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Effect of red grapes co-winemaking in polyphenols and color of wines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The red grapes co-winemaking effect on phenolic fraction and wine color has been studied for the first time, where Monastrell was comacerated and cofermentated with Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. Changes in the relative abundance of anthocyanins were observed as well as hyperchromic shifts at 530 and 620 nm; these effects remain constant after aging. Co-winemaking also favored copigmentation, giving way to more stable anthocyanins and facilitating their polymerization. With regard to color evolution, the mixture of Monastrell with Merlot grapes was more appropriate than with Cabernet Sauvignon for aging wines in oak barrels. The extent of copigmentation was more important in young wines than in aged wines. This is mainly due to the self-anthocyanin monomer reactions in the case of young wines, whereas in aged wines copigmentation is mainly due to the reaction between the anthocyanins and other polyphenolic cofactors. Discriminant analysis showed the possibility of differentiating wines according to the aging time and the type of wine, with color parameters (color intensity, OD 620 nm, and OD 520 nm) being the most important discrimination variables in the first case and petunidin-3-glucoside and peonidin-3-glucoside contents in the second case.  相似文献   

Several red wines were elaborated to assess the effect of the degree of grape ripening on wine color and on the levels of flavanol and anthocyanin compounds, which are chiefly responsible for the wine color attributes. Two different cultivars and three different degrees of ripening were studied in two consecutive years. The wines were aged for 1 year in American oak barrels of medium-high char followed by 6 months in the bottle. The results showed that the wines made from more mature grapes had generally higher free anthocyanin content, and during aging the decrease of the free anthocyanins and flavanols took place in conjunction with an increase in the levels of the anthocyanin derivatives or "new pigments", which are responsible for maintaining color intensity and adding violet hues in aged wines. From the results obtained, it seems to be clear that the characteristics and composition of grapes harvested later (7-8 days in this region and for these varieties) than the usual time are quite beneficial to obtaining quality aged wines. The phenolic composition of wines made from the last harvested grapes is mainly responsible for the stability of their color, which is extremely important in product acceptance with a significant increase hence of product quality.  相似文献   

This report has investigated the seasonal temperatures influences (winter and summer) of five vineyards at different altitudes on the concentrations of 2-methoxy-3-isobutylpyrazine (MIBP), alpha- and beta-ionone, and beta-damascenone in 2004 or 2005 vintages of Cabernet Sauvignon wines from Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Sensorial analyses were also carried out on the wine samples and compared to altitude and climate. Significant regression was observed between MIBP concentrations and the vineyard's altitude. No significant relation was observed between alpha- and beta-ionone and beta-damascenone with the vineyard's altitude. Principal component analysis positively correlated wines from higher altitudes with a "bell pepper" aroma. Conversely, the wines made with grapes from lower altitudes were correlated with "red fruits" and "jam" aromas. An important relation between the bell pepper aroma and the lower winter temperature was observed. A strong negative correlation was also observed between seasonal temperatures and vineyard altitude as well as between MIBP content and seasonal temperature of growing grapevines.  相似文献   

While the contribution of 1,8-cineole to the aroma of wine has been reported, it is a matter of controversy that the vineyards producing such wines are surrounded by Eucalyptus trees, which may contribute their essence to the grapes. However, experimental information presented in this paper suggests that 1,8-cineole can be produced by chemical transformation of limonene and alpha-terpineol, and this process may be responsible for the occurrence of Eucalyptus-like aroma in Tannat wines from vines not grown in the vicinity of Eucalyptus trees. A mechanism for the chemical transformation of these aroma compounds is proposed.  相似文献   

