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作物土传病害的危害及防治技术   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
近20年来,保护地在中国有了较大的发展,而保护地的发展和作物的连年栽培,导致土传病害和根结线虫发生越来越重,连续栽培3~5年后,作物产量和品质受到严重的影响,已成为生产中的突出问题。本文简述了我国重要作物如玉米、小麦、棉花、大豆、油菜的土传病害种类,以及高附加值作物黄瓜、番茄、茄子、辣椒、瓜类等作物的土传病害种类和20年来的变化。介绍了土传病害的防治方法,如农业防治包括轮作、抗性品种、嫁接、有机质补充、生物熏蒸、厌氧消毒;物理防治技术如太阳能消毒、蒸汽消毒、热水消毒、火焰消毒;化学防治技术如氯化苦、棉隆、威百亩、二甲基二硫、异硫氰酸烯丙酯、硫酰氟;生物防治技术如木霉、枯草芽胞杆菌、荧光假单胞菌、植物促生菌,以及预防为主的综合防治技术。种子、种苗消毒技术在本文中也进行了介绍。  相似文献   

我国农林园艺作物土传病害发生和防治现状及对策分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
土传病害正日趋成为限制我国农林业生产可持续发展的重要因素。本文简要分析了我国农林植物土传病害加重的原因,概述了我国农林植物土传病害的发生状况,总结了土传病害发生和为害的特点,总结分析了现有各类土传病害防治措施的优点和弊端,提出了今后研究中应予加强的课题和技术。  相似文献   

菌根真菌菌剂防治作物土传病害潜力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 菌根真菌(mycorrhizal fungi,MF)对植物土传病害有一定的拮抗或抑制作用,能提高植物对土传病害的抗/耐病性。MF菌剂尤其是丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)及外生菌根真菌(ectomycorrhizal fungi,ECMF)菌剂作为一种生物防治剂在生产实践中的应用也是人们关心和感兴趣的问题。本文对MF菌剂防治土传病害的可能性、MF生态生理学、MF菌剂的生产、MF菌剂应用方法以及今后努力的方向进行了系统分析,并对MF菌剂防治土传病害的潜力和应用范围进行了评价。  相似文献   

土壤厌氧消毒(anaerobic soil disinfestation,ASD)技术作为一种环境友好的非化学土壤消毒技术能有效防治真菌、细菌、线虫和杂草等引起的土传病害。该技术已在多个国家广泛应用并被证实可显著增加作物产量。ASD技术基本流程为向土壤中添加适量有机碳源、补充足够水分和用塑料薄膜覆膜密闭2~15周。ASD技术对土传病害防控的作用机理为有机碳源分解产生的挥发性有机物对土传病原菌有抑制作用,土壤理化指标的改变(如pH降低、有机质增加等)能提升土壤质量,从而提高作物抗逆能力,土壤厌氧条件促进土壤微生物群落结构及多样性的改变,通过生物竞争和结构重建改善土壤微生态环境,降低土传病害发生风险。ASD技术对土传病害的防治效果也因有机碳源类别、土壤理化性质及覆盖薄膜的不同而存在差异。因此,优化ASD技术试验条件、深入探索ASD技术作用机理、挖掘更多有灭菌活性的挥发性物质或有益生防菌是未来ASD技术的研究重点。同时,ASD技术与其他土壤消毒技术结合使用,有助于提高其防治效果,扩大应用范围。  相似文献   

土壤熏蒸是目前防治土传病、虫、草害有效且快速的方法,但随着作物的种植,一些病原物可能会再次繁殖,导致病害持续发展,并且土壤经熏蒸处理后,会导致土壤微环境处于一种失衡状态,而土壤改良剂可以有效改善土壤环境、减少作物根部疾病、减少土壤养分流失并可提高农产品的品质.将熏蒸剂与改良剂联合使用在一定程度上可以修复或改良土壤,使受...  相似文献   

西瓜枯萎病是西瓜的主要病害,寻找防治西瓜枯萎病安全有效的方法已成为生产中的重要课题。利用植物内生细菌防治植物病害特别是植物土传病害,已有较多的研究,但对于西瓜枯萎病的防治  相似文献   

