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The influence of temperature/photoperiod treatment and gibberellic acid concentration (0, 0.1 or 1.0 mg/l) on direct conversion of microspore-derived embryos (MDEs) to plantlets of winter oilseed rape was investigated. Physiologically mature, 21-day-old MDEs were transferred to a solid B5 medium supplemented with gibberellic acid, and cultured at 24 °C, 4 °C or 1 °C for 14 days, and then at 24 °C for the next 21 days. Low temperature was linked with short photoperiod (8 h light/16 h dark), and high temperature was linked with long photoperiod (16 h light/8 h dark). The highest embryo conversion rate was at 1 °C with over 70%, compared to<20% at 4 °C. Two-way analysis of variance confirmed the significance of the effect of temperature/photoperiod treatment. By contrast, gibberellic acid concentration had no significant effect on stimulation of shoot development from apical meristems of MDEs. Roots developed from apical root meristems of MDEs very easily. The best obtained conversion rate of MDEs induced with cold treatment at1 °C for 14 days was 86.5%. Observations on morphological development of MDEs showed clear differences in reaction at various temperature/photoperiod treatments. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

K. F. Thompson 《Euphytica》1979,28(1):127-135
Summary Homozygous diploids in oilseed rape were produced by pipetting drops of 0.1 per cent colchicine into the leaf axils of rooted cuttings from naturally occurring polyhaploids after removing the waxy covering with a scalpel. Trial results from spring and winter rape showed that occasional homozygous diploid lines yielded consistently more oil per ha than the parental varieties. Prospects for breeding oilseed rape as a self-fertilised crop are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Analysis of single plants in parental, F1 and F2 populations of three crosses of oilseed rape indicated cytoplasmic effects in F1 or F2 generations for most of the observed characters. There was evidence of dominance for early flowering and early maturity. Heterosis was exhibited for yield and yield components. The heritabilities for the characters under study were generally very low.  相似文献   

Summary Five genotypes of rapeseed were observed in the field on a single plant and plot basis to evaluate growth characteristics, yield, yield components and seed quality. Observations were made in two years at two locations on three seeding date and three seeding rate treatments. Correlation of seed yield with growth characters demonstrated no consistent trend, indicating that an early maturity and high seed yield should be possible. Harvest index was strongly correlated with seed yield. Percent seed oil and protein were not directly related to seed yield.  相似文献   

Summary Self-incompatibility was shown to be an effective method of pollination control in spring rapeseed (B. napus L. ssp. oleifera (Metzg.)) by comparing the yield of a Westar-Topas syn-1 produced by crossing two SI lines with the yield of the corresponding syn-1 produced by hand pollination. Although the trial showed high-parent heterosis in the syn-1s, there was insufficient replication to determine the level of heterosis.Abbreviations SI self-incompatible - SC self-compatible  相似文献   

Summary The reliability of a selection among crosses based on a cross prediction in early generations was investigated in spring rapeseed. The performance of the parents, the F2 generation, and random F3 lines from four crosses were used to predict the probability of finding superior recombinant lines. These predictions were made for two years and compared with the observed performance of F6 lines in the second of these two years and in an additional year. Predicted and observed performances coincided reasonably for the characters plant height, standability, maturity and an index calculated from seed yield, oil content and protein content. For seed yield and flowering time, the predictions were very unreliable. In conclusion, prediction methods may be useful in rapeseed breeding, if quality traits are of major commercial interest.  相似文献   

Summary Hybridization between radish and oilseed rape has been cumbersome, requiring elaborate embryo rescue techniques. With a modified flower culture method, we have achieved successful hybridization between radish and (transgenic) oilseed rape without the laborious and technically demandingin vitro ovule or embryo rescue techniques.The hybrid nature of the intergeneric hybrids was demonstrated using morphological traits, and DNA analyses. The described method will facilitate the generation ofRaphanobrassica hybrids useful for biosafety studies of the potential for transgenes to spread in weedyCruciferae as well as for breeding programs aimed at introducing useful radish genes, e.g. nematode resistance genes, into oilseed rape.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of this study was to evaluate the interest of beginning the selection process on a new genetic characteristic, cleistogamy, to manage gene flow in oilseed rape. The first step was to introduce this characteristic in an existing model of gene flow between oilseed rape populations in time and space, GeneSys-Rape. The second step was to evaluate the parameters of the model linked to this characteristic using field experimentations. Cleistogamous oilseed rape was shown to have an autogamy rate as high as 94% and to emit 10 times less pollen than an open-flowered oilseed rape in the same conditions. But the cleistogamous character was also shown to be unstable in the genotypes tested. The third step was to evaluate the interest of cleistogamy using simulations comparing several genotypes with or without cleistogamy in two different cropping systems. These simulations showed that an oilseed rape both dwarf and cleistogamous was interesting to limit gene escape and that a 99%-autogamous oilseed rape was interesting to limit both gene escape from and harvest contamination of the 99%-autogamous oilseed rape.  相似文献   