Effect of pesticide residues on the aromatic composition of red wines.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The influence of pesticide residues on the aromatic composition (major and minor volatiles) of red wines made from Vitis vinifera (Monastrell var.) was studied by comparing the concentration of aromas in wines made from grapes subjected (or not) to phytosanitary treatment with chlorpyrifos, fenarimol, mancozeb, metalaxyl, penconazole, and vinclozolin, according to the agricultural practice of the area. The analytical determination of the major volatiles was made by gas chromatography using a flame ionization detector, while the minor volatiles were determined by adsorption-thermal desorption gas chromatography using a mass selective detector. There were significant differences between the ethyl acetate, methanol, isobutanol, and diethylacetal levels of the control wine and that containing chlorpyrifos residues, although only the ethyl acetate exceeded the olfactory threshold. With regard to the minor volatiles, significant differences were detected in the concentrations of some esters, aldehydes, and acids. However, only isoamyl acetate exceeded the olfactory threshold in wines containing residues of chlorpyrifos, fenarimol, and vinclozolin.  相似文献   

The moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages has been associated with protection against the development of coronary heart disease. Although alcohol itself can help prevent coronary heart disease through a number of mechanisms, red wine appears to offer protection above and beyond that attributable to alcohol alone. Red wine is a complex fluid containing grape, yeast, and wood-derived phenolic compounds, the majority of which have been recognized as potent antioxidants. The aim of this study was to investigate the major phenolic contributors to the antioxidant activity of wine. To this end, four wines were followed during the first 7-9 days of vinification. Individual phenolic compounds were quantified by HPLC, and antioxidant activity was determined by electron spin resonance spectroscopy. The extraction of the phenolics was found to be influenced by vinification procedure, grape quality, and grape variety. Although fermenting wines reached a total phenolic content comparable to that of a bottled wine after 9 days of vinification, the antioxidant activity was significantly lower than that of a finished wine. This suggests that the larger polyphenolic complexes and condensation products that appear during aging make a sizable contribution to the overall antioxidant activity of red wines.  相似文献   

Phenolics from grapes and wines can play a role against oxidation and development of atherosclerosis. Stilbenes have been shown to have cancer chemopreventive activity and to protect lipoproteins from oxidative damage. A method for the direct determination of stilbene oligomers (viniferin and pallidol) as well as astilbin in different types of wine using high-performance liquid chromatography with UV detection is described. In a survey of 21 commercial wines from the south of France, levels of pallidol and viniferin are reported for the first time in different types of wines. Viniferin was found to be present only in red and botrytized sweet white wines with levels between 0.1 and 1.63 mg/L; pallidol was not found in dry and sweet white wines but only in wines made by maceration with stems, with levels between 0.38 and 2.22 mg/L. Highest levels of astilbin were found in Egiodola (15.13 mg/L), Merlot (11.61 mg/L), and Cabernet Sauvignon (8.24 mg/L) for red wines and in Sauvignon (5.04 mg/L) for white varietal wines. Astilbin levels are highest for recent vintages, but pallidol is not found in older vintages. During noble rot development in Sauvignon or Sémillon grapes from the Sauternes area, levels of trans-astringin, trans-resveratrol, trans-piceid, and pallidol are quite low (<0.5 mg/kg of grapes). Viniferin and astilbin levels become optimum at 2 and 30 mg/kg, respectively, during spot grape and speckle grape stages.  相似文献   

The influence of different types of winemaking technology on the contents of catechins, proanthocyanidins, and anthocyanins in Tinta Miúda red wines was studied. The Tinta Miúda red wines were made by fermentation with carbonic maceration, fermentation with stem contact, and fermentation without stem contact, respectively. The analysis of individual catechins, procyanidins, and anthocyanins in these wines was performed by HPLC, and quantification of total catechins, total oligomeric proanthocyanidins, total polymeric proanthocyanidins, and total anthocyanins was carried out by spectrophotometric methods. The wine made by carbonic maceration contained the highest amounts of both catechins and oligomeric and polymeric proanthocyanidins, followed by the wine made by fermentation with stem contact, whereas the wine made by fermentation without stem contact contained the lowest of these compounds. On the other hand, the concentrations of total anthocyanins and nearly all individual anthocyanins in the carbonic maceration wine were lower than those in the wines made by fermentation with stem contact and fermentation without stem contact. These results indicated that, although the carbonic maceration technique could retain higher amounts of catechins and proanthocyanidins in wine, it did not favor retaining or stabilizing anthocyanins in wine.  相似文献   