瓜类枯萎病,茄子、番茄等黄萎病、枯萎病,姜瘟,各种蔬菜根结线虫病等多 种 土传病害,对蔬菜为害严重,一直是蔬菜优质高产的重要障碍,严重制约了菜农的经济效益 。对这些土传病害的防治尚缺乏安全、有效的药剂。本刊曾介绍的溴甲烷土壤重蒸剂,虽防 效好,但非长远发展使用的品种,且成本较高。本期刊出应用熏蒸剂氯化苦处理土壤防治蔬 菜土传病害的文章,介绍了应用大连染料化工有限公司生产的氯化苦处理土壤防治西瓜、甜 瓜枯萎病及姜瘟的方法和效果,供预防各种土传病害时参考。氯化苦是一种高毒熏蒸杀虫剂 ,其气体为三氯硝基甲烷,易挥发,但在蔬菜中无残毒,在充分散气后再定植,对蔬菜生长 无药害。日本等国早已应用于土壤熏蒸,防治蔬菜等作物的土传病害,并在生产中大面积推 广。大连染料化工有限公司近年还与辽宁、山东等省有关单位协作,做了氯化苦防治各种蔬 菜土传病害的试验、示范,都取得了较好的防治效果和经济效益。但应当指出:使用氯化苦 熏蒸土壤防治各种蔬菜的土传病害,必须使用专用的施药器具,严格按施药要求操作,才能 达到安全、高效的目的。  相似文献   

太阳能消毒技术在世界范围内广泛使用, 由于其经常受到气候差异的影响导致效果不稳定, 通常与其他措施结合以加强防治效果。种植前采用土壤熏蒸是土传病害的有效预防策略, 本研究通过监测土壤温度、理化性质、土传病原菌、草莓植株长势、产量和分析经济效益, 评价了不同浓度的土壤熏蒸剂棉隆和太阳能消毒联合处理对草莓土传病害的防治效果及经济效益分析。种植前棉隆熏蒸和太阳能消毒处理不仅能很好地控制土传病害, 其对镰刀菌属、疫霉属的抑制率分别为64.41%~84.75%、51.59%~86.94%, 而且显著提高了草莓的产量, 增产率为79.9%~99.4%;联合处理的成本较单独太阳能消毒处理仅增加约3.29%~13.17%, 但净收入增长率高达49.77%~66.28%。因此, 在草莓土传病害管理中, 土壤熏蒸与太阳能消毒处理相结合, 可以降低作物感染土传病害的风险, 保证作物稳定高产。  相似文献   

经过60多年的研究,利用细菌防治植物土传病害已有很大进展,已明确18个属细菌具有这种生防潜力,而研究最多的为Agrobacterium、Bacillus和Pseudomons。作为一种土传病害的生防细菌在根部定殖受根际压力势、温度、pH、植物基因型、病菌侵染等因素影响,而细菌的表面多糖、纤毛、化学吸引素、耐渗透性、对复杂碳水化合物的利用是重要根际感应特性。生防菌通过营养基质的竞争和生态位的排斥、产生嗜铁索、抗生素等机制防治病害。最后讨论了细菌生防的存在问题及发展方向。  相似文献   

近10年来, 随着人们对环境的关注, 绿色发展成为农业生产的主流。在土传病害的防治中, 要尽可能减少对环境和生态的影响, 同时保证取得更好的经济效益。因而, 一些环境友好的防治技术受到重视。农业防治技术如抗性品种利用和嫁接、阻截传播、深翻、轮作和无土栽培; 生物防治技术如生物熏蒸、厌氧消毒、生物防治制剂等; 物理防治技术如太阳能消毒、火焰消毒、微波消毒、电消毒、射频消毒也在不断地创新; 化学防治技术主要依赖土壤熏蒸剂, 一些新型的环境友好的熏蒸剂如异硫氰酸烯丙酯、二甲基二硫、乙二腈、乙蒜素等也在不断发展。熏蒸剂新剂型、新的施药机械也在不断创新。土壤熏蒸剂在防治土传病害时, 也会对土壤中的微生态造成不同程度的影响。此外, 我们也应该清醒地认识到任何技术都有两面性, 并正视不同防治技术中的不足。土传病害作为一类难以防治的病害, 也面临着巨大的挑战, 高传染性要求有高质量的种苗和高效的防治和阻隔技术, 土传病害的定量检测技术, 土壤中的病原菌数量与发病的关系、土壤微生态对发病的影响都是亟待研究和解决的问题。在防控土传病害时, 如何减少温室气体的排放、减少防治投入以及塑料薄膜的污染均为面临的环境和经济学挑战。  相似文献   

