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In a survey of most sweetpotato-growing areas of Uganda, virus-like diseases were observed in all districts surveyed. Out of 338 fields sampled in 35 of the then 42 districts, 219 (65%) had some plants with symptoms. The most common symptoms included vein clearing, mottling, leaf distortion, yellowing, stunting and leaf strapping. Particularly high virus-like disease incidences (means of 34–86%) were encountered in districts around Lake Victoria and in the Rift Valley in southern and western parts of Uganda; particularly low incidences were encountered in the east and north of Uganda. Using four formats of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in combination with immunoelectron microscopy and polymerase chain reaction assays, five viruses were identified. Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV) and Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV) were most commonly detected, being found in about 90% of samples. Sweet potato mild mottle virus at 10%, Sweet potato chlorotic fleck virus (SPCFV) at 8% and Sweet potato caulimo-like virus (SPCaLV) at 0·07% were more rarely detected. Most infections were multiple, SPCSV + SPFMV constituting > 90% of all double infections. Triple infections, involving mainly SPFMV, SPCSV and either SPMMV or SPCFV, and quadruple infections of SPFMV + SPCSV + SPMMV + SPCFV were observed in < 10% of the diseased samples. The identification of SPCaLV is the first evidence of its occurrence in Africa.  相似文献   

RNA沉默技术由于其简便、高效及高特异性在各种模式和非模式生物系统中得到了广泛的应用。植物转基因技术是将植物、动物或微生物中分离到的目的基因,通过各种手段整合到植物基因组上,使其稳定遗传并赋予植物新的优良性状的生物技术。RNA沉默在植物转基因工程领域的研究十分广泛,目前已经成功研究培育出许多抗病毒、抗虫转基因植物,为农业病虫害的防控提供了新的思路和方法。本文重点综述了近年来植物转基因介导RNA沉默在抗虫与抗病毒研究方面的进展,加深人们对转基因植物抗虫与抗病毒研究的认识。  相似文献   

Two modifications of ELISA and DIA were compared in relation to sensitivity of detection of two plant viruses and suitability for large-scale routine testing. DIA is a solid phase immuno assay like ELISA, in which the enzyme conjugate is replaced by a dye sol conjugate and substrate incubation is replaced by immediate dissolving of the dye molecules from the conjugate with an organic solvent. Sample and conjugate were incubated separately (ELISA 1, DIA 1) or simultaneously (ELISA 2, DIA 2). The seed-borne viruses viz. lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) and pea early-browning virus (PEBV) were subjected to the assays. DIA detected LMV in a purified extract ofNicotiana benthamiana. However, compounds present in crude virus-free and virus-containing plant extracts strongly interfered with DIA, necessitating adaptation of DIA to plant viruses in crude extracts.With the extracts of lettuce and pea seeds ELISA 2, in comparison with ELISA 1, resulted in equal (LMV) or slightly higher (PEBV) extinction values and in a higher ratio between extinction values of virus-containing and virus-free samples. The higher sensitivity of ELISA 2 in combination with its higher efficiency as a result of simultaneous sample and conjugate incubation, indicates the potential of this method for large-scale indexing.Samenvatting Twee modificaties van ELISA en DIA werden vergeleken met betrekking tot hun gevoeligheid voor het aantonen van twee plantevirussen en hun geschiktheid voor routinematige toepassing. DIA is een serologische toetsmethode die veel overeenkomst vertoont met ELISA, maar waarin het enzymconjugaat is vervangen door een conjugaat met gedispergeerde kleurstofdeeltjes en de incubatie met enzym-substraat door het direct oplossen van de kleurstofmoleculen van het conjugaat met een organisch oplosmiddel. Incubatie van monster en conjugaat vond zowel gescheiden (ELISA 1, DIA 1) als gelijktijdig (ELISA 2, DIA 2) plaats. Twee met zaad overgaande virussen, te weten slamozaïekvirus (LMV) en vroege-verbruiningsvirus van erwt (PEBV) werden bij het onderzoek betrokken. Met DIA kon LMV worden aangetoond in een gezuiverd extract vanNicotiana benthamiana. In ruwe planteëxtracten bleken echter stoffen voor te komen die in DIA sterke niet-specifieke reacties tot gevolg hadden. Verder onderzoek is dan ook noodzakelijk om DIA geschikt te maken voor het aantonen van plantevirussen in ruwe extracten van planten. Betere resultaten werden verkregen met de beide ELISA-modificaties. Met de extracten uit slazaad en erwtezaad gaf ELISA 2 vergelijkbare (LMV) of iets hogere (PEBV) extinctiewaarden dan ELISA 1. Bovendien was de verhouding tussen de extinctiewaarden van virusziek materiaal en die van virusvrij materiaal, bij ELISA 2 hoger dan bij ELISA 1. De grotere gevoeligheid van ELISA 2 en de grotere doelmatigheid ten gevolge van de gelijktijdige incubatie van monster en conjugaat duiden op de bijzondere geschiktheid van deze methode voor routinematige toepassing op grote schaal.  相似文献   

