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Genetic and fossil evidence for the origin of modern humans   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
The origin of living Homo sapiens has once again been the subject of much debate. Genetic data on present human population relationships and data from the Pleistocene fossil hominid record are used to compare two contrasting models for the origin of modern humans. Both genetics and paleontology support a recent African origin for modern humans rather than a long period of multiregional evolution accompanied by gene flow.  相似文献   

Africa: cradle of modern humans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
R Lewin 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1987,237(4820):1292-1295

When did humans colonize the Americas? From where did they come and what routes did they take? These questions have gripped scientists for decades, but until recently answers have proven difficult to find. Current genetic evidence implies dispersal from a single Siberian population toward the Bering Land Bridge no earlier than about 30,000 years ago (and possibly after 22,000 years ago), then migration from Beringia to the Americas sometime after 16,500 years ago. The archaeological records of Siberia and Beringia generally support these findings, as do archaeological sites in North and South America dating to as early as 15,000 years ago. If this is the time of colonization, geological data from western Canada suggest that humans dispersed along the recently deglaciated Pacific coastline.  相似文献   

Variations of structural loci among 4 sheep populations in China were examined by the method of multiloci electrophoresis, and similar data from 11 sheep populations were taken as basic references to analyze the genetic structure of the native sheep populations in East and South Asia. The results showed that the average heterozygosity and effective number of alleles among 15 populations were 0.2746 and 1.559, respectively. Mongolian sheep possessed the largest average heterozygosity and effective number of alleles. Genetic diversity of sheep populations in Mongolia, China, Vietnam, Bangladesh and Nepal was reduced in this order. The coefficients of genetic differentiation were between 0.0126 and 0.3083, with the average of 0.148, demonstrating that genetic variations lay mainly in populations with 85.2% of the total variations. There exists no correlation between geographical distances and genetic distances. Gene flow was smooth among most populations, which led to inconsistency between geographical distances and genetic distances. The 15 native sheep populations in East and South Asia could be divided into two groups: One group included part populations of China and Mongolia, and the other included Yunnan populations of China, and part populations of Nepal and Bangladesh. Other populations did not cluster together and divide into the above-mentioned two groups. Tills study indicated genetic differentiation of the 15 native sheep populations in East and South Asia was relatively low, geographical isolation was not the main reason affecting genetic differentiation, and the fifteen sheep populations could be divided into two groups according to phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

"东亚书院与儒学国际研讨会"在湖南大学岳麓书院成功举办。这次会议以多学科、多视角、新方法研究为特点,来自海内外的专家学者围绕书院本身、书院与儒学的关系、韩国书院研究三个主要方面展开学术交流。对韩国书院的研究是这次会议的亮点,而对中外书院的比较研究将成为以后书院研究努力的方向。  相似文献   

本研究主要考察了东亚的日本农书的形成及其特征。作者认为在东亚,中国农书对日本农书的形成产生过影响。同时作者指出,日本农书有两大特征:其一是强调植物也有灵性:其二是强调了神的作用。  相似文献   

东亚及南亚固有绵羊群体的遗传结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 【目的】分析东亚及南亚固有绵羊群体的遗传结构。【方法】以多座位电泳法检测中国4个绵羊群体结构基因座上的变异,同时引用11个绵羊群体的同类资料作为参考。【结果】15个群体结构基因座平均杂合度和有效等位基因数分别为0.2746和1.559;平均杂合度和有效等位基因数都是蒙古国绵羊群体最大,蒙古国、中国、越南、孟加拉国和尼泊尔绵羊群体的遗传多样性依次减小。绵羊群体间遗传分化系数在0.0126~0.3083之间,平均为0.148,说明遗传变异主要存在于群体内,占总变异的85.2%。群体地理位置的远近与遗传距离间无相关性;大多数群体间基因流通畅,使得群体间地理位置的远近与遗传距离不完全一致。东亚及南亚15个固有绵羊群体大致可分为两大类群:一类包括了中国和蒙古国的部分群体,另一类则包括了中国云南绵羊、尼泊尔以及孟加拉国的部分群体,其余群体逐步汇入这两大类群。【结论】东亚及南亚15个固有绵羊群体间的遗传分化程度相对不高;地理隔离不是影响群体间遗传分化的主要原因;亲缘关系聚类分析可将15个绵羊群体大致分为两大类群。  相似文献   

