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Developing and developed countries alike are increasingly facing the difficult question of how to feed more people amidst a host of emerging demographic, environmental, and health challenges. At the same time, in addition to food quantity, increased attention is being given to food quality attributes, in particular nutrition and safety. This is especially evident in China, where concerns are on the rise regarding the ability of China's food production systems to deliver nutritious and safe food to a growing, urbanizing and more affluent population. These food and nutrition concerns come at a time when China is an increasingly influential actor within the global food security network through activities such as production, consumption and trade. We argue that China has the opportunity to increase food and nutrition security both nationally and globally through a comprehensive policy agenda that focuses on institutional reforms, investments for and in agriculture, productive social safety nets, mutually beneficial trade, and the exchange of know-how and technologies among developing countries and donors. This agenda will help China adapt its food production systems to the changing face of agriculture and to play a vital role in addressing the emerging challenges facing food and nutrition security within and beyond China in the coming decades.  相似文献   

This study provides an economics assessment of various food safety measures in China. A choice experiment approach is used to elicit Chinese consumer preferences for various food safety attributes using data from a 2008 urban consumer survey. An alternative welfare calculation is used to model aggregate market impacts of select food safety measures. Our results show that the largest welfare gains are found in the current government-run certification program. The implementation of a third-party certification system, a traceability network and a product label would generate significant value and would help reduce current system inefficiencies in China. This study builds on previous research and provides an alternative approach for calculating consumer valuation of safety and quality attributes that can be used to estimate aggregate economic and welfare impacts.  相似文献   

《食品安全法》第38条规定:“生产经营的食品中不得添加药品,但是可以添加按照传统既是食品又是中药材的物质。”但是由于食品、中药材边界不够明晰,当食品中的“某物质”或某农产品载于《中国药典》或其他中药材标准时,其是否符合食品安全标准在司法实践中存在争议。本文介绍了食药物质及相关概念含义,分析了中国裁判文书网上关于丁香叶的案件,建议有关行政部门完善相关食品标准,执法或司法部门统一食药物质认定标准,地方加强农产品安全性研究,全力保障舌尖上的安全。  相似文献   

结合1983~2006年我国粮食总产量及与之密切相关的粮食单产、粮食播种面积、化肥施用量、有效灌溉面积、农机总动力、农田成灾面积等6个影响因子序列资料,采用向前选择变量法,构建了我国中长期粮食总产量多元线性回归预测模型。结果表明,粮食单产、粮食播种面积、化肥施用量及农田成灾面积是我国粮食总产量的关键制约因子,措施得当,未来我国完全可以在耕地资源不可逆转减少的前提下实现粮食总产量的持续增长。研究成果可为我国粮食安全保障体系的构建提供决策依据。  相似文献   

中国转基因作物的主要争论问题与解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过对美国人吃不吃转基因食品、主食能不能吃转基因食品、吃转基因食品是否会被转基因、中国转基因水稻是否会掉进国外专利陷阱、转基因作物是否会危及我国粮食安全等问题的分析,阐明了转基因食品安全性及我国需要发展转基因作物产业的道理,同时对我国发展转基因作物产业的潜在能力进行了分析.  相似文献   

关中地区农产品安全管理体制的问题和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从农产品安全问题的成因出发,分析了关中地区农产品安全管理中存在的主要问题,提出尽快完善农产品质量安全管理体系;加强对农产品生产主体的监督,及时进行生产指导和沟通;加强农产品市场体系建设,积极发展农业物流以及普及食品安全全民教育等对策与建议。  相似文献   

Food safety has received a great deal of attention in both developed and developing countries in recent years. In China,the numerous food scandals and scares that have struck over the past decade have spurred significant food safety regulatory reform,which has been increasingly oriented towards the public-private partnership model adopted by the Europe Union's(EU) food safety regulatory system. This paper analyzes the development of both the EU's and China's food safety regulatory systems,identifies the current challenges for China and additionally considers the role of public-private partnership. The success of co-regulation in the food regulatory system would bring significant benefits and opportunities for China. Finally,this paper recommends additional measures like training and grants to improve the private's sector effectiveness in co-regulating China's food safety issues.  相似文献   

中国食品质量安全的现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了中国食品质量安全的现状和存在的主要问题,以及与国际水平间的差距,提出了改善当前中国食品质量安全的对策。  相似文献   