Soil salinity and sodicity are land degradation processes that strongly alter soil quality and consequently plant productivity. The reclamation of soils affected by salinity and/or sodicity is an important goal to maintain the sustainability of production. The objectives of this review were (1) to investigate the effectiveness of different organic amendments to reclaim saline/sodic soils and improve environmental quality and productivity of agro-ecosystems and (2) to provide useful information on the most appropriate waste management for minimizing any potential risks. To achieve these aims, recently published literature, related to field and laboratory studies, considering the effects of a wide range of organic amendments on main soil properties, was collected. Results of these studies underline that input of exogenous organic matter (manure, plant residues, by-product of farming or municipal activities, etc.) can be a feasible way to reclaim soils with serious problems of salinity and sodicity. Optimal rates (not greater than 50 t ha?1) of different organic amendments can improve physical (soil structure, permeability, water holding capacity, etc.) and chemical (pH, cation exchangeable capacity, etc.) soil properties, favoring plant growth and microbial activity, without any risks for the environment (subsoil and groundwater contamination). Of course, it is very important to characterize carefully the organic wastes before their use in agriculture and optimize their management, for avoiding further land degradation.  相似文献   

A minimal amount of information is currently available concerning arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal associations with crops in semi-arid zones on Leptosols in Turkey. Therefore, using molecular ecological techniques, we studied the effects of different management practices (without fertilization, chemical fertilization, farmyard manure, and plant compost amendments) on AM fungal communities associated with wheat roots. Experiments were conducted in a field established in 1996 in southern Mediterranean Turkey where soil productivity is low owing to unfavorable climatic effects and soil characteristics. We determined 201 partial sequences of AM fungal nuclear ribosomal large subunit genes. The higher AM fungal richness was found in the control treatment without fertilization and plant compost treatments compared with the chemical fertilization and farmyard manure treatments. Clones related to Rhizophagus were found in all treatments and accounted for 37% of the total AM fungal clones, whereas those of Funneliformis were dominant under chemical fertilization. Redundancy analysis based on the frequency of operational taxonomic units revealed that AM fungal communities were divided into three groups, namely, the control treatment, the chemical fertilization treatment, and the organic treatments (farmyard manure and plant compost treatments). Although different organic amendments supported relatively similar AM fungal communities, plant compost induced higher AM fungal richness than farmyard manure fertilization.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Soil fertility amendments, including composted cotton-gin trash, swine manure, a rye-vetch green manure, or synthetic fertilizers, were applied to subplots and tillage on bare soil; or tillage followed by surface mulch with wheat straw were applied to main plots to determine the effect on the incidence of southern blight caused by Sclerotium rolfsii, yield of processing tomato, and soil microbial communities. The amendment-tillage interaction was significant in 1997 and disease incidence was 67% in tilled bare soil receiving synthetic fertilizers; whereas disease incidence was 3, 12, and 16% in surface-mulched plots amended with a composted cotton-gin trash, swine manure, or a rye-vetch green manure. The amendment effect was significant in 1998, and disease incidence was 61% in plots receiving synthetic fertilizer and was 23, 44, and 53% in plots receiving cotton-gin trash, swine manure, or rye-vetch green manure, respectively. In 1997, yields were highest in tilled surface-mulched plots amended with synthetic fertilizers, cotton-gin trash, or swine manure, respectively. In 1998, yields were low in all plots and there were no significant differences in yield due to treatment. Propagule densities of antagonistic soil fungi in the genus Trichoderma were highest in soils amended with composted cotton-gin trash or swine manure in both years. Propagule densities of fluorescent pseudomonads in soil were higher in plots amended with organic amendments than with synthetic fertilizers in both years. Propagules densities of enteric bacteria were elevated in soils amended with raw swine manure biosolids in both years. Our research indicates that some organic amendments, such as cotton-gin trash, reduced the incidence of southern blight in processing tomato and also enhanced populations of beneficial soil microbes.  相似文献   

