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Tropical theileriosis, caused by Theileria annulata, is an important tick-borne disease of cattle. A cell culture attenuated vaccine has been developed in our laboratory by long-term in vitro propagation of the schizont stage of the parasite. A longitudinal study was conducted at selected farms housing indigenous, cross-bred and exotic animals to investigate the effect of vaccination on the epidemiology of the disease. A total of 120 animals in 4 age groups were vaccinated with the vaccine before the onset of disease season. An equal number of age-matched animals were kept as controls at the same sites. Animals were monitored for 14 months at monthly intervals. The 97.5% vaccinated animals showed a rise in antibody titres 1 month post-vaccination, as determined by single dilution ELISA. The 78.3% of non-vaccinated animals became sero-positive over the period of observation. Mean antibody titres were significantly higher in vaccinated than non-vaccinated animals. Cross-bred animals showed higher antibody titres followed by exotic and indigenous animals in both the vaccinated and non-vaccinated groups. However, the antibody titres in animals of different ages were similar. The 36.7% vaccinated and 64.2% non-vaccinated animals became carriers (<0.5% piroplasms in erythrocytes) during the observation period. Clinical cases of theileriosis were recorded only in the non-vaccinated group suggesting that vaccinated animals were sufficiently immune to withstand field tick challenge for at least 14 months.  相似文献   

Guo  Gu  Shang  Junkai  Yu  Meiying  Zhao  Jukui  Ma  Shijun  Nusuf  Ali  Tan  Lixin  Maliyam 《Tropical animal health and production》1997,29(4):98S-100S
Tropical Animal Health and Production - Theileria annulata infection (TAI) is one of the most serious diseases of cattle in Xinjiang Autonomous Region of Uigur Minority Nationality. It has been...  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - Bovine tropical theileriosis caused byTheileria annulata is an economically important disease of cattle in India. The disease has assumed paramount...  相似文献   

Fifteen calves were infected by the injection of stabilate of a suspension of Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum ticks infected with the Ankara strain of Theileria annulata. Three were kept untreated, as controls, and they all died of theileriosis. Three groups of four calves were treated intramuscularly with parvaquone (Clexon; Wellcome) when early signs of theileriosis were clinically apparent. One group received 20 mg (kg bodyweight)-1 of parvaquone 10 days after infection. Two of these calves were clinically cured and two died of theileriosis. The remaining two groups of four calves received two doses of parvaquone, each of 10 mg (kg bodyweight)-1, either on days 10 and 11 or days 10 and 12. Three calves in each group were clinically cured while one in each group died of theileriosis. Total parasitological cure was not achieved in any of the calves. No symptoms of toxicity due to parvaquone treatment were observed.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Ningxia Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary...  相似文献   

The efficacy and suitability of cellular schizont, soluble schizont and soluble piroplasm antigens was compared for detecting antibodies against Theileria annulata. Fifty bovine sera of known identity were evaluated in ELISA using the above mentioned antigens. Antibody titres of 1:100 to 1:51,200 were detected while using soluble piroplasm and cellular schizont antigen in ELISA. The titres ranged between 1:100 to 1:25,600 with the soluble schizont antigen. Soluble piroplasm antigen exhibited the highest antibody titres followed by cellular schizont and soluble schizont antigens. Cellular schizont antigen proved to be better than soluble schizont antigen for detecting anti-schizontal antibodies. Antibody titres obtained by the three antigens exhibited a good linear correlation amongst each other. The study showed that soluble piroplasm and cellular schizont antigens can be used successfully for detecting antibodies against piroplasm and schizont stages of T. annulata, respectively in bovine sera.  相似文献   

