. This is the first report of the experimental transmission of ToCV by B. tabaci to a species within the Umbelliferae. All other hosts assessed for the presence of ToCV were found to be uninfected. Ten species in five families were assessed as potential hosts for CVYV. The CVYV host range identified included some important crops and common weeds, such as L. esculentum, Nicotiana tabacum, A. cereifolium, Datura stramonium, Nicotiana benthamiana, Nicotiana clevlandii and Cucumis sativus. Symptoms were present on D. stramonium, N. benthamiana and C. sativus control plants. The presence of infectious whitefly transmitted CVYV virions was confirmed solely for D. stramonium and N. tabacum, following re-isolation of the virus via B. tabaci transmission from all infected species to C. sativus. This is the␣first report of experimental CVYV transmission by B. tabaci to non-cucurbitaceous crop and weed hosts belonging to the Solanaceae or Umbelliferae.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium fascians, which causes leafy gall, has been shown to be responsible for the unusual symptoms recently found in lilies. The symptoms are described and the different bacterial isolates compared by biochemical, serological and pathogenicity experiments. No evidence could be found for the existence of specialized strains even though considerable variation in virulence could be demonstrated. Although the role of variation in susceptibility of the different lily cultivars should not be underestimated, it would appear that high inoculum levels ofC. fascians in the soil may be largely responsible for these outbreaks.Also included in this study are the results of biochemical, serological and pathogenicity experiments ofC. fascians which has been isolated fromKalanchoe, Euphorbia, Brodiaea, Hebe andVerbascum.Samenvatting Reeds een aantal jaren was in lelies een woekering in stengelbollen bekend, die echter sporadisch voorkwam en economisch van weinig betekenis was. Tijdens de zomer van 1977 echter trad de ziekte op één enkel perceel zo ernstig op dat zeer aanzienlijke oogstderving het gevolg was. Behalve de stengelbol kan ook de hoofdbol misvormd zijn. Bovendien kunnen misvormde stengelbollen lange spruiten vormen, zgn. sabeltandvorming. Soms is het wortelstelsel gereduceerd; in de kas zijn verdikte stengels waargenomen. De ziekte staat nu bekend onder de naam woekerziekte.Door de PD te Wageningen en het LBO te Lisse werd de bacterieCorynebacterium fascians (Tilford) Dows. uit het zieke materiaal geïsoleerd. In gezamenlijk onderzoek werd nagegaan of de bacterie de veroorzaker is van bovengenoemde symptomen en of hier sprake is van een op lelie gespecialiseerde stam.Biochemische en serologische vergelijkingen tussen isolaten vanC. fascians uit lelie,Kalanchoe, Euphorbia, Brodiaeea, Hebe enVerbascum laten zien dat er zeer weinig verschillen bestaan. Alle isolaten reageren op een standaard antiserum met titers variërend tussen 1: 640–1: 5120.Een oriënterende inoculatieproef werd uitgevoerd op het LBO in 1977. Daarna werden op de PD 10 van de 25 isolaten uit lelie en 8 uit andere waardplanten getoetst op lelie, chrysant en lathyrus. Uit de inoculatieproeven blijkt, dat de bacterie de veroorzaker is van de waargenomen symptomen. Tussen de isolaten blijkt een groot verschil in pathogeniteit te bestaan (12–100% aantasting), zonder dat dit aan herkomst gebonden is. Het voorkomen van op lelie of andere waardplanten gespecialiseerde stammen is daarom niet aan te nemen.In hoeverre de hevige aantasting een gevolg is van een opbouw van de bacterie-populatie door een te nauwe vruchtwisseling en mechanische rooimethoden moet worden nagegaan.  相似文献   