Ralstonia solanacearum race 3 biovar 2, the causative agent of potato brown rot (bacterial wilt), is an economically important disease in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of the world. In view of previous reports on suppression of the disease by organic amendments, and the expansion of organic agriculture, it was timely to compare the effects of organic and conventional management and various amendments on brown rot development in different soils (type: sand or clay; origin: Egypt or the Netherlands). Brown rot infection was only slightly reduced in organically compared to conventionally managed sandy soils from Egypt, but organic management significantly increased disease incidence and pathogen survival in Dutch sandy and clay soils, which correlated with high DOC contents in the organic Dutch soils. There was no correlation between disease incidence or severity and bacterial diversity in the potato rhizosphere in differently managed soils (as determined by 16S DGGE). NPK fertilization reduced bacterial wilt in conventional Egyptian soils but not in Dutch soils. Cow manure amendment significantly reduced disease incidence in organic Dutch sandy soils, but did not affect the bacterial population. However, cow manure did reduce densities of R. solanacearum in Egyptian sandy soils, most probably by microbial competition as a clear shift in populations was detected with DGGE in these and Dutch sandy soils after manure amendment. Amendment with compost did not have a suppressive effect in any soil type. The absence of a disease suppressive effect of mineral and organic fertilization in Dutch clay soils may be related to the already high availability of inorganic and organic nutrients in these soils. This study shows that the mechanism of disease suppression of soil-borne plant pathogens may vary strongly according to the soil type, especially if quite different types of soil are used.  相似文献   

The addition of organic materials to soil has been used in managing plant-parasitic nematodes and has resulted in increased crop yield. Research on the utilization of waste materials such as oilseed cakes, chitin, compost, livestock and poultry manures, and cellulosic wastes appears promising for reducing populations of plant-parasitic nematodes. Nitrogen based amendments, plant phenolics, nematotoxic chemicals, development of predators and parasites of nematodes and microorganism stimulation have been considered to be promising agents for nematode management. In addition, organic amendments change the physical as well as the trophic structure of soil, which affects the pathogen development and overall plant growth performance. Mechanisms of action of organic soil amendments in relation to nematode management are yet to be fully explored.Plant Protection Division, Institute of Agriculture  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate short- and long-term effects of poultry and sheep manures, as well as sunflower, canola, and potato residues, which commonly are being used as organic amendments (OAs) in agricultural soils, on the pH value, buffering capacity, and nitrogen (N) turnover of a sub-alkaline agricultural soil using laboratory incubation. The tested OAs had pH values ranging from alkaline (manures) to acidic (plant residues), and their effects of the short- and log-term on soil pH value were assessed by fractionation of the OAs alkalinity and evaluating the contribution of OA-borne N mineralization to soil acidity. On average, 45% of potential alkalinity in tested OAs was available for acid-base reactions, soluble alkalinity accounted for 58, 80, 32, 50, and 50% of the excess cations for poultry manure, sheep manure, sunflower, canola, and potato residues, respectively. Buffering capacity of the tested OAs was higher for sunflower residues, potato residues, and poultry manure and lower for canola residues and sheep manure. The tested OAs showed different N mineralization potential, and during the 100 days of incubation, soils amended with sheep manure, poultry manure, and potato residues released 107, 118, 129, and 240?mg?N?kg?1 soil, respectively, more than double than that released from unamended soil. Our results demonstrated that long-term impact of OAs on the soil pH value is not related to the initial OAs pH value and soluble alkalinity and that available alkalinity and N mineralization are key factors regulating the soil pH value on the long-term.  相似文献   

土壤微生物生物量C和N及其C/N比是反映土壤质量的重要生物学指标。研究了除草剂莠去津污染土壤(每kg土壤中含莠去津10 mg)中分别添加3种不同有机物料(腐熟猪粪、水稻秸秆和紫云英,用量均为每1 kg土壤中加入有机物料10 g)对上述生物学指标的动态影响。结果表明,莠去津污染土壤后,土壤微生物生物量C和N及其C/N比率均明显降低;加入有机物料后,土壤微生物生物量C和N及其C/N比率均显著增加,增加幅度与加入有机物料的组成和生物特性有关,依次为腐熟猪粪>紫云英>水稻秸秆。  相似文献   