Pepper production is affected by several viral diseases in Samsun, Turkey. To determine the identity of these viruses, a total of 313 samples from field-grown peppers were collected during surveys in 1998 and 1999, and tested by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Six viruses,Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV),Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV),Potato virus Y (PVY),Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV),Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) andTomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) were detected in the samples. Of 313 plants tested, 42 were doubly infected, and TMV+PVY (15.4%) was the most common double infection. This is also the first report of AMV in pepper fields in Turkey. The effect of some weed species that may act as reservoir of these viruses was also investigated in the region and of 24 weed species belonging to 15 families tested, 16 were found to be infected with at least one virus.Amaranthus retroflexus (Redroot pigweed) appeared to be a common host of CMV, PVY, ToMV, TMV and TSWV, whereasHibiscus trionum (Venice mallow) was recorded as a new weed host of PVY and TSWV. The majority of weed species found to be virus infected were very common in the pepper growing areas of the region. This indicates that pepper fields contaminated with these weeds are under risk of viral infections. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting July 21, 2005.  相似文献   

本文概述了寄生蜂体内RNA病毒的研究进展。迄今,在寄生蜂中已鉴定获得17种RNA病毒,分属7个科、3种基因组型,其中冠状病毒科、传染性软腐病病毒科、双顺反子病毒科和杯状病毒科等属正义单链RNA病毒;弹状病毒科和尼亚玛尼病毒科等属负义单链RNA病毒;呼肠孤病毒科属分段双链RNA病毒等。就不同寄生蜂RNA病毒的形态与基因组特征、传播途径以及与寄生蜂及其寄主间的相互关系作了比较,并就RNA病毒在寄生蜂成功寄生中的作用以及对寄生蜂的致病性等作了探讨,旨在为促进寄主-寄生蜂-病毒三者互作机制研究以及用于害虫协同防控提供参考。  相似文献   

外来入侵植物病毒已经严重威胁全球多个国家和地区的农业生产。预防和控制入侵植物病毒能够确保农业安全生产和可持续发展。本文详细地总结与综述了我国重要外来入侵植物病毒发生与危害情况。结合国内外生物入侵防治经验与我国入侵植物病毒的实际情况,分析了我国植物病毒入侵防控面临的挑战,提出了我国入侵植物病毒防控的几种通用措施。  相似文献   

A survey of aphid species which colonize or reproduce on wild and cultivated plants in the Arava Valley of Israel was carried out at the end of winter 1986. Thirty-three aphid species were collected on wild plants and 23 in green tile or yellow traps exposed in cultivated plots. Aphids were recorded from 77 plant species in 22 botanical families.Myzus persicae, Aphis craccivora, Brachyunguis harmalae, Acyrthosiphon gossypii andAphis gossypii were present on plants in 19 botanical families. M. persicae was the most frequently trapped aphid species in both green tile and yellow traps. The possible origin of the aphid species found in the desert was considered in view of the ecology and geography of the region. The role of aphid species trapped in the Arava Valley, in the epidemiology of potato virus Y (PVY) and zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV), is discussed. Publication of the Agricultural Research Organization. No. 2305-E, 1988 series.  相似文献   