Ascochyta blight caused by Ascochyta rabiei, is the most destructive disease in many chickpea growing countries. Disease development varies with the growth stage and host resistance. Hence, disease development was studied in cvs ICCX 810800 (resistant), ICCV 90201 (moderately resistant), C 235 (moderately susceptible), ICCV 96029 and Pb 7 (susceptible) under controlled environment (ICRISAT, Patencheru) and field conditions (Dhaulakuan, Himachal Pradesh) at seedling, post-seedling, vegetative, flowering and podding stages. Under controlled environment, the incubation period and terminal disease reaction (TDR) did not vary significantly at different growth stages against virulent isolate AB 4. Cultivars ICCX 810800, ICCV 90201 and C 235 showed a significantly longer incubation period than the susceptible cv. Pb 7. Cultivar ICCX 810800 showed slow disease progress and the least TDR. Field experiments were conducted during the 2003–2004 and 2004–2005 growing seasons. During 2003–2004, TDR was higher in plants inoculated at podding and the flowering stage and the lowest disease reaction was recorded in ICCX 810800. A severe epidemic during 2004–2005 was attributed to the favourable temperature, humidity and well distributed high rainfall. TDR did not differ significantly at any of the growth stages in susceptible cvs ICCV 96029 and Pb 7. With respect to seeding date and cultivar, the highest yield was recorded in the early-sown crop (1,276.7 kg ha−1) and in ICCV 90201 (1,799.3 kg ha−1), respectively. The yields were greatly reduced in all the cultivars during 2004–2005 and the highest yield was recorded in ICCX 810800 (524.7 kg ha−1). Integrated disease management using resistant cultivars, optimum sowing period and foliar application of fungicides will improve chickpea production. The experiment under controlled environment and field conditions (during the epidemic year) showed a similar disease development.  相似文献   

Propyl 4-(2-(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yloxy)benzylamino)benzoate (ZJ0273), derived from a precursor compound pesticide (a derivative of 2-pyrimidinyloxy-N-aryl benzoate), is a novel herbicide used in the rapeseed field. This paper studied the differential tolerance or susceptibility of four plant species viz. Brassica napus L. (rapeseed), Hordeum vulgare L. (barley), Malachium aquaticum (L.) Fries (water chickweed), and Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. (equal alopecurus), to various concentrations of ZJ0273, based on the rate of inhibition of acetolactate synthase (ALS) activity. Brassica napus was observed as the most tolerant among four species in which ALS activity in vivo was hardly affected by ZJ0273 at 100 mg/L (recommended dose in the rapeseed field). In contrast, H. vulgare was found to be more susceptible which was reflected in the relative decline of ALS activity and lower biomass production even under at a lower rate of 10 mg/L of ZJ0273. The two weed species exhibited moderate susceptibility as compared to H. vulgare. The present study confirmed that ZJ0273 at 100 mg/L is the optimal dose of herbicide for rapeseed field. Seedling stage was critical in determining the tolerance of crops and susceptibility of weeds which indicated that over seven leaf stage was much safer for rapeseed whereas the two leaf stage juvenile water chickweed was more susceptible to the same rate of ZJ0273. Spatial and temporal variations in ALS activity as affected by 100 mg/L ZJ0273 in water chickweed, rapeseed and barley also suggested that the synchronized sampling based on the tissue position and seedling stage was necessary to examine precisely, the special difference in tolerance or susceptibility to ALS-inhibiting herbicide. The uppermost younger leaf seemed to be the most appropriate sample for evaluation. Furthermore, the variant tendency of ALS activity from different parts of plants between monocotyledons and dicotyledons to ZJ0273 treatments showed differential response which revealed some possible mechanism related to the altered absorption and translocation of the herbicide.  相似文献   