The use of biocidal green manure crops is an agronomic technique for amending soil with fresh organic matter containing volatile compounds active in controlling some soil-borne pests and diseases. Two new selections of the Brassicaceae family were cultivated, incorporated before planting strawberries and tested as an alternative to fumigation with methyl bromide. Two biocidal green manure crops (Brassica juncea L sel ISCI20, Eruca sativa Mill cv Nemat) containing glucosinolate-myrosinase systems, a conventional green manure (barley), untreated soil and a fumigated control were evaluated during two seasons. The effect of these soil management systems on subsequent strawberry performance was evaluated by monitoring yield and plant growth parameters. In both years, biocidal plant green manure treatments led to a fruit yield lower than with methyl bromide, but higher than with conventional green manure or untreated soil. These results confirm the good prospects for biocidal green manures, not only as an environmentally friendly alternative to methyl bromide in conventional agriculture, but also in organic agriculture as an alternative to conventional green manure crops.  相似文献   

Strawberry (Fragaria?×?ananassa) is one of the most important berry crops worldwide. Fusarium wilt poses a serious threat to commercial strawberry production worldwide and causes severe economic losses. Our previous surveys suggested that soil pH, soil amendment with organic matter and/or crop rotation could offer opportunities for improved management of strawberry disease. Studies were conducted for the first time to determine the effects of soil pH, soil amendments with manure compost and crop residue, and crop rotation on the severity and impact of Fusarium wilt on strawberry. At soil pH 6.7, plants showed the least severe disease and the lowest reductions in shoot and root dry weight (DW) of plants from disease, significantly lower than those of plants in acidic soil at pH 5.2 or 5.8. In soil amendment with manure compost at 5.0?%, plants showed the least severe disease and the lowest reductions in shoot and root DW of plants from disease, significantly lower than those of plants in the other three levels of manure compost. In soil amendment with crop residue at 2.5?% or 5.0?%, shoot and root disease of plants and reductions in shoot and root DW of plants from disease were significantly lower than those of plants in soil without crop residue or excessive crop residue amendment at 10.0?%. Plants in soil rotated with tomato not only showed the least severe disease but also showed the lowest reductions in shoot and root DW of plants from disease, significantly lower than those of plants in soil continuously planted with strawberry without rotation or rotated with capsicum. Soil pH, soil amendment with manure compost or crop residue, and crop rotation, all significantly reduced the severity and impact of Fusarium wilt on strawberry. There is great potential for manipulating soil pH, adding soil organic amendments and utilizing crop rotation, not only to successfully manage Fusarium wilt on strawberry, but to do so in a sustainable way without current reliance upon chemical fumigants.  相似文献   

Soils of the lowland tropics in the central Brazilian Amazon are generally highly leached, acidic and nutrient-poor. Charcoal, combined with other soil amendments, might improve fertility but this, in turn, could lead to increased weed problems for agricultural production. This experiment was conducted to assess weed pressure and species composition on plots receiving various inorganic and organic soil amendments, including charcoal. Additions of inorganic fertilizer, compost and chicken manure resulted in increases in weed ground cover of 40, 22 and 53%, respectively, and increases in species richness of 20, 48, and 63%, respectively. When chicken manure was applied, dominance by a few weed species was reduced, such that different species were more evenly represented. Although charcoal additions alone did not significantly affect weed ground cover or species richness, a synergistic effect occurred when both charcoal and inorganic fertilizers were applied. The percentage ground cover of weeds was 45% within plots receiving inorganic fertilizer, 2% within plots receiving charcoal and 66% within plots receiving both amendments. Improvements in the fertility of nutrient-poor soils of the tropics might increase weed pressure and make the development of effective weed management strategies more critical. These effects on weed populations were observed nearly 2.5 years after the addition of charcoal, chicken manure and compost, and > 1 year after the last application of inorganic fertilizer.  相似文献   

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