RNA干扰及其在水稻抗病毒基因工程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RNA干扰(RNA interference,RNAi)是一种基因沉默机制。RNAi作为新兴的基因阻断技术具有明显的优势,已被广泛应用到动植物功能基因组和植物抗病研究中。在抗病毒研究中,人为地将与病毒或宿主基因同源的双链RNA分子导入转基因植株,引起与其同源的基因发生沉默,达到抗病毒的作用。本文主要综述了RNA干扰的相关知识以及在水稻抗病毒基因工程研究中的应用进展。  相似文献   

Non-crop plants such as grasses and volunteer plants are an inseparable part of the flora of crop fields and can influence virus incidence in crop plants. The presence of grasses as virus reservoirs can lead to a higher probability of virus incidence in crop plants. However, the role of reservoirs as an inoculum source in agricultural fields has not been well studied for many viral diseases of crops. Grasses have been found to constitute potential reservoirs for cereal-infecting viruses in different parts of the world. This study revealed that cereal-infecting viruses such as wheat dwarf virus (WDV), barley yellow dwarf viruses (BYDVs), and cereal yellow dwarf virus-RPV (CYDV-RPV) can be found among ryegrass growing in or around winter wheat fields. Phylogenetic analysis showed that a WDV isolate from ryegrass was a typical WDV-E isolate that infects wheat. Similarly, a ryegrass isolate of barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV (BYDV-PAV) grouped in a clade together with other BYDV-PAV isolates. Inoculation experiments under greenhouse conditions confirmed that annual ryegrass of various genotypes can be infected with WDV to a very low titre. Moreover, leafhoppers were able to acquire WDV from infected ryegrass plants, despite the low titre, and transmit the virus to wheat, resulting in symptoms. Information from the grass reservoir may contribute to improving strategies for controlling plant virus outbreaks in the field. Knowledge of the likely levels of virus in potential reservoir plants can be used to inform decisions on insect vector control strategies and may help to prevent virus disease outbreaks in the future.  相似文献   

 应用DAS-ELISA和RT-PCR方法从褪绿和银色斑驳的西瓜叶片中检测到病毒分离物(WSMoV-YN),感病样品能与WSMoV/GBNV复合抗血清(Agdia)呈阳性反应。获得WSMoV N蛋白的多克隆抗体,抗体能与WSMoV血清组成员CaCV和TZSV反应,但不能与INSV、TSWV、HCRV和GYSV反应。为明确引起该病害的病毒种类,采用Tospovirus通用引物对样品的总RNA进行RT-PCR扩增,获得长度为3 554 nt的S RNA全序列,经Blastn比对分析与WSMoV中国台湾分离物同源性最高,为95.8%,其N和NSs蛋白氨基酸序列同源性分别为99%和97.6%。构建系统进化树发现,西瓜银灰斑驳病毒云南分离物(WSMoV-YN)与其他WSMoV聚为一支。确定引起云南西瓜病害的病毒为WSMoV。  相似文献   