In growth cabinet experiments, the common phyllosphere yeastsSporobolomyces roseus andCryptococcus laurentii var.flavescens were sprayed as a mixture (11) onto the fourth leaves of maize plants (Zea mays) two-three days prior to inoculation withColletotrichum graminicola. In four experiments the average yeast population of the treated leaves at the time of pathogen inoculation varied between 5× 104 and 8× 105 cells cm–2 leaf, whereas on the untreated leaves the yeast population varied from <103 to 104 cells cm–2 leaf. The yeasts reduced lesion density and necrosis fromC. graminicola infection by approximately 50%. Contrary to findings with other necrotrophic pathogens, conidial germination, superficial mycelial growth and appressorium formation were not affected. Instead, the reduction of infection could only be explained by a reduced number of penetrations from the normally formed appressoria, a site of interaction not previously recorded.Samenvatting In klimaatkastexperimenten werden maisbladeren (4e blad) twee-drie dagen voor inoculatie metColletotrichum graminicola bespoten met een mengsel (11) van de algemeen voorkomende fyllosfeergistenSporobolomyces roseus enCryptococcus laurentii var.flavescens. In vier experimenten varieerde de gemiddelde gistpopulatie op de behandelde bladeren, op het moment van inoculatie met het pathogen, van 5× 104 tot 8× 105 cellen cm–2 blad, op de onbehandelde bladeren van <103 tot 104 cellen cm–2 blad. De gisten reduceerden de lesiedichtheid en het necrotisch bladoppervlak tengevolge van deC. graminicola infectie voor ongeveer 50%. De stadia in de ontwikkeling van andere necrotrofe pathogenen, die gewoonlijk gevoelig zijn voor antagonisme door gisten, zoals sporekieming, oppervlakkige myceliumgroei en vorming van appressoria, werden bijC. graminicola niet beïnvloed. De waargenomen reductie van infectie kon alleen verklaard worden door een remming van de penetratie vanuit normaal gevormde appressoria. Interactie in dit stadium van het infectieproces is nog niet eerder waargenomen.  相似文献   

Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA causes leaf blight on soybean and rice. Despite the fact that R. solani AG-1 IA is a major pathogen affecting soybean and rice in Brazil and elsewhere in the world, little information is available on its genetic diversity and evolution. This study was an attempt to reveal the origin, and the patterns of movement and amplification of epidemiologically significant genotypes of R. solani AG-1 IA from soybean and rice in Brazil. For inferring intraspecific evolution of R. solani AG-1 IA sampled from soybean and rice, networks of ITS-5.8S rDNA sequencing haplotypes were built using the statistical parsimony algorithm from Clement et al. (2000) Molecular Ecology 9: 1657–1660. Higher haplotype diversity (Nei M 1987, Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Columbia University Press, New york: 512p.) was observed for the Brazilian soybean sample of R. solani AG-1 IA (0.827) in comparison with the rest of the world sample (0.431). Within the south-central American clade (3-2), four haplotypes of R. solani AG-1 IA from Mato Grosso, one from Tocantins, one from Maranhão, and one from Cuba occupied the tips of the network, indicating recent origin. The putative ancestral haplotypes had probably originated either from Mato Grosso or Maranhão States. While 16 distinct haplotypes were found in a sample of 32 soybean isolates of the pathogen, the entire rice sample (n=20) was represented by a single haplotype (haplotype 5), with a worldwide distribution. The results from nested-cladistic analysis indicated restricted gene flow with isolation by distance (or restricted dispersal by distance in nonsexual species) for the south-central American clade (3-2), mainly composed by soybean haplotypes.  相似文献   

The disease syndrome ‘Basses richesses’ (SBR) affects sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) crops and causes important economic damage in eastern France. Up to now two phloem-restricted prokaryotes which cannot be cultivated, a stolbur phytoplasma and a γ-3 proteobacterium (called SBR proteobacterium), have been associated with the disease. The SBR proteobacterium is closely related to endosymbionts of Hemiptera in the genus Arsenophonus. Both the phytoplasma and the proteobacterium are transmitted by the insect vector Pentastiridius sp. (Hemiptera: Cixiidae). In the present work, we developed sensitive PCR tools for routine detection of SBR proteobacteria in sugar beets. The monitoring with PCR since 1997, of both SBR pathogen agents, showed the predominant aetiological role of SBR proteobacteria in SBR disease. Detection of SBR proteobacteria in sugar beet was correlated with development of SBR symptoms and reduction of sugar content in the taproot. Severity of symptoms and sugar content in experimentally inoculated sugar beet plants were a function of the number of Pentastiridius sp. used for transmission or the length of inoculation access period (IAP), suggesting a direct relationship between importance or precocity of populations of inoculative insects in fields and low sugar yield of crops.  相似文献   