Single dilution ELISAs were standardised for the determination of antibody titres against Theileria annulata using three antigens namely soluble piroplasm, cellular schizont or soluble schizont antigens. Antibody titres of 20 cattle serum samples of known identity were determined by multi-dilution ELISA using the three antigens. The ratio of the optical density (OD) of known positive and known negative sera at different serum dilutions were calculated and termed as positive/negative (P/N) ratios. Coefficients of correlation (r) were calculated between the P/N ratios at different dilutions of known sera and their log10 antibody titres by multi-dilution ELISA. The value of "r" was the highest at the dilution of 1:400. From the log10 antibody titres of known sera and their P/N ratios at the dilution of 1:400, regression equations (Y = a + bX, where Y = predicted log10 titre, X = the P/N ratio at 1:400 dilution) were calculated separately for the three antigens. Thus, the equations Y = 1.63 + 1.35X for soluble piroplasm, Y = 2.67 + 0.547X for cellular schizont and Y = 1.817 + 0.663X for soluble schizont antigens were derived. Test sera were diluted to 1:400 and their OD were read in duplicate wells and converted to P/N ratios. The antibody titres were predicted from the P/N ratios using the above mentioned regression equations. Twenty randomly selected sera tested by single and multidilution ELISAs showed non-significant differences (P < 0.01) between antibody titres. Antibody titres of 90 unknown field sera of cattle were determined by single dilution ELISA. The piroplasm antigen detected higher antibody titres followed by cellular schizont and soluble schizont antigens. The study revealed that a single dilution ELISA could be successfully used for field epidemiological studies of tropical theileriosis.  相似文献   

Erythrocytic lipid peroxidation has been implicated as a cause of anemia in Theileria annulata infection in cattle. The present study aimed to evaluate oxidative damage of membrane lipids and proteins in addition to hemoglobin (Hb) as three criterions of erythrocyte oxidation and their relation to erythrocyte deformability and anemia of newborn crossbred calves (Friesian × Egyptian Balady breed) naturally infected with T. annulata. Twenty-five T. annulata-infected calves (aged 20-30 days) along with 15 age matched healthy controls were used. Percentage of parasitemia varied from 12% to 63% (34.76 ± 3.05%). In comparison to controls, infected calves showed increased levels (P<0.001) of lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde; MDA, 52%) and protein oxidation (protein carbonyls; PCs, 132%) in erythrocyte membrane as well as increased values of Hb oxidation (methemoglobin; MetHb, 186%), corpuscular osmotic fragility (15.1%) and hemolysis (free Hb; 195.5%). Parasitemia was positively correlated with MDA (r=0.41, P=0.039), PCs (r=0.45, P=0.023) and MetHb (r=0.40, P=0.042). Also, percent of erythrocytic deformability (echinocytosis) was positively correlated with MDA (r=0.49, P=0.013) and PCs (r=0.63, P<0.001). On the other hand, erythrocytic packed cell volume was negatively correlated with MDA (r=-0.44, P=0.028), PCs (r=-0.72, P<0.001) and MetHb (r=-0.42, P=0.037). In conclusion, T. annulata infection is associated with a parasitic burden-dependant oxidative damage to the erythrocyte membrane protein and lipid contents in addition to Hb. This oxidative damage is linked to the morphological changes of the erythrocyte and may act as mechanisms contribute to pathogenesis of anemia in T. annulata infection in newborn calves.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate fifteen cases of acute lethal infection of calves (≤ 4 months of age) by the protozoan parasite Theileria (T.) annulata in the south of Portugal. Calves developed multifocal to coalescent nodular skin lesions, similar to multicentric malignant lymphoma. Infestation with ticks (genus Hyalomma) was intense. Theileria was seen in blood and lymph node smears, and T. annulata infection was confirmed by isolation of schizont-transformed cells and sequencing of hypervariable region 4 of the 18S rRNA gene. At necropsy, hemorrhagic nodules or nodules with a hemorrhagic halo were seen, particularly in the skin, subcutaneous tissue, skeletal and cardiac muscles, pharynx, trachea and intestinal serosa. Histologically, nodules were formed by large, round, lymphoblastoid neoplastic-like cells. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) identified these cells as mostly CD3 positive T lymphocytes and MAC387 positive macrophages. A marker for B lymphocytes (CD79αcy) labeled very few cells. T. annulata infected cells in these nodules were also identified by IHC through the use of two monoclonal antibodies (1C7 and 1C12) which are diagnostic for the parasite. It was concluded that the pathological changes observed in the different organs and tissues were caused by proliferation of schizont-infected macrophages, which subsequently stimulate a severe uncontrolled proliferation of uninfected T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Twenty cross-bred (Bos taurus X Bos indicus) calves, 7-21 days old, were infected by a ground-up tick supernate of Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum infected with the Hisar isolate of Theileria annulata. Six calves acted as untreated controls and they all died of theileriosis within 17 days of infection. The remaining 14 calves were divided into Group A and B, each consisting of seven calves. All the calves of Groups A and B were treated intramuscularly with buparvaquone (BW 720C) on Day 11 post-infection, when clinical signs of theileriosis were apparent. Each calf received 2.5 mg BW 720 C kg-1 body weight as a single injection. In addition, each calf of Group B was given proprietary haematinics by intramuscular injection, daily for 12 days. In Group A, two calves died of cerebral theileriosis and five were clinically cured. However, four of these five calves later died of anaemia. In Group B, all the calves were clinically cured and none died during the observation period of 1 month. The parasitaemia declined to less than 1% within a fortnight of treatment. The initial declines in haemoglobin concentration and packed cell volume were halted and preinfection values were soon restored. No toxic signs attributable to treatment with buparvaquone were observed.  相似文献   

