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To determine whether Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae colonization at weaning in off-site weaning systems is associated with the severity of respiratory disease due to this agent in growing pigs, we studied 20 groups, each group representing a different week in production, in sow herds at 3 farms of 3000 sows each that had a prevalence of M. hyopneumoniae colonization at weaning higher than 5%. The calculated sample size for assessment at weaning was 39 piglets for each group under study; 39 litters were randomly selected, and 1 piglet was randomly selected from each litter for testing and ear-tagged. In total, 780 piglets were tested. The presence of M. hyopneumoniae in nasal swabs at weaning was established by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR). All groups were followed until slaughter, at which time blood samples were collected from each ear-tagged pig to test for M. hyopneumoniae antibodies, bronchial swabs were collected for detection of M. hyopneumoniae DNA by nested PCR, and the lung lesion score and percentage of affected lungs in the same animals were calculated. Correlation analyses showed a positive correlation between colonization at weaning and all 4 dependent variables indicating infection at slaughter: average lung lesion score, percentage of affected lungs, presence of M. hyopneumoniae on the bronchial epithelium, and seroconversion. This study provides evidence that severity of the disease can be predicted by the prevalence at weaning in segregated systems. Therefore, strategies focused on reducing colonization at weaning seem to be important elements in the global control of M. hyopneumoniae in segregated production systems.  相似文献   

Control of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infections in pigs   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, the primary pathogen of enzootic pneumonia, occurs worldwide and causes major economic losses to the pig industry. The organism adheres to and damages the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract. Affected pigs show chronic coughing, are more susceptible to other respiratory infections and have a reduced performance. Control of the disease can be accomplished in a number of ways. First, management practices and housing conditions in the herd should be optimized. These include all-in/all-out production, limiting factors that may destabilize herd immunity, maintaining optimal stocking densities, prevention of other respiratory diseases, and optimal housing and climatic conditions. Strategic medication with antimicrobials active against M. hyopneumoniae and, preferably, also against major secondary bacteria may be useful during periods when the pigs are at risk for respiratory disease. Finally, commercial bacterins are widely used to control M. hyopneumoniae infections. The main effects of vaccination include less clinical symptoms, lung lesions and medication use, and improved performance. However, bacterins provide only partial protection and do not prevent colonization of the organism. Different vaccination strategies (timing of vaccination, vaccination of sows, vaccination combined with antimicrobial medication) can be used, depending on the type of herd, the production system and management practices, the infection pattern and the preferences of the pig producer. Research on new vaccines is actively occurring, including aerosol and feed-based vaccines as well as subunit and DNA vaccines. Eradication of the infection at herd level based on age-segregation and medication is possible, but there is a permanent risk for re-infections.  相似文献   

猪肺支原体是猪地方性肺炎的主要病原体,其普遍存在于世界各地,会给养猪业造成巨大的经济损失。此病原体感染猪后通常黏附于猪呼吸道纤毛上皮,并会造成纤毛上皮的损伤。猪感染后主要表现为慢性咳嗽症状、容易发生其他呼吸道感染和生产性能下降。该病的控制可通过多种措施实现,首先应该完善管理措施,改善畜舍饲养环境,这包括实行全出/全进的饲养方式、减少会破坏群体免疫水平的因素、维持最佳的饲养密度、防止其他呼吸道疾病的感染,以及提供最佳的畜舍及环境条件。其次,当猪群处于呼吸道疾病感染的威胁之下时,战略性使用能够有效地预防猪肺炎支原体和最好还能预防大多数继发感染细菌的药物对预防本病非常有效。最后,商用疫苗已被广泛地用来控制猪肺炎支原体感染,接种疫苗的优点在于其能够减少临床症状、减轻肺脏损伤、减少药物的使用和提高猪群的生产性能。但是,疫苗仅能提供部分保护作用,并且不能防止病原体在猪体内的定殖。因此,应根据猪群的种类、猪场的生产系统和管理体制、感染的类型及猪农的喜好选择不同的免疫策略(免疫时机、母猪免疫、免疫接种再结合抗菌素治疗)。新疫苗正在紧锣密鼓的研究之中,如气雾苗、通过饲料接种的疫苗以及亚单位苗和DNA疫苗。按年龄进行隔离饲养和药物治疗在猪群水平上根除猪肺炎支原体感染是可能的,但该病复发的威胁将永久存在。  相似文献   