Summary Microspore embryogenesis technology allows plant breeders to efficiently generate homozygous micros-pore-derived breeding populations of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) without traditional generations of inbreeding. This study was conducted to compare the frequency distribution of microspore-derived population and single seed descent populations with respect to fatty acids of seed oil. Both microspore-derived populations and single seed descent populations were produced from each of three crosses made between selected parents containing contrasting amount of erucic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids. The fatty acid content of F3 plants derived lines (F5 seed) developed by single seed descent was compared to that of microspore-derived populations. The means, ranges and distribution pattern of seed fatty acid contents were similar in both populations for each fatty acid studied, although a few heterozygous lines were observed in the single seed descent populations. The results indicated that microspore-derived population form random, homozygous F1 plant derived gametic arrays for all fatty acids evaluated. Selection for altered fatty acid composition in microspore-derived and single seed descent homozygous populations should be equally efficient, in the absence of linkage of traits investigated.  相似文献   

Inheritance of progoitrin and total aliphatic glucosinolate concentrations were investigated in oilseed rape, using parental, F1, F2 and first backcross generations, derived from a cross between resynthesized spring rape and a double-low spring rape cultivar. Progoitrin and total aliphatic glucosinolate concentrations were measured in mature seeds of single plants from these generations, using micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography. For progoitrin, an additive/dominance model of gene action adequately explained the variation among the generation means, but for total aliphatic glucosinolate concentration, non-allelic interactions were also detected. Predictions based on estimates of the genetic parameters indicated that recombinant inbred lines, rather than second cycle hybrids, appeared to offer a better prospect of reducing glucosinolate concentrations in this material. Estimates of the minimum number of genes controlling these two characters were broadly in line with the number required for the known stages of their biosynthesis. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Oxalic acid is thought to have a primary role in the pathogenicity of several plant pathogens, notably Sclerotinia selerotiorum. A gene coding for the enzyme oxalate oxidase was isolated from barley roots and introduced into oilseed rape as a means of degrading oxalic acid in vivo. This report describes the production of several transgenic plants of oilseed rape and the characterisation of these plants by Southern, Western and enzyme activity assays. Plants were shown to contain an active oxalate oxidase enzyme and were tolerant of exogenously supplied oxalic acid.  相似文献   

Escape of transgenes from genetically modified oilseed rape, Brassica napus, into wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum, depends on sexual compatibility. The variation in prezygotic barriers of two different cultivars for interspecific hybridization with a population of wild radish was investigated by hand crossing and fluorescence microscopy of pistils. Significant differences were observed between oil seed rape cultivars in their ability to accept wild radish pollen germinating onto their stigma and the rate of fertilization of ovules. Some differences among the pollen donor plants were also detected. These results suggest that the rate of interspecific hybridization in the field would depend upon the oilseed rape cultivar and the genotype composition of the local wild populations. The implication of S-related genes, as revealed through identification by pistil tissue prints of class I and II S-types of SLG (S-Locus Glycoprotein) and SLR1 (S-Locus Related),and immuno-IEF, was not significant. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary The segregation of RFLP and RAPD markers was compared in two oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) breeding populations from the cross Topas x R4, the latter being a low linolenic mutation line. A total progeny of 68 F2 and 40 microspore derived plants were studied with 25 markers. The results indicated a significant excess of Topas alleles at five RAPD loci in the microspore derived population. This suggests that genomic regions which probably affect microspore culture ability do not have identical distribution in the two population types.  相似文献   

In order to identify the markers linked to microspore embryogenic ability in Brassica crops, RAPD segregation analyses were performed in a microspore-derived (MD) population and a F2 population derived from F1between ‘Ho Mei’ (high responsive parent in microspore embryogenesis) and ‘269’ (low responsive parent) in Chinese cabbage, and between ‘Lisandra’ (high responsive parent) and ‘Kamikita’ (low responsive parent) in oil seed rape. After 230 and 143 primers were screened, a total of 148 and 52markers were detected to be polymorphic between the parents in Chinese cabbage and oilseed rape, respectively. Twenty-seven percent of the markers in the MD population showed a significant segregation distortion in both crops. Of the markers showing segregation distortion in the MD population, 71–75% of the markers followed the expected Mendelian segregation ratio in the F2 population. When the relationships between such distorted markers and microspore embryogenesis of the F2 population were examined, 7 and 3 markers were identified to be associated with embryogenic ability in Chinese cabbage and oilseed rape, respectively. These markers showed additive effects on embryo yields, and the plants having more alleles of the high responsive parent produced higher embryo yields. These markers maybe useful in marker-assisted selection for improving microspore responsiveness straits in Brassica crops. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A. Craig  S. Millam 《Euphytica》1955,85(1-3):323-327
Summary A programme of research was designed to investigate methods for the modification of the fatty acid profiles of high performance lines of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) in an attempt to produce lines with enhanced levels of industrially useful fatty acids. The methodology employed to achieve these objectives was based on the exploitation of somaclonal or protoclonal variation, and targeted somatic hybridization using wild cruciferous germplasm as fusion partners.A range of somaclonal lines was produced from shoot regeneration protocols. These lines underwent replicated, randomised glasshouse trials for morphological assessment followed by gas chromatographic analysis to monitor any changes in fatty acid profile. It was found that a small number of lines exhibited potentially useful changes in oleic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acid content. Protoplast regeneration and electrofusion protocols for a range of winter oilseed rape lines were developed, and methods for the isolation and fusion of protoplasts of the wild crucifer Lunaria annua (chosen for its high nervonic acid content) established.Abbreviations GC Gas Chromatography  相似文献   

