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A 7-month-old, intact female, German wire-haired pointer presented with a 3-week history of stranguria, pollakiuria, and dysuria that was nonresponsive to antibiotics. Two prior episodes of dysuria-stranguria appeared to respond to antibiotic therapy. Bladder wall biopsies revealed eosinophilic cystitis and the dog responded well to medical management.  相似文献   

Pituitary apoplexy is a syndrome which has been described in humans caused by acute haemorrhage or infarction within a pituitary tumour or a non-tumorous pituitary gland. This report describes the authors' observations of a dog in which vomiting, visual disturbances, seizures, altered consciousness and diencephalic dysfunction occurred in association with haemorrhage originating from a pituitary macroadenoma. The clinical signs were thought to be consistent with disruption of the hypothalamus and brainstem, together with raised intracranial pressure due to intraventricular haemorrhage. These signs, and the pathological findings, bear a striking resemblance to those associated with the syndrome of pituitary apoplexy, seen in humans.  相似文献   

Peripheral hypomyelinization was found in 2 Golden Retriever littermates that had pelvic limb ataxia, depressed postural reactions, and depressed segmental reflexes. Diagnostic findings included infrequent denervation potentials, reduced or absent evoked potentials, and markedly diminished motor nerve conduction velocities. Light and electron microscopy of peripheral nerves revealed fewer than normal myelinated axons, myelinated sheaths inappropriately thin for the caliber of the fiber, poor myelin compaction, greater than normal numbers of Schwann cell nuclei, many Schwann cells with voluminous cytoplasm, and greater than normal amount of perineural collagen. Findings were compatible with a peripheral hypomyelinization process; a defect in Schwann cell function was suspected.  相似文献   

Two female Shetland Sheepdog littermates simultaneously developed pemphigus foliaceus at 6 months of age. Three other littermates were not affected. One bitch (tricolored) was not treated, and the disease has remained active for 2 years. The other bitch (blue merle) has been successfully managed with glucocorticoids and gold salts.  相似文献   

Serial peripheral nerve biopsies from two golden retriever littermates with chronic neurologic disease were taken for morphologic and morphometric evaluation. Teased nerve preparations were difficult to interpret due to the lightness of myelin staining. Light and electron microscopic findings were characterized by the following: reduced number of myelinated axons, presence of myelinated sheaths inappropriately thin for the caliber of the fiber, poor myelin compaction, increased numbers of Schwann cell nuclei, increased concentration of neurofilaments in myelinated axons, many Schwann cells with voluminous cytoplasm, and increased perineurial collagen. Onion bulb formation was not seen. In contrast to control data, a poor correlation was seen between numbers of myelin lamellae (ML) and axonal circumference (AC). The frequency distribution of ML ranged from 5 to 55 lamellae in affected animals (mean, 28 lamellae) compared to 20 to 140 lamellae in controls (mean, 66 lamellae). The ML/AC ratio was significantly reduced (P less than 0.001) in nerves of affected dogs. Morphometric results indicated that fibers of all calibers were hypomyelinated.  相似文献   

Cerebellar cortical abiotrophy in two Portuguese Podenco littermates is reported and discussed. The disease is characterized by progressive cerebellar ataxia with an early onset of two to three weeks. Extensive loss, degeneration, and necrosis of Purkinje cells particularly involved the cerebellar hemispheres. An autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance is suspected.  相似文献   

Two six-week-old intact Welsh terrier littermates, a male and a female, were presented for congenital ventral thoracic wall deformities characterised by noticeable funnel-like depressions of the cranial sternum associated with inversion of the rib cage. No exercise intolerance or cardiac murmurs were noted. Thoracic radiographic examination revealed a significant dorsal deviation of the first to the fifth sternebrae. At 12 weeks of age, the thoracic depressions had improved markedly in both puppies. Thoracic radiography to reassess the sternal deviation was at this stage within normal limits, demonstrating complete radiographic resolution of the sternal deformity.  相似文献   

Two English Setter littermates (male and female) were evaluated for hearing difficulties at 4, 16, and 24 months of age. Auditory function was evaluated by behavioral response to pure-tone sounds, tympanometry, brain stem auditory evoked response, and acoustic reflex testing. Hereditary sensorineural deafness was diagnosed in both dogs. The extent of the hearing deficit, as characterized by these tests, was slightly different between the dogs, as well as between the ears in 1 dog.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To present details of surgical management of an unusual vascular ring anomaly in two German Shepherd littermates. STUDY DESIGN: Clinical case report. STUDY POPULATION: Three-month-old intact male and female German Shepherd littermates. RESULTS: In each dog, the esophagus was obstructed by a vascular ring comprised of the left aortic arch, an anomalous patent right ductus arteriosus, and the pulmonary artery ventrally. Surgical treatment consisted of dividing and oversewing the patent right ductus arteriosus. Neither dog has clinical signs of esophageal disease one year after treatment. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This vascular ring anomaly should be considered a possibility in any young dog with esophageal obstruction and a machinery murmur.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: One 4.5-month-old male Border Collie cross presented with aggression and seizures in October 2006. A 16-month-old, female, spayed Border Collie cross presented with hypersalivation and a dropped jaw and rapidly became stuporous in September 2007. The dogs were littermates and developed acute neurological signs 5 and 27 days, respectively, after vaccination with different modified live vaccines containing canine distemper virus.

HISTOPATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: Sections of brain in both dogs showed evidence of encephalitis mainly centred on the grey matter of brainstem nuclei, where there was extensive and intense parenchymal and perivascular infiltration of histiocytes and lymphocytes. Intra-nuclear and intra-cytoplasmic inclusions typical of distemper were plentiful and there was abundant labelling for canine distemper virus using immunohistochemistry.

DIAGNOSIS: Post-vaccinal canine distemper.

CLINCIAL RELEVANCE: Post-vaccinal canine distemper has mainly been attributed to virulent vaccine virus, but it may also occur in dogs whose immunologic nature makes them susceptible to disease induced by a modified-live vaccine virus that is safe and protective for most dogs.  相似文献   

Four German Shepherd Dogs from a litter of 10 were evaluated because of postnatal onset of proportionate growth stunting that clinically resembled well-documented hypopituitary dwarfism in that breed. Although 2 pups had histologic evidence of hypopituitarism, the remaining 2 pups had normal serum growth hormone concentration and adrenocorticotropin secretory capability, and normal adrenal function test and thyroid function study results. Furthermore, the initially stunted German Shepherd Dogs grew at a steady rate until at 1 year, body weight and shoulder height approximated normal measurements. Seemingly, delayed growth in these pups may represent one end of a clinical spectrum associated with hypopituitarism in German Shepherd Dogs.  相似文献   

An episodic movement disorder is described in a young German shorthaired pointer. Movement disorders are rare, but well-described, neurological conditions in human beings. An attempt is made to classify this disorder using current human guidelines. Unlike previously described movement disorders in dogs, this case responded very well to two commonly used anticonvulsant therapies, suggesting that trial therapy with these drugs is worthwhile in similar cases.  相似文献   

Spongy degeneration of the central nervous system in two canine littermates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Progressive dysmetria was observed at four months and six months of age in two female Labrador retriever littermates. Neurological examinations indicated a cerebellar disorder. Laboratory analyses were normal. The dogs were studied clinically until they were killed for necropsy at nine months and eleven months of age. Both dogs had normal brain size, shape, and calvarial symmetry; the older dog had body weight loss, reduced brain weight, and muscle atrophy. Microscopically, there were vacuoles, hypertrophied fibrous astrocytes, myelin loss, and prominent blood vessels, distributed symmetrically in the subcortical and deep white matter of all lobes of the cerebrum; in the folial and deep white matter of the cerebellum; in the tracts of some cranial nerves; in the thalamic area, midbrain and brainstem; and in the white matter of the spinal cord. There was no significant myelinolysis, inflammation, or axonal degeneration. Ultrastructurally, there were intramyelinic vacuoles with separation of lamellae at intraperiod lines and larger spaces formed by coalescence of ruptured vacuoles. Hypertrophied fibrous astrocytes had abundant glial filaments, edematous cytosol, membrane-bound crystalline inclusions, dilated cytocavitary systems, and abnormal mitochondria. The clinical, histological, and ultrastructural findings resembled those reported for the juvenile form of Canavan's disease (van Bogaert and Bertrand type) in children.  相似文献   

Clinical, haematological, biochemical, electrophysiological and pathological features of two dogs infected with Ehrlichia canis and with concurrent signs of polymyositis are presented. Both dogs had a history of relatively acute onset, progressive tetraparesis, hyporeflexia and generalised muscle wasting. Skeletal muscles were atrophic and characterised histologically by plasmocytic, lymphocytic and immature lymph-oreticular cellular infiltrates with accompanying areas of necrosis. Histopathological similarities between ehrlichiosis and polymyositis are noted and a probable aetiological relationship is inferred.  相似文献   

Canine pituitary hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing's disease) caused by neoplasia of the corticotrope cells is one of the most common endocrine diseases especially in smaller dog breeds. Cushing's disease was diagnosed in eleven wire-haired Dachshunds and for further six wire-haired Dachshunds Cushing's disease was suspected on the basis of clinical signs. A joined pedigree could be ascertained for all these 17 dogs. Eleven of these dogs were so closely related to each other, that they were summarized in four nucleus families. Two fullsiblings were examined by means of clinical, laboratory diagnostic and morphological methods. The main lesions consisted of atrophic dermatosis with alopecia, increase of activity of liver enzymes in plasma and bilateral adrenocortical hyperplasia and therefore corresponded to the typical signs of a secondary hyperadrenocorticism. A rather unusual finding was the pituitary carcinoma in one of these dogs. Similarly to human patients affected by hyperadrenocorticism, real-time PCR analysis showed a 2.9-fold increase of expression of the canine MDR1 gene in the liver of one affected wirehaired Dachshund. This study documents the first familial occurrence of pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism in wirehaired Dachshunds, the overexpression of the MDR1 gene in the dog and the third case of familial hyperadrenocorticism in dogs ever described.  相似文献   

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