猪肺支原体是猪地方性肺炎的主要病原体,其普遍存在于世界各地,会给养猪业造成巨大的经济损失.此病原体感染猪后通常黏附于猪呼吸道纤毛上皮,并会造成纤毛上皮的损伤.猪感染后主要表现为慢性咳嗽症状、容易发生其他呼吸道感染和生产性能下降.该病的控制可通过多种措施实现.首先应该完善管理措施.改善畜舍饲养环境,这包括实行全出/全进的饲养方式、减少会破坏群体免疫水平的因素、维持最佳的饲养密度、防止其他呼吸道疾病的感染,以及提供最佳的畜舍及环境条件.其次,当猪群处于呼吸道疾病感染的威胁之下时,战略性使用能够有效地预防猪肺炎支原体和最好还能预防大多数继发感染细菌的药物对预防本病非常有效.最后,商用疫苗已被广泛地用来控制猪肺炎支原体感染,接种疲苗的优点在于其能够减少临床症状、减轻肺脏损伤、减少药物的使用和提高猪群的生产性能.但是,疫苗仅能提供部分保护作用,并且不能防止病原体在猪体内的定殖.因此,应根据猪群的种类、猪场的生产系统和管理体制、感染的类型及猪农的喜好选择不同的免疫策略(免疫时机、母猪免疫、免疫接种再结合抗菌素治疗).新疫苗正在紧锣密鼓的研究之中.如气雾苗、通过饲料接种的疫苗以及亚单位苗和DNA疫苗.按年龄进行隔离饲养和药物治疗在猪群水平上根除猪肺炎支原体感染是可能的,但该病复发的威胁将永久存在.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, the causative agent of porcine enzootic pneumonia, is present in swine herds worldwide. However, there is little information on strains infecting herds in Canada. A total of 160 swine lungs with lesions suggestive of enzootic pneumonia originating from 48 different farms were recovered from two slaughterhouses and submitted for gross pathology. The pneumonic lesion scores ranged from 2% to 84%.Eighty nine percent of the lungs (143/160) were positive for M. hyopneumoniae by real-time PCR whereas 10% (16/160) and 8.8% (14/160) were positive by PCR for M. hyorhinis and M. flocculare, respectively. By culture, only 6% of the samples were positive for M. hyopneumoniae (10/160). Among the selected M. hyopneumoniae-positive lungs (n = 25), 9 lungs were co-infected with M. hyorhinis, 9 lungs with PCV2, 2 lungs with PRRSV, 12 lungs with S. suis and 10 lungs with P. multocida. MLVA and PCR-RFLP clustering of M. hyopneumoniae revealed that analyzed strains were distributed among three and five clusters respectively, regardless of severity of lesions, indicating that no cluster is associated with virulence. However, strains missing a specific MLVA locus showed significantly less severe lesions and lower numbers of bacteria. MLVA and PCR-RFLP analyses also showed a high diversity among field isolates of M. hyopneumoniae with a greater homogeneity within the same herd. Almost half of the field isolates presented less than 55% homology with selected vaccine and reference strains.  相似文献   