The effect of wine-making procedures on the concentrations of six pesticides (chlorpyrifos, penconazole, fenarimol, vinclozolin, metalaxyl, and mancozeb) in red wines has been studied. During maceration stage (4 days), the percentage remaining of chlorpyrifos, penconazole, and metalaxyl was approximately 90%, whereas that of fenarimol, vinclozolin, and mancozeb is somewhat smaller (74-67%). The residual levels found in pressed must were 相似文献   

Aged red wines possess significantly different polyphenolic composition compared with young ones, mainly due not only to formation of polymeric compounds but also because of oxidation, hydrolysis, and other transformations that may occur in native grape phenolics during aging. Representative Greek, single-variety, aged red wines were examined for total phenol, total flavanol, and total anthocyanin content using spectrophotometry, and attempts were made to establish correlations with the antiradical, reducing, and hydroxyl free radical scavenging activity. In addition, HPLC analyses were carried out, to ascertain whether individual polyphenols are actually responsible for the antioxidant effects of aged red wines. It was found that total flavanols are the class of polyphenols that account for hydroxyl free radical scavenging efficacy and to a lesser extent for antiradical and reducing ability, whereas there was a less significant link between the antioxidant properties and the total phenolics and only a weak relationship to total anthocyanin content. The correlation of the antioxidant properties with the principal polyphenols showed that individual compounds are weakly associated with all the antioxidant parameters, suggesting that the expression of antioxidant activity in aged red wines is rather a consequence of synergism between various phenolics, and it is not simply attributed to specific constituents.  相似文献   

Among plant-derived odorants, damascenone is one of the most ubiquitous, sometimes occurring as an apparent natural product but more commonly occurring in processed foodstuffs and beverages. It has been widely reported as a component of alcoholic beverages, particularly of wines made from the grape Vitis vinifera . Although damascenone has one of the lowest ortho- and retronasal detection thresholds of any odorant, its contribution to the sensory properties of most products remains poorly understood. Damascenone can be formed by acid-catalyzed hydrolyses of plant-derived apocarotenoids, in both aglycon and glycoconjugated forms. These reactions can account for the formation of damascenone in some, but not all, products. In wine, damascenone can also be subject to degradation processes, particularly by reaction with sulfur dioxide.  相似文献   

The influence of the different steps involved in the wine-making process on the disappearance of chlorpyrifos, fenarimol, metalaxyl, penconazole, and vinclozolin in red wines elaborated by carbonic maceration of Monastrell grapes was studied. The initial levels of the residues in grapes ranged from 0.28 mg/kg (penconazole) to 1 mg/kg (chlorpyrifos). Ten days after the beginning of maceration, the compound that had decreased least was chlorpyrifos (83% of initial value remaining), whereas metalaxyl, the least persistent of the residues, had decreased to 49% of its initial value. In the free-run juice, on the other hand, the highest percentage remaining corresponded to metalaxyl (10%) and the lowest to chlorpyrifos (0. 1%). After pressing, the percentages of initial values eliminated in pomace varied from 82.7% for chlorpyrifos to 17.7% for metalaxyl, whereas in the press juice the opposite was the case (37% metalaxyl and 2% chlorpyrifos remaining). In finished wine, there were residues of all the pesticides, with the exception of chlorpyrifos, metalaxyl (21%) being the most persistent. The percentages eliminated in the lees varied from 1.5 to 2.5% of the initial value.  相似文献   

Carbonyl compounds play an important role in musts from botrytized grapes. Some of them, such as glyoxal and methylglyoxal, may explain a considerable part of bindable SO(2). Others, such as 2- and 5-oxogluconic acids, produced by gluconic acid oxidation in proportions respectively from 2.5 per 1 play an interesting role as SO(2) binding indicator. Finally, the levels of some compounds such as dihydroxyacetone, 5-oxofructose, and delta-gluconolactone in balance with gluconic acid are well correlated with SO(2) binding powers and also explain a large part of the bindable SO(2) in musts. During alcoholic fermentation, only dihydroxyacetone among these three compounds is metabolized by yeast. Thus, two compounds present in grapes, delta-gluconolactone and 5-oxofructose, with three yeast SO(2)-binding byproducts, ethanal, pyruvic, and 2-oxoglutaric acids, explain much of the SO(2) binding power in wines from botrytized grapes.  相似文献   