Extensive surveys of vegetable, ornamental and weedy plant species were conducted in highland and lowland vegetable production areas in Indonesia with the aim of recording leafminer species present and their associated natural enemies. The most common dipterous species reared from samples was the pea leafminer, Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) (Diptera: Agromyzidae). This introduced pest was particularly serious in highland vegetables in Java, Sumatra and South Sulawesi, causing yield losses as high as 60-70%. Another alien species, the vegetable leafminer, Liriomyza sativae Blanchard, contributed to problems in lowland areas on the north coast of West Java, where cucumbers were heavily damaged. An Asian leafminer species, Chromatomyia horticola Goureau, was more common in snow peas (Pisum sp.). Intensive sampling of leafminer-infested leaves from surveyed host plants yielded 11 species of hymenopteran parasitoids: 10 eulophids (Asecodes sp., Chrysocharis sp., Cirrospilus ambiguus (Hansson and LaSalle), Closterocerus sp., Hemiptarsenus varicornis (Girault), Neochrysocharis formosa (Westwood), Neochrysocharis sp., Pnigalio sp., Quadrastichus sp., Zagrammosoma sp.) and 1 eucoilid (Gronotoma sp.). The most abundant parasitoid species was H. varicornis. Levels of parasitism varied among crops and growing seasons, but were usually low, especially on potato (< 3%). Surveys revealed that most farmers (63%) attempted to control leafminers by applying insecticides twice weekly although these applications were neither effective nor economical according to responses of about 72% of the farmers. An integrated pest management approach is suggested that emphasizes IPM training for vegetable farmers and includes reductionor elimination of broad spectrum chemicals that would adversely affect parasitoids that may already be present as well as those that may be introduced. The initiation of a classical biological control programme is recommended to enhance the limited parasitoid complex present in Indonesia and increase levels of biological control.  相似文献   

The population of genomic RNA sequence variants of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) isolates was characterized by single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis of complementary DNA (cDNA) of the genes p18 and p20. Comparison of field and aphid-transmitted isolates showed that aphid transmission frequently altered the single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) pattern of both genes, indicating changes in the population of genomic RNA variants. SSCP analysis of the cDNA of RNA extracted from small pieces of tissue sampled at different sites of the same plant sometimes yielded different patterns, indicating uneven distribution of the genomic RNA variants within the infected plant. Different SSCP patterns were also obtained when the RNA extracted from individual aphids probing in the same infected leaf was used as a template. Uneven distribution of the genomic RNA variants within the infected plant and sorting of some of these variants by individual aphids probably contribute to changes observed in the CTV population following aphid transmission.  相似文献   

 RNA沉默是植物中一种保守的抗病毒机制,其以大量病毒来源的小干扰RNA(virus-derived small interfering RNAs,vsiRNAs)的产生为标志,病毒在侵染寄主过程中可通过vsiRNAs靶向寄主转录本以对抗这种防御机制。BYDV-GAV引起的小麦黄矮病导致小麦黄化和矮化症状,对小麦生产构成严重威胁。通过深度测序技术,分析了感染BYDV-GAV的感病小麦品种‘小偃6号’中vsiRNAs的特征,共得到11 384个vsiRNAs,并预测到37 784个寄主靶基因。发现来源于BYDV-GAV基因组的正义和反义链的vsiRNAs的数量分布大致相等,在5’末端具有A和C偏好性,长度主要在21nt~22nt。靶基因的功能分析表明这些靶基因参与了广泛的生物学功能,尤其是在寄主-病原物互作中占的比重最大。选取25个参与寄主-病原互作的抗性相关基因进行定量验证,发现接种BYDV-GAV后有15个明显下调,6个上调,4个微弱下调,表明测序结果和靶基因预测可靠。推测BYDV-GAV可以通过vsiRNAs干扰寄主抗性基因表达和信号转导,从而实现对感病寄主的侵染。研究结果对揭示BYDV-GAV与小麦互作的分子机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Naoto Yoshida 《Plant pathology》2020,69(7):1379-1389
Carrot motley dwarf (CMD) is caused by mixed infection of carrot red leaf virus (CtRLV) with either carrot mottle virus (CMoV) or carrot mottle mimic virus, and additional infection with CtRLV-associated RNA (CtRLVaRNA). Here, the author investigated the viruses or virus-like RNA isolated from carrots with reddening symptoms in Hokkaido, the northern island of Japan. Three types of infections were mainly detected: single infection with CtRLV, which was most prevalent; double infection with CtRLV and CMoV; and triple infection with CtRLV, CMoV, and CtRLVaRNA. Fields with the three agents were severely affected, with diseased plants showing mottling, whereas in fields where disease incidence was low and sporadic, CtRLV was often found alone in plants with mild symptoms. Inoculation tests using carrot plants showed that CMoV enhanced disease severity, and the RNA accumulation of CtRLV. However, in the presence of CtRLVaRNA (+ CMoV), distinct symptoms such as systemic mottling and stunting developed, while the enhancement of CtRLV accumulation was abolished. These results imply that CtRLVaRNA (+ CMoV) antagonizes CtRLV despite its dependence on CtRLV for aphid transmission, and that mixed infection with CtRLVaRNA is involved in the development of the conspicuous mottling. All agents detected in Hokkaido were very similar to European and American isolates in terms of their genomic sequences and host range. This represents the first report of CMD in Japan, and provides further information on the genetic and biological properties of CMD-associated agents, as well as the aetiology of the disease.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and population structure of Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) was examined by analysis of the full coat protein gene of 539 isolates collected from maize and Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense) from eight different maize‐growing areas in Spain. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis revealed that the MDMV population consisted of 49 genetic variants, with the three most frequent accounting for 44% of the isolates. This population was spatially structured according to the establishment of maize crops in the area. The highest nucleotide diversity values were observed in the old maize‐growing areas in the northeast of Spain (>0·211) and the lowest in the new maize‐growing areas in the west (<0·019). Moreover, the major genetic variants differed between the old and new maize‐growing areas. Evidence of host‐associated selection was found in the endemic area of the virus (Lleida), and aphid‐transmission studies suggested vector selection pressure. Assessment of the temporal evolution of the MDMV population in northeastern areas indicated that time was only significant in Lleida, where it explained 4·8% of the total variation over nine consecutive years.  相似文献   