Inoculation of seed potatoes with the mycoparasiteVerticillium biguttatum, isolate M73 (combined withGliocladium roseum in 1981, either alone or mixed with isolate M180 plus antibiotics-producing isolates ofAzotobacter chroococcum in 1982) repeatedly proved successful in reducingRhizoctonia solani on stolons and stems. In field experiments, this ultimately led to a reduced formation of sclerotia on new tubers, particularly in neutral sandy loam and clay loam soils. In 1981 inoculation with antagonists led, when compared with no inoculation, to average reductions of 22 and 42% for the harvest from clean, and 15 and 26% for the harvest from infected seed tubers grown on slightly acid sandy soils and on neutral loam soils, respectively. The harvest from clean, inoculated seed tubers had the lowest sclerotium index. In 1982 inoculation of seed tubers planted in slightly acid sandy soils gave reductions of the sclerotium index of up to 22%. In the neutral marine loam soils considerable reductions were often achieved, viz., in slightly infected loams 51–68% and in rather heavily infected ones 4–43%. Chemical disinfection of seed tubers proved effective only in loam soils that were slightly infested withR. solani. In both years inoculation of seed tubers with antagonists led to significantly lower sclerotium indices of the harvest (p=0.1% in 1981; p=5% in 1982). V. biguttatum was present more frequently and in greater densities on stems and stolons of plants from inoculated than from non-inoculated seed tubers. The latter were colonized by wildV. biguttatum strains from the soil, apparently less effective antagonists.Early in the season, the soil temperature was too low for growth ofV. biguttatum. Nevertheless, inoculation of tubers that were planted early resulted in a considerable cotrol ofR. solani.Samenvatting Het beënten van poters met de opRhizoctonia solani parasiterende schimmelVerticillium biguttatum isolaat M73 in combinatie metGliocladium roseum (1981) of metV. biguttatum M73 alleen of in combinatie met isolaat M180 plus antibiotische isolaten van de bacterieAzotobacter chroococcum (1982), bleek effectief in het terugdringen of het onderdrukken vanR. solani op stengels en stolonen en het verminderen van de aantasting.Beënting van het pootgoed leidde tot een vermindering van de sclerotium (lakschurft)-vorming op de nieuwe knollen, vooral in klei-en zavelgronden. In 1981 leidde beënting van poters tot reductie in de sclerotiumvorming van gemiddeld 22 en 42% voor de oogst uit schoon en 15 en 26% voor de oogst uit besmet pootgoed geteeld op respectievelijk zandgrond en klei- en zavelgrond.In 1982 leidde beënten van de poters uitgeplant in licht zure zandgrond tot een gemiddelde reductie van de sclerotiumindex van de oogst van 22%. In zwaar besmette zandgrond trad evenwel geen reductie op; de infectiedruk was hier te groot. In de neutrale zavel- en kleigronden, vaak ook in de zwaarder besmette percelen werden aanzienlijke reducties bereikt, in de licht besmette gemiddeld 51–68% en in de zwaarder besmette 4–43%. Ontsmetten van pootgoed bleek alleen effectief in percelen die licht metR. solani waren besmet.In beide jaren bleek beënten van pootgoed met antagonisten te resulteren in een significant lagere sclerotiumindex van de oogst (p=0,1% in 1981; p=5% in 1982). V. biguttatum was veel vaker en meer aanwezig op de ondergrondse stengeldelen en stolonen van planten uit beënt pootgoed dan op die van niet beënte poters. De laatsten werden gekoloniseerd door wilde stammen vanV. biguttatum uit de grond, die vaak minder effectieve antagonisten waren. Beënting van vroeg gepote knollen — als de temperatuur nog te laag is voor de groei vanV. biguttatum — leverde toch gunstige resultaten op.  相似文献   