The effects of different processing treatments on thiol precursor concentrations have been investigated through studies involving transportation of machine-harvested Sauvignon blanc fruit and assessment of different applications of antioxidants, along with juice preparation and enzyme inhibition experiments. The influence these trials had on 3-S-cysteinylhexan-1-ol (Cys-3-MH) and 3-S-glutathionylhexan-1-ol (Glut-3-MH) concentrations in juices is discussed. Very interesting findings included the large increase in precursor concentrations after transportation, particularly for Cys-3-MH, and the limited formation of Glut-3-MH when grape proteins were precipitated during processing. The various results provided information about the ability to modulate precursor concentrations depending on the processing technique employed. Additionally, a conjugated aldehyde, which is the obvious missing link between the reaction of (E)-2-hexenal and glutathione in the formation of Glut-3-MH, has been tentatively identified for the first time. Deuterium-labeled 3-S-glutathionylhexanal (Glut-3-MHAl) was produced through the addition of labeled (E)-2-hexenal to grapes, followed by grape crushing, and detected in the juice by HPLC-MS/MS, along with the corresponding labeled Glut-3-MH.  相似文献   

Commercially available mannoprotein preparations were tested in Tempranillo winemaking to determine their influence on polysaccharide, polyphenolic, and color composition. No effect was found in the content of grape arabinogalactans, homogalacturonans, and type II rhamnogalacturonans. In contrast, mannoprotein-treated samples showed considerably higher values of high-molecular-weight mannoproteins (bMP) than controls from the beginning of alcoholic fermentation, although these differences diminished as vinification progressed. The bMP decrease observed in the mannoprotein-treated samples coincided with a substantial reduction in their proanthocyanidin content and wine stable color, suggesting a precipitation of the coaggregates mannoprotein-tannin and mannoprotein-pigment. Contrary to what is widely described, these results revealed that at the studied conditions, mannoproteins did not act as stabilizing colloids. Mannoprotein addition did not modify the content and composition of either monomeric anthocyanins or other monomeric phenolics, and it did not affect monomeric anthocyanin color.  相似文献   


A water culture pot experiment was conducted to analyze the effects of N application during the ripening period (RP) on photosynthesis, dry matter production, and its impact on grain ripening and yield in two semidwarf indica type varieties viz. Gui Zhao 2 (GZ) and BR3 (BR) compared with a japonica type variety Koganemasari (KO) under four N rates viz. 0 (N0), 10 (N10), 20 (N20), and 40 (N40) mg L?1. Results showed that N application enabled to maintain a higher leaf area and delay leaf senescence in both indica and japonica type varieties but the decrease in the rate, of leaf area was higher in the former than in the latter and the rate was reduced with increasing N rates. Flag leaf photosynthesis and SPAD values of N treated plants were higher throughout the RP, showing the presence of a significant correlation either for each variety or all the varieties together. Higher photosynthetic rate was supported by higher leaf chlorophyll (SPAD value basis) content, stomatai conductance, and N concentration in leaf blades. Top dry matter content increased with increasing N rates mainly due to mean leaf area rather than NAR except for BR during RP but it was higher in KO than in GZ and BR. Reduction of shoot weight due to translocation of dry matter to panicles during RP was suppressed by N rates both in GZ and BR while shoot weight increased in the N-treated plants in KO. The dependency of KO on current photosynthates for panicle weight was found to be almost hundred percent while the contribution of stored carbohydrates in shoot before heading to panicle weight in GZ and BR was in the range of 4-27 and 33-54%, respectively and the rest was contributed by current photosynthates. The percentage increased with increasing N rates. Percentage of ripened grains (PRG) increased with increasing N rates in GZ and BR due to the increase in dry matter production and in the photosynthetic rates of apex leaves, despite the larger spikelet number and larger hull size. However, KO showed almost no variation although it had the highest PRG among the varieties. Brown rice yield followed the same pattern as that of PRG in GZ and BR and the highest yield was produced by BR followed by GZ and KO. These results suggest that N application during RP was more effective in increasing yield in the semidwarf indica type varieties than in the japonica type variety.  相似文献   