18头健康杜洛克×长白×大白杂交猪,分3组,每组6头,通过气管内接种含有猪肺炎支原体的病肺悬液复制疾病模型后,以5.0mg/kg静注、肌注及内服给药进行环丙沙星药物动力学研究.高效液相色谱法测定血浆中药物浓度.MCPKP药物动力学程序处理药时数据.结果显示感染猪静注给药的药时数据适合二室开放模型,t1/2α为0.59 h,t1/2β为3.52 h,Vd(area)为3.21 L/kg,ClB为0.645 L/(ks·h).感染猪肌注和内服给药后的药时数据则适合一级吸收一室模型,t1/2ka分别为0.09、0.31 h;tmax分别为0.46、1.41 h;Cmax分别为1.67、0.35 mg/L;F分别为97.30%、34.66%.上述结果表明,支原体性肺炎对环丙沙星静注给药在猪体内的分布有一定影响,但对其消除过程的影响不大;与健康猪比较,感染猪肌注给药的峰浓度、药时曲线下面积及生物利用度均显著提高,而内服给药的峰浓度、药时曲线下面积及生物利用度均显著降低.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the dynamics (shedding and transmission) of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection within a population of swine and to determine the duration of the infection (persistence) through the identification of the agent in bronchial samples. Sixty-three 2-month-old pigs were used in this study. The pigs (n = 28) were experimentally infected by the intratracheal route with M. hyopneumoniae and considered as seeder pigs. The remaining pigs (n = 32) were not inoculated and randomly allocated to 2 different groups: direct contact exposure pigs (n = 12) and indirect contact exposure pigs (n = 20). Blood samples and nasal swabs were collected throughout the study on days 0, 28, 35, 42, 49, 63, 91, and 119 postinfection. To assess the duration of M. hyopneumoniae infection, 9 seeder and 6 contact exposure pigs were slaughtered at days 155 (group 1), 170 (group 2), and 185 (group 3) postinfection. Direct contact pigs showed evidence of infection on day 28 by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and on day 35 by serology. The indirect contact exposure pigs presented a very delayed and slow seroconversion pattern; they did not present evidence of transmission until 42 d after the infection of seeder pigs. Identification of M. hyopneumoniae in bronchial swabs was confirmed by nested-PCR from days 155 to 185 postinfection. At the last slaughter date, 77.7% and 100% of the seeders and contact exposure pigs, respectively, tested positive. The results of this study reconfirmed direct infection of M. hyopneumoniae and suggest that indirect transmission can occur in a population. Finally, duration of the infection in this study was longer than previously described.  相似文献   

A prospective study was carried out on three intensive farrow-to-finish farms. The aims were to estimate the incidence of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection, to determine when pigs become infected and the pattern of transmission of infection and to verify the relationship between seroconversion and clinical signs. One batch of pigs per farm was followed from farrowing-to-slaughter. Blood samples were taken at 10, 27, 70, 94, 125 and 147 days of age, from 44, 48 and 44 pigs per farm. Colostrum and blood samples were also taken from the sows. Animals were checked clinically once a week and coughing rates were recorded. Antibodies against M. hyopneumoniae were detected by a blocking ELISA. At 27, 70 and 94 days of age most pigs on the three farms were seronegative, suggesting that no circulation of M. hyopneumoniae occurred during the growing period. Thereafter, a high proportion of pigs seroconverted, indicating that infection occurred soon after the transfer of the animals to the finishing houses. Differences were detected between farms in the incidence of seroconversion. Seropositive pigs were widely distributed among the finishing pens, suggesting that in addition to direct contact, other methods of transmission, such as indirect or airborne transmission, may have been important. Coughing started at around the same time as seroconversion. The results showed that the critical period for the transmission of M. hyopneumoniae is around the beginning of the finishing period, when pigs have low concentrations of antibodies against the agent.  相似文献   

Enzootic pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is a severe disease of pigs, causing significant economic losses to the pig industry worldwide, including the tropical and subtropical regions. In order to obtain the baseline prevalence of M. hyopneumoniae in pigs from intensive farms in southern China, double-sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to detect M. hyoneumoniae antibodies in 460 pig serum samples collected from 12 administrative cities in China’s southern Guangdong province. According to the proportions of the infected animals, among the 12 intensive farms, only two of them showed no infection of M. hyoneumoniae and the seroprevalence ranged from 0% to 90%, with an averaged prevalence of 45.7%. The highest prevalence was found in breeding boars (68.8%), followed by sows (54.5%). These data showed that the infection of pigs with M. hyopneumoniae is severe, and boars might be more important carriers and transfers of M. hyoneumoniae than sows. Integrated strategies and measures should be taken to control the infection of pigs with M. hyopneumoniae in southern China.  相似文献   

