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隐孢子虫病(Crytosporidiosis)是由隐孢子虫(Crytospridum spp)引起的一种全球性的人兽共患原虫病。主要症状为腹泻,一旦食物或水源遭到隐孢子虫卵囊污染即可经口传染给人和动物。该病正日益受到国内外广大学者关注,其原因是作为一种水源性疾病,它能引起免疫缺陷或免疫抑制者致死性腹泻,且迄今没有特效治疗药物。隐孢子虫对家畜的危害尤以对反刍动物牛的危害最大,  相似文献   

血孢子虫病或血球孢子虫病是一种以贫血和发热为特征的非常严重的血液原虫病,主要是由孢子虫亚目寄生虫(主要寄生于牛羊的红细胞内)引起的疾病的总称,是一组寄生于牛羊血液性原虫病的统称。  相似文献   

江霞 《当代畜牧》2013,(24):44-45
贝诺孢子虫病(Bosnoitiosis),曾称球孢子虫病(Globidiosis),它是由贝诺孢子虫引起的一种急性、亚急性和慢性感染的原虫性寄生虫病。由于对本病的认识不多,研究工作开展的也较少。近些年来,国内外对动物的贝诺孢子虫病进行的一些研究发现,贝诺孢子虫病是一种原因不明、正在蔓延扩大的牛原虫病,由于该病会引起病牛的皮肤损伤、减重、奶产量下降、母牛暂时性或永久性不  相似文献   

犬新孢子虫是一种细胞内专性寄生的原虫,由新孢子虫属犬新孢子虫引起的多种家畜的一种原虫病,主要感染牛和犬,引起牛的流产和新生儿的死亡,已成为畜牧业生产中主要问题,犬新孢子虫病是引起牛流产的主要原因[1],对奶牛的危害严重,是一种世界范围内分布的致病性原虫[2-4],目前欧洲、美洲和亚洲等30多个国家报道有奶牛犬新孢子虫病发生,我国一些省份如吉林、新疆和青海等也陆续  相似文献   

<正>兔脑炎原虫病又叫微孢子虫病(Microsporidiosis)或脑炎微孢子虫病,是由兔脑炎原虫引起的人畜共患寄生虫病。其病原是一些专性寄生于细胞内的真核原生动物,广泛寄生于包括人在内的大量脊椎动物和无脊椎动物体内。其中兔脑炎原虫发现于1917年,是研究最早的哺乳动物中典型的微孢子寄生虫,也是使兔自然感染的唯一微孢子虫。微孢子虫虽然发现很早,但当时未引起人们的高度重视,直到1981年艾滋病大流行后,微孢子虫才作为病  相似文献   

新孢子虫病是由原生动物寄生虫犬新孢子虫引起的一种专性细胞内寄生虫,也是牛和其他动物共患的原虫病。本文主要研究了牛新孢子虫病的发病机制和传播途径,为养殖户防控该病提供专业的诊疗方法,以减少该病带来的经济损失。  相似文献   

兔脑炎微孢子虫病是由兔脑炎微孢子虫引起的一种隐性、慢性感染或临床经过的人畜共患的原虫病。近十余年来 ,出现大量有关兔脑炎微孢子虫引起艾滋病患者致死性临床感染的报道 ,此病日益引起医学界的广泛关注和重视。就兔脑炎微孢子虫病的免疫学检测方法、细胞免疫应答、感染兔脑炎微孢子虫后人及动物的免疫学比较的研究状况进行了综述。  相似文献   

正禽隐孢子虫病是由隐孢子虫科隐孢子虫属的贝氏隐孢子虫、火鸡隐孢子虫寄生于家禽的呼吸系统、消化道、法氏囊和泄殖腔内所引起的一种原虫病。隐孢子虫病呈全球性分布,能使鸡、鸭、鹅等多种家禽致病,是仪次于球虫病的高发性原虫病。近年来,由于禽场的饲养管理水平不断提高,典型的禽隐孢子虫病病例在规模化禽场已很少  相似文献   

新孢子虫病(Neosporiasis)是由犬新孢子虫寄生于犬、牛、羊等多种动物细胞内而引起的原虫病。虽然新孢子虫病是多种家畜共患的原虫病,但其对奶牛危害尤为严重。本病主要造成母牛流产、产死胎以及新生儿的运动神经系统疾病,同时该病可垂直传播,带虫母牛可将虫体直接传给新生犊牛。  相似文献   

巴贝科(Babesiidae)和泰勒科(Theileriidae)的原虫统称为梨形虫,属顶复门(Apicomplexa)、梨形虫亚纲(Piroplasmasina)。由上述2个科的原虫所引起的疾病统称为梨形虫病。以前的分类将其隶属于孢子虫纲的血孢子虫目,故称其为血孢子虫和血孢子虫病,又称焦虫和焦虫病。梨形虫由蜱传播,有  相似文献   

