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Antimicrobial stewardship involves the judicious use of antimicrobials balanced against the requirement to treat the presenting clinical condition. The same mandate and principles as discussed in human medicine and other veterinary disciplines are relevant to equine practice. This brief review will focus on available resources for equine practitioners, emerging perspectives on antimicrobial use and stewardship, and opportunities for more effective antimicrobial use in equine practice. There is a need for improved client education, availability of faster and more accurate techniques for identification and sensitivity testing of bacterial pathogens, and the development of novel agents.  相似文献   

The success of antimicrobial therapy depends on administration of an agent to which the pathogenic microorganisms are susceptible at the concentrations attained at the site of infection. The route of administration, size of the dose and dosing interval must be appropriate for the drug preparation selected. With penicillins in particular, dosage can be tailored to the severity of the infection and quantitative susceptibility of the microorganism. This approach cannot be applied to aminoglycosides because their relatively narrow margin of safety limits the amount which can be administered. In severe infections it is important quickly to establish effective antimicrobial concentrations, which means that the choice of drug must be based on experience in treating the particular type of infection (empiric selection) and its dosage be adequate to produce a high peak concentration in the plasma. In treating septicaemic conditions of neonatal foals the deficit in serum immunoglobulins should be corrected, and it is advisable to administer antimicrobial agents or combinations that produce a bactericidal effect at dosages modified for immature physiological processes.  相似文献   

Blood sampling techniques in reptiles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Disposition of the superficial blood vessels was studied in 38 species of reptiles with a view to examining their suitability for taking blood samples. It was concluded that the coccygeal veins were probably the most suitable for this purpose and the precise techniques for sampling from the different orders are described.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: The diagnostic and therapeutic options for oviduct disorders in the mare are limited. The current best techniques require exploratory surgery under general anaesthesia or flank laparotomy. Hypothesis: The orthograde flushing of the oviduct for diagnostic or therapeutic options is possible using laparoscopic techniques in the standing sedated mare. Methods: Development of a laparoscopic technique for catheterisation of the infundibulum and flushing of the oviduct (sterile methylene blue solution) in the standing sedated mare was examined in 2 experiments. The first involved a transvaginal laparoscopic approach, the second a laparoscopic flank approach. Passage of fluid into the uterus was assessed by post operative hysteroscopy. Results: In Experiment I, visualisation of the infundibulum was possible (left side 7/8 cases, right side in 6/8 cases). The beginning of the oviductal ampulla could be seen in 3 of 8 cases on the left side. An adequate opening of the infundibulum and visualisation or catheterisation of the abdominal ostium were not possible. In Experiment II, catheterisation of the ampulla was successful in 7 of 11 cases, and in 5 of these 7 cases the injected fluid could be identified in the uterus by post operative hysteroscopy. Conclusion: A transvaginal laparoscopic approach to the oviduct is not appropriate for oviductal flushing in the mare. However, a laparoscopic flank‐approach permits investigation and flushing of the oviduct. Potential relevance: Laparoscopic flushing could become a practical method for diagnosis and therapy of oviduct disorders and a minimally invasive technique for collection of young embryos or the transfer of gametes (GIFT).  相似文献   

Free amino-acid concentrations were measured in maternal venous and fetal umbilical vein plasma, and in the allantochorion, of Thoroughbred mares at term. Concentrations in maternal and fetal plasma were similar to those reported previously in equids. The concentrations of free amino-acids in the allantochorion were higher than those in the maternal and fetal plasmas and were characterised by high levels of the nonessential amino-acids as observed in other species. Fourteen of the 20 amino-acids measured had similar allantochorion/umbilical vein concentration ratios suggesting that simple gradient diffusion might play a part in their transfer from the placenta to the fetus.  相似文献   

The equine practitioner is in a position to make day‐to‐day decisions regarding antimicrobial drug (AMD) use for their patients as well as to educate their clients regarding judicious use. General guidelines regarding judicious use of AMDs in equine patients have been developed by the American Association of Equine Practitioners. Detailed guidelines for AMD use in specific equine diseases supported by clinical trials and results of surveillance studies focused on resistance among equine bacterial pathogens are lacking. Studies that could lead to detailed and justifiable use recommendations would allow the equine practitioner to make more informed decisions regarding when to use AMDs, which drugs should be used and how they should be used (e.g. dose, route and duration).  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review the principles of fracture repair for the rostral mandible and maxilla and to demonstrate a variety of repair techniques. Because each fracture is unique, knowledge of the different repair techniques will allow the practitioner to choose a repair method best suited to the fracture configuration, equipment available, and the skill level and preferences of the surgeon.  相似文献   

Fifteen years (1984-1998) of records from a Veterinary Teaching Hospital were analyzed to determine whether antimicrobial drug resistance in coagulase-positive Staphylococcus spp. (S. aureus, S. intermedius) isolated from clinical infections in dogs has increased, and whether there has been a change in the species of bacteria isolated from urinary tract infections in dogs. In coagulase-positive Staphylococcus spp., a complex pattern showing both increases and decreases of resistance to different classes of antimicrobial drugs was observed, reflecting the changing use of different antimicrobial drug classes in the hospital over a similar period (1990-1999). In canine urinary tract infections identified from 1984 to 1998, an increase in the incidence of multiresistant Enterococcus spp. was apparent, with marginal increases also in incidence in Enterobacter spp. and in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, both of which, like Enterococcus spp., are innately antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. A survey of directors of veterinary teaching hospitals in Canada and the United States identified only 3 hospitals that had any policy on use of "last resort" antimicrobial drugs (amikacin, imipenem, vancomycin). Evidence is briefly reviewed that owners may be at risk when dogs are treated with antimicrobial drugs, as well as evidence that some resistant bacteria may be acquired by dogs as a result of antimicrobial drug use in agriculture. Based in part on gaps in our knowledge, recommendations are made on prudent use of antimicrobial drugs in companion animals, as well as on the need to develop science-based infection control programs in veterinary hospitals.  相似文献   

Perineural nerve blocks are often used in equine practice, especially since the use of diagnostic and surgical procedures in the standing sedated horse have expanded over recent decades. The purpose of this review is to discuss the different perineural nerve blocks for the equine head. The review starts with the currently most used blind approaches as described in textbooks and scientific studies. In human medicine, the role of guided techniques, such as ultrasound guidance, advanced imaging guidance and nerve stimulator guided techniques, is very extensively described. These techniques are promising to use in equine medicine as well. The first studies that describe these techniques in equine cases are also discussed in this review, as well as the possibilities for neuromodulation in equine pain syndromes like equine trigeminus-mediated headshaking and the role of perineural nerve blocks in diagnosing this syndrome.  相似文献   

Gentamicin sulfate (2.2 mg/kg of body weight, IV) was given to anesthetized horses. Jejunal and large colon tissue samples (1 g), serum, and urine were collected over a 4-hour period. Maximum gentamicin concentrations in serum (10.06 +/- 2.85 micrograms/ml) occurred at 0.25 hours after injection. Maximum gentamicin concentrations in the large colon (4.13 +/- 1.80 micrograms/ml) and jejunum (2.26 +/- 1.35 micrograms/ml) occurred in horses at 0.5 and 0.33 hours, respectively. Tissue concentrations decreased in parallel with serum concentrations and were still detectable at the end of the 4-hour period. During the time that samples were collected, the total amount of gentamicin excreted in the urine ranged from 7.21 +/- 3.11 mg to 11.91 +/- 7.12 mg, with a mean urinary concentration of 57.01 +/- 5.37 micrograms/ml. Over the 4-hour collection period, the fraction of dose that was excreted unchanged in the urine was 4.8 +/- 1.9%. Pharmacokinetic analyses of the serum concentration-time data gave a serum half-life of 2.52 +/- 1.29 hours, volume of distribution of 227 +/- 83 ml/kg, and body clearance of 1.12 +/- 0.26 ml/min/kg. The half-lives of the antibiotic in the jejunum and large colon were 1.32 and 1.33 hours, respectively.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial drug use in veterinary medicine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recognizing the importance of antimicrobial resistance and the need for veterinarians to aid in efforts for maintaining the usefulness of antimicrobial drugs in animals and humans, the Board of Regents of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine charged a special committee with responsibility for drafting this position statement regarding antimicrobial drug use in veterinary medicine. The Committee believes that veterinarians are obligated to balance the well-being of animals under their care with the protection of other animals and public health. Therefore, if an animal's medical condition can be reasonably expected to improve as a result of treatment with antimicrobial drugs, and the animal is under a veterinarian's care with an appropriate veterinarian-client-patient relationship, veterinarians have an obligation to offer antimicrobial treatment as a therapeutic option. Veterinarians also have an obligation to actively promote disease prevention efforts, to treat as conservatively as possible, and to explain the potential consequences associated with antimicrobial treatment to animal owners and managers, including the possibility of promoting selection of resistant bacteria. However, the consequences of losing usefulness of an antimicrobial drug that is used as a last resort in humans or animals with resistant bacterial infections might be unacceptable from a public or population health perspective. Veterinarians could therefore face the difficult choice of treating animals with a drug that is less likely to be successful, possibly resulting in prolonged or exacerbated morbidity, to protect the good of society. The Committee recommends that voluntary actions be taken by the veterinary profession to promote conservative use of antimicrobial drugs to minimize the potential adverse effects on animal or human health. The veterinary profession must work to educate all veterinarians about issues related to conservative antimicrobial drug use and antimicrobial resistance so that each individual is better able to balance ethical obligations regarding the perceived benefit to their patients versus the perceived risk to public health. Specific means by which the veterinary profession can promote stewardship of this valuable resource are presented and discussed in this document.  相似文献   

Extraction of equine incisor and canine teeth is a vital part of equine dentistry. Although dental pathology involving the incisor and canine teeth is less common, the practitioner should be prepared to diagnose conditions and develop a treatment plan. Depending on the pathology revealed via oral examination and intraoral radiographs, the treatment plan may include either simple (nonsurgical) or surgical extraction of an incisor or canine tooth. Technique and instrumentation refinement over the last 20 years has led to more precise extraction procedures with reduced secondary trauma to healthy tissues. As a result, incisor and canine extraction procedures are more predictable in execution and quality, with minimal complications.  相似文献   

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