为了解橡胶树2种炭疽病菌的侵染结构发育分化过程,采用平板菌落生长速率法测定了3株胶孢炭疽菌Colletotrichum gloeosporioides和3株尖孢炭疽菌C.acutatum的菌丝生长速率,测量其分生孢子大小,显微观察2种炭疽菌在疏水表面诱导下侵染结构的发育分化过程。结果表明,胶孢炭疽菌菌丝生长速率为0.96~1.36 cm/d,显著高于尖孢炭疽菌的菌丝生长速率0.72~0.89 cm/d,但二者分生孢子大小无显著差异。在疏水表面诱导下,2种炭疽菌分生孢子在接种2~6 h后开始萌发,12 h孢子萌发率为71.70%~88.05%,13~16 h开始分化附着胞,24 h附着胞形成率为48.99%~70.74%,36 h菌丝诱发形成大量附着枝,48 h后分生孢子产生的次生菌丝也可诱发形成附着枝,附着枝呈圆形、姜瓣形、梨形或不规则形。分生孢子极易产生,可在菌丝顶端成簇或菌丝侧面排列产生,也可由分生孢子形成的芽管产生,或在芽管分化附着胞过程分枝形成分生孢子;附着胞多着生于芽管顶端,少数附着胞顶端可继续萌发类似短芽管结构,再次分化形成可黑色化的次级附着胞。表明橡胶树2种炭疽菌不同菌株间分生孢子萌发时间、孢子萌发率、附着胞形成时间和形成率有一定差异,但种间无明显差异;橡胶树炭疽菌分生孢子极易形成,在疏水表面容易分化形成附着胞和附着枝,说明具有极强的适生性。  相似文献   

Fusarium proliferatum can occur on a wide range of economically important vegetable plants but its role in disease is not always well established. In 2000 and 2001, from forty-one field samples of wilting onion and garlic plants in Serbia, F. proliferatum as the predominant fungal species was isolated from root and bulbs. Seventy isolates were firstly characterized for their sexual fertility and were shown to be mostly members of Gibberella intermedia (sixty-seven of seventy isolates, the remaining three isolates were unfertile), the sexual stage of F. proliferatum (syn. mating population D of G. fujikuroi complex). A selected set of eleven F. proliferatum isolates from both hosts were also tested for their pathogenicity and toxigenicity. Although onion and garlic plants were susceptible to all isolates, onion plants showed a significantly higher disease severity index. Six of the eleven isolates of F. proliferatum produced fumonisin B1 from 25 to 3000 μg g−1, and beauvericin from 400 to 550 μg g−1; ten isolates produced fusaric acid from 80 to 950 μg g−1 and moniliformin from 50 to 520 μg g−1. Finally, all isolates produced fusaproliferin up to 400 μg g−1. These results confirm F. proliferatum as an important pathogen of garlic and onion in Europe and that there is a potential mycotoxin accumulation risk in contaminated plants of both garlic and onion.  相似文献   

The effects of age of ascospores (0–18 days after discharge), photon flux density (0–494 mol m–2 s–1 PAR), temperature (4–30 °C), frost (–15 °C for 30 min), relative humidity (RH; 0–100%), pH (2.5–6.5) and dryness (0 and 53% RH for up to 40 min) on the germination of the ascospores of the mycotoxin-producing fungus Gibberella zeae (anamorph Fusarium graminearum) were studied. Freshly discharged ascospores germinated within 4 h at 20 °C and 100% RH. The rate of germination and the percentage of viable ascospores decreased over time after the spores were discharged from perithecia. The time course of ascospore germination was not significantly affected by photon flux density. The period of time required to obtain 50% germinated ascospores at 100% RH was 26.90 h at 4 °C, 10.40 h at 14 °C, 3.44 h at 20 °C and 3.31 h at 30 °C. There was no significant effect of frost on the percentage of viable ascospores. A small percentage (6.6 ± 3.8%) of the ascospores germinated at 53% RH. At RH 84% and 20 °C almost 100% of the freshly discharged ascospores germinated. The time course of ascospore germination was affected by pH. The maximum rate of ascospore germination was estimated to be at pH 3.76. Ascospores lost their ability to germinate following exposure to 0% RH almost instantaneously. No germinating spores were detected after an incubation period of 1 min at 0% RH. Incubating the ascospores at 53% RH decreased the percentage of viable spores from 93 to 6% within 10 min. The data demonstrate that age of spores, relative humidity, temperature and pH, but not photon flux density, are key factors in germination of G. zeae ascospores.  相似文献   