本研究利用小RNA深度测序技术在河北卢龙大豆叶片上检测到6株大豆花叶病毒(soybean mosaic virus, SMV), 命名为SMV-Gm1~SMV-Gm6。根据小RNA深度测序结果和参考基因组序列设计引物克隆了SMV河北分离物的基因组序列。测序结果经拼接后获得了6个SMV基因组全长序列, 大小分别为9 588 nt(SMV-Gm1、SMV-Gm3和SMV-Gm5)和9 584 nt(SMV-Gm2、SMV-Gm4和SMV-Gm6)。开放阅读框位于基因组第132位至第9 332位核苷酸, 编码一个多聚蛋白(分子量约为350 kD)。BLAST比对和系统发育分析发现, SMV-Gm1、SMV-Gm3和SMV-Gm5与江苏SMV分离物(登录号:MH919386)的基因组核苷酸序列相似性最高, 为98.06%~98.07%, 且遗传距离较近, 并与江苏、浙江和山西SMV分离物聚为一小簇;SMV-Gm2、SMV-Gm4和SMV-Gm6与韩国SMV分离物(登录号:FJ640954)的基因组核苷酸序列相似性最高, 为98.48%~98.51%, 且遗传距离较近。  相似文献   

葡萄卷叶相关病毒13在我国葡萄上的首次报道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>我国葡萄品种资源丰富,栽培面积逐年增加。葡萄感染病毒后,便终生带毒,持续危害,造成生长发育迟缓,树势衰退,严重影响葡萄的产量和品质。山葡萄(Vitis amurensis Rupr.)是我国重要的野生果树资源,其抗病能力较强,是培育抗病、抗寒优良品种的珍贵种质。山葡萄浆果营养物质丰富,是酿  相似文献   

通过田间小区试验,开展了6种病毒抑制剂对西藏青稞上大麦黄矮病防治效果的研究.采用带毒蚜虫人工接种法,于青稞起身拔节期每株接种10~15头带毒麦长管蚜,7 d后灭蚜,灭蚜后3d喷施病毒抑制剂,在成株期出现黄矮病症状后调查病株率、病情指数、防治效果,以及长势和产量.结果表明,6种病毒抑制剂对青稞上大麦黄矮病有不同程度的防治...  相似文献   

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