食品安全管理与科技研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从全球食品安全事件出发,说明食品安全已成为全球的热点问题;针对新世纪食品安全管理部门面临的挑战,系统总结并分析了国际食品安全科技与管理研究的进展情况。强调了食品安全科学与技术研究在建立、强化或改进国家食品安全体系中的重要作用,指出以风险分析为核心,以风险评估为科学依据的食品安全体系已基本形成。阐明必须进行国家食品管理机构改革,通过实施国家食品安全战略,建立统一、连续、高效的国家食品安全管理体系来保障食品安全。文章还说明为应对全球食品安全紧急突发事件及公共健康必须建立有效的食品安全预警系统,应通过加强食品安全的公共教育和消费者参与来维护和保持消费者对食品安全的信心。  相似文献   

我国食品安全控制体系及其发展方向分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析我国食品安全控制体系现状的基础上,借鉴国际经验,指出我国食品安全控制体系应向国际化方向发展,并提出了完善我国食品安全控制体系的一些政策建议。  相似文献   

营养导向型的中国食物安全新愿景及政策建议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
经过40年显著的经济增长和发展,中国当前的目标是保持经济中高速增长,在提高可持续性和公平的基础上,更好地连接经济与市场,让市场决定最优的生产水平,农业在这一过程中将发挥重要作用。在健康中国2030、国民营养计划(2017—2030)以及乡村振兴战略等中长期战略推动下,政府及学术界对营养问题的关注持续提升,农业与营养的联系逐步增强,但“农业-食物安全-营养”的有机融合与衔接还尚未形成。在中国经济转型过程中,农业和食品行业将发挥至关重要的作用,由中国食物安全战略决定的国民食物营养与健康状况不仅影响中国的国民身体素质,还将在一定程度上影响中国能否顺利转变发展方式、能否成功跨越“中等收入陷阱”。因此,新的发展阶段,中国需要新的食物安全战略提升国民营养水平,并采取系列政策措施加强农业与食物安全和营养的联系。论文基于国际经验的食物安全战略发展思路,梳理中国食物安全面临的新旧挑战,提出食物安全新愿景以及相应政策建议,为营养导向型农业发展的顶层设计提供决策支持。中国食物安全面临的挑战诸多,与食物安全与营养高度相关的挑战主要表现为:耕地资源不足与退化、水资源紧缺与污染、气候变化与极端天气影响等自然资源和环境压力,农业生产补贴提高带来的财政支出压力,膳食能量摄入不足、微量元素缺乏以及膳食能量和营养摄入过剩的营养不良“三重负担”,食品安全问题以及食物损失与浪费问题。因此中国在经济从注重数量增长转向侧重质量增长的深化过程中,将更加重视结构调整和制度及技术创新,这意味着农业需要生产高价值、营养和安全的食物,更高效地使用水、土地和能源,保护环境和促进平等,因而需要中国食物安全战略顶层设计上的系列转变。据此,本文提出了营养导向型的中国食物安全的新愿景,即将营养指标作为中国食物安全战略的发展目标,到2025年消除饥饿和营养不足,并有效降低食品安全风险和超重率以及肥胖率。为此需要以关键领域的重大改革为基础,改进营养治理、通过市场信号传递营养导向、推动营养目标的农业生产、建立更安全的食品价值链、以政策创新促进可持续的营养饮食、加强营养教育并开展循证发展支持营养导向的食物安全新战略的实施。  相似文献   

中国食品安全现状与食品质量管理问题思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品安全事关国计民生,对食品质量安全的管理已成为政府和民众关注的热点.通过分析发现影响中国食品安全的主要因素分为传统和非传统食品安全因素,探究出中国食品安全在种养殖环节和食品加工与流通环节等存在问题,同时食品质量管理存在食品质量安全标准不完善、不统一和食品安全监管部门职能不清、监管不力等问题.最后,提出了加强中国食品安全及管理的建议和措施.  相似文献   

我国安全食品战略体系及其存在问题的对策研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
介绍了我国安全食品发展状况及其演变过程,分析了我国各类安全食品之间的相互关系,并针对我国的具体国情提出了目前发展安全食品的类型与建立我国食品安全战略体系的对策建议。  相似文献   