冬青油微囊悬浮剂的制备及其杀蚜活性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以脲醛树脂为壁材,采用原位聚合法制备了20%冬青油微囊悬浮剂,同时研究了芯/壁材质量比、反应温度、搅拌速率、pH值及乳化分散剂等因素对微胶囊形成的影响,对所制备微胶囊的性能进行了表征,并测定了其缓释性能及其对菊小长管蚜Macrosiphoniella sanborni(Gillette)的田间防治效果。结果表明:当芯、壁材质量比为3:2、添加质量分数为3%的分散剂[30%苯乙烯-马来酸酐共聚物(SMA)与Tween-80按质量比为1:1混合]酸酐共聚物(SMA)与Tween-80按质量比为1:1混合]、乳化搅拌速率为800 r/min、在120~150 min内将pH值调至2.0,在60~70 ℃下固化反应1 h时,可制备出形貌较好、平均粒径为7 μm左右的冬青油微胶囊。失重法测定结果表明,其缓释性能良好。田间试验结果表明,采用20%冬青油微囊悬浮剂在有效剂量300 g/hm2下进行常量喷雾处理,施药后第11天其对菊小长管蚜的防效仍维持在90%以上,具有较长的持效期。  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among Erwinia amylovora biovar 4 (the pathogen of bacterial shoot blight of pear in Japan), other biovars of E. amylovora, and Erwinia pyrifoliae were investigated using the sequences of 16S rRNA, gyrB, and rpoD genes. The tested isolates formed two distinct monophyletic groups in the phylogenetic trees constructed based on the gyrB gene, rpoD gene, or a combination of the three genes: group 1 contained E. amylovora biovars 1, 2, and 3; group 2 contained E. amylovora bv. 4 and E. pyrifoliae. This phylogenetic analysis showed that E. amylovora bv. 4 was more closely related to E. pyrifoliae than to other biovars of E. amylovora. The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under the accession numbers AB242876 to AB242925.  相似文献   

A new bacterial black spot disease was observed on Odontoglossum, Odontioda, Odontocidium, and Vuylstekeara orchids in Japan. Typical symptoms on the leaves were dark or black spots (or both) with a yellow halo. The causal agent was identified as Burkholderia andropogonis (Smith 1911) Gillis, Van Van, Bardin, Goor, Hebbar, Willems, Segers, Kersters, Heulin and Fernandez 1995. The isolates were pathogenic on four original host orchids, Phalaenopsis orchid, and tulip; they were not pathogenic on white clover or corn after needle stab inoculation. An antibiotic bactericide (oxytetracycline/streptomycin mixture WP) was most effective for controlling the disease.  相似文献   

Isolates of plant reoviruses causing severe stunting and dark leaf symptoms on wheat in Hebei province, on maize in Hubei province and on rice in Zhejiang province, China have been characterized. Four of the ten genome segments corresponding to Rice black-streaked dwarf virus (RBSDV) S7, S8, S9, S10 were amplified by RT-PCR from the Hebei and Zhejiang isolates and sequenced. Sequences of S9 and S10 were also obtained from the Hubei isolate. Sequences of corresponding segments of the Chinese isolates were very similar to each other (94.0–99.0% identical nucleotides and 96.3–100% identical amino acids) and were closer to those of a previously reported Japanese RBSDV isolate (90.0–94.9% identical nucleotides and 91.1–98.6% identical amino acids) than to those of an Italian Maize rough dwarf virus isolate (85.1–88.1% identical nucleotides and 85.5–94.3% identical amino acids). The Chinese isolates should be classified as RBSDV.  相似文献   

Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli and X. campestris pv. phaseoli var. fuscans, the causal agents of the common and fuscous bacterial blight of beans, appear to be phenotypically identical except that the latter can produce a melanin-like pigment in culture. Ten isolates of X. campestris pv. phaseoli and 12 isolates of X. campestris pv. phaseoli var. fuscans were examined using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The average genome sizes for X. campestris pv. phaseoli and X. campestris pv. phaseoli var. fuscans were 3850.6±48.9 and 3584.3±68.1kb respectively. The genetic relatedness of the isolates was determined from macrorestriction patterns generated using XbaI. Cluster analysis indicated that the non-fuscous and fuscous strains are distinct. RFLP results, based on the highly conserved hrp genes and a pectate lyase gene from Xanthomonas, also indicated that the two bacteria are genetically different. The results obtained in this study suggest that this pathovar can be segregated into two subgroups under a recently proposed reclassification of the Xanthomonas genus.  相似文献   

Elicitin and a new protein 75 kDa elicitor were purified from the culture filtrate of Phytophthora palmivora, a pathogen of Hevea brasiliensis (rubber plant). Elicitin was obtained by using a one step of DEAE cellulose chromatography and the new elicitor was obtained by two steps of chromatography: a DEAE cellulose column followed by a hydrophobic column. Both elicitors were stable to heat and a wide range of pH values, but were sensitive to ProteaseK. Both elicitors induced scopoletin, peroxidase isozymes (with substrate o-dianisidine and scopoletin) and total phenolic compounds in cell suspension of H. brasiliensis with similar kinetics. In addition, both elicitors induced peroxidase enzyme (o-dianisidine), total phenolic compounds and enhanced local resistance against P. palmivora on young rubber tree seedlings. However, the increase of peroxidase enzyme and total phenolic compounds in rubber tree seedlings was different from those in cell suspension. Furthermore, during the expression of local resistance the zoospore of P. palmivora induced the peroxidase enzyme (o-dianisidine) more rapidly and with higher level than the control plants. H. brasiliensis is more responsive to the new elicitor than elicitin in triggering defense responses. That is the new elicitor was active at a concentration lower than those required for elicitin, about a 30-fold decrease for activation defense responses in cell suspension. For induction of peroxidase enzyme (o-dianisidine), phenolic compounds and local resistance of rubber plants against P. palmivora, the 75 kDa protein was active at about a 2-fold lower concentration when compared to elicitin.  相似文献   

We investigated the use of single primers complementary to sequences in the terminal inverted repeat (TIR) of either Pot2 or MGR586, transposable elements found in Pyricularia grisea, for DNA fingerprinting by repetitive-element-based polymerase chain reaction (rep-PCR). Under standard amplification conditions, rep-PCR with each single primer generated distinct fingerprint patterns among rice-infecting P. grisea isolates collected in Japan. With the Pot2-TIR primer, bands ranging in size from 0.2 to 8 kb and in number from 8 to 13 per isolate were amplified. Although fewer bands were amplified with the MGR586-TIR primer, this molecular technique should be more reliable to identify and classify P. grisea isolates by combining the data of fingerprint patterns from each TIR primer. In a cluster analysis based on DNA fingerprints from this rep-PCR with the Pot2-TIR primer, 10 reference isolates and 12 field isolates from Saga Prefecture in 2002 were separated into six clonal lineages. We also demonstrated that the 12 field isolates belonged to one clonal lineage. Thus, this rep-PCR method using the single primer Pot2-TIR will be useful for the analysis of the population structure of rice blast pathogens.  相似文献   

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