A literature survey and focused interviews with experienced agronomists and socio-economists from south, east, and southeast Asian countries were conducted to determine physical and economic relationships of cereal yields and N use, using partial factor productivity (PFP) and nitrogen (N) response functions, while considering the impacts of (N) and crop grain prices. The data were drawn from FAOSTAT, World Bank, and survey results from those countries. Rice has the greatest PFP-N (70 kg grain kg^-1 N), wheat a moderate (57 kg grain kg^-1 N), and maize the lowest PFP-N (52 kg grain kg^-1 N) at current application levels. At potential optimal N use rates, estimates for PFP-N were 26 kg grain kg^-1 N for maize, 25 kg for rice and 16 kg for wheat. Assuming a constant average PFP-N (30 kg grain kg^-1 N) for these cereals, it is estimated that 13 Mt N would be needed to meet a projected food demand by 2020 assuming no use of other additional inputs. Assuming a 20% increase in nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) to 36 kg grain kgl N, 10.6 Mt would be needed to meet the food demand, implying an annual growth rate in N use of 1.25%. It is concluded that economically optimal N rates are relatively insensitive to changes in prices of N and cereal grain. Key interventions to improve sustainable food security include increasing N fertilizer use, improving NUE, and reducing environmental impacts.  相似文献   

墓园是埋葬死者以及供生者表达怀念和追思的去处,是人类生活的必要组成部分,是城市绿地系统的重要组成部分。根据现代墓园的具体特点和发展方向,提出了以“源”园理念指导现代墓园规划设计的构想,并对何为“源”“源”园的功能和“源”园的主题等内容进行解析。同时,结合案例研究,以“源”园设计理念,通过“源”园结合,以“源”写园,从空间结构、葬式葬法、绿化种植和建筑小品等方面对安徽亳州云都墓园进行规划设计,并对中国今后如何提升现代墓园规划设计水平进行了归纳总结。图1参15  相似文献   

刘志一 《农业考古》2002,24(1):68-100
关于亚洲稻作农业发祥地问题,国际学术界一直存在“印度说”与“中国说”之争。自从中国浙江余姚河姆渡遗址出土距今7000年前古栽培稻之后,“印度说”的呼声才渐渐下降。到中国湖南澧县彭头山遗址出土距今9000年前左右的古栽培稻、湖南道县玉蟾岩遗址出土距今12000年前的古栽培稻,“中国说”才真正确立起来,“印度说”开始消沉了。……  相似文献   

祭祀文化是儒家礼制文化最重要的内容之一,祭祀是书院教育的一个重要组成部分。中韩两国的书院都有祭祀的建筑以及相应的仪式空间。东亚书院祭祀建筑的布局有着严格的规矩,遵照传统礼制思想中的方位观念。因礼仪交往行为中的宾主位置关系形成了古代建筑(包括书院建筑)中的东西阶制度。  相似文献   

1997年东亚金融危机后,东亚各国政府既要在发展速度和规模上对新的竞争格局进行调整,又面临着如何在各国间和国内更均衡地分享地区和全球贸易收益的挑战.目前,东亚区域内的一体化合作近年迅速发展,是以自由贸易协定为代表的实际经济领域合作和以东盟 中日韩框架为依托,以清迈协议为标志的货币金融领域合作.  相似文献   

肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚和乌干达三国共有180万km2的土地和8100万人口。1967年,这三个国家曾建立东非共同体,但10年后宣布解体。2001年1月15日,肯、坦、乌三国总统在阿鲁沙宣布正式成立新的东非共同体。东非共同体三国自然环境与生态条件类似,即境内多高原,平均海拔1500m左右。全境位  相似文献   

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