The present study focused on Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M. hyopneumoniae) detection by nPCR in nasal swabs of 507 suckling pigs. These animals came from 69 sows (from 1 to 8 parity number) of a farrow-to-finish herd with Enzootic Pneumonia (EP) problems at finishing stages. At 1 and 3 weeks of age (still in the farrowing units), nasal swabs and blood samples were taken from all piglets. Moreover, from these 507 animals, 37 randomly selected pigs were necropsied at 3 weeks of age. From those necropsied pigs, M. hyopneumoniae presence was tested in bronchial and tonsillar swabs. At 1 week post-farrowing, blood samples from sows were collected and used to detect M. hyopneumoniae antibodies. From the 69 analysed sows, 19 (27.5%) were seropositive. Global percentage of pigs with M. hyopneumoniae detection in nasal swabs at 1 and 3 weeks of age was 1.5% (8 out of 507) and 3.8% (19 out of 507), respectively. From these nPCR positive pigs, 89% (24 out of 27) were seronegative and 11% were seropositive. From necropsied animals, the pathogen DNA was detected in two pigs at bronchus level and in another pig at tonsil. In this study, sow parity was not statistically related with sow seropositivity and piglet colonization. These results confirm that M. hyopneumoniae infection may be detected not only in nasal cavities of naturally infected suckling piglets but also at their low respiratory tract airways. Our results suggest that M. hyopneumoniae detection in lower and upper respiratory tract could be an indicator that respiratory problems associated to EP may start relatively early in the production system. In consequence, sow-to-piglet and/or piglet-to piglet transmission in farrowing barns should not be underestimated.  相似文献   

The effect of immunosuppression on Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection was evaluated by comparing data from infected, thymectomized, and antithymocyte serum-treated pigs (group 1) with data from infected (group 2) and noninfected (group 3) healthy pigs. After groups 1 and 2 pigs were inoculated intranasally with M hyopneumoniae, mycoplasmas tended to multiply slightly more in the lungs and bronchial lymph nodes of group 1 pigs than that of group 2 pigs. Organisms were also isolated from the spleen of 1 of 3 group 1 pigs. Pneumonia developed in group 2 pigs and was characterized by massive peribronchial, peribronchiolar, and perivascular lymphoid hyperplasia and exudate consisting mainly of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the alveoli and lumina of the bronchioles and bronchi. In group 1 pigs, perivascular and peribronchiolar cuffings by lymphocytes were less prominent, and the extent of intraluminal exudate was severe and widespread. Bronchial lymph nodes from group 2 pigs had marked hyperplasia of germinal centers and paracortical areas. In group 1 pigs, germinal centers were hyperplastic, whereas in the paracortical areas, depletion of lymphocytes was evident. Seemingly, cell-mediated immune mechanisms are important in the development of pneumonic lesions in enzootic pneumonia of pigs.  相似文献   

An inactivated vaccine prepared from broth culture supernatant of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae with an aluminum adjuvant was evaluated in three herds (herd A: specific pathogen-free herd, herd B: high health status herd with no clinical signs of respiratory infection, herd C: low health status herd with serious epidemiological and economical problems). A total of 212 pigs from the three herds were divided into two groups. One group was injected twice with the vaccine at 4-week intervals and the other was a control group. No adverse reactions were noted following the vaccinations either systematically or locally in any of the vaccinated pigs from any of the herds. In herd A, the vaccination provided antibody response within 4 weeks after the second vaccination and antibody responses continued for more than 12 weeks. In herds B and C, the number of pigs with lung lesions, mean percentage of lung lesions, and the numbers of M. hyopneumoniae recovered from pigs at slaughter in the vaccinated group were significantly (P < 0.05) reduced compared to the control group. Furthermore, vaccination resulted in improved average daily weight gain (ADG), improved feed conversion ratio (FCR), and improved days to market weight in herd C, whereas no difference in growth performance was shown in herd B. It is suggested that the inactivated vaccine prepared from broth culture supernatant of M. hyopneumoniae is effective in reducing clinical signs and lung lesions. Also, vaccination resulted in improved growth performance in herds where clinical signs and economic losses were significant.  相似文献   

Cellular and humoral immune responses of pigs inoculated with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae were investigated at postinoculation weeks (PIW) 2, 4, and 6. The response of blood lymphocytes (BL) and bronchial lymph node lymphocytes (LNL) to stimulation by M hyopneumoniae antigens was evaluated by a lymphocyte-stimulation test. Specific antibodies in serum and lung washing samples were assayed by ELISA. Immunoglobulin-positive cells in lungs and bronchial lymph nodes were identified by indirect fluorescent antibody test, using isotype-specific monoclonal antibodies. At PIW 0 to 6, BL from control and M hyopneumoniae-inoculated pigs were stimulated by M hyopneumoniae cells; however, BL from inoculated pigs generally had higher stimulation indices, especially at PIW 6. The response of LNL was influenced by previous exposure to M hyopneumoniae, as indicated by higher stimulation indices (P less than 0.01) of LNL from inoculated pigs killed at PIW 2 and 6. Specific ELISA antibodies to M hyopneumoniae in lung washings from inoculated pigs consisted mainly of IgG and IgA isotypes. Examination of lung sections by indirect immunofluorescence revealed that cells producing IgM and IgA were in controls as well as M hyopneumoniae-inoculated pigs, but IgG-positive cells were only in lungs of inoculated pigs. Resolution of pneumonia appeared to correlate with development of increased sensitization of BL, as well as development of marked increases in immunoglobulins, particularly IgG in lung washings at PIW 6.  相似文献   