After four-decade significant economic growth and development, China sets a series of goals aiming at sustainable medium to high speed economic growth,reasonable equity, and better market oriented economy. In this pursue, agriculture will take a crucial role. Under the Health China 2030, National Nutrition Plan (2017-2030) and Rural Vitalization Strategy, more attention has been paid on nutrition both in policy and research field, meanwhile the linkage between agriculture and nutrition is enhancing, but the integration of Agriculture-Food Security-Nutrition system is not yet completed. During the economic transformation, agriculture and food industry will play a key role, especially when considering the nutrition and health status will impact the national physical fitness and therefore influence the economic transformation approach. It may also impact whether China can move out of the Middle Income Trap to some extent. In the new development era, China needs a new food security development strategy to improve the national nutrition status and sets of policies to strengthen the integration of agriculture and nutrition. This paper reviewed the major challenges about China’s food security and put forward a new vision based on international experiences, which aimed at providing recommendations for designing China’s food security strategy. The key food security challenges include natural and environmental pressure, such as insufficiency and degradation of land resources, shortage and pollution of water resources, climate change and extreme disaster, fiscal pressure caused by increasing agriculture subsidy, Triple Burden of malnutrition, food safety issues and food loss and waste. It requires institutional and technical innovations for the transformation of agriculture development which means that more value added, nutritious and healthy food should be produced, the productivity and efficiency of water, land and energy should be improved, and environmentally friendly social inclusive development should be considered. All of those call for a transformation of China’s food security strategy. This paper put forwards a new vision for China’s food security: China should set nutrition-oriented food security strategy with nutrition indicators as key targeted goals, aim to eliminate hunger and undernutrition by 2025 while effectively reducing overweight/ obesity and food safety risks. Therefore policy innovations are recommended including: Improve nutrition governance, Market motivated and nutrition oriented agriculture support system, Promote Nutrition-based Food Production, Establish efficient, safe, and inclusive food value chains, Policy innovation for sustainable nutritious diet and nutrition education, and Evidence based research to support policy making.  相似文献   

Established within the framework of the World Trade Organization(WTO),the Trade Policy Review Mechanism(TPRM) reviews periodically the trade policies of all WTO Members. The review includes many aspects of food safety regulation. China's trade policy is reviewed every two years. This paper analyses in detail the reviews of China's trade policy in 2006,2008,2010,2012 and 2014. It focuses in particular on food safety laws and types of standards,alignment of domestic standards with international standards,the role of different domestic institutions,transparency and notification of food safety measures under the WTO agreements on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures(SPS) and on Technical Barriers to Trade(TBT Agreement),import and export,and geographical indications(GIs). It concludes that the WTO TPRM can contribute,within its mandate,to reform of Chinese food safety laws and improvement of food safety in China. It notes that China has already undertaken substantial reforms of its system for regulating food safety. It recommends that China should continue to participate actively in the TPRM,follow its own path with regard to alignment and learn selectively from other WTO Members.  相似文献   

欧盟食品安全管理体系给中国贝类产业健康发展的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统回顾了欧盟食品安全管理框架及特点,介绍了欧盟食品安全的"农场到餐桌"原则的特点及表现,着重介绍了欧盟有关贝类的法规要求,并以典型案例介绍了欧盟贝类安全事故紧急处理过程。通过对海洋贝类安全问题的特殊性的剖析,分析了影响中国海洋贝类产业发展的制约因素,特别是海洋贝类安全管理问题对中国贝类出口的影响。借鉴欧盟管理机制,分析了建立海洋贝类风险分析评估机制体系对中国海洋贝类产业健康可持续发展的重要性,最后提出促进中国贝类产业可持续健康发展的几条建议。  相似文献   

对我国动物福利立法做一些有益的探索,为健康中国成为国家战略奠定行之有效的实践基础。基于《中华人民共和国食品安全法》对“食品安全”的定义以及对食品生产的各种规定,纵览中国动物福利立法的发展观,系统分析我国动物福利立法的可行性。认为以农场动物福利为抓手,循序渐进的创设中国动物福利法是可行的。  相似文献   

Green food in China refers to a wide array of primary and processed agricultural products that are safe, nutritious and of high quality for human consumption. Green food has been certified and produced following the principle of sustainability since the 1990s, making historic achievements in providing quality food, protecting the environment, increasing farmer income, and nurturing agricultural brands over the past 30 years in China. Today, the green food industry enters a steady-growth stage in terms of cultivation area, product number and sales. This article summarizes the history of the development of green food in China and current achievements, analyze major challenges that may hamper further development of the industry, and propose strategies to address these challenges, i.e., optimization of the food supply chain, deep food processing, and utilization of food wastes.  相似文献   

秦彤  荆培君 《农业网络信息》2012,(7):117-118,124
食品安全问题越来越受到消费者的注意,也成为一个严重的社会问题。从食品安全存在的问题入手,对如何加强我国食品安全的监管提出对策。  相似文献   

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