The effects of light exposure on 3-isobutyl-2-methoxypyrazine (IBMP) accumulation and degradation in Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Franc berries were assessed by comparison of shaded and exposed clusters within the same vine throughout a growing season. Twenty-seven vines were shoot-thinned to create regions of high and low cluster-light exposure within each vine. Samples were collected at 10 time points starting from 5 to 130 days postbloom. The experimental design allowed for intravine comparison of IBMP levels between treatments at each time. Vine-to-vine variability of IBMP and the correlation of IBMP to malic acid were also evaluated. Cluster exposure reduced accumulation of IBMP at all preveraison time points by 21-44%, but did not increase postveraison degradation. Significant vine-to-vine variability in IBMP content was observed, with the highest level of IBMP in shaded berries in the most vigorous block of vines. Although IBMP concentration by weight decreased significantly due to dilution just prior to color change (veraison), no significant IBMP degradation per berry occurred until after color change (day 70 postbloom). By contrast, malic acid degradation began prior to color change, and malic acid concentrations were not affected by cluster exposure preveraison, but were affected postveraison. A survey of 13 sites in New York state (Seneca Lake) showed that IBMP concentrations at 2 weeks preveraison were highly correlated (R(2) = 0.936, p < 0.0001) to levels at harvest, whereas classic grape maturity indices at harvest were uncorrelated with IBMP at harvest. In summary, light exposure conditions critically influence IBMP accumulation but not IBMP degradation.  相似文献   

Soil carbon (C) management is identified as a key element of sustainable agriculture, and an increase in nitrogen (N) mineralization rates is expected with an increase in soil C. However, any practical recommendation for using soil C management to substitute the application of synthetic N fertilizer needs to account simultaneously for other important agronomic variables and environmental conditions. For this purpose we investigated the simultaneous impact of soil C management, environmental conditions, and soil structure on N mineralization in two apple orchard systems in Havelock North, New Zealand. One system is an organic orchard using regular compost applications and the other is a neighboring integrated orchard with no external inputs of organic matter. The soil type, texture, and climate are identical in both orchards. We selected different temperatures (10°C, 15°C, and 20°C) and soil moistures (?30, ?100, and ?300?kPa) as the environmental conditions for N mineralization. Simultaneously, the hot-water extractable C (HWC) contents were measured and served as the indicator for the soil C management of the orchards. To analyze the impact of soil structure, the N mineralization of undisturbed cores was compared with that of disturbed samples. The net N mineralization of the soil in the organic orchard was on average six times higher than that in the integrated orchard. At the same time, in the organic orchard the HWC contents at the beginning of the N mineralization experiment were about two times higher than in the integrated orchard. In a multiple regression as a practical recommendation for the orchards of our case study, we could explain 84% of the variability of N mineralization rates using HWC and environmental conditions as the independent variables. The HWC content was the most significant variable in the multiple regression model and showed that soil C management has a more prominent role than the environmental conditions. Soil C management such as regular compost applications which increase the soil??s HWC contents can also be used to manage N mineralization. The significant difference between the undisturbed and disturbed samples showed the soil structure can have an effect on N mineralization.  相似文献   

beta-Carotene and six xanthophylls (lutein, neoxanthin, violaxanthin, luteoxanthin, cryptoxanthin, and echinenone) have been identified and semiquantitatively or quantitatively determined in musts and port wines for the first time. An HPLC method was developed and compared with that of one based on thin layer cromatography with scanning densitometry. The most abundant carotenoids present in red grape varieties are beta-carotene and lutein. In wines, significant quantities of violaxanthin, luteoxanthin, and neoxanthin were found. This study was done with berries (skin and pulp), musts, and fortified wines. Some experiments were performed to follow carotenoid content from grapes to wines. Although the levels of beta-carotene and lutein found in fortified wines were lower than those found in musts, other xanthophylls, such as neoxanthin, violaxanthin, and luteoxanthin, exist in appreciable amounts in young ports.  相似文献   

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