为研究不同毒力的猪肺炎支原体对宿主细胞的黏附作用,本研究采用体外培养的猪气管环检测不同毒力的猪肺炎支原体代表菌株对猪气管上皮细胞及纤毛的损伤情况,初步验证不同猪肺炎支原体代表菌株的毒力.应用间接免疫荧光技术研究不同猪肺炎支原体分离株、标准株、168致弱株及疫苗株对猪肾细胞PK15、肺泡上皮细胞SJPL和猪肺泡巨嗜细胞3D4/31的黏附情况.结果表明猪肺炎支原体野毒株XLW-1能引起猪气管上皮细胞严重病变及纤毛损伤、脱落;国际标准弱毒株J株仅能引起猪气管上皮细胞轻微病变;168疫苗株既不能引起猪气管上皮细胞病变,也不能引起纤毛损伤.野毒株XLW-1、国际标准强毒株232株、弱毒株J株及168疫苗株均能黏附PK15、SJPL和3D4/31,168致弱株可以黏附PK15和SJPL.野毒株、标准强毒株、标准弱毒株、168致弱株及疫苗株均能黏附PK15、SJPL和3D4/31.  相似文献   

The effect of dextran sulfate (DS), known to be cytotoxic to macrophages, on the cell-mediated and humoral immune response to nonviable Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in pigs was investigated. The cell-mediated immune response was determined by means of lymphocyte transformation a test, using uptake of [3H]thymidine in a microculture system and the humoral immune response by means of a microplate complement-fixation test. Peripheral blood lymphocytes from pigs vaccinated with nonviable M hyopneumoniae and DS incorporated substantially more [3H]thymidine than did those from pigs given Mycoplasma or DS alone. The transformation of lymphocytes from M hyopneumoniae-DS vaccinated pigs was enhanced when M hyopneumoniae cells used in the assay system were heated at 60 C for 30 minutes. Similarly prepared M flocculare and M hyorhinis cells also stimulated lymphocytes from M hyopneumoniae-DS vaccinated pigs, but not nearly as great as when M hyopneumoniae cells were used. The humoral antibody response and the cell-mediated immune response to nonviable M hyopneumoniae was markedly enhanced by DS. Pigs were vaccinated with nonviable M hyopneumoniae and/or DS 4 times and challenge exposed intratracheally with viable M hyopneumoniae. Pigs vaccinated with M hyopneumoniae and DS had less severe pneumonia than did nonvaccinated pigs.  相似文献   



A field trial was carried out with two Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae vaccines in order to investigate the benefit of vaccination under field conditions in modern Danish pig production facilities with pigs being positive for M. hyopneumoniae. The M. hyopneumoniae infection of the herd was confirmed through blood samples that were positive for antibodies against M. hyopneumoniae combined with gross lesions of the lungs related to M. hyopneumoniae at slaughter and detection of M. hyopneumoniae by polymerace chain reaction in these lesions.


A total of 2,256 pigs from two herds were randomly divided into three groups. Group 1 received 2 mL ThoroVAX®VET, Group 2 received 1 mL Ingelvac®MycoFLEX, and Group 3 was a non-vaccinated control group. The vaccination was performed by a person who was not involved in the rest of the trial and vaccination status thereby blinded to the evaluators.The prevalence of lung lesions related to M. hyopneumoniae were significantly lower for pigs vaccinated with ThoroVAX®VET but not for pigs vaccinated with Ingelvac®MycoFLEX®, when compared to non-vaccinated pigs. There was no significant effect of vaccination on growth rate, antibiotic consumption or mortality.