The roles free-living amebae and the parasitic protozoa Entamoeba histolytica and Balantidium coli play as agents of waterborne zoonotic diseases are examined. The free-living soil and water amebae Naegleria fowleri, Acanthamoeba spp., and Balamuthia mandrillaris are recognized etiologic agents of mostly fatal amebic encephalitides in humans and other animals, with immunocompromised and immunocompetent hosts among the victims. Acanthamoeba spp. are also agents of amebic keratitis. Infection is through the respiratory tract, breaks in the skin, or by uptake of water into the nostrils, with spread to the central nervous system. E. histolytica and B. coli are parasitic protozoa that cause amebic dysentery and balantidiasis, respectively. Both intestinal infections are spread via a fecal-oral route, with cysts as the infective stage. Although the amebic encephalitides can be acquired by contact with water, they are not, strictly speaking, waterborne diseases and are not transmitted to humans from animals. Non-human primates and swine are reservoirs for E. histolytica and B. coli, and the diseases they cause are acquired from cysts, usually in sewage-contaminated water. Amebic dysentery and balantidiasis are examples of zoonotic waterborne infections, though human-to-human transmission can occur. The epidemiology of the diseases is examined, as are diagnostic procedures, anti-microbial interventions, and the influence of globalization, climate change, and technological advances on their spread.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the fatty acid profile of microbial lipids is of great nutritional importance to the animals and, subsequently, their products. This study was conducted to examine the fatty acid profiles of mixed rumen bacteria and protozoa. Bacterial and protozoal cells were isolated by differential centrifugation of rumen contents. The main fatty acids were palmitic (16:0) and stearic (18:0) in both the bacterial and protozoal fractions. Palmitic acid was 74% greater in the protozoal fatty acids than in the bacterial fatty acids, whereas bacteria had 2.25-times greater stearic acid (18:0) proportions compared with protozoa. The total odd-chain plus branched-chain fatty acids were 16.5% of bacterial fatty acids and 11.0% of protozoal fatty acids. The anteiso-17:0 proportions in bacterial and protozoal fatty acids were 1.4 and 2.9%, respectively. The most abundant trans-18:1 isomer, vaccenic acid (18:1 trans-11), was 6.6% of total fatty acids in protozoa and 2.0% of total fatty acids in bacteria. The cis-9, trans-11 CLA was 8.6-times greater in the protozoal fraction (1.32% of total fatty acids) than in the bacterial fraction (0.15%). These results suggest that the presence of protozoa in the rumen may increase the supply of CLA and other unsaturated fatty acids for lower gut absorption by ruminants.  相似文献   

寄生原虫是一类单细胞真核生物,是人和动物疾病的重要病原之一,给人类健康和畜牧业发展造成了严重的危害。DNA解旋酶是一类参与几乎所有生物DNA代谢的重要解旋酶,目前原虫DNA解旋酶的研究主要集中在恶性疟原虫,且被报道的DNA解旋酶多为人类或酵母的同源物,其保守基序与人类、酵母等都存在差异,是研究抗原虫药物的重要潜在靶标。笔者主要综述了经典解旋酶的保守结构域及其功能特点,介绍了各个解旋酶的极性与偏好底物等生化特性,汇总了已报道原虫DNA解旋酶的种类。目前报道的DNA解旋酶大多集中在恶性疟原虫,其中疟原虫含18种,利士曼原虫含3种,布氏锥虫和兔脑原虫均含2种,弓形虫含1种。同时介绍了目前原虫中较为引人关注DNA解旋酶:RecQ家族、DEAD-box家族、UvrD解旋酶家族和RuvB家族的功能研究进展,其中DEAD-box家族中有3种疟原虫特异性解旋酶PfPSH1/H2/H3并未在宿主人类中发现相似物,另一种解旋酶UvrD则与人类、小鼠、秀丽隐杆线虫等无同源性,而与细菌、真菌等同源性较高。笔者对原虫DNA解旋酶的基本特性和功能进行综述,阐述了目前原虫DNA解旋酶的研究进展及其作为药物靶标的可能...  相似文献   

Cryptosporidiosis, a protozoal disease which causes significant morbidity in humans, is one of the chief causes of diarrhoea in neonatal ruminants. although the parasite poses a significant threat to public health and animal health in Ireland, its epidemiology on the island is only poorly understood. Environmental studies have shown the waterborne parasite to be widespread in some untreated waterbodies around Ireland. The island's hydrogeological situation, combined with high stocking rates of livestock and the absence of filtration from regular water treatment, render it vulnerable to large-scale outbreaks. This review discusses the parasite in the Irish context and underlines the need for a reference facility to provide active surveillance on the island.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidiosis, a protozoal disease which causes significant morbidity in humans, is one of the chief causes of diarrhoea in neonatal ruminants. Although the parasite poses a significant threat to public health and animal health in Ireland, its epidemiology on the island is only poorly understood. Environmental studies have shown the waterborne parasite to be widespread in some untreated waterbodies around Ireland. The island's hydrogeological situation, combined with high stocking rates of livestock and the absence of filtration from regular water treatment, render it vulnerable to large-scale outbreaks. This review discusses the parasite in the Irish context and underlines the need for a reference facility to provide active surveillance on the island.  相似文献   

Neospora-like protozoal infections associated with bovine abortions   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Eighty bovine fetuses with presumed protozoal infections from a previous 2-year retrospective study were examined by immunohistochemistry using antisera against Neospora caninum. In 66 (83%) of the fetuses, protozoa were found that reacted positively with anti-N. caninum sera. In three (4%) additional fetuses, protozoa identified as Sarcocystis species did not react, and in two fetuses (3%) single protozoal clusters were found only in hematoxylin and eosin-stained slides. A group of 20 fetuses were chosen for further evaluation. They included 14 fetuses from the first group of 80 fetuses plus six additional fetuses that had large numbers of protozoa in the fetal brain. The 20 fetuses were examined immunohistochemically with antisera to N. caninum, Hammondia hammondi, and Toxoplasma gondii. Protozoa from 3/20 fetuses, identified as Sarcocystis species, failed to react with any antisera. In 16/20 fetuses protozoa reacted positively to antisera against N. caninum, and in most cases reacted to H. hammondi, and weakly to one or more of the antisera against T. gondii. Thick-walled protozoal tissue cysts were found in the brain of four of these 16 fetuses by transmission electron microscopy. The cyst wall morphology was comparable to N. caninum. The results suggested that a single protozoal parasite of unknown identity was responsible for most of the bovine abortions. By immunohistochemistry, the unknown protozoon reacted most strongly and consistently to N. caninum antisera, but was antigenically distinct from N. caninum. Ultrastructurally, tissue cysts found in four fetuses most closely resembled Neospora caninum.  相似文献   

作者指出了反刍动物瘤胃原虫分类学研究中的难点,介绍了原虫分类学中新兴的分子生物学指标(18S rRNA/rDNA序列同源性),综述了18S rRNA/rDNA序列分析技术在瘤胃原虫分类研究中的应用。  相似文献   

Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) is a disease that produces neurologic signs of brain or spinal cord dysfunction. The causative organism is believed to be a Sarcocystis species of protozoa. A definitive diagnosis can only be made on histopathology of affected spinal cord or brain. No preventive measures or documented treatment is available at this time for suspected cases of EPM.  相似文献   

Effect of lasalocid, monensin and thiopeptin on rumen protozoa   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The effects of lasalocid, monensin and thiopeptin on the total number and the generic composition of rumen protozoa were determined in vivo and in vitro. Feeding lasalocid or monensin to cattle on either high grain or high roughage diets reduced total protozoal counts. Addition of lasalocid or monensin (6 to 48 micrograms ml-1) to the in vitro rumen fermentation resulted in marked reduction in protozoal numbers. The inhibition was dose dependent. Thiopeptin had no effect on rumen protozoa either in vivo or in vitro. Among the protozoal types, holotrichs (Dasytricha, Isotricha and Charonina) were unaffected by either lasalocid or monensin. Among the entodiniomorphs, Entodinium, Diplodinium and Ophryoscolex were more sensitive than the other types. Ophryoscolex purkynei was more sensitive to monensin than to lasalocid. Protozoal inhibition by lasalocid and monensin was transient because prolonged antibiotic feeding resulted in the selection of a resistant population in the rumen of cattle.  相似文献   

This is the first of a series of review articles in a Special Issue publication on waterborne zoonotic parasites. A brief historical overview of the occurrence and importance of waterborne parasites, dating from early civilization is presented. The article considers the diversity of parasites including protozoa, nematodes, cestodes and trematodes and the related zoonotic organism microsporidia. Many of the life cycle stages and their characteristics, which make parasites environmentally resistant and suitable for waterborne transmission are discussed. Surfaces of transmission stages consist of multiple layers of proteins, lipids, chitin or other substances capable of withstanding a variety of physical and chemical treatments. Delivery of waterborne parasites is facilitated by various mass distribution systems to consumers, and by transport and intermediate hosts such as fish and filter-feeding invertebrates which are consumed by humans. The article discusses the trends in global warming and climate change and potential for concurrent rise in waterborne disease outbreaks due to parasites. Impacts of technological modernization and globalization on the transmission of zoonotic waterborne zoonotic parasites are considered, including the effects of large-scale agricultural practices, rapid transportation of goods, and widespread movement of individuals and animals. Finally, transmission features and parasite attributes which contribute to concerns about accidental or orchestrated waterborne disease outbreaks are discussed.  相似文献   

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