Summary Asymmetric somatic hybrid plants between Brassica napus L. (oilseed rape genome AACC) and a transgenic line of Brassica nigra L. Koch (black mustard genome BB) were tested for their resistance against rapeseed pathogens Phoma lingam (black leg disease) and Plasmodiophora brassicae (club root disease). The transgenic B. nigra line used (hygromycin-resistant, donor) is highly resistant to both fungi, whereas B. napus (recipient) is highly susceptible. The asymmetric somatic hybrids were produced using the donor-recipient fusion method (with X-irradiation of donor protoplasts) reported by Zelcer et al. (1978) for the production of cybrids. Using hygromycin-B for selection, a total of 332 hybrid calli were obtained. Regenerants, resistant or susceptible to both diseases, were selected. Many hybrids expressed resistance to only one pathogen. Dot blot experiments showed that the asymmetric hybrid plants contained varying amounts of the donor genomic DNA. Furthermore, a correlation was detected between the radiation dose and the degree of donor DNA elimination.  相似文献   

A novel screening test is described for the discrimination of transgenic phosphinothricin tolerant oilseed rape from non transgenic rape seedlings. The method is based on the germination of rape seeds on filter paper soaked with a 0.005% phosphinothricin solution. Under these conditions inhibition of seedling development by the herbicide can be observed after 10 days. The germination test gains an advantage over the routinely used herbicide spraying, because it is rapid, needs little space and allows efficient screening of huge numbers of seeds. The assay has been successfully applied to the screening of different transgenic and non transgenic rapeseed varieties/lines and has been compared to other methods such asBasta® spray test, drop test, ELISA-technique and PCR-amplification of the pat gene. This test allows on one hand large screening programmes to monitor the foreign gene in the environment and on the other quality control of seedlots before market introduction of herbicide tolerant oilseed rape.  相似文献   

Summary Interspecific hybridization between Brassica napus L. (2n=38, a1a1c1c1) and B. oleracea var. capitata L. (2x- and 4x-cabbage; 2n=2x=18, cc and 2n=4x=36, cccc) was carried out for the purpose of transferring clubroot disease resistance from the amphidiploid species to cabbage. Nineteen hybrids with three different chromosome levels (2n=28, a1c1c; 2n=37, a1c1cc and 2n=55, a1c1cccc) were obtained. The F1 plants were mostly intermediate between the two parents but as the number of c genomes in the hybrids increased, the more closely the hybrids resembled the cabbage parent. All F1 hybrids were resistant when tested against race 2 of Plasmodiophora brassicae wor. The complete dominance of resistance over susceptibility suggested that the gene(s) controlling resistance to this particular race of the clubroot pathogen is probably located on a chromosome of the a genome in Brassica.Contribution No. J654.  相似文献   

Summary Heterosis and inbreeding depression for total fresh and dry weights were studied over two seasons in 15 crosses of six cultivars of forage rape (Brassica napus L.). Some of the hybrids exhibited considerable heterosis over both mid-parent and better parent; followed by depression in the F2. The cross Windal × Canard had 62% and 25% greater dry matter yield over the best cultivar used in this experiment in 1978 and 1979, respectively. Possibilities of the utilization of this hybrid superiority are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Substantial variation in tolerance to the triazine herbicide simazine was observed among a wide range of Brassica napus cultivars grown in a hydroponic screening system. None of these cultivars was as tolerant of are simazine treatment as the Canadian cultivar Triton which carries cytoplasmic gene(s) which confer a high level of resistance through their modification of chloroplast membranes to which triazine herbicides normally bind. A field study showed that the most tolerant cultivar Haya had a significantly higher yield than Triton in both handweeded plots and plots treated with 1000 ml/ha simazine. This finding supported other observations that the yield potential of cultivars such as Triton is substantially reduced because of the impairment of photosynthesis by cytoplasmic gene(s) for triazine resistance. A slight reduction in the yield of Haya with an increase in simazine concentration from 500 to 1000 ml/ha suggested that further increases in simazine concentration required for optimal weed control are likely to have a detrimental effect on the yield of Haya and other tolerant cultivars. Genetic analyses of variation in simazine tolerance in populations derived from crosses among cultivars representative of the range in tolerance indicated that the narrow-sense heritability of tolerance was of sufficient magnitude to allow for isolation of genotypes tolerant of higher simazine concentrations. These could be utilized in developing high yielding cultivars in areas of southern Australia where simazine treatment is necessary for effective weed control in Canola crops.  相似文献   

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