This trial demonstrated that vaccination with Thoro®VAX VET was effective in reducing the prevalence of lung lesion in pig units infected with M. hyopneumoniae.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mh) is the primary infectious pathogen responsible for enzootic pneumonia in pigs. Although Mh is thought to impair growth performance, whole-body composition, and fat and protein accretion in pigs with pneumonia have not been reported and the mechanism through which Mh reduces growth is unknown. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of Mh on growth performance, whole-body composition, and protein and fat accretion in nursery pigs and to determine whether Mh infection increases the expression of interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). Sixty-four 2-wk-old Mh-free pigs were used (two trials) in a randomized complete block design. In each trial, two pigs were housed in each of 16 disease-containment chambers. At 4 wk of age, pigs were inoculated intratracheally with 3 mL of Mh broth (P5722-3, 10(7) cfu/mL) or sterile Friis culture medium. Clinical signs of disease and feed intake were monitored daily and body weight was determined weekly for 4 wk. Whole-body composition was determined from pigs killed 0, 14, and 28 d after inoculation, and the comparative slaughter technique was used to estimate protein and fat accretion. At death, gross lung lesions were quantified, and lung tissue was collected to verify the presence or absence of Mh, and to determine cytokine mRNA levels. Control pigs displayed no overt signs of infection and were Mh-negative and free of pulmonary lesions. Pigs inoculated with Mh showed pneumonic coughing (P < 0.005), were Mh-positive, and had pulmonary lesions that affected 4.5% (P < 0.01) and 14.1% (P < 0.001) of total lung surface area at 14 and 28 d, respectively, after inoculation. Ribonuclease protection assays revealed increased IL-1beta (P < 0.04) and TNF-alpha (P < 0.06) mRNA in lung tissue collected from a lesion site compared with tissue collected 10 cm from a lesion site or from control pigs. Interestingly, Mh did not depress weight gain or feed efficiency during any week of the 28-d study (P > 0.10). Moreover, Mh did not affect whole-body fat or protein accretion (P > 0.10). Thus, in spite of inducing disease and expression of inflammatory cytokines, Mh alone did not affect growth performance and whole-body composition of nursery pigs during the 4-wk experiment. The ability of pigs to contend with Mh may have resulted from the absence of other pathogens that generally co-exist with Mh under commercial conditions.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, the cause of enzootic pneumonia, remains an important pathogen in the swine industry. This small, complex organism colonizes the ciliated cells of the respiratory tract, resulting in little exposure to the immune system. Confirming the presence of M. hyopneumoniae, as well as identifying its role in respiratory disease and pneumonia, remains challenging to the veterinary profession. While culture of the organism remains the gold standard for identification, the use of serology, the polymerase chain reaction and various assays to detect the presence of M. hyopneumoniae in tissue is common in diagnostic laboratories. Because of the role M. hyopneumoniae plays in increasing the severity of pneumonia associated with concurrent bacterial and viral infections, understanding the pathogenesis and diagnostic assays available is critical for developing effective intervention strategies to control respiratory disease on a herd basis.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M. hyopneumoniae) is present in almost all swine herds worldwide, but transmission of the pathogen through herds is not yet fully clarified. The aim of this study, performed in 2003, was to investigate and to quantify the transmission of M. hyopneumoniae under experimental conditions by means of an adjusted reproduction ratio (Rn). This Rn-value, calculated according to the final size method, expresses the mean number of secondary infections due to one typical infectious piglet during the nursery period. The period lasted from 4 to 10 weeks of age, corresponding with the nursery period used in most European production systems. Additionally, a comparison was made between transmissions of highly virulent and low virulent isolates.

Forty-eight weaned piglets, free of M. hyopneumoniae, were housed in six separate pens. During 6 weeks, two animals experimentally infected with M. hyopneumoniae were housed together with six susceptible piglets. At the end of the study, the number of contact-infected animals was determined by the use of nPCR on bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. The Rn-values of the highly virulent and the low virulent isolates were estimated to be 1.47 (0.68–5.38) and 0.85 (0.33–3.39), respectively. No significant difference between the groups was found (P = 0.53). The overall Rn was estimated to be 1.16 (0.94–4.08). Under the present experimental conditions, the transmission of M. hyopneumoniae, assessed for the first time by a reproduction ratio, shows that one piglet infected before weaning will infect on average one penmate during the nursery phase.  相似文献   

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