Two studies evaluated the duration of serologic response to the recombinant, canarypox-vectored canine distemper virus vaccine (Recombitek, Merial). Serologic duration of immunity was shown to be at least 36 months. Thus, Recombitek provides protection when administered less frequently than the manufacturer's label. After the initial vaccination protocol of two or more doses administered approximately 4 weeks apart, with the last dose given at 12 to 16 weeks of age or older, and re-vaccination at 1 year of age, Recombitek can confidently be readministered every 3 years with assurance of protection in immunocompetent dogs. This allows the vaccine to be administered in accordance with the recommendations of the American Animal Hospital Association Canine Vaccine Task Force and others.  相似文献   

The antitheilerial activity of buparvaquone (BW 720C) was evaluated in experimentally induced Theileria annulata infections in cross-bred male calves. T. annulata infections were induced by injecting a suspension of infected ground tick tissue suspension (GUTTS) equivalent to two ticks subcutaneously into each calf. Buparvaquone at a dose of 2.5 mg kg-1 body weight was given as a single injection (intramuscularly) on Day 0 (Group 1), Day 8 (Group 2) and Day 12 (Group 3) post-infection. The animals in Groups 4 and 5 were untreated and challenged controls, respectively. All of the recovered animals from Groups 1-4 were challenged with a lethal dose of T. annulata at 6 weeks post-infection. The immunized animals were resistant to the homologous challenge, which killed three of four control animals (Group 5); the controls showed typical antemortem and post-mortem lesions of theileriosis.  相似文献   

The sporozoite surface antigen, SPAG-1 and the attenuated schizont infected Tunisian line CL1 of Theileria annulata have been shown, in previous studies, to induce variable levels of protection against homologous and heterologous sporozoite challenge, respectively. We report here the result of a vaccination trial comparing the protection level induced by the SPAG-1 antigen (as a recombinant full length His tagged protein) and the attenuated cell line, used singly or in combination. The results, after challenge of immunised calves with a lethal dose of sporozoites, show that SPAG-1 provides limited protection (one out of seven calves surviving), while the attenuated cell line provides moderate protection (three out of seven calves recovered). The combination of SPAG-1 and the attenuated cell line induced the best protection as indicated by the survival of all the vaccinated calves. These results, together with a range of parasitological and clinical parameters, demonstrate the enhanced protection provided by combining sporozoite and schizont antigens in vaccination against tropical theileriosis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine serum ADA activity in cattle naturally infected with Theileria annulata. In this study, a total of 37 cross-bred cattle which 27 of it showing clinical signs of theileriosis constituted infected group and 10 healthy cattle as control group were used as animal materials. Infected group divided into three groups according to their PCV values. Cattle with PCV > or = 25 were put on group I (n = 9), those with PCV 13-24 were put on group II (n = 11) and those with PCV < or = 12 were put on group III (n = 7). Microscopical diagnosis of the disease was also made. Hematological parameters, serum enzyme activities (ADA, AST, ALT and ALP) were determined in all cattle. Hematological results revealed that significant progressive decreases in HGB, PLT, PBML counts and ratios from group I onwards to group III, whereas the WBC, PBPL counts and ratios showed an increase from group I onwards to group III. The serum ADA, AST, ALT and ALP activity increased significantly in all infected groups compared to control group. However, these parameters were also observed to decrease progressively from group I to group III. Furthermore, the highest increase in enzyme activities observed in the infected group I. But, these enzyme's activities started to decrease in infected group II and III in parallel with PBML and PLT counts. Eventhough, this decrease did not reach to the values obtained from control group. On the contrary, PBPL counts and ratios increased in infected group II and III in contrast to decrease in PCV. As a result, increased serum ADA activity in tropical theileriosis may reflect the involvement of the cellular immune